
spanner3003Hi peeps why am i seeing gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-control-center as part or sudo apt-get upgrade on ubuntu touch for nexus 7?00:12
spanner3003If i try and run them in terminal or ssh it says it needs xserver00:14
spanner3003Sorry it says could not open x display00:16
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ubot5metisnc: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubot5 !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubot5 !alis ».00:20
RobbyFseems like the browser has improved a lot00:31
RobbyFgreat job00:31
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RobbyFlast few builds don't let you run apps00:51
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OrokuSakiCan you guys share any tricks regarding gyroscope or compass?? I cant get the sensor service to start.. any common work arounds?01:20
OrokuSakidoesn't seem to like the accelerometer01:21
OrokuSakibut I wonder if it just doesn't like the first sensor it comes across01:21
OrokuSakinusensors.cpp private:     enum {         lsm303dlh_acc           = 0,         lsm303dlh_mag           = 1,01:21
mhall119RobbyF: say what now?01:23
OrokuSakioh... been working on this forever... finally can android-chroot.. learned more about lxc.. I can see flinger has started01:24
OrokuSakipowerd complains I don't have a backlight.. other then that.. I get an error when running test-sensor01:24
OrokuSakiabout the accelerometer.. Maybe its a udev thing01:25
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
cyphermoxdavmor2: poke.03:25
cyphermoxdavmor2: I know I mentioned it before but if you feel like testing a NM package that I hope will fix the issue (admittedly, not well tested yet): http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathieu-tl/network-manager/03:26
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
OrokuSakisweet... I had to manually start the sensor service..03:34
OrokuSakianyway I can modify the init.rc? can I use overrides with lxc?03:35
OrokuSakiI now have gui, wifi, and touch =)03:35
OrokuSakiI don't have apparmor or fanotify03:37
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
spanner3003http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130822T0759&p0=136&msg=ubuntu+edge+end watch the time run all the way down to 0 for the ubuntu edge campain06:20
xenos1984huh - the latest update of the phablet scripts asks me to install a bunch of other packages (i'm running ubuntu 12.04)... that's gonna be fun07:26
pinqvin_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install in that tutorial there is not samsung nexus s listed, so is it supported?08:03
dholbachgood morning08:25
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MirvKaleo: ok, I'm running smooth with the updated qtdeclarative, so no changes observed. I'm copying the updated 5.1 package to qt5-beta-proper now.08:49
MirvKaleo: I'll also include the patch in my 5.1.1 builds08:49
dholbachis the click app scope working or showing anything for anyone on 20130821.1?08:54
ogra_dholbach, i dont think it is ready yet08:55
dholbachogra_, it showed me the current apps and I could install them 1-2 days ago08:55
dholbachI couldn't start them, but that was a different topic :=)08:56
ogra_diwic, so i still have the same symptoms here even with the new telepathy-ofono ... outgoing calls work just fine ... on incoming the phone app doesnt come up ... i'll re-flash again, since it seems to work for sergio09:13
diwicogra_, yeah, it's weird that it works for sergio but not for you09:13
diwicogra_, but a "pacmd list" from when the ringtone should have been playing could be next step for analysis09:14
ogra_diwic, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013351/ shortly after the screen lit up09:18
diwicogra_, thanks. There are no sign of phone-app-approver, looks like the problem needs to be debugged by someone at that side09:20
ogra_well, lets see what a re-flash gets me09:20
ogra_i start to suspect the image i use has issues09:20
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smartboyhwQuestion: Are new Android 4.2 phones not available for porting?10:13
smartboyhwIt's too new, it just came out this week...10:14
ogra_can you rephrase that ?10:14
ogra_you should be able to port any 4.2 device you have the source for10:14
smartboyhwogra_, without Cyanogenmod?10:15
ogra_well, you will have to make the cyanogenmod adjustmens i guess10:15
ogra_so that it works with our tree10:15
ogra_but there are a few people that ported without having a cyanogenmod source10:15
ogra_so it apparently works :)10:16
smartboyhwogra_, :O10:16
smartboyhwAnyways, maybe I should start porting to Cyanogenmod first.10:16
ogra_jcollado, one for your re-run list, unity8 on mako just failed due to ueventd hanging10:24
jcolladoogra_: Ok, re-scheduled.10:26
ogra_hopefully one time is enough10:27
* ogra_ thinks if systemsettle fails utah should automatically re-schedule for a certain amount of loops10:27
ogra_(i.e. only mark a total fail after none of 3 runs succeeded or so )10:28
* diwic will need to be away for an hour or two, bbl10:29
davmor2Morning all10:30
xnoxogra_: lool and I are pondering what would be needed to build ubuntu-touch for i386-atom-emulator target? (i know ubuntu-touch didn't yet boot on emulator, so this is a very academic question)10:32
mamenyakahi ogra_! have some spare time to help me out again for the 1000th time with the same stupid things I ask?10:34
* ogra_ notes thaat lool didnt understand his ssh proposal10:34
ogra_xnox, dunno, try to roll an image first, not sure live-build can do that atm for x8610:35
loologra_: I think I got it, but was making more general points  :-)10:35
ogra_mamenyaka, well, its porting clinic today :)10:35
ogra_so go ahead10:35
mamenyakait is? great!10:36
ogra_lool, i dont want adb to run at all in either scenario10:36
mamenyakawell, the same thing, wifi not connecting for my samsung note 10.1 port10:36
ogra_yeah, i remember i had to hack around something for the galaxy S2 port too10:36
mamenyakaI have the insmod nicely bringing up wifi10:37
mamenyakabut after that it just hangs on connecting10:37
loologra_: so on the move away of adb, I am not entirely sure SSH would entirely supersede it10:39
ogra_only for the sdk10:39
loologra_: adb feels a bit lower level general purpose "do this thing on the device for me"10:39
loologra_: ah, but I would like us to avoid ending with *both* and SSH10:39
lool*adb and SSH10:39
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ogra_right, we should still allow adb but fully restricted to the phablet user10:39
loolhmm I feel like we should be able to do everything we need with adb or with SSH10:40
ogra_and off by default all the time10:40
loolit seems bad to have two rsh setups10:40
ogra_adb doesnt have any setup10:42
ogra_or any control mechanism10:42
ogra_thats why i woud like to avoid us using it10:42
mamenyakaare you guys talking about ditching adb?10:44
loologra_: not sure what you mean10:45
loologra_: adb does have fingerprint checks since 4.2.2 or so10:45
loolwe could leverage this10:45
ogra_i doubt we can without making a lot more mess in the ubuntu side10:45
ogra_like adding another few users with hardcoded UIDs etc etc10:46
loologra_: completely unrelated, is there some bp on using the android package for the android bits in the cdimage images?10:46
ogra_yeah,there was10:46
loologra_: Ah I see where you're getting now: adb is either root or specific user and you fear we can't set it up in some generic way10:46
loologra_: you know this topic is really quite subtle, I'd really like if you would host a vUDS on it  :-)10:47
ogra_hmm, k10:47
loologra_: even if the vUDS ends up with adb + SSH, at least we will have a good rationale for things that we should do with adb and things we should do with SSH10:49
xnoxogra_: cyanogenmod & our andorid builds configure to disable figreprint checks in adb by default.10:49
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
loolxnox: which was probably a quick workaround in the face of the addition of the fingerprint checks, but surely we could implement something more correct security-wise?  :)10:49
davmor2cyphermox: you pingededed10:50
loologra_: like, we could run adb when you plug an usb cable or set some debug switch for the currently logged in user, but stop it when the session ends10:50
looljust an example10:50
=== 31NAAIEV5 is now known as tvoss
ogra_mamenyaka, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=39048039#post39048039 that was my fix for the SGS210:54
xnoxlool: at the moment our bootloader is unlocked on nexus devices, that means I can copy the data from all partitions by-passing adb/ssh/login/pin all together. Also format it clean as well.10:54
ogra_lool, indeed, we can bind it to a udev connect event or something ... but we can do the same with ssh (and the great thing is that we can also use ssh on touch devices that dont have android at all)10:55
mamenyakaogra_, thanks, seems like I had bcmdhd_sta.bin instead of bcmdhd_apsta.bin10:57
* popey continues to stab ueventd10:58
loolxnox: oh yeah, we have many security holes if it's what you point at10:58
loolxnox: which we'll need to plug at some point10:58
ogra_lool, well, prior to release would probably not be a bad idea :)10:59
loologra_: again, not opposed to SSH; just would like either SSH for everything or adb for everything, and not sure you or I know all the use cases for adb -- would want some of Ricardo S / Sergio's comments on this move10:59
loologra_: Eh  :-)10:59
ogra_yeah, i surely dont want to ignore their input11:00
loologra_: FYI, I wrote to security team last week about this, to advice on more general security of the device approach; but I went on leave and now Marc is on leave, so will probably be a next week thing11:00
ogra_but imho ssh is a proven tested and widley used rsh ... adb well ... i simply dont trus android bits that we run on our side11:00
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
ogra_mamenyaka, so does it work now ?11:08
ogra_hmm, when did diwic vanish11:09
ogra_jcollado, share-app and phone-app are the next candidates for re-scheduleing on mako11:12
ogra_(unity8 fifnished fine, thanks)11:12
NecrosporusI am going to buy a linux based smartphone in near future, but I don't know should it be Tizen, Ubuntu touch, Sailfish or Nokia N9 (have I omitted anything?)11:14
ogra_Necrosporus, and you came here to get a totally unbiased recommendation ? :)11:14
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mamenyakaogra_, installing now11:15
Necrosporusogra_, well, what would be a channel to get unbiased recomendation?11:15
jcolladoogra_: psivaa already took care of that11:16
ogra_psivaa, thanks !11:16
Necrosporusogra_, I came here because I expect people from here to have some understanding of all platforms11:16
ogra_Necrosporus, heh, no idea, but i guess everyone in here will tell you "use ubuntu" ... as everyone in a tizen channel would recommend tizen11:16
NecrosporusI do not think so?11:17
mamenyakaogra_, I see no APs now11:22
mamenyakainsmod /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko firmware_path=/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin nvram_path=/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt11:22
ogra_well, check all these paths ... look for alternatives11:24
ogra_(check if these files are duplicated somewhere etc)11:25
=== 17SAC91IG is now known as tvoss
AskUbuntuIs there any way to install ubuntu on a chinese android device? | http://askubuntu.com/q/33575311:35
mamenyakaogra_, I have file like these: bcmdhd_apsta.bin_b1, bcmdhd_apsta.bin_b211:36
mamenyakaogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013736/11:37
ogra_mamenyaka, i meant alternative paths11:38
ogra_not the same dir :)11:38
ogra_/vendor ... /system/hw/ whatever ...11:38
davmor2cyphermox: I'm still not having much look with the nm from people.  I'm going to do a phablet-flash --wipe then reinstall the debs and see what happens then11:38
ogra_try something like find /system -name bcmdhd*11:39
mamenyakaogra_, okay11:39
mamenyakaogra_, I don't have find11:39
mamenyakaI search in $OUT11:40
mamenyakaogra_, no other dir contains bcmdhd11:41
ogra_well, you should have find on the device11:41
ogra_we ship it by default11:41
ogra_and i would rather search on the device11:41
ogra_also look for nvram11:41
mamenyakaon device, nvram and bcmdhd only in /etc/wifi11:42
ogra_nothing in /vendor or anywheer ?11:42
ogra_/system/lib/modules/dhd.ko exists too at that location ?11:44
ogra_oh, and did you try with the original setup and phablet-network-setup from an attached laptop before starting to hack on it ?11:45
ogra_might be a UI issue that it doesnt offer you a WPA password11:45
mamenyakayes, I tried11:45
mamenyakathis issue has been with me from the begginning11:46
mamenyakafrom february/march11:46
mamenyakadhd.ko exists11:46
ogra_so the original setup did list the PAs in the UI ?11:46
ogra_well, then rol back to that state11:47
ogra_and lets look at logs11:47
etronhello i hawe question can i run ubuntu on samsung ace ???11:47
ogra_etron, have a look at the devices wikipage if someone ported it already11:48
ogra_!devices| etron11:48
ubot5etron: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:48
ogra_if not i fear you will have to port it yourself11:48
SicabolHi ! I'm trying to create an app with Ubuntu SDK which will need U1DB integration, but I can't "import U1db 1.0 as U1db" as the tutorial says... Is a package required ?11:48
mamenyakaogra_, I have this log from a few days ago: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5986581/11:49
etrontha for help11:49
mamenyakaogra_, can I modify the init file so that I don't need to flash again?11:49
ogra_mamenyaka, sure ... copy it from /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs to /var/lib/lxc/android/overrides and edit as you like ... then reboot11:55
mamenyakaogra_, oh great, now hangs on boot12:01
mamenyakawaiting for surface...12:02
mamenyakaand sensors12:02
ogra_yeah, sensors will be the issue12:02
ogra_how old is your rootfs ?12:02
mamenyakait's from current12:02
mamenyakaso I guess a day old12:02
ogra_yeah, ancient :P12:03
ogra_ok, you can work around that by manually starting the sensorservice12:03
ogra_android-chroot ...12:03
ogra_and then just execute sensorservice ...12:03
ogra_the UI should come up12:04
mamenyakahow to execute?12:04
mamenyakachroot: failed to run command 'sh': No such file or directory12:05
ogra_oh ?12:05
ogra_id /system even mounted ?12:05
mamenyakai have /system12:05
=== tvoss_ is now known as tvoss|lunch
mamenyakaogra_, is this it: /dev/mmcblk0p9 on /system type ext4 (ro,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro)12:08
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ogra_hmm, then you should have a shell12:08
mamenyakai have sh12:08
mamenyakaroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# sh12:09
ogra_no, thats not in the container12:13
ogra_it looks for /system/bin/sh *inside* the contaienr rootfs12:14
mamenyakarootfs/system is empty12:14
ogra_rootfs/system ?12:15
ogra_whats that ?12:15
ogra_ah, yeah12:15
ogra_it is supposed to be ... its just a mountpoint12:15
ogra_/var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs/system only containse the unpacked initrd ... it is not what is running12:15
ogra_eth running container rootfs lives in a node in /proc12:16
mamenyakaoh, I see12:16
ogra_anyway, what did you edit in your init.rc ?12:16
mamenyakajust reverted12:16
mamenyakatwo apsta -> sta12:17
ogra_look for servicemanager in that file12:17
ogra_sernsorservice, sorry12:17
mamenyakaservice sensorservice /system/bin/sensorservice12:18
ogra_change "class late_start" to be "class main"12:18
ogra_and reboot12:19
mamenyakabut the wifi insmod is in init.smdk.rc12:19
ogra_well, then copy init.rc too :)12:19
ogra_diwic, so even after a full re-flash i cant take incoming calls (outgoing works OOTB now) ... i dont get why sergiusens can on the same device12:22
cjohnstonsergiusens: ping12:22
sergiusenscjohnston: pong12:23
sergiusensogra_: I can give it another go12:23
cjohnstonsergiusens: I wanted to chat with you about bug #1215209 if you have a second12:24
ubot5bug 1215209 in Phablet Tools "phablet-flash ubuntu-system checksum errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121520912:24
diwicogra_, yeah...the question is how to proceed with debugging this12:24
diwicalso sergiusens had some problems with SMS notifications?12:24
sergiusensdiwic: yes, but I also saw bfiller was talking about that with _salem12:24
sergiusensdiwic: so it might not be related to pulse12:25
mamenyakaogra_, done, still te same12:25
ogra_diwic, sergiusens, sms works just fine for me12:25
sergiusensogra_: I get SMS too, but the notifications on OSD are all broken12:26
ogra_works fine for me12:26
ogra_well, worked, let me try with todays image :P12:26
sergiusensogra_: yeah, boiko was adding stuff in there12:26
mamenyakaogra_, I have init.rc in the overrides12:26
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ogra_mamenyaka, well, paste /system/bin/logcat -d and alsso the init.smdk.rc and init.rc files12:32
mamenyakaogra_, nevermind, will get back to that error, I reinstalled12:32
diwicogra_, sergiusens a thought - I have a special version of ofono in the pulseaudio image, this was to avoid the audioflinger stuff before it moved to telepathy-ofono12:34
diwicogra_, sergiusens maybe switching to the "native" version of ofono could make a difference12:35
ogra_well, we have a sepcial upstart job that sets certain options fr ofono12:35
ogra_diwic, hmm, pulse has a versioned dep on your ofono version12:36
diwicogra_, pulseaudio?12:37
ogra_ignore me12:37
diwicyeah, that's just a metapackage12:37
diwicjust add ofono-scripts too12:38
diwicprobably the metapackage will remain12:38
ogra_i read pulse and my brain made that pulseaudio12:38
ogra_yeah, works12:39
ogra_i just noticed i have no network indicator12:39
* ogra_ reboots12:39
* sergiusens reinstalls pulse image12:39
mamenyakaogra_, well, reinstall didn't help, so logcat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013903/12:40
mamenyakainit.smdk4x12.rc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013908/12:41
mamenyakasorry, init.smdk4x12.rc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013910/12:41
mamenyakainit.rc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013908/12:41
SpiiHey, my ubuntu-touch port, doesnt boot. This is the last_kmsg: http://dl.xda-developers.com/attachdl/32bc11298ceb1af2a87aa5252f35d095/52160691/2/2/0/5/7/2/1/last_kmsg.txt. Can anyone see a reason why?12:44
xnoxSpii: [  387.491180] unable to open file: /dev/block/mmcblk0p22 hm.... wrong fstab / partition layout?12:45
SpiiThat means I should control the <codename>.fstab?12:46
ogra_Spii, i assume you port to a flipped image ?12:46
ogra_(or attempt to)12:46
ogra_so that file isnt intresting for you12:47
ogra_ubuntu creates an fstab on first boot on the ubuntu side ... if that doesnt happen the container wont boot12:47
SpiiOkay, but how to solve that?12:48
=== _salem is now known as salem_
popeyogra_: seen this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013927/12:48
ogra_Spii, if you are in adb in the initrd: ls /dev/disk/by-name and ls /dev/disk/by-partlabel would be intresting12:49
ogra_popey, yes, known limitation of the system image12:50
ogra_apt doesnt work12:50
ogra_(well, essentially dpkg doesnt work)12:50
ogra_(apt is just the fallout)12:51
mamenyakaogra_, reinstalled, APs now showing12:51
mamenyakawhat do you need?12:51
ogra_well, do you have a laptop with working wlan ?12:51
mamenyakaconnected to it12:51
ogra_if so, use sudo phablet-network-setup while the device is attached and booted12:52
mamenyakashould I clone the network12:52
mamenyakais it okay if I use the SDK?12:52
ogra_not sure12:52
ogra_it should work, i knwo for sure that phablet-network-setup works when run manually12:53
diwicogra_, btw, have you made a basic recording test, when not on voice calls, just using, say "parecord /tmp/foo.wav" and then playing it back to see if your voice was recorded?12:53
mamenyakaokay, done12:53
ogra_diwic, not yet, no12:53
ogra_mamenyaka, well, the device should connect now12:53
mamenyakaogra_, trying to connect*12:53
ogra_and you should see an ip for wlan0 in ifconfig in adb shell12:53
ogra_you shouldnt need to do anything12:53
diwicogra_, when you get a moment, feel free to do so12:53
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diwicogra_, just another thing that should work12:54
ogra_diwic, will do, i'm just cross checking with the normal image now if the phoone app comes up there12:54
diwicogra_, ack, thanks12:54
mamenyaka[  184.005981] c0 CFG80211-TRACE) wl_escan_handler : SCAN COMPLETED: scanned AP count=112:54
mamenyaka[  184.011600] c0 dhd_wl_ioctl: WLC_IOCTL: cmd: 23, ret = -1712:54
mamenyaka[  184.356357] c0 connect failed event=0 e->status 1 e->reason 012:54
mamenyaka[  184.356393] c0 CFG80211-INFO2) wl_bss_connect_done : Report connect result - connection failed12:54
mamenyakaogra_, still not connecting,12:55
ogra_anything in syslog or demsg ?12:55
ogra_did you google for that error ?12:56
ogra_this seems extremely driver specific, hard to fix12:56
mamenyakawhat should I google?12:56
ogra_but i bet others have seen it before12:56
davmor2cyphermox: ping12:56
ogra_your wlan card device name plus something from the above error message12:57
ogra_and probably "android" or some such12:57
ogra_be creative ;)12:57
mamenyakasyslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013959/12:57
Spiiogra_ : in /dev/disk there is only: by-id, by-path and by-uuid12:58
ogra_Spii, hmm, could it be that yoour device is a little older (and uses ext3 partitions) ?12:59
Spiiogra_ nope, my device is a htc one s (villec2)13:00
Spii1 year old13:00
ogra_Spii, hmm, weird, well, it doesnt seem to have any partition labels13:00
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|lunch
=== bob is now known as Guest22745
ogra_that means you need to modify your kernel cmdline and put something like "datapart=/dev/foo/bar/baz (whatever the path to your /data partition is)" in there13:01
ogra_the initrd should use that for mounting the rootfs13:01
mamenyakaogra_, the WiFi section from the makefile: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013972/13:02
=== Guest22745 is now known as b0bben
ogra_mamenyaka, did you try with bcmdhd_sta ?13:03
mamenyakathat was my default13:03
mamenyakausing it now13:03
ogra_i dont think you can easily find a solution by digging the build scripts13:03
ogra_only by finding others with the same issue ...13:03
ogra_(i only found the SGS2 fix by accident and with a lot of googling too)13:04
popeyogra_: i keep breaking things today ㋛ http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013984/13:04
popeyERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mkdir /cache/recovery' returned non-zero exit status 25513:04
mamenyakayes, but your fix was insmod related13:04
popeyits stuck at the google screen13:04
ogra_mamenyaka, well, i startd from some error message similar to you :)13:05
davmor2ogra_: very nice touch on the new n-m indicator when there is no connection is disappears so switch to 3g and watch it vanish :D13:05
ogra_popey, not my area of expertise yet ... thats all stgraber land13:05
mamenyakaogra_, believe me I googled everything I could come up with13:05
ogra_mamenyaka, google more :)13:05
mamenyakahah, thanks13:06
ogra_it took me two days to even get close to the issue13:06
mamenyakaogra_, but can't I just play with the insmod combinations?13:06
ogra_and i would consider myself rather experienced, so estimate a lot more :)13:06
ogra_sure you can13:06
mamenyakahow do I unload a module?13:06
didrocksbarry: hey! around?13:06
mamenyakaogra_, got I, I just tend to ask before trying to google13:07
* popey tickles stgraber with http://paste.ubuntu.com/6013984/13:08
barrydidrocks: hi13:09
didrocksbarry: do you have time for a quick chat, in like 10 minutes?13:10
=== gusch is now known as gusch|brb
Spiiogra_ sry, but can you explain where I have to put in "datapart=/dev/foo/bar/baz (whatever the path to your /data partition is)" ?13:10
barrydidrocks: i could chat, but need a bit more time.  are you okay in 50m? (1400 utc)13:11
didrocksbarry: I have a meeting at that time, 14:30 then13:11
barrydidrocks: col13:11
davmor2popey: you don't tickle stgraber, you blow paperballs at the back of his neck through your emptied biro ;)13:12
didrocksbarry: continuing to fix a little bit the mock then :)13:12
ogra_Spii, well, whatever the direct path to the partition is that holds /data on your device13:13
stgraberpopey: hmm, that looks like a race in phablet-flash (trying to create/copy stuff in the recovery environment before the phone is actually ready)13:13
stgrabersergiusens: ^13:13
sergiusensstgraber: what device?13:14
sergiusensstgraber: it's not really a race, I just have no reliable way to know if recovery is ready13:15
sergiusenspopey: I can fix that13:16
rickspencer3popey, ogra_ so I installed the authenticator app some days ago, but it seems to be uninstalled now13:16
rickspencer3should I see it in /usr/share/applications/ ?13:17
rickspencer3installed with apt-get from the ppa13:17
popeyrickspencer3: have you re-flashed?13:17
ogra_rickspencer3, hmm, no idea, theoretically it should ship a .desktop file in that path, yeah13:17
rickspencer3popey, I did phablet-flash cdimage or whatever13:17
popeyyeah, you lose apps when you do that13:18
popeythat's like installing from an ubuntu cd13:18
ogra_well, that only preserves the user home and the netwrok setup13:18
sergiusensonly click apps would be preserved (soon)13:18
ogra_click will solve that :)13:18
popeyi have a "post-install" script I run to re-install everything after flashing13:18
popey(and set timezone etc)13:18
ogra_and store the debs in home ?13:18
mamenyakaogra_, and what about the stuck on boot after restart?13:19
sergiusensogra_: dpkg dump and load can solve that13:19
rickspencer3I'm not sure it's a problem worth solving atm13:19
sergiusensbut not in the path we are headed13:19
popeysergiusens: want a bug filed?13:19
sergiusenspopey: ok13:19
rickspencer3rather, focus on click apps, imo13:19
ogra_mamenyaka, well, theoretically the moving of sensorservice should fix that13:19
sergiusensrickspencer3: the apt-get/dpkg path won't work with ubuntu image based upgrade systems13:19
ogra_(in the init.rc)13:19
sergiusensso it's a no go13:20
ogra_mamenyaka, from late_start to main13:20
mamenyakai had it change to class main13:20
rickspencer3sergiusens, right13:20
rickspencer3so, I can just reinstall apps from the ppa until next week ;)13:20
popeysergiusens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/121543613:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215436 in Phablet Tools "phablet-flash fails to wait for phone when doing ubuntu-system flashing" [Undecided,New]13:21
mamenyakaogra_, I pasted the things (init.rc, logcat, etc)13:22
ogra_mamenyaka, yes, but that wont help the wifi issue13:22
sergiusenspopey: thanks13:22
mamenyakayes, but the not booting issue is now bigger13:22
ogra_well, i have no other idea, usually moving sensorservice to main works13:23
Kaleomibofra: hey, thanks!13:23
mibofraKaleo, of what xD ?13:23
sergiusensdiwic: ogra_ regarding incoming calls, can you run  /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-calls while the call is incoming? run it a couple of times (loop it if you want) and let it ring for a bit13:23
mamenyakaogra_, so I am screwed twice13:24
sergiusensogra_: if the call State = incoming it's a notification issue13:24
ogra_sergiusens, i'm just re-flashing (since over 20min, it shoudl eb done soon)13:24
diwicsergiusens, do you want me to test this on N4 too?13:24
sergiusensdiwic: if incoming calls work for you, not needed13:24
ogra_well, on n4 incoming obviously works13:24
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Kaleomibofra: wrong nick :)13:26
KaleoMirv: thanks!13:26
mibofraKaleo, np :)13:26
Laneympt: Is "sleep when idle" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#Phone the same as "auto sleep" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Power#Phone ?13:26
mptLaney, good catch, their text should be in sync. Fixing now...13:30
rsalvetiogra_: lool: for adb I believe for now we'd only need to disable it by default, and think about a way to enable it if needed13:30
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rsalvetiadb is still quite useful for device debugging, port forwarding and such, so once we have an easy way to enable/disable it, we should be fine for now13:30
Laneympt: IOW I'd hope to be able to just go to that UI instead of implementing it again13:30
Laneyassuming they are the same thing13:31
ogra_rsalveti, we really really dont want a fully open root account13:31
Laneymardy: can you think of a clever (not to difficult to implement) way to go to a subpage of a panel in u-s-s?13:32
ogra_it has to become fully unprivileged and imho adb root needs to become a no-op13:32
Laneyor should I just hardcode the url?13:32
rsalvetiogra_: I'm fine having it running as phablet, if we can change that13:32
ogra_and even then it will be hard to judge its security13:32
ogra_rsalveti, we can for some other penalty ... like kardcoding the user in adbd or have a shell user in the system ... neither seems great13:33
mptLaney, sorry, meeting now, I'll finish fixing it in half an hour13:33
Laneympt: np13:33
Laneyas long as you say they are supposed to be the same I don't really mind what the spec says for now13:33
rsalvetijust because we still need to use adb when enabling a new device, or debugging why mir isn't coming up for example13:33
rsalvetiin cases we don't have network access13:34
ogra_rsalveti, also adbd wont work on x86 tablets ... so you could never use the sdk in that scenario if we 100% rely on adb13:34
rsalvetiogra_: why wouldn't it run on x86?13:34
ogra_thats why i propose to have usbnet enabled instead and a specially configured ssh listen on that device13:34
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rsalvetinot sure how much more secure the usbnet option would be13:35
ogra_rsalveti, you wouldnt even have the gadget on an x86 generic kernel, how would it ?13:35
rsalvetiright, but when saying x86 tablet I'm assuming it's an android based device as well13:35
ogra_i dont13:35
rsalvetiat least for now13:35
ogra_we will very likely have ubuntu touch based x86 (former win8) tablets in 14.0413:36
ogra_and the sdk should work with them13:36
ogra_which it wont in the current design13:36
rsalvetiright, that could be an option as well, but would be similar to arm13:36
rsalvetifor !android based devices13:36
ogra_i would like the sdk to operate a lot less HW specific13:36
rsalvetiright, that's why android proposes it's own usb gadget driver13:37
rsalvetiit's a requirement for android13:37
T3ss0hello pplz13:37
mamenyakaogra_, anything to check why it's not booting?13:37
rsalvetiogra_: lool: want to have a session around that topic for uds?13:38
T3ss0anyone can give me a hand installing ubuntu-touch on nexus 7?13:38
ogra_rsalveti, anyway, i think 100% relying on adb with the sdk is the wrong approach and we should work out a more generic way13:38
T3ss0im having some issues13:38
ogra_rsalveti, yes, i'll register a BP and run a session13:38
mamenyakaT3ss0, what issues?13:38
rsalvetiogra_: right, indeed, just don't know what generic way we could use for 13.10 :-)13:38
ogra_(that discussion is going on by mail since a while)13:38
T3ss0mamenyaka: im running cyanogen 10.313:38
rsalvetistill behind my email13:38
ogra_rsalveti, usbnet and ssh :)13:38
rsalvetijumped in the fire13:38
ogra_cant be more generic13:38
T3ss0i did the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install13:39
mamenyakathere is no cyanogen 10.313:39
T3ss0mamenyaka: but it keeps booting on cyanogem13:39
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, we just need to think a bit more how to set that up to avoid similar security issues13:39
T3ss0mamenyaka: sorry, 10.213:39
ogra_and ssh on a specific "sdk" port ... only attached to the usb0 device ... login disabled and only allow exactly one key that the sdk generates for you13:39
mamenyakaT3ss0,  how did you install ubuntu-touch?13:39
T3ss0mamenyaka: did step 1, it was already unlocked, did Step 4...13:40
ogra_diwic, sergiusens, confirmed, my maguro doesnt start the phone app at all on incoming calls13:40
ogra_rsalveti, ^^^13:40
ogra_even with the default image13:40
diwicogra_, oh13:41
T3ss0mamenyaka: and it didnt work, clockmod said something sbout rom manager
mamenyakaT3ss0, just donwload the two zips, reboot into recovery, wipe, flash, that's all13:41
ogra_rsalveti, any idea how to debug that ?13:41
ogra_outgoing and SMS work like a charm13:41
rsalvetiogra_: first to check if ofono is indeed propagating the call13:41
ogra_the screen turns on13:41
T3ss0mamenyaka: ok.. brb13:41
rsalvetioh, hm13:41
ogra_i just dont get the OSD13:41
ogra_and there is no phone app13:41
rsalvetisalem_: boiko_: ^^?13:41
ogra_opening the app then doesnt attach me to the call either13:41
ogra_there is also no ringtone13:42
davmor2tedg: is that a new nm-indicator I see before me?13:42
ogra_davmor2, should13:42
rsalvetisalem_ would probably know better to to trace that to see if it's app or anything in telepathy13:42
ogra_whee i see click packages13:42
salem_ogra_, can you ps ax | grep approver?13:43
davmor2ogra_: is that like seeing dead people?13:43
ogra_salem_, nothing13:43
ogra_davmor2, better !13:43
ogra_i can even install them ... do that with dead people :P13:43
salem_ogra_, try running phone-app-approver manually and try again13:43
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ogra_salem_, as root or phablet ?13:44
salem_ogra_, phablet13:44
davmor2ogra_, tedg: the little padlock isn't very clear in the indicator but becomes way more clear on draging the indicator down and seeing the larger image.13:44
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ogra_salem_, no change in behavior13:45
ogra_screen lights up on incoming call, but no ringtone or OSD or phone app13:45
tedgdavmor2, Hmm, that might be a bug.  I don't think we're supposed to do that for secure networks.13:45
tedgI think it's only for VPNs.13:46
tedgdavmor2, But, yes :-)13:46
ogra_heh, but the mailbox notification SMS works :)13:46
seb128jdstrand, hey13:46
seb128jdstrand, do you know if "encryption" is on the 13.10/v1 roadmap? and how it's going to work?13:47
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jdstrandseb128: it is not. it is for 14.0413:47
seb128jdstrand, the system settings design has a switch to enable/disable encryption, in the screen locking section, trying to figure out what that means for us13:47
seb128jdstrand, ok, I guess we should just hide the widget meanwhile then13:48
seb128mpt, Laney: ^13:48
jdstrandyeah, for now13:48
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LaneyI like the sound of that13:48
jdstrandwe don't know what it will look like yet. there are essentially two options atm, but mdeslaur, tyhicks, the security team, et al need to hash that all out. it's on the 14.04 PRD so we haven't been focusing on it13:49
salem_ogra_, just a moment. I can help you debug that in about 10 minutes.13:50
ogra_ok, no hurry13:50
ogra_i wont go anywhere13:50
loolrsalveti: Yup, I wanted to have you in such a session13:52
loolrsalveti: Ah I see you werent in the thread; let me fwd to you13:52
asacjcollado: hey ... you ythink you coiuld do the same service for mako/maguro touch_ro?13:53
asace.g. check if ueventd is going crazy and retry?13:53
asacif not today... maybe from tomorrow?13:53
mamenyakaogra_, how is that if I insmod with bcmdhd_sta.bin or bcmdhd_p2p.bin, both work, but bcmdhd_apsta.bin can't see APs, what are these files anyway?13:54
seb128jdstrand, thanks13:54
loolrsalveti: added to your email pile   :-P13:54
rsalvetilool: thanks :-)13:55
seb128tedg, mardy, Laney, mpt, kenvandine, didrocks: does any of you has things to discuss at the settings meeting? I would suggest we skip this one, seems everybody is crazy busy on landing stuff before end of month/ff13:56
didrocksseb128: sounds good13:57
seb128but we can have a quick meeting if any of you has something they want to discuss13:57
tedgseb128, Works for me.  My house is loud as well :-)13:57
LaneyI was going to suggest that we might want to have a vUDS session or other discussion figuring out where we are with backends13:57
seb128Laney, vUDS sounds good13:57
tedgseb128, The only thing I wanted to bring up is airplane mode.13:57
kenvandineseb128, nothing for me13:57
tedgseb128, I think that lool and awe are defining that, so it's not going to be an indicator-network backend thing.13:58
Laneyok I'll make a bp13:58
seb128tedg, that's out of the settings scope, lool said that we need a system service for that, not sure anyone is assigned to it though13:58
seb128tedg, right13:58
loolawe: ^13:58
jcolladoasac: Currently my focus is on writing test cases. The best person for that probably would be psivaa or plars.13:58
loolseb128, tedg: It's lead by awe+cyphermox13:58
loolcyphermox: ^13:58
seb128tedg, mardy, Laney, mpt, kenvandine, didrocks: skipping that meeting then, let's get work done, thanks13:59
seb128lool, ok13:59
loolalbeit I dont remember whether we have a bp for it13:59
tedgseb128, Yes, but I think that you had a doc that said "dependent on indicator-network" which isn't quite right.13:59
loolI remember that when I wanted to create one, Tony had a gdoc for it13:59
awelool, not much done on it since our meeting.   I have a meeting in 2m13:59
seb128tedg, by then I though that would be coming from the indicator, feel free to change that13:59
loolawe: on this topic?13:59
plarsasac: I thought we agreed we would not retry for the ueventd problem13:59
mardyseb128: yep, I've not been working on SystemSettings this week (or the few before this, for that matter :-) )13:59
awex-distro ofono13:59
loolawe: is there a bp for it?13:59
loolcyphermox: ^13:59
awelool, I registered a blueprint, but haven't moved any of the info over14:00
awelool, but let's pick this up after my meeting14:00
seb128mardy, tedg: the only thing I had on my list, is that we are going to need the unitymenumodel support soon for wifi and stuff14:00
loolawe: ok, if you could fish the URL that'd be nice14:00
ogra_lool, rsalveti i created a blueprint an subscribed both of you14:00
loolawe: should we sync on this later today or tomorrow?14:00
seb128mardy, tedg: but I guess you guys are tracking that14:00
looltoday is hard for me actually14:00
plarsasac: the thinking was that it's a known bug, and should be fixed rather than retrying until we get lucky and don't hit it14:00
* lool hugs ogra_ 14:00
cyphermoxcan I get a bit more context?14:00
loolcyphermox: airplane mode14:00
ogra_mamenyaka, they define different modes the device runs in14:00
rsalvetiogra_: thanks14:01
loolcyphermox: "^" is context aka "read the last 10k lines of scrollback!"   ;-)14:01
awelool, I'll post it afterwards14:01
loolcyphermox: j/k14:01
* ogra_ guesses asac wants to be in the discussion too14:01
cyphermoxlool: yeah :D14:01
mamenyakaogra_, thank you14:01
tedgseb128, mardy and I haven't talked, but we should.  I expect to start looking seriously into that today.  Assuming nothing else gets deprecated this morning.14:01
seb128tedg, things should be stable for the day I think :p14:01
awecyphermox, are you joining the x-distro hangout?14:02
* tedg is going to hold seb128 to that :-)14:02
cyphermoxawe: sorry, no after all\14:02
cyphermoxI'll let you handle it, and try to get a bit of work done on MTP in the meantime14:02
asacplars: the ueventd issue is understood and properly prioritized... no need to hide the test results if we can get the real one by retrying... after all we get reminded every day14:03
asacotherwise we leave the app developer in the dark about whether his app still works right etc.14:03
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* asac on call14:04
ogra_oh, the 0822 image looks good test wise14:04
plarsasac: it's going to take up a lot of time to be retrying all these tests, if you are suggesting that we hide the bad result of ueventd every time it fails, we would be better off working around it by killing ueventd14:04
plarsasac: but the whole reason for *not* doing that was so that this problem would come to the forefront14:05
plarsasac: if we just continually retry the tests everytime it fails, it's the worst of both - costly in time, and hides the failure14:05
ogra_plars, you would have to retry them anyway ... its just easier to spot them now14:06
ogra_with the systemsettle test ...14:06
plarsogra_: not if we kill ueventd and force it to come back without the 100% cpu usage14:06
asacplars: its going to be fixed very soon14:06
ogra_oh, well, but then yoou cant be sure all your HW works14:06
asaci think we survive until then14:06
mhall119dholbach: when is the porting clinic?14:06
ogra_its only a few more days14:06
ogra_mhall119, its running already14:06
tedgseb128, It looks like the deprecation patch is going to miss the 4-daily build?  Can we delay and/or run the stack again?14:07
ogra_mhall119, want to port anything ?14:07
mhall119ogra_: cool, do we have anybody working on the Find 5?14:07
ogra_not that i know of14:07
mhall119ogra_: I want to test other people's ports14:07
seb128tedg, we can re-run again yes14:07
plarsasac: the good news is that I heard from IS just a bit ago, and they confirmed that they are going to work on the router today. So hopefully today or tomorrow we should have a clear path outside14:07
seb128tedg, trying to get CI to behave first, some of the hooks there are buggy, fginther should have sorted them out by now, let's see if it works14:08
tedgseb128, understand.  Just want to see this stuff make it to archive :-)14:08
seb128yeah, me too14:08
ogra_mhall119, porting to the find requires you to have that device ... i think the price should be something else, else you only attrac a very small fraction of devs (i have a find and want a second one *and* am a developer who understands  enough) :)14:09
asacplars: nice14:10
ogra_mhall119, or is the plan to send them a find for porting ?14:10
T3ss0mamenyaka: entered in recovery, wiped factory reset and dalvik14:10
mamenyakaT3ss0, great14:10
T3ss0mamenyaka: what do you mean by flash14:10
mhall119ogra_: the thing is, we already have a Find 5 to give away, so it would be easier to find a better contest than a better prize14:10
mamenyakainstall zip14:10
T3ss0mamenyaka: install zip from sd card? and choose them?14:10
T3ss0mamenyaka: any order?14:11
mamenyakaT3ss0, first the small one14:11
ogra_mhall119, well, but doing a port without the HW is really hard ...14:11
mhall119ogra_: currently I'm taking any and all builds and trying them on it14:11
mhall119and the first one that works gets the phone14:11
ogra_so that means you either need to send them the device or find one who wants a second one14:11
mamenyakaT3ss0, with your device name in it, then the large one14:11
dhirezhy all.14:11
mhall119ogra_: or option C, I do all the hardware parts for them14:11
mhall119it's slow and annoying, yes14:11
T3ss0mamenyaka:  ok14:12
T3ss0mamenyaka: installing14:12
ogra_well, go ahead, happy to help :)14:12
T3ss0mamenyaka: did the first.. now the other one, the armhf14:12
T3ss0mamenyaka: IF, i need to get back to cyanogen, just wipe and restore the backup in CMW?14:14
mamenyakaT3ss0, yes14:16
T3ss0mamenyaka: done installing, now booting..14:17
mamenyakaogra_, this is the output I get when insmodding: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6014189/14:17
ogra_mamenyaka, try varying the nvram file you have so many :)14:18
ogra_the dirver itself looks kind of ok14:19
T3ss0mamenyaka, Thank you very much.. worked like a charm :)14:19
mamenyakaogra_, okay, I am going to kill myself again14:20
mamenyakaogra_, THANK YOU!14:20
asteryxHi all, I want to try to port to my RAZR I. Recommend please that you can read? preferably on the Russian or Ukrainian language. tnx14:21
mamenyakawl_bss_connect_done succeeded with 6a:08:b614:21
ogra_congrats :)14:21
ogra_asteryx, i fear we only have english documentation14:21
mamenyakaso it turns out I needed the nvram_net.txt_murata file14:21
sergiusensrsalveti: can you commit back the changelog to ubuntu-touch-session manager?14:24
rsalvetisergiusens: sorry, not sure I'm following14:25
rsalvetibut I noticed I forgot to push the release commit14:26
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah, that!14:28
ogra_silly bzr stuff :P14:28
ogra_how nice was the world when we only had source debs :P14:29
mamenyakaogra_, what was the fix or sound?14:32
sergiusensrsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/session-manager-touch/install_clicks/+merge/18156814:32
sergiusensrsalveti: only thing I'm not sure about there is the 'preinstalled_path'14:33
ogra_mamenyaka, there is none atm. we will switch soon to a new pulseaudio that should make it easier though14:33
mamenyakaI just remembrd soethng with pulseaduo14:34
sergiusensrsalveti: oh and the sync with unity814:34
sergiusensforgot to push that :-/14:34
ogra_mamenyaka, i expect us to have topic based porting clinics in the future, once the new pulse setup is in we will do a sound porting touch clinic and tie diwic to his chair to answer and help for a day :)14:35
diwicogra_, I'm thinking I should perhaps write a blog post about how things will work (and how it affects porters)14:36
mamenyakafor my sony device, audio is working fine14:36
asteryxogra_, Well, at least something. Let in English14:37
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barrydidrocks: ready when you are14:39
dakerQ: does the touch image comes with gstreamer installed ?14:40
mamenyakaogra_, and about the env QML_DISABLE_DISTANCEFIELD=1?14:40
ogra_daker, yes14:41
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ dpkg -l|grep gstreamer|wc -l14:41
dakerogra_: and the plugins ?14:41
didrocksbarry: translating something in plurial and coming14:42
ogra_daker, i see -base and -good installed and i know there is jhodapp who is doing work on a HW accelerated getreamer plugin for us14:43
dakerogra_: i am wrote an app that uses gstreamer to play streams14:44
loolbarry: didrocks told me he found some issues in the mock and updated it14:45
loolbarry: it seems his code is now mostly complete; seb128 and him were discussing14:45
loolbarry: how much are you through the backend impl?14:45
mfischogra_: how often are the boot images built?14:46
barrylool: i saw some edits to the wiki page, but was waiting on didrocks to discuss.  updating the mock is fine.  live service is coming along.  maybe done today (although i am supposed to patch pilot today, so we'll see)14:46
didrocksbarry: coming in 2 minutes :)14:46
seb128barry, delaying patch piloting to tomorrow is fine14:47
seb128barry, we should get that stuff done before didrocks is on holidays if possible14:47
loolwas about to say that14:47
dednickogra_: ubuntu-touch held back on phone upgrade...14:48
barrylet's get the mocks squared away and then i can finish up the live service, and make sure the two have compatible behavior14:48
dednickogra_: but new unity is being installed, so now we have no network indicator!14:48
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loolralsina: sorry, not sure why it wouldn't complete14:49
ralsinalool: no problem :-)14:49
loolralsina: I must have typoed or something14:49
loolralsina: so some issues with click-scope with latest r/o image14:49
loolralsina: if I search for hello world click, it finds it and shows download progress up to 100%14:49
ralsinalool: good14:50
loolthen it just stops there and app scope is dead on home screen14:50
loolafter reboot the app isn't there14:50
loolI saw some logs14:50
ralsinalool: can you pastebin the logs?14:50
looltried to wget the click and click install it myself, I see the click got unpacked but can't find the .desktop file14:50
mfischogra_: asking because I expected to see a feature land in the initramfs that was pushed yesterday afternoon (my time)14:50
jhodappdaker, I'll be landing a new hardware accelerated gstreamer backend in the very near future14:50
loolralsina: that's the end of the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6014272/14:51
dakerjhodapp: thanks!14:51
jhodappdaker: QtMultimedia will be able to sit on top of it and I highly recommend that you use this API for your app14:51
ralsinalool: ok, checking14:51
loolralsina: I think it shows up to the relevant part where download completed and install starts14:51
dakerjhodapp: with QtMultimedia i am unable to streammetadata...14:51
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loolralsina: to test installation manually, I wget-ed https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/ar.com.beuno/hello-world/ar.com.beuno.hello-world-0.2.click?noauth=114:52
dakerjhodapp: i mean the audio component14:52
looland then ran click install --user phablet on it with --force-missing-framework or something like that14:52
loolbut didn't find where the .desktop file was meant to be14:52
ralsinalool: somewhere in ~/.local14:52
jhodappdaker: I see, yeah it's limited in what it can do compared to calling directly into gstreamer's API...we'll be addressing limitations like this in future versions14:53
jhodappdaker: what does your app do?14:53
beunolool, that manifest file is old format14:53
ralsinalool: but this looks to me like the download and install worked but the app still has the old manifest14:53
ralsinaright, what beuno said14:53
beunolool, let me get you a proper one14:53
ralsinabeuno: I thought you uploaded the good one to production?14:53
didrocksbarry: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-system-image/small-modifs/+merge/18158014:53
loolbeuno: Ah you thought that broke it?14:54
loolbeuno: Could you pull it off the store?14:54
beunoralsina, https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119/xda-developers-app/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.xda-developers-app-0.1.4.click?noauth=114:54
mhall119^^ that one works14:54
mhall119though you won't get an icon14:54
loolralsina: right, checked the source and location is ~/.local/share/applications14:54
loolbut this doens't exist14:54
beunolool, I can, although I'd rather push an updated and fixed version14:54
ralsinalool: if that doesn't exist when installing manually, that's a click installer bug14:54
beunolool, https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119/xda-developers-app/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.xda-developers-app-0.1.4.click?noauth=114:54
beunothat'll do it14:54
dakerjhodapp: here is a video http://bit.ly/15dbO5514:56
lool** (process:2009): WARNING **: Unable to read directory '/home/phablet/.local/share/applications': Error opening directory '/home/phablet/.local/share/applications': No such file or directory14:56
lool** (process:2009): WARNING **: Unable to write out desktop file to '/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.xda-developers-app_xda-developers_0.1.4.desktop': Failed to create file '/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.xda-developers-app_xda-developers_0.1.4.desktop.Z0H21W': No such file or directory14:56
loolseems that click expects the dir to exists14:56
loolbeuno: thanks14:56
sergiusensStskeeps: got your last comment there, that's the goal, but would be good to have something in the future that says -> e.g.; breaks jolla too14:57
rsalvetiurgh, just got disconnected14:57
OrokuSakiSo I finally got everything working lastnight... and now I cannot get surfaceflinger to start?14:57
rsalvetibut I think the call is done already14:57
rsalvetithanks guys :-)14:57
sergiusensrsalveti: it's DONE14:58
=== dednick is now known as dednick|lunch
jhodappdaker: ok, so for your app I'd recommend using QtMultimedia for actual audio playback control, and then supplement your needs by calling directly into gstreamer14:58
OrokuSakilogcat says its waiting for surfaceflinger.... though I cannot figure out why... got me stumped14:58
OrokuSakips says its running14:58
jhodappdaker: if possible14:58
OrokuSakiif anyone could give me some advice, appreciate it14:58
sergiusensrsalveti: in case you missed this: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/session-manager-touch/install_clicks/+merge/18156814:58
rsalvetisergiusens: sorry, was on a call :P14:59
rsalvetibut will check quickly14:59
sergiusensrsalveti: lol, but you got disconnected, so I was just wondering if your missed the chatter here too ;-)15:00
rsalvetisergiusens: right, thanks anyway :-)15:01
dakerjhodapp: my only concern is metadata15:02
jhodappdaker: right, but that's what I mean...call directly into gstreamer to obtain metadata15:02
dakerjhodapp: do you have any idea how can i do that without consuming the user's bandwidth15:04
jhodappdaker: what do you mean, is there an issue you've been running into with that?15:04
dakerjhodapp: no no, i am just asking about the use of QtMultimedia to play the stream and gstreamer to get the metadata15:05
jhodappdaker: well QtMultimedia will still use gstreamer underneath to play back, it'll just be a higher level control API15:06
jhodappdaker: and when the hardware acceleration lands, it'll automatically take advantage of it15:06
loolbeuno: "are you updating the package?"15:07
dakerjhodapp: ok, then with QtMultimedia i will be not able to get the GST_TAG_TITLE, right ?15:08
loolralsina: if I remove a package w/ commandline I can install it from the scope again, ys?15:08
beunolool, I'm actually waiting for the SDK to build and see if it now generates them properly, instead of hand-crafting it15:08
loolhold on, we don't have a click remove?15:08
beunoso not yet15:08
ralsinalool: well, that's also why you can't remove them from the preview ;-)15:09
jhodappdaker: I'm not 100% sure on that, I could scan the source for you and let you know15:09
loolI'm kind of screwed if I run out of test packages  :-)15:09
ralsinalool: I think you can remove them manually, it's a couple of folders mostly15:09
loolralsina: no database?15:10
ralsinalool: exactly15:10
dakerjhodapp: if i can get the GST_TAG_TITLE i'll move to the QtMultimedia, that's the only reason i use gstreamer15:11
jhodappdaker: ok...I'm pretty sure QtMultimedia responds to the GST_TAG_TITLE message, I'm just not sure what it does with it15:11
loolralsina: I rm-ed the dir but still see ar.com.beuno.hello-world        0.115:11
loolin click list --user phablet15:12
ralsinalool: you also have to remove from the user's .local and maybe somewhere else15:12
dakerjhodapp: if you find something ping me here or just comment on the G+ thread, thanks!15:13
loolralsina: couldn't find it15:13
jhodappdaker: sure thing15:13
* lool searches for beuno hiding in some directory15:13
loolfind . -iname \*beuno\*15:13
* beuno screams in pain15:14
loolralsina: I can't find beuno in home/phablet or /var; other ideas?  :-)15:15
loolah some dpkg database somewhere15:15
ralsinalool: ran out15:15
ralsinalool: stracing click list :-)15:15
loolyeah I was apt-get installing strace15:16
OrokuSakito get the gui to come up.. I have to service ubuntu-touch-session start USER=phablet then android-chroot, then run sensorservice15:16
ogra_OrokuSaki, "android-chroot, then run sensorservice"  should be enough15:17
loolralsina: ah!  /opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/15:17
OrokuSakiI wish... for some reason its waiting on surfaceflinger when I do that.. though it is running15:17
ralsinalool: sneaky :-)15:17
ogra_ubuntu-touch-session is auto respawning anyway, it will kick in at some point15:19
jhodappdaker: so QtMultimedia currently does nothing with the GST_MESSAGE_TAG bus message15:19
dakerjhodapp: :(15:20
crypticmofoumm.. never mind15:20
jhodappdaker: but, I don't see why we wouldn't want to extend this in the near future15:20
crypticmofoi just answered my own question15:20
dakerjhodapp: that would be excellent15:21
jhodappdaker: I haven't thought about this in any detail yet, but we might be able to connect GStreamer's tagging mechanism into QtMultimedia's15:21
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dakerjhodapp: that will save developers from getting into the c++ world :D15:22
jhodappdaker: yeah, the more we can connect to QML the better15:22
codinhojhodapp, as I know there were such thing in 0.10 and qt15:23
jhodappcodinho, very interesting...well maybe it's still implemented then and will have to investigate a bit further15:23
crypticmofoaw i know what i want .. i know cdma phone / 3g / sms isn't working on cdma devices but does it work on wifi ?15:23
jhodappdaker: did you see codinho's message?15:24
codinhojhodapp, the qt examples were able to display some tags related info15:24
codinhoanyway its not difficult to handle such thing15:25
jhodappfantastic...once I land the acceleration backend, I'll look into this in more detail15:25
didrocksbarry: ok, done with rev 161.15:25
crypticmofoanyone ?15:26
barrydidrocks: thanks, got it15:26
barrydidrocks: on the SettingChanged signal.  my thinking is: signature='sss'  SettingChanged(key, value, old_value) where old_value will be '' if one was not previously set15:27
didrocksbarry: sounds good, and you emit it only if the value change as well, right?15:28
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
didrockslet if I SetSettings() same value for that key, no SettingChanged signal?15:28
barrydidrocks: i could either do that, or always send it, and a client could check for value == old_value15:28
dakerjhodapp: yes codinho it's has landed ?15:28
* barry is leaning toward the latter15:28
didrocksbarry: why? do you see a use case that would be useful?15:29
barrydidrocks: not really.  just makes the semantics simpler and more consistent15:29
didrocksbarry: hum, thinking about it, can you push it to my branch or just point me to it so that I can merge and finish the client with it?15:29
didrocksbarry: the key didn't change if you set the same key/value15:30
didrocksso it's not "Changed", right?15:30
barrydidrocks: i guess technically correct ;).  SettingSet is a weird name :)15:30
barrydidrocks: what would be most useful for the ui?15:31
jhodappdaker: this is the qtmultimedia version I'm working with: https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtmultimedia-porting/15:31
jhodappdaker: codinho ported it to gst 1.015:32
dakerjhodapp: thanks i'll take a look15:32
didrocksbarry: I think Changed() is even only if the value has changed, let me see what other libs are doing15:32
didrocksbarry: seems glib is pretty consistent about at least ui content to only emit when there is an actual change15:34
didrocks(and so, only sending the new value in that case)15:34
barrydidrocks: okay, so no old value and only send when newvalue != oldvalue?15:35
barrySettingChanged(key, value)15:35
didrocksbarry: yeah, I can do it quickly in my branch if you want, that will enable me to do the binding quicker15:35
didrocks(in the UI)15:35
ogra_crypticmofo, sure15:35
barrydidrocks: go for it.  i'll update the wiki page15:35
didrocksbarry: thanks! will ping you15:36
Dominik2000i have installed ubuntu touch on an nexus 4, but i cannot enter the pin15:37
Dominik2000tried it with enter-pin script from ofono but it says enter-pin command not found15:38
sergiusensbfiller: what component is supposed to notify incoming calls/messages again?15:39
bfillersergiusens: I was just looking at that15:40
ogra_Dominik2000, that commend isnt in the users path ... you need to give the full location15:40
bfillerI see the problem15:40
bfillersergiusens: /usr/bin/phone-app-approver15:40
sergiusensbfiller: that problem I raised on the email is also on the regular images15:40
sergiusensbfiller: was looking into raising a critical15:40
bfillersergiusens: it crashes with /usr/bin/phone-app-approver: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/phone-app-approver: undefined symbol: messaging_menu_message_new15:40
ogra_Dominik2000, /usr/share/ofono/scripts/enter-pin pin 12315:41
ogra_Dominik2000, /usr/share/ofono/scripts/enter-pin pin 123415:41
sergiusensdiwic: ^^15:41
ogra_something like that15:41
bfillersergiusens: because I think phone-app still building in ppa against old indicator-messagase and new one is in saucy that doesn't have this symbol yet15:41
sergiusensbfiller: should we remove the indicator messages from the PPA?15:42
ogra_we shold remove the PPA :P15:42
bfillersergiusens: I think so, because the one in saucy is supposed to support that api (but doesn't yet)15:42
sergiusensbfiller: that sentence is confusing15:43
diwicsergiusens, hmm, weird that it sometimes *does* work (it's working for me) then15:43
ogra_yeah, it is weird that mako isnt affected at all15:43
bfillersergiusens: indicator-messages in saucy is supposed to support messaging_menu_message_new() function, but that hasn't landed yet15:44
bfillersergiusens: when it does, then everything can correctly build against it I believe, according to ted it's going to happen today15:44
ogra_diwic, though when did you last flash ? if you have an old enough image and only updated the packages yoou care about you might not be affected15:44
beunolool, ralsina, hello world should now be installable. Would love confirmation  :)15:45
loolralsina: I can't get packages to install, even the xda one which should have the right manifest15:46
loolbeuno: I'm failing utterly at installing stuff15:46
loolnow it ends with:15:46
lool[unity-scope-click] - DEBUG: download-manager.vala:163: Download started15:46
lool[unity-scope-click] - DEBUG: click-scope.vala:202: download started: /com/canonical/applications/download/a3894a3de22549e2b6c48f6e5a10be3515:46
looland nothing in /opt/click.ubuntu.com/15:46
bfillersergiusens: does that make sense? phone-app was building against indicator-messages in ppa but that version is superceded now by one in saucy that doesn't yet support the api15:46
dednick|lunchasac: will 20130822 be released as current image today? there seems to be some issues with chewie & indicator-network when upgrading from the 20130821 image.15:47
loolalso, if I install by hand I'll now get the .desktop file, but I see "xda-developers" and no icon in the app list rather than "XDA Developers" with proper icon15:47
Dominik2000is that enough for 3g support?15:47
loolralsina: ^15:47
salem_ogra_, sorry the delay. do you have time to debug phone-app now?15:47
ogra_dednick|lunch, not only with updating15:47
loolralsina, beuno: Would be good if you guys could try r/o images15:47
sergiusensbfiller: oh, if that's the case, let me bump the one in the PPA15:47
sergiusensawe: ^^15:47
ogra_salem_, well, looks a bit like bfiller knows the issue15:47
=== dednick|lunch is now known as dednick
bfillersergiusens: that should fix the problem for the short term15:47
dednickogra_:  ?15:48
sergiusensbfiller: ok, well, we should never regress... that's why we are holding back on pulse ;-)15:48
bfillersalem_, ogra_ : yes the approver is crashing when receiving text messages15:48
sergiusensdiwic: it's hard to see how it works for you :-P15:48
ogra_dednick, seems we cant take incoming calls atm15:48
bfillerbecause of mismatch with indicator-messages15:48
ogra_bfiller, well, then my issue is different15:48
salem_bfiller, ah ok, that's what I thought.15:48
sergiusensbfiller: salem_ I'll epoch bump indicator messages in the PPA15:48
ogra_its not related to text messages15:48
bfillerogra_: what is issue?15:48
diwicogra_, yeah, maybe if the error went in yesterday or so15:49
sergiusensogra_: do you get an initial operator SMS configuration message?15:49
ogra_bfiller, on incoming calls only the screen turns on, no popup, no ODS no phone app at all ... outgoing works just fine15:49
ralsinalool: sorry on team call15:49
ogra_sergiusens, no, i never get that when i switch phones with my sim15:49
bfillerogra_: is /usr/bin/phone-app-approver running?15:49
ogra_SMS generally works but phone callls are broken even after a fresh boot ...15:50
ogra_bfiller, no, salem_ asked that already, and i can start it manually, it doesnt crash, but the phone doesnt chaneg behavior15:50
sergiusensogra_: on any image that is?15:50
ogra_sergiusens, the operator SMS ?15:50
sergiusensogra_: the incoming call failure15:51
sergiusensogra_: pulse and public?15:51
ogra_i only get these when changing countries15:51
bfillerogra_: hmnn, just flashed the --pending and working ok for me15:51
ogra_sergiusens, yes15:51
salem_ogra_, do you see any messages on console when you start it manually?15:51
ogra_bfiller, right15:51
bfillerogra_: does phone ring on incoming?15:51
ogra_salem_, phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ phone-app-approver15:51
ogra_Creating a new folks engine15:51
ogra_and after i sent an SMS i get the error bfiller showed above15:52
mfischstgraber: is that initrd change you made yesterday in boot images yet?15:52
ogra_without SMS it just sits there15:52
sergiusensogra_: also, did you run /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-calls ?15:52
mfischstgraber: it did not seem to work this morning for ssweeny15:52
ogra_sergiusens, while a call comes in ?15:52
sergiusensogra_: yes15:52
ogra_seems ofono is fine15:53
bfillerogra_: I think it's related to this approver issue15:54
ogra_bfiller, ok15:54
barrydidrocks: i'm going to get some lunch now.  will see your ping in the scrollback15:54
bfillerogra_: can you run dbus-monitor and paste the output when a incoming call is happening?15:54
stgrabermfisch: it should be. I didn't check whether today's image built properly though but if it did, the new initrd should be in it15:54
ogra_will do, one sec, i just rebooted to get rid of the SMS state15:55
mfischssweeny: can you dd the boot image off the phone and unpack it?15:55
mfischssweeny: I'll try too as soon as I finish up this wiki page15:55
ssweenymfisch, on it15:55
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
sergiusensawe: just asked ogra... and ofono is fine wrt to calls http://paste.ubuntu.com/6014491/15:56
asacdednick: hey15:57
asacdednick: check with ogra how the dashboard results look like15:57
asacif you feel there is something big that our tests dont catch15:57
asaclets also check how we can write a test for that15:57
ogra_asac, not making calls is a blocker15:57
ogra_no matter how the dashboard looks15:57
ogra_bfiller, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6014502/15:58
awesergiusens, that's fine, but I still want to test myself, and rsalveti as well.  We're not going to switch on a Friday.  ;)-15:58
ogra_i had to manuallt start the approver though ... it wasnt running15:58
ogra_(not that this changed anything in behavior)15:58
dednicksounds the ability to make calls would be a good test to have.15:59
ogra_dednick, yeah15:59
sergiusensawe: ack, was just corroboration and peace of mind for you ;-)15:59
ogra_oits long on the list15:59
ogra_also SMS, 3G networking etc15:59
awethanks sergiusens15:59
loolralsina: in any case, it's mighty annoying to reboot / kill processes to recover16:01
loolsomething is getting stuck badly when it should log a warning and go on16:02
davmor2cyphermox: I used wget -r -l1 -A.deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathieu-tl/network-manager/ then cd into the dir and then dpkg -i *.deb  3 of the -dev libs didn't install but the version of nm wasn't letting me connect to 3g at all.16:02
ralsinalool: right, no testing in r/o so far, we'll add it asap16:02
didrocksbarry: rev 162, the client works as well :)16:02
ssweenymfisch, the touch script from the boot image DOES NOT have your changes16:03
cyphermoxdavmor2: yeah, there's still something missing I noticed an issue16:03
loolralsina: we're switching like tomorrow, announcing on monday, would you think you'd have some fix later tonight?16:03
loolcan verify tomorrow morning16:03
mfischssweeny: okay, so it's not built yet16:03
cyphermoxdavmor2: could you still pastebin logs just to make sure it's the same thing?16:03
mfischstgraber: looks like it didnt get built yet16:03
ralsinalool: I'll have to put that at the top of alecu's queue16:03
mamenyakaogra_, any news with ricmm on the font issue with samsung devices?16:03
ogra_stgraber, did you do a no-change rebuild upload of android yet ?16:04
ogra_stgraber, else there wont be a boot.img with the changed :)16:04
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loolralsina: that seems like a good idea given the small amount of time16:04
loolralsina: (thanks!)16:04
davmor2cyphermox: meh I needed my phone back up and running before I log off so re-wiped it,  I can redo it tomorrow morning when I get online16:04
stgraberogra_: damn, I forgot about android... (I know you told me about it a few weeks back...)16:04
ogra_mamenyaka, well, i think ricmm referred you to me and all i know is that rollback of the driver is the only solution16:05
mfischlool: I dont think we need that USER=phablet line in my package anymore since I moved the system db to /custom16:05
cyphermoxdavmor2: oh ok. don't bother then, I'll run my tests here16:05
stgraberogra_: I did initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch and ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd but forgot android (is ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd even still relevant nowadays?)16:05
mfischlool: I should have an update after this meeting16:05
cyphermoxeverything is ready for it and I fixed mbpi here for my provider...16:05
loolmfisch: great16:05
mamenyakaogra_, but the QML_DISABLE_DISTANCEFIELD options is like halfway there16:05
ogra_stgraber, yes, it rolls the initrd.img16:05
loolmfisch: yeah, /custom is where it should live16:05
loolmfisch: how do you handle dconf update?16:05
ogra_mamenyaka, yeah, if you can live without the other half :)16:05
loolmfisch: is this done when generating the custom tgz?16:05
mamenyakaogra_, ha, yeah, I can live with that, it really reduces the mess16:06
mamenyakaogra_, but isn't there anything else?16:07
ogra_yes, but what i mean is there is no way to get rid of the remaining mess16:07
ogra_not that i know of16:07
mamenyakaogra_, but what causes it?16:07
ogra_dunno, ask a mali specialist16:07
stgraberogra_, mfisch: ok, I'll prepare a no change rebuild for android then.16:08
mamenyakahello! is there a mali specialist here?16:08
mfischstgraber: merci16:08
sergiusensbfiller: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/indicator-messages/phablet_epoch/+merge/18160416:08
mfischssweeny: ^^ what stgraber said16:08
davmor2tedg: new nm indicator doesn't seem to display 3g, only wifi for me,  admittedly I am having to restart nm so that might not help :)16:09
sergiusensogra_: mamenyaka for mali kdub can help, but he's probably on the #ubuntu-mir channel16:09
bfillersergiusens: approved16:09
ogra_sergiusens, err16:09
mfischlool: pushed the changes, think we should rename the project in LP? probably would be less confusing16:09
ogra_sergiusens, an epoch meanss you will have to bump the ar/chive version to that epoch too16:09
ogra_bfiller, ^^^16:09
crypticmofoanyone around .. didn't really think my question was answered .. i know cdma ubuntu touch devices or builds don't have phone / data sms working but are there builds with wifi that work ?16:09
bfillersergiusens: probably should force a rebuild of phone-app against this once it lands? to make sure it's building against the correct version16:09
ogra_thats not gonna fly16:09
davmor2tedg: also there seems to be no icon when there is no connection which makes it hard to know you can modify from the pull down16:10
loolmfisch: would be nicer; should be doable from LP UI16:10
mamenyakasergiusens, thank you, I will check him out16:10
mfischlool: okay, let me do that16:10
sergiusensogra_: why?16:10
tedgdavmor2, Yeah, pmcgowan was mentioning that earlier16:10
sergiusensogra_: we can just delete the package from the PPA16:10
ogra_crypticmofo, i said "yes" above, probably swallowed by the noise in here :)16:10
sergiusensogra_: like we did for the other packages16:10
crypticmofooh sorry ogra_16:10
ogra_sergiusens, upgrades wont work though16:10
davmor2tedg: and for some reason it isn't remembering my password for ap if I disable wifi16:10
crypticmofoogra_:  do you know where i might get one .. im on the wiki atm16:11
sergiusensogra_: we don't support apt-get upgrade on the images16:11
pmcgowandavmor2, adding a bug now about no icon16:11
pmcgowanits not ever there16:11
ogra_sergiusens, people with that package installed that do apt upgrades will forever stay on the epoch version16:11
sergiusensogra_: and next week, not even apt-get16:11
crypticmofoogra_:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices16:11
ogra_sergiusens, you are so optimistic :)16:11
mfischlool: I dont think I can change it all, let me nuke it and make a new one, ubuntu-touch-customization-enablement, ca va?16:11
ogra_crypticmofo, "get one" ? you mean a wlan card ?16:12
sergiusensogra_: I'll just break hybris so people are forced to reflash16:12
loolmfisch: really?16:12
ogra_sergiusens, oh, youre so eeeevil !16:12
crypticmofoogra_:  no just wifi on a cdma device16:12
mfischlool: let me try one more thing to move the branch16:12
crypticmofoogra_:  it would be nice to do a build with wifi so i can test stuff on there like the store / anything realted to internet16:12
ogra_crypticmofo, well, wifi should always work (given the cyanogenmod driver works)16:13
bfillerogra_: regarding your problem, think the quickest thing to try would be using the rebuilt phone-app and indicator-messages once those land in ppa. if you're still having issues salem_ will have to jump in16:13
bfillerogra_: this just started happening recently right?16:13
crypticmofoogra_:  do you mind pointing me in a build that works for a d2vzw that has wifi working ?16:13
ogra_bfiller, ok, i dont want to make an all nighter tonight but will test from the PPA once i notice the new packages16:13
ogra_crypticmofo, if it isnt on the devices wikipage i fear you have to port yourself16:14
ogra_that wikipage is all i know16:14
mfischlool: LP can do the full rename for me16:14
codinhodaker, try to check qgstreamermetadataprovider.cpp16:14
ogra_(there are probably othet ports not listed on the wiki over at the xda forums)16:14
davmor2tedg, pmcgowan: One thing that is really annoying and I will bug now I know it is still happening with the new indicator.  If you lose wifi and go on to 3g it never switches back to wifi according to nm and whats my ip address on google search.  You have to disable 3g to get wifi back as the main radio16:14
pmcgowandavmor2, thats a regression for sure16:15
loolmfisch: right, you should be able to change the project name16:16
dakercodinho: thanks16:17
salem_bfiller, looks like the other issue with the phone-app approver (answering calls) is related to mediaserver. I noticed that the approver is stuck trying to play the ringtone, and I managed to reproduce the issue sending a -SIGSTOP to mediaserver.16:17
bfillersalem_: interesting, we've had issues with playing the ringtone before16:19
bfillersalem_: I think we should be using qtmultimedia to play the ringtone instead of mediaserver classes16:20
salem_bfiller, yes, we already are.16:20
didrocksmpt: pmcgowan: IIRC, you want to talk togheter about bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1215520 :)16:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215520 in indicator-power (Ubuntu) "The icon does not change based on the actual charge level" [Undecided,New]16:20
bfillersalem_: oh16:21
crypticmofois there a diff in the images ?16:21
didrockspmcgowan: if my memory isn't bad, it's on purpose16:21
didrocks(and +1, it's confusing)16:21
crypticmofoquantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip < — this is what i used to have but now on the website under http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/ i don't see a quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip16:21
pmcgowandidrocks, you mean the icon not changing?16:21
pmcgowanthats not possible!16:21
didrocksthat's what lars told me a couple of cycles ago16:22
didrocksit's only when charging, right?16:22
tedgsergiusens, using an epoch?16:22
tedgsergiusens, That doesn't seem like a good idea...16:22
tedgOh, on the phablet branch?16:22
pmcgowandidrocks, I see, yes16:22
mamenyakaogra_, any chance to check mali memory usage?16:22
tedgsergiusens, Why can't you guys just use trunk?16:22
ogra_mamenyaka, probably, i have no clue about mali details, sorry16:23
mamenyakaogra_, just in general, check video memory16:23
ogra_dmesg ?16:23
ogra_no idea :)16:23
ogra_or syslog16:24
mamenyakaogra_, okay, thanks anyway16:24
crypticmofoi think its http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip16:24
rsalvetisergiusens: sorry, why the need to run preinstall-click at every boot?16:24
davmor2pmcgowan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/121552816:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215528 in touch-preview-images "Network Manager/ indicator once wifi is dropped and 3g takes over you can't get wifi back as the main radio" [Undecided,New]16:24
ogra_crypticmofo, the former one was the old image with ubuntu running inside of android, the latter url you posted is the new image whetre ubuntu runs natively16:24
crypticmofook so ogra_ http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip  is the link then ?16:25
ogra_rsalveti, because we have patient users ... :P16:25
ogra_crypticmofo, no, thats the old image16:25
rsalvetiright :-)16:25
ogra_rsalveti, and so that we can blog about it "ubuntus boot lasts longer than androids !!! "16:26
ogra_surely good press :)16:26
codinhono wY16:26
codinho*no way*16:26
ogra_crypticmofo, the second url you posted is the current one16:27
ogra_crypticmofo, err, ignore that ... i just noticed they are the same16:27
crypticmofoogra_:  yes the saucy one right ?16:27
* ogra_ must be blind today 16:27
ogra_crypticmofo, you want to drop "-preview" from it16:27
crypticmofohttp://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ ?16:28
ogra_right thats the current daily build16:28
ogra_note that a lot chaanged, you will need to have to update the HW related zip too16:29
crypticmofoogra_:  http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip       ?16:29
ogra_yes, thats the rootfs16:29
crypticmofothere a guide ogra_ ?16:29
ogra_for what ?16:29
crypticmofothe updated hw related zip ?16:29
ogra_thats something your porter has to provide16:30
ogra_and he should regular rebuild against the latest changes in the phablet.ubuntu.com tree16:30
OrokuSakianyone know a good way to automatically restart ubuntu-touch-session with upstart at boot16:31
ogra_OrokuSaki, it auto-respawns, why would you do that ?16:32
OrokuSakibecause for some reason its waiting on flinger unless I restart that service16:32
ogra_(also why not fix the underlying error)16:32
crypticmofoogra_:  don't now how to read that but i don't see his name .. i only see Ricardo Salveti16:32
ogra_no, it waits for the container to have successfully started16:32
ogra_so make sure that properly finishes its startup16:33
OrokuSakibut the container has started, sensor and flinger is running16:33
ogra_cyphermox, whats the page you look at ?16:33
OrokuSakiand ubuntu-touch-session runs.. just says waiting for flinger16:34
crypticmofoogra_:  you said he should have a rebiuld at http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb correct ?16:34
OrokuSakiif I restart it.. it works16:34
ogra_OrokuSaki, it hasnt finished apparently, else the container upstart job would emit the "android" signal and ubuntu-touch-session would start16:34
mfischlool: LP is going to change it later today, but the code is updated16:34
OrokuSakiso yeah.. at boot.. ubuntu-touch-session is running... container is running.. flinger and sensor service is running... logcat says waiting for flinger16:35
ogra_OrokuSaki, do you have logcat output from that ?16:35
OrokuSakirestart ubuntu-touch-session... then it works16:35
OrokuSakione moment por favor16:35
ogra_you dont want to start ubuntu-session if the sensor service is hanging :)16:35
davmor2pmcgowan: this is the other one https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/121553716:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215537 in touch-preview-images "network manager is nolonger saving the AP password" [Undecided,New]16:36
loolmfisch: cool16:36
OrokuSakiat this point if I restart ubuntu-touch-session then it runs16:37
pmcgowandavmor2, oops you need to file these against the ubuntu packages16:37
ogra_OrokuSaki, did you hack your init.rc in any way ?16:38
pmcgowanwe are in the process of changing the reporting to not use that project anymore16:38
davmor2pmcgowan: no worries16:38
codinhoguys, is there any thing to dump my nexus 4 in order to restore its after I will install touch there?16:38
ogra_OrokuSaki, i clearly see SF starting ... looks like it is waiting for a second one or so16:38
OrokuSakiI told sensor service to run as main instead of late start16:38
ogra_yeah, that was my advise16:38
OrokuSakiin the init.rc16:38
OrokuSakigood advice16:38
ogra_but seems that causes some issue with SF16:39
OrokuSakiI told ubuntu-touch-session to start on runlevel 516:39
OrokuSakino difference16:39
ogra_or you have a typo somewhere16:39
ogra_no, it will wait for the chain of events to happen16:39
ogra_if one event is missing it wont start16:39
ogra_and if your container isnt properly returning it wont send the event16:40
OrokuSakiit always says that service does not exist when I run init16:40
ogra_no, bootanim whining is fine16:40
ogra_happens everywhere16:40
ogra_show me your edited init.rc16:40
crypticmofoogra_:  so basically if the dev that hasn't been working on the d2vzw / rebuilding / put new hardware / maintaining we just have to keep waiting correct ?16:40
ogra_(and probably also the original)16:40
crypticmofoogra_:  its coo im on a cdma sch-i515 i can wait16:41
crypticmofothe os looks so awesome16:41
ogra_crypticmofo, well, it helps to contact people sometimes if you want something from them (like a rebuild) :)16:41
crypticmofoogra_:  i thought google was my friend but it seems like one guy tried to take it under his wing but that was a no go16:41
davmor2pmcgowan: out of interest what is the project I've dropped it under networkmanager for now but is there some indicator project I should be putting it under instead?16:42
ogra_crypticmofo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/d2vzw ... i see "image Maintainer | phantom-o" ... just click the name there ... it will take you to his launchpad page ... there is a button "contact this person" or so16:44
ogra_on the top right16:44
ogra_OrokuSaki, hmm, i dont see anything obvious16:47
OrokuSakime neither... telling ubuntu-touch-session stop on runlevel [01346]16:48
crypticmofoogra_:  if i had instructions on how to do a rebuild thats not crazy i would do it16:48
crypticmofoogra_:  i know shit aboput programming  but if they had instructions im here all day16:48
OrokuSakime neither... telling ubuntu-touch-session stop on runlevel [01346]16:48
cyphermoxogra_: what page do you mean?16:49
ogra_crypticmofo, wellhave a look at how such a device wikipage can look like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/i910016:49
ogra_crypticmofo, try to convince your porter to put instructions up as well :)16:49
ogra_cyphermox, syorry, tab completion screwup16:50
crypticmofoogra_:  is that it16:50
crypticmofoit looks simple16:51
ogra_crypticmofo, this is for a galaxy S216:51
crypticmofoyes but the instructions16:51
ogra_crypticmofo, but i dont think for your device the magic runes would be much different16:51
AskUbuntuPorting Ubuntu touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/33591516:51
ogra_indeed specific to the device16:51
crypticmofooh wow like you said https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Set_up_your_development_environment16:53
crypticmofomore complicated16:53
crypticmofoo_O i would have to reinstall ubuntu on this desktop that is efi o_O16:53
crypticmofoduail boot windows 816:53
ogra_OrokuSaki, probably rsalveti or sergiusens have an idea, i dont get why SF would try to start when it is already up like in http://pastebin.com/ZAb6V5mZ16:54
crypticmofothanks for everything ogra_ time to take a smoke break and get to work and do whatever lol16:56
ogra_heh, enjoy16:56
aleculool, ralsina: hi, I'm following the backlog16:59
loolalecu: basically quickest way to reproduce is to switch to read-only images and try installing the xda app17:01
aleculool: I'll try that. It's just "phablet-flash ubuntu-system", right?17:03
mhall119is /opt/ writable on ubuntu-system images?17:03
mfischsergiusens: I need to add a package that enables image customization to the build, are you guys using a meta package?17:04
alecumhall119: in the backlog I see that lool was able to install manually, so I assume /opt is writable, yes17:04
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* mhall119 didn't read enough backlog17:05
loolalecu: right17:10
loolmhall119: /opt/click.u.c is nowadays17:10
loolmhall119: it used to be /opt was, but that was too broad17:10
TKon3Hello.How do I reset the ubuntu touch accounts17:13
TKon3How do I reset the ubuntu touch accounts?17:14
pmcgowandavmor2, indicator-network perhaps17:17
TKon3_Hello.I installed on my tf300t ubuntu touch but no boot.Any idea?17:21
nhainesTKon3_: what do you mean by "reset the ubuntu touch accounts"?17:25
aleculool, ralsina: I installed the r/o image, and here's what I've found: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6014764/17:26
aleculool: it seems that packagekit is not working right17:26
ralsinaalecu: that's consistent with it working better when called as "click" instead of pkcon17:26
TKon3_imi arata 5 conturi. Anna Olson,guest and another17:26
alecuralsina: right.17:27
TKon3_show me five accounts. Anna Olson, guest and Another *17:27
ralsinaalecu: OTOH that seems to cause the scope to hang17:27
aleculool, ralsina: but according to cjwatson "click install" should have never existed, and is deprecated17:27
ralsinaalecu: grmbl17:28
alecuralsina: the right way to install is using packagekit via dbus. And pkcon does just that.17:28
ralsinaalecu: right17:28
alecuralsina: I'm meeting with gatox to fix the dash so it does not get stuck on errors like these17:29
davmor2pmcgowan: thanks moved them there17:30
TKon3_Hello.How to install a ubuntu touch on my transformer pad 300t?No have dock for desktop version.17:31
ralsinaalecu: awesome17:31
TKon3_Hello.How to install a ubuntu touch on my transformer pad 300t?No have dock for desktop version.Help me please...17:32
beunoalecu, ralsina, have you synced up with jdstrand about the app-id mismatch?17:32
loolalecu: PK isn't working in the images17:33
loolalecu: you have to disable the PK stuff for now17:33
aleculool: how should I install the packages instead?17:33
loolI mean, the concept of console users doesn't work until we have lightdm17:33
loolalecu: oh sorry you meant PackageKit17:33
loolnot PolicyKit17:33
* alecu supresses the panic face17:34
TKon3_How to install a ubuntu touch on my transformer pad 300t?No have dock for desktop version.Help me please....Is unlocked and twrp installed17:34
ralsinabeuno: nope17:34
alecuralsina, beuno: what should we sync?17:35
beunoalecu, ralsina, I'll paste from #sdk (which you could join ;))17:35
beunoralsina, alecu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6014801/17:36
alecubeuno: ack17:38
loolalecu: would be good to fix the scope not to be stuck when this happens though17:40
loolif that makes sense17:40
aleculool: yes, it makes sense. I've opened a bug for that: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/121556217:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215562 in Unity 8 "Progress preview does not fire action on Error" [High,Triaged]17:44
aleculool, ralsina: pkcon works fine if I remount root as read/write17:47
ralsinaalecu: right, so it's strictly a pkcon/ro problem17:47
ralsinaalecu: is there a pkcon log somewhere?17:48
ralsinaalecu: because other than that, it's strace ...17:48
alecuralsina: you have to start packagekitd manually with some option... but I don't have it around.17:48
ralsinaalecu: ack17:48
alecuralsina: and also: I've never gotten anything useful from that log17:49
ralsinaalecu: I think your error handling branch is a better use of resources today17:49
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tedgcyphermox, It's looking like the modem on the Galaxy Nexus doesn't have the oFono capability ?18:02
tedgcyphermox, Is that right?18:02
cyphermoxtedg: on the contrary, the galaxy nexus does have a supported modem..18:04
cyphermoxwhat's happening?18:04
tedgcyphermox, Basically enumerating the devices from NM client and it doesn't seem to have it.18:04
tedgcyphermox, Putting a specific debug message to ensure that's it, but I'm 95% sure that's it.18:05
cyphermoxthat would be a bug18:05
cyphermoxnmcli dev doesn't report ril_0?18:05
tedgcyphermox, It does:18:05
tedgDEVICE     TYPE              STATE18:05
tedgwlan0      802-11-wireless   connected18:05
tedgHeh IRC doesn't like it.18:06
tedg  /ril_0     gsm               disconnected18:06
boikofginther: would you mind triggering a rebuild for this MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~boiko/ubuntu-calculator-app/fix_autopilot_tests/+merge/181596 ?18:08
tedgcyphermox, Yeah, that's it.  It doesn't seem to have it.18:08
cyphermoxtedg: to have what?18:08
boikofginther: nevermind, I found the problem already18:09
tedgcyphermox, OFONO in it's capability bitmask18:09
fgintherboiko, no problem18:09
cyphermoxtedg: interesting18:09
cyphermoxtedg: what are you asking for this capability? NM or ofono?18:09
tedgcyphermox, NM18:09
cyphermoxthe NM stuff is all very much arbitrary18:09
tedgcyphermox, This is the check I'm doing: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-network/panel-icons/view/head:/network/network-action-manager.vala#L8618:10
cyphermoxlet me check something18:11
sergiusensrsalveti: you back?18:15
cyphermoxtedg: I think that's largely my fault, I just defined that capability but never used it18:16
tedgcyphermox, So should I avoid it?18:27
cyphermoxwell, no it was a good idea18:29
cyphermoxI'll fix this18:29
cyphermoxyou can watch for the OFONO capability or CDMA_EVDO, or GSM_UMTS18:30
cyphermoxsince it would still be useful for the Modemmanager stuff to work18:30
AskUbuntuNexus 7 3G [2012] problem with ubuntu touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/33594618:31
popeyKaleo: when you get a moment can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1213043 pls?18:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1213043 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Binding loop detected when changing backgroundColor of MainView dynamically" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:33
alecumhall119: patricia (the designer) likes the idea of having a version number in the app preview, so we'll probably add it soon.18:58
alecumhall119: I'm thinking this makes mostly sense in the case of updates, right?18:58
tedgcyphermox, So what I was thinking with this code is trying to determine if there's a voice modem.18:59
tedgcyphermox, So that's why I was looking for oFono.18:59
* tedg is pretty sure "voice modem" is the wrong term, but doesn't have a better one18:59
deathcrawlerUbuntu touch is using Mir currently?18:59
tedgdeathcrawler, Not by default18:59
deathcrawlertedg: Have a link for some tutorial or something like that?19:00
mhall119alecu: yeah19:03
mhall119alecu: if possible, it'd be nice for the scope to say "Upgrade" rather than "Install" when it's already installed an older version19:04
mhall119and also not show it as recommended anymore if they current version is installed19:04
tedgdeathcrawler, There is one, but I don't remember where it is :-/19:06
deathcrawlerok :>19:07
tedgricmm, Is there a PPA to convert your touch image over to Mir? ^19:07
sergiusenstedg: I think you want https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/mir/+packages19:12
tedgdeathcrawler, ^19:13
sergiusensthere's also this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Mir19:13
deathcrawlerThanks tedg and sergiusens19:16
awetedg, are you talking directly to ofono using dbus?19:19
tedgawe, Plan to19:20
tedgawe, Should I not be?19:20
awetedg, ok.  You should be able to tell if the device has a voice modem by presence of the VoiceCallManager interface19:21
mfischstgraber: you kicked off a build this morning, when should it show up on cd-image?19:21
awetedg, checkout the script 'list-modems' in /usr/share/ofono/scripts19:21
tedgawe, Yes, I was checking the oFono capability before checking for that interface.19:21
tedgawe, Figured I shouldn't check if that wasn't set.19:22
awevia 'Interfaces'?19:22
awe( top level property )19:22
awehmmmm, looks like "voicecall" doesn't appear in the 'Features' property19:23
awemight be a bug19:23
* awe will check19:23
mhall119kgunn: when might we start seeing Mir running on our supported devices?19:24
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
sergiusensmhall119: popey https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/1211956/+merge/18164419:25
popeysergiusens: testing19:26
kgunnmhall119: you can see it today...if you follow the "easy way" here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Mir19:26
popeySaving to: ‘/home/alan/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/mako/20130833/saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+mako.img’19:26
popeysergiusens: what if I have mako and grouper?19:27
popeyit will grab ubuntu-20130822.full.tar.xz twice19:27
sergiusenspopey: yeah19:27
popeythats not good19:27
popeydouble disk space19:27
sergiusenspopey: right...19:28
popeyand time19:28
popeywould it not be preferable to have the device specific files in a device specific folder and the cross device filesystem in the level above?19:29
sergiusenspopey: I'll need to read the manifest and see what I can do19:29
stgrabermfisch: android published 30min ago, so I'll kick off an actual image build now (that package takes its time to build)19:32
mfischstgraber: thanks19:32
stgrabermfisch: build running now. Though it won't publish on system-image.ubuntu.com until it gets marked as good by ogra (or whoever else does that) as system-image.ubuntu.com now only uses images marked current after automatic and manual testing19:33
mhall119kgunn: is http://s-jenkins:8080/job/ubuntu-touch-phablet-image-saucy-mir/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip as up to date as the regular cdimage-touch builds?19:34
kgunnmhall119: uh....this is what i do...cause i'm kind of a freak19:36
kgunnphablet-flash cdimage-touch --ubuntu-path http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip --device-path http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+mako.zip -d mako -b19:36
mhall119kgunn: are there grouper builds too?19:37
kgunnanyway...that will make sure you  get top of the image19:37
kgunnmhall119: oh...grouper...there are...but19:37
kgunngrouper has a known issue19:37
kgunnsince we rely on binary gfx drivers19:37
mhall119grouper always does :(19:37
sergiusenskgunn: you just need to do phablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending --ubuntu-path http://s-jenkins:8080/job/ubuntu-touch-phablet-image-saucy-mir/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip19:37
kgunnsergiusens: thank you sir...filing that away19:38
kgunnmhall119: anyway...what i was saying is that...obviously we rely on hybris19:39
kgunnfrom the mir perspective to use the bin drivers from android that is19:39
kgunnand iirc there was a "bug" or lack of support for a particular use of pthread within the tegra drivers that wasn't19:39
kgunncompatible with hybris19:39
kgunni understand there was hope that a fix was going in upstream...but i don't think it ever happened19:40
kgunnso...well...grouper suffers19:40
mhall119so I should test it on my mako device not my grouper, is what you're saying :)19:40
kgunnmhall119: ...ummmm.....yeah19:41
mhall119ok, thanks19:41
kgunnbtw...i have a grouper (and had only that for a while)....so just as annoyed19:41
mhall119misery loves company :)19:42
OrokuSaki@ogra_ you around?19:58
OrokuSaki_@ogra_ sorry... opendns knocked me off20:01
OrokuSaki_Anyone can figure out why my surfaceflinger is started and running, but service manager is waiting for it to run??? logcat http://pastebin.com/kP79W4ry20:02
OrokuSaki_ow you a beer20:02
OrokuSaki_I didn't quit20:02
OrokuSaki_If I restart my ubuntu-touch-session.. then I get graphics20:03
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nhainesCan I get updated instructions for installing a Mir-enabled image on my phone?20:19
nhainesThe instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Mir lack a fully qualified domain name.20:19
plarsasac: pmcgowan: heads up, I just made a network change right as the tests for 22.1 were getting kicked off. Expectation is that the weather tests (most at least) should pass, but we will get one failure on the default smoke tests due to a ping address needing to be changed. If this all works, I'll make that change, otherwise I'll revert to the previous network setup20:36
popeythanks plars20:37
plarspopey: ^ and you... sorry, I tend to restrict the list to people who have specifically asked for updates like that, otherwise I'd be nicking the whole channel :)20:37
popeyits fine ☻20:38
kz_hi all! i am brand new on ubuntu touch. cant acces su21:04
kz_the password should be ubuntu right?21:04
RobbyFit's phablet21:04
RobbyFhas been every single day21:06
popeyyou don't su21:06
popeysudo -s21:06
popeysu is asking for root password, which we don't set21:06
popey"sudo -s" asks for "your" password21:06
popeykz_: ^^21:07
wilee-nileesudo -i right?21:07
kz_please explain :D21:07
wilee-nileethere is no root password in ubuntu or the touch21:08
ubot5sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:08
wilee-nileejust a user and superuser passwords the same21:08
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OrokuSaki_Anyone can figure out why my surfaceflinger is started and running, but service manager is waiting for it to run??? logcat http://pastebin.com/kP79W4ry21:27
OrokuSaki_oops.. wrong paste.. http://pastebin.com/ZAb6V5mZ21:28
tedgawe, So it seems that on technologies in oFono there is only "hspa" and not an entry for "hspa+" -- which AT&T makes a big deal about.21:31
tedgawe, Do we care?21:31
aweI assume you're talking about the NetworkRegistration "Technology" property?21:33
crocketubuntu edge has been funded $12,812,776 for the past month.21:33
tedgawe, Yeah21:34
crocketThe funding campaign is over, but it is a good record.21:34
* awe looks at some ofono code...21:34
tedgawe, and "umts" is 3G ?21:34
tedgawe, It looks like registration_tech_to_string() in common.c is the best list21:35
tedgawe, That's at least what we get on the other side of dbus.21:35
awetedg, yes umts is 3g21:35
aweand the hspa question is complicated21:35
tedgAll good things are ;-)21:36
aweted, hspa+ is just an evolution of hspa21:39
aweand both are used by umts21:39
aweso think of umts as an umbrella technology, utilizing hspa21:39
awewhich itself has separate upload & download technologies21:40
tedgawe, Makes sense.  I guess I'm more worried about what we need to show to the user.21:40
=== markovh_ is now known as markovh
tedgawe, Will someone get a Ubuntu Touch device and go "it's broken" if it doesn't say "H+"21:40
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
awetedg, so looking a bit closer at the code involved, it looks like RILD defines a separate enum for HSPA+, whereas ofono doesn't appear to do so...21:54
awetedg, I'll bug this, and we can see about fixing it21:55
awenote, that should've read the <ril.h> defines a constant for HSPA+21:55
tedgawe, Cool, for now I'll just show one, but when you update it, I can update my case statement as well.21:55
awesounds good21:55
aweI'll add a bug21:56
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
kgunnricmm: does this ring a bell ? cybermorphix just pinged me....https://launchpadlibrarian.net/148186341/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.unity-mir_0.1%2B13.10.20130822.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:14
kgunnricmm: just lemme know if its something gerry needs to address in his morning22:14
ricmmcybermorphix !22:14
ricmmis that like cyphermox22:14
ricmmkgunn: wheres the armhf builds of the same thing?22:15
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
sergiusenspopey: still around?22:26
sergiusenspopey: in case you are https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/1211956/+merge/18164422:27
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
sergiusenscjohnston: plars doanac` https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/1211956/+merge/18164422:29
doanac`cjohnston: ^^^22:31
dixeflatlinehas anybody reported bad video in todays build for the N7 after running sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y?22:33
dixeflatlinehaha or am i late to the party22:33
cyphermoxricmm: armhf build of the same thing: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+sourcepub/3440062/+listing-archive-extra22:37
=== adfad666_ is now known as adfad666
cjohnstonsergiusens: is this the new expected directory structure?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6015708/22:40
cjohnstonsergiusens: reason I ask is it threw me off switching from dates to daily  and device folders22:41
dixeflatlineis this look right? Aug 22 15:41:30 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [  551.043335] tegra_pwm tegra_pwm.0: pwm_disable called on disabled PWM22:42
cjohnstonseems like that would also make it much harder to clean up old images.. you can't just remove 201308XX you would have to remove things in multiple directories22:43
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
sergiusenscjohnston: yes, I'm using the server side layout22:52
sergiusenscjohnston: so if in the future they add a new file, we don't automatically screw up22:52
sergiusenscjohnston: any file I can't validate goes into a temp dir22:53
sergiusenscjohnston: the dates in ubuntu image upgrades are a red herring, they aren't really a date, but a version number22:54
sergiusenscjohnston: I can add something that wipes old files automatically that are older than version x22:55
cjohnstonI would think something like 2013XXXX(.x) and then 2013XXXX/mako 2013XXXX/maguro would be easier to manage from the user side (removing old builds..22:55
cjohnstonor that22:55
cjohnstonI would think that might should be a flag (not automatic)22:55
sergiusenscjohnston: I had that, but it sort of forced my hand to download the ubuntu image twice22:55
sergiusenscjohnston: there is no .x on ubuntu image based upgrades btw22:57
cjohnstonthats right22:57
cjohnstoncause its version22:57
cjohnstonI forgot about that22:57
sergiusenscjohnston: with regards to layout, I'm just following one of the files entries in http://system-image.ubuntu.com/daily/mako/index.json22:58
cjohnstonsergiusens: I would think that there should be two things.. clean up older than X and remove a specific build22:58
cjohnstonso say there was a download issue with 20130825 I could phablet-flash --remove 2013082522:58
sergiusenscjohnston: sounds plausible22:58
sergiusenscjohnston: different MR though, right?22:59
cjohnstonthat works for me22:59
sergiusenscjohnston: I'll work on it in https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/115771022:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1157710 in Phablet Tools "phablet-flash needs a cleanup option to remove old images" [Wishlist,New]22:59
cjohnstonI saw that.. :-)  sergiusens I'm almost done reviewing the current MR23:00
cjohnstonsergiusens: approved23:03
sergiusenscjohnston: great23:04
sergiusensrsalveti: can you give the final approval for https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/1211956/+merge/181644 ?23:05
* sergiusens is migrating to home23:05
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
kgunnricmm: back sorry...what did you mean  ?"armhf builds of the same thing?"23:44
kgunnracarr: yes...cyphermox...sorry....got excited :) and changed his nick in my head23:44
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
racarrkgunn: What23:50
kgunnracarr: nvmd...i'm loosing it...seriously...not enough sleep23:51
racarrkgunn: Don't worry, I lost it months ago.23:53
racarrill let you know if I see it though :p23:53

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