
Kilosmorning nlsthzn and others05:15
Kiloschannel looks poor this morning. even mages quassel is dead05:16
nlsthznalo uncle Kilos ... your up early :)05:19
Kilosmorning Superhuman 06:15
Superhumanmorning Kilos06:20
Kilosmorning superfly 06:30
superflymorning Kilos06:35
superflymorning Superhuman, nlsthzn06:35
nlsthzntop of the morning to you superfly 06:43
nlsthznand Superhuman 06:43
barrydkGood morning everyone06:57
Maazbarrydk: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell barrydk http://www.amazon.com/Booster-repeater-Amplifier-Omni-directional-Accessories/dp/B00ABUVN82" 13 hours, 29 minutes and 3 seconds ago06:57
Kiloshi barrydk 07:01
barrydkHi Kilos  Was checking that antena site. How are you this morning?07:18
Kilosgood ty and you07:19
barrydkno new problems ty07:19
Kilosif you see full signal on an 8ta cell you might not need to add external antenna07:19
Kiloshi Squirm 07:20
barrydkhi Squirm 07:20
Kilosim reading serious stuff07:20
barrydksound dangerous07:20
Kilosbash dash rbash crash07:20
barrydknow you scare me07:21
SquirmKilos: are those different shells?07:21
Kilosonly crash was added because it rhymes07:21
barrydkdon't like the crash one07:21
Kilosim reading bash beginners guide07:22
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:22
barrydkHi ThatGraemeGuy 07:22
Kilosty for that link07:22
Kilosgot lotsa books07:22
ThatGraemeGuyno problemo07:22
SquirmKilos: man bash07:23
Squirmfrom the command line :P07:23
Squirmyou'll be reading forever07:23
Kilosman and me arent friends07:23
Kilosthe pro is always telling me man this and that07:23
Squirmjust have a look at how expensive it is07:23
Squirmyeah, I've gotten used to man07:24
Squirmit helps a lot07:24
Kilosim still learning how to understand07:24
Kiloswhen they give all that bracket stuff im lost07:24
Squirm[] are optionaly07:25
SquirmKilos: what do you want to do with bash?07:25
SquirmI'd rather learn something like python first, bash is more complicated if you want to use it for scripting07:25
Kiloswe are gonna learn python sometime Squirm but the pro said start with bash07:26
Kilosyou dont know about the classes we gonna have??07:26
Squirmbash was the last thing I looked at. Only becuase python doesn't run on the machine I had07:26
Squirmand no07:26
Kilosthe mage is organising classes on #linux-studies and we were gonna do python07:27
Kilosbut pro said we need a good basic understanding on bash and some other stuff first07:28
* Squirm shrugs07:28
SquirmI don't like bash programming07:29
Squirmand will only use it for smaller automation scripts07:29
Kilosbut you understand it07:30
Kilosthats the thing07:30
Squirmumm, I don't even know that - like I said, it was the last thing I looked at07:30
Kilosi even battled to use idle07:31
Kilosbut got past that some now07:31
Kilosidle is actually lekker07:31
Kilosthe python scripting thing07:32
Kilosin the repos07:32
Squirmgedit is quite nice if you're on Ubuntu07:32
Kilosyeah i use gedit and nano07:32
Kilosi like nano07:32
SquirmI used to use nano07:33
SquirmI prefer vim now07:33
Kilosna vim is too much more for me to member07:33
Kilosidle is lekker07:33
Kiloscan use the mouse07:33
SquirmI just use the basic stuff07:33
SquirmI use gedit for writing code07:34
Squirmsyntax hilighting07:34
Kiloslook at idle though its good to know the extra tools available07:36
Kiloslo drussell 08:41
drussellKilos: howdy!08:46
charlgood morning all09:13
charlMaaz: coffee on09:13
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:13
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!09:17
charlMaaz: thanks09:21
Maazcharl: Okay :-)09:21
Kilosyo charl 09:22
charlhi Kilos 09:22
charlhow's it going09:22
Kilosgood ty and you09:22
Kiloshi tinuva 09:36
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za09:36
charlhi tinuva 09:40
Kiloshey charl when i use a command like sudo iftop -i ppp0 is that -i what makes it interactive with 3g09:50
Kilosand sudo -i makes you iteractive with root?09:52
tinuvainteractive is the wrong word09:54
tinuvaiftop -i ppp0 = use interface ppp0, whether that is your 3g or another dial-up interface09:54
tinuvasudo -i = initiate login, as if the user is logging in, very rarely see anyone use this09:54
tinuvasudo iftop -i means the -i flag is only passed to iftop though09:55
Kiloswhew you a boff tinuva 09:57
Kilosty for the info09:57
Squirmiftop is a wonderful tool10:15
Squirmespecially on a big network - I can look at who's using up all our bandwidth :P10:15
tinuvanethogs > iftop if you need to find which application is using up bw on a server :P10:16
tinuvaand iftop falls over once you get to 400Mbps10:16
Kilosi use it to see how much im using when data gets tight10:17
Kilosbut if you run 2 pcs through a router with 3g connection then do you have to run iftop from both pcs or will one iftop watch everything10:19
Kilosi ask because iftop then uses the eth connection10:20
tinuvaboth, unless you use a linux machine to share the connection10:21
tinuvathen run it on the machine that shares the connection10:21
Kilosthe 3g connects on the router and both pcs with eth connection10:21
Kilosso will need iftop on both methinks10:23
Kilostinuva: we are having our monthly meeting here monday evening, are you attending?10:30
Kilosand you ThatGraemeGuy 10:31
Kilosso we can have an official congrats10:31
tinuvauh dno, monday evenings I have dance class10:33
ThatGraemeGuyunlikely, you ought to know by now :P10:33
Kilosya ThatGraemeGuy was hoping thats all10:33
Kiloslike the quick visit last night10:34
charlhi sorry i was away12:40
charlKilos: i see tinuva already answered you on that12:40
charlwhat is the best, iftop or iptraf ?12:41
charli normally use iptraf12:41
Kilosi like iftop especially when im near the end of a bundle half way through the month12:42
Kilosive never looked at iftraf12:42
Kilosiftop you can see which links are eating the data12:42
charlam trying it now, but i think iptraf is better12:43
charlyou also get a nice separation between tcp connections and udp12:43
Kiloshehe i started using iftop when i only had like 50m a month to play with12:45
Kilosnow its a habit app12:46
charlyeah iptraf is much more powerful than iftop, iftop seems to be really basic12:46
charlyeah why not, it's nice to see what is going on12:46
Kilosbasic is good for me man12:47
charlno i mean iptraf gives you a much better overview12:47
charliftop is "simplistic"12:47
Kilosthis bash stuff is popping nogin12:47
Kilosi dunno if i have to get to know all this if ill ever get to python12:48
Kilosits like having to learn sanscrit or hiroglyphics before you allowed to learn english12:49
tinuvathe simplicity from iftop is what i like12:49
Kilosexcuse the spelling12:50
KilosMaaz: spell hyrogliphics12:50
MaazKilos: That doesn't seem correct, but I can't find anything to suggest12:50
Kilostinuva: you do languages as well?12:52
tinuvaKilos, i do everything12:53
Kiloshi magespawn your net been sick?12:53
magespawnafternoon all12:53
magespawnyup looks like it Kilos 12:53
Kilosis it just the nick i dont recognise12:54
Kiloskonversation looks empty when theres no magespawn showing12:54
magespawnno for some reason i am at the top12:55
Kilosna here you after maaz12:55
magespawnmaybe just my view then12:56
Kilosyou on mobile?12:56
magespawnyes 12:57
Kilosah the shops net has crashed them12:57
magespawnbut on the shops network12:57
Kilosoh then its quassel?12:58
magespawnfor sur312:58
barrydkEnjoy the weekend everyone12:58
Kilosyou too barr12:58
Kiloshi Cantide 13:40
Cantidehi Kilos :)13:40
Kiloseish sister nearly had her car stolen now14:04
Kiloscar gaurds caught the skelms trying to push start it out of the parking14:04
Kilosand pc started the auto reboot thing again14:05
magespawnis she okay Kilos 14:06
Kilosyeah she came out the shop to find them with cops already there14:07
Kilosbut now cops got the car for printing etc14:07
Kilos2nd time and it new windows and ignition and whatever else messed up to replace14:08
Kilosan old uno 14:08
Kilosstay in hluhluwe14:09
magespawnmaybe the uno is easy to steal14:10
Kilosand she supposed to take her daughter to airport sunday to fly to south west for 2 years work permit14:11
Kiloshers has a kill switch added and hidden and another switch that allows the starter to work thats why they were pushing14:12
Cantidesomeone in my street has his car stolen last night - the unbolted his driveway gate and removed it o_O14:14
Cantidehad his *14:14
Kiloswe need the death penalty brought back14:15
Cantideyeah :/14:15
Cantidea bit harsh for car thieves14:16
Cantidebut yeah, we need it for more serious crimes14:16
confluencyThat's debatable.14:17
Kilosno if you think of it, there are peeps that dont have insurance or like me my car was all i had14:17
Kilosso that car theft ruins the owners life14:17
Cantidetrue that14:17
Cantidei guess if we get the death penalty only for serious crimes, then those will decrease and less serious crimes will increase14:18
confluencyThe death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent.14:18
Cantidemy comment's actually a little poorly thought out :D14:18
confluencyI don't think there's any place for it in a civilised society, and we are well rid of it.14:18
Kilosno but it saves taxes for feeding the criminals and courts14:19
Cantidei second that14:19
Cantidegovernment really needs to put effort in to fixing our society and education14:19
Cantidethat's where it all starts14:19
confluencyCare and feeding of prisoners is a small price to pay for not being murderers. No matter how horrible the prisoners are.14:19
Cantidenot when our prisons are overcrowded and murderers walk freee14:20
Cantideif we had the resources, sure14:20
confluencyKilling them is not a very good solution to that.14:20
Cantidenot a good one, but i think it's a start14:20
confluencyNot killing people is not a luxury; it's a necessity.14:21
Kilosactually better to cut off hands14:21
Cantidemost crims reoffend when released14:21
magespawnif we are going to keep them, feed them etc, they could at least work for it14:21
Cantidelabour camps?14:21
Cantidewe could have some prison mines :p14:22
confluencyThere are some powers that no government should ever have, and ordering people to be killed or maimed is one of them.14:22
Cantideokay, i agree with that, confluency14:22
Cantideour government would certainly misuse that power14:22
confluencyIt's not just misuse; it is fundamentally a power nobody should ever have. It's abhorrent.14:22
magespawnsomething like that, but productive work, not stupid things like moving piles of rocks14:23
confluencySure, pirisoners should have jobs. But not because we should make them work to punish them; because that will actually give them employable skills and make it less likely that they will reoffend.14:24
confluencyPrisons should not be hellholes where criminals turn into worse criminals.14:24
Cantidetotally agree14:24
Cantidebut our government is useless, once again14:25
confluencyThis is an international problem. The US, for example, is not much better.14:25
magespawnalso if society is going to support them they can earn their keep, no free passes14:25
Cantideif you're stuck with a bunch of bad people, it's not surprising14:25
Cantidetough topic :D14:26
magespawnbut what about the psycopaths? (spelling?), what do you do with them?14:27
Cantideah well, time for some coffee14:27
Cantidepsychopaths *14:27
confluencyYou put them in a mental hospital. Why would you put them in a prison?14:27
magespawnKilos: are you on the dlug list? anybody else?14:38
magespawnconfluency: indeed, i sometimes wonder at the conditions in those hospitals14:41
Kilosmagespawn: the durbs linux peeps?14:46
Kilosi dont have their addy i think14:46
Kilosonly on their g+ thing i never use anyway14:47
Kilostinuva: may we ask where you are?14:47
Kilosand what you do?14:48
tinuvawork at small isp, in cape town14:48
Kilosah anothewr one down there14:48
Kilosanother as well14:48
Kilosmagespawn: you got the addy?14:49
magespawnhold on a sec14:51
inetprotinuva: thanks for introducing me to nethogs14:54
magespawni have to get the fish home, i will get it when i get home14:54
tinuvainetpro, pleasure :)14:54
* inetpro always had that on a list of nice to haves to research14:55
magespawnbbl home time14:56
inetpromagespawn: yes, very useful net top tool grouping bandwidth per process14:56
Kilosnp magespawn 14:56
inetprocharl: if you know iftop's keyboard shortcuts it beats iptraf in some areas14:57
inetprorun it and press ?14:58
tinuvaiftop is faster to get the top hog dst/src ips14:59
tinuvacan also faster switch between in/out14:59
* inetpro agrees with tinuva14:59
tinuvafaster to disable/enable showing ports14:59
inetprocan't live without iftop14:59
tinuvaall with keyboard shortcuts14:59
tinuvaiptraf has a more static display14:59
tinuvain a way14:59
tinuvabut i find it hard to properly sort the data15:00
tinuvaits great that it shows a tcpdump with it though15:00
tinuvabut then again, if that is what i want, better to use tcpdump15:00
tinuvaanyways, home time15:01
Kilosgo well15:01
inetprosuperfly: you upgraded to Kubuntu 13.10 already?15:03
Kiloshi Vince-0 15:27
superflyinetpro: yes16:16
magedroidHey Kilos16:28
Kiloshi mage16:28
magedroidI can't connect through to my quassel16:29
Kiloswhy didnt you fix your quassel16:29
Kilosi see you the droid16:29
magedroidNothing broken there, but it looks like the dynamic dns did not update16:30
magedroidI am not the droid you are looking for16:30
Kilosok no rush16:30
Kiloswhy did you ask if i joined their list anyway16:30
Kilosdo they mail interesting stuffs16:31
magedroidI got a mail today about lpc 101, and a training site that one of the list members have set up16:40
KilosVince-0: may i join the dlug list?16:41
Kiloslpi magespawn ?16:41
Kilosthis possible completions thing catches me16:42
Kilosgotta type 4 letters of the nick16:42
magedroidLpi thats it16:50
Kiloswhat about the bash stuff and python17:00
magedroidWe are going to do that, this is just extra resources17:02
Kilosaha but you mustnt neglect your other studies hey17:02
magedroidIndeed thats why only one night a week17:03
Kilosill look at the lpi manual again, but dunno if im gonna get all this in head17:07
Kilosall this new stuff, operaters and operands and much more17:07
Kilosbut writing the lpi exam can only help you17:08
magedroidLots to learn, keeps the brain working17:08
Vince-0Kilos: ! you haven't?17:20
Kilosi dunno Vince-0 17:21
Kiloscouldnt have or i would surely have seen some17:22
Kiloshehe starnge minds of smilyborg17:35
Kilosmultiple personality peep17:39
Kilosi only got one mind17:39
Kilosnight all of ya. sleep tight18:01
KilosMaaz: night18:01
MaazCheers Kilos18:01
inetprosuperfly: anything worthwhile that changed?18:22
magedroidNight all18:51
superflyinetpro: I don't know, I've used it for a sum total of about an hour so far23:56

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