
benjiBradCrittenden: you can't seem to settle on a name here lately12:30
benjiI have a small review up that could use your attention: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charmworld/migration-018-delete-bundles/+merge/18180712:30
BradCrittendenbenji: yeah, i got the dropouts.12:30
benjiooh, I hear that can be fatal12:31
BradCrittendenthe nick retention period is much longer than the time it takes me to reconnect so it won't let me have 'bac'12:31
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== bac is now known as InigoMontoya
* InigoMontoya prepare to die12:32
benjiInigoMontoya: you can /release the nick by talking to NickServ and he'll let you have it back12:38
InigoMontoyabenji: no, it isn't a problem, i can usually get it back quickly.  but i have to notice the problem after my client reconnects12:40
benjiwhy does your client choose the wrong nick?12:41
InigoMontoyabenji: b/c when it reconnects freenode has not yet released 'bac' and i guess i have the longer one as my alternate.12:41
benjiah; I have some purge-all-past-incarnations commands that my client runs when I connect.  That helps a bit with that.12:42
InigoMontoyabenji: moving on to other topics:  i'm about ready to break out 'rev' as a separate field in the mongo doc.  it seems crazy to go to all of the trouble i'm having just for this issue.12:42
InigoMontoyabenji: it can still be part of the _id as needed12:43
InigoMontoyabenji: reality-based objections?12:43
benjimakes sense; will you also have the search_id as part of the document, so you can search on it?12:43
benjino, but Falcor isn't a fan of the idea12:44
benjiah, who am I kidding, Falcor loves everyone12:44
InigoMontoyaunsure about search_id12:44
benjiI figured that since you want to search on everything but the revision, the search ID would be the way to go (since that's what it is)12:46
* sinzui sets charmworld to benji's 26413:02
sinzui364 I mean13:02
jcsackettrick_h: if you can look at https://codereview.appspot.com/12935046/ again i updated it yesterday.13:02
rick_hjcsackett: cool looking13:04
rick_hjcsackett: ah, I saw jeff gave you a lgtm so I didn't go back to it13:04
jcsackettrick_h: it's LGTM with your proposed changes; figured i would make sure you were happy with those changes.13:04
jcsackettif you want to hand wave it i'm happy to go ahead and land it. :-P13:05
rick_hok, looking now13:05
sinzuibenji, I see from the log the migration was run. I still see the wiki bundle. This might be a timing issue because ingest starts *before* the website is brought back up13:07
rick_hjcsackett: replied. 13:08
jcsackettrick_h: dig, thanks.13:08
jcsackettjujugui: i need two reviews on https://codereview.appspot.com/12741050 and someone with IE to QA. it's an easy one--just a bunch of deletions.13:10
benjisinzui: I would suspect timing.  The migration is simple and its tests seem to be representative.  If the bad bundle doesn't cause any errors, I would suspect re-ingestion.13:11
sinzuibenji, The ES data is different. The search that worked yesterday doesn't work. I think all is well.13:12
sinzuibenji, are bundles ingested first?13:12
benjithanks for working on it13:12
benjiI don't know the order off the top of my head.13:12
* benji looks13:12
sinzuiI think they are, meaning the first bundles will always be place before the website restarts13:13
benjisinzui: it depends on the hash order of a dictionary, so it should be consistent, but is unspecified13:13
sinzuibenji, bac: do either of you have time to review  https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charmworld/provide-type-from-api-search13:27
frankbanbac, benji: when you have time, could you please review https://codereview.appspot.com/12802045 ?13:27
benjisinzui: sure13:27
benjifrankban: sure13:27
InigoMontoyafrankban: sure13:27
=== InigoMontoya is now known as bac
frankbanthank you both13:28
rick_hkind of short notice http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2013/08/23/save-the-date-yuiconf-nov-6-714:03
rick_hhatch:  ^14:03
rick_hhatch: Makyo updated the branch from yesterday with the bi-directional go constraint conversersion, refactoring, added the sandbox tests/adjustments. https://codereview.appspot.com/1308404514:04
rick_hhatch: Makyo appreciate a second look though I know I got LGTM yesterday. Feel like a lot's changed, but part of that is in my head14:05
Makyorick_h, on it14:13
jcsackettjujugui: can i get two reviews on https://codereview.appspot.com/12741050, please?14:15
rick_hjcsackett: will look in a sec14:15
jcsackettrick_h: thanks.14:15
Makyojcsackett, on it.14:16
jcsackettMakyo: thanks!14:16
sinzuijcsackett, admin thinks you are on holiday today. Did you forget?14:20
jcsackettsinzui: it's a half day, PM.14:23
jcsackettleaving at noon.14:23
sinzuijcsackett, sorry, I thought you had extended it to the whole day.14:23
sinzuiI think I am the only member of Orange working on Monday.14:24
sinzuibenji, about the access to _representation. I too was hoping that we would have solved this by now for bundles and charms. maybe both classes should have a property that returns dict(self._representation)14:28
benjisinzui: that would be fine with me; I do worry a little about non-canonical key/values sneaking in, plus it would be nice to have the properies get a chance to return things.  How about returning dict((key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self._COMMON_REPRESENTATION)14:31
rick_hMakyo: did you do the IE QA on jcsackett's branch?14:34
sinzuibenji, yes, that is better. Maybe we want a guard in the class that ensures unwanted keys are always rejected. __init__ looks flawed. if it was ensured a sane dict, calling @representation or dict(Bundle(data)) could be trusted14:35
benjisinzui: yep, I like putting the gate earlier too (dict(Bundle(data)) can actually be trusted now because it does its own filtering, but I get your point)14:36
sinzuibenji, okay. I will report a bug for this because I think we want to fix this bad pattern for charms and bundles.14:37
benjisounds good14:37
Makyorick_h, ah, will do that now.14:40
rick_hMakyo: that's ok, was wondering. My lbox submit finished so I can pull it into my colo now14:40
rick_hI'll poke at it14:40
Makyorick_h, oh, alright.14:41
adeuringbac, sinzui: could you trying the branch: lp:~adeuring/charmworld/1206659-spurious-errors ? it should fix a number of spurious failures, even some in tests that were not disabled in r362, but I'd like some independent test runs before I claim that everything is fixed...14:42
bacadeuring: sure!14:42
sinzuithank you adeuring14:42
bacadeuring: how long does 'make test' take to run on your slow and fast machines?14:45
Makyoluca, ping14:45
lucaMakyo: heya14:45
Makyoluca, the upgrade service ux appears in two different places in the mockup.  I like the second one better - after all of the unit management stuff - because this is by service, not by units, and having it mixed in confused even me for a bit.  Can I go with that one?14:47
Makyoluca, on https://www.dropbox.com/s/d6sc200adk2dszs/juju-gui-2-inspector-09.jpg14:47
lucaMakyo: they are the same but different :D14:48
lucaMakyo: There is 2 use cases going on here14:48
lucaMakyo: #1 I need to upgrade my servicer14:48
lucaMakyo: #2 I need to revert my service14:48
Makyoluca, Why is it mixed in with units?14:49
lucaMakyo: When there is a new upgrade that the user hasn't seen yet, the "A new upgrade is available" populates near the top14:49
lucaMakyo: there isn't really a "mixed in with units" thing, they are just notifications, it's all about hierarchy14:49
Makyoluca, I keep getting wireframes with no explanation and being told to implement.  I'd appreciate a call.14:50
Makyojujugui call in 10 kanban now.14:50
lucaMakyo: Ah, thats fine. We actually worked with gary on this and most of this way his idea, I would of thought he would of briefed you guys on it before delegating it out.14:50
Makyoluca, nope.14:51
lucaMakyo: right, when are you available?14:51
Makyoluca, now for 9 minutes, and in an hour and nine minutes for several hours.14:51
adeuringbac: the slow one needs ca 100 seconds (...and I just noticed another test failure...)14:51
bacadeuring: i'm running the tests but they are taking forever to run14:51
adeuring..and the fast machine now show a ton of errors even for trunk...14:51
bacadeuring: in past 'make test' took about 74 seconds for me.  this one is taking minutes14:52
adeuringbac: interesting. I changed a status check when a temporary index is created for a test. Could be related.14:53
bacadeuring: still on the first line of dots of test output14:55
adeuringbac: Then just abort it...14:55
bacadeuring: even if all tests pass, this is too painful14:55
Makyojujugui call in 114:59
bacadeuring: try scripts/reset-db?15:06
bacadeuring: in a bind, i've rm /var/lib/elasticsearch too15:06
adeuringbac:  yes15:07
adeuringi tried both, but i did not restart mongodb, as suggested by sinzui15:07
Makyorick_h, constraints are passed from pyjuju in the get_service call, and are hooked up, at least in the inspector.15:19
Makyorick_h, will check go too.15:19
rick_hMakyo: k, cool. Yea I figure pyjuju worked and maybe we never got around to checking/working on -core?15:19
Makyorick_h, yeah, will do that now.15:20
bacsinzui: you said "it is not in saucy".  were you referring to pyjuju or core?  that is, what is in saucy?15:25
sinzuipyjuju is not in saucy15:26
rick_hsinzui: ah, that makes sense15:27
rick_hsinzui: I heard it the other way as well15:27
sinzuisorry for speaking in curtisese15:27
hatchrick_h: I'm going to revert the inspector and then I can help you out15:32
rick_hhatch: k, all good. 15:33
MakyoBleh, debug-log no longer uses newlines, nearly impossible o read.15:34
hatchmatt I crested a card in urgent and put our heads on it for the IE10 QA15:35
Makyohatch, Cool, thanks/15:36
hatchcrested a card15:37
Makyorick_h, I am getting constraints from core, too, but they're showing up strangely.  It looks like core responds only in MB, but GUI expects GB for memory, so it says I created a machine with 2048GB of memory.  I hope that's not the case :)15:39
rick_hMakyo: hah, ok. Good to know. Maybe that follow up card isn't much work then. 15:39
rick_hMakyo: curious to trace how it was getting the data format and fitting it to the UX15:39
hatch2048GB of ram....that must be rick_h's new desktop15:40
rick_hhah, I'm about 2012 short15:40
rick_herr, 2016 that is. /me can't do match on fridays15:41
Makyorick_h, It looks like it's just populated in the service model's attrs and bound in the inspector from there.15:41
rick_hMakyo: cool15:41
rick_hMakyo: yea, I saw some stuff in the utils that generates titles and such for the UX so maybe it's doing it there. 15:41
Makyoluca, ping; I'm free if you've got some time before your end of day.15:42
lucaMakyo: ok, I'm in a meeting with Mark S at the moment but I'll join guichat when I'm out.15:43
Makyoluca, alright, thanks.15:43
benjifrankban: I finally finished looking at your branch, it looks good15:48
frankbanbenji: great, thanks15:50
lucaMakyo: I'm on GUI chat16:06
Makyobcsaller, in guichat if you want to join16:06
rick_hMakyo: after your call, was that -core constraint working done via the gui? e.g. you deployed and set a constraint from the gui and then when you opened it back up it was loaded ok, just off as far as units?16:18
Makyorick_h, deployed from command line in a real env.  `juju deploy --constraints mem=2G cs:precise/mysql`16:19
rick_hMakyo: ok, I'd be curious then if settnig via the gui does work since that's where I was looking for us to translate the names of the constraints to the Go format. 16:19
rick_hhatch: running out to grab some food. Looks like my last branch had the wrong 'structure' for constraints and so needing to clean that back up. Latest work is in lp:~rharding/juju-gui/ghost-constraints-1125352 if you want to poke and if you wanted to pair on it in a bit. 16:24
hatchrick_h: ok sure - I have a few emails to write then I'll be on it16:24
rick_hhatch: np, biab16:25
hatchfresh trunk test failures....16:45
hatchI'm always confused how this happens16:52
hatchoh it did fail in CI too16:56
hatchit was just masked by the selenium failures16:56
rick_hhatch: details on what I broke?16:56
bacfrankban: review done16:56
hatchrick_h: I think it was a bad merge16:57
rick_hhatch: hmm, yea that sucks. I mean it has to merge/pass tests to land so confused16:57
hatchrick_h:  https://gist.github.com/hatched/13dd112c33c1263476f416:57
frankbanbac: thanks!16:57
hatchoh woops16:57
hatchthe 'expected' is the Constraints object16:57
hatch^ rick_h16:58
rick_hhatch: yea, looking16:58
rick_hhmm, those are tests I changed and such but not seeing the /actual/expected 16:58
rick_hhatch: but I can pull down trunk again and see if I can replicate it locally. Sec16:59
rick_hhatch: ok, I have the same error here. Will hack a branch to see what's up/fix it.17:01
* rick_h wonders how the $@#$@# it landed then. 17:02
hatchyeah right!?!?17:02
hatchmaybe you had an old test server running :D17:02
hatchthat caught bcsaller once hehe17:02
rick_hoh, and the lbox hit that vs its own?17:02
rick_hhmm, guess that's possible. I was running tests. 17:03
rick_hhatch: cool, easy fixes. Must have done that I guess. Sorry about that :/17:07
hatchyeah....you'll pay for this....17:07
hatchwith your cpu.....mohohahahahahaha17:08
hatchI figure that would be from Futurama17:08
rick_hhaven't I already suffered enough on this card? plus more lboxing...the punishment!17:08
hatchpssht lboxing for you is what....20s? :P17:08
rick_hno, stupid bzr/launchpad/branching :/17:08
hatchahhh right right17:09
hatchrick_h: gave you an lgtm17:12
rick_hhatch: cool thanks. 17:12
rick_hhatch: ok, fix heading down for that. 17:17
hatchgreat - once it lands I can then revert the flag branch17:17
rick_hit's in trunk at least. bzr pull will have it and you can start17:17
hatchcool proposing17:18
hatchjujugui fyi I'm putting bugs which will block the release in maintenance/urgent17:21
rick_hhatch: k17:21
hatchjujugui review for reverting the inspector as the default https://codereview.appspot.com/12739049/17:23
hatchMakyo: I can't find any IE10 specific bugs \o/ lemme know what your result is whenever you get a chance17:25
rick_hhatch:  looking17:26
hatchlanding thanks for the reviews Makyo rick_h17:27
MakyoMy IE is so small :S  I should see if I can get VB to pretend like I have a bigger monitor.  The unit details view goes off the edge of the screen.17:38
MakyoHappens in all browsers, ditto with fullscreen.  I think I  just have it smaller than our minimum size is all17:42
Makyohatch, maybe worth a card, but I don't think I'd consider it a blocker.  Looks fine once I get above something like 1024x768 :P17:44
hatchhaha that's pretty small17:46
=== rogpeppe3 is now known as rogpeppe
Makyohatch, yeah. vbox just picked up a small default.17:49
Makyohatch, also, relation labels are too high.  Also small.  Probably defaulting to a baseline at the bottom rather than the middle.17:50
Makyohatch, no blockers, though.  Everything looks/works fine otherwise.17:50
hatchawesome! :D17:59
hatchthanks for that17:59
rick_hman, almost have my own charmworld/juju-gui running in lxc containers but can't configure the juju-gui to set the charmworld url away from manage.jujucharms.com18:00
hatchrick_h: sounds like a bug to me :)18:01
rick_hhatch: trying to set via cli and see if it works18:03
rick_hhatch: yea, worked via cli. hmmm, need a release to check if it works via the inspecgtor18:04
rick_hhttp://uploads.mitechie.com/lp/lxc-jujugui.png so that's all in lxc containers. Charmworld hadn't finished ingesting and such. However cool to run it all locally. 18:08
rick_hpretty quick overall18:08
rick_hso thanks for the charm-school jcastro ^ 18:08
hatchthat is awesome :) I need to do that at some point18:10
rick_h20GB of ram left, time to try to run 100 juju-guis18:11
hatchvery odd issue with the CI failures this time18:11
hatchI guess I'll retrigger it and see what happens18:11
hatchrick_h: so where are we with the ghost constraints stuff? Anything i can help with?18:11
rick_hhatch: sorry, took a break to watch the charm school on lxc stuff to test things coming up. 18:12
rick_hhatch: so we're doing ok. Fixing the constraints object conversion to work18:12
rick_hpython works, go api fails. 18:12
hatchwho needs Go anyways18:13
rick_hheh, my branch is going to leave the api set to go in the config-debug per our discussion today18:14
hatchI think I missed that discussion18:15
hatchguichat to bring me up to speed?18:15
hatchawesome HTC is going to fix the mrs phone - now I can go get a new phone haha18:32
hatchcanceled CI trying again...18:42
rick_hhatch: ok, might need a chat after all. Data seems to go in, won't come back out18:43
hatchrick_h: ok in a few minutes just eating a sandwitch :)18:45
rick_hhatch: rgr18:45
hatcharg I don't know what's up with this CI18:51
hatchrick_h: ok sandwitch done ....guichat?18:56
rick_hhatch: rg18:57
rick_hdamn rgr18:57
bacbenji, sinzui: in our google doc, we agreed the api endpoint should be plural "bundles" but it is still "bundle".  any objections to me fixing it?19:41
benjibac: are we going to change "charm" to "charms"?19:41
benjiwait, there already is a "charms"19:42
benjibac: we changed it the other way, API2 had "charms" but API3 has "charm"19:42
sinzuibac, charms/ is a searchable collection, charm/ is an individual charm19:42
sinzuibac /search is a collection of all bundles and charms and it replaces charms/19:43
bacsinzui, benji: looky here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/17bgbReU6JJMoUHSJeo8egG5zoSM0fpPIs7U8F1-Piyk/edit#heading=h.u3246vho9aig19:43
sinzuibundle/ would provide a single bundle I think19:43
bacfourth bullet point19:43
sinzuibac, I know.bundles/ is fine because we moved charms/ to search/19:44
benjibac: I don't really care much one way or the other, just making the current state known19:44
sinzuibac, benji. I don't have an opinion about the plural of bundle(s)/, but I want it to be consistent with charm/ which is what we have now19:45
sinzuiwe can rename charm to charms/ in api319:46
bacsinzui: well it is easier to fix the google doc than the code19:46
* sinzui is dizzy from seeing all his work not come to fruition today19:46
bacactually, no because we have:19:47
bacso, in the branch i'm about to propose they are all going to be 'bundles'19:48
bacif we want to change them to 'bundle' we can do that, after updating the doc19:48
baci gotta land this thing!19:48
sinzuibac, sure. We will revisit all the URLs in SEO soon anyway19:49
sinzuibac, I can review your branch if you want https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charmworld/official-bundle-json/+merge/18190920:00
* sinzui needs a break from failing to show interesting bundles20:00
bacsinzui: it has conflicts.  i'll let you know when it is fixed -- thanks!20:00
bacsinzui: conflicts fixed20:26
bacsinzui: sorry the diff is so long20:26
sinzuibac: np20:28
sinzuibac, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charmworld/api3-interesting/+merge/181910 ? It is very short because I got lost20:28
sinzuibac, I replied with 2 questions21:17
bacsinzui: ok21:20
bacsinzui: thanks for the mongo sort reminder.  i'd tried that yesterday, before i made basket_revision a field.  i'll make that change now.21:28
bacsinzui: as to the other, yes basket_with_revision is a better name21:29
sinzuibac okay. I was only asking questions. Make changes as you like; r=me21:29
bacsinzui: would you update https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/17bgbReU6JJMoUHSJeo8egG5zoSM0fpPIs7U8F1-Piyk/edit# with check marks?21:56
sinzuibac, The 3 interesting parts aren't done-done21:56
sinzuiI did verify routing with versions is good21:57
bacsinzui: 4b and 4c aren't done?21:57
sinzuibac, api supports them, but until we change ingest and views to collect the data, no one will see which is new or popular21:58
sinzuiwell...considering how new bundles are, we might not ever see popular bundles21:59
bacgood point sinzui.22:01
* bac dog walk22:01
sinzuibac, I deployed your changes to staging. They work for the most part, but I think there is something amiss with the basket-name: http://staging.jujucharms.com/~abentley/bundles/wiki-bundle/1/wiki/json is not found  and a search for abentley finds a bundle without a basket.22:17
sinzuibac, I need to make dinner so will sign off. I think we need to update ingest or the model to handle the / in the basket. I see this in the DB: { "_id" : "~abentley/wiki-bundle/1/wiki", "owner" : "abentley", "basket" : "wiki-bundle/1"}22:21
sinzuiwell, before I go I will delete the bundle from staging so that we can check with a fresh ingest.22:22
hatchman there has to be something wrong with canonistack22:23
sinzuihatch, how do you mean22:25
hatchthe ci just hangs after loading in the selenium deps22:25
hatchand I can't find anything wrong with it22:25
hatchit's like it can't create a new instance or something22:26
sinzuihatch, are the deps enormous?22:27
hatchI don't think so it always gets to "FInished processing dependencies for selenium==2.33.0"22:27
hatchthen sits there for 45mins until it times out22:27
sinzuihatch, I wonder if there is a network issue. I thought this might be an issue with the charm payload. which is bug 115664922:33
_mup_Bug #1156649: pyJu fails to deploy/upgrade charm with 32MB payload <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1156649>22:33
hatchhmm nope it's not even getting that far22:34
hatchI think I'll bench this and make a card22:34
hatchstart on it again on monday22:34
sinzuihatch, I think you are getting much farther since you have an instance doing an install22:34
sinzuihave a nice weekend22:34
hatchyou too!22:35
sinzuibac: I have good news and bad news. Since I did not go away as I claimed I was, I was here fir the reingest of the bundle. It works! this means we need a migration to purge all bundles before your changes are activated. Oh, but since I happen to know benji landed just such a migration 9 hours ago, we can just pretend you have. I am confident that no bundles will be in the db when we restart production.22:38
sinzuibac have a nice weekend.22:39
* benji is glad to be part of the good news for once.22:41
* bac missed the bad news22:51
bacit sounded like good news & good news22:52

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