
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
thumperwallyworld: WTF?01:12
thumperwallyworld: I'm just frustrated that we're playing musical chairs with tools01:13
thumpercode went from environs/tools -> tools -> agent -> agent/tools -> and back again01:13
thumperwallyworld: reading the description though it kinda makes sense, just crazy talking01:18
thumperwallyworld: I always throught that we should have reasonable top level packages01:19
axwthumper: what's the issue with provisioners tearing down machines without an environment instance? (re manual provisioning)01:24
axwi.e. why exactly do we need the provider type to tell the provisioner not to touch it?01:25
thumperaxw: hangout?01:25
axwthumper: sure, just gotta disconnect from the monitor01:25
axwone min01:25
axwwebcam is on my laptop screen only :)01:25
axw... which was facing the wall01:26
axwthumper: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/dc98b01f03a4224c9e7e30ce8f28aa33933dd6b1?authuser=1&hl=en-GB01:27
wallyworldthumper: with the tools, i needed to separate out the stuff that fetched the tools from the provider, vs the stuff that managed the tools on disk. and then due to circular imports, i needed a core tools package to hold the key interfaces02:29
* thumper nods02:29
thumperI kinda understand02:29
thumperI was frustrated when my top level tools got merged into agetn02:29
thumperwhich I then had to extract again02:30
thumperjust to see some bits move back into tools02:30
* thumper shrugs02:30
thumperI thought it was a good idea before, it still is02:30
wallyworldthumper: i do like that now there's a clear semantic separation between locating and downloading tools vs unpacking and using them. the former interacts with providers and metadata and urls and storage; the later needs to know none of that, just how to unpack into a lib somewhere02:35
* thumper nods02:36
wallyworldon a separate note, i got home from the cops and my internet is down :-( the whole street is out. lucky i still have data left on my phone02:36
bigjoolswallyworld: I have coffee and freshly-baked bread02:50
wallyworldbigjools: i'll be there in 15, ok?02:50
bigjoolsnp :)02:50
bigjoolsyou might hear me swearing a lot02:51
* wallyworld goes to the bigjools coffee shop02:51
axwthumper: re "I think if part of the bash script that gets executed to install the03:12
axwmachine agent first checks to see if one is there, and bails if it is,03:12
axwthat should be reasonable protection."03:12
axwthat's happening now03:12
thumperok, cool03:13
axwI just thought it a bit sucky that the machine ID gets allocated and can't be reused03:13
thumperyeah, it is a bit sucky03:13
thumperthis is because we key things on ID03:13
thumperwhich we shouldn't03:13
thumperbut instead against a guid for the machine03:13
thumperbut we suck03:13
axwalso, for the Remove... mind if I make it Remove/RemoveAndStop, rather than Remove/RemoveOnly?03:14
thumperthere is a long standing agreement that we should refactor at somestage in the future to move to linking with guids03:14
thumperI originally had RemoveAndStop03:14
thumperall the existing use cases were to be remove and stop03:14
thumperso was going for minimul changes03:14
thumperI'd prefer "StopAndRemove"03:14
thumperover RemoveAndStop03:15
axwyes sorry, that is the order isn't it03:15
* thumper nods03:15
axwI prefer this over RemoveOnly, because "Remove" doesn't tell me what else it's doing03:16
thumperfair enough03:16
thumperI'm happy with that03:16
* axw gets a little hung up on naming sometimes03:16
thumperme too, and this is a good thing03:17
thumpernaming things is very important03:17
thumperone of the two hardest problems with computing03:17
thumperthe others are: cache invalidation, and off by one errors03:17
thumperbigjools: how long for wallyworld to get to you?03:18
wallyworldbigjools: where's my !@@!!$$!@ coffee03:19
thumperhi wallyworld03:19
* bigjools prepares enema for wallyworld03:19
* wallyworld spreads03:19
thumperwallyworld, axw: when shall we schedule a package review time?03:20
wallyworldwhat do you mean by when?03:20
thumperwallyworld: well, we should look at what to look at in advance, then schedule a time to talk about it03:22
wallyworldok, i wasn't sure if you were talking about setting up a rescurring time each week, or just the next one off03:22
axwthumper: it's all the same to me... maybe Wednesday, same as the others (assuming that's regular)?03:23
thumperwallyworld: we should have a recurring one03:23
thumperjust at a friendly time for us03:23
thumperthan midnight03:23
thumperor dinner time in perth03:23
wallyworldmaybe 1pm AEST?03:24
thumperthat is 3pm here03:24
thumperschool pickup time03:24
wallyworldi was thinking of summer time03:24
thumper3:15 should be ok03:24
thumperit isn't summer yet03:25
wallyworldmaybe 1:30 to be safe03:25
thumpernot for us here yet03:25
* thumper puts it in the calendar03:25
axwthat is fine with me03:25
wallyworldthumper: i'm trying the local provider for the first time. i assume status will show pending while the image is downloaded in the background?03:38
wallyworldcool. just smoke testing my great big env refactoring03:39
wallyworldi notice bootstrap node is raring, while node 1 is precise03:39
thumperwell the machine you are running is obviously raring03:41
thumperthe default-series is still precise though03:41
wallyworldthumper: btw, this isn't the previously landed tools work, this is new code i haven't landed yet :-)03:41
wallyworldok, so bootstrap matches local machine03:42
* wallyworld taps fingers and waits, and waits03:42
wallyworld_thumper: if i get a 'hook failed: "config-changed"' error when deploying wordpress and mysql, i should be ok to assume staring instances went ok, right?04:27
thumperyes, they would have started04:28
wallyworld_the instances appear running, but the charm deployment went badly for some reason04:28
wallyworld_my changes were around insteace start and bootstrap04:28
wallyworld_and juju status shows stuff running, but agent state has issues04:28
wallyworld_but then again, my machine died 1/2 way through starting first instance, i removed it and tried again04:29
wallyworld_thumper: hmmm. i did a destroy-environment, but it left behind the provider-state file and other artifacts :-(04:30
wallyworld_so bootstrap fails the next time04:30
wallyworld_i need to delete those manually04:30
thumperwallyworld_: it doesn't normally04:32
wallyworld_i'll try again04:32
wallyworld_how long does agent-state normally say pending04:33
wallyworld_instance-id is set after deploying mysql, but agent still pending04:34
wallyworld_agent finally started. took ages04:41
wallyworld_so it all looks ok, time to land i think04:41
thumperwallyworld_: I don't think agent state is fully running until after the install hook has run04:41
wallyworld_thumper: last time, i didn't sudo to destroy env and missed the error message04:46
wallyworld_so all good04:46
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
davecheney1.13.2 has been tagged as revno 170306:50
davecheney# launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/ec207:19
davecheneysrc/launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/ec2/ec2.go:131: inst.Instance.IPAddress undefined (type *ec2.Instance has no field or method IPAddress)07:19
davecheneysrc/launchpad.net/juju-core/provider/ec2/ec2.go:136: inst.Instance.PrivateIPAddress undefined (type *ec2.Instance has no field or method07:19
davecheneyany ideas ?07:19
axwdavecheney: there was an email the other day to update goamz07:20
axwprobably that07:21
davecheneyaxw: weird, goamz is always pulled from source by the build07:21
davecheneynest goamz lp:~gophers/goamz/trunk src/launchpad.net/goamz07:22
davecheneyhas the location of the goamz trunk moved ?07:22
axwah sorry, I was thinking of the bot.. hmm07:22
axwI doubt it ...07:22
axwI'll update my local copy, one moment07:23
axwdavecheney: trunk's ec2.Instance definitely has a field called IPAddress07:24
davecheneyok, thanks07:25
davecheneyaxw: what revno do you have for juju-core trunk ?07:25
axwdavecheney: 1690 (I'm not up to date tho)07:26
* davecheney throws a chair at bzr revnos07:26
* davecheney fiddles with build recipes07:31
rogpeppe1mornin' all07:33
axwmorning rogpeppe107:35
rogpeppe1axw: hiya07:35
rogpeppe1hmm, not sure i'll be able to do any G+ hangouts today. download & upload speed both 0.05Mbps07:36
axwwow :(07:36
axwrogpeppe1: what do you normally get, out of interest?07:37
rogpeppe1axw: ~3-4 down and 0.5-1 up07:38
rogpeppe1axw: but i'm working from somewhere else today07:38
axwslightly better than me07:38
rogpeppe1axw: it seems that internet bandwidth isn't the highest priority in stately homes :-)07:38
axwheh :)07:39
TheMueah, today is a good day, 32 in 7 out. but that's not usual.07:40
TheMuemorning btw07:41
axwmorning TheMue07:42
TheMueaxw: heya07:43
rogpeppe1TheMue: yo08:06
TheMuerogpeppe1: how has your holiday yesterday been?08:15
rogpeppe1TheMue: really good, thanks08:15
rogpeppe1TheMue: i went up high into the Cairngorm mountains08:15
TheMuerogpeppe1: btw, do british people say holiday or vacation?08:15
rogpeppe1TheMue: holiday, usually08:16
TheMuerogpeppe1: thx08:16
TheMuerogpeppe1: Cairngorm? google maps click08:17
TheMuerogpeppe1: ah, Scotland already?08:18
rogpeppe1TheMue: yes08:18
TheMuerogpeppe1: so it matches my Amy concert, hehe08:19
rogpeppe1TheMue: your Amy concert?08:19
TheMuerogpeppe1: yep, Amy Macdonald on Wednesday08:21
rogpeppe1TheMue: here's a photo from yesterday: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_ViUkJwG88Cc1JrUUZLUVprZVE/edit?usp=sharing08:35
TheMue*sigh* don't make me jealous08:36
rogpeppe2fwereade: this speeds up provider/ec2 tests considerably: https://codereview.appspot.com/1278705009:44
rogpeppe2mgz, jam, TheMue, nate-finch, axw: review appreciated09:47
axwrogpeppe2: looking09:47
rogpeppe2axw: thanks09:48
fwereaderogpeppe2, that looks sexy as hell, but I'm concerned I'm not reading it properly because it's a major context switch right now09:50
rogpeppe2fwereade: np09:50
fwereaderogpeppe2, I'd prefer it if someone with more recent env-testing experience did the actual LGTM09:50
rogpeppe2fwereade: yeah. mgz?09:50
rogpeppe2fwereade: or perhaps rvba or jtv2 ?09:51
fwereaderogpeppe2, mgz/jam spring to mind, given the openstack/ec2 similarities09:51
jtv2Huh what?09:52
rogpeppe2fwereade: yeah09:52
jtv2rogpeppe2: hey!  You fixed my goamz bug?  Great!09:52
rogpeppe2jtv2: which bug was that?09:52
jtv2That was a 3× speedup of the overall test suite on my machine.09:52
* jtv2 digs09:52
jtv2rogpeppe2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/goamz/+bug/120948009:53
_mup_Bug #1209480: s3's attempt strategy is very long for tests <goamz:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1209480>09:53
rogpeppe2jtv2: ha, cool, i didn't know it had a bug09:53
jtv2I was a bit conservative in the numbers there...  Actually I saw about a 150× speedup in the EC2 provider's tests.09:53
jtv2Anyway, did you need a review?09:53
rogpeppe2jtv2: a review is always good!09:53
rogpeppe2jtv2: the MP is actually mostly about refactoring the ec2 local provider tests09:54
rogpeppe2jtv2: they'd got pretty crufty09:54
jtv2Ah, that's good too...09:55
jtv2BTW it's usually a good habit to go through the changes in the description.  Helps reviewers get their bearings, but also, has been found to correlate with much lower defect rates.09:56
jtv2How does the change in localNonUSEastSuite work?  I notice that it's no longer getting its attributes set in registerLocalTests.09:57
jtv2Just not needed?09:57
TheMuerogpeppe2: not yet through to understand everything, but so far a nice one, indeed09:58
rogpeppe2jtv2: yes, just not needed09:59
axwjtv2: it's set in the suite's setup09:59
rogpeppe2axw: yeah09:59
rogpeppe2jtv2: actually, i think that's a good point - we could initialise the test config inside SetUpSuite inside both localServerSuite and localLive suite, and that might read more nicely10:00
rogpeppe2jtv2: the main change in localNonUSEastSuite is that it doesn't embed jujutest.Tests - it wasn't necessary and I think it made matters more oblique and confusing.10:02
axwreviewed rogpeppe210:03
rogpeppe2axw: thanks!10:03
jtv2Good stuff.10:04
axwnps, thank you for speeding them up :)10:04
axwfwereade: in case you missed it, I fixed the tools issue in manual provisioning since my last batch of replies10:04
axwI think I have anyway :)10:05
fwereadeaxw, cool, thanks, I'll be back to reviewing later today10:05
fwereadeaxw, it sounded like you understood the issues, I expect it's fine :)10:05
jtv2rogpeppe2: for extra karma, perhaps you should assign bug 1209480 to yourself and close it.  :)10:06
_mup_Bug #1209480: s3's attempt strategy is very long for tests <goamz:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1209480>10:06
axwI did understand the problem, not so much how to solve it until I looked properly10:06
axwI'm off now, have a nice weekend all. See you on Monday wallyworld_ and bigjools10:06
rogpeppe2axw: have a great weekend!10:06
rogpeppe2afk for 10 minutes or so10:07
jtv2rogpeppe2: done.  Forgot the magic word originally, so review notes and vote are in separate comments.10:08
rogpeppe2jtv2: thanks10:23
rogpeppe2fwereade: here's (finally!) the branch that introduces EnvironProvider.Prepare: https://codereview.appspot.com/13187043/10:55
fwereaderogpeppe2, awesome!10:55
rogpeppe2fwereade: i'm toying with a slightly different way of doing things in the dummy provider, but i wanted to get it out and looked at - it's not too bad as is, i think10:56
fwereaderogpeppe2, I will try to get on that soon, but I'm still in somewhat heavy email mode -- mgz, since you're OCR, can I ask you to put that one near the top of your queue please? we have a few things blocked on it :)10:57
nate-finchI'm trying to deploy stuff to amazon using juju, but the amazon instances that get deployed only have 8 gigs of space in /  ... what's up with that?  is there a way to fix that?  an m1.small is supposed to have 160 gigs11:14
mgzhm, wonder if that's fallout from the rootdrive change?11:14
mgzwhat happens if you pass that as a constraint with a bigger value?11:15
nate-finchlemme give it a try11:15
fwereadenate-finch, mgz: it's always been the case11:20
fwereadenate-finch, mgz: I extracted a promise from sidnei that he'd add handling to the ec2 provider to interpret the constraint, but it had to come behind some other things11:21
mgzright, didn't think he'd landed a change to the ec2 params yet11:21
fwereadenate-finch, mgz: the instance storage still exists, so you probably do have gigs and gigs available11:21
fwereadenate-finch, mgz: but not on the root drive11:22
nate-finchfwereade: right11:22
mgzjust the 8G values in the hardcoded dict11:22
fwereademgz, yeah, that really is just documentation of the existing situation11:22
nate-finchfwereade: right, so what's the fix? Is it possible to pass in a constraint from the command line?11:24
mgznate-finch: not currently11:24
nate-finchmgz: wow, that is um... broken11:24
mgzyou probably don't actually need lots of root space though? what's breaking for you?11:25
nate-finchI'm trying to deploy discourse, which deploys to /home/discourse/discourse   it also stores uploaded images and all that there.11:26
mgzyou can probbly fix the charm then...11:27
mgzcharms doen't currently have proper interfaces for interacting with storage, which does make some of this a little painful11:28
nate-finchYeah, I was looking at the charm11:28
nate-finchWell, so... the thing is, it looks like there is no other space... there's the temporary disk space under /mnt ... but I think the real EBS space is simply unused11:29
mgzbut you could potentially mount that home dir on the block storage or something11:29
nate-finchI guess my thought was, if I get 160 gigs with the instance regardless, why not just create root with 160 gigs?11:30
mgzit might actually cost more, I can't remember how it works11:31
nate-finchit looks like if you're using on-demand instances, that it's just a flat per hour fee... but I might be misreading that.... amazon is like 8 pages of tables that all probably interrelate somehow11:33
rogpeppe2nate-finch: standup?11:34
nate-finchoops thanks11:34
rogpeppe2mramm: standup?11:36
fwereaderogpeppe2, ok, google hates me12:05
fwereaderogpeppe2, or virgin12:05
fwereaderogpeppe2, or someone12:05
fwereademgz, I knew *that*12:08
fwereadedoesn't look like it wants me back, I'm going back to my emails :)12:10
* fwereade lunches12:20
TheMuefwereade: the branch is in again for review12:25
* TheMue is at lunch too, but for a longer time. bbl.12:25
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== bac is now known as InigoMontoya
rogpeppe2mgz: responded to your review: https://codereview.appspot.com/13187043/12:37
rogpeppe2mgz: does the 'bot know about dependencies.tsv yet?12:38
mgzrogpeppe2: not yet, but it's one of the changes I'm still wroking on12:47
rogpeppe2mgz: ok, cool. just realised that i should change it in one of my recent branches12:47
sidneinate-finch: yes, the 8G is as before, we're not handling the root-disk constraint in ec2 just yet. need to expose passing a block device mapping at start-instance in  goamz13:01
nate-finchsidnei: is that something I can help implement? I have some interest in seeing it work :)13:17
sidneinate-finch: definitely!13:17
=== InigoMontoya is now known as bac
* rogpeppe2 goes in search of lunch13:40
nate-finchmgz: the addressability changes... are they actually used anywhere? I was trying to figure out where in the live code they're used, but it looked like maybe they're not actually hooked up to anything yet?  Am I wrong?13:44
mgzthe compat loop via dnsname is used13:44
mgzotherwise, it's not13:44
nate-finchmgz: I don't know what the compat loop is :)13:44
mgzwe changed the dnsname implementations to use Addresses13:45
mgzand DNSName is sill used13:45
nate-finchmgz: ahh I see13:45
mgzbut PublicAddress and PrivateAddress methods don't yet look up things from state13:45
=== nate-finch is now known as natefinch
sidneinatefinch: sorry, forgot to follow up. here's the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/121268814:19
_mup_Bug #1212688: ec2: pass root-disk constraint via block device mapping <juju-core:Triaged by sidnei> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1212688>14:19
sidneinatefinch: can i assign it to you?14:19
natefinchsidnei: Let me see if I can find time to work on it over the weekend. I have stuff due next week that would pre-empt that, and I wouldn't want someone else to *not* work on the bug because it was assigned to me.  If you know what I mean.14:20
sidneisomeone else would probably be me :)14:20
natefinchbasically I just don't want it to be officially on my plate, so my boss doesn't get mad at me for working on something other than my assigned work. :)14:21
natefinchI'll do it my spare time as soon as I can, and if someone else needs/wants to fix it before then, that's cool.14:21
natefinchis there a way to migrate from one provider to another?   Like if you start off on a small MaaS and then want to migrate to amazon or something to scale out further14:39
sidneinatefinch: migrate or just have an environment with things into multiple providers?14:44
natefinchsidnei: migrate14:45
sidneinatefinch: not as in live migration i guess?14:45
fwereadenatefinch, migration is not in the roadmap; bursting to another cloud is, although some way down the line: the manual provisioning work is one of the steps we're taking in that direction14:47
natefinchsorry, had to step out for a bit. fwereade, sidnei: thanks.  just curious (friends and family keep asking me these questions about juju that I don't know the answers to)14:59
fwereadenatefinch, np, it's a pleasure15:00
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-brb-af
=== natefinch-brb-af is now known as natefinch
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
teknicowedgwood: about those charm-helpers lint errors, I went a little overboard: :-) https://code.launchpad.net/~teknico/charm-helpers/lint-fixes/+merge/18185915:42
mgzrogpeppe3: whoops, didn't hit send on my review reply. I think it's landable when the prereq is in.15:48
mgz(and conflicts resolved, joy joy)15:48
rogpeppe3mgz: cool, thanks15:49
rogpeppe3mgz: the problem with withState is that it makes the logic more complex in places where we've got multiple return values and several return statements. we can do it, of course, with named return parameters, but the benefit isn't quite so clear then.15:58
mgzhm, yeah15:58
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
TheMuehave a nice weekend everyone16:59
rogpeppe3off for a bit17:11
=== rogpeppe3 is now known as rogpeppe
rogpeppei'm getting lots of "port in use" error when testing. what's going on?18:35
rogpeppei wonder if the port selection logic has changed18:35
* rogpeppe has reached eod.18:50
rogpeppeg'night all18:50
natefinchrogpeppe: g'night18:51
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk

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