
mhall119kgunn: if you're still around do we have an ETA on when https://bugs.launchpad.net/xmir/+bug/1192843 will be fixed?00:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1192843 in XMir "XMir receives input from other VTs" [Critical,In progress]00:28
mhall119it's getting some publicity00:28
nhainesIf you ask me, this sounds like the perfect multitasking solution.00:30
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kgunnmhall119: checking00:57
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kgunnmhall119: we have a branch up for it...and yeah...kinda heard about it00:58
kgunnmhall119: we're trying to keep it quite on trunk atm for multimon ppa creation00:59
kgunnmhall119: as soon as we have that we'll top approve...so monday-ish00:59
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mhall119thanks kgunn03:26
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plarsasac, psivaa: https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/1215724 is affecting the mako images in pending pretty badly, I've emailed tony to see if I can get him to take a look03:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215724 in touch-preview-images "Lots of ofono and network manager errors on nexus4" [Critical,New]03:31
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smartboyhwogra_, you said that some ports are made *without* using CM. How did they do it?05:39
mousepiei just was wondering is the -repository ppa:hablet-team/ppa down for anyone else?  it seems its down is there way to check?06:38
mousepieit says cannot access PPA (https://lanuchpad.net/api/1.0/-phablet-team/+archive/ppa)06:40
smartboyhwmousepie, it's ppa:phablet-team/ppa06:40
smartboyhwAnd obviously it's not lanuchpad.net06:41
smartboyhwIt's launchpad.net06:41
mousepieyes frogive my typeing long day at work06:41
smartboyhwmousepie, why will you want THAT ppa?06:41
mousepiewell i was trying to test and update to the latest image06:42
smartboyhwmousepie, you need phablet-tools06:42
smartboyhwsudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools06:43
smartboyhwNot /ppa06:43
mousepieoh my mistake 'thanks06:43
mousepiewhat about ppa:phablet-team/ppa should i add this as well?>06:47
smartboyhwmousepie, NO06:48
mousepiehmm ok so it says nothing was upgraded weird06:53
_polto_I did an apt-get upgrade and the apps list is empty now. I can not launch the terminal. Only apps in the launcher on the left. Also the netwrork manager do not show up now. (but connect to my wifi)06:54
mousepiePolto did you sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y ?06:56
_polto_I have SSH access, what can I try to restore the apps and the network manager ?06:56
_polto_mousepie, yes06:58
mousepiehmm weird06:58
mousepieha cool irssi works in terminal07:04
mousepiedoes anyone have data working i saw that some people had it ?07:09
MondaneI have a question about Ubuntu Touch and when it's connected to a large screen (ie. desktop mode): will I be able to use my device as keyboard and/or touchpad to interact in the desktop?07:16
mousepiedont know07:19
RAOFI believe so, yes.07:19
smartboyhwdholbach, any experience to port a device without a CM port?07:19
Mondanethat would be great, no need to buy a physical keyboard and mouse07:20
dholbachgood morning07:21
dholbachsmartboyhw, I personally don't have any - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/PortingFlippedInProgress might help though07:21
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seb128mpt, hey, on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-settings-updates-checking.png08:33
seb128mpt, the bottom option ... that widget only allow us to put text for the items, not subtext, would it make sense to change it to "On any data connection (Data changes may apply.)" in that context?08:34
mptseb128, please ask for that to be fixed in the toolkit, Oren asked for that layout.08:35
mpt(And to be clear, I agree with Oren that it's the appropriate layout.)08:35
seb128mpt, is the second line a subtitle (e.g smaller text)?08:35
mptseb128, a caption, which is smaller text, yes.08:36
seb128mpt, ooooh, the choses are only never/when on wi-fi, the 3rd line is a caption?08:36
mptseb128, it's a caption for the third option, not for the whole group.08:36
seb128mpt, I see, that makes sense, thanks08:37
mptseb128, so it should be the same size and weight and color as the "Shorter times..." text in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-security-privacy-idle.png>, for example, but it should be exactly lined up with the "On any data connection" text.08:38
seb128mpt,  got it, thanks ... I'm talking to nic-doffay about it08:39
seb128mpt, thanks08:39
mptseb128, checkboxes and switches might similarly have a caption.08:39
seb128<nic-doffay> seb128, not currently, but I'm going to implement that today. There will also be support for a picture too.08:39
mptseb128, separate topic: popey has asked for me to test System Settings today and report bugs. (a) What project/package should I report them? (b) Any areas I should avoid?08:39
seb128popey, don't do that :p08:39
seb128mpt, the project is "ubuntu-system-settings" ... and I'm not sure that's worth testing08:40
seb128mpt, there is lot missing and lot not right because we don't have the correct widgets (e.g OptionSelector still didn't land so all our selectors look weird)08:41
mptseb128, I have three hours blocked out for it with JohnLea! There will be music and heavy drinking. And cigars.08:41
seb128and tons of bugs reports08:42
mptseb128, okay, let's put it another way. Are there any areas that you think *are* complete and ready for testing?08:43
seb128mpt, no08:43
seb128mpt, if you read http://pad.ubuntu.com/settingsbackendsnotes from l139 down, you have the current status and blockers08:43
seb128mpt, sure you can play with it, and some of UIs are mostly done, but quite some backends are not done yet/blocked on other pieces to land08:44
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seb128mpt, background sound account cellular battery date&time security&privacy updates (once didrocks branch land) are mostly UI done though, if you ignore the fact that some of widgets don't trigger the actions they should08:46
seb128mpt, ok, other question about updates08:54
seb128"If the download has started but is currently paused, a progress bar and a “Resume Downloading” button.08:54
seb128If an update is currently downloading, a progress bar, progress text, and “Pause Downloading” button. "08:54
seb128mpt, should the "progress text" placeholder remains when you change?08:54
seb128to avoid having the button moving up/down when pausing/resuming?08:54
JohnLeaseb128; I'm just about to start testing the System Settings marked as 'completely done, ready for final testing' in the Delivery Dashboard.  https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak5sFuLRpCpBdFlUTzBIVURXb05LcndoQVIxU3pIZVE#gid=3  Could you take a look at this, and if you think any of the items currently marked light green are not completely done and ready for testing could you revert the to yellow background co09:01
JohnLealour.  thanks09:01
seb128JohnLea, hey, I don't have edit right on that google doc09:01
JohnLeaseb128; you do now ;-) refresh09:02
seb128JohnLea, and none of the settings are completely done09:02
JohnLeaseb128; could you revert them to yellow background colour then?09:02
seb128JohnLea, oh, you have details, it's not "completely done" ... let me double check but the greens ones should be indeed testable09:03
seb128JohnLea, are those status of the UI or of the features?09:05
JohnLeaseb128; light green means "engineering thinks this item is completely done and is ready for release".  The testing at this point should only be final acceptance testing.  If that is not the status of these items e.g. there are any outstanding bugs or missing functionality that needs to be fixed connected to these use cases, please revert09:05
seb128JohnLea, most of the UIs are done but often the backends didn't land yet (like the current phone app doesn't support vibrating)09:06
seb128JohnLea, or like the settings ringtone selection is done, but the new phone app didn't land on the touch image yet09:06
seb128JohnLea, so changing the config is going to work but the result is not going to show in the actual ringtone09:07
JohnLeaseb128; if there is anything outstanding (related to functionality, UI implementation or quality) for any of the use cases that are highlighted green, the choice is to either a) re-word the use case to remove the item that is not yet done, and move the incomplete item to a subsequent month b) just change the background colour back to yellow.  This sheet is supposed to track final acceptance testing, not ongoing testing and developmen09:09
JohnLeat.  This sheet is a way to track the 'totally done, ready for consumer use tomorrow' items09:09
JohnLeaseb128; it's not supposed to duplicate our ongoing design and dev processes09:09
seb128JohnLea, ok, I'm not sure about online account, but none of the others is in that category09:11
seb128JohnLea, I put them yellow09:11
seb128JohnLea, we are lacking toolkit support/lightdm to land/mir to land/system image to land/etc etc etc09:12
seb128JohnLea, none of the settings is "ready for real world users" until all those stuff land09:12
seb128JohnLea, imho it's not worth your time testing it yet09:12
JohnLeaseb128; cool, if there is anything not done yellow is good.09:12
seb128JohnLea, or you can comment on the UIs if you want...09:12
JohnLeaseb128; thanks09:12
JohnLeaseb128; all of the designers should be commenting and reporting bugs against the UI implementation every week anyhow09:13
popey09:40:29 < mpt> seb128, separate topic: popey has asked for me to test System Settings today and report bugs. (a) What project/package should I report them? (b) Any areas I should avoid?09:20
popeyno i didnt09:20
popeyGreetings Mr Spork09:21
popey(Sporks are my most favourite implements)09:21
PlasticSporkThey are the ultimate utensil09:22
popeyIndeed they are. How can we help today?09:22
PlasticSporkI have a Galaxy S3 i9300, is there a way of setting up duel boot with Jelly Bean and Ubuntu Touch?09:23
popeyOoh, not sure about that. We don't cater for dual boot environments at all really with our tools.09:25
popeyYou might find someone on xda has done that, but our tools may tramp all over that as we don't test for that use case09:25
PlasticSporkWill look in to it09:25
asaccyphermox: hey ... in our lab we have problems with wifi not coming up properly. can you explain it?09:42
asaccyphermox: check out the "default" testsuite in the most recent runs in our Image tests for logs etc.09:42
asaci downloaded the build and the indicator works here somewhat09:42
asacso in general seems to be fine09:43
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Mannerhello guys :)09:57
popeyManner: hi09:58
Manneri have a question about ubuntu touch development. is it possible to make the phone antenna send some random data on a specific frequency?10:00
popeyI mean, you can probably poke the radio in various interesting ways, but we aren't developing for that use case.10:02
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Mannerand if i dont using the sdk but changing something in the touch source code?10:06
nik90_popey: has documentation landed for the location services API?10:06
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popeyManner: perhaps, but you're constrained by the driver for the radio I suspect, it's going to limit what you can do10:13
popeynik90_: good question.. tvoss, do we have docs for qtlocation ?10:14
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ogra_asac, looking at the tests, it seems that ueventd actually behaves, but systemsettle still fails due to bits and peisec doing their initialization work ...10:29
ogra_i think it should start a bit delayed10:29
davmor2Morning all10:33
jounihanyone remember the command line way to change brightness?10:37
asacogra_: what are we waiting for for hte android packaging?10:38
ogra_asac, nothing, i need to switch cdimage10:38
* ogra_ will work on that today10:39
ogra_the gallery app test on mako has the ueventd hang again :(10:49
asacogra_: i assume rsalveti's patch is not in then10:51
ogra_bah, no incoming calls on the pulse image still10:53
* ogra_ downloads the normal one10:53
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sergiusensogra_: I see email from rsalveti with a patch, I'm looking + applying11:28
ogra_sergiusens, ah, i thought it was applied11:28
ogra_sergiusens, i'm a bit worried it could poke the devices while udevd does the same though11:29
ogra_since when it restarts the container will emit the signal to fire up udev11:29
sergiusensogra_: it wasn't came in at 2AM, rsalveti has weird working hours ;-)11:29
sergiusensogra_: that's all with upstart though, right?11:30
ogra_ah, well, not much different from mine :)11:30
sergiusenswhich we don't have11:30
ogra_sergiusens, was the last pulse image supposed to have picked up bfillers changes ?11:39
ogra_i still cant take incoming calls with it11:39
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* ogra_ is just flashing the normal image to compare11:39
sergiusensogra_: let me see when it built11:40
ogra_jenkins says 6:00 ... but not which TZ :)11:40
ogra_ah, must be UTC11:40
sergiusensogra_: yeah, that sucks, I always forget jenkinses tz, but it's utc11:40
ogra_yeah, there is that "started at" timerstamp at the top right11:41
sergiusensogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6017349/11:42
sergiusensin case it's easy to compare11:42
sergiusensI saw a pulseaudio package ftb in the pa ppa11:43
ogra_i dont see a recnt build of phone app in the ppa11:43
ogra_i thought that was supposed to be rebuilt11:44
sergiusensogra_: there is no recent MR either, but was it a phone app fix or a telepathy one?11:44
ogra_well, whatever it was, bill wanted to rebuild it in the PPA11:44
ogra_and the phablet-team PPA is the only one we ship11:45
ogra_nope, no change on todays image11:47
ogra_still cant take incoming calls even on the normal image11:47
ogra_(not surprising if nothing changed)11:47
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popeyogra_: is that a maguro specific thing? I can take calls on mako with 2013082312:08
davmor2popey: no it's an ogra thing I hope or I'll be re-flashing yesterday image :D12:10
ogra_popey, well, apprantly it is a phone-app issue with the new indicator code12:11
pmcgowanogra_, was just going to say that12:11
ogra_intesting that it works for you12:11
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pmcgowanits intermittent12:11
pmcgowanI had it happen after receiving a text and call, not sure what triggers it12:12
davmor2ogra_: I just made a call with todays image12:13
diwicsergiusens, don't worry about the new pulseaudio build, there are no significant changes12:14
diwicsergiusens, I've just fixed up the i386/amd64 stuff so that it doesn't FTBFS on those architectures12:15
pstolowskiSaviq: ping12:19
Saviqpstolowski, pong12:19
pstolowskiSaviq: can you think of anything in the shell qml that could result in empty dash when emit layoutChanged() from categories model?12:20
pstolowskiSaviq: I'm emitting it with LayoutChangeHint::VerticalSortHint hint12:21
ogra_davmor2, outgoing is no issue12:22
pstolowskiSaviq: and I'm not really changing anything, it seems that just emitting the signal already breaks something12:22
ogra_davmor2, do you get a popup on incoming calls ? does the phone app start ? also try the same after sending or recieving an sms12:22
diwicogra_, sergiusens so regardless of phone calls, maybe either of you can test recording from the handset mic and see if it works?12:23
* ogra_ only has the screen turning on, no phobe capabilities beyond that on incoming calls12:23
ogra_diwic, i need to re-flash first but can do that later12:23
diwicogra_, sergiusens, just do "parecord /tmp/foo.wav", talk into the mic, press Ctrl+C to stop recording, and listen12:24
* ogra_ will do12:24
Saviqpstolowski, hmm12:24
Saviqpstolowski, might be our proxy models get confused12:24
Saviqtsdgeos, ideas ↑↑↑?12:24
diwicogra_, yeah, it's not an immediate hurry or anything, just something we have forgotten to test12:25
diwicOn mako, it works with handset mic, but not with headset mic...don't know why :-(12:25
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davmor2ogra_: I have just rung myself 3 time the only one I need to retry is if the phone is in sleep mode it told me the phone wasn't available,  while the phone was in awake mode (ie on either the welcome screen or in use everything is fine)12:27
davmor2text to myself worked fine12:27
ogra_texting on both directions works fine here ... outgoing calls too12:27
ogra_i just dont get a popup on incoming ... nor any kind of rintone12:28
davmor2ogra_: I'm just waiting on the sleep12:29
davmor2ogra_, pmcgowan: so here is my list, with the phone left to sleep for a while (30 minutes or so) I got "This phone is not available please try again later" from the operator.  With  it alseep for a short while I get the popup but no ringtone, with it awake it works as expected.12:35
ogra_i dont ever get a popup12:36
ogra_for incoming calls ...12:36
ogra_or a ringtone12:36
ogra_and to be sure i just put the sim into my android phone, works all fine12:36
davmor2ogra_: yeah but your special right :D  your just meant to feel a disturbance in the force and instantly answer it right :)12:37
mhr3_pstolowski, did you try to emit rowsMoved instead?12:37
mhr3_wonder if that would work12:37
pmcgowandavmor2, ogra_ I know boiko had something in the works yesterday12:37
ogra_well, as i understood bfiller it was just a matter of rebuilding the phone-app with rolled back build deps12:38
ogra_but that didnt happen]12:38
davmor2ogra_, pmcgowan : I'm going to leave my phone till after lunch now and try ringing it again to confirm the long sleep issue12:38
pmcgowanSaviq, the close app x's never clear now, known bug?12:40
pstolowskimhr3_: i don't think it can be used, it has certatin restrictions regarding destination row (described in beginMoveRows)12:41
ogra_never ?12:41
ogra_they usually do for me when i move between lenses12:41
pmcgowanogra_, not anymore here,12:41
ogra_oh, yeah12:41
pmcgowannot even after suspend12:41
* ogra_ wants the hud close action back 12:42
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tsdgeosSaviq: pstolowski: what's wrong? not sure i got it12:42
pstolowskitsdgeos: when I emit layoutChanged (with VerticalSortHint hint) from the categories model, I loose all the content from the dash, even though I don't really change any of my model data.12:44
mhr3_pstolowski, i don't see any restrictions12:44
mhr3_that would make it unusable12:44
pstolowskimhr3_: "Note that if sourceParent and destinationParent are the same, you must ensure that the destinationChild is not within the range of sourceFirst and sourceLast + 1."12:45
ogra_asac, looks like the 0823 image has regressed quite a bit ... (judging by maguro, mako would still need give-backs but i dont think it will look better so we could save that work)12:47
mhr3_pstolowski, sourceFirst and Last are indices of the moved rows12:47
tsdgeospstolowski: what is emmitting layoutChanged? dee-qt? or?12:47
ogra_19 new failures12:48
pstolowskitsdgeos: Categories model (inherits from dee-qt)12:48
tsdgeospstolowski: ok, but you do it from there12:49
tsdgeoswhich is only proxied by QLimitProxyFilter12:49
pstolowskimhr3_: sure; and it would be useful if I move one row at a time12:49
tsdgeospstolowski: if you had a branch, i guess i can have a look at it12:51
mhr3_pstolowski, that's why i said "tried", it wraps layoutchanged, so you'd know if you're just forgetting something12:52
pstolowskitsdgeos: let me first check if proxy model can handle this12:54
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popeydavmor2: i left my phone for 50 mins and it still woke to take a call, *but* my phone is on usb so may not have actually slept13:01
ogra_diwic, hmm, so i tried to record, but paplay doesnt seem to work to play it back13:07
* ogra_ pulls the wav over 13:07
diwicogra_, can paplay play other files ( paplay /usr/share/alsa/sounds/Front_Left.wav ) ?13:07
ogra_hmm, nothing recoerded either13:07
diwicogra_, I remember this was working earlier13:08
ogra_yes it was13:08
ogra_but i dont remember in what iteration, i didnt test it every image13:08
ogra_and i thinnk that test was a few ones ago13:08
diwicogra_, what's your pacmd list right now?13:08
ogra_note this is freshly flashed13:10
ogra_only for the parecord test13:10
diwicogra_, that makes it even more strange13:11
diwicogra_, have you tried making voice calls since your last reboot, if so, see if it works after a clean reboot13:11
ogra_i did with the last flashing13:11
ogra_and outgoing worked fine as usual13:12
ogra_i see some files from yesterday in /home/phablet/.config/pulse/13:12
ogra_let me wipe that dir and reboot13:12
ogra_nope, no change13:14
ogra_no paplay13:14
diwicdoes paplay seem to play back but you get nothing but silence?13:15
diwiclike, it quits after the t13:15
diwiche amount of time that the wave length is13:15
ogra_it returns after a second13:15
ogra_or 213:15
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ time paplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav13:16
diwicokay, execute "pacmd set-log-level 4", then try a playback, then "grep pulseaudio /var/log/syslog"13:16
ogra_this funny pulse shell could really learn to send a final newline after the >>>13:17
diwicogra_, it works better in PA 5.0 I've been told13:17
diwici e, no prompt at all if you specify anything after "pacmd"13:18
diwicogra_, everything looks okay there13:19
ogra_diwic, aha13:21
ogra_i get output through headphones13:21
diwicogra_, but not through speaker?13:22
sergiusensplars: you around?13:22
diwicwell, that's something13:22
plarssergiusens: yes13:22
diwicactually, headphones were one the things I wanted someone to test, too13:23
ogra_diwic, recording works fine through headphones as well13:23
diwicogra_, ooh, that's nice13:23
ogra_doesnt start to work with the phone itself when i unplug though13:23
ogra_that stays quiet13:24
sergiusensplars: I'm building a mako system.img for mako with the uevent fix, can you give it a test?13:24
plarssergiusens: yes13:24
diwicogra_, could you, using the "pactl list sinks" and "pactl list sources" commands, see if the active port toggles correctly?13:24
sergiusensplars: ack, I'll pingback as soons as it's uploaded13:24
plarssergiusens: ok, thanks13:25
diwicogra_, the active port should toggle when you plug/unplug your headset13:25
ogra_diwic, list sinks shows the switch correctly, Active Port changes13:25
diwicogra_, sources too?13:26
ogra_Hanset and Headset13:26
ogra_bah, crap13:28
ogra_i put my micro sim adapter into the GNex to not lose it ... seems i cant pull it out of the slot anymore now13:29
davmor2popey, pmcgowan, ogra_: Okay so now the call goes through I see the indicator but no ringtone, when I hangup the indicator doesn't go away you either have to select decline or answer13:31
popeyworks fine here13:31
popeyleft it 30 mins unplugged13:31
davmor2popey: might be maguro specific then13:32
davmor2popey: anyway I blame ogra_ it worked fine till he said it didn't :D13:33
salem_diwic, ping13:40
diwicsalem_, hi13:41
asacogra_: ofonod and download manager is crashing13:43
ogra_in a local test ?13:44
salem_diwic, hey, do I need any special package to compile telepathy-ofono + pulseaudio? I used the ones in the archive.13:44
ogra_asac, not known and i dont see ofono crash here13:44
diwicsalem_, so,  what's left to do is to change the dependency from libwaudio-dev to libpulse-dev13:45
diwicsalem_, in debian/control13:45
ogra_(i dont see download-manager run either though)13:45
diwicsalem_, that we have to do synchronised with the other pulseaudio changes13:45
salem_diwic, yep, I did that already. I compiled the package locally.13:45
diwicsalem_, and the pulseaudio image I pointed you to (at the jenkins qa lab, can you access it?) should have all other modifications necessary13:46
salem_diwic, yes, I am downloading it. thanks13:50
davmor2coming ready or not13:52
psivaaogra_: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3722/unity8-autopilot/ has those crashes attached13:52
loolbarry: around?13:54
loolbarry, didrocks: I'd like to make a quick eval of where we stand WRT to new Dbus API13:54
sergiusensplars: copy http://people.canonical.com/~sergiusens/ueventd/android-ramdisk.img to /boot (overwrite the existing one in there)13:55
loolsergiusens: concerning the "high value target" of backup restore on the host, is this something in a merge proposal or some branch?  :-)13:55
sergiusenslool: need to get that in13:56
loolsergiusens: that would be good; would like to avoid announcing people will lose their userdata if they switch to new images13:56
barrylool: i am13:57
loolbarry: So I think didrocks has a couple of issues with the mock, but is mostly done with his updated UI13:57
loolbarry: how far are you w/ the backend?13:57
loolbarry, didrocks: Basically, can we get this in the images and testable today?13:58
barrylool, didrocks has he tried the latest bzr head?  his branch is merged and more work on tests and such have been added13:58
loolbarry: yeah the issues I mention are from a day or two ago; it's probably all fixed now13:58
loolsorry, I don't have the latest status, I'm asking for latest status based on the last one I heard   ;-)13:59
sergiusenslool: ok, it's not a complicated thing to do... just complicated to think of all the scenarios... I'll get something in in the following hours13:59
loolsergiusens: awesome13:59
barrylool: i think the backend is mostly done, except for some cleanup and some additional tests.  i want to fix the cli's --dbus argument, and then review the spec to make sure i haven't missed anything.  i am definitely planning on uploading a new version today, though i'd like to try to get in the channel.ini changes too.13:59
plarssergiusens: hmm, just 'fastboot flash boot android-ramdisk.img'?13:59
loolbarry: we need to sync the uploads as I understand this isn't backwards compatible, right?14:00
didrockslool: what about latest mock?14:00
barrylool: correct14:00
looldidrocks: I dont know, you tell me!  :)14:00
didrockslool: everything is fine since yesterday :)14:00
didrockslool: barry: so basically, seb128 reviewed my changes, from the ui side, it's done14:00
loolbarry didrocks: Sorry, just ignore my first lines; I basically dont have the latest status14:00
loolso everything is done14:00
didrockslool: barry: the only part which is faked is the description list, which can't be fixed before my holidays14:00
looldidrocks: is this in the image too?14:01
didrocksyeah, then minor adjustement14:01
didrockslool: landed in trunk at mi-day14:01
didrocksso I guess not in the current image14:01
looldidrocks: manifest >> yeah, that's ok14:01
barrydidrocks: right, i've commented out all the descriptions stuff for now, and we have that bug open on both the ui and backend for when that's fixed14:01
sergiusensplars: noooo14:01
barrydidrocks: any chance you can test the ui against the live client?  (i.e. not in test mode?)14:01
sergiusensplars: adb push android-ramdisk.img /boot14:02
looldidrocks: could you add "(manifest of changes will be inserted here after LP #xxx is fixed)" in the description of the update?14:02
barrydidrocks: if not, i can give it a try later today14:02
didrocksbarry: is your side finished?14:02
plarssergiusens: ah, ok, I was thinking this was boot partition image14:02
didrockslool: there is a TODO in the code14:02
didrocksbarry: not sure I'll have time, wrapping up things before holidays ;)14:02
barrydidrocks: mostly so.  i want to review the spec to make sure i haven't forgotten anything, review the tests for coverage, and then do a cleanup pass14:02
barrydidrocks: no worries!  i'll attempt that before i release the new version.14:03
didrocksbut seb128 and I tested against the mock, and the ui is behaving as expected regarding the mock14:03
sergiusensplars: it's just the android ramdisk, the boot images are ramdisk + kernel14:03
didrocksbarry: sweet ;)14:03
barrymocks are mocks :)14:03
loolhmm why dont I see an update today14:03
barrydidrocks: is there anything from your side preventing me from uploading a new systemimage package today?14:03
didrocksbarry: nothing that I know of14:04
barrydidrocks: awesome.14:04
didrockslool: if you have the new UI with the old system service, that's expected14:04
barrylool: my guess is that the ui is speaking new-dbus, but the client is still speaking old-dbus14:04
looldidrocks: so how do I update out of that?  :-)14:04
loolI guess system-image-cli14:04
barrylool: right, that should still work14:04
looltoo bad this says "no updates available"  :-)14:05
didrockslool: right14:05
loolalright, so to summarize: didrocks is doing minor touches but these don't need upload and barry is doing final touches and will upload new API today?14:05
plarssergiusens: just rebooting several times now, as it doesn't show up every time, but I have little doubt this will address the problem14:06
loolI guess we will have to defer testing to monday14:06
barrylool: correct14:06
loolsince barry's EOD is a bit late and we'd have to reroll multiple images to test updates14:06
barrylool: well, unless you're west of me :)14:06
loolif you go sufficiently west I guess I am  ;-)14:06
sergiusensplars: from the patch it seems it would though14:06
barrylool: yeah, i suppose it's all relative!14:06
loolbarry, didrocks: Sounds like a plan then14:06
plarssergiusens: no, I'm saying that I believe this will fix it :)14:07
loolstgraber is working on daily-proposed, but not a blocker14:07
looland sergiusens is working on backup / restore14:07
barrysweet.  fwiw, i am around all next week so i should be able to react quickly to any problems that crop up14:07
barryalthough there won't be 'cause we all know it's perfect :)14:07
looldidrocks, barry: Thanks for the updates14:07
didrockslool: barry: yw, thanks you :)14:07
barrydidrocks: thank you too!14:08
loolthere wont be any bugs14:08
loolfleas at worst14:08
lool(from mutt(1)  ;-)14:08
plarsasac: around?14:09
seb128barry, hey, I registered https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/121594314:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215943 in Ubuntu system image "should have a consistent "last upgrade date"" [Undecided,New]14:09
seb128barry, where do you store the last update date atm?14:09
cjohnstonI thought they only used version numbers14:10
barryseb128: with the new dbus api, i store it in a little sqlite database, and the value gets updated just before a successful reboot14:10
seb128barry, where is the db stored, stgraber suggested by then that you couldn't store it anywhere with the ro images14:11
barryit's probably not ultimately correct.  my thinking is that stgraber should probably touch a file in the recovery, and then we'd use the mtime on that14:11
seb128barry, did that change?14:11
seb128barry, lol, that's what we did/are doing (see the bug report)14:11
sergiusensstgraber: barry: what was the file with the version you used and is that stable?14:12
barryseb128: we need a db of some sort for other functionality.  right now that's stored in /var/lib/system-image/settings.db and i thought /var/lib/system-image would be rw14:12
stgraberbarry: it's rw14:12
stgrabersergiusens: /etc/ubuntu-build?14:12
mptLaney, I've corrected the text for the "Auto sleep" item in the "Battery" settings. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Power?action=diff&rev2=38&rev1=37>14:12
stgraberbarry: I already touch a file in recovery14:12
sergiusensstgraber: yes, can I rely on that? as in, is it a stable interface?14:13
loolstgraber barry: system-image-cli reports no new version today; are we manually publishing now?14:13
stgrabersergiusens: yep, it'll stay there14:13
sergiusensstgraber: ack, thanks14:13
stgraberlool: we're only publishing tested images, yes14:13
stgraberbarry: touch /data/.last_update || true14:13
barrystgraber: /etc/ubuntu-build?  isn't that going away (or deprecated at least) with the channels.ini file change?14:13
stgraberbarry: so look at /userdata/.last_update14:13
loolasac stgraber: So now we're dependent on image publicatin to get latest fixes; no apt-get update anymore; who's giving green flag on today's image?14:14
barrystgraber: thanks, i will update the bug and make sure we get the date from that file14:14
stgraberbarry: it doesn't hurt to keep ubuntu-build and it's way easier to read than the ini so I have no plan to deprecate it14:14
loollike, I'm running new images, I'd like to get to latest (today's image)14:14
seb128Laney, hum, power, do you plan to do the changes to match the spec of should I?14:14
stgraberlool: currently you can't, we need daily-proposed for that (which may be available later today).14:15
loolstgraber: Ok; quite important to get it then  :-)14:15
Laneyseb128: feel free, I'm patch piloting now & national holiday on monday14:15
barrystgraber: are you going to write the build number in both places?14:15
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loolstgraber: I'll let you focus on this14:15
stgraberbarry: yes14:15
* lool apt-get updates14:15
barrystgraber: cool14:15
stgraberbarry: (I currently am)14:15
seb128Laney, oh right, enjoy the long W.E ;-)14:15
Laneyseb128: I was working on accountsservice stuff but I didn't get it to work yet14:16
barrystgraber: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/1215943/comments/114:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215943 in Ubuntu system image "should have a consistent "last upgrade date"" [Undecided,New]14:16
cjohnstonstgraber: would it be possible to get the build number (YYYYMMDD.X) written into .last_update?14:16
barryand LP: #1214009 tracks the channel.ini work14:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1214009 in Ubuntu system image "Add support for channel.ini file" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121400914:16
Laneyseb128: shall I push it to let you have a look at that or is there no point? ;-)14:16
stgrabercjohnston: no because the system-image stuff has no idea of what that build number is14:17
barrystgraber: maybe we could add a human readable build string to channel.ini?14:17
seb128Laney, your call, if you want some feedback feel free to push, otherwise that can wait ... I'm going to be busy enough in the next that I'm likely to pick it up/do anything else than comment14:17
loolbarry, stgraber: Some cmdline to get information about the device would be good14:17
mptLaney, so I guess there should be a piece of code that provides the "Lock when idle" item and its screen, and both S&P and Battery should call it.14:17
LaneyI just didn't get accountsservice to know about it at all14:17
cjohnstonstgraber: how does media-info get the build number then?14:18
stgraberbarry: well, the server side code doesn't really know much more either so it'd be hard to come up with it there either14:18
stgrabercjohnston: media-info is generated by the rootfs build process14:18
Laneympt: Sure, I guess one of them should have the code and the other can simply push that page onto the stack14:18
loolbarry, stgraber: So many people are getting this wrong or asking about this, let's add a "system-image-cli whats-my-build-id" that reports versions and time of last update?14:18
barrylool: system-image-cli --channel prints the channel/device14:18
loolsounds similar14:18
barrysystem-image-cli --build prints the current build number (not the dotted build string)14:19
cjohnstonSomewhere something with system-image stuff knows about build numbers because its published in index.json14:19
loolbarry: could you pull the subnumbers into that output?14:19
loolbarry: build number: 20130833, android: yyy, ubuntu: xxx14:19
stgraberogra_: didn't you say you'd get media-info in etc or something like that a while back?14:19
* lool cant find media-info on his device14:20
ogra_stgraber, get ? for what ?14:20
barrylool: "pull the subnumbers into"... what?  --build?14:20
ogra_it sits in the rootfs14:20
ogra_and is read from that place by i.e. the utah scripts14:20
loolbarry: yes14:20
stgraberogra_: move it to /etc so that it doesn't disappear when we bind-mount /var/log to writable storage14:20
mptLaney, that would achieve 90% of it. The text of the parent item, and its summary value (the text at its right end), should be in sync too.14:21
barrylool: i could, if the information is available14:21
stgraberogra_: IIRC we talked about moving the actual file to /etc and have a symlink in /var/log14:21
ogra_stgraber, well, i only put it there because all bug reporting tools use that file14:21
cjohnstonogra_: and that's the issue is that utah has no way to know what the "new" build number is after an upgrade14:21
* ogra_ cant remember such a conversation14:21
Laneympt: OK, that's achievable (you can inject variables when navigating the pagestack)14:21
ogra_but i have indeed no issue with moving it to etc14:21
loolbarry: rather than having 20 different implement the recipe to fetch the various ids / dates from all around the image, I'd rather concentrate it in system-image (dbus and cli I guess)14:21
stgraberogra_: ok. nevermind, I'll hack the initrd to re-copy /var/log/installer at every boot, otherwise you'll never see the version number increment :)14:21
ogra_cjohnston, yeah14:21
loolstgraber, ogra_, cjohnston: ^14:21
ogra_stgraber, let me quickly change livecd-rootfs ... its trivial14:22
ogra_i dont care where the file lives14:22
stgraberogra_: ok, thanks14:22
barrylool: sure, that's not the problem. i think the main problem is where to get the information from.  we have build number, last-update-date, channel, device available, but the dotted build-string isn't readily available14:22
loolbarry: ah it's not even in the index.json, right14:23
loolit should be in the image14:23
loolbarry: nevertheless, when it's available again, having everything coming out of system-image seems a good idea to me14:23
stgraberlool: right, system-image only ships files, it doesn't care about the version of the individual bits14:23
barrythere are things that *look* like that in index.json, but it's hidden in the description fields for multiple images, so 1) you can't count on it being there in the form you want; 2) there could be *several* of them for any particular update, so which do you choose?14:23
loolat least settings and QA team need to implement the same logic14:23
stgraberlool: so once ogra_'s change lands we'll be able to get /etc/ubuntu-build, /etc/media-info (or whatever it'll be called) and we'll just be missing the android version number14:24
loolstgraber: it's just a good place to provide information about your current image versions14:24
barrylool: absolutely agree that we expose what information we have via cli and dbus ;)14:24
ogra_stgraber, /etc/media-info fine ?14:24
stgraberogra_: fine with me14:24
loolstgraber: but rather than having system-settings poke that, doesn't it make sense to regroup the info in system-image?14:24
loolbarry: cool14:24
barryogra_, stgraber please just update LP: #1206621 with locations to get the information and i'll make sure it's exposed probably in cli and dbus14:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 1206621 in Ubuntu system image "DBus API reports meaningless id" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120662114:25
stgraberlool: I guess that's fine, we're not using system-image on non-touch devices yet (or touch devices without android), once we do, we'll regret hardcoding those bits14:25
loolstgraber: very good examples of why it's a good idea to centralize this  :-)14:26
seb128mterry, hey, do you know about "lock on idle", is that greeter thing? if not, do you know who might?14:26
stgraberlool: sure, so long as we don't hardcode things like ubuntu-rootfs and android in system-image either (would be a bit of a pain having to change the API once we drop android)14:27
mterryseb128, it's a powerd thing I think14:29
mterryseb128, well wait14:29
mterryseb128, you mean suspend on idle or lock -- i.e. showing greeter?14:29
seb128mterry, I mean lock14:29
mterryshowing greeter is in shell/greeter14:29
mterryseb128, what's up?14:29
seb128mterry, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#phone-locking14:29
seb128"Whenever “Phone locking” is set to “None”:14:29
seb128    “Lock when idle” should instead read “Sleep when idle”. "14:29
seb128mterry, we have a settings for "lock after ..." and one for "suspend after ..."14:30
seb128mterry, similar to desktop screensaver and suspend time14:30
seb128mterry, e.g you might lock after 1 min idle and suspend after 3 min idle14:30
mterryseb128, fascinating.  So that'll probably be watched by shell or something similar in the session.  Then ask lightdm to lock14:31
seb128mterry, "fascinating" ... I guess the requirement was not known on your side?14:31
seb128mterry, unity8 wishlist bug I guess? ;-)14:31
mterryseb128, I hadn't reviewed all the system settings stuff yet14:31
mterryseb128, is there a question you had?14:32
seb128mterry, the question was "is there a setting/gsettings key I can write to for that already" I guess14:33
mterryseb128, ah, not yet to my knowledge.  I think gsettings makes sense for that though14:34
seb128mterry, we use "com.canonical.powerd activity-Timeout14:34
seb128for the suspend time14:34
loolstgraber, barry: Will capture in a bug report14:34
seb128mterry, that would be good yes14:34
barrylool: +114:34
seb128mterry, anyway, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/121595414:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215954 in Unity 8 "Should have a "lock on idle"/"lock after ... idle time" setting" [Undecided,New]14:34
mfischlool: the LP project for customization hooks was renamed, a real rename must be done by LP admins (according to them)14:35
seb128mterry, sorry, refreshed in firefox resubmitted it, using https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1215957 and closing the other one14:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215957 in Unity 8 "Should have a "lock on idle"/"lock after ... idle time" setting" [Undecided,New]14:35
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loolmfisch: cool thanks14:37
sforsheemterry, seb128: fyi, the idle timeout is planned to move out of powerd and into unity8, and that gsetting will go away14:37
seb128sforshee, why do you hate us :p14:38
loolbarry, stgraber: LP #121595914:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215959 in Ubuntu system image "Report image versions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121595914:38
sforsheeseb128: I don't. We had to shove stuff into powerd to get it working "now" even though it didn't really belong there.14:38
loolseb128: sub-ing you  ;-)14:38
seb128sforshee, please don't drop the schemas when you move it, otherwise you are going to make system settings abort14:38
asaclool: i have a nothe rcall for 30 minutes14:38
asacthen i can think about stuff14:38
asaci dont know what image publication means14:38
seb128sforshee, e.g let us a migration time14:38
loolasac: careful not to think while you're in that call14:38
asactodays image is too bad for pushing to /current at least14:39
seb128lool, thanks14:39
sforsheeseb128: sure, we can do that14:39
barrylool: ack14:39
seb128sforshee, do you have a bug or WI to track the move of that setting to unity8?14:39
sforsheeseb128: for some reason powerd can't pick up changes to the settings at runtime anyway. The code is there, but it doesn't work.14:39
plarssergiusens: looks good, I've done lots of reboots, and uevent is behaving14:40
sforsheeseb128: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/pm-system-policy has a WI for it14:40
sergiusensplars: great, since I just applied the patch :-)14:40
sergiusensChickenCutlass: ^^14:40
seb128sforshee, thanks14:40
loolasac: so IMO some developers here are apt-get updating instead of phablet-flashing to latest image, and so are not tracking the same baseline than /current / QA is tracking; this will be fixed with new images, but it will delay propagation of fixes to developers14:40
loolasac: especially if we wait multiple days to land stuff14:41
loolso we need to get back to being good enough for publishing every day and also think about bumping the frequency14:41
loollike building multiple times per day14:41
sergiusensit's 2x now14:41
sergiusens2x CDs (from cdimage)14:42
loolsergiusens: oh14:42
loolthat's good14:42
asaclool: so tracking pending would be good :)14:43
ogra_* UTC14:43
loolI like the 4h beat14:43
loolasac: it will14:43
ogra_8 UTC14:43
ogra_AM and PM14:43
loolasac: oh sorry, /current14:43
loolasac: developers wont use daily-proposed14:43
loolat least that's not what it's for14:43
ogra_we do all the time14:43
asaclool: yeah, but we can install dail-proposed14:43
loolasac: are you saying we need another channel to track pending?14:43
asacso upgrading is basically just an inefficent reinstall14:44
loolasac: you can, but then you cant upgrade from it14:44
ogra_unless daily-proposed is different from /proposed14:44
loolasac: this seems wrong14:44
asaclool: we could upgrade, which is basically a dumb reinstall because we have to get the latest /current as well14:44
loolasac: I think we need to discuss channels again; the design of daily-proposed is just for QA purposes14:44
loolbut it's expected that stuff propagate fast to daily14:44
seb128mpt, is the difference between "sleep on idle" and "lock on idle" only whether the screen should be locked when sleeping? (e.g they don't have 2 different timeout configs)?14:44
asacyeah. i think it all boils down to: how often do we get /current and how can engineers see their latest development early14:44
asacon their own device14:44
ogra_lool, right, the turnwround times aree to long atm14:45
lool(/me now realizes that naming something "daily" and then adjusting the frequency was fundamentally bad  :-)14:45
asaclool: its expected but not given... especially for now we are not at a guaranteed daily rate14:45
mptseb128, right, the time value doesn't change when you change the lock security.14:45
seb128mpt, what should the description says in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-security-privacy-idle.png then14:45
mptIt's just a renaming.14:45
seb128mpt, "Sleep the device..."?14:45
loolasac: I think we want another chat about channels after release too14:45
asaclool: we could call it ubuntu-central or trunk :)14:45
seb128mpt, or Suspend..?14:45
asacand the other trunk-incoming14:45
loolasac: we haven't planned anything for post saucy14:45
loolasac: like monthly14:45
mptoh la la14:45
ogra_seb128, "Zzzzz"14:45
loolasac: rolling!  (hahaha)14:45
seb128ogra_, ;-)14:45
asacyeah, but incoming is good. what is clear that we must be able to pretty conveniently install latest incoming14:46
asaci guess its a reinstall14:46
ogra_lool, i personally would like to see builds auto triggered as soon as a certain percentage of packages in the seed has changes vs last build14:46
asacfor now, but having a on-device tool to tmake that possible might help14:46
asacand avoid rerunning phablet-flash14:47
loolasac, stgraber: How about a vUDS chat about channels we'll need on the long term?14:47
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ogra_(plus on-demand builds)14:47
loolasac, stgraber: for instance for saucy release14:47
lools#long term#in the next weeks/months#14:47
asaci think it makes sense to have such discussion14:47
asacat best someone would present what otheres are doing on channels14:48
asacand then what we could do out of that14:48
asacand how we marry that with our release/code names14:48
mptseb128, fixing now...14:48
sergiusenslool: asac ogra_ to be perfectly honest, developers most of the people installing pending are people that modify the image, going into developer mode and thus rendering the use case sort of moot14:48
asacand how we treat incoming/proposed14:48
loolsergiusens: true14:48
ogra_sergiusens, ++14:48
asacsergiusens: can you please start calling this "system builder mode" ... developer mode is for SDK folks14:49
loolsergiusens: still, we need a plan for saucy14:49
ogra_plumber mode :)14:49
loolI mean saucy relesae14:49
asacand i am not sure about that arguement yet. It feels like a valid point14:49
sergiusensasac: I already asked stgraber to change the .developer_mode into .image_developer14:49
asacbut will think over the weekend if there is a strategic trap hidden inside :)14:49
seb128mpt, thanks14:49
loolsergiusens: should I log a bug for s/.developer_mode/.image_developer/?14:49
asacsergiusens: ok sounds better.14:50
asacbut we still want developer mode that enables adb and equiv14:50
asacand maybe installing sdk addons14:50
asaclike -dev packages in some not-yet-defined format14:50
loolasac: Still, there's a fundamental break if your image baseline is not what developers use IMO14:51
asacsergiusens: why not call it system_builder_mode :)14:51
asaci really like that far more14:51
asacthan image_developer :)14:51
asaclool: i know. i am actually for the idea of having for every channel somethign special that is "-incoming"14:51
asacand we should indeed not invest in convenience to track that14:52
loolwhy not system_veränderung_möglichkeit14:52
loolthat way nobody can turn it on14:52
awelool, ping14:52
asacyeah lets use umlauts14:52
loolawe: w00t14:52
stgrabersergiusens: I'm most likely to call the flag .writable_image that way I don't have to care about what people want to call the role14:52
* awe wonders what he did to warrant a w00t! ;)-14:52
loolawe: a ping14:53
awelool, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-touch-flight-mode14:53
awenot sure if it's too late to schedule for next week14:53
loolawe: awe-some, thanks for setting it up14:53
sergiusensstgraber: whatever works and stops the confusion14:53
aweplease note you're the approver!14:53
loolawe: does it need discussion?14:53
loolsergiusens: could we make it good enough that less people turn rw on?14:54
awelool, well, it'd be nice if I could try and get some cycles into a more formal spec on the wiki, then we could discuss14:54
loolsergiusens: perhaps 50% of people use phablet-flash and 50% apt-get, perhaps we can make it 75% system updates, 25% rw mode14:54
awelool, I will flesh out the work items this afternoon14:54
loolawe: I felt there was good consensus on what had to be done; we could expose the plans or discuss details, but we don't need to force ourselves to discuss it if it's just repeating agreed upon stuff I guess?14:55
awelool, rsalveti, tvoss, one other area which hasn't had much love is 'timed'14:55
awelool, I'm perfectly fine not creating a session for it14:55
diwicrsalveti, ping14:56
awehowever the timing was such, that we *could* do a session if it felt right14:56
sergiusenslool: that's not up to me... it's upt to how much we clickify14:56
awelool, for instance, we have a session on mms, however I'm not sure what we're going to discuss during it either14:56
sergiusenslool: which in the long run is sort of up to me...14:56
rsalvetidiwic: pong14:59
loolawe: Hmm given timescale, I'm not sure it's worth covering these many projects (timed, airplane-mode, mms); I need to check with asac15:00
diwicrsalveti, I think our android-platform-headers are too old, but we can take that in the meeting15:00
loolsergiusens: I was thinking platform stuff really, but you have a point15:00
AskUbuntuerro instalação no nexus 4 | http://askubuntu.com/q/33628515:01
rsalvetidiwic: interesting, it might indeed be based on 4.0.415:02
rsalvetidiwic: I got a wip package with a more recent headers, as latest hybris uses the headers from an external package15:02
rsalvetibut was able to get that done before leaving my vacation15:02
rsalvetidiwic: did the android hal header changed that much?15:02
tvossawe, indeed. want to have a session on that?15:02
awetvoss, "want" is a strong word.15:03
tvossawe, do you feel like we should have one?15:03
diwicrsalveti, in particular, the AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_* enum was completely overhauled15:03
aweour stand-up just started, perhaps we can chat about this when we finish up15:03
diwicrsalveti, none of the numbers fit15:03
rsalvetidiwic: :-(15:03
rsalvetidiwic: I can get that updated quickly15:03
rsalvetidiwic: which headers are you consuming?15:04
rsalvetiso I can double check here15:04
diwicrsalveti, https://github.com/android/platform_system_core/commit/eeeee802e9837c592b0f0f9fd183bcaa9e77732e15:05
diwicrsalveti, that's the stuff I'm looking for, I think15:05
rsalvetidiwic: cool, will take a look at it15:06
awetvoss, so... to-date neither rsalveti or I have done any work on 'timed', and I'm not sure you've put any cycles into the platform API/SDK time functions...  so, I think it would be nice to re-sync and figure out what we can realistically get done for 13.1015:08
rsalvetidiwic: hm, I actually imported that header file from AOSP 4.2.2_r1.215:08
awetvoss, whether or not this is an official session is not something I have an opinion about15:08
rsalvetibut will check in more detail15:08
tvossawe, ack, let's make it an informal session then15:08
tvossawe, not much use in saying: yeah, we want something like that15:09
tvossawe, we clearly want15:09
diwicrsalveti, in short; the audio HAL on mako references the AUDIO_DEVICE_BIT_IN symbol, so I assume it is compiled with a version that has that symbol included15:10
diwicrsalveti, and our current android-platform-headers does not have that symbol15:10
rsalvetiok, that helps15:11
diwicrsalveti, http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_audio.git;a=blob;f=alsa_sound/audio_hw_hal.cpp;h=ab15e2744731cb8b72f2e75527b350b880afc1df;hb=HEAD#l122 in case you want to see where it is15:12
mfischlool: I'm looking at scopes today, mhr3_ mentioned that we'd need a way to tell dbus that we've dropped service files into /custom15:15
mptseb128, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings?action=diff&rev2=27&rev1=2615:16
loolmhr3 mfisch: can't we start them by hand rather than autostarting?15:16
loolI guess these are running all the time anyway, unless disabled, or they wouldn't be included15:17
pstolowskitsdgeos, mhr3_ : using beginMoveRows seems to be working for categories, I'm experiencing some weirdness/bugs but it looks like it can work, so I'll stick with that instead of layoutChanged (and it's actually good since it will only signal changes to rows that relly have to be moved)15:17
tsdgeospstolowski: hmmmm15:18
tsdgeospstolowski: the limit filter proxy has not code for move i think15:18
tsdgeosnot sure it's a good idea15:18
tsdgeosunless you want to add that code :D15:18
mhr3_lool, nah, scopes quit when idle15:18
mhr3_tsdgeos, the categories model is not "limited", only the results models are15:19
loolHmm apparently there's this in /etc/dbus-1/system.conf:15:19
lool  <!-- We use system service launching using a helper -->15:19
lool  <standard_system_servicedirs/>15:19
pstolowskitsdgeos: and well, we need to reorder categories, we have no choice ;)15:19
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loolservicedir can be used to add a directory15:20
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seb128mpt, thanks15:20
mhr3_lool, i think standard_*dirs includes XDG_DATA_DIRS15:21
loolmhr3_, mfisch: Seems dropping a <servicedir>/custom/share/dbus-1/services/</servicedir> should work in system.conf15:21
loolmhr3_: oh does it15:21
loolmfisch: would you verify whether setting XDG is enough?15:21
mfischlool: yeah I'm doing that today15:21
loolmfisch: in which case that's what we should do15:21
mfischlool: where would we set it? the user session?15:21
loolmfisch: yeah15:21
mhr3_lool, also, we need session dbus, not system ;)15:21
mfischor does it need to be system wide15:21
loolmfisch: pretty much like DCONF_PROFILE I guess15:21
mfischI'll try today15:21
mhr3_mfisch, it does need to be set before session dbus is started15:22
mfischmhr3_: ok15:23
dpmmardy, perhaps you could help this app developer? -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/336069/how-do-i-use-oauth-from-an-ubuntu-touch-app15:23
aweplars, updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/121572415:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215724 in touch-preview-images "Lots of ofono and network manager errors on nexus4" [Critical,New]15:23
aweplars, don't run system test on phones w/out SIMs15:23
mhall119Saviq: sergiusens: any idea where the network indicator has gone off to in the latest builds?15:24
awethis will be possible once emergency mode is fully implemented, but not currently15:24
ogra_mhall119, should still be there15:24
sergiusensmhall119: there was an indicator switch15:24
awemhall119, it's there, but hidden15:24
sergiusensmay be flaky15:24
ogra_mhall119, the icon is missing apparently15:24
awemhall119, it's being worked on15:24
mhall119ogra_: no, it's just not there, not even in the tabs15:24
mhall119thanks awe15:24
popeymhall119: it disappeared for me the other day15:24
awemhall119, if you play around with some of the other indicators, it can be triggered to appear15:24
awemhall119, we landed the new indicator-network this week15:25
Saviqmhall119, we're just missing an icon probbaly15:25
Saviqdednick_, that correct ↑ ?15:25
aweSaviq, the icon is there15:25
aweSaviq, there's some weird race in the shell/panel code15:25
Saviqdednick_, ↑15:25
mhall119Saviq: it should be in the indicator tabs even if the icon was missing15:25
aweSaviq, tedg is also working on code to handle dual icons for an indicator15:25
awe( so indicator-network can show wifi & telephony icons )15:26
tedgawe, Not doing the handling, I'm doing the feeding :-)15:26
Saviqawe, yeah dednick_ is doing the handling :)15:26
mhall119Saviq: I don't see the process running either15:26
dednick_Saviq: hm. i think it might be that the backend is requesting an icon we done have15:26
* tedg throws a banana at dednick_ ;-)15:26
Saviqmhall119, interesting, maybe it crashed?15:27
tedgIf you guys are talking about the icon, it's fixed in trunk.15:27
mhall119ah, indicator-network isn't even installed15:27
dednick_tedg, Saviq: i think it's a nm-signal-0 , nm-signal-00 issue15:27
Saviqmhall119, ah, dist-upgrade must've failed15:27
tedgdednick_, Oh, I thought it was the no-network one.15:27
Saviqdednick_, in that case mhall119 didn't even have indicator-network installed :)15:28
Saviqdednick_, so we're "good"15:28
mhall119sudo apt-get install --fix-policy15:28
mhall119didn't install it either15:28
mhall119The following packages have been kept back: ubuntu-touch15:28
mhall119could that be my problem?15:28
dednick_just do manual install of ubuntu-touch and it should fix it15:29
mhall119that'll remove chewie, what is chewie?15:29
ogra_dead beef15:29
mhall119and yes, it's saying it'll install indicator-network when I do this15:29
dednick_mhall119: old network indicator15:29
mhall119ok, so maybe other people are having an issue with this too?  I didn't do anything particularly strange that would have caused this15:29
ogra_why did you uninstall ubuntu-touch in the fist place ?15:30
mhall119I didn't15:30
mhall119not manually anyway15:30
ogra_well you installed something that removed it then15:30
ogra_and allowed it to15:30
mhall119ubuntu-touch ws installed, just held back15:30
ogra_that cant be15:30
ogra_the image wouldnt build15:31
mhall119ubuntu-touch: Installed: 1.049 Candidate: 1.05115:31
ogra_ubuntu-touch is a required package15:31
mhall119I've been apt-get dist-upgrading15:31
ogra_you didnt run dist-upgrade then15:31
dednick_ogra_: the upgrade was held back15:31
mhall119did too :P15:31
ogra_dednick_, it cant if you run dist-upgrade15:31
mhall119I *always* run dist-upgrade on my device15:31
mhall119not just upgrade15:31
seb128pete-woods, hey, can you explain to me why we need "indicator-secret-agent" as a new source/component rather than having it in indicator-network (I've been asked to review it for NEW in the archive, but it seems a buggy approch to me)15:34
mhall119alecu: already installed apps aren't showing up in More Suggestions anymore \o/15:34
mhall119however, xda-developers is showing up twice in Installed section15:34
jcolladosergiusens: Hello. I'm trying to flash a system image with phablet-flash and it seems that it's frozen in '<waiting for device>': http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6018189/15:34
ogra_mhall119, because it is double plus good ?15:34
mhall119well I'm not one to brag but....15:35
jcolladosergiusens: I haven't yet been able to flash a system image, so I'm wondering if there's some configuration or something that I should have done before calling phablet-flash. Any advice?15:35
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pete-woodsseb128: it should be its own process - it deals with passwords, so why not have it in another package?15:36
pete-woodsit doesn't interact with indicator-network - it interacts with network manager and unity15:36
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seb128pete-woods, because having more tarballs, vcs, sources, bug lists, etc is a pain to deal with15:36
slangasekjcollado: did you start here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_2_-_Device_unlock15:37
mhall119alecu: actually, it looks like all of my Click package apps are showing up twice in the Installed section15:37
seb128pete-woods, why do we need something specific to nm passwords? should we get a some auth framework in unity8 instead that any app needing to deal with passwords need?15:37
pete-woodsseb128: it will be talking to the unity8 auth dialogue, if that's what you mean?15:38
pete-woodsplus the code has like 100% test coverage, and will continue to to do15:38
seb128pete-woods, I guess I don't understand what that composant is doing/needed for15:38
pete-woodssomething has to register itself as a password agent for nm15:39
pete-woodscurrently that's unity815:39
pete-woodsbut the unity guys don't want it that way any more15:39
jcolladoslangasek: Yes. I've flashed the device many times with touch images (phablet-flash cdimage-touch), but for some reason I'm not able to flash a system image (phablet-flash ubuntu-system).15:39
seb128shouldn't we make indicator-network provide the UI and register as an agent then?15:39
pete-woodsseb128: well that's exactly what this thing does, it's just not called indicator-network15:40
slangasekjcollado: ah, ok.  I have no idea, then; that should Just Work15:40
pete-woodsand it's not written in Vala15:40
seb128pete-woods, so now we have 2 different tarball/projects/bugslists/etc15:40
pete-woodsseb128: is the main concern you have that it's in another package?15:41
seb128pete-woods, yes15:41
seb128as said it makes bugs a pain to track15:41
seb128you have yet another list to watch15:41
seb128yet another package to upload15:41
seb128pete-woods, it seems to be that's not enough code to warrant being split out from indicator-network to a new project...15:42
ogra_also in tehg light of PRISM i would debate the package name15:42
ogra_having something installed that has "secret-agent" in the name etc...15:43
davmor2ogra_: call it bond instead :D15:43
ogra_indicator-bond ... shows the level of your oedipus complex15:44
ogra_or macho-ness ?15:45
davmor2or gadget levels connected to your phone15:45
davmor2ogra_: if you get to "The names Bond, James Bond" you have too many devices attached and you phone self-destructs while playing mission impossible music15:47
pete-woodsseb128: I will have to ask my manager (thostr) what I should do15:48
pete-woodsif he says it's okay to try and merge the codebases I will do that15:48
seb128pete-woods, thanks15:48
seb128cyphermox, tedg: ^15:48
ogra_davmor2, haha15:49
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alecumhall119: sorry, I'm not working today, I'll handle it on monday16:02
mhall119alecu: ok, no rush, it's not preventing anything16:03
davmor2ogra_, pmcgowan: Oh that's interesting.  My phone has been on the side for a while and it just rang perfectly and displayed the indicator16:03
tedgawe, What's the scale on the oFono strength?  Walked around the neighborhood and the highest I got was 26.16:03
tedgawe, I mean, not impossible... but I would have expected higher values if it was out of a hundred.16:03
pmcgowandavmor2, sun spots16:03
davmor2pmcgowan: I still blame ogra_ it worked fine till he said it didn't :)16:04
awetedg, lemme check16:04
ogra_well, it doesnt work at all for me ... still16:04
kgunnricmm: would your current work around life cycle potentially address the launch issue described here?16:04
tedgOh, there's a 35 :-)16:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215997 in Mir "click packages don't run on mir" [Undecided,New]16:05
davmor2pmcgowan, ogra_: I'm noticed though that it rang before the indicator appeared so I'm wondering if before the indicator appeared first and so didn't ring?16:06
tedgkgunn, I think that greyback had to custom set the qt backend to get things working.16:06
kgunntedg: thanks16:07
tedgkgunn, Apparently we can't autodetect that, which is confusing to me :-/16:07
pmcgowandavmor2, bfiller and boiko are working on it afaik16:07
greybackkgunn: looking into it.16:09
sergiusensjcollado: adb reboot bootloader, then fastboot devices16:13
ogra_sudo :)16:13
aweted, the low-level range of GSM signal strengths is 0-31; rilmodem converts this to a 0-100 range [ signal = ((gsm_signal * 100) / 31 ) ]16:14
awetedg, same for all the other technologies16:15
awe( ie. 0-100 range for strength is returned _16:15
tedgawe, From NM or from oFono?16:16
awefrom ofono16:16
tedgawe, I was confused by "all other technologies" part16:16
awethere's no cell signal strength from NM16:16
tedgCool.  Apparently my neighborhood is to blame ;-)16:16
jcolladosergiusens: Those commands seem to work. Should I run `phablet-flash ubuntu-system` again after that?16:17
sergiusensjcollado: yeah16:17
sergiusensjcollado: if you get waiting for device, just replug it16:18
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AskUbuntucan use c++ write custom qml plugins in ubuntu sdk | http://askubuntu.com/q/33632516:21
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ricmmgreyback: whats the issue there?16:30
* davmor2 is on holiday next week so I won't be around to break stuff, I hope you can manage to break stuff without me :D16:30
sergiusensdavmor2: we will wait for you!16:30
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jcolladosergiusens: After some trial and error, I've seen that if I try to flash the device using my own user it works, but if I try to do it using the jenkins user, to have the same environment as in the lab, it fails.17:23
jcolladosergiusens: Despite I've already flashed the device, I still want to use the jenkins user for that. I guess there's a permission problem somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look at.17:24
jcolladosergiusens: Do you have any advice to fix that problem?17:25
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ryukafalzSo with the latest images, can you safely update packages with apt rather than reflashing every time or does that not yet work?17:30
popeyjcollado: is the jenkins user logged into the desktop?17:30
popeyjcollado: i found that if I ssh to my laptop and flash a device it fails, but if I am signed into the desktop on the laptop and then ssh in, it works17:30
sergiusensjcollado: the udev rules allow for the user that has the seat to flash17:32
sergiusensjcollado: you can get by it by using sudo or relaxing the udev rule shipped in android-tools-fastboot and android-tools-adb17:32
jcolladosergiusens: What do you mean by "has the seat"?17:33
sergiusensjcollado: is _logged_ in17:34
jcolladosergiusens: Ok, so it's what popey suggested. Thanks.17:35
jcolladosergiusens: It's kind of strange because I've never had this problem flashing touch images.17:35
sergiusensjcollado: maybe because you never bootstrapped and might have a custom udev rule in there?17:36
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jcolladosergiusens: I guess you're right17:38
mfischlool: so far no joy on XDG_DATA_DIRS, the job isn't seen and I have an issue pre-pending in upstart since the job doesn't inherit the original value17:47
TheSpiritHello, is Ubuntu Touch stable enough to use in every day use? I have a Nexus 7 (2nd Generation) and I would like to program in C++ in it.17:54
k1li think some people in here use it as a daily phone (at least jono does :) ).17:56
TheSpiritOh great. Does it have Facebook? :p17:56
k1lnot the nexus7 but the gnex and nexus417:56
TheSpiritk1l, do normal applications work properly? I would like to be using Qt Creator.17:58
k1lsorry i dont know17:59
pmcgowanTheSpirit, you can use qtcreator on your desktop and remotely access the nexus 718:00
TheSpiritpmcgowan, I won't have access to my desktop. I'm want my device to be a portable so I can program on the day (such as when I'm at college).18:01
TheSpiritI want*18:01
TheSpiriton the go818:02
pmcgowanTheSpirit, I see, the touch image is not really intended for that, but there has also been a desktop image for the nexus 7 that could work18:02
TheSpiritpmcgowan, do you know if it works with the second generation Google Nexus?18:02
TheSpiritAnd is it still maintained?18:02
pmcgowanno I dont think it does18:02
TheSpiritAh, okay, thanks.18:03
nRazordoes anybody know where I can find the group working on the port to the new nexus 7 codenamed razor?18:19
nRazorwant to see if I can either contribute or if it is in a stable build yet, google isn't returning much results that are relevent18:19
pmcgowannRazor, there was a thread on this on the mailing list, summary was waiting for the cyanogenmod to be done18:21
AskUbuntuNexus 4 Fails to Boot After Ubuntu Touch Flash | http://askubuntu.com/q/33635218:25
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SathedI'm hoping someone can help me figure out this issue I'm running in to. I recently flashed Ubuntu Touch to my Nexus 4. Everything seems to work great except data. I'm running the latest daily build that I flashed with CWM recovery.19:26
popeySathed: restart network manager19:28
popeyas in.. "adb shell" "restart network-manager"19:29
SathedThanks. I'll give it a shot.19:30
SathedIs there another way to restart the network manager? I don't have a Linux machine at work to install the touch developer tools on.19:42
sergiusensSathed: use the terminal app19:44
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ZackehhAnyone any idea why ubuntu_chroot exists in my build output, but not on the device after flashing?19:50
SathedOkay, so I restarted the network manager, but I'm still not getting data.19:52
SathedI restarted with: sudo service network-manager restart19:52
SathedAny other thoughts on getting data working?20:07
EwixyHello all :)20:11
loolmfisch: strings =dbus-daemon|grep XDG shows that it reads them, you could try stracing perhaps?20:20
loolmfisch: or check the source code for supported cases20:21
mfischlool: I'm also looking at dropping them into ~/20:21
loolmfisch: not sure it's a good idea to have things in ~/20:21
loolmfisch: things in ~/ are harder to update (need a startup job to update them), while things you get in custom.tgz will be static / r/o and can be updated20:22
mfischlool: me either, but I cannot get dbus to find service files in custom, I will keep looking at code after this meeting20:22
plarsawe: we now have a sim card in that mako that ran the tests without last time20:22
loolmfisch: cheers20:22
aweplars, I was just looking at the bug closer.  From the logs, it appears there was a SIM in it20:23
aweplars, however a QUERY PIN state was failing, and ofono crashing20:23
plarsI was under the impression that it just got installed today20:23
awewell the tests have today's time stamp20:23
aweI have a bunch of separate comments re: the test output that might help improve readability20:24
aweplars, look at the jenkins output and search for "Querying PIN"20:24
plarsawe: I opened the bug late last night, with the 20130822.1 image, but the datestamp may have been today since it was already today in UTC20:24
aweofonod dies shortly thereafter20:24
plarsI'll find out when it got installed though20:25
aweplars, with no SIM installed, you'll see the following messages from ofono: Version, a bunch of "Ignoring" plugin messages, [UNSOL]< UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED20:26
aweand then "No SIM card present."20:26
plarsawe: well, I was just told about the sim card getting installed today, but could be that it was actually in there last night when the tests ran20:27
aweno such error in the test run you attached to the bug20:27
plarsI just didn't know at the time20:27
plarsif it was20:27
awelooks like it was20:27
awethat said, there's definitely a bug being triggered, and ofono crashes repeatedly20:27
aweso I'm on it20:27
aweplars, any way you can get your hands on the ofonod crash files?20:29
awealso fyi, the download-mgr also looks like it crashed too20:30
plarsawe: oh, I thought you said you had seen the .crash files20:31
plarsawe: here's one from a test on today's image: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-mako-smoke-ubuntu-clock-app-autopilot/37/artifact/clientlogs/_usr_sbin_ofonod.0.crash/*view*/20:31
plarsawe: you can remove the /*view*/ to force the download20:31
awethat's nice 'cause I don't think I can read uuencoded hexadecimal crash dumps at will20:32
LucaHello there21:11
plarsawe: ok, I got the full story from rick now... it was installed yesterday, but it wasn't activated until today21:20
aweah.... that goes a long way to explain things21:21
awebasically, ofono saw the SIM card as present21:21
awebut it couldn't talk to the SIM21:21
awewhich caused an ofono crash21:21
aweI haven't been able to get much from .crash file, other than it's a strlen crash21:21
aweI guess I can try and force the crash to happen, by hard-coding some internal state21:22
aweplars, I'm going to lower the priority, re-title, and assign to myself21:22
plarsawe: sounds good, thanks21:23
awewhat kind of plan?  pre-paid, normal billing?  We might want to try and reproduce this, but I'm not sure w/out getting another fresh SIM that hasn't been activated21:24
plarsawe: I think it's one of the straight-talk type sims, basically month-to-month contractless21:25
aweplars, if you could get the details, I'd appreciate it21:25
aweif it's a month-to-month21:26
awethen we should get another and try the same scenario21:26
* awe doesn't like crashes21:26
plarsawe: if you talk to larry or rick, they may have one just like it you can try21:27
plarsawe: it's month-to-month straight talk though, they think this particular one was on the AT&T network21:27
plarsawe: I have one like it at home, but on tmo21:27
aweplars, who handled this particular phone?  Can you ask them to add a comment about the SIM card to the bug ( operator, plan, where purchased, ... )?21:33
awethat would be a big help21:33
aweif they have a spare that hasn't been activated, I can drive into Lex to use it21:33
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vadiWhat happened to the Ubuntu plugins to Qt Creator in the latest 12.04 PPA updates? They seem to have removed them.23:09
SidimIs Ubuntu touch on Nexus 4 comes with the full desktop experience when docked.23:54

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