
josepleia2: hey, just got the email, thanks for approving! btw, is tarmac merging that?05:11
pleia2jose: I just realized I don't know05:11
pleia2I haven't worked on lp mps since hey started using it05:11
josenow I need to find out where that button is05:12
pleia2I merged it05:16
josegreat, thanks!05:16
pleia2jose: wanna do ml2fridge.pl too? :)05:16
joseoh, yeah, I was going to ask about that one05:17
josefor sure05:17
joseif you give me a couple mins I can do it now05:17
pleia2sure, I'll be around for a bit05:17
joseok then!05:17
josepleia2: btw, I found a bug on that script... it's actually filled in.05:22
josewill be fixed on the push05:22
pleia2jose: haha, out!05:23
pleia2ouch too05:23
pleia2just write your fix, don't bother mentioning that in changelog ;)05:23
josesure :)05:24
pleia2fortunately my pwsafe confirms that password was only used for UWN, and you can't log in via pw now anyway05:25
pleia2(my passwords tend to be randomized, I think they just made that one up for my account when it was created)05:26
joseand MP submitted, https://code.launchpad.net/~jose/uwn/fix-ml2fridge/+merge/18146005:32
josepleia2: question, you know what a consumer secret for an openid is?05:42
josewell, /me leaves for bed.05:46
pleia2jose: nope05:59
dholbachgood morning07:47
Unit193Man, really, really crappy today.22:43

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