
swe3tdavehey guys, je pensait qu'on pourrait déplacer le site web(ubuntu-qc.org) vers blogger.com et intégrer avec google+, j'aimerai simplifier la gestion du site. Quelqu'un à une objection? Commentaire? Meilleure idée?19:44
IdleOneMoving to  less free options seems odd to me, but I also believe in using what works. No objection here19:48
swe3tdaveCanonical also seems to be going there.. using what works.. so i think that at this point, continuing to use drupal would not be the best solution, maintaining it is a problem and no one seems willing to do it.19:51
swe3tdaveThere is the fact that beside myself, magicfab and komputes, no one as been writing articles for at least 3 years19:54
IdleOneI was just mentioning the non freeness of it because it needed to be mentioned. Honeslty I don't have a problem with using Google/G+ :)19:56
swe3tdavei am waiting for magicfab answer for the transfer of the domain back to me, its time to renew anyway...19:57
swe3tdaveanyone want to contribute a few bux?19:58
lukjadHi guys22:36
lukjadAnyone heard of StarcraftMan?22:37
lukjadRecently, I mean22:37
swe3tdaveno why?22:37
lukjadswe3tdave I've been trying to get back in touch with him.22:37
lukjadFor about a year now22:37
swe3tdavewell according to the wiki at ubuntu.com he was an ubuntu member, but he's not anymore.. meaning he did not renew.. and there are no apparent contribution in launchpad...22:42
swe3tdavebut there is a bugs report msg dating from 2 month ago..22:44
swe3tdaveif you email him use the gmail address, the ubuntu.com one will not work22:48
swe3tdavelukjad: things is, irc might not be the best place to look for him... ;) look what i found: [NickServ@services.]: Last seen  : May 20 21:45:59 2012 (1 year, 13 weeks, 4 days, 01:08:19 ago)22:55
lukjadswe3tdave I did e-mail him, and yeah, the nick is pretty dead23:02
lukjadJust was hoping someone from the team might know of his whereabouts23:03
swe3tdavelukjad: do you live in montreal? do you guys still do meetup or install party?23:11
lukjadI still live, but I'm not sure23:12
lukjadNever went to one23:12
swe3tdavei was wondering if there is still some action within the group, there is no use keeping the web site if there is none..23:12
IdleOnejust because the amount of activities may have dropped in the past couple of years does not mean the site should be taken down23:29
IdleOneHow much is needed to renew the domain?23:30
IdleOnedinner time23:32
swe3tdaveif we take just one year now its fine i can pay its just about 8$ for a year, thats not the problem, i want to take at least 5 years, and i would like, to find out in the process, who is willing to contribute23:50
swe3tdavebut i guess its fine, me and fabian taking turns at paying for the domains and such, i just think its missing a few motivated guys in here... compared to what it was before i mean.. :P23:57

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