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Jesse_Vdoes Launchpad support builds for Debian or Fedora? Is it only specific to Ubuntu?04:30
wgrantJesse_V: PPAs only build for Ubuntu today.04:31
Jesse_Vok, thanks04:31
wgrantWe'd like to support Debian too, but build resources are at capacity with just Ubunut.04:32
Jesse_Vis there anyway to have Launchpad build for more than one distro, or do I have to change my /debian/changelog file and reupload every time?04:32
Jesse_Vah ok04:32
wgrantYou have to reupload for each release, or copy the source and binaries between releases04:32
wgrantThe latter won't work for everything; you'll need to check if each package needs a rebuild.04:33
Jesse_VI'm working with my own project that isn't present in Ubuntu/Debian/Linux. It's new software.04:33
Jesse_Vwhat determines if it can be compatible across distros? It's an OpenGL/C++ project.04:34
Jesse_VI don't fully understand binary compatibility in Linux04:35
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wgrantJesse_V: Shared library SONAMEs are a good start, if the libraries you use are fairly sane.04:45
Jesse_VGlew and Freeglut are the only ones04:47
Jesse_Vwhat's SONAME?04:47
wgrantA library version number that indicates ABI compatibility.04:48
Jesse_Vthe freeglut3 package has the version number 2.6.0-4ubuntu1 for Quantal.04:50
Jesse_Vso how can I tell ABI compatibility from that information?04:51
Jesse_Vsorry, I'm on a bit of steep learning curve here...04:51
wgrantThe 3 there is usually the soname version.04:52
wgrantAnything built against freeglut3 should run against any later version of freeglut3.04:52
wgrantIf they make a change that breaks backwards compatibility, it should become freeglut4.04:52
Jesse_Vyeah I've always wondered about that04:52
Jesse_VI've always thought "why don't they just update the package version?" now I know why04:53
wgrantNote that building for freeglut3 in saucy and running against quantal's might not work.04:53
wgrantBecause you can add new interfaces without breaking ABI04:53
wgrantYou just can't change old one.04:53
Jesse_Vso what's your recommendation then?04:53
Jesse_Vchange /debian/changelog and then reupload?04:53
Jesse_Vwgrant: I've been working on a script to automate the build process for me: https://github.com/Jesse-V/Folding-Atomata/blob/master/src/pushPackage.sh04:54
Jesse_Vso I guess my plan then is to change /debian/changelog and then rerun the script. Would that work?04:55
wgrantJesse_V: quantal->saucy has freeglut3 and libglew1.8, so you could upload a package to quantal, copy it to raring and saucy, and it would probably work fine.04:55
Jesse_Vsorry, but how do you copy it without having Launchpad rebuild it?04:56
Jesse_VI'm trying to understand the order of operations here04:56
wgrantJesse_V: Upload to quantal, wait for it to build, then use the "Copy packages" page to copy to raring and saucy.04:57
Jesse_Vand if that doesn't work, then I'll resort to uploading for each distro, right?04:58
Jesse_Vwait, can I build for Saucy, even though it's not actually out yet?04:58
wgrantYou can if you want.04:59
wgrantPPAs support Saucy from day 1 of development.04:59
wgrantBecause they're used for development :)04:59
Jesse_Vthanks for the help, I think I've got it better figured out now :)05:03
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Jesse_Vhi it's me again06:35
Jesse_Vwgrant, maybe you can help me again, or someone else if you're not around06:36
Jesse_Vhow can I get Launchpad to verify my digital signature?06:36
Jesse_VI get:06:36
Jesse_Vgpgv: Signature made Fri Aug 23 06:22:11 2013 UTC using RSA key ID C20BEC8006:36
Jesse_Vgpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found06:36
Jesse_Vin the build log06:36
Jesse_Vhow can I get it to import my OpenPGP key?06:36
Jesse_Vand wgrant, I found the "copy package" feature, thanks for pointing that out :)06:37
wgrantJesse_V: In the build log? That warning is normal.06:38
Jesse_Vyes ok06:38
Jesse_Vbut shouldn't Launchpad verify that?06:38
Jesse_Vit looks like it could, if it had the public key, which it can get because it's on the Ubuntu keyserver06:39
wgrantIt's checked on upload.06:39
Jesse_Vah ok06:39
wgrantIt's trusted once it's in Launchpad, so the buildds don't have to shuffle around keys etc.06:39
Jesse_Vso no one can upload to my PPA, except the owner of the private key, right?06:39
Jesse_Vthanks wgrant for the help06:43
Jesse_Vmy package is so close to building successfully: it fails right at the "make install" part... :)06:44
wgrantNearly there!06:44
Jesse_VI know06:44
Jesse_Vit makes all of this progress and then dies because I forgot to include certain files in /debian so that they'd be sent to Launchpad. So it's all my fault...06:45
Jesse_Vfixed easily enough though06:45
Jesse_VIT BUILT!06:57
Jesse_Vthanks wgrant06:57
wgrantExcellent :)06:57
Jesse_VI'm so happy right now06:57
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toabctlis it possible to delete ppa dependencies?11:46
toabctlI just want to know that before I add a dependency to one of my ppas .11:46
jpdstoabctl: Try it on staging.launchpad.net.11:47
cjohnstonStevenK: wgrant Ursinha, thanks for figuring out the bug that caused status to get upset and taking care of it :-)12:20
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Logan_Is it just me, or is Launchpad not showing the updated versions of Ubuntu packages?16:02
LoganCloud^ Still here.16:04
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dobeyLogan_: what do you mean it isn't showing them?16:32
qman__work_Hi, I'm having a problem trying to backport a package (shibboleth 2.5.2) from saucy to precise, and it says "dependency wait": https://launchpad.net/~cs-cracker/+archive/shibboleth-ppa/+build/4895264  What, if anything, do I need to do to move this forward? I used the backportpackage tool to create the build.16:38
dobeyyou need the missing dependencies16:47
dobeyas a newer package it likely requires newer versions of some of its dependencies that are also in saucy, but not in precise. or it may require new ones that do not exist at all in precise.16:48
qman__work_so would I have to backport those separately then?16:48
qman__work_ok, thanks, I'll look into that16:49
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shadejhi guys18:02
shadejnew to launchpad18:02
shadejI want to work on ubuntu localization where to start?18:03
shadejI have joined the team of my lang now18:03
dobeythe irc channel for your lang, or #ubuntu-i18n would be a better place to get help18:04
Logan_dobey: Lemme rephrase, because I think I see the actual issue now - the proposed repositories aren't showing up on the source package pages anymore.18:59
Logan_See, for example: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libzrtpcpp19:01
Logan_It should show 2.3.4-1 in saucy-proposed, but it just shows what's in release.19:01
MunchorWhere does Launchpad read the License from?19:09
Munchoroh wait, I can change details and have it changed, nvm19:09
dobeyLogan_: i'm not sure that has anything to do with launchpad itself. things that have been pusehd to the release pocket though show up as in release instead, and the proposed one no longer shows up. maybe it was rejected from proposed and therefore is not shown any more. better to ask in #ubuntu-devel maybe19:10
OvenWerksI have aproblem with my launchpad account. When I push to a branch, the revision just shows my name/email instead of a link to my launchpad home page. This used to work, but stopped. as an example see: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/UbuntuStudio19:13
OvenWerksI have tried setting bzr lplogin etc. with no luck19:14
OvenWerkspl id = len-ovenwerks BTW19:14
dobeyyou have to commit using an e-mail that is listed on your launchpad account19:16
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OvenWerksI am doing tht19:17
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OvenWerksdobey: I am using the same email as my lp account19:19
dobeywhat is your lp username?19:19
dobey"Committer: len at ovenwerks"19:20
dobeynot exactly :)19:20
OvenWerksI have not entered that anywhere dobey where would I set that up?19:21
dobeyare you doing bzr commit --author "Foo <foo@host.com>" ? or what? how did you configure your commit email?19:22
OvenWerks$ bzr whoami19:23
OvenWerksLen Ovens len@ovenwerks.net19:23
OvenWerks$ echo $DEBEMAIL19:23
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dobeyyou are missing the < > around your e-mail19:24
dobeyso change your bzr whoami19:24
dobeyshould be "Name <email>"19:24
dobeyor just email19:24
OvenWerksdobey: like this: $ bzr whoami19:26
OvenWerksLen Ovens <len@ovenwerks.net>19:26
OvenWerksWill try again.19:26
OvenWerksdobey: Thank you that works, I guess I made that mistake after I reinstalled my machine.19:39
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g0twigdo you accept lintian overrides for PPA packages22:09
g0twigtrism: hey22:13

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