
rick_hcmaloney: dude!00:14
cmaloneyGood morning11:26
brouschLAst day before vacation11:57
cmaloneyI think it was some WoW player doing bad things12:32
cmaloneyI dunno. It's on Reddit under Geek Porn12:32
brouschCamping in Traverse City and then 3 days in Mackinac12:35
rick_hbrousch: where you camping? We're thinking of doing a camping trip by mackinac island next year12:36
brouschMotel in Mackinac. I only camp under protest12:37
rick_hbrousch: ah, gotcha. WHen you said camping in traverse city I figured it was a camping trip12:38
brouschA reasonable assumption12:38
brouschWe might go to Soo Locks one of the days to see the frickin big ships12:39
rick_hvery cool12:39
jrwrenwhich hotel?12:41
jrwrenwell, if on island, which hotel? :)12:42
brouschoff island12:45
cmaloneyYeah, staying at the Mackinac hotel is pricey13:03
cmaloneyWe got to stay there off season for a SADD trip one time13:03
cmaloneyit was nice13:03
brouschWe got that for $270 for 3 nights13:04
cmaloneyPer night?13:08
cmaloneyNot bad.13:08
brouschNo. total for 3 nights13:09
brouschSo cheaper than the Blackwell13:09
jrwrenat the grand hotel? that is an amazing price.13:24
jrwrenI stayed at the Island House. I liked it.13:25
jrwrenthat was 9 yrs ago13:25
brouschNo. $90/night for the Baymont in Mackinaw City.13:30
jrwrennot bad at all13:36
jrwrenwhen are you going up? what will the moon be like? The dark sky park is SWEET!!! but we had a near full moon there last week.13:36
jrwreneven still, I could see the spiral arm of the milky way galaxy with my bare eyes. It was super cool neato.13:37
brouschWe're going up Sunday to Wednesday. I hope to hit the dark sky park on Sunday13:37
jrwrenwe got super lucky with a clear sky13:37
brouschOh lovely. 20-40% chance of rain every day13:38
brousch80% on tuesday13:38
rick_hinteresting http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201307/hashtags_for_commands.html13:43
jrwreni like that rick_h13:59
rick_hlmao at the video!14:00
cmaloneybrousch: You'll have to let me know re: the dark sky park14:02
cmaloneyJoDee found out about it, and that may be the push she needs to get a case for her scope.14:02
brouschcmaloney: It sounds like jrwren has already been there14:22
jrwrenyes, its great.14:25
jrwrenalthough, honestly I'll bet there are places in the UP which have less light14:26
brouschBut then you have to drive twice as far14:31
greg-gdamnit where is "sn<tab>"?!16:56
greg-gI need to retrain muscle memory!16:57
cmaloneyPlaying a "Decapitated" mix16:57
cmaloneyOh, this is good16:58
cmaloneyLet's see how it does with something a little different16:59
cmaloneyTold it to do a Neurotech mix, it picked up Silent Descent, Skew, Mortis, Risha and The Armed17:00
cmaloneyRespectable selections17:01
cmaloneyI have never heard of The Echo Nest before, but apparently they use Python and Java and want people in MA17:08
greg-gwhat is this?17:08
cmaloneyThe first part is a plugin for the Squeezebox that does "smart mixes"17:09
greg-goh, squeezebox17:09
cmaloneythe back-end they use is based on The Echo Nest17:09
cmaloneyso I pick something like "Artists like Neurotech" and it populates a shuffle list accordingly17:09
cmaloneyand it's pretty complete17:09
cmaloneyI'm getting CC artists mixed in with more notable artists17:10
cmaloneyPut another way: the "The Armed" suggestion was the most "out there" of the above17:10
cmaloneyIt's like realizing that you've had something that does something that you've wanted for a long time hidden in plain sight17:11
cmaloneyand all it took was a server update for me to look at the forum to see this post: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?99452-Logitech-Media-Server-7-7-3-released&p=754955#post75495517:12
cmaloneyand then follow his plugins link to find Smart Mix17:12
brouschcmaloney: Are you crying?17:12
cmaloneybrousch: I'm relieved I don't have to sign up for Spotify17:13
cmaloneyLooks like the Ubuntu Edge didn't meet the funding goal. Only hit 40%17:41
greg-gis today d-day?17:41
greg-goh sad17:41
cmaloneyIt's already at "we didn't meet"...17:41
greg-gI was hoping for a hail mary17:41
cmaloneyYeah, that wasn't coming17:42
cmaloneythough I get the feeling from the reliative quiet passing of the end goal that something else may be in the works17:43
cmaloneyI'm not sensing the usual bravado and swagger that we usually get even in the face of defeat17:44
greg-ghahaha, Mark? Swagger? NEVER17:44
jrwrenSibler started day by tweeting TY.17:44
cmaloneyjrwren: Expected17:45
cmaloneyBut the Ubuntu Planet has been pretty quiet17:45
jrwreni don't think anyone really cares.17:45
cmaloneyI'm not seeing the usual damage control. :)17:45
jrwrenthere would have to be damange17:46
cmaloneyMaybe that's the way to look at it17:46
greg-gthis is the UBUNTU COMMUNITY, there is ALWAYS damage17:46
cmaloneyI really need to stop eating dark fruit in my cube17:47
cmaloneyraisins / dried cranberries do not show up on this carpet17:48
rick_hI like that it's not "I need to stop dropping food on this floor" it's "Damn...wrong color"17:48
cmaloneyrick_h: I'm the guy that whips the cart because it isn't moving. ;)17:48
greg-gisn't that a feature not a bug? sure, you can't find them, but they also don't stain!17:49
cmaloneyIt's just a given that I'm not going to stop dropping food17:49
cmaloneygreg-g: That would be true save for two fatal flaws17:49
rick_h'keeping cleaners employeed since the day I started...'17:49
cmaloney1) Raisins / Cranberries are sticky17:50
cmaloney2) I can't abide sticky things17:50
cmaloneyThat's one of those texture things that drive me insane17:50
rick_hfor the record, high five on the use of 'abide'. We don't use that enough any more.17:51
cmaloneytape: fine. tape residue: I will scrape to the bone to get rid of it17:51
rick_hWhenever I listen to audio books I can always tell if it's going to be good if someone uses 'abide'.17:51
greg-gthis is unrelated to the floor issue, and should have been a feature killer previously. I'm confused.17:51
cmaloneyrick_h: The dude abides. :)17:51
cmaloneygreg-g: Well, I also like dried fruit17:52
cmaloneytrying to get more fruit into the pie-hole17:52
cmaloneyand usually raisins / cranberries aren't sticky out of the package (well, raisins are, but I can usually clump them enough into the palm of my hand)17:53
brouschHm. My wife's Pandora addiction will push us into Ting's XXL data plan17:53
cmaloneybrousch: wow17:53
cmaloneyYou and Waldo323 should go bowling17:53
brousch8 hours/day 5 days/wk17:53
cmaloneyDoesn't she have access to wifi?17:54
cmaloneyHe used over 4GB of data on his phone17:54
brouschNot at work17:54
jrwrenfirst time using git format-path and apply  :)17:54
brouschBut even with that usage, we'll save $50 over Verizon17:55
cmaloneyAS long as you're saving17:55
jrwrenyay ATT Grandfather unlimited plan17:55
brouschSprint has better service at her work than Verizon, too17:56
cmaloneyThat's cool17:56
brouschWith some work, I should be able to switch her to Google Music Radio, which will use some cached music17:57
jrwrenany pythonists ever use http://testrun.org/tox/latest/ ?18:44
rick_hjrwren: tox ftw18:49
jrwrenOMG, where was this 1 yr ago??? http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/18:53
rick_hright there?18:53
rick_hever expanding, but been around a while18:53
cmaloneyApparently I wasn't looking hard enough: http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/08/22/onwards-and-upwards-2/19:32
jrwrenOMG I'm so sick of debian b.s.   http://blog.cmpxchg8b.com/2013/08/security-debianisms.html20:16
brouschrick_h: I still don't test my crap. I have a week of vacation that I'd like to spend learning Python testing, with an emphasis on Pyramid. Are the Pyramid docs the best place to start, or something else?20:26
cmaloneyHello there22:29
rick_hjcastro: ok, how do I hook this fitbit up to my phone? It's not showing up under bluetooth discovery23:18
rick_hand freaking gateway timeout connecting to their website23:22
rick_hlovely out of the box experience. no docs at all, just a url that only moves forward after downloading software for either windows/apple.23:24
rick_hand a login page that times out23:24
cmaloneyrick_h: You must be new here. :)23:28
cmaloneyrick_h: This is part of the reason I've stayed away from these monitoring devices23:29
rick_hoh, now you tell me: We’ll be back soon!23:41
rick_hFitbit.com is currently undergoing a little planned maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience.23:41
rick_hjcastro: man, I'm not seeing any way to set this thing up without the windows/apple software?23:59

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