
sarnoldsmoser: we -eventually- expect to have some environment variable scrubbing thing in apparmor, that might get you a lot of the way there00:03
sarnoldsmoser: but sooner might be to patch upstart to do that :)00:03
smoserupstart is fine.00:09
smoser"fine" in some sense.00:09
smoserit cannot be polluted in this way00:09
smoserbecause upstart jobs dont' inherit the caller's environment.00:09
smosersysvinit do00:09
maxbI guess /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d could be the place to do this?00:11
sarnoldoh, right, you even said as much. sigh :)00:11
smosersarnold, well, its both a feature and a bug for upstart honestly.00:15
smoserthere is a use case where you would *want* to affect LD_PRELOAD, and to my knowledge you cannot (easily)00:15
TheMusoxnox: Heh just got bitten by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools/+bug/1179782 as well.00:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1179782 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "syncpackage crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in decode(): 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 241: invalid continuation byte" [Medium,Confirmed]00:32
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TheMuso@pilot out03:41
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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pittiGood morning04:45
pittiinfinity: hack status files> mostly as a trial how they work, but changing them doesn't work anyway04:45
smartboyhwLaney, is there a reason for ktp-call-ui to have the telepathy-farstream-0.4.patch?06:04
smartboyhwAh, found it06:05
smartboyhwIs that still valid?06:06
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pittiinfinity: would you mind nudging a few packages into sauy which britney wrongly considers as RUNNING? they all passed: python-apt, umockdev, python-defaults, bzr-upload, friends, gnome-settings-daemon, libpng, libxml2, qtwebkit-source, ubuntu-release-upgrader06:59
dholbachgood morning07:00
pittior Laney or ScottK ^07:00
pittihey dholbach07:00
dholbachhi pitti07:00
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JackYudholbach, hi07:34
dholbachhi JackYu07:35
dholbachJackYu, did you have luck with your package?07:35
JackYudholbach, do you have more comments to it?07:37
dholbachoh, I asked folks in #ubuntu-desktop yesterday - did you try there as well?07:37
JackYudholbach, it seems no more comments from them:)07:37
JackYudholbach, I asked some guys as well:)07:38
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Laneypitti: can do08:09
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Whoopiedebfx: Hi, I just looked at the virtualbox package and recognized that the VNC module is not installed even though it's compiled. Any reason for this?08:29
Laneypitti: did all of the ones stuck in RUNNING08:30
pittiLaney: thanks!08:31
debfxWhoopie: no, it's an oversight. someone needs to test if it really works though.08:33
Whoopiedebfx: if you put it in a new package, I'll test. ;-)08:34
debfxWhoopie: a new package? is it that dependency heavy?08:34
Whoopiedebfx: otherwise, I have to compile myself.08:37
Whoopiedebfx: I build it now. let's see.08:40
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xnoxsmoser: I find dpkg --force-unsafe-io sufficient, when I want to speed up apt, but not actually preload eatmydata.08:58
Noskcajcjwatson, Can you merge hw-detect before we hit feature freeze? There aren't any major changes, so it should be fairly easy09:00
xnoxNoskcaj: you are after translation updates?09:05
Noskcajxnox, I wouldn't use them, but that and your improvements would be worth doing09:06
xnoxNoskcaj: right. ok. cjwatson is away atm. but we should merge up all d-i packages to gain translations et. al.09:08
Noskcajok, thanks for the info09:08
jamespagejodh, I'm right in thinking I can't write custom actions for upstart configurations right?09:25
jamespageI have 'openvswitch-switch start' and 'openvswitch-switch stop' etc..09:26
jamespagebut I'm guessing openvswitch-switch force-reload-kmod is a non starter09:26
jodhjamespage: yes, you are correct (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Upstart/Ideas). But you could of course just create a specific job for that.09:28
jamespagejodh, yeah - I was thinking about doing that09:28
jodhjamespage: why is a kernel module reload required? can't that happen in the pre-start for the job?09:29
jamespagejodh, it interrupts the dataflows in the kernel so you don't always want todo it when restarting the daemons09:29
jamespagei.e. it breaks the networking...09:29
jodhjamespage: fun :)09:29
jamespagejodh, yeah - but hey!09:35
jamespagemakes life interesting09:35
Laneypitti: is openvswitch's autopkgtest genuinely stuck?09:36
pittiLaney: yes; it used to work against older kernels, but it hangs with kernel 3.1109:37
pittithe server team knows about it09:37
Laneyah ok09:37
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jodhcould someone bump some builds for me? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+recipe/upstart-daily-nonvirt and https://code.launchpad.net/~upstart-devel/+recipe/upstart-daily? (The estimates seem to be somewhat askew :)10:05
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xnoxjodh: don't think it will help much, amd64 is busy building firefox, thunderbird, yade which all take a while. And bumping your priority will not kick those builds off.10:21
xnoxjodh: looking at https://launchpad.net/builders the queue is very small (PPA build status on the right)10:22
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xnoxjodh: looks like nonvirt build hang all of builders, possible cause is stray child process left over.10:49
xnoxjodh: infinity was reporting that before.10:49
jodhxnox: ok, I'll see if I can recreate locally.10:53
xnoxjodh: i'm grepping my irc logs.... it was one of the tests that did a fork.10:53
xnoxjodh: found it, test_job and forked test_job are left after the build is finished.10:56
xnoxjodh: https://pastebin.canonical.com/92355/10:56
pete-woodsdidrocks: hi! I have another project I'd like to to start landing in distro (https://launchpad.net/unity-voice) - it's not in jenkins yet (waiting for fginther's tz), but thought there may be some benefit letting you know, seen as feature freeze is next week!11:00
jodhxnox: I'm now also seeing test_initctl's left around. I think it's your reload test - it's only killing the paused child in the error code path.11:02
jodhxnox: could you take a look?11:02
xnoxjodh: correct.11:02
xnoxjodh: i'll take test_initctl.11:03
jodhack. I'll dig into the other one...11:03
xnoxjodh: there is something different on the current build... https://pastebin.canonical.com/96297/11:07
jodhxnox: ? you mean the addition of the test_dbus-daemon? I'm also seeing that locally.11:08
xnoxok, cool.11:09
xnoxyeah, that.11:10
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xnoxjodh: sent merge proposal to clean up initctl/reload_signal tests.11:25
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didrockspete-woods: hey! is it a service/a library? who will consume it?11:39
didrockspete-woods: also, are there integration tests? Seeing a lot of new projects, not a lot of integration tests :)11:40
pete-woodsdidrocks: it's a service, and it's basically the voice code from HUD, ripped out11:48
pete-woodsand to be fair, the stuff I've made is either test libraries (libqt*test) or hasn't been integrated with the shell yet :)11:50
ScottKpitti: If you can give me the hint to copy/paste, I'll be glad to do it, but I'm a bit tied up with $STUFF to work out the details.11:50
pete-woodsthe consumer will be HUD11:50
pittiScottK: no worries, Laney already did it; thank!11:51
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ScottKOK.  Great.11:51
didrockspete-woods: ok, part of the HUD delivery then?11:51
didrockspete-woods: managed by the same team anyway I guess11:52
pete-woodsdidrocks: well it's managed by me, really, basically HUD is leaky, and the voice code is memory heavy, so we can't let HUD leak instances of it11:52
didrockspete-woods: ok, sounds good :)11:53
didrockspete-woods: I assigned it to robru FYI11:53
pete-woodsdidrocks: I ported it to C++ and have 95% test coverage with it11:53
pete-woodsthe difficulty with integration tests is11:53
pete-woodsit takes microphone input11:53
pete-woodsdidrocks: the unit tests add the pulse "pipe" device for a fake microphone11:53
pete-woodscan autopilot do a similar sort of thing?11:54
didrockspete-woods: so, it's some kind of integration tests, right?11:54
didrocksif you are using pulse to input some infos11:54
pete-woodsdidrocks: I would call the tests I've written integration tests11:54
pete-woodsthey treat the service as a whole binary11:54
pete-woodsrather that testing components11:54
didrockspete-woods: from what I know, autopilot is just a glorified unittest class with stuff to pilot touch and mouse move11:54
didrockspete-woods: so, you can call your "fake input microphone"11:55
didrocksand read the result from the HUD11:55
didrocks(just to ensure that the HUD understand your input/output)11:55
pete-woodsthat makes sense11:55
pete-woodswhere do autopilot test go, by the way?11:55
didrocksmost of the time, we keep them in the same source11:56
didrockslook at unity8 for instance, a C++/QML example with the autopilot tests11:56
pete-woodsso these tests should probably go in the HUD source?11:56
didrockspete-woods: either HUD or this one, what you think will make more sense IHMO11:56
pete-woodsokay, will look at that11:57
didrockspete-woods: it's just about ensuring the 2 can communicate together I guess11:57
pete-woodsI can't promise anything here, didrocks, I've tried getting these tests running on the build farm before11:57
didrockspete-woods: I'll be on holidays starting tonight for 2 weeks, please check with robru then (I've assigned to him in the spreadsheet)11:57
pete-woodsdidrocks: pulse modules don't seem to want to load on the build server11:57
pete-woodsyou'll note a rather embarassing (ENABLE_TESTS=OFF) in the rules11:58
didrockspete-woods: yeah, for autopilot, that will be a real session11:58
pete-woodsthat sounds excellent11:58
didrocksso you shouldn't get the same issue than in the builder chroot11:58
pete-woodsdidrocks: thanks for all the infos! :)11:58
didrocksyw ;)11:59
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Whoopiedebfx: Here is the debdiff for virtualbox to add the VNC plugin module: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6017538/12:34
Whoopiedebfx: to enable VNC, I followed this guide: http://www.neant.ro/2013/04/enable-vnc-on-virtualbox-ose-4-2/12:34
Whoopiedebfx: the VBOX_VERSION_STRING_RAW change was needed as the version must be 4.2.16 and not 4.2.16_Ubuntu, otherwise the module fails to be loaded (seen with "VBoxManage list extpacks").12:35
sforsheepitti: thanks for taking care of my upower patches! Are you planning to update the saucy package with your changes?12:36
pittisforshee: at some point, yes; once hughsie is back online, I want to get him review my third patch, then upload a new snapshot to Debian, and sync it over12:37
pittisforshee: but I guess it's not that urgent as the saucy package now has all those12:37
sforsheepitti: not urgent. I want to test the patches you comitted, but if you were going to upload them soon I figured I'd just wait.12:39
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smoserxnox, there is about an order of magnitude difference between eatmydata and force unsafe io12:46
smoseron slow disk.12:46
xnoxsmoser: true. better than nothing, though.12:47
diwicis there a way to specify something *optional* in an debian/package.install file? I have a file that's only being built under one arch,12:48
diwicand for that arch it should be included, and just left out on the others.12:48
ogra_wasnt there an option to specify an arch specific install file ?12:48
diwicnow the other arches FTBFS because they can't find the file which is not built12:48
diwicogra_, I don't know, do you know how?12:49
ogra_not really ... the dh_install manpage doesnt say much12:49
ogra_i think it was something like .install.$arch but not sure i remember right12:50
Ampelbeindiwic: Yes, it's described in man 7 debhelper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6017598/12:52
diwicAmpelbein, ah, thanks. ogra's right then12:54
Laney@pilot in13:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
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hyperairinfinity: ping. messagingmenu-sharp? :)13:23
zequenceAnyone who could assist in uploading a couple of Ubuntu Studio packages? They've been reviewed and are ready to go.13:28
WizardIs there any Ubuntu related channel about developing software for Ubuntu?13:29
WizardWhere people will be familiar with Launchpad and so?13:30
smartboyhwWizard: here13:30
zequenceWizard: There's also #ubuntu-app-devel, if you're thinking about developing apps for Ubuntu13:31
WizardSo, I'm going to write small DLNA streamer (desktop) and I intend to use Qt.13:31
Wizardzequence: Yes, that's what I'm thinking.13:31
WizardActually, app developemnt is ongoing.13:31
Wizardthanks, zequence.13:33
xnoxzequence: what do you need uploading? =)13:56
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zequencexnox: OvenWerks could better answer that :)13:57
zequenceOvenWerks: ^13:57
zequencexnox: Alright, so the two branches are lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio-menu, and lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio-installer (which is a first time upload)14:02
zequenceFrom what I understand, they've both been thoroughly reviewed, so they should check out14:03
xnoxzequence: it would be nice for Len to add his email to launchpad account, to get proper committer links to launchpad profile.14:04
OvenWerksxnox: I thought it was there14:04
smartboyhwOvenWerks: I think you never ran bzr launchpad-login14:05
xnoxOvenWerks: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio-installer has "Len Ovens len@ovenwerks.net" is that email added as one of the emails in your profile?14:05
OvenWerksIt is the only one.14:05
OvenWerksIt has a lock beside it though.14:06
OvenWerksdoes that mean it doesn't work?14:06
xnoxOvenWerks: then I don't know =) maybe try #launchpad.  Cause e.g. look how each person is "linkifyied" down here: https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-seeds/fix-kernels-precise-kubuntu and allows one to click on a person.14:07
OvenWerksYa, I have wondered what happended, it used to work14:08
xnoxOvenWerks: zequence: is that -installer package going to stay in perl / zenity / apt-get? I would have thought packagekit UI should be available to install packages, and/or select them.14:08
xnoxOvenWerks: zequence: also as a side note, zenity usually runs at 100% CPU for no reason, spinning/waiting for user input.14:08
OvenWerksxnox: I am looking for something that is already in all the DEs/flavours14:09
xnoxOvenWerks: zequence: if you are happy with that, then why not =)14:09
OvenWerksWe need to have it in before FF it will continue in active development after though...14:09
xnoxOvenWerks: packagekit API/UI _should_ be available. On ubuntu it would spin up software-center UI, on kubuntu their package store, etc....14:09
xnoxOvenWerks: ok. that's fine.14:10
xnoxOvenWerks: zequence: do you have matching seed update as well to go along with those two?14:10
OvenWerksThat is next :)14:10
OvenWerksI didn't want to break -setting if these two didn't make it.14:11
OvenWerksright now settings replaces -menu14:11
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xnoxzequence: OvenWerks: uploaded, -installer is naturally in the NEW queue.15:05
OvenWerksxnox: Thankyou very much15:06
OvenWerksThat is my first ever sw package from start to finish15:06
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hallyn_what do-release-upgrade needs is one more place where it stops to ask me if i want to proceed15:36
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* ogra_ hands hallyn_ "echo -n "Proceed ? (y/n)" && read foo && [ $foo = y ] && sudo do-release-upgrade"15:40
xnoxWho do I talk to about ps-jenkins bot / jenkins integration?15:50
slangaseksmoser, utlemming: we seem to be stalled on the 12.04.3 point release because we have a MAAS juju test case that we can't find anyone to complete; would either of you be able to help us out?  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/301/builds/51859/testcases/1289/results15:52
hallyn_ogra_: thanks - maybe ifi  weren't a sarcastic bastard you'd have handed me an expect script :)16:14
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gQuigscan I get this rescheduled for Thursday: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21877/client-s-32v64-bit/16:23
gQuigsor late on Tuesday16:24
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Laney@pilot out16:54
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
slangasekYokoZar: so... no wine rebuilds yet for the gphoto ABI change? :)16:57
slangasekpitti: this libgphoto2-2 transitional package concerns me.  how can this possibly be valid, when neither the transitional package nor the package it depends on provides libgphoto2.so.2?17:13
Luna_12043when will Ubuntu 12.04.3 be released?17:27
Luna_12043according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-12.04.3 it should have been released yesterday?17:27
stgraberLuna_12043: a bit later today17:29
xnoxLuna_12043: when announcement is out on ubuntu-announce that's when it's released. It has been delayed, but the release team is working on getting it out.17:29
Luna_12043xnox & stgraber : thank you very much for your replies17:31
Luna_12043another question:17:35
Luna_12043over there:17:35
Luna_12043someone mentioned: "And, not comprehensive, but some known limitations / features being worked on....  - no proprietary driver support (dependent on 3rd parties)"17:35
Luna_12043can anyone here describe how that work is going?17:36
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Luna_12043or with other words: what do the 3rd parties (i.e. NVIDIA, AMD etc.) say?17:37
bdmurray@pilot in20:27
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: bdmurray
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