
ncweberYou could say that about Ubuntu Touch00:00
kjcolencweber: Yeah, I was just pointing out the link betwixt Sailfish and Jolla.00:00
ncweberOh, I've been keeping an eye on them, and Tizen too.00:01
ncweberChoice is good.00:01
kjcoleI got my only cell phone when I went to Google IO and they gave it to me for free, along with a month of free service. When the service expired, I did not renew.  So, although I read about Tizen, et al occasionally, I don't follow closely.00:02
ncweberI try to keep abreast of varying things going on in the open source mobile space.00:04
ncweberIt's a bit tricky with my sparse free time.00:04
kjcoleI keep waiting for a true daylight readable screen -- e.g. Pixel Qi (http://www.pixelqi.com/) or Mirasol (http://www.qualcomm.com/mirasol) -- along with an open OS and a sane data plan.00:05
ncweberHeh, the holy grail of mobile devices.00:05
ncweberWell, I'm going to take off, so to speak.00:08
marcoceppiack! sorry01:00

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