
rick_hlol, 600 steps while I was taking a shower. You got fitbit. :/01:39
cmaloneyThis day could not get any better13:09
cmaloneyLifetime made it so you can only get their programming via a cable provider13:09
cmaloneyNo more fucking Dance Moms!13:10
cmaloneyWooo hooo!!!!13:10
rick_hhow was that not the case before?13:10
cmaloneyIt's like being told Santa Claus does birthdays too13:10
cmaloneyThey just had it out there13:10
cmaloneyBut apparently cable folks are worried aboutt he cable cutters13:11
cmaloneyand JoDee has been watching that bitch's program for a while now13:11
cmaloneyAnd frankly I'm glad to be done with it13:11
cmaloneyOn the downside, no more Project Runway though13:11
cmaloneybut if I we have to sacrifice Heidi Klum to get rid of Abby Lee, that's a small price to pay13:12
jrwrenproject runway has been bad for a long long long long time14:36
* rick_h wonders when it was good...14:38
jrwreni never said it was good :)14:38
greg-gwhy are we talking about project runway?15:15
rick_hbecause cmaloney is happy it's not on his tv any more? or something15:16
cmaloneyI'm happy that JoDee isn't watching it on her laptop anymore (Dance MOms)15:19
greg-goh, I see.15:19
cmaloneyProject Runway is actually not bad. They at least show a skill15:19
cmaloneyNot that it's the Citizen Kane of our generation15:20
greg-gthe last time I watched 5 minutes of project runway while in a hotel room in some far off place, I didn't see any skill other than "looking purty"15:20
greg-gmaybe I'm confused on the point of the show15:20
cmaloneyThere's several components:15:20
cmaloney1) Design / Construction15:20
cmaloney2) Modeling15:20
greg-gbrb, going to go get some of that SF tech company staple: cereal.15:21
cmaloney3) Verbal abuse from judges15:21
jcastrorick_h: I got a new synapse bag16:47
jcastrofor the X23016:47
rick_hjcastro: <316:47
greg-goo! I got a new bag, too!16:48
greg-gmy 6 months at WMF bag!16:48
rick_hjcastro: Pick a size: Size 6Z, Vertical, Black (is the cache insert I use in mine for the x230)16:48
rick_hjcastro: what phone are you rocking?16:49
* rick_h thought you had a nexus16:49
rick_hGnex that is16:49
jcastroI do16:49
jcastroI have an N4 for about 2 months now16:49
jcastroso I can dogfood UTouch on one16:49
jcastroand have a production phone16:49
rick_hjcastro: ah, gnex != n416:50
rick_hjcastro: I had massive fitbit fail yesterday.16:50
rick_hnow understand better, forgot you had a n416:50
rick_hforgot/didn't know16:50
rick_hyea, only works with the phone with BT4, Gnex HAS bt4, but not enabled by samsung drivers16:50
rick_hso no phone worky, had to install/setup with windows software, which required getting usb working in my IE VBox setup to run their stupid software to set it up16:51
jcastroBT4 was only just now enabled on the N4 as well16:51
rick_hnow it'll only sync with my VM in windows with their stupid usb dongle16:51
jcastroso I still have to sync with a windows box. :-/16:51
jcastroit's ok it holds 7 days worth of data16:51
rick_hdude! I asked how it was going and you made it seem like it sync'd with your phone and was all good.16:51
jcastroso you only have to do it once a week16:51
jcastrohowever ping cwayne, he's got libfitbit working16:52
* rick_h was waiting for something that didn't require a PC/windows to work. 16:52
jcastrowith my phone? No it's never done that, I had to wait for the android update that came a few weeks ago16:52
jcastronow I just need to wait for fitbit to enable working on this new android build16:52
rick_hugh, that and it thought I did 600 steps by taking a shower16:52
rick_hheh, well I'll get a new phone at the end of the year so guess I'll get BT4 in a few months16:53
jcastrook charm school, to be continued!16:53
rick_hyea, I want to be in on this. What's the url?16:53
* rick_h wants to load up this desktop with lxc provider power!16:53
jcastroMy new thinkpad gets here today!18:42
greg-gwhen's mine get here? :(18:51
rick_hok, have working lxc container juju going. Time to charm up bookie now. Debugging is going to be a heck of a lot easier. Though booo no debug-log19:14
greg-grick_h: I'm getting NaN's in bookie: https://bmark.us/greg/recent22:42

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