
evilerhello,somebody here?00:06
David-Aeviler: yes, somebody is here00:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:19
evilersorry,I just saying hello00:22
vorsorkenhow are notification area icons are specified?01:06
vorsorkenhow does the notification area program determine which icons to use for battery indicator, volume, network connection, etc.?01:07
GridCubei guess they get put like this file:///usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/notifications/4801:10
David-Avorsorken: they use different sets of icons depending on the theme, but how they do it, i dont know. do you want icons from a particular theme without actually changing theme?01:11
GridCubeif i have to bet i would say that the naming comes froms the freedesktop specs http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/icon-naming-spec/01:12
vorsorkenI suppose my real question was how are themes made and/or modified -- I didn't know if there was a config file somewhere but GridCube pointed out where to look, thanks01:15
GridCubevorsorken, if i understand correctly the icon packs name the icons according to the freedesktop specs, then programmers call those icons expecting them to exist properly, if they are not there you get the default broken icon icon01:16
GridCubehope that makes sense01:16
vorsorkenyep I got it, thanks again01:19
Monkeytoeis there any way to remove the icon text on the desktop .. so for instance the firefox icon will just show the globe and no text below it?03:22
bullgard4Monkeytoe: My Xubuntu 12.04.2 does show a tooltip when hovering over the Firefox icon. So I presume that your configuration is at fault.05:49
koegsMonkeytoe: you can edit the starter and rename it to " ", then you will see no name05:56
Monkeytoedidnt know I could just put a space in it05:57
Monkeytoeit still highlights a small area for the missing text unfortunately05:59
l4irxxlif i have 2 partitions C: with windows and D: with some files06:33
l4irxxland i choose install on this windows06:33
l4irxxld: will be avaible after install on windows06:35
well_laid_lawnwindows doesn't have the drivers to see linux file systems06:41
elfyit's a 'Will I nuke one of my partitions if I install to another one' thing I think06:44
well_laid_lawnI just took a guess06:44
elfyl4irxxl: the answer is probably, but we would prefer to see the layout of the partitions from within the livecd not from a windows description06:45
well_laid_lawnif the install replaces windows :d will be accessable from the new linux06:45
elfyopen the terminal from the bottom panel and run06:46
elfysudo fdisk -l |pastebinit06:46
elfyoh - then give us the url :)06:52
l4irxxlok i don't need it08:14
l4irxxlfdisl -l dont show ntfs partitions08:14
l4irxxlbut hirens boot.is powerfull :)08:15
zy_guyi need help getting 24 bit color depth for my laptop, please11:25
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=== leoquant is now known as Soul-Sing
Adri2000anyone has successfully preseeded (completely) the xubuntu desktop install?14:50
holsteinAdri2000: preseeded an iso?14:52
pmjdebruijnI'm not sure if the desktop installer is meant to be preseeded at all14:52
Adri2000holstein: yes, the xubuntu desktop iso, which means ubiquity indeed14:53
pmjdebruijnthe text-mode debian installer has extensive preseeding possibilities though14:54
pmjdebruijn(available on the server install iso)14:54
Adri2000but is there an iso available which has both the xubuntu packages and debian-installer?14:54
holsteinAdri2000: are you looking for an "alternate" installer?14:54
pmjdebruijnI don't think so. but you can probably make the debian-installer apt the xubuntu-desktop package, which should pull in most require dependancies14:54
holstein!mini | Adri200014:55
ubottuAdri2000: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:55
Adri2000holstein: the one which doesn't exist anymore, yes :)14:55
pmjdebruijnanyhow, why would you want to preseed the desktop installer?14:55
Adri2000holstein: mini doesn't work for me. I need all the packages on the iso14:55
Adri2000pmjdebruijn: I want an iso to install xubuntu unattended14:55
pmjdebruijnthat's not the goal... that's the means14:56
pmjdebruijnif you give some more background information, someone might be able to suggest an alternate approach14:56
* pmjdebruijn has to run14:57
holsteinAdri2000: you are always free to make your own installer.. which sounds like what you are looking for.. .i have also made installs, and just cloned them14:57
Adri2000well... I need to produce an iso (to have a CD or USB stick) which will automatically install xubuntu on a machine, with my own parameters regarding lang, timezone, partitioning, etc14:57
Adri2000different hardware, I can't just clone the hard disk14:58
holsteinAdri2000: sure.. and that product you are wanting to create will be yours, and not xubuntu or ubuntu.. and you are welcome to create it14:58
holsteinAdri2000: you actually *can* just clone it for different hardware14:58
holsteinAdri2000: the linux kernel is modular, and works well in that situation, unless you have installed certain proprietary drivers14:59
Adri2000no... I don't want to create another distro14:59
Adri2000I just want the xubuntu iso, with questions already answered. I'm not going to publish this, it's for internal needs in an organization14:59
holsteinAdri2000: i understand, but you are asking for another one.. and if xubuntu stock dosnt meet your needs, you'll need to create what does meet your needs15:00
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview might be what you are looking for.. or help you find what you seek15:01
Adri2000thanks, but what I'd rather need is a preseed file that works with xubuntu ubuiquity, and any advice on how to integrate it in the iso (bonus point :))15:04
holsteinAdri2000: the iso is what it is.. there are many ways to create custom iso's15:04
Picixubuntu190: please stop15:11
xubuntu190I need help15:11
Picithen just ask15:11
RiddellI'm commiting https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-seeds/fix-kernels-precise-xubuntu/+merge/18158615:12
xubuntu190I'm on mac os x lion15:12
xubuntu190I want15:12
Pici!enter | xubuntu19015:12
ubottuxubuntu190: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:12
xubuntu190Install Xubuntu15:12
Riddellknome: ^^15:12
knomeRiddell, cheers15:12
knomeRiddell, worksforme :)15:12
xubuntu190I'm on mac os x lion and do you know any way I can install it?15:12
knomeRiddell, also if you poke us at #xubuntu-devel in the future other people can respond easier too :)15:12
Riddellah yes15:13
knomeRiddell, and thanks again :)15:13
xubuntu190I downloaded the AMD 64 bit but my mac is a 64bit intel mac15:13
xubuntu190Can someone awnser:.15:13
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:14
holsteinxubuntu190: i used refit to run linux only on my macbook..15:14
Picixubuntu190: there is a special iso for mac, see http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64+mac.iso15:14
Picinot server15:14
Picioh, xubuntu /me wanders off after not being helpful15:15
xubuntu190 But15:15
xubuntu190I dont have amd15:15
xubuntu190I have intel15:15
xubuntu190I only found this working one but it's only 32 bit15:16
Piciholstein: is there an amd64+mac iso for xubuntu?15:16
Piciis it needed?15:16
xubuntu190Let me show give you the link15:16
holsteinPici: TBH, i cant remember if i used the "special" iso or not..15:17
holsteinxubuntu190: try the iso live on the harddware..15:17
xubuntu190it's i38615:17
xubuntu190also know as 32 bit15:17
xubuntu190I want 64 bit15:17
holsteinxubuntu190: you likely have 64bit hardware15:17
xubuntu190I do!15:18
holsteinxubuntu190: and the "amd" term is throwing you off15:18
holsteinxubuntu190: download whatever iso you want, and try it live on the hardware15:18
xubuntu190I downloaded the Amd an my mac said15:18
xubuntu190No mountable file system15:19
holsteinxubuntu190: the one you linked above is the 32bit one15:19
knomexubuntu190, xubuntu doesn't officially support mac systems.15:19
holsteinxubuntu190: that is *not* an error that states anything about 32 vs 64 bit15:19
xubuntu190People forget about macs15:19
xubuntu190It's like a whole different world15:19
xubuntu190I tried15:19
xubuntu190To get linux fedora15:19
holsteinxubuntu190: nothing is preventing apple from making sure ubuntu/xubuntu/linux runs well on them15:19
holsteinxubuntu190: that being said, i would download the live CD for the 64 or 32 bit OS and try it on the hardware15:20
holsteinxubuntu190: http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/15:20
xubuntu190I'm well aware15:20
xubuntu190I'm getting a macbook pro15:21
holsteinxubuntu190: when you get the hardware, try the live iso i suggested15:21
knomexubuntu190, we're not forgetting about macs. we just don't have the developer resources to maintain a mac ISO. patches and contributions welcome.15:26
holsteinplus, its intel hardware, and should "just work". assuming one understands the difference and researches the topic15:28
xubuntu217I have an old Toshiba.  Is Ubuntu or Xubuntu best for this?16:26
pleia2depends on what your idea of "old" is :) specs?16:26
holsteintry them live and see..16:28
drcInstalled Xubuntu 13.04. Did the initial update.  Rebooted. Plugged in my 8gig USB stick that I keep most of my config files on (ntsf format)...Would not acknowledge even it's existence. Plugged in the install USB stick (different one), recognized.  Plugged in a 500 gig USB drive, recognized.  Rebooted on the install USB, the USB stick in question was recognized.  Re-installed xubuntu, the USB stick in question was recognized upon insertion. Did the initial u19:38
drcpdate, rebooted, the USB stickin question was not recognized.  Moved to a Slackware machine, no problem recognizing the USSB stick in question, same on a windows machine.19:38
drcNow my question...what's going on...it's recognized before the update, but not after?19:38
Unit193drc: I'd guess way too much in the update to say what did it, but what's in `lsusb`, /var/log/syslog, and `dmesg`19:42
drcUnit193: going to reboot and try something...back in a bit to answer your questions.19:46
comp_I've never used chat before and wanted to try it out19:53
elfywell it's working :)19:55
comp_I've beenusing linux since about 1994, but this is my first time trying ubuntu.  As it turns out some of my apps seem to only run in ubuntu19:55
xubuntu275I have an issue19:58
xubuntu275im installing xubuntu19:58
xubuntu275I think Im on the last page19:58
xubuntu275the saving installer thing is still going19:59
xubuntu275should i shut off my computer and retry>19:59
bazhanglet it time out20:01
xubuntu275yeah now it went away20:07
xubuntu275and there is some wierd logo on my screen20:08
xubuntu275firefox is still open20:08
xubuntu275looks like a braile symbol20:08
holsteinxubuntu275: if you have installed xubuntu from an official iso, and that is what you want to do, and the installer is finished, reboot20:09
tq_can anyone see my messages?21:53
knometest failed.21:53
tq_hi knome21:53
tq_I was trying to reach a room called #r-finance21:54
knometq_, ...yes?21:56
tq_never used IRC before21:56
Unit193/join #r-finance    and you'll be set.21:57
tq_and I cannot seem to enter that room21:57
tq_thanks I will give it a try21:57
Unit193Channel is blocking unidentified users, you need to register.21:57
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:58
tq_ok, maybe that is why it would not let me register21:59
tq_do you mean I need to /msg NickServ pw id@email.com   ?22:00
tq_it keeps telling me my nick is invalid22:00
tq_-NickServ- The nick you are trying to register is invalid, please choose another nick to -NickServ- complete your registration22:01
tq_I have tried three different 'passwords'22:02
knometq_, that is out of the scope of this channel; please /join #freenode and ask there22:03
tq_thanks knome22:03
knometq_, no problem - good luck22:03
AleXaI put some bash scripts under Session and Startup, Application Autostart. Once the PC's started, how can I kill the running script?22:15
w30AleXa, you run these scripts and after they run for a while you don't need them to run anymore?23:07
AleXaw30, I wrote a script to run indefinitely, while true - do23:08
AleXabut what if I'd like to stop it?23:08
Unit193ps aux | grep scriptname   then  kill PID23:08
AleXacause it's in auto start apps23:08
w30Can't you make the script sleep 10 minutes or such then quit?23:08
AleXaw30, I need it to run almost whole time23:09
AleXabut sometimes not23:09
w30or kill it's self23:09
AleXaif I add few lines23:10
AleXacheck in another program23:10
AleXaif true - autokill23:10
AleXawon't do it now. Is there really no way to influence the scripts ran from auto start applications?23:10
w30or like check for existance of some file and quit if file exists or perhaps does not exist.23:11
xubuntu740how do you fix the sse2 flash problem in linux, my old computer has a amd athlon xp 3200+23:15
nukkeI'm having problems with my battery. for some reason, it's not charging.23:21
nukkeI'm on Xubuntu 13.04 64bit, on a Thinkpad T400.23:21
AleXa111 nicks on channel, and it goes so slow to get the question answered? Please, type /cs #chan release23:22
nukkeacpi -i gives me: Battery 0: Charging, 28%, charging at zero rate - will never fully charge. Battery 0: design capacity 4401 mAh, last full capacity 4323 mAh = 98%23:22
BiafraIt may be a bum adapter, nukke23:22
Biafradoes it work in Windows?23:23
nukkeI haven't tried, but for some reason it charged it a little bit while it was turned off.23:23
nukkeit's a new battery. I had been running the laptop with just the adapter for about 2 years.23:24
Biafragive it a try23:24
Biafraif the same thing happens, it's time to buy a new one.23:24
BiafraI've gone through 3 of them in 2 years myself, if it's any comfort23:25
nukkewill do, thanks.23:25
David-Anukke: have you tried take the battery out and put it back again?23:25
nukkeyeah, I had to buy a new adapter about a year ago, but it was because the plug "broke"23:25
nukkeDavid-A: just tried it. as soon as I put it back in again, a notification showed up that said, "Battery is charging." however, acpi still tells me it's charging at "zero rate"23:27
w30there is a problem with one of the battery notification applets, I don't remember the details or even what DE it was on. Maybe someone else has more info? Does the battery go dead for sure?23:31
w30I think battery charging is a hardware thing. The software is just an indicator. I'm not sure even what triggers a shutdown or suspend for a low battery. That might be an actual voltage thing also. I would be interested if the battery actually is min the state the applet says it is.23:35
nukkew30: hmm, this is strange.23:35
nukkeI just unplugged the AC adapter but no notification appeared. on the dock, when I hover on the battery icon, it says, "Adaptor is online. Your battery is charging." and then  it says the time left until it's fully charge.23:36
nukkehowever, the time keeps going down. I'm guessing it's actuall displaying the battery life.23:37
nukkeacpi tells me that it's still charging, despite it being unplugged. the charge percentage is going down, but it's saying it's charging it at "zero rate."23:39
w30something is rotten in Denmark.. eh?23:40
nukkeprobably surströmming23:41
w30or Hormel Spam with a broken seal23:42
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