
=== VD is now known as Guest86311
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Mirvif anyone happens to be awake, approving https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/remove_obsolete_scopes_from_packages/+merge/181535 would be appreciated, it seems it didn't get approved yesterday04:24
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
didrocksgood morning05:27
Mirvdidrocks: there'd be two pending merge requests from me at https://code.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro-config/trunk/+activereviews05:31
Mirvfor unlocking phone and unity stacks respectively05:31
didrocksMirv: approved for bothh05:33
Mirvthanks, deploying05:33
robrudidrocks, good morning07:19
robrudidrocks, should I go ahead and package this?07:19
didrocksrobru: hey hey! :)07:19
robru"publish this" i mean07:19
didrocksrobru: looks good! +1 ;)07:19
robruMirv, unless you're already doing it?07:20
robruMirv, ^^07:20
Mirvrobru: feel free07:20
robrudidrocks, something very strange happened today... my run got skipped. I don't know how. when I went to check it at my usual time (3PM for me), indicator stack was running from before (quite a long-running run), and none of the other stacks had been started properly. but then the next run seems to have fired off fine.07:21
didrocksrobru: did you notice a check job failing?07:21
didrocksrobru: like, something getting stuck during the tests and so the tests taking 2h and then timeouting?07:22
robruno, didn't notice. just when I checked the 'All' page, indicator stack was the only one blinking. and jenkins claimed that it had been started by lukasz, but that seems unlikely, since he should be sleeping at that time.07:22
Mirvrobru: you should click through links to see when it was started, and what is stalled, via the eg. 'check' subjob, then autopilot page, at which eg. intel could be the one running from which you can get live log on why it's stalling07:24
robruso much clicking! we need some kind of dashboard that is more forthcoming with this information.07:25
Mirvyeah, there's much to "hunt" in there, and the logic takes time to get used to07:25
Mirvrobru: what's the 3pm for you in UTC?07:26
Mirvif it's the autopilot runs hanging, you can find the runs from
robruMirv, the one that's assigned to me. 22:0007:27
Mirvthere was a 20:54 indicator autopilot run but it finished on time07:28
Mirvbut yeah an indicator head task start 21:46 which finished in publish job only after 23:00, if I read correctly
Mirvso indeed started by sil2100, he probably was still awake :) he's often awake late, and that was still slightly before midnight for him07:30
robruhmmm, ok.07:31
robrui dunno why it blocked every single other stack from running though. is that normal07:32
Mirvrobru: I think that's planned, that's why if we rerun something we want to be relatively sure it finished before the next tick07:34
Mirv(and that's why we usually don't rerun anything anymore)07:34
Mirvunity stack you can't ever rerun, it's so slow that it couldn't run twice in a tick even theoretically07:35
dholbachcan somebody take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1213998 please?07:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1213998 in UbuntuKylin "[needs-packaging] youker-assistant" [High,New]07:38
dholbachsalut seb12807:40
dholbachseb128, did you have a chance to look at youker-assistant yesterday?07:40
robrudidrocks, looks like we need preNEWing for messaging-app and dialer-app... but I'm going to bed ;-)07:41
dholbachseb128, or should I maybe ping freeflying or happyaron?07:41
didrocksrobru: thanks a lot! nice work :)07:42
didrocksrobru: I think I won't see you before the next 2 weeks ;)07:42
didrocksrobru: have fun, I hope everything will work like a charm :)07:42
robrudidrocks, oh really?07:42
robrudidrocks, two weeks off eh? ok, have fun! I am back home on saturday, just in time for UDS ;-)07:43
didrocksrobru: heh! excellent, enjoy being back home as well :)07:43
robrudidrocks, yeah! ok, goodnight ;-)07:43
didrocksrobru: have sweet dreams!07:44
seb128dholbach, hey, no, yesterday was one of those days ... and seems today is going to be another, I opened IRC for 1 min and I've already pings on 3 channels07:45
seb128didrocks, robru: I preNEW reviewed dialer-app yesterday and had a quick look to messaging-app (need another one on that today)07:45
NikThany news about 12.04.3 ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-12.04.307:45
didrocksseb128: I'll have time for messaging-app if you want07:45
Mirvseb128: I was just about to ask about those, those would be ready to publish07:45
Mirvseb128: but waiting for your another look at messaging-app07:46
seb128NikTh, you should ask on #ubuntu-release, desktop team doesn't do releases07:46
NikThGreat. Thanks seb128  :-)07:46
seb128didrocks, let me do that now07:46
didrocksok, grand!07:47
czajkowskididrocks: have you been around the Irish :) Grand :)07:48
Mirvunity stack would need approval of adding accountsservices into it https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/unity_stack_add_accountsservice/+merge/18173207:48
didrocksczajkowski: heh, indeed ;)07:49
didrocksMirv: hum, but then, accountsservice will be seeded by default, no?07:50
didrocksah, but indicator-keyboard is not yet07:50
didrocksMirv: so, once indicator-keyboard is seeded by default, you can remove those 3, right?07:50
dholbachhappyaron, FJKong: do you think you could have a look at bug 1213998 for JackYu?07:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1213998 in UbuntuKylin "[needs-packaging] youker-assistant" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121399807:50
seb128didrocks, what do you mean "accountsservice seeded by default"?07:51
didrocksseb128: it's weird, it is already, maybe indicator-keyboard just need a newer version than last iso07:51
didrocksMirv: isn't a case with just "check with whole ppa"?07:51
Mirvdidrocks: hmm, yes after it would, then they wouldn't be needed07:51
seb128didrocks, right, indicator-keyboard depends on -0ubuntu5 of accountsservice, a patch got added to store input configs07:52
Mirvdidrocks: I'll give check-with-whole-ppa a try07:52
didrocksMirv: sounds better07:52
didrocksand indicator-keyboard to be removed once seeded07:52
seb128didrocks, I didn't plan to seed it, unity Recommends it which should be good enough07:52
didrocksseb128: sorry, I use that shortcut to tell "installed by default, on the ISO"07:53
didrocksshould have been more specific07:53
seb128didrocks, that should be the case today07:54
seb128but I guess we don't have the new iso yet?07:54
didrocksso check with whole ppa until then07:54
didrocksand then Mirv to remove indicator-keyboard from the list07:54
seb128didrocks, Mirv: messaging-app is good for NEW07:55
didrockswhitelist needing to be refreshed I guess07:57
* didrocks does07:57
dholbachJackYu, added another comment before happyaron and FJKong can maybe have a look07:57
didrocksMirv: whitelist refreshed: DONE07:57
Mirvthanks, publishing phone08:01
seb128Laney, good morning!08:06
seb128pitti, hey08:11
seb128pitti, do you think you could land your upower history fix in saucy today?08:12
seb128pitti, I updated my code yesterday to do the right thing, but now it's broken waiting on the upower fix to land08:12
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pittiseb128: ah, sure08:21
seb128pitti, danke08:21
pittiseb128: I'll upload it to Ubuntu for now, and see to grab hughsie next week to land it upstream08:21
JackYudholbach, thanks. I will also ask help from them.08:21
dholbachJackYu, anytime :)08:21
seb128pitti, great08:21
didrocksNEWed in distro (for both)08:23
pittiseb128: fait08:24
seb128pitti, super, merci08:24
JackYudholbach, you got the lintian report from 'bzr builddeb'?08:26
dholbachJackYu, no, I ran the package through pbuilder08:34
dholbachand then did a    lintian -iIv <package>*.changes08:34
JackYudholbach, i see:).08:35
Sweetsharkpitti, seb128: Do you want to upload the raring SRU too at some point? It would fix a "Calc calcs wrong" issue that might be embarrassing if the SHTF.09:33
sil2100Morning, geeh09:34
pittiSweetshark: sure, is that somewhere on people?09:34
Sweetsharkpitti: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/raring/4.0.4/09:34
Sweetsharkpitti: the diff also contains the upstream changes of course (to explain the 15MB size) ...09:35
Sweetsharkpitti: oh, and thanks for uploading the precise SRU ;)09:37
pittiyw, sorry that it took so long09:37
Mirvseb128: could you preNEW lp:music-hub ?09:42
Mirvhi sil2100, how are you?09:42
seb128didrocks, ^?09:42
Mirvor didier, in case he has bandwidth still this afternoon09:44
seb128I'm trying to review didrocks' update panel work09:44
didrockshey sil2100!09:45
didrocksMirv: that's the ones on the spreadsheet for the phone team, right?09:45
didrocksMirv: nitpick: can you put Section: libs09:46
didrocksafter Priority (in the top)09:46
didrocksjust trying to have the same layout for everything :)09:46
Mirvdidrocks: ok09:46
didrocksPackage: libmusic-hub-dev09:46
didrocksMulti-Arch: same09:46
didrocksMirv: you need the predepends as well ^09:46
Mirvhmm, this is not one of the phone team's stuff, this is earlier on the sheet09:46
didrockssame for Package: libmusic-hub009:47
didrocksah ok :)09:47
Mirvdarn, adding09:47
didrocksMirv: I would have the -doc recommends the -dev09:47
didrocksand the -dev suggests the -doc09:47
didrocks-B build ?09:48
didrocksdo you know what this is? ^09:48
Mirv"it was there when I arrived"09:48
didrocksahah :)09:48
Mirvnot really09:48
didrockstvoss: mind explaning about the -B build in music-hub?09:49
tvossdidrocks, kenvandine added it, you can remove it09:49
tvossdidrocks, or better: I copied it from content-hub, so my bad. Feel free to remove it09:49
Mirvok, so just normal dh $@ --fail-missing, running a test build09:49
didrocksMirv: ^09:49
didrocksMirv: with all those, looking excellent09:49
didrocksthanks Mirv, tvoss09:49
Mirvinterestingly, something broken when removing it09:50
didrocksMirv: ok, keep it, but can you add a #TODO: ask ken to add a comment there?09:50
didrockslet's not block on that :)09:50
Mirvit's apparently required for dbus-test-runner to work09:51
Mirvdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/music-hub/final_tweaks/+merge/18176309:52
didrocksMirv: approved. Counting on you to ping ken :)09:54
Mirvyes, added to todo09:55
didrocksMirv: feel free to autoack the publishing of course09:55
didrocksjust ping me for newing09:55
Mirvok, what about whitelist, or is it already there since it was in cu2d just daily-release: false?09:56
Mirvdidrocks: ^09:56
* Mirv to hangout now09:58
didrocksMirv: yeah, it's an implementation bug IMHO09:58
didrocksMirv: but yeah ;)09:58
didrocks(that I don't filter on daily-release: false to exclude them)09:58
didrocksbut shhhh ;)09:58
sil2100seb128: hi! Do you have a moment for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/content-hub/packaging_review/+merge/18162210:44
sil2100seb128: there's the jquery thing again, can fix that if it's a big problem ;)10:44
seb128sil2100, commented11:18
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sil2100seb128: thanks, there are 'mismatches' in this package11:24
sil2100seb128: since the version number in CMakeLists.txt says 0.0.1 as the version number11:25
seb128sil2100, well, version != soname != qml api number11:25
seb128those are different concepts11:25
seb128sil2100, we also have libunity9 for unity711:26
sil2100seb128: it builds fine here11:29
seb128sil2100, I guess you have a tarball?11:29
seb128sil2100, I tried to "mkdir build; cd build; cmake .." in the vcs11:29
seb128since I don't have a tarball11:29
seb128that doesn't work11:29
sil2100seb128: I'm building it using bzr bd, so it creates the tarball from the source11:30
seb128sil2100, weird11:30
sil2100That's how the daily-build does it, building from source by builddeb11:31
seb128sil2100, right, but earlier I got an error when trying bzr bd11:31
seb128not sure what it was, working now11:31
seb128sil2100, don't worry about that, anyway the naming issue needs to be resolved11:32
sil2100seb128: pushed the naming issue - I guess I won't have to modify the version number in te CMakeLists.txt?11:33
seb128sil2100, no, you don't11:33
seb128sil2100, hum11:33
seb128sil2100, shouldn't it be named ubuntu-content0.111:34
seb128sil2100, see my comment11:34
seb128sil2100, we might want to wait for kenvandine11:34
sil2100I'll ask tvoss11:34
seb128sil2100, I though those were supposed to be based on the import name11:34
sil2100tvoss: ^11:34
seb128sil2100, tvoss is not going to know about the package naming I think11:34
tvossseb128, sil2100 yeah, kenvandine will know better11:35
seb128that's more a packager than upstream question, and Ken knows what was decided as naming convention since he was part of those who decided on it11:35
sil2100seb128: I didn't want to change that, but I guess it wouldn't be a big deal if it was ubuntu-content, right?11:36
seb128sil2100, that should be fine11:36
sil2100seb128: pushed11:37
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seb128sil2100, if you rename the binary you need to rename the .install11:41
sil2100...sorry about that, damn, today I'm just like sick ;)11:43
sil2100seb128: pushed, geh11:44
Mirvdidrocks: music-hub in NEW11:50
didrocksMirv: and music-hub NEWed ;)11:52
popeymy laptop keeps locking up for 9 seconds11:56
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didrocksseb128: mpt: bug #1215901 FYI12:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1215901 in ubuntu-system-settings "Additional errors message in system update ui" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121590112:21
seb128didrocks, thanks12:21
mptoh goody12:23
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mptdidrocks, if I join ~system-settings-touch, how badly will I be spammed? :-)12:34
didrocksmpt: I think it's fine, right seb128 ?12:35
seb128didrocks, mpt: we have email filters for that :p12:35
seb128there is some merge proposal activity12:35
* mpt applies12:35
seb128like we have ~5 of those a day and they usually generate 5-6 emails each12:36
seb128submit/CI approve/review comment/merged in/archive upload12:36
seb128mpt, what should happen to the download bar/label on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-settings-updates-downloading.png once the download is done (e.g when the button changes to  “Install & Restart”), should they stay on screen?13:00
seb128e.g bar 100% and label = download done13:00
seb128or something?13:00
dpmmhr3_, around for a quick scopes support question? :) My apps scope in saucy no longer seems to return any results. Any ideas what it could be?13:17
tedgkenvandine, It seems like in the cellular settings, setting to 2G doesn't work?  Is it expected to?13:30
kenvandinetedg, nope13:30
tedgkenvandine, Okay, then it works as expected!  :-)13:31
kenvandinehehe :)13:31
kenvandineit really just turned on and off data13:31
kenvandinei hadn't figured out how to select the preferred technology13:31
tedgI guess I'll have to drive off into the country to see if I can test the 2G icon in indicator-network ;-)13:31
* tedg prepares the expense report for the required "testing Porsche"13:33
mpttedg, this is why we should have sprints in London more often13:37
tedgmpt, Have you seen the congestion fees?  I don't know if I could expense those!13:37
tedgmpt, It would help testing "roaming" as well :-)13:38
tedglarsu, do you by chance know if desrt finished his patch to get stack traces on criticals?13:43
larsutedg: I don't know, no13:43
larsudesrt: maybe you're around to tell?13:43
tedgK, I'll wait until he comes back from trotting around Europe :-)13:44
larsutedg: he might check in every now and then. So maybe you'll get an answer before September :D13:44
sil2100kenvandine: could you spare a moment to review and maybe sponsor an upload of mmsd to universe for me? I did a preliminary packaging check13:51
sil2100kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/mmsd/ubuntu13:51
sil2100kenvandine: we need it in before FF ;)13:51
sil2100In the meantime I go lay down a bit, I'll bbl!13:52
sil2100kenvandine: thanks in advance!13:52
mhall119seb128: jasoncwarner__: I've added the client meetings that existed to the schedule, but you still have one Client room open all week, any chance that more BPs or Meetings will be registered today?14:12
seb128mhall119, hey, I doubt we are going to get more from our team, not sure about other touch teams...14:12
mhall119ok, any follow-ups from last UDS's blueprints?14:13
LaneyI didn't register one about system settings backends yet14:13
Laneyis there something like that already?14:13
mhr3_dpm, what does your apps scope do?14:14
seb128Laney, not that I saw14:15
seb128mhall119, not sure, we are all crazy busy getting work done :/14:15
Laneyseb128: ok, doing14:15
seb128Laney, thanks14:15
LaneyI don't remember what the format is14:15
mhall119seb128: I know it, we all are14:15
dpmmhr3_, it does nothing. E.g. I enter a search term and the screen show "No search results"14:15
Laneycan you remind me?14:15
seb128Laney, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1308-qt5114:16
seb128Laney, suggests client-1308-<topic>14:16
mhall119+1 ^^14:16
mhr3_dpm, i meant, what is it supposed to do, how is it implemented, did it work until now in s, ...?14:16
dpmmhr3_, that's the default apps scope I'm talking about14:17
mhr3_oh i thought you have some custom one14:17
mhr3_dpm, ps aux | grep applications?14:17
dpmmhr3_, no output, so it seems it's not running14:19
Laneyseb128: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1308-system-settings-backends14:22
seb128Laney, thanks14:23
Laneyinvite / require whoever should be there ;-)14:24
mhr3_dpm, is that phone or desktop?14:25
dpmmhr3_, desktop, saucy14:28
mhr3_dpm, do you get results for anything else?14:29
dpmmhr3_, the home scope seems to work and the files scope as well. They do return results, but the apps one does not even show the spinning icon to indicate it's searching14:31
mhr3_dpm, odd, can you bustle log for me?14:31
seb128Laney, will do14:31
mhr3_dpm, run bustle-pcap then go to home, do a search, then go to apps, do search there14:32
mhr3_send log14:32
dpmok, on it14:32
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dpmmhr3_, log sent14:40
mhr3_dpm, hm, not overly useful, something broke internally :/ pkill -f unity-scope-home14:49
mhr3_should work then14:49
dpmmhr3_, magic! Now it works, thanks :)14:50
tedglarsu, Not sure how much time you have to EOD, but could you fix this today?  charles_ ' comments look pretty easy, and I'm trying to clear the review queue some :-)  https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-sound/use-bus-watch-namespace/+merge/17824615:06
tedgI'm not sure what --with cli even does?15:09
tedgDo we need another dep here?15:09
larsutedg: meeting my niece for ice cream in a bit. Can't disappoint her. Will try though.15:09
* larsu hurries15:09
tedglarsu, Heh, no problem.  Just doing some Friday tidying up.15:10
larsutedg: I'll keep the tab open for later tonight if I don't make it ;)15:10
* tedg 's working on the old karma, getting ready to blow it all this weekend15:10
tedglarsu, charles_, not sure what to do with this one?  12.10 merge?  https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-power/fix-battery-icons-for-q/+merge/12577115:13
cyphermoxMirv: didrocks: got time for some reviews? https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro-config/enable-secret-agent/+merge/181855  and  https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro-config/indicator-network-tests/+merge/17879715:16
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didrockscyphermox: ack on the second one. On the first one, was it preNEWed?15:22
cyphermoxoh, probably not, right15:22
cyphermoxseb128: can you help with that ^?15:23
seb128cyphermox, help with what? (didrocks already replied?)15:23
tedgCan you guys look at the libappindicator failure above? ^15:25
tedgIt's a scary packaging thing.15:25
cyphermoxseb128: help with preNew for indicator-secret-agent15:25
cyphermoxtedg: sure, I'll look15:25
seb128cyphermox, sure15:25
tedgcyphermox, Thanks!15:25
seb128cyphermox, is that lp:indicator-secret-agent ?15:25
cyphermoxseb128: yes15:26
Laneytedg: build-dep on cli-common-dev15:26
Laneyit's for mono bindings if you still have those15:26
cyphermoxtedg: yuck, this should never happen15:26
cyphermoxLaney: it's already in the depends15:26
cyphermoxBuild-Depends I mean15:26
cyphermoxthis is an issue with the ci job15:26
Laneyoh yeah15:27
Laneyit didn't even try to install build-deps15:27
seb128tedg, cyphermox: that indicator-secret-agent thing looks weird, is that a new polkit?15:27
tedgseb128, No, NM secret agent for wifi prompts15:28
seb128tedg, what does that mean? what is specific about nm?15:28
tedgseb128, Basically a NM to notify-osd bridge15:28
cyphermoxseb128: it's a service registering to NM to get the password from the user for a wifi network15:28
seb128tedg, that seems buggy ...15:28
tedgseb128, ?15:28
seb128tedg, I don't get why we need a separate source/service for that, can't we do the same thing we do on the desktop?15:29
cyphermoxseb128: on desktop atm it's done via nm-applet15:29
cyphermoxwe don't have that on the phone15:29
seb128cyphermox, can't we make indicator-network have a prompt UI?15:30
cyphermoxseb128: hehe :)15:30
cyphermoxit already does, but this is somehow being reworked15:30
cyphermoxted:  ^ can you check why it's split up?15:30
seb128cyphermox, talking a bit to ted, pinging pete next about it, that component doesn't make sense15:35
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cyphermoxseb128: fair enough, I kind of agree with you15:41
Laneyxnox: you need to top approve too15:50
Laneymight kick the bot back into action15:51
Laneynot that I know what that failure means15:51
Laneyfginther: do you know what https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-wallpapers-saucy-armhf-ci/1/console means perchance?15:54
fgintherLaney, uhhh15:54
Laneyyeah I made that noise too15:55
fgintherLaney, I can retrigger it in case it was some transient lp issue15:55
Laneymight as well15:55
Laneyit worked on the other architectures15:55
fgintherLaney, it's rebuilding15:56
Laneypram                                                                  toys16:00
fgintherLaney, let me check the bzr revisions on the builders16:01
fgintherLaney, this could be a bug in bzr, you might try removing the utf characters from the file names as a workaround16:04
Laneyfginther: OK, but it's weird that it only happens for armhf16:05
fgintherLaney, I agree16:06
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xnoxLaney: "I did it"16:19
Laneyjust pushed with the poor guy's name de-unicoded16:19
robru_kenvandine, cyphermox: anybody paying attention to daily releases right now? looks like unity8 has a new dep on hud. i can add it unless somebody else is already on it16:22
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seb128Laney, kenvandine: I've 3 non-crazy settings mr up, if you feel like doing some reviews before eow16:28
Laneyxnox: you manually merged it?16:34
Laneyyou little horror!16:34
xnoxLaney: =)16:34
xnoxLaney: getting things done (tm)16:34
Laneydon't tell didrocks16:34
* Laney was just wtfing at why the new commit didn't show up on the mp16:34
xnoxLaney: well, it should be daily released with didrocks' magic voddoo.16:35
seb128ok, time for some exercice16:39
seb128back in an hour to read scrollback before calling it a week16:39
seb128have a nice w.e for those who are going to be off by then16:39
Laneysee you16:40
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robru_Mirv, just saw https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/unity8_add_hud_to_packages_list/+merge/181813 , will you merge that?16:43
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=== om26er|afk is now known as om26er
cyphermoxrobru_: around for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro-config/unity-keyboard-packages/+merge/18191420:04
robru_cyphermox, sure, one sec. did you get my email about the cmake/autopilot stuff?20:05
cyphermoxrobru_: maybe?20:10
robru_cyphermox, just sent it today20:10
cyphermoxok, I'll take a look20:13
cyphermoxI see your branhc20:13
robru_cyphermox, approved yours20:18
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
robru_cyphermox, I'm heading out for lunch. just shoot me an email with your thoughts on that cmake/autopilot branch and I'll fix it up later tonight20:33
darkxstpitti, hi, can you add another ppa to our apport hook, gnome3-next22:26
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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