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Mirvmorning, unity8 fails to build https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/121573704:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215737 in Unity 8 "FTBFS tests/mocks/Unity/Launcher/plugin.cpp:34:34: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'MockLauncherModel'" [Undecided,New]04:31
Mirv+ bug #1215739 for unity-mir04:32
ubot5bug 1215739 in unity-mir "FTBFS undefined reference to `ua_ui_mirserver_finish'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121573904:32
MirvSaviq: ^ I guess I should highlight you still today :)04:46
ricotzTrevinho, hi :), http://paste.debian.net/plain/28852 prevents a glib bump on 2.3406:31
tsdgeosdidn't we do those "build stacks" that prevented things in the lower layer to break things in the upper one?07:04
SaviqMirv, thanks :)07:22
Saviqjeeez wth is happening :/07:26
tsdgeosunity changed below our feet07:26
tsdgeoshttps://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-add-setUser/+merge/181639 is supposed to fix it07:26
tsdgeosbut can't get past running the tests on the devices it seems07:27
tsdgeosis that new?07:27
Saviqyeah http://s-jenkins:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/159/testReport/junit/unity8.shell.tests.test_lock_screen/TestLockscreen/test_can_unlock_passphrase_screen_Native_Device_/ is new07:27
Saviqit doesn't seem to be able to type the password in07:28
Saviqbut anyway I don't really see how the setUser thing could cause / fix anything - no failures actually mention it07:31
Saviqand of course it's a freakin' mako07:31
Saviqok that does https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity8-saucy-armhf-ci/737/console07:34
mzanettiSaviq: yes, its' that07:39
mzanettiSaviq: the unity-api one was approved/merged withouth thinking that it forces the other API's to update at the same time.07:40
mzanettimy fault I'd say07:40
mzanettisorry for that07:40
Saviqmzanetti, I saw there were all kinds of issues - network problems on devices - some weird build error - and the most prevalent one is that mako fails to type the password in07:40
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, network issues should be resoved by now. veebers took care of that.07:42
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/ap-raise-on-typing/+merge/181730 btw07:43
mzanettiSaviq: approved... top-approving doesn't seem to make much sense right now :/07:44
Saviqmzanetti, yeah07:45
Saviqmzanetti, I forced a run of setUser autolanding http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity8-autolanding/266/console07:45
Saviqmzanetti, will be monitoring it closely07:45
mzanettiwe reached 500 tests btw :)07:45
Saviqyeah, I saw that07:46
mzanettido we get cookies when we are at 1000?07:46
Saviqmzanetti, from veebers, yes07:49
Saviqah, compiz update... this will be interesting...07:51
Saviqmzanetti, thanks, btw, for staying late with that07:52
mzanettiSaviq: no problem.. need to prepare for next 2 weeks :D07:52
Saviqyou're off earlier today, right?07:52
mzanettiSaviq: dunno. will go for test driving a car at 2pm :)07:52
mzanettiand then come back for work though07:52
Saviqmzanetti, right, something interesting or you can't be bothered anyway? ;)07:53
mzanettithe car?07:53
mzanettiBMW 1 :D07:54
Saviqah, a Smart, then ;D07:54
mzanettinot really... the smart is more like the Mini07:54
mzanettisort of (don't telly anyone here in southern germany I've said that)07:54
Saviqno, I know, the 1 is ok07:54
SaviqI'm fond of my big cars around here, seeing the road kill statistics...07:55
Saviqit's not Russia, but not far enough from it unfortunately07:55
mzanettihmm...are the cars bigger over there?07:56
Saviqmzanetti, no, the drivers are crazy over here07:57
Saviqmzanetti, so a big car is +10 to survivability07:57
Saviqmzanetti, there's 6k people killed on the roads every year07:58
mzanettiSaviq: that is a lot... I think its less around here07:58
Saviqmzanetti, I _know_ it is07:58
Saviqmzanetti, ok, I overstated, 3-4k a year07:59
mzanettistill... quite a lot. but then, poland is bigger than one would think07:59
Saviqmzanetti, well, there's 39M people, Germany is bigger than that08:00
mzanettiright... double08:00
Saviqmzanetti, one of the biggest issue is DUI08:00
Saviq190k people stopped last year...08:00
Saviqmzanetti, so yeah, I'm driving a small tank in hope it will give me that +10 when shit hits the fan https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&hs=Nqn&channel=fs&tbm=isch&q=volvo+xc70+2012&revid=2136598478&biw=1305&bih=78208:03
greybackah, we're talking about "the Beast" are we?08:04
greybackSaviq: did you get the optional water cannon extra installed in the end? Or just just kept with the riot-proof glass?08:06
Saviqgreyback, water... pfffft...08:06
mzanettiSaviq: yay! merged08:12
Saviqmzanetti, indeed08:12
Saviqwhat *will* you guys do without me ;P08:12
Saviqmzanetti, btw, I think I have one major argument for keeping the setting in dconf as well08:13
Saviqmzanetti, at least in my head it is that08:13
mzanettiwhich is?08:13
Saviqmzanetti, AS stores data outside of the user's home dir08:13
Saviqmzanetti, and sure, we can do e.g. backup for AS as well08:14
Saviqmzanetti, but this breaks the general assumption that everything you do as your user is inside your $HOME08:14
* mzanetti reapproves his 10 pending merges08:14
Saviqmzanetti, just try one for now, k?08:14
Saviqand I wouldn't like to break that assumption08:15
mzanettiSaviq: yes. you do have a point re: dconf08:15
* Saviq did some thinking before bed, as you can see ;)08:15
Saviqor well, at the beginning of bed...08:15
mzanettiSaviq: well, fine with me... just wanted to avoid duplication of stuff as long as there isn't a real reason for it08:16
mzanettiduplication is always bad08:16
Saviqmzanetti, sure08:16
Saviqmzanetti, in my mind AS was always a "cache/proxy" of data, never an owner08:16
Saviqmzanetti, but anyway, let's have a chat when you're back (and me, too, dentist's at 3:30... hence the standup move)08:18
Saviqhey paulliu08:19
mzanettiSaviq: ack mterry should be around then too08:21
Saviqmzanetti, to add to the above... just read about someone who wanted to pass a driver's exam... DUI...08:24
mzanettiwell... not that I wouldn't know people who did...08:25
mzanettiactually only one... but he made it08:25
mzanettino. not me :D08:25
dednickSaviq: i have a going away present for you ;)08:31
Saviqdednick, \o/08:31
Saviqmzanetti, with over a promil of blood alcohol level? ;)08:31
mzanettiSaviq: no.08:31
Saviqexactly ;)08:31
Saviq"per mille" ugh..08:32
dednickSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicators.menu-items-cleaning/+merge/18141008:33
dednickBasically just moving responsibility of signals/updates for menu items into the MenuItemFactory. Abstracting away the menumodel code from the items.08:34
Saviqdednick, thanks! ;d08:34
dednicki aim to please :)08:34
dednickshould get some more people involved with these indicator reviews. i feel sorry for you :)08:35
seb128nic-doffay, hey08:37
nic-doffayseb128, hey08:37
seb128nic-doffay, question about OptionSelector, can you put subtitle/caption text for an option?08:38
seb128nic-doffay, I'm asking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-settings-updates-checking.png08:38
seb128nic-doffay, the bottom option (On any data connection\nData charges may apply.)08:38
nic-doffayseb128, not currently, but I'm going to implement that today. There will also be support for a picture too.08:39
seb128nic-doffay, excellent08:39
seb128nic-doffay, did you get the +1 from the sdk team to land OptionSelector? (I saw CI is still unhappy on the mr)08:41
nic-doffayseb128, going to chat with om26er about that today08:42
nic-doffayIt's good though as it gives me time to sort what we just spoke about :P08:42
* seb128 wants that widget to land08:42
seb128we are waiting on it08:42
nic-doffayseb128, I'd like to resolve it asap. The filters are ready to land too which rely on that branch.08:43
nic-doffayseb128, are there any designs for this additional text?08:45
nic-doffayAny mockups of a design for a component it will be used for or anything?08:45
seb128nic-doffay, the one I just pointed, you have the url 15 lines up or so08:46
seb128nic-doffay, the 3rd option of the selector as the bottom "On any data connection"08:47
seb128mpt said it should have "Data charges may apply" as a caption08:47
nic-doffayseb128, I mean something with set sizes etc approved by design.08:47
seb128mpt said it should be the same size than Caption08:47
seb128mpt, ^08:47
Saviqmzanetti, something's wrong with input on mako :/08:50
tsdgeospstolowski: can you give https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity8/fix-filter-activation/+merge/181619 a better commit message?08:52
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it's going to fail08:55
mzanettiSaviq: so this happens only on mako, not on maguro, right?08:59
Saviqmzanetti, yeah08:59
mzanettiI think I can temporarily disable the mako tests then and ask om26er to look at it before reenabling08:59
mzanettiSaviq: ^09:00
Saviqmzanetti, yes please09:00
Saviqmzanetti, also, if you could try and reproduce09:03
Saviqmzanetti, on your mako09:03
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... but there are green test runs: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/09:03
Saviqmzanetti, well, yeah, setUser merged, didn't it09:04
Saviqmzanetti, it's intermittent09:04
Saviqmzanetti, it feels like it's ubuntuappmanager input loss again - like the device wasn't rebooted or re-set somehow09:05
mzanettiSaviq: according to the logs there are mako 2 devices attached. the failure only happens on one of them09:06
Saviqmzanetti, oh09:06
Saviqmzanetti, interesting, can you disconnect just the one device?09:06
mzanettiSaviq: need to check... this infrastructure is new since I left QA09:07
Saviqmzanetti, I know09:07
Saviqmzanetti, there's actually four it seems09:08
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, they did it really properly :)09:08
mzanettimako-0090f741e3d141bc is the bad one09:08
mzanettiSaviq: marked it as offline. no new runs should run on this one09:09
Saviqmzanetti, ok, let's see09:09
Saviqom26er, just in time ;)09:09
mzanettihi om26er :)09:10
om26erSaviq, about the broken CI jobs, I guess ;)09:10
om26ermzanetti, hey09:10
mzanettiom26er: I just marked mako-0090f741e3d141bc as offline as keyboard input seems to fail on this one09:10
Saviqfor unity8 at least09:10
mzanettiom26er: good job on the mediumtests-touch btw :)09:10
Saviqom26er, are the devices restarted / reflashed between tests?09:10
om26erSaviq, they are flashed only when a new image is available09:10
om26erSaviq, we flash new packages from the local repo every test run09:11
Saviqom26er, rebooted between runs?09:11
om26erSaviq, yes, we reboot always09:11
Saviqom26er, ok, that should be fine, let's see if it's actually just ...bc that fails09:11
om26ermzanetti, I think I also saw mako having a lot of failures yesterday, that's probably the reason for that mako is borked09:12
om26erSaviq, is the package download thing working today? yesterday the phone CI jobs were not able to download stuff from s-jenkins09:13
Saviqom26er, yeah, network is back09:13
Saviqom26er, veebers took care of that09:13
Saviqmzanetti, doesn't seem limited to ...bc actually: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/143/09:22
Saviqmzanetti, this one ran on ...3409:22
Saviqmzanetti, and this one on ...ea http://s-jenkins:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/136/09:22
Saviqit seems just that ...bc simply ran most of the jobs09:23
Saviqso had the highest failure rate :/09:23
om26erSaviq, FWIW this test: unity8.shell.tests.test_lock_screen.TestLockscreen.test_can_unlock_passphrase_screen09:24
om26erits not stable on touch devices09:24
om26erI have seen its random failures since yesterday09:24
Saviqom26er, yeah, thing is it's just typing stuff into a text entry (and is stable on maguro - just not on mako)09:24
mzanettiSaviq: but looking back the history, it seems only to fail on ..bc since yesterday morning09:25
nic-doffayseb128, subtext has been added can you confirm we will in fact be needing images for the option selector?09:25
om26erthere is a failure on maguro:
nic-doffayNeed to know if it's a safe bet to add one now.09:25
mzanettiSaviq: om26er: perhaps there is something that makes devices go into a bad state and then they recover only when flashed next time09:25
Saviqom26er, ah, indeed09:25
Saviqmzanetti, or reboot at least09:25
om26erSaviq, before running the suite, we reboot the device and wait-for-device and then sleep 60 seconds just so that the device settles. then the shell is stopped and the tests are run09:26
om26erI would assume stopping the shell is not playing well09:26
seb128nic-doffay, I'm not a designer, I've not seen designs where there is an image ... maybe better check with JohnLea or mpt09:26
mptseb128, wi-fi networks maybe?09:27
Saviqom26er, can we add one thing to the job in the mean time - `kill $(pidof ubuntuappmanager)`?09:27
Saviqom26er, to see if that has any impact?09:28
om26erSaviq, sure09:28
seb128mpt, good example yes09:28
Saviqom26er, after stopping unity809:28
Saviqom26er, and needs to be run as root09:28
seb128nic-doffay, ^09:29
Saviqom26er, we've seen a similar issue before - ubuntuappmanager was confused by "real" unity8 stopping09:29
Saviqom26er, we thought we got them all out the door, but maybe that's not the case09:29
om26erSaviq, how about just pkill ubuntuappmanager ?09:30
Saviqom26er, wasn't working for me for some reason09:30
Saviqom26er, but if it does for you09:30
Saviqom26er, it's respawning, so you can see if pid changes09:30
nic-doffayseb128, right, I'll do some digging then.09:31
Cimitsdgeos, ping :)09:33
tsdgeosCimi: hiho09:33
Cimitsdgeos, howdy09:33
Cimitsdgeos, it was you to write the edge area boa boa or daniel?09:34
Cimitsdgeos, we want to make the hudbutton appear with after, so after a longer swipe, I was wondering which property I should touch09:34
tsdgeosyou mean DirectionalDragArea and friends?09:34
tsdgeosit was danieal09:34
tsdgeosnot much insight into it's properties to be honest09:35
CimiI'm looking for the C++ files09:36
Cimibut I wasn't convinced :)09:36
mzanettiSaviq: now that we disabled ..1bc, we had 3 green runs in a row09:37
mzanettimust be something that borks the device until the next flash09:37
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, or at least makes it more apparent09:37
Saviqmzanetti, we can always force a reflash to see09:37
mzanettiom26er: do you think it would be possible to flash devices after after a failed run?09:37
Saviqmzanetti, that's probably excessive :/09:38
mzanettiSaviq: why? actually I think they should be flashed after each test run09:38
mzanettiSaviq: note "after", not "before"09:39
Saviqmzanetti, except we might be killing the devices this way09:39
mzanettiyou mean wear out the flash?09:39
jameshsil2100: hi.  I saw unity-scope-mediascanner made it into the daily-build PPA.  What do we need to do next to get mediascanner+unity-scope-mediascanner+dependencies into main?09:39
mzanettiSaviq: I think the ./run_on_device is worse in that regard09:40
mzanettiSaviq: and I haven't ever seen a device with worn out flash tbh09:41
mzanettinot sure if that still easily happens with modern hardware09:41
Saviqmzanetti, maybe, but TBH we should actually *fix* the issue instead ;)09:41
Saviqmzanetti, sure it does, only it has built in protection now09:42
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. CoW, remapping broken cells etc.09:42
Saviqso it might be less visible, not that it's not there09:42
mzanettiSaviq: so... it should still last more than half a year then even if we flash. I'm quite sure battery has bigger problem with being attached constantly09:43
Saviqmzanetti, but we don't rely on battery ;)09:43
mzanettiand CPU with all the head that is constantly caused during the test runs and reboots09:43
Cimijounih, the header white highlight on the separators when using dark themes is killing my eyes… is it on track?09:44
Saviqmzanetti, right, we killed the pandas' RAM instead09:44
mzanettianyways... I don't see that as a real issue tbh. but yes, we should fix the other issue too. Thing is, you can't guarantee someone commits something that breaks the setup09:44
jounihCimi: probably needs updating the asset with the latest design. we're doing a bug tracking session now with rosie, will flag that. thanks!09:44
Cimijounih, it will never work with a static asset09:45
Cimijounih, it needs to be recolored...09:45
jounihCimi: we have different assets for each of the 3 themes09:45
Cimijounih, ok but you can specify every colour you like with surugradient09:45
Cimijounih, so it will work only for some combinations09:46
sil2100jamesh: Ok, so now I need someone to pre-NEW it09:46
jounihthat's true, we might have to track the L value of the HSL color beneath it and adjust opacity accordingly09:47
jameshsil2100: I think the non-main dependencies are grilo, grilo-plugins and lucene++09:47
jounihCimi: maybe an approach like that would get us around using separate hard coded values for the 3 themese elsewhere too. will pick it up with Kaleo09:48
sil2100jamesh: we'll file a MIR on Monday and get that migrated, good thing we have it in universe at least09:49
jameshsil2100: I assume unity-scope-mediascanner will make it from daily-build into the archive without much trouble?09:50
sil2100Yes, just some small intervention will be needed09:51
sil2100But nothing big09:51
om26erSaviq, retry now09:55
Saviqom26er, yeah, it's trying by itself - we have a queue )09:55
Saviqom26er, I'm doing:09:56
Saviq$ for i in {1..20}; do adb reboot; adb wait-for-device; sleep 60; phablet-test-run -n unity8; done09:56
Saviqlocally now09:56
Saviqon maguro - 3 runs OK now09:56
Saviqmzanetti, can you trigger the same on mako ↑?09:56
mzanettiSaviq: sure09:57
Saviqmzanetti, but first flash; adb shell apt-get install -y ssh; phablet-test-run -i -p unity8-autopilot -n unity8.shell.tests.test_lock_screen.TestLockscreen.test_can_unlock_passphrase_screen09:58
jameshsil2100: thanks for all your help so far.09:58
om26erSaviq, instead of phablet-test-run we just 'autopilot run unity8' on the device as phablet user, but that's pretty similar in logic09:58
Saviqto get all the stuff on the device09:58
Saviqom26er, yeah, I doubt it has any impact at all09:58
om26ermzanetti, about the reflash-on-failure, what we can do is reflash if the tests failed but we don't know if the tests were real failures or device problem10:01
Saviqmzanetti, wth is that about
mzanettiSaviq: setUser10:02
Saviqmzanetti, ah, didn't pick up the merge yet10:02
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, found it10:02
mzanettiom26er: yeah... that's true... maybe on 2 failures in a row on the same hardware?10:02
mzanettijust brainstorming here10:03
om26erI don't think the problem is to do with the need of reflashing, because tests for all apps are working fine, and I believe they have been working fine for unity8 as well till yesterday from when we started to stop unity8 before starting the suite10:04
mzanettiom26er: hmm, ok10:05
mzanettiin that case...10:05
Saviqof course... holidays coming... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6017105/10:06
Saviqom26er, mzanetti yeah, I suspect ubuntuappmanager to be the culprit again10:07
om26erSaviq, so killing it should workaround the issue ?10:07
Saviqom26er, hopefully, yes10:07
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Saviqom26er, or well, I'm not sure it would have anything to do with keyboard input, if touch input works...10:08
Saviqom26er, there is a webcam in the lab is there?10:08
Saviqom26er, I talked with gema before it would be awesome if we could get videos of the device when there's a failed run10:09
om26erSaviq, three of the devices have webcam pointed at them, others don't10:09
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos, dednick, any idea about https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-saucy/1268/console ?10:09
om26ermako-0090f741e3d141bc is one of those10:09
Saviqwe've had more and more of those recently :/10:09
om26eryes, qmluitests have been failing a lot for the last few days10:10
dednickSaviq: is there a build timeout set on jenkins?10:11
Saviqdednick, well, yes, the test gets stuck10:11
Saviqdednick, and jenkins interrupts after an hour10:11
dednickSaviq: is it just the tests, or the build + tests?10:11
Saviqdednick, it takes 30 mins for a successful run10:11
dednicki c10:11
tsdgeostestDash getting stuck10:11
tsdgeosnot the first time we've had that right10:12
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah10:12
Saviqtoo many times recently10:13
Saviq20 runs locally, all green :/10:16
tsdgeosSaviq: do you have some more links?10:16
tsdgeoswondering if it's always MockScope5 that hangs10:16
Saviqtsdgeos, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-saucy/1265/console10:16
dednickSaviq: do we have test xml from that ?10:16
Saviqdednick, no, 'cause the job was killed10:17
Saviqmost of the red ones from https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-saucy/ are timing out10:17
nic-doffaySaviq, you cool with having an "All" filter option in the filter selection. The option selector doesn't really support not having a selection which would equate to the "all" filter being used. Design signed the idea off.10:18
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah, of course10:19
nic-doffaySaviq, awesome.10:19
Saviqnic-doffay, pstolowski, where do you think we should put ↑ in?10:19
Saviqnic-doffay, GenericOptionsModel?10:19
Saviqpstolowski, ↑10:19
tsdgeosSaviq: so 4 fail in the same place and two in a different place :-/10:19
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, doesn't mean a different issue, though10:19
tsdgeosSaviq: i'd say the best bet is detacching one of the jenkins slaves and running the test in there in a loop10:20
tsdgeosand try to figure out why it's failing10:20
dednickSaviq: any way to get output of how long tests are taking? doesnt seem to put in log/xml10:21
pete-woodscyphermox: hi - did you manage to get round to sorting out landing for the secret agent package?10:21
Saviqdednick, not really, om26er about that ↑↑, can we get timestamps in the jenkins logs?10:21
Saviqom26er, someone mentioned somewhere on a mailing list somewhen recently10:21
Saviqthat they saw jenkins having a timestamp for each line in the console log10:22
Saviqcould be pretty useful10:22
pstolowskiSaviq, nic-doffay : need to contemplate this a bit.. in the scopes we have a dedicated property in the filter to show 'All' button, so it's a kind of special case (not a regular option)10:22
Saviqtsdgeos, dednick, mzanetti we're also getting a lot of recently :/10:23
pstolowskiSaviq, nic-doffay : but it probably makes sense to hide this from QML and make it an option in the options model10:23
Saviqpstolowski, yeah, we need it in the model10:23
Saviqpstolowski, what is that property exactly? just a bool whether to show all? it's settable, or do we need to unactivate all options?10:24
dednickyeah, i've got that on a couple of MPs10:24
tsdgeosSaviq: we have timestamps in kde's jenkins10:25
tsdgeosso it's possible10:25
Saviqtsdgeos, right10:25
Saviqtsdgeos, I think it was actually mzanetti that linked to it ;)10:25
* mzanetti is in a phone call10:25
om26erSaviq, no, not really sure what you mean, we want a timestamp for what ?10:25
om26erwow :D10:25
Saviqom26er, in the logs10:26
Saviqom26er, so each line could have a datetime at the beginning10:26
Saviqom26er, say https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-saucy/1211/console10:26
tsdgeoslet me get an example10:26
Saviqmzanetti, nothing ;)10:26
Saviqmzanetti, just wanted to troll you10:26
Saviqom26er, ↑10:27
Saviqoh and it's smart, with elapsed time10:27
Saviq"Jenkins ver. 1.523"10:28
Saviqwe're at "Jenkins ver. 1.480.2"10:28
tsdgeospete-woods: do you know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1205097 should be on the repos already?10:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1205097 in Unity 8 "HUD isn't working" [Critical,Triaged]10:28
pete-woodstsdgeos: it certainly looks like it should10:29
Saviqtsdgeos, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hud10:29
Saviqtsdgeos, 13.10.1+13.10.20130822.4-0ubuntu1 should be there10:29
Saviqand be there10:29
tsdgeospete-woods: do i need to try it works or?10:29
om26erSaviq, I think that comes with this plugin for jenkins https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Timestamper10:30
pete-woodstsdgeos: if HUD's broken again, I think I will just give in10:30
tsdgeospete-woods: lol :D10:30
om26erso we'll need to enable that and it should produce logs with timestamps10:30
* pete-woods reflashes his tablet to get clean test10:30
tsdgeosom26er: i can ask the kde jenkins admin if we are going to enable it, if not, no need to bug him10:31
om26ertsdgeos, I'll talk to fginther when he comes online and let you you if we are going to enable it, makes sense to me that we enable it10:32
pstolowskiSaviq: it's a bool and it's read only.  digging it into unity-core code to see how it's handled10:34
pstolowskiSaviq: yeah, in unitycore it has special button and it just deselects all options; i'll do something similar for you, so no work on QML side10:40
pstolowskinic-doffay: ^10:41
nic-doffaypstolowski, cool10:41
om26erSaviq, should we just skip/disable unity8.shell.tests.test_lock_screen.TestLockscreen.test_can_unlock_passphrase_screen  ?10:41
om26erfrom what I can see its failing on the phones and VM (aka desktop)10:42
tsdgeospete-woods: seems to work fine for me10:42
Saviqom26er, on the VM it's failing for a different reason10:43
Saviqom26er, i.e. VM is too slow10:44
pete-woodstsdgeos: if you're interested, it was a threading issue - HUD is supposed to be single-threaded, but the platform API's callbacks were being triggered on its own thread10:44
Saviqom26er, who do I talk to about the plugin? :)10:45
Saviqom26er, right, will bug fginther :)10:45
om26erSaviq, fginther, he should be online in ~1hour10:45
Saviqom26er, so, let's not skip the test, will give us more incentive to look into them and fix10:46
tsdgeosSaviq: moved today's standup?10:46
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah10:46
tsdgeosjust wanted to make sure it was not a mistake :d10:46
Saviqtsdgeos, got a dentist's appointment at 3:30 and didn't want to miss my last standup ;)10:47
Saviqmzanetti, in autolanding we're still at 499 tests :D10:48
Saviqmzanetti, one of your branches brings the tipping point, right? ;)10:48
mzanettiit should10:48
Saviqfail :/10:58
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Saviqah, the fail was actually something weird11:04
Saviqom26er, unlock_screen.py still runs under unity8 suite, should probably be disabled11:05
om26erSaviq, I run it with -q which just swipes the screen (without starting unity in testability mode)... I use to so that it lightens up the screen11:06
om26erSaviq, basically it creates a touch event so that the device' screen turns on11:06
Saviqom26er, yeah, not needed for unity8 suite11:06
Saviqom26er, but ok, shouldn't matter either11:06
om26erah - ok never knew that11:06
Saviqom26er, well, it will just light up with the first test anyway11:06
Saviqassuming it will actually shut down between `initctl stop unity8` and the first test11:07
Saviqwhich I expect will not happen11:07
om26erSaviq, cool, is that part of unity8 to turn on the screen when it starts ?11:09
om26eraha, so the screen turns on when it tries to unlock it, right ?11:09
* greyback needs some fresh air, will be back in an hour11:12
Saviqom26er, yeah11:13
mhr3_Wellark, following yesterday's discussion i'm pushing http://paste.ubuntu.com/6017300/ to the branch k?11:21
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Wellarkmhr3_: yep. go for it11:44
Wellarkmhr3_: I will catch up with that branch today11:44
Wellarkas with the launcher, too11:44
Wellarkunless something blocks some stack from landing or the usual stuff that gets in the way11:45
Wellarklike getting hit by a bus11:45
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mhr3_Saviq, i have a treat for you - i have a branch that removes all IconUtils.from_gicon(), but need https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unity-theme-icon-provider/+merge/18080512:22
mhr3_work your magic :)12:22
Saviqmhr3_, it's WiP for any reason?12:25
mhr3_Saviq, Wellark wanted to take a second look12:26
Saviqmhr3_, so it's Needs Review, really12:26
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mhr3_Saviq, but imo it's ready, yea12:26
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tsdgeossimple "less includes is good" review for anyone? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/noQtQmlInclude/+merge/18180212:58
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Saviqkgunn, MacSlow, dednick, nic-doffay, if you can, we're doing standup early today13:02
dednicknow you mean?13:02
Saviqdednick, now :)13:03
dednickSaviq: hang on. just got some food in my mouth :)13:03
Saviqdednick, sorry, just join when you can13:03
nic-doffaySaviq, now?13:03
Saviqnic-doffay, if you can, yes13:04
MacSlowSaviq, right now?!13:04
SaviqMacSlow, I *did* update the invite ;D13:04
kgunnSaviq: yeah...you did...and i saw it last night....just forgot :-P13:15
Cimitsdgeos, Saviq the hud button is *always* on screen, with opacity 0… is that affecting rendering? why not setting visible: false?13:23
tsdgeosi would hope that they are smart enough to not render a opacity 0 item13:25
tsdgeosbut yeah you can add a13:25
tsdgeosvisiblity: opactivy != 013:25
tsdgeoswon't hurt i guess13:25
Cimithat's what I meant13:25
Cimiwondering why we didn't add it in the first place13:25
Cimitsdgeos, same thing for launcher maybe13:26
Cimistupid question: to put a mouse area underneath I simply play with z index or there's a more clever way now?13:32
tsdgeosis launchpad down?13:36
tsdgeosi just pushed new stuff into a branch13:36
tsdgeosand isn't showing13:36
tsdgeosCimi: underneath what?13:36
Cimitsdgeos, the hud button13:36
Cimitsdgeos, simply set hudButton z : 1now13:37
Cimitsdgeos, Saviq https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8.new_hud-button_interaction/+merge/18182913:43
Cimilp is still slow...13:43
Cimiguess we need tests now...13:44
Cimiwhy we don't have any tests for bottom bar already?13:45
CimiI have an issue, the hud button is not "eating" the clicks13:48
Cimiit's an AbstractButton with onClicked13:48
dednicklarsu: were you able to start on any of those qmenumodel branch reviews?13:51
larsudednick: I was able to start yes. Sorry I haven't been able to finish yet. I don't have much more time today, but I'll try to find an hour or two on the weekend13:55
dednicklarsu: bah. dont do it on the weekend!13:56
dednicklarsu: next week will be ok13:56
larsudednick: ha, thanks :)13:56
dednicklarsu: just need it to switch over messaging menus to UnityMenuModel. not a massive rush.13:57
tsdgeosCimi: that's been there forever, the shell and the apps both get the clicks13:57
Cimitsdgeos, I need to eat them13:58
Cimignam gnam13:58
Cimitsdgeos, because otherwise if you click on the hud button, you activate stuff underneath13:59
mterryoh!  The meeting got moved 30  earlier, instead of 30 later14:00
mterrywill add myself to notes14:01
greybackcan someone do me a favour: on phone, open notepad app, tap a note to open the OSK. Then rotate the device both to its left, and to its right. Is the OSK always correctly positioned?14:03
tsdgeosgreyback: yep, even upsidedown is fine14:04
greybacktsdgeos: ok. Then I've work to do :)14:05
CimiSaviq ^ :P14:08
tsdgeosCimi: don't give to Saviq man, he's going on holidays14:10
Cimitsdgeos, you can do as well, it's one liner14:10
tsdgeosdednick: we don't have tests for  lp:~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicators.menu-items-cleaning ?14:16
tsdgeosdednick: i mean you're changing quite a few names of properties and stuff14:17
tsdgeosnothing breaks?14:17
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dednicktsdgeos: we've never had tests for the indicator components. it's a TODO.14:24
dednickbut it all seems to work still, so..14:24
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tsdgeosdednick: i guess the test is, run into phone and check indicators kind of still wor14:28
tsdgeosdednick: anything in particular i should check for?14:29
Cimitsdgeos, you know how I could eat those events?14:36
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tsdgeosCimi: check what the laucnher does to eat them14:38
Cimiit's what I was doing :)14:38
Cimimzanetti, how can I eat events?14:40
Cimimzanetti, how does the launcher eat?14:40
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dednicktsdgeos: just that all the menu items are displaying their data correctly.14:43
tsdgeosdednick: menu items as in?14:43
dednicktsdgeos: as in no regression. there's no new functionailty there14:43
dednickeg, the network access points, the labels, all buttons and switches work.14:44
seb128mterry, ok, I had slightly misunderstood the design requirement, that setting is only "lock on suspend", e.g whether we should kick the greeter it on or not on resume14:48
mterryseb128, OK14:49
Cimitsdgeos, my opinion is that mouse area eats events14:51
Cimitsdgeos, but not my abstractbutton14:52
tsdgeosCimi: isn't anstractubbon a mouse area?14:54
Cimitsdgeos, it's an actionitem14:54
tsdgeosis it?14:55
Cimitsdgeos, yes, we'll see soon though, I'm running on device...14:55
tsdgeosCimi: well sure it's an ActionItem14:56
tsdgeoswith a MouseArea inside14:56
Cimiit doesn't work14:56
Cimiso I don't know :P14:56
Cimimterry, you know how the greeter eats events?15:13
Cimimterry, I want the hudbutton to eat mouse clicks15:13
Cimiotherwise when I click the button the app gets the clicks as well15:13
Cimimaybe greyback knows that too (how to make a component eat events)15:14
mterry Cimi, is that due to InputFilterArea ?15:14
greybackCimi: what is the context? What do you need  to do?15:14
Cimigreyback, hud button now stays on screen, so we can click on it to open the hud. Problem: the app gets click (for example when I click the hud with the calendar app opened, I switch to the day below :P)15:15
greybackCimi: you need an InputFilterArea, which fills that hud button.15:16
Cimigreyback, I'm wondering how the launcher works then °_°15:16
greybackCimi: InputFilterArea defines a rectangle of the shell where the shell takes the input, and keeps it. Taps on a zone of the screen where no IFA is, go to *both* shell, and the application underneath15:16
Cimigreyback, right understood!15:18
Cimitsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8.new_hud-button_interaction/+merge/181829/comments/41180015:28
Saviqmzanetti, hmm https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-saucy/1284/testReport/junit/%28root%29/qmltestrunner/Drag_and_Drop__test_dragndrop/15:28
Saviqmzanetti, that seems to be a persistent failure15:28
om26erthe failing tests all look like the screen is not able to unlock on the device15:31
om26erAssertionError: After 10.0 seconds test on Greeter.created failed: False != dbus.Boolean(True, variant_level=1)15:31
Cimitsdgeos, I addded a regression / fixing15:32
mzanettiSaviq: i'll check it out15:37
Saviqmzanetti, thanks15:37
tsdgeosDaekdroom: there?15:43
tsdgeosDaekdroom: sorry15:43
tsdgeosdednick_: there?15:43
dednick_tsdgeos: alo15:44
tsdgeosdednick_: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicators.menu-items-cleaning/+merge/181410 looks good to me, tested on the phone and all seems to work fine too15:44
tsdgeosdednick_: so unless you want someone else to have a second view, i'm approving15:44
tsdgeosdednick_: i guess we'll be getting "signalStrength: strenthAction.valid ? strenthAction.state : 0" soon? so we can uncomment it?15:45
dednick_tsdgeos: yeah, it's in MP15:46
dednick_tsdgeos: ok to approve15:46
tsdgeosdednick_: so maybe wait for that one? or just go and have a small one later?15:46
dednick_tsdgeos: it'll probably only come next week. i can delete the section if you prefer.15:46
tsdgeosno it's fine15:47
mzanettiSaviq: that fail is really weird... its a line that does tryCompare(draggedItem, "itemOpacity", 1)15:47
tsdgeosremind us of something has to be done :D15:47
mzanettiSaviq: and it seems the animation only goes to 0.94...15:47
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it's either the easing or an undefined state, I'd say15:47
kgunnSaviq ping ?15:48
Saviqkgunn, pong15:48
tsdgeosCimi: you moved the hud thing to WIP?15:48
mzanettiSaviq: ah... dammit I have a feeling... if it moves into the folded area, it gets transparent...15:48
Cimitsdgeos, there's a bug15:48
Cimitsdgeos, looking into it..15:49
tsdgeosCimi: ok15:49
Saviqmzanetti, right, that might be it, too15:49
kgunnSaviq: did you happen to think about how long it might take to have a proto for user testing of design new shell navigation...15:49
tsdgeosCimi: maybe you can add a comment of what's the bug so i can also check it's fixed once you fix it? :D15:49
mhr3_mzanetti, can we please get https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/unity-theme-icon-provider/+merge/180805 merged?15:49
kgunn3d card deck from right edge for example15:49
Saviqkgunn, yeah we talked with greyback15:49
Saviqkgunn, we're thinking 2 man-weeks with screenshots15:50
mzanettimhr3_: not really sure why you're asking me15:50
kgunnSaviq: mmm....so 3 w/ interrupts :)15:50
Saviqkgunn, yeah15:50
mhr3_mzanetti, ehm, because it's friday! :P15:51
mzanettimhr3_: I have no clue about that merge proposal15:51
mzanettimhr3_: you might want to ask someone from #sdk, no?15:52
mhr3_mzanetti, yea, i really have no idea why i pinged you about it15:52
Cimitsdgeos, I think it's fixed now15:52
Cimitsdgeos, was basically the hud not running if you were dragging from the bottom15:52
Cimitsdgeos, after enabling it with clicks15:52
Saviqmhr3_, zsombi and Wellark are on it15:53
tsdgeosCimi: i see15:53
tsdgeoswell, i'm calling it a day15:53
Saviqmhr3_, they wanted tests, though15:53
tsdgeossee you on monday guys15:53
Cimitsdgeos, not fixed yet :D15:53
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Cimithis input filter thing is tricky, it's invisible so you don't know when it's enabled15:54
* Cimi next time I put a visual element to test it15:55
* Cimi should create an alias bzr pysh = bzr push15:57
Cimiso many typos15:57
Cimiwell it's ready to be reviewed now15:59
mhall119Saviq: are we going to discuss Unity 8's desktop mode this UDS, or wait until next?15:59
Saviqmhall119, I'm going on holiday starting tomorrow16:00
Saviqmhall119, so won't be there for vUDS or the week after that16:00
mhall119so....no then16:00
Saviqmhall119, sounds right16:03
mhall119ok, thankis16:03
dednick_tedg: will need https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator.multi-icon/+merge/181862 for your cellular data to be in unity8 indicators16:04
tedgdednick_, Yeah, I understand.  It's not blocking me other than I'd really love to see the icon :-)16:05
dednick_tedg: ok. i tested ealier. seems to be all good16:06
tedgdednick_, Woot!16:07
tedgdednick_, That's what I like to hear on Friday's ;-)16:08
mzanettiSaviq: _should_ be fixed: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-folding-tweaks/+merge/18120816:20
mzanettiat least I get 100% success rate locally here16:21
mzanettibefore every 10th run failed here16:21
Saviqmzanetti, ok cool16:21
kgunngreyback: jamie's saying the clickpackage download bug is really in mir ?...just wanted your 2 cents...does racarr need to look into that todya ?16:40
fajunghello, I'm on ubuntu 12.04, my mounted partition isn't display in the luncher bar16:41
fajungit is mounted under /mnt/partition16:42
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greybackkgunn: I need to chat with him a sec, just to see we're on the same page.16:48
greybackkgunn: where do I find him??16:49
greybackkgunn: nevermind16:50
ESphynxHey guys... so , we'd *really* like to solve this glitch we get in Unity with our toolkit before the Saucy feature freeze17:04
ESphynxWe end up with a doubled up menu like this: http://ecere.com/tmp/unityBug.png    , bug description: http://ecere.com/mantis/view.php?id=85017:05
ESphynxThe first thing is we'd like to know if our toolkit is doing something wrong, or if it's Unity that's to blame, either way we'd really like the fix to be in before feature freeze17:06
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ESphynxhey redj17:14
redjhey ESphynx17:16
ESphynxSo what do you think of this bug redj:  http://ecere.com/tmp/unityBug.png ?17:17
redjESphynx: I don't know... I have to look at it again... going to do that in a sec...17:19
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greybackSaviq: still around?17:36
Saviqgreyback, yup17:44
greybackSaviq: this might be familiar: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/fix-click/+merge/18188117:44
ESphynxAny idea about this bug guys?17:45
Saviqgreyback, approved17:45
greybackSaviq: thanks!17:46
Saviqgreyback, good I affected unity-mir on those bugs ,then17:46
greybackSaviq: nah, it took an actual complaint by the click guys to remind me :)17:46
greybackI was expecting the upstart app stuff to be done by the time they would be testing. I was wrong :(17:47
ESphynxSaviq: Do you think our toolkit is to blame?17:48
SaviqESphynx, sorry, I'm not involved in current Unity work, just unity8 - the phone one17:49
SaviqESphynx, but, from the top of my head17:49
SaviqESphynx, if you mean the double toolbar, then yes - Unity doesn't draw anything in there17:49
ESphynxAh... could you please ping whoever would have a clue?17:49
ESphynxthing is it doesn't happen with any other toolkits17:50
ESphynxit's the whole maximized thing and decorations size reporting I guess17:50
SaviqESphynx, it's Friday afternoon, best email the unity-dev list https://launchpad.net/~unity-dev17:50
SaviqESphynx, and/or file a bug against lp:unity, if you find it is actually the culprit17:51
ESphynxk, thanks salem_17:51
ESphynxredj: got that? :P17:51
SaviqESphynx, but yeah, the double toolbar is in the window's area, so I doubt that unity has anything to do with that17:52
ESphynxSaviq: well it would be a bad _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS or something17:53
ESphynxredj: Track these _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS notifications down!17:54
ESphynxIn particular, we're only requesting the frame_extents when 'creating' a window...17:58
redjESphynx: got it18:04
* greyback eod18:18
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om26er|afkSaviq, I think the kill ubuntuappmanager workaround didn't change anything, what you say should I remove it ?18:39
Saviqom26er|afk, yeah, do19:00
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