
dobbieLOL, I have only Linux installed on my PC. I need Linux Utility to put windows 7 ISO on my flash for further WINDOWS 7 installation from USB00:00
dobbiethats the problem00:00
Dictatoryeah, i had the problem before too and unebootin and startip disk creator seems to only works for linux boot USBs00:01
enen92has anyone used vftpd for a ftp server? I'm kind of struggling here with the configuration00:02
hdd3hello, im still trying to mount my ext3 hdd can anyone help? none is shown in fdisk00:02
Dictatorhdd3, try to replug it00:04
jribenen92: why do you want an ftp server?00:04
ejvenen92: what issue are you having?00:05
hdd3Dictator i tried this already00:05
ejvenen92: vsftpd is well documented00:05
Dictatorthere are a lot of ops on the Ubuntu channel you would think to earn their ops they would have to actually help users, is there even a schedule ops have to help users or can they just help someone every couple of weeks and still get the op privileges?00:05
enen92well basically I'm trying to set my ipcamera to send files over ftp to my laptop00:06
enen92however the cam creates a directory with: mkdir /name_of_directory00:06
enen92which is denied by the server00:06
enen92as an attempt of writting to the root folder00:06
enen92as I can't change that...I'm trying to set the ftp client to the home directory00:07
hdd3Dictator, do you know somebody who could help?00:08
cconsta|workHey guys, I made the mistake of doing an 'apt-get install syslog-ng' and now that package is stuck in a state where it can't finish installing (can't open /proc/kmsg, even though the file exists) and it won't uninstall because it can't finish configuring.  Help?00:08
ejvjrib: remember that mysql upgrade failure from a few weeks ago you were trying to assist with?00:08
jribejv: vaguely00:08
ejvjrib: assist *ME* with00:08
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ejvjrib: recap, dpkg was completely failing to let me upgrade, well the solution was clearing out old kernels/images; i had a full /boot partition, preventing dpkg from resolving its various build/install dependencies00:09
jribejv: I see.  Cool.00:09
MicroBHi there, Just a quick question..Where does ubuntu 12.04 LTS store the installation files on windows? I have NOT installed ubuntu yet but my hard disk space went from 20GB to 10GB00:10
MicroBThis only happened when going through the setup, before the partition stage00:10
ejvjrib: yup, as soon as i cleared out /boot; i was able to rebuild mysql-server00:10
ejvMicroB: sounds like the installer performed a disk resize00:10
MicroBCan you undo it? @ejv00:10
Dictatorhdd3, i don't... if you can't find help on here you are not even allowed to ask another ubuntu channel, so i guess you can try Linux Mint help at server irc.spotchat.org on channels #linuxmint-help00:11
ejvMicroB: me, unfortunately not, im at work ;)00:11
MicroBlol I meant is it easily to revert?00:11
MicroB@ejv, Having a look at my disk management, there hasn't been a new partition created...?00:13
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wilee-nileeMicroB, This a virtual install, the info is rather full of hole like a piece of swiss cheeses.00:17
MicroBhaha, apologies. Its a Live CD install on a Windows 7 single partition(with 100 MB reserved partition). @wilee-nilee00:18
wilee-nileeMicroB, ubuntu stores no files in windows.00:18
wilee-nileeunless a wubi or virtual in windows00:19
MicroBwilee-nilee, Why'd the space decrease though?00:19
wilee-nileeMicroB, Not sure your info is basically empty.00:19
MicroBCould it be because when it said something about previous changed being written to disk00:19
MicroBmeant that it would be writing something to the hard disk..?00:19
wilee-nileeMicroB, This is a windows question, it is attached to ubuntu, you have not installed it right, or resized windows right?00:20
wilee-nileeyou have attached it rather00:20
MicroBit may be the resizing, I guess? Let me try it out I guess00:20
MicroBIt did say the "max" should be 20% or something00:21
wilee-nileeMicroB, You should be resizing in windows the windos partition then rebooting it to make sure it is okay, leaving a unallocated space for ubuntu.00:21
MicroBwilee-nilee, My amateurness was not aware of this and I sort of went blind by just burning an iso and changing the boot order00:22
DictatorMicroB, maybe try CCleaner to clean your system of temporary files00:22
wilee-nileeMicroB, The ubuntu installer can resize windows however on occasion that causes problems is all.00:23
usr13MicroB: And defrag00:23
MicroBI've got a SSD, should I be defragging it..?00:23
MicroBusr13: ^00:23
wilee-nileeoptimizing it00:23
usr13backup and defrag00:23
Dictatorbleachbit from Linux cannot compare to CCleaner for Windows00:23
Ari-YangDictator, what do you mean temporary files? you mean required deps that aren't needed anymore? I think apt-get autoremove cleans all of that out.00:24
usr13Does "compare apples to oranges" come to mind?00:24
DictatorMicroB, if you know what you are doing you can also use GParted to eared the partition Ubuntu created on your computer00:24
wilee-nileeMicroB, This is W7 right?00:24
MicroBwilee-nilee: Yes it is00:25
wilee-nileeMicroB, It will only optimize the ssd thats what you want.00:25
MicroBDictator: I had read about GParted so will give that a go00:25
MicroBI thought defragging an SSD is a big no no..?00:25
qinDictator: What's CCleaner?00:25
DictatorMicroB, but maybe you installed Ubuntu Wubi, which just needs to be uninstalled from Windows00:25
usr13MicroB: Using GParted is part of Ubuntu's install process.00:25
wilee-nileeMicroB, optimozing is not defragging and you are correct.00:26
Ari-YangDictator, also there's apt-get autoclean00:26
Ari-Yangman apt-get00:26
Ari-Yangto see the options etc00:26
compdoccconsta|work, if there's no one here who can answer, be sure to try the mailing list00:26
compdocooops, I was scrolled back00:26
qinDictator: isnot cnet spyware bank?00:26
wilee-nileeDictator, Not a wubi, I asked already no install yet.00:26
n31318I need of assistance.00:26
wilee-nileen31318, State the issues for help.00:27
usr13n31318: Ask away00:27
n31318My Ubuntu 13.04 Intel Pro/100 internet drivers won't work00:27
MicroBDictator:  As wilee-nilee  said, I've not installed yet which is what I find strange but my hard drive space lowered by 10 GB00:27
MicroBI'll try out the optimizing00:27
usr13n31318: Fully updated?00:27
compdocn31318, did you install a driver?00:27
wilee-nileeMicroB, I suspect you are using two different measurements of the HD rsize ight00:28
usr13n31318: If not;  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:28
MicroBwilee-nilee: I was using the windows one on my computer00:28
n31318i cant00:29
n31318i have no internet00:29
wilee-nileeMicroB, the same one with both measurements00:29
MicroBwilee-nilee: Yes, same for both00:29
palebluedothi all, i'm trying to use git with etckeeper. if i manually commit via sudo git, git picks up my git username and email from the env vars. if i use sudo apt-get and install, it uses a different user (the local user and @localhost). does anyone know how to change this?00:29
usr13n31318: What do you need Intel Pro/100 if you do not have internet?00:29
DictatorMicroB, if your computer is lower spec, maybe you can try Lubuntu, or even Bodhi Linux in the future were are more lightweight00:29
n31318I do00:29
n31318im saying that i cant connect to it00:29
wilee-nileeMicroB, Not sure other than some call 1000MB a gig some call 1024 MB a gig00:30
usr13n31318:  Wired or WiFi?00:30
compdocn31318, did you add the card recently? did it ever work?00:30
n31318when i had windows00:30
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usr13n31318: This computer you have, does it have an ethernet port?00:30
MicroBDictator:  My laptop is up to the spec certainly, but thank you for your suggestion00:30
compdocIntel Pro/100 wifi?00:30
usr13n31318: Do you have a router?00:30
n31318i have a netgear adapter connected to it00:31
n31318of course lol00:31
usr13n31318: Do you have an ethernet cable?00:31
MicroBwilee-nilee:  I would say the second one, but from just looking at my computer before inserting the CD I knew I had 20 gb free, after inserting the cd and going through a few steps of the installation, I have 10 GB free00:31
usr13n31318: Plug it in.00:31
* wilee-nilee just loves when two many try to help a project already working fine00:31
onetimeIs there a channel for help reporting bugs?  I need to report one on ubuntu.com00:31
n31318it is plugged in00:31
onetimeI just don't know what package to file it against00:31
usr13n31318: ifconfig00:31
n31318anyway to share screen shots?00:32
wilee-nileeMicroB, YOu HD should have more free space than that anyway, filling it up especially a ssd is not good.00:32
usr13n31318: Open a terminal, type   ifconfig   tell us what it says?00:32
n31318aighty then00:32
n31318its a lot to type00:32
usr13n31318: Does it show an IP address?00:32
usr13n31318: sudo dhclient eth000:33
wilee-nileeMicroB,HOw many gigs is the ssd?00:33
usr13n31318: Now does it?00:33
n31318just wait00:33
n31318it's thinking00:33
MicroBwilee-nilee:  Thanks, let me try out the resizing one more time. Also as its got 128 GB the OS and some key programs took up a LOT of spcae00:33
onetimeNevermind, found it. ubuntudeveloperportal00:33
MicroBleaving me with ~30 GB00:33
Karpuragauramwhat does the 1 and 2 mean here ? ==  here is what I have -- drwxrwxr-x 2 basant basant 4096 Aug 22 20:17 Basant site       and   -rw-r--r-- 1 basant basant  5120 Aug 22 20:17 basantBackup.db00:34
n31318is the terminal supposed to freeze up for a lil bit?00:34
usr13n31318: Yes00:34
n31318on a 1GBps SSD?00:34
n31318oh ok00:34
PapaSierrai'm trying to create a user only if he doesn't already exist. this is what i've got: id -u nginx &>/dev/null || adduser --system --no-create-home nginx00:34
usr13n31318: Does your router have a dhcp server running on it?00:34
n31318ill wait then00:34
PapaSierrait's not quite right00:34
usr13n31318: (Should have connected by now.)00:34
n31318man linux is a beauty lol00:35
wilee-nileeMicroB, Do you have another HD on board?00:35
wilee-nileeor an externa;00:35
usr13n31318: Still not connected?00:35
MicroBwilee-nilee:  Nope, Just the one, its a laptop so didn't have many more options for storage00:35
n31318its still thinking i presume00:35
n31318lemme check my system monitor00:35
qinPapaSierra: && ?00:36
usr13n31318: Did you hint Enter key?00:36
usr13n31318: Maybe the eithernet cable is bad.00:36
MicroBI was going to use a spare USB for linux but wanted to see where the 9 GB went00:36
usr13n31318: Try another.00:36
MicroBwilee-nilee:  ^00:36
wilee-nileeMicroB, Cool, there are just limitations on filling up a hard drive is all, no one really agrees on this but it is something to be aware of is all.00:36
n31318or maybe plug it into another port?00:36
n31318i have 10 usb ports lol00:37
PapaSierraqin: really? i'm not sure, because if the l.h.s equates to false then i want the r.h.s to run. if it's && then it will exit asap and never run the r.h.s00:37
n31318oh i just noticed something00:37
qinPapaSierra: but if would be much safer00:37
usr13n31318: Yes...............?00:37
PapaSierraqin right, how do i user if?00:37
n31318the netgear network adapter isn't flashing00:37
MicroBwilee-nilee: I'll try out the installation one more time and research the previous changes part. Thanks though for the help! :D00:37
n31318it's not even on00:37
usr13Is this a laptop or desktop?00:38
n31318it turns on when its booting up however00:38
qinPapaSierra:  id -u $USER && echo foo;  id -u someone && echo foo00:38
usr13n31318: But you have an ethernet cable going from the ethernet port on the PC to the router.  Right?00:39
hdd3i would be eternally grateful if somebody could help me with my external hdd00:39
n31318oh no00:39
usr13n31318: (... plugged into a LAN port on the router. Right? )00:39
n31318im not near a router00:39
usr13n31318: Well plug it in.00:39
n31318and cant get access to one00:39
PapaSierraqin i'm not sure that that's doing? and what is $USER?00:39
usr13n31318: I thought you just said you had an ethernet cable.  ?>????00:40
usr13n31318: How are you talking to us now?00:40
qinPapaSierra: echo $USER; tshows acctual user; try with real and unreal user00:40
n31318is there ant other way to do it without a router connected directly?00:40
PapaSierraqin right, i tried with root and i see 0 foo (user id followed by foo because, yes, root exists)00:41
usr13n31318: Oh, I'm sure there is, but I wouldn't attempt to help you, would be too complicated.00:41
n31318nahnah just tell meh00:41
usr13n31318: Sorry.00:41
n31318im willing to listen00:41
usr13n31318: Is there any thing else we can help you with?00:41
n31318well the network card can be read and so can the ethernet00:42
wilee-nileehdd3, this is associated with mint right?00:42
usr13n31318: "the network card can be read and so can the ethernet"?00:42
n31318i tried sudo modprobe e10000:42
PapaSierraqin yeah this is give the right behavior id -u someone &>/dev/null || echo foo00:42
n31318still nothing00:42
mmattersanyone used alsa with ladspa plugins ?00:42
n31318its weird00:43
n31318it could be that i need to set it up manually00:43
usr13n31318: After you finish doing updates, come back and we will assist you in any possible.00:43
n31318you know where i can do that?00:43
usr13n31318: iwconfig00:43
usr13n31318: What does   iwconfig  say?00:43
n31318lo - no wireless extensions eth0 - no wireless extensions00:44
usr13n31318: Ok.  As I said before;  Connect your PC to the internet and we can help you.00:44
hdd3wilee-nilee, no, ubuntu00:45
n31318i cant though00:45
usr13n31318: What does    lspci   say about your wireless device?00:45
n31318uhh lemme look through this00:45
n31318it reads it00:45
usr13n31318: Yea, what does it say about your wireless device?00:45
wilee-nileehdd3, State the issues to the channel for help then, and mint although a derivative of ubuntu is not ubuntu or supported here, I saw a earlier mention of mint is why I ask.00:46
PapaSierraqin so the issue is actually because i'm using capistrano. the command i posted initially works perfect *if logged in with ssh* but not using capistrano00:46
FloodBot1maxi12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:46
hdd3wilee-nilee, what channel???00:47
Dictatorhdd3, i don't... if you can't find help on here you are not even allowed to ask another ubuntu channel, so i guess you can try Linux Mint help at server irc.spotchat.org on channels #linuxmint-help00:47
n31318Ethernet Controller: Intel Corporation 82562ET/EZ/GT/GZ - pro/100 VE (LOM) - Is what it reads00:47
Dante123Hi all....got lenovo y510p laptop with 16gb ram.00:47
wilee-nilee!mint | hdd300:48
ubottuhdd3: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:48
Dante123What to do about swap?00:48
hdd3Dictator, it has nothing to do with mint00:48
n31318:/ crap he left00:48
hdd3wilee-nilee, i never actually used mint...00:48
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Dante123Should I make on 16gb on laptop?00:49
wilee-nileehdd3, Cool, Im not sure what is up with the "Dictator" but cross posting is only not liked, is all tell us the problem.00:49
n31318crap :/00:49
HackerIIyou can change swapiness, other than that, let it configure itself00:50
usr13n31318:  lsmod |grep 10000:50
usr13n31318: What does ^^^^ say?00:51
Dante123If I choose a partition that is currently ext4 to install Ubuntu the installer will configure its own swap?00:51
xmetalthe plkace your talking now00:51
xmetalplace too00:51
xmetalwow @ lag here00:51
DictatorDante123, yeah i think00:51
Microbwilee-nilee: Hey, I just had a look and it seems that there is some "free space" but I cannot assign it back to windows, which ubuntu made?00:51
hdd3its maybe that I accidentally formatted an external ext3 hd, when i wanted to format another ext hd of the same size to ntfs, wilee-nilee, and now i the ext3 is not shown in fdisc anymore, i want to mount it but i cant00:51
n31318it says00:52
MicrobHere's the screens I see http://imgur.com/a/7PHIf00:52
wilee-nileeMicrob, It was made if you told it to, sounds like you did.00:52
n31318e100     35903 000:52
n31318is what it says00:52
hdd3* wilee-nilee, it does not show in fdisk -l00:52
DictatorMicrob, Gparted00:52
wilee-nileehdd3, Can you use a gui like gparted.00:53
MicrobDictator:  Just trying it out now, Thanks.00:53
usr13n31318: Well, I don't know.  If I were you, I'd get an ethernet cable, plug into your router, do updates and go from there.  ( sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade )00:53
hdd3wilee-nilee, first thing i tried dosnt show there, doesnt show in system monitor, no matter how often ii switch it on/off or replug... :(00:54
usr13n31318: After updates are done, reboot.00:54
n31318so theres no way to do it without a router?00:54
fermulatorRecently I've been installing gnome-shell (gnome3) -- Unfortunately I added the PPA, which I guess is the "unstable"/"testing" branch (ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3). Since then, I ran a purge against the PPA, and now I'm unable to re-install the Ubuntu stable version of gnome-shell, getting package dependency issues.  http://pastebin.com/MEQVwJJY.  Does anyone have experience here? (I've tried several things from Google including: autoremove, clean, update,00:54
fermulator dpkg --configure -a, apt-get install -f , ....00:54
usr13n31318:  Maybe someone else here will have some other advice...00:54
Dictatorhdd3, i don't think windows can read ext3 files, only NTFS, FAT..etc00:55
usr13If someone else as advice for   n31318  please let him know.00:55
n31318:/ yup00:55
n31318i have the intel pro linux tar!00:55
hdd3Dictator, I Am not talking about windows00:55
qinPapaSierra: http://superuser.com/questions/336275/find-out-if-user-name-exists00:55
qinsorry for delay00:55
n31318tar.gz files00:55
fermulatorThere are tools to read extX in Windows00:55
usr13n31318: Yes.00:56
hdd3the problem is the hd doesnt show00:56
fermulatorI've used: Ext2Fds, Ext2IFS, and Linux_Reader00:56
n31318i have the intel drivers00:56
n31318how do i install them?00:56
n31318its a tar file with src in it00:56
usr13n31318: Well, first unpack the file.  tar xvf file-name.tar.gz00:57
PapaSierraqin that's pretty good, ideally it should be a command rather than script, but i'm reading the link now...00:57
fermulatorn31318, did Intel provide a readme? - there should be instructions included with the drivers on how to install the modules00:57
usr13n31318: cd resulting-directory-name/  && less README.txt00:57
FoxhoundzI need help00:58
FoxhoundzI installed Ubuntu Gnome Remix on 13.0400:58
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Foxhoundzit was working fine for a while00:58
Dictatorhdd3, can gparted see the drive?00:58
Foxhoundzbut now when I get to the login screen00:58
Foxhoundzit doesn't respond00:58
Foxhoundzmouse moves, but nothing is responding ( keyboard + mouse )00:58
qinPapaSierra: chown on the end, and all acriptsyou can write as oneliner00:58
usr13n31318: But bascially, the driver module is more-than-likely built into the kenrnel and you more-than-likely just need to do updates.00:59
qinPapaSierra: also /j #bash may help00:59
hdd3Dictator, no, and system monitor cant either00:59
PapaSierraqin you're referring the chown right at the bottom of the page?00:59
PapaSierrai'll check out #bash00:59
PapaSierraty v m00:59
qinPapaSierra: yes01:00
Dictatormaybe, its a hardware issue like USB plug or the HDD itself01:00
usr13n31318: See my PM01:00
Dictatorhdd3, maybe try a liveCD and see if that recognizes it01:02
Mnemonhdd3: can you even see the device? (/dev/sdb or something)01:02
hdd3Dictator, already did that :(01:02
johnjohn101is this where we get support for kubuntu?01:02
hdd3Mnemon, no, it should be sdc, sdb is internal, it doesnt show sdc anywhere01:03
Mnemonhdd3: checked dmesg?01:03
Mnemonsounds like the device is broken or there's some issue in recognizing it01:04
hdd3Mnemon, cant really read it but i guess there was nothing, wanna see?01:04
Dictatoris there are way to see if the bios can see it?01:04
GamaraHello anyone able to help me get my c615 logitech webcams microphone working with skype, the only option I see in skype under sound is pulse audio, so I downloaded the volume control and manager for pulse audio, I checked pulse audio volume control and no recording device is showing up.01:05
SilverSlimerjohnjohn101, i'll assume #kubuntu is the channel01:05
johnjohn101thank you.  i just joined there.01:05
hdd3Mnemon: was too long for terminal, but here it is... :) http://pastebin.com/0VpUmQHL01:06
Mnemonhdd3: replug it and see if you get more of [ 1519.052033] usb 4-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 or [ 1520.480037] usb 4-2: device not accepting address 12, error -71 etc.01:08
Mnemonif yes: http://paulphilippov.com/articles/how-to-fix-device-not-accepting-address-error01:09
hdd3Mnemon, ok thx01:10
Gamarawhat is pulse audio server (local)01:10
MnemonGamara: it's the server that handles sound on ubuntu.01:11
GamaraThanks Mnemon01:12
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hdd3Mnemon, i guess its the same output : http://pastebin.com/zDuyyg0j01:13
Mnemonhdd3: strange, you should get something there when you plug in a device :P01:15
Mnemontried it in any other machine/port?01:15
fermulatorFound answer to my gnome-shell issue -- http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=205&t=10738001:16
hdd3i actually just switched it off and on again, Mnemon, yes i tried it on a 11.10 live cd01:16
Mnemontry switching to different usb port if possible01:17
Mnemonif you get nothing there, it's almost certainly a hardware problem with your usb hub or the drive.01:18
hdd3Mnemon: Sorry heres another try, it duplicated the message. : http://pastebin.com/w3PQ0XWg01:19
Karpuragauram1. will cron retry missed things   2. will it execute ( supposing daily event) the event of next day if it misses the current one01:20
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jribKarpuragauram: no.  Check out anacron for that01:20
Mnemonhdd3: k, then i'd suggest trying the stuff in the link i posted(turn the computer off, unplug power, wait a moment, replug everything, boot ...) if that fails, you could try usbmon and see if it gives any more information01:24
hdd3Mnemon: now its in another usb port: http://pastebin.com/F431ZUb001:25
morkhow do i make my linux system recognise my modem dongle? is it in bash, and what commands do i look for ?01:27
hdd3Mnemon, what is usbmon?01:27
mork...and how do i do it?01:28
n35080usr 13?01:29
hdd3Mnemon, that plugging strategy in your link is what i am going to try now...01:30
crunchbang_hello you01:31
Mnemonhdd3: kernel module for usb debugging01:31
crunchbang_i have a lttle problem01:31
hdd3Mnemon, will u be on in 20 still?01:31
Mnemonhdd3: unfortunately I gotta catch some Z's ... 5am here :)01:31
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crunchbang_i seach for a programm to comunikate whithe my sky box01:32
hdd3Mnemon, thx anyway, i hope the power problem will fix it, have a good night its 3:32 am here :)01:32
Mnemonhehe :)01:32
crunchbang_is now openbox  the wrong way to sind a a way out of01:33
projectmangaim having problems connecting to my zaurus pda 550001:35
projectmangai know the problem but im a lazy kid any way to do the simply01:36
wilee-nileeprojectmanga, This a mtp, a we can assume pluggung in it does not show in home?01:38
trindazWhen I try running my webserver and binding it to the IP address that EC2 has given my instance I get "That IP address can't be assigned-to"01:38
trindazHow do I debug that?01:38
trindazWhat permissions would be preventing me binding to my own ip address?01:39
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bitrumany one installed CVIPtools01:45
wilee-nilee!anyone | bitnumus01:45
ubottubitnumus: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:45
wilee-nileebitrumTechnically a 3rd party and not supported, however if you can give some details someone may help.01:47
wilee-nileeah gone already01:47
morkwhat steps to conrtol functionality of usb modems?01:49
wilee-nileemork, THat makes no sense, what is your actual problem.01:49
morkat the command line, since the os doesnt seem to recognise it01:50
wilee-nileemork, run lsusb and identify it and post that info.01:50
morkmy os picks up my usb modem only as a usb stick, i want it to know its a modem01:51
hawlysystem is recognizing like cdrom instead of modem?01:51
morklsusb, comes up not as a modem01:51
morki dont know sigh01:52
wilee-nileemork, hawly Both of you might check the modems on google seraching with the names of it and ubuntu/linux01:52
n35080does anyone know the software update command?01:52
morkits saying its just a usb, and not a usb modem, if you understand?01:52
hawlymork do that comes w/ some sort of driver in it?01:52
n35080isnt it sudo apt-get install && something?01:52
wilee-nileen35080, sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade01:52
n35080aight cool bro01:53
morki think it only comes with windows drivers01:53
hawlymork do you know to conf wvdial?01:53
morkum, no01:53
hawlymork thats bad01:53
morki can look in  to it, but im not a computer guy01:53
n35080lol mork01:53
morkill try that wvdial01:53
n35080ubuntu will teach you a lot01:54
n35080it'll guide you01:54
n35080trust meg01:54
hawlymork i know how to make your system bypass "storage role" of your device, to look it like a "modem", but theres no use for it if you cannot conf wvdial!01:55
=== Artemis3_ is now known as Artemis3
morkive already learnt a lot about computers, and i love ubuntu more than windows already01:55
hawlyubuntu should have some package ready for "hands free setup" for those cases01:56
morklol, i wish i did :)01:56
morkso, lasyt question...01:56
morkconf and wvdial are commands at the command line, and  i need to study them?01:57
illpoethi! does anyone have a good link or suggestion on the problem im having where it says there are wireless networks available and asks for the password, but when i type in the password it just disconnects and asks again?01:57
hawlymork browse for 3G modems on foruns01:57
morki did, till i was on the edge of tears, i better man up and go back to the forums.. bye all!!01:58
morkand thanks heaps01:58
hawlymork wvdial is a dialer program - it have a configuration file that must to be edited to use your partilcular operator01:58
morkslike ifconfig, i see01:59
FreederIs there a way, via a single command, to delete all files AND hidden files in a directory?01:59
hawlymork ifconfig is more low level - if you can, i encourage you01:59
morkbye bye01:59
projectmangasorry long response yes it will not show in the file manager01:59
hawlyman, this chan is sooo active - gotta rest my eyes02:00
wilee-nileeillpoet, clear any there now.02:01
FreederIs there a way, via a single command, to delete all files AND hidden files in a directory?02:02
illpoetwillee-nilee so clear the connection thats showing up then create a new one?02:02
wilee-nileeFreeder, yes but we are not supposed to post those.02:02
dante123hi all, I installed Ubuntu 13.04 on new lenovo y510p.  I can boot into Ubuntu, but it would not boot from grub menu into windows 8.  followed instructions on simple help website to run boot repair.  this did make new entries but the one they say I should run labelled "Windows boot UEFI loader“ does not show up, just other ones?02:02
wilee-nileeillpoet, ant passwords there now.02:02
Freederwilee-nilee: uh... huh?02:03
wilee-nileeillovae, sometimes the wifi gets confused, make sure you are usi the wep or wpa your supposed to.02:03
wilee-nileeFreeder, there is a common wipe command.02:04
wilee-nileelook it up02:04
illpoetwillee: no, when i log on it says wireless connection detected then asks for a wpa2 key or password. but when i type in the password it just disconnects and asks again02:04
FreederI'm just trying to merge rm -rf * && rm -rf .* into one command instead of two02:04
Freedercommon wipe?02:04
wilee-nileeillovae, sometimes the wifi gets confused clear it02:04
dante123any uefi experts around?02:05
wilee-nileeFreeder, right and thise commands are asked to be not discussed here.02:05
Freederwilee-nilee, just want to make sure you don't think I'm trying to zeroize an entire disk, just a single dir02:05
wilee-nileedante123, State the issues.02:05
projectmangai will repeat my problem my computer is recognizing my zaurus pda sl-5500  i know the problem but im trying to find a single command to do that02:05
wilee-nileeIs there a way, via a single command, to delete all files AND hidden files in a directory? is what I read02:05
projectmangais not recognizing sorry02:06
sam__okay , wilee-nilee, this is dante on the y510p02:06
Freederright... ie, is there a flag that for rm that does the same thing as rm -rf * && rm -rf .*02:06
FreederI don't need some crazy zeroize command02:06
illpoetim thinking maybe i should try the actual security key vs just the pwd i use to connect my windows computers to the router02:07
wilee-nileesam__, I know nothing about uefi, regular mbr I do, if you do not get help here the best is at the ubuntu forums.02:07
sam__okay.  here is the image for what they say I should see, but i am missing the line they want me to use02:08
* wilee-nilee looks for his tinfoil fez02:16
wilee-nileeheh wrong channel02:17
dante123wilee-nilee if I choose one of the windows options is does boot win 8 but seems much slower than before02:17
projectmangacan anyone relate to my problems02:19
zy_guyim trying to get 24 bit color depth with xubuntu 13.04 and I can't seem to get it can someone help please?02:21
lhxQuestion: Anyone tell me which kernel headers package will keep me with the default headers?02:21
qinlhx: latest? what is your default in grub?02:26
projectmangai will repeat my problem my computer is not recognizing my zaurus pda sl-5500  i know the problem but im trying to find a single command to do that02:27
lotuspsychjemorning all02:34
lotuspsychjejennie: hi what can we do for you?02:35
jenniehow to uninstall ubuntu without effecting GRUB because ever since I installed ubuntu from 11.10(some version) I am getting error 'sorry internal program crashed send report' I also ran full update after it but still it never goes so I want to uninstall ubuntu and use something else, I have dual boot so I am asking how to preserve dual boot and uninstall ubuntu02:36
lotuspsychje!eol | jennie02:37
projectmangai feel ignored02:37
ubottujennie: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:37
wilee-nileejennie, Whats the other OS?02:37
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: re-ask your question here once in a while mate02:37
projectmangai will repeat my problem my computer is not recognizing my zaurus pda sl-5500  i know the problem but im trying to find a single command to do that02:37
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: what ubuntu version?02:38
wilee-nileejennie, grub wont boot windows with a linux os there basically you need to reload the mbr with the windows bootloader.02:38
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: fully updated?02:38
wilee-nileejennie, If you want another linux it will reinstall grub.02:38
jennieright now the GRUB shows both ubuntu ,windows and memory test options02:38
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: what happens if you plugin your device with usb cable?02:39
projectmangathe pda is seen as an ethernet network02:39
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: you see an icon in your dash?02:40
jenniewilee-nilee, how to find GRUB boot loader drive, I got 3 hdd installed in PC02:40
wilee-nileejennie, YOU can reload the windows bootloader if you want to use it till you ahve another OS chosen, or install the other and grub will be reinstalled, you don;t save the dualboot per-say.02:40
projectmangano im fairly familiar wiht unity02:41
wilee-nileejennie, To do what?02:41
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: when you plugin your pda, can you see a new icon showing in the left bar with icons?02:41
jennieok wilee-nilee I will try reinstalling at current linux partition02:42
wilee-nileejennie, Yeah just do a manual install and set the partition to be formatted.02:42
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: you should be able to browse your pda, same way as an usb device pop up02:42
projectmangai understand the unity bar i do not see a storage device icon02:42
pvl1wilee-nilee: may i PM you real quick02:42
wilee-nileepvl1, I have the pm off02:42
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: your pda is on or off when plugged in?02:43
projectmangaon by the way ive been using linux since i was 802:43
lotuspsychje!ask | pvl102:43
ubottupvl1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:43
pvl1im having an ext4-fs error02:43
pvl1and i think the sys remounts RO02:43
pvl1i cant even log in on a tty02:43
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: try put pda off and plugin02:43
projectmangait has a sync setting on the pda it cant connect while off02:44
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: your purpose is sync the device or just file browsing?02:45
qinprojectmanga: does dmesg tell something usefull?02:45
pvl1i suspect RO because it wont write to log. i took a picture of the error: find entry:1206 inode #33 comm console-kit-dae: reading directory iblock 002:45
projectmangai need to file browse there is no driver for the pda02:45
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: for samsung tablet i also need the device: off to browse it on 13.0402:46
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: not sure for your device, but isnt there a way to put it off?02:47
clue_hprojectmanga, does the device have settings for pc connections as well, it could have a file transfer mode etc02:47
pvl1projectmanga: what pda02:47
projectmangazaurus sl-550002:48
lotuspsychjeclue_h: good point mate!02:48
phong_hey guys02:48
phong_ubuntu good?02:49
lotuspsychjephong_: welcome, what can we do for you02:49
phong_is ubuntu 13 good?02:49
lotuspsychjephong_: 13.04?02:49
lotuspsychje!13.04 | phong_02:50
ubottuphong_: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0402:50
projectmangaim having problems with 13.04 in booting but thats just me02:50
projectmanganobodyworry about the booting rpoblem02:50
lotuspsychjephong_: for me its very stable and usefull, but check the support time for it...if you need longer support choose 12.0402:51
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: what problem are you talking about?02:51
projectmangaltoysosyshje the booting problem?02:53
DrkShadowBash won't auto-complete filenames. So I got rid of bash-completion. Bash still won't auto-complete filenames. How do I fix it?02:53
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: there are thousands of booting problems...wich one affects you?02:53
projectmangai can boot but when i boot i get a blank screen i have to put it into sleep mode then back out again02:54
wilee-nileeDrkShadow, You might post the command if short or pastebin it if longer.02:55
DrkShadowwilee-nilee: vim cron/<tab><tab> shows nothing. There's one file in there, index.html.02:55
DrkShadowerr index.php02:55
wilee-nileenot to me though02:55
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: did you install graphics driver correctly?02:55
projectmangayea no problem just dont worry about ive had this problem wiht anything based on 13.0402:57
projectmangaim still working with my pda02:57
FoxhoundzOh ubuntu02:57
FoxhoundzI would love you so if every update didn't render you useless02:58
clue_hDrkShadow, did you look in /etc/bash.bashrc and are the lines under '# enable bash completion in interactive shells' commented out ?02:58
lotuspsychjeDrkShadow: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142994/bash-completion-doesnt-work-in-root-user02:58
wilee-nileeFoxhoundz, IT doesn't you have messed up something02:58
Foxhoundzwilee-nilee: I made a fresh install and simply followed the prompts to update packages02:58
FoxhoundzThat was it02:58
FoxhoundzI couldn't reboot into Unity again02:59
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: you could try a failsafeX from grub at boot, recoverymode02:59
lotuspsychjeFoxhoundz: ubuntu version?02:59
wilee-nileeFoxhoundz, That does not qualify you to malign the OS on the IRC however.02:59
FoxhoundzI think it has something to do with Unity03:00
lotuspsychjeFoxhoundz: also try a failsafeX from grub03:00
Foxhoundzand my graphics car03:00
Foxhoundzbrb ( on VPS)03:00
DrkShadowThere is no /etc/bash.bashrc.03:03
lotuspsychjeim looking to remove useradd icon is that possible to just use the terminal way adding users?03:04
DrkShadowoh sorry, it didn't show me the filename when I tried completion03:04
DrkShadowIt seems to be only screwing up with vim03:04
projectmangaim only running ubuntu 13.04 i dont have grub again dont worry about03:05
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DrkShadowt's only vim that doesn't work. It will complete directories, but it won't show any flies. bash-completion installed or not, it doesn't matter.03:06
lotuspsychjeDrkShadow: so you want autocompletion for vim actually?03:07
DrkShadowlotuspsychje: I'd rather not have _any_ special completion, but I _really_want_ files to show up when I tab-tab.03:07
DrkShadow(i.e. on every other distro I've ever used, things in the filesystem always show up, and commands always show up. But there is nothing special on a per-command basis, as Ubuntu seems to do.)03:08
lotuspsychjeDrkShadow: ls?03:08
DrkShadowls shows files if I tab-tab. vim doesn't.03:08
pepper_chicojust trying out this new kid on the block called elementary OS03:09
clue_hI've never noticed03:09
lotuspsychjepepper_chico: this is a, ubuntu support channel mate03:10
pepper_chicolotuspsychje, not asking for support, just thinking loud03:10
lotuspsychjepepper_chico: thin out loud in #ubuntu-offtopic please03:11
lotuspsychjeDrkShadow: maybe this snippet? http://superuser.com/questions/343443/are-there-any-autocompletion-plugins-for-vim03:11
lotuspsychjeDrkShadow: not sure if vim-gtk has autocompletion, but worth a try03:11
lotuspsychje!info vim-gtk | DrkShadow03:12
ubottuDrkShadow: vim-gtk (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:7.3.547-6ubuntu5 (raring), package size 931 kB, installed size 2264 kB03:12
pepper_chicowell, actually, I've been asking for support but got no response for a long time: http://askubuntu.com/questions/335489/is-there-a-way-to-define-a-hotkey-to-solely-unhide-the-launcher03:12
pepper_chicostill, no response03:12
lotuspsychjepepper_chico: did you try tuning ccsm?03:13
pepper_chicolotuspsychje, I didn't, preferred to wait someone else response, really, anytime I open ccsm I get afraid of messing up everything03:14
lotuspsychje!info compizconfig-settings-manager | pepper_chico03:15
ubottupepper_chico: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compiz): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:0.9.9~daily13.06.19~13.04-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4471 kB03:15
pepper_chicoI know it03:15
clue_hpepper_chico, i was thinking maybe a python script invoked with a shortcut that contacts unity-2d over bus, using pythons unity library03:16
pepper_chicoI dunno whether there's such option there, and, didn't try to much looking it up by myself because as I said, I'm afraid of ccsm03:16
pepper_chicoclue_h, sounds cool, but a lot of work03:17
lotuspsychjepepper_chico: dont be affraid of an ubuntu package :p03:17
pepper_chicosorry, past experiences with ccsm made me that way03:18
Liam-when installing Ubuntu 10.10 32x, Ubuntu 13.04 32x, lubuntu (newest version, not sure what one), 32x, each one tells him that it needs pae for it to be installed03:19
Liam-when i googled this, a few posts stated that lubuntu 32x would work around that issue03:19
Liam-what else could be an issue/solution?03:19
lotuspsychje!pae | Liam-03:19
ubottuLiam-: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info03:19
HeyM-CldOh crap03:20
jenniehow cna I do force upgrade with force atitude ?03:20
lotuspsychje!language | HeyM-Cld03:20
ubottuHeyM-Cld: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:20
holsteinLiam-: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html03:20
HeyM-CldAnd lotus, liam was talking for me and my computer has only 768mb of ram03:20
holsteinHeyM-Cld: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html03:21
jenniehow cna I do force upgrade with force atitude ?03:22
HeyM-CldI'll burn yet another disk and try this03:22
lotuspsychjepepper_chico: maybe re-ask wich hotkey you want exactly in channel so others can help03:22
HeyM-CldI've already burned 6 in the process03:22
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you have hardware that is not pae..03:22
wilee-nileejennie, atitude?03:23
clue_hpepper_chico, whats the output of 'gsettings get com.canonical.Unity2d.Launcher super-key-enable' from terminal?03:23
holsteinHeyM-Cld: no matter how many iso's or disks you have made, or plan to make, you will need to make arrangments to support your unsupported hardware03:23
* xmetal agrees with holstein03:23
HeyM-Cldholstein: Oh, so the link you gave should work?03:23
xmetalaptitude, jennie means i take it03:23
xmetal(or did i screw it up too? lol)03:24
pepper_chicoclue_h, no schema for it03:24
pepper_chicothere's no com.canonical.Unity2d.Launcher schema03:24
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you have non-pae hardware, and pae only isos.. so, when you read the link i gave, and follow whatever instructions you choose to have the correct kernel for you hardware.. yes it will work03:24
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, The net install will do a non pae install03:25
HeyM-Cldholstein: The link is for what version of ubuntu? the mini.iso03:25
holstein!mini | HeyM-Cld03:25
ubottuHeyM-Cld: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:25
pepper_chicolotuspsychje, I'm looking for any hotkey, given the constraints, that's the reason I left it open03:25
holsteinHeyM-Cld: also, wilee-nilee has just suggested the net install..03:25
lotuspsychjeholstein: you know if i can remove the useradd icon, to prevent other users poking into userlist?03:26
projectmangai got a kernal  panic who was pming03:26
holsteinHeyM-Cld: the "version" is whatever version you want.. i would do 12.04, since that guide states that it works.. and non-pae is not going to get more supported03:26
pepper_chicolotuspsychje, any key, or combination of keys, that could do that simple unhide, just that03:26
pepper_chicowithout the obligatory Dash03:26
holsteinlotuspsychje: not sure.. you mean in the useradd gui?03:27
holsteinlotuspsychje: i know, lots of "lockdown" features are missing, in my opinion03:27
lotuspsychjeholstein: yes, you think removing it in /usr/share/aplications would be safe?03:27
holsteinlotuspsychje: hmm. i would probably do that in virtualiztion first03:28
lotuspsychjeholstein: i already use the lightdm trick to hide users at boot login screen03:29
lotuspsychjeholstein: now im looking for the useradd gui and lock down /home/otherusers03:29
holsteinlotuspsychje: what DE? unity?03:29
lotuspsychjeholstein: 13.04 64 bit03:29
holsteinlotuspsychje: unity?03:29
lotuspsychjeholstein: unity yes03:30
clue_hpepper_chico, this http://askubuntu.com/questions/274153/command-line-for-hiding-and-unhiding-unity-panel maybe useful, and a messy way of switching would to keybind to each command in  a bash script [eg ctrl h, ctr u]03:30
clue_hthat's as far as i go lol03:31
xmetaloops ... put something on my KB and wasn't paying attention03:31
xmetallol sorry03:31
lotuspsychjeclue_h: nice find!03:31
pepper_chicoclue_h =D, thanks anyway03:31
pepper_chicowill take a look03:31
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ntzrmtthihu777Heyo, using compiz with gnome-panel, can't quite figure out how to switch the window buttons to the left.03:35
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: gconf is where that used to be.. i havent moved them in quite a few versions03:36
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, When I used unity I used ubuntu-tweak to do that.03:37
wilee-nileedconf after 12.0403:37
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, What release you running?03:38
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: not using unity, lol. 13.04, coulda sworn I posted that :/03:38
=== mayday-jay is now known as mayday_jay
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, Ah to the left, lol I missed that dconf-editor03:38
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: you *still* havent posted what you are using.. are you using gnome? or just a gnome-panel with some other de?03:38
HeyM-CldOk I burned the mini.iso to the disk, but it stops when it gets to the get packages menu03:38
HeyM-CldAny solutions?03:39
holsteinHeyM-Cld: what stops what?03:39
wilee-nileeHeyM-Cld, You plugged into the net?03:39
holstein!md5 | HeyM-Cld03:39
ubottuHeyM-Cld: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:39
HeyM-Cldwilee-nilee: yes03:39
lotuspsychjeholstein: ah seems like useradd can add a user without a /home (normally adduser)03:39
projectmangahttp://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/Zaurus_USB_network_how_to i tried this nothing worked in terminal03:40
HeyM-CldIt stops 2 steps after this: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZyttcHnUwhc/T6FHIbkfOJI/AAAAAAAAI0o/v2hW9o6-Lyc/s1600/ubuntu12.04-mini_2.png03:40
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: you have a microsd on that device?03:41
holsteinHeyM-Cld: on what step? are you getting errors? did you confirm the md5 sum?03:41
projectmangajust sd03:41
pepper_chicoclue_h, cool, I may write the keybind script, but still, that's not unhiding, it's changing the hiding mode, and, because of that, the desktop icons get shifted because the Launcher takes space03:42
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: yes, I did. my last message said 13.0403:42
projectmangaand it does not recognize the sd card03:42
projectmangaon it03:42
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: ok.. 13.04 using gnome? what de are you using, friend? if not unity?03:42
projectmangaim trying to update it wiht an image03:42
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: and the message before that told the DE, gnome-panel, with compiz03:42
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: gnome-panel is a panel03:42
hanasakidoes the current distribution support intel on cpu video directly or are driver downloads needed?03:42
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: are you using gnome? or just the gnome panel with some other DE?03:43
pepper_chicoalso it doesn't unhide, it just pops up without any animation03:43
clue_hpepper_chico, ah i suspected as much, that's why i thought of sending a dbus message in python directly with unity lib03:43
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: gnome-session-fallback, aka gnome-panel :/03:43
jenniewilee-nilee, aptitude I mean03:43
hanasakintzrmtthihu777:  lol kde :)03:44
ntzrmtthihu777hanasaki: ?03:44
HeyM-CldThe cmd for the md5 isn't working either...03:44
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: so, you are using gnome then.. just to clarify, since either you or some naming system of gnome is *quite* confusing.. correct? just gnome?03:45
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: not the gnome of the ubuntu-gnome iso. more like the older gnome2.03:46
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: in any case I think its irrelevant, its more about the compiz setting. I can't find it in ccsm, and ubuntu-tweak depends on unity which I don't want to install XD03:46
n43361i need if assistance03:47
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: can you do a tail -f /var/log/syslog.1 in terminal and then connect your device with usb (to see what happens)03:47
n43361my internet wont work on ubuntu 13.0403:47
lotuspsychje!details | n4336103:47
ubottun43361: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:47
n43361-_- fine03:47
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close' .. this is what i would try..03:48
ntzrmtthihu777n43361: what kind of internet hardware do you have?03:48
HeyM-Cldholstein: The disk doesn't contain a .md5 file03:48
n43361Intel pro 10003:48
pepper_chicoby the way, just finishing installation of this elementary OS thing (VM install)03:48
n43361someone priv chat me?03:48
holstein!md5 | HeyM-Cld03:49
ubottuHeyM-Cld: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:49
xmetal:) @ my $18.22 100pk of DVDs will be here tomorrow ... burning some ISO's (only had a few discs left) of Linux now03:49
HexagoniteAnyone know an alternative to Caffeine? It doesn't work on 13.04.03:49
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you will get the md5 sum from where you downloaded the iso. then, you will get the sum of the file you have on your hard drive03:49
HeyM-CldI did, the disk doesn't contain a .md5 file03:49
lotuspsychjen43361: wifi card or ethernet card?03:49
holsteinHeyM-Cld: no one said it did.. you can get it from the site where you downloaded the iso03:49
n43361How do you check your network card?03:50
HeyM-CldThe site doesn't have it?03:50
holstein!info | caffeine03:50
ubottu'caffeine' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable03:50
HeyM-CldYou showed me the site03:50
neo_1364hi there, could anyone tell me how to disable file url scheme please ?03:50
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: no dice.03:50
xmetal!info | kaffenie03:50
ubottu'kaffenie' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable03:50
xmetaloops @ my silly fingers03:50
n43361How do you check your network card?03:50
n43361How do you check your network card?03:50
holstein!patience | n4336103:51
ubottun43361: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/03:51
lotuspsychjeHexagonite: http://linuxg.net/install-caffeine-from-sources-on-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/03:51
Hexagoniteholstein: Caffeine is an applet, not a distro03:51
holsteinn43361: we are all volunteers.. please dont repeat03:51
n43361it was a mistake03:51
holsteinHexagonite: i never said it was... im just trying to determina waht you are looking for03:51
Hexagoniteholstein: oh, sorry.03:51
xmetali thought you meant Kaffenine (sp?) the media player03:52
n43361Im sure that Intel pro 100 is an ethernet03:52
Hexagonitelotuspsychje: It doesn't work currently, I got it installed03:52
projectmangadid someone say something to me i cant scroll up for some reason03:52
c_smithxmetal, Caffeine is an applet to inhibit locking and screensavers, useful for watching movies, for example.03:52
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: can you do a tail -f /var/log/syslog.1 in terminal and then connect your device with usb (to see what happens)03:52
ntzrmtthihu777hanasaki: ah, gotcha. In any case would you care to explain how you sent that message in my status channel?03:53
n43361-_- ill go find help somewhere else03:53
holsteinn43361: enjoy!03:53
holsteinn43361: maybe a networking channel03:54
HeyM-Cldholstein: Is my computer really not support pae? It says pae was introduced in 1995 and my computer was made in 200003:54
lotuspsychjen43361: you already been told to have patience03:54
holsteinn43361: i saying, enjoy your self, and suggesting a networking channel. or maybe general linux03:54
projectmanga -f/var/log/syslog.103:54
projectmangabash: -f/var/log/syslog.1: No such file or directory03:54
ntzrmtthihu777projectmanga: forgot the tail\03:54
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you said your computer didnt.. or your friend did.. with the error messages.. and i have seen that error before in such cased03:55
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: also use pasteubuntu for your output03:55
HeyM-CldWell sometimes it cannot see the pae03:55
holsteinHeyM-Cld: it? the iso? the install? that has never been the case for me03:55
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holsteinHeyM-Cld: that has not been my personal experience.. but, when i cared about this, 10.04 was still suported for the desktop, so i just used it03:56
projectmangai did the tail what should happen03:56
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: now branch your device out/in with usb cable, see what happens03:57
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: ah, nevermind, you gave the correct command to set the to the right, lol. I had to fix the order proper, but thank you anyways :D03:57
HeyM-CldWell do you have a possible solution to the mini.iso stopping when it does to install packages?03:57
HeyM-CldWithout checking the md503:58
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: i just gave a command for you to use.. i figured you'd set the order03:58
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: ok check your syslog.1 log maybe errors in there with your device?03:58
holsteinHeyM-Cld: checking the md5 summ is an easy first step that i would do.. first.. before other steps03:58
HeyM-CldBut I have no say of getting the file to check03:59
hanasakibeen searching but do not see any comparison between these NICs or if ubuntu supports them directly... 82563 vs Intel I217-V03:59
holsteinHeyM-Cld: md5sum /path/to/iso .. check against the md5 at the site where you downloaded the iso03:59
HeyM-CldIt's not on the site nor the iso04:00
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you generate the local md5.. as i said04:00
holsteinHeyM-Cld: with teh md5sum command.. windows utilities are mentioned at the link i gave you..04:00
HeyM-CldYou never said but ok04:00
lotuspsychje!hardware | hanasaki04:00
ubottuhanasaki: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:00
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i gave it to you twice, and im referring to the sentence above04:00
HeyM-CldThe cmd needs the .md5 file04:01
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: yeah, shoulda noticed that. I've done this before, but its been a while.04:01
holsteinHeyM-Cld: lets keep this constructive.. open a terminal.. run md5sum /path/to/file04:01
holsteinHeyM-Cld: this will *generate* an md5sum on the downloaded version of the file.. you check that against the "known good" one that you will get from the site where you downloaded the iso04:02
holsteinntzrmtthihu777: i think it was once in 12.04 i moved them.. last04:02
hanasakilotuspsychje:  great page.. looks like a marketing company.. no readily accessible list or search function04:03
hanasakibut its pretty04:03
svetteranyone here from canonical? I got a DNS issue to report. extras.ubuntu.com resolves to fe80::a2b3:ccff:fee0:d988 which is probably not the right address04:03
lotuspsychjehanasaki: the way i see it, there's always a trick to make hardware work, on some version of ubuntu...04:04
R0binhello fellow ubuntu enthusiast. i recently ran ubuntnu on a virtual machine with a gnome and everything. quite liked it04:04
svettermakes it impossible to connect from ipv6-only hosts04:04
lotuspsychje!yay | R0bin04:04
ubottuR0bin: Glad you made it! :-)04:04
hanasakilotuspsychje:  more about the kernel and drivers than "tricks"  just looking to see if its "just there" or what work is needed before buying04:05
projectmanganot a serious  question but does anyone else 'like" unity04:05
HeyM-Cldholstein: This is what I got: http://pastie.org/826166904:05
holsteinprojectmanga: try the #ubuntu-offtopic for chat about opinions, please :)04:06
lotuspsychjeprojectmanga: use #ubuntu-offtopic for that mate04:06
lotuspsychjehanasaki: might be handy indeed to know before you buy04:07
holsteinHeyM-Cld: when i go to the link i gave you for the download of that iso, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ,i see the known good md5 sums i was mentioned, and that were referenced in the links i gave. let me look and tell you if they are matching04:07
lotuspsychje!notunity | projectmanga04:08
ubottuprojectmanga: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.04:08
HeyM-Cldholstein: You have me this link: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html04:08
FoxhoundzI'm in Ubuntu (via SSH on a VPS)04:08
Foxhoundzand Gnome is still not letting me login04:08
FoxhoundzI'm using Ubuntu's Gnome 3 Remix04:08
holsteinHeyM-Cld: *and* a link to the minimal iso you downloade of which the quality we are determining04:08
FoxhoundzNot Unity04:08
holsteinHeyM-Cld: the sum is not listed there, so you either downloade the incorrect image, or you have a bad download04:08
HeyM-Cldholstein: I don't understand why we are doing the md5 think04:09
holsteinHeyM-Cld: because we have determined that it is a bad downloa04:09
ntzrmtthihu777holstein: ah, see that? gnome-panel :P04:09
HeyM-Cldholstein: Then why did you link it to me?04:09
HypnotixI have a big problem with Ubuntu,  it won't boot04:09
holsteinHeyM-Cld: please relax04:10
lotuspsychje!details | Hypnotix04:10
ubottuHypnotix: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:10
HeyM-Cldholstein: I am relaxed04:10
wilee-nileeHypnotix, Can you give some details?04:10
ntzrmtthihu777HeyM-Cld: md5sum = digital fingerprint, if the fingerprint you generate doesn't match the one on file its a corrupt download.04:10
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you need to download this iso Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" Minimal CD 27MB* (MD5: e4d16caf537be112f3dc9ba94e158cf704:10
HypnotixI'm at a screen now where I see (initramfs)  command prompt04:10
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you get it from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:10
wilee-nileeHypnotix, This is an install?04:11
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you can use the md5sum command after downloading to make sure the downloaded image is the same as the above listed one that you are attempting to download04:11
HypnotixI'm typing from my phone right now04:11
HypnotixNo it worked fine last jig t04:11
holsteinHeyM-Cld: *then* you use the other reference.. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html04:11
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: try a failsafeX from grub recovery04:11
HeyM-Cldnow I have to burn yet another disk ugg04:12
holsteinHeyM-Cld: no.. you need to redownload the proper iso.. the one mentioned above04:12
HypnotixHow do I get a grub recovery04:12
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: hold shift at boot, enter grub and choose recoverymode/failsafeX04:12
holsteinHeyM-Cld: please do not complain here about burning discs with images that are not appropriate for your hardware, or isos that your internet have downloaded improperly.. take that to #ubuntu-offtopic04:13
HeyM-CldYou told me to download it...04:13
R0binquick question. OS xmountain lion has been a very hospitable coding and linux server interacting environment. is ubuntu about the same i mean all GNOMEs seam to be the same just look different. i mean the terminal is ubuntu is spittn image and to my knowledge is teh same bash$04:13
lotuspsychjeHeyM-Cld: we are trying to help you here..04:14
holsteinHeyM-Cld: did you download the iso i listed?04:14
wilee-nileeHypnotix, In the grub menu.04:14
HeyM-Cldholstein: When?04:14
HeyM-Cldholstein: Now? If so, yes.04:14
holsteinHeyM-Cld: just above.. the iso at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD named Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" Minimal CD 27MB* (MD5: e4d16caf537be112f3dc9ba94e158cf704:14
HeyM-CldYes I did04:14
holsteinHeyM-Cld: see that the image matches..04:14
HeyM-CldI did, it does04:15
HypnotixLast night Ubuntu  asked me to install a partial update with  some Microsoft  language thing04:15
holsteinHeyM-Cld: then, you can proceed as i stated, to the guide Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" Minimal CD 27MB* (MD5: e4d16caf537be112f3dc9ba94e158cf704:15
holsteinHeyM-Cld: the guide http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html *04:15
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: you dualbooting?04:15
holsteinHeyM-Cld: understand?04:15
HypnotixRecovery mode failed04:15
HypnotixYes lotuspshychje04:16
wilee-nileeHypnotix, You did a partial upgrade?04:17
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: can you see previous kernels in grub to try boot?04:17
HypnotixYes wilee04:17
lotuspsychje!tab | Hypnotix04:17
ubottuHypnotix: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:17
ntzrmtthihu777lotuspsychje: what an awesome tool it is, no?04:18
HypnotixI can see  3.8.0-27 and - 1904:18
lotuspsychjentzrmtthihu777: indeed :p04:18
Hypnotixlotus I'm on a phone so no tab for me04:18
HeyM-Cldholstein: It froze when I pressed ENTER on 'Install'04:19
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: try a previous kernel maybe to enter your system?04:19
HypnotixI am trying now04:19
HeyM-CldThis: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-B1LNNN2iIXc/T6FG3824aAI/AAAAAAAAI0g/5qCwgtvJwjk/s320/ubuntu1204-mini_1.png04:19
Privaceeis it possible to use a laptop running ubuntu as a wifi extender just like in windows 7?04:19
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i would test the hardware.. you can also have a bad component causing issues04:19
HeyM-CldCan you exmplain04:19
lotuspsychjePrivacee: what you mean by extener04:20
Hypnotixnope still get lots of errors04:20
wilee-nileePrivacee, as a hot spot yes04:20
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: well if recovery and kernel dont boot, something def wrong :p04:20
PrivaceePrivacee, is there an app for that?04:21
Privaceei mean wilee-nilee *04:21
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: maybe its time you single boot ubuntu and loose win once and for good04:21
sam__hi all, successfully have win8 and ubuntu 13.04 installed on new y510p laptop.  Is there an EASY way to edit the entries for each os (generated after running boot-repair)????04:21
HypnotixBut my gamesssss  :)04:21
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: you can game on ubuntu04:21
sam__Hypnotix....same reason I keep it around04:21
wilee-nileePrivacee, Never done it but I believe you can have it send the wifi, not sure really.04:22
holsteinHeyM-Cld: sure.. a loose or broken wire somewhere could cause *all* attempts at installing *anything* to not work.. .or installers to freeze.. or bad memory could cause a file downloaded to contain the wrong data04:22
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: steam, playonlinux, wine..04:22
sam__its getting better ....gaming on linux.....but still need winblows for some stuff04:22
Ari-YangHyperbyte, there is steam on ubuntu, but not all games are available04:22
HeyM-Cldholstein: But Windows on it works fine04:22
Privaceei just want to make sure, do i need 2 wireless adapters or just 1?04:22
holsteinHeyM-Cld: what tests did you run in windows?04:23
HeyM-CldI didn't run tests, I'm just saying it works fine04:23
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: did some went wrong on an update for you?04:23
holsteinHeyM-Cld: then, enjoy it04:23
Hypnotixso there is no way to recover Ubuntu04:24
HeyM-CldI need ubuntu to run a server04:24
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you can likely find out how to confirm in your have pae or not in windows04:24
sam__Is there an EASY way to edit the entries for each os (generated after running boot-repair)????04:24
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: you can use livecd to restore aswell and keep your /home files intact04:24
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you dont need ubuntu desktop to run a server.. ubuntu server 10.04 is still supported.. and you can use putty to ssh into an ubuntu server04:24
HypnotixI did get an error and u unto asked for a partial update04:24
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you can run virtualbox.. and virtualize ubuntu server...04:24
Ari-YangHypnotix, http://store.steampowered.com/search/?os=linux04:25
wilee-nileePrivacee, IN the network manager I see use as hot mspot04:25
wilee-nileehot spot*04:25
holsteinHeyM-Cld: http://www.turnkeylinux.org/ these are live ubuntu based server appliance isos04:25
HeyM-CldThe computer can't run vms lol04:25
holstein!volunteers | HeyM-Cld04:25
ubottuHeyM-Cld: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:25
holsteinHeyM-Cld: *please* lol in another channel.. ike the #ubuntu-offtopic one i mentioned04:26
HeyM-CldI was just saying...04:26
lotuspsychjeAri-Yang: did you see those alienware ubuntu gaming boxes?04:26
HypnotixI booted from my usb stick not04:26
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you *can* run server VMs. or i wouldnt have mentioned it04:26
Privaceeactually, i just want my phone to have access to the internet since the wifi ranger isn't as good as the laptop, i can probably use internet passthough via USB too right?04:26
Ari-Yanglotuspsychje, no I have not...04:26
lotuspsychjeAri-Yang: http://www.alienware.com/ubuntu/04:26
HeyM-Cldholstein: I didn't come here to argue I came here to find a solution which apperantly cannot be fixed04:27
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: try recover from your usb then04:27
Hypnotix Clicked  continue in the first installation screen and froze04:27
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: you sure your hardware isnt broke?04:27
Privaceethe problem is using internet passthrough isn't as intuitive as in windows04:28
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i assume you i do not intend to argue.. i dont think you have anything broken to fix.. you should confirm if you have pae support or not, and it wont hurt to test the hardware.. since you did have a bad download04:28
HypnotixAll was working fine last night04:28
wilee-nileePrivacee, In general very little linux is plug and play04:28
HeyM-Cldholstein: Yeah, but the one I just downloaded didn't work either04:28
sam__is there a gui program that lets you edit grub2 entries????04:29
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: i would go for a clean install04:29
wilee-nileesam__, To do what?04:29
HypnotixWell I am trying to do that04:29
holsteinHeyM-Cld: right.. so what are the common elements? you, the optical drive.. the optical media. the same internet. the same machine04:29
sam__Is there an EASY way to edit the entries for each os (generated after running boot-repair)????04:29
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: well if that doesnt work, something def wrong with hardware04:29
wilee-nileesam__, Easy is an opinion, what is it you want exactly?04:30
holsteinHeyM-Cld: what do you need ubuntu for? running an ubuntu server?04:30
ubottuPuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)04:30
HeyM-CldRunning a mc server, I need to have it working, running it on windows is not an option04:31
wilee-nileesam__, There are no real gui's for grub basically, you would edit text.04:31
sam__wilee-nilee i need to get rid of entries that are bogus and I want to change the label of the Windows 8 one so that the word recovery is not in there....it is erroneously04:32
holsteinHeyM-Cld: then, i would check that your CPU is pae or not and let a volunteer here know.. and go from there04:32
lasersDo Ubuntu have a factoid for virus scanner iso to be tested on Windows machine?04:32
sam__okay what file do I need to edit (location)04:32
wilee-nileesam__, Have you run a update-grub to see if it cleans up?04:32
lotuspsychje!info clamav | lasers04:33
ubottulasers: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97.8+dfsg-1ubuntu1.13.04.1 (raring), package size 124 kB, installed size 564 kB04:33
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sam__I installed ubuntu, then had to run boot-repair....04:33
pepper_chicoby the way, finished installing elementary OS VM, man, this os an OS X copycat04:33
sco_hello , im having trouble connecting wireless broadband in ubuntu 13.04 . Im not sure how to proceed04:33
=== Guest51887 is now known as X-User
sam__I'm assuming boot repair did all that.04:33
xmetalthere is "grub customizer" (i had to download the deb seperately) though even that doesn't work "perfectly" with grub all the time04:33
pepper_chicobut cool anyway04:33
laserslotuspsychje: Ah, not what I was hoping for. Much thanks.04:33
holsteinsam__: i would just use it.. i mean, how often are you trying to show off grub?04:33
sam__because it did give me a new boot menu.....but there are still some error/erroenous stuff on it04:33
lotuspsychjepepper_chico: stop using this support chat to troll this04:33
X-Userwhat is a preferred way to install Ubuntu, with a DVD or USB?04:34
lotuspsychjelasers: what exactly do you need04:34
sam__its for my kid04:34
xmetaleither way04:34
wilee-nileesam__, Maybe, I would run sudo update-grub and check it, chances are it is just reading what is on the computer.04:34
lasersX-User: USB if you can. No need to waste a disc.04:34
wwolfI like using USB as it is typically faster installation.  But both have worked fine for me.04:34
holsteinsam__: i woulld argue a kid doesnt need dual boot04:34
sam__18 year old kid04:35
X-Userlasers, Brasero wasted 2 of my Disc already! what a bad piece of software!04:35
HypnotixSo after booting from usb trying to install it still freezes04:35
holsteinsam__: there are *many* customization options.. and they are all easy to break grub..04:35
sam__Generating grub.cfg ...04:35
holsteinsam__: if its worth the hassle, go for it04:35
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: on wich part freeze?04:35
sam__okay how do I get to see it now?04:35
wwolfHypno -- what is the issue your having?04:35
HeyM-Cldholstein: It supports pae04:36
lotuspsychjewwolf: his machine freezes after update yesterday04:36
holsteinsam__: you see grub at boot, if you have it set to show04:36
wilee-nileesam_ what the terminal says is partially correct but a reboot will show the menu.04:36
X-Usersam__, who is a kid when they are 18? huh? in older days people used to get married on that age?04:36
HeyM-Cldholstein: Here is proof: http://ark.intel.com/products/27142/Intel-Celeron-M-Processor-350-1M-Cache-1_30-GHz-400-MHz-FSB04:36
HypnotixRight before the partition  select screen04:36
holsteinHeyM-Cld: then, your issue is *not* what your friend said earier04:36
wwolfThanks lotuspychje04:36
lotuspsychjewwolf: he tryed recovery from grub, previous kernel and install from usb04:36
laserslotuspsychje: Family's friend dropped an old-ish laptop on me. Issues. I looked at it. Meh. Old Windows XP on tiny laptop. Old man. I figure I'd look for iso that linux people often use to do fast clean, fast fix, fast etc. I'm half tempted to dualboot this with ElementaryOS (very friendly *nix OS).04:36
HeyM-CldOh, then what can it be?04:36
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you can confirm the md5 of an appropriate iso04:37
HypnotixYeah and still nothing works so far04:37
sam__yeah, well the kid is off to University and I'm trying to send him off with decent laptop all fixed up for him.....you know....before I kick him in the ass, throw him out the door, and lock it for good04:37
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i would start with a 32bit lubuntu live iso.. and make certain the md5 sum checks out04:37
holstein!language | sam__04:37
ubottusam__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:37
sam__I'm a softie04:37
lotuspsychjelasers: clean install lubuntu on it?04:37
X-Userlasers, Elementary dudes are doing a great job!04:37
sam__sorry, meant to say arse04:37
holsteinthis is not the elementaryOS channel04:38
* lotuspsychje agrees04:38
xmetali'd try Lubuntu or (a new one i just found this week .,.. i think it was lotus that got me curious about it) Enlightenmint on older hardware04:38
xmetal:) i like both04:38
X-Userholstein, -_- i can see that.04:38
xmetaleven on faster hardweare too04:38
lotuspsychjexmetal: E17 is nice isnt it :p04:38
sam__i thought there was a gui program that let you easily move the entries around in grub04:38
laserslotuspsychje: I would need to communicate with him first (11:31pm here). He left me XP Recovery Disc too in case I can't fix his issues. (I suspect Virus). He said things blowed up when he opened an email. (I'll do LiveUSB).04:38
xmetali like it04:38
X-Usersam__, nope, this is just 2013!04:38
holstein!ot | X-User04:39
ubottuX-User: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:39
X-Userholstein, ok, thanks for telling me that anyway.04:39
Hypnotixgparted just scanes all devices and doesn't show anything04:39
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: not even your first hd?04:40
hheehi guys. i've laptop celero 1,6 Ghz, 2 core. is it enough to run last ubuntu without brakes?04:40
X-Userhhee, give it a shot.04:41
holsteinhhee: try it live... should be fine04:41
HeyM-Cldholstein: It doesn't match up, my lubuntu one.04:41
lotuspsychjehhee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements04:41
HypnotixHow do I erase everything from the hdd04:41
hheedesktop environment i meen04:41
wilee-nileehhee, with a gig of ram should be okay.04:41
hheeX-User holstein tnx guys04:41
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i would say, that has been the issue all along.. burning bad iso's.. you are downloade bad images.. your internet must be "bad"04:41
hheewilee-nilee ok, i have 4 gb ram04:41
HeyM-CldMy internet?04:42
* lotuspsychje hopes hypnotix didnt zero his drive lol04:42
wilee-nileehhee, You can try various desktops, depends on how you want to use it.04:42
X-Userwilee-nilee, your name is kinda reminds me of Ubuntu Studio!04:42
HeyM-CldHe can say 'lol'?04:42
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you downloaded lubuntu over your internet.. and the iso is bad.. and the other isos04:42
xmetali agree04:42
HeyM-CldHow is that fair04:42
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: wb mate04:43
xmetali use a number of DE's honestly04:43
HeyM-Cldholstein: How does that make my internet bad04:43
xmetal"whatever i feel like" at a particular time04:43
HeyM-Cldholstein: And how do I fix it04:43
hheewilee-nilee i know there're lots of lightweight desktop env such as openbox, lxde, but i want try official ubuntu unity04:43
Hypnotixso tell me how to test my hdd pls04:43
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: try the ##hardware channel mate04:43
holsteinHeyM-Cld: because you used it to get the iso.. and the sum is not matching.. so somewhere between your computer and the hosted iso is the issue04:43
X-Userwell Unity works great in high end and mid-range pc.04:44
Etilasgood morning everybody04:44
HypnotixIsn't there a Linux terminal command or app04:44
lotuspsychjeHypnotix: you got a spare drive you can test ubuntu on?04:44
wilee-nileehhee, boot a livd usb and try it.04:44
hheeX-User : ok04:44
X-UserEtilas, morning04:44
sco_could anyone help me with enabling mobile broadband on ubuntu 13.04 ?04:44
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | Hypnotix04:44
ubottuHypnotix: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 516 kB, installed size 1201 kB04:44
hheei understood, need try to find out! :)04:44
lotuspsychje!ask | sco_04:44
ubottusco_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:44
X-Usersco_, what do u mean by mobile broadband? 3g or LTE?04:45
holsteinHeyM-Cld: make certan the sums match before trusting the iso and burning it04:45
sco_it is a 3g usb stick with mobile broadband , there is no option shown in my network manager applet04:45
HeyM-CldSo the sums have to match up or else the iso is corrupted?04:46
Etilassco_, is it shown in "lspci" ?04:46
X-Userubottu, !iso  > HeyM-Cld04:46
ubottuHeyM-Cld, please see my private message04:46
holsteinHeyM-Cld: right.. you can see that in the link i linked you04:46
holstein!md5 | HeyM-Cld04:46
ubottuHeyM-Cld: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:46
HeyM-CldThat makes no sense04:47
holsteinHeyM-Cld: what is unclear?04:47
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you do not have lubuntu downloaded.. its a corrupt file04:47
holsteinHeyM-Cld: when you try and use or install from the discs, they dont work, since they are corrupt04:47
HeyM-CldNot that it's unclear, just it's stupid that my "bad internet" can corrupt a file04:47
wilee-nileesco_, Here are some threads to look at. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=+mobile+broadband+13.0404:47
hheewell guys, is there good documentation for beginner system administrator? i need info about build packages, for example, or wake up usual services, mail ftp what else...04:48
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i used to have dsl, and that was the case.. this was years ago though04:48
sco_ok , thankyou04:48
sam__how to hide recovery partitions etc from nautilus/showing up in unity panel04:48
HeyM-CldI'm not using dsl tho04:48
lotuspsychjehhee: server or desktop?04:48
holsteinhhee: if you literally havent installed the os yet, i would start there, and take it slow04:48
hheelotuspsychje : server (for beginner sysadmin)04:48
lotuspsychje!server | hhee04:49
ubottuhhee: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server04:49
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i didnt mean to imply you were.. im saying *i* was.. back then.. and had bad downloads.. it will between you are your isp to determine the issue you are having..04:49
lotuspsychjehhee: take a look at !security aswell04:49
holsteinHeyM-Cld: could be a bad mirror as well..04:49
hheeholstein : ok, (i just already have some expiriment with other linux distro)04:49
=== ken is now known as Guest52297
sco_the top question in that askubuntu link was me , and it hasnt helped unfortunately04:50
HeyM-Cldholstein: Is there anyway I can download it without that happening04:50
holsteinHeyM-Cld: i just implied you should try another mirror.. .let me get the *exact* information for you04:50
hhee!security | hhee04:50
ubottuhhee, please see my private message04:50
HypnotiX_can i paste the error im getting when trying to access my partition here?04:51
wilee-nileesco_, Here, details count, such as the actual device info.04:51
lotuspsychje!paste | HypnotiX_04:51
ubottuHypnotiX_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:51
hheelotuspsychje : tnx04:51
holsteinHeyM-Cld: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM you can scan to find suggestions about what to do if the sums dont match..04:51
lotuspsychjehhee: np mate04:51
sco_the actual device is a huwaei e160e , it worked fine with previous ubuntu installs04:52
kenonfireHey, how do i manually install packages on ubuntu. I have no internet on that computer04:52
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: whats your purpose? backup data from your win partition?04:53
HypnotiX_thats my linux partition04:53
wilee-nileesco_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/56960/huawei-e160-wireless-dongle-appears-as-a-drive04:53
lotuspsychjekenonfire: add your usb/livecd as source04:53
HypnotiX_i have booted from my usb now trying to reinstall ubuntu04:53
holsteinkenonfire: i would take interenet to that computer.. otherwise, you can use synaptic to generate download scripts for .debs04:53
HypnotiX_and the installer doesnt work04:53
kenonfireisn't there a ubuntu official site that host packages to just download04:53
HypnotiX_it just hangs while trying to read my partition data i guess04:54
wilee-nileesco_,  Huawei E160 Wireless Dongle is the device right?04:54
HeyM-Cldholstein: Are you absolutely sure that's the problem?04:54
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: at what part of install freeze?04:54
sco_yes wilee-nilee04:54
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you are.. if the sumes dont match, the dont match.. are you absolutely sure?04:54
HypnotiX_after i chose download updates while installing and hit continue04:55
HypnotiX_so i dont get to the option to chose if i want a fresh install or not etc04:55
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HeyM-CldI mean the not matching can cause the pae problem04:55
wilee-nileesco_, I see very little hits on ubuntu on google with it, but the thread I just posted seemed to get it working.04:55
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: the step before partition its normal to take some time...endure a little longer04:55
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you have no pae problem04:56
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: i had to wait 5min or longer to see that step on 'some' machines04:56
sco_wilee-nilee , those solutions just say to use network manager to set up the connection , i have tried this quite a few times but still it wont connect04:56
holsteinHeyM-Cld: if you have bad iso's and you try and use them, you will see errors.. like the one your friend gave that made me think you had a pae issue04:56
HeyM-CldThe problem that the disk thinks I don't have pae04:56
holsteinHeyM-Cld: if you sums dont match, you dont have the iso04:56
holsteinHeyM-Cld: no.. the disks dont "think", friend.. they are not the right data04:57
HeyM-CldAll 3 iso's had the same error04:57
holsteinHeyM-Cld: right.. and the sums were likely bad,. if you didnt test them.. you have shared 2 bad ones with me so far04:57
holsteinHeyM-Cld: test them.. and see04:57
wilee-nileesco_, Yeah, honestly I would get one that plugged and worked, many cheap ones out there, lifes to short to have to mess with getting connected, at least for me. ;)04:57
sco_wilee-nilee   http://freetexthost.com/cbq5pdbl2y     i cant make sense of this04:57
sco_this always worked on 11.04 , ive only had an issue since installing 13.0404:58
holsteinsco_: try 12.04, and consider staying there for the support term04:58
lotuspsychjeis there an indicator that could show new syslog data?05:02
molavyis there merge folders what is like in windows when i copy files in winows when ask to merge folders and then ask to replace exist files with same name when i copy05:07
molavyi want do it in shell05:07
molavythere are some files with same name05:09
molavyi prefer target files to replace in my current project05:10
molavysomething like merge two folder in windows that ask replace same file names05:10
somsipmolavy: map cp. There is an 'prompt for overwrite' setting05:10
somsip*man cp05:10
psy^cp with -r for recursive and -i to prompt to overwrite05:10
molavyit replace folders but i want merge folders05:10
HeyM-Cldholstein: I've downloaded lubuntu 12.04 iso and checked the md5sum and it matched05:11
HeyM-CldBefore I burn it, do you think there could be any other problem?05:11
print_pre1what's the best feature in this release?05:12
lotuspsychje!best | print_pre105:12
ubottuprint_pre1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:12
HypnotiX_lotuspsychje: so i waited 15min still nothing05:12
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: thats long indeed, but i know some systems might lag a long time on this step05:13
HypnotiX_i have a very good pc05:13
HypnotiX_it didnt lag at all last time i installed ubuntu05:13
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: its more a hd scanning issue i think05:14
HypnotiX_yeah i think so too05:14
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: it wants to know what your previous layout is etc05:14
HypnotiX_so is there any way to erase my hdd from the terminal ?05:14
psy^can vnc sessions use different xsession configs? my autostart apps keep getting duplicated05:15
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: i would maybe delete windows partitions05:15
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: maybe try ext4 extend to the max with gparted05:16
holsteinHeyM-Cld: not before you burn it..05:16
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: then retry your ubuntu install05:16
HeyM-Cldholstein: Positive?05:16
HypnotiX_gparted wont show me the partitions either lotuspsychje05:16
HypnotiX_hangs the same as the installer05:16
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: hmm sounds very like a malfunctioning hd05:16
HypnotiX_so how do i wipe it clean05:17
HypnotiX_i need to get a list of the partitions first05:17
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: freeze at recovery, freeze at install, freeze at previous kernel,...05:17
holsteinHeyM-Cld: im not able to guarantee you *anything*, friend..05:17
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: what hd brand is this?05:17
HypnotiX_western digital05:18
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you checked the sums.. you burn it they are good.. then, test it out05:18
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: speed/space?05:18
HypnotiX_500gb 7200rpm05:18
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: there's a zero command to wipe your hd05:19
lotuspsychjesomeone wanna pm this command to HypnotiX_ ?05:19
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142858/how-to-zero-out-a-drive05:20
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lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: you can also test your hd with western digital bootdisc to see if drive fails(if ubuntu doesnt wanna install)05:21
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HypnotiX_i ran that command in the terminal and nothing is happening05:22
HeyM-Cldholstein: Lets just say it failed with the same pae error. Now what?05:22
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: did you replace the X with your drive lettre? sdA05:23
HypnotiX_and i need to know first what my partitions are named they are not all sda05:23
holsteinHeyM-Cld: you said it supports the pae kernel.. i would revisit why you say that05:23
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: sudo fdisk -l05:23
HeyM-CldIt worked, got past the pae thing holstein05:24
HypnotiX_lotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6016514/05:24
lotuspsychje!yay | HeyM-Cld05:25
ubottuHeyM-Cld: Glad you made it! :-)05:25
holsteinHeyM-Cld: enjoy!05:25
lotuspsychje!cookie | holstein05:25
ubottuholstein: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:25
HypnotiX_so if i run the zero out command on the sdb when will i know it finished?05:25
holsteinlotuspsychje: ;) yum05:25
HeyM-CldWell, I don't know if it'll work quite yet05:25
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: should be yes05:25
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: what purpose is your sda?05:26
wilee-nileeholstein, hehe, take it to the bridge.05:26
holsteinHeyM-Cld: just keep in mind messages are not errors.. and im off fof the night..05:26
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: i think this sda might cause your freezes at install05:26
HeyM-Cldholstein: Bye, thanks for all your help.05:27
HypnotiX_thats the virtual one that the usb created :)05:27
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: i would format the whole drive, before installing ubuntu on05:28
HypnotiX_yeah but how05:28
HypnotiX_with the dd command how do i know it finished ?05:29
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: can you take out this hd and format on other system?05:29
HypnotiX_i guess i can05:29
HypnotiX_seems a bit overkill thou :)05:29
lotuspsychjeHypnotiX_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/215505/how-do-you-monitor-the-progress-of-dd05:30
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linux_how do i fix "unmet dependences"05:30
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lotuspsychjelinux_: what version of ubuntu are you on?05:31
xmetalat the risk of sounding like a "wise guy" ... install the needed dependencies05:31
lotuspsychje!info gambas3-runtime05:32
ubottugambas3-runtime (source: gambas3): Gambas runtime interpreter. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1-2ubuntu6 (raring), package size 239 kB, installed size 605 kB05:32
lotuspsychjelinux_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/262844/how-do-i-solve-the-following-packages-have-unmet-dependencies-error05:33
fozzyanyone use ubuntu on a laptop?05:35
lotuspsychje!ask | fozzy05:35
ubottufozzy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:35
dennisxzis there anyone out here?05:42
lotuspsychjedennisxz: 1653 users are05:43
dennisxzwhere country you are05:43
lotuspsychjedennisxz: this is an ubuntu support channel05:46
dennisxzis anyone here know how to insall firesheep in mozilla, im currently using ubuntu 12.405:47
lotuspsychje!info firesheep05:47
ubottuPackage firesheep does not exist in raring05:47
dennisxzuhm ok05:48
sam__I have a ip table on my linux firewall. how can i know which ip belongs to which software?05:57
sam__there are just port numbers and ip addresses05:57
lotuspsychje!iptables | sam__05:58
ubottusam__: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo05:58
sam__but I use peer gurdian05:58
psy^netstat -p should help. shows connections made by different apps / pids06:00
sam__so how can i know which port and which ip to allow?06:03
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sam__!pglgui | sam__06:05
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lightning0Hello I had a question; I ran [dmesg > dmesg.txt] and then [less dmesg.txt] in a terminal and i got back a huge list of errors. would anybody like to try troubleshooting a few of them with me?06:15
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=== Guest15332 is now known as whizken
whizkenhey, whats a nice program to record your desktop while working?06:16
whizkenAlso what's a nice video editing software?06:16
infamousim new to IRC06:17
somsipwhizken: gtk-recordmydesktop works. Lines edits video. Whether either of them are nice is up to you06:17
whizkensomsip, what's the video editor that comes on media edition?06:17
TishonHeartinfamous: Welcome to the wonderful world of IRC.06:17
somsipwhizken: no idea.06:17
infamouscan you guys see me just wondering, dont mean to be rude06:17
infamousmy text is faded grey...06:18
lightning0you could try kazam06:18
whizkeninfamous, we all have different clients that display things differently06:18
whizkenlike how we see each others messages06:18
TishonHeartinfamous: it's like that06:18
lightning0No it isn't it just looks tht way to you.06:18
infamousoh okay thanx, um did you guys just pm me?06:19
infamousit was red06:19
lightning0not me.06:19
Extreminadori keep receiving this error on the "instalation" part in the ubuntu software center06:19
Extreminador2013-08-23 07:18:23,407 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.widgets.exhibits - WARNING - download failed: '<class 'gi._glib.GError'>', 'Operação não suportada'06:20
Extreminadoris this a common error for connection failed or is something else ?06:20
chamunksI want to use cat to inject some lines into the crontab06:21
chamunksI've seen lots of reccomendations against editing the crontab directly and everyone suggests using crontab -e06:22
chamunkswhat can I do here?06:22
chamunksI have deployment scripts that I want to write and I cant do that by throwing things into an editor can I?06:22
somsipchamunks: crontab -l | cat amendments.txt | crontab -06:22
somsipchamunks: I use a start comment and end comment and replace everything between as part of deployment, eg:06:23
lightning0that is crontab?06:23
somsipchamunks: (crontab -l | sed "/^$CRONTAB_START/,/^$CRONTAB_END/d"; cat $WEBROOT/$PROJECT/deployment/crontabs/crontabs.$1) | crontab -06:23
somsipshuduo: if you can grab the bits out of that which might help06:24
TishonHeartThis is a kind of stupid question but what would make it so the Hibernate option to not work at all, the option is always greyed out on the newer versions of Ubuntu.06:24
somsipchamunks: ^^ not shuduo, sorry06:24
shuduosomsip, :)06:24
chamunkssomsip, thats fantastic!06:25
chamunksI'll copy this to a text file for my next round of coding bash!06:25
chamunksthank you very much!06:25
somsipchamunks: np. Took me long enough to figure out :)06:25
chamunksYeah we're handling alot of that regex stuff lately.06:25
sahil_heloo my system have a broken package libx11-dev,removing it will also remove libgl1-mesa-dev,libxext-dev,libxt-dev and mesa common dev...what to do?06:25
chamunksanyways thank you very much06:26
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lightning0New to IRC. so is this where i go if i have random questions regarding ubuntu?06:26
sahil_any sugesstion guys? :)06:26
somsipchamunks: you're welcome/ PM me if you want any of the surrounding scripts06:26
somsiplightning0: support related, yes. Random question might belong more in #ubuntu-offtopic06:27
=== slavko is now known as Voronenko
whizkenwhat software do you need to make java programs?06:36
AlexRImma let you finish, but Windows is the BEST operating system of all time.06:36
whizkenAlexR, true06:37
AlexRYou need the JDK (dev kit)06:38
James0r2anyone in here an expert with alsamixer and fixing sound issues? can't seem to get my audio device to recognize. my system hibernated during an install and since then no sound06:42
wooJames0r2: ur system went into hibernate while you where installing?06:43
grahamsavage__i'm having a lot of issue with google chrome06:43
grahamsavage__it seems very sluggish06:43
grahamsavage__every time i change tabs, the page is white for a few seconds before it paints it06:44
James0r2woo: yeah.06:44
James0r2woo: installing via apt-get06:44
wooJames0r2: been there eventually had to reinstall without add's06:44
James0r2woo: add's?06:44
wooJames0r2: additional software disabled06:44
wooJames0r2: its a hardware recognition thing.  Ubuntu works on the flash drive still?06:45
James0r2woo: well the app i was installing was unrelated or so i think. it was dropbox.06:45
lightning0May i ask what would the best way to set up and partition a single harddrive in a laptop for ubuntu use only. what factors should i be aware of and how can i stop problems from occurring further down the road?06:46
James0r2woo: i havn't tried but i'm pretty sure since everything was recognized and working yesterday06:46
psy^single ext4 partition, imho06:46
James0r2i havn't tried a live usb, i'm just assuming this is a software issue because of the turn of events06:46
psy^you can use gparted at a later stage if you need to shrink and create additional partitions06:47
wooJames0r2: you can switch back old drivers06:47
lightning0Ive seen people mount their home folder why would you do that?06:47
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »06:47
James0r2i'm using KDE, and after i rebooted it asked me if i wanted to 'permenently forget about the audio devices'. stupidly i thought it was talking about how i chose to remove pulseaudio a week ago06:47
lightning0and swap space?06:47
James0r2and clicked yes06:47
James0r2naw no sound, no alsamixer, no audio devices06:48
James0r2woo: how do i do that?06:48
psy^lightning0: home folder on seperate partition is for convenience i guess, if at a later stage they want to nuke their install and try a new distro06:48
wooJames0r2: can't remember exactly im looking at some configs06:49
James0r2woo: cool thx06:50
lightning0how much room do i leave for the operating system if i mount my home folder? and do i need swap space if I have 6gigs of ram.06:52
wooJames0r2: has something to do with the update manager06:53
opalepatrickwhen mysql is started, my desktop CPU goes to 100% and the memory usage shoots up to nearly 100% (I have to stop service) on ubuntu 13.04 64bit with 8gb memory.06:53
opalepatrick http://pastebin.com/yD5kk90s - this is the error.log followed by my.cnf. The only thing I have changed in the conf is the location of the data directory.06:53
opalepatrickthe mysql install is new  on new ubuntu install06:53
anoneeI'm trying to batch extract archives using tar -xvzf *.* and getting this error: tar: <filename>: Not found in archive. what could that be?06:54
lightning0help formating hard drive: how much room do i leave for the operating system if i mount my home folder? and do i need swap space if I have 6gigs of ram.06:54
psy^sounds literally like the gz archive doesn't contain a tar06:55
woolightning0: what will you be using swap for on linux? steam?06:55
psy^o nvm06:55
=== psy^ is now known as psy^away
lightning0woo: what is steam?06:55
woolightning0: a entertainment system platform06:56
lightning0woo: So that involve streaming hd movies and stuff06:56
woolightning0: think video games06:57
woolightning0: swap is nice for heavy buffering06:57
James0r2woo: reverting to old drivers?06:57
James0r2woo: using the update manager?06:58
lightning0woo: how much swap would yyou recomend?06:58
wooJames0r2: yea thats where Im at update-06:58
anoneepsy^ the files are named bk_100.tar.gz, if I double click they can be opened with archive manager, and I can extract them one by one but this is gonna take time06:58
wooJames0r2: I looked in some other system files and it landed me in there06:58
James0r2woo: oh i'm using Linux Mint. maybe not the same06:58
auronandaceJames0r2: mint isn't supported here06:59
James0r2oh really my bad06:59
James0r2i thought it would be because it was ubuntu based06:59
wooJames0r2: deb's are used06:59
woodeb and ian but thats more for ot07:00
James0r2woo: gotcha. i think this is a KDE issue anyway. i'll hit the forums. thx anyways07:00
wooJames0r2: good luck07:00
James0r2woo: thx07:00
lightning0woo: how many gigs should i leave for my \ and should i put the rest of the partition in \home?07:01
woolightning0: swap um its best to let disk managers set it up07:01
woolightning0: at best I would use !gparted07:02
anoneeanybody can help me with this? trying to batch extract .tar.gz files using tar -xvzf and I'm getting this error: tar: filename.tar.gz: Not found in archive07:02
woolightning0: I have what like a gig or 2 on a 120 gb07:02
woolightning0: so 2/12 1/6th of the dive overall07:03
lightning0woo: that's a 60th lol07:03
whizkenany programs on ubuntu to develop flash games?07:03
auronandacelightning0: swap is only really necessary if you want to hibernate (your 6gb of ram is plenty for most other things)07:05
woolightning0: swap on ssd is smaller normally. if you are just looking for use ablilty I would mess around with some mkfs files and look up fdisk07:05
auronandace!brain | woo07:05
ubottuwoo: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:05
somsip!info fdisk | woo07:06
ubottuwoo: Package fdisk does not exist in raring07:06
somsipoh well...07:06
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120407:08
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
JahmCan anyone suggest me a good vpn client for Ubuntu?07:11
vltJahm: I've only ever used openvpn itself as client. Works great.07:13
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whizkenwhat's good ide for html?07:15
zahid-nustwhizken: eclipse works well07:15
grahamsavage__hi guys.. google chrome under ubuntu is performing really really badly and i dont' know how to identify the issue or how to fix it07:16
grahamsavage__my machine is a beast.. it should be flying07:16
grahamsavage__i switched to ubuntu from osx about 2 weeks ago and i spend most of my time in chrome07:17
grahamsavage__and it's driving me crazy07:17
=== jan1337zZz is now known as jan1337z
=== jan1337z is now known as Jan
zahid-nustgrahamsavage__: is it just chrome?07:17
=== Jan is now known as Guest87762
grahamsavage__zahid-nust: hmm possibly.. i dont' use many of applications07:18
grahamsavage__x-chat always works :D07:18
zahid-nustgrahamsavage__: check with some other browser to make sure its just chrome with the problem07:18
zahid-nusti would suggest firefox07:18
grahamsavage__skype runs fine, my development IDE is good07:18
zahid-nustgrahamsavage__: it could be a browsing related issue07:19
grahamsavage__firefox's performance seems good07:20
JahmMan, I'm hungry07:20
grahamsavage__oh DNS queries on my internet are very very slow07:20
zahid-nustgrahamsavage__: try switching dns then?07:20
JahmMust be your ISP07:21
grahamsavage__zahid-nust: to what?07:21
JahmGoogle's DNS?07:21
zahid-nustgrahamsavage__: google dns07:21
grahamsavage__Jahm: blockexd07:21
zahid-nustgrahamsavage__: try level 3 then and
grahamsavage__oh ok thanks07:21
Jahmzahid-nust: who owns that DNS?07:21
zahid-nustJahm: its operated by verizon i believe07:22
JahmAhh thanks07:22
JahmHow does it compared to Google?07:22
JahmHow does it perform* compared to Google?07:22
zahid-nustperformance is on par for me not much of a difference between the two07:22
LinhAri-Yang, help me i upgraded linux-image-3.4.0-030400-generic on xubuntu 12.04. Now I cannot connect to wireless networks WPA/WPA2. Manual create Network connection, it supported only WEP07:25
Z0ois it true that it is over for Linux desktop because there is no standardization, only decent user support, and still work-in-progress user friendliness, as stated by the creator of GNOME07:25
HypnotiXdoes anyone know if there is any difference between IE browsers in native windows and windows on a virtual box ?07:25
zahid-nustHypnotiX: its going to be the same07:26
HypnotiXwell i have a very nasty inconsitancy07:26
bazhang!ot | Z0o07:26
ubottuZ0o: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:26
HypnotiXa website form works perfectly on IE in native windows and does not work at all in the virtual box IE07:27
zahid-nustHypnotiX: check to see that one of those didnt update07:27
zahid-nustit could be a version issue07:27
zahid-nustwith one being out of date07:27
Linhwhat's the web URL Hyperbyte ?07:27
HypnotiXwell i was running IE in compatibility mode07:27
HypnotiXon both systems07:28
zahid-nustHypnotiX: im talking about the build version check to make sure its the same07:29
=== Linh is now known as convoi
convoihelp me, i upgraded linux-image-3.4.0-030400-generic on xubuntu 12.04. Now I cannot connect to wireless networks WPA/WPA2. Manual create Network connection, it supported only WEP07:29
HypnotiXof internetexplorer right07:29
zahid-nustconvoi: can you paste output of iwconfig?07:30
convoizahid-nust, i'm using windows now to join xchat. i must reboot to login to xubuntu w no internet connection07:31
zahid-nustconvoi: without that its going to be hard. paste thte output to a file and save the file to the windows partition maybe?07:32
convoizahid-nust, ok07:32
anoneeok so I found this script that i used to batch extract archives, and I wanna put it in the right-click scripts directory, the script contains: for file in /source/directory/* and I wanna replace this with a variable so I can use it with any directory. how to?07:42
convoizahid-nust, i just pm to you07:44
whizkenis there any type of documentation that's offline for c++?07:49
Luyinconvoi: if you want more people to help, you should paste it here so everybody can see it.07:50
whizkenlike all the std libraries07:50
convoiLuyin, this my output of iwconfig wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any07:51
convoi          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=16 dBm07:51
convoi          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off07:51
convoi          Power Management:off07:51
convoi          07:51
convoilo        no wireless extensions.07:51
FloodBot1convoi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:51
trindazif i need to use sudo to run my upstart jobs, how do i give the script all my env vars that the script depends on?07:51
convoi:( flootbot07:51
Luyinconvoi: read the channel's topic plz07:52
convoithis is my output of iwconfig https://app.box.com/s/n68syvcgwb401pgvu512, i can't connect to WPA/WPA2 wireless networks, only WEP in "Create wireless network"07:54
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convoii using xubuntu 12.04, This error occurs after dist-upgraded and installed linux-image 3.407:57
somsipconvoi: where did you install that kernel from?07:57
convoisomsip, from here http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.4-precise/07:58
somsip!PPA | convoi07:59
ubottuconvoi: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:59
somsipconvoi: so, unsupported. Which means we can't help07:59
somsipconvoi: oh...I could be wrong. Maybe the URL is just misleading...07:59
somsipconvoi: Read the quote on here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/47980/are-kernels-from-ubuntu-kernel-ppa-supported-for-the-same-time-frame-as-the-vers08:01
extramarksi ask one ques why not show if IP conflict in linux08:03
grimetonextramarks: it does, it starts whining in the logs08:03
extramarksshow me with command for this error08:04
grimetonextramarks: grep -i "ip address" /var/log/dmesg08:05
extramarkshow can edit grub08:05
grimetonextramarks: it should say something like "the host at aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff is using my ip address"08:06
koopa_connect irc.spotchat.org08:08
koopa_\connect irc.spotchat.org08:09
blazemore!grub | extramarks08:10
ubottuextramarks: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:10
marsalno me deja descargar nada de software center dice que compruebe conesion a internet08:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:10
blazemoreI hope that was Spanish or my ignorance is showing08:11
osseHow can I see the default contents of a file a package contains? I've modified some stuff in /etc and want to compore my stuff with the defaults08:11
isashaanyone know what this trackpad change apps shortcut is?08:14
isashaI keep using it by accident all the time08:14
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convoihi all08:18
=== Guest87762 is now known as jan1337zZz
cheesecakeshello convoi08:20
cheesecakeszoogar: ??08:20
convoizoogar, yes?08:21
zoogarsorry, i'm first time here08:21
convoizoogar, welcome!08:21
=== yuki is now known as Guest89175
somsipconvoi: in relation to your last question, this is a quote from Canonical "The mainline kernels builds are produced for debugging purposes and therefore come with no support. Use them at your own risk." http://is.gd/ZVKLAd08:24
blazemoreGuest89175: We see you08:24
somsip!test | Guest8917508:24
ubottuGuest89175: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:24
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:24
convoilong time no IRC chat08:25
=== jan1337zZz is now known as jan1337z
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=== Jan is now known as Guest55216
somsipconvoi: no. You were on here 25 mins ago. Anyway - do you have a support question?08:26
convoieverything is ok w me now somsip, thank you!08:27
=== BJfreeman is now known as Guest80262
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
seba4hi to all how can i create my own type of call... in ubuntu08:48
seba4like nginx -v will call -opt/path/to/somewhere/ -v08:48
blazemoreseba4: alias foo=bar08:49
blazemoreseba4: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17536/how-do-i-create-a-permanent-bash-alias08:50
extramarkswhat a easy way command on linux08:50
seba4blazemore,  now i atleast know what to read:) thx08:50
convoihow to install ubuntu one in terminal?08:51
extramarks what basic command of admin08:51
blazemoreconvoi: sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client-gnome ubuntuone-control-panel-qt ubuntuone-client-proxy08:52
blazemore!sudo | extramarks08:52
ubottuextramarks: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:52
convoiok thank blazemore08:52
christos_anyone for help?08:53
blazemoreask your question christos_08:53
christos_how can i connect my speakers with linux08:54
christos_they are not playing music08:54
blazemoreAre they USB speakers?08:54
extramarksjust like active directory work in linux?08:55
convoichristos_, are they usb speakers?08:57
blazemorechristos_: Is it a laptop?08:57
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blazemorechristos_: do you know what sound card or motherboard you have?08:58
blazemorechristos_: What version of Ubuntu are you running? have you checked the speakers are powered on and their volume is turned up? Have you tried other speakers or headphones in the same jack?08:59
christos_jack is ok08:59
christos_and the speakers are on and the volume up09:00
blazemoreSo your sound works, but your speakers don't?09:00
convoichristos_, and soundcard driver for linux installed09:00
blazemoreIt works with headphones or something else, christos_ ?09:00
christos_with my windows are working09:00
christos_with ubuntu no09:00
FloodBot1christos_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
blazemorechristos_: OK. Can you run the command on a terminal: alsamixer09:00
blazemorechristos_: You'll see a number of faders - turn them up with the up arrow, and navigate between them with the left and right arrows09:01
blazemoreMake sure they're all turned to full09:01
convoii want to install a desktop clock like voyager desktop, what is the package name?09:02
christos_ok now are playing thank you09:03
blazemoreconvoi: It's called conky09:03
blazemoreconvoi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpConky09:03
christos_i want to ask t ubuntu 12.04 has cool application09:03
christos_close windows with fire09:04
blazemorechristos_: That could have all gone on one line. You want to install compizconfig-settings-manager I believe09:04
convoiok thank blazemore09:04
gsommerHow do I force Grub to not use UEFI? -no-uefi-secure-boot to grub-install does not work.  (I've disabled UEFI in BIOS)09:05
extramarkswhat command repair of grub09:05
christos_so how can i do it09:06
blazemorechristos_: Have you installed that package?09:06
blazemoresudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager09:06
convoihow can i add chromium in "Open Link in Browser" list?09:07
blazemoreconvoi: Where is "open link in browser" ?09:07
extramarkshow can swap size increase? what command and also graphic mode09:09
convoiwhen i right-click a link here and choose Open Link in Browser, a drop down list appear with only Firefox, how can i add chromium into that list?09:09
blazemoreextramarks: Is your swap on its own partition?09:09
guest-J7qiqTrunning xubuntu 12.04??09:09
blazemoreconvoi: where is "here" ?09:09
blazemore!xubuntu | guest-J7qiqT09:09
ubottuguest-J7qiqT: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels09:09
extramarkshow can  size increase of home directory09:10
guest-J7qiqTI was running ubuntu12.04 but was sluggish with unity09:10
aeon-ltdextramarks: did you mean home partition?09:11
blazemoreextramarks: Again, it depends if it's on its own partition. Can you please run the command "df -h; mount", and paste the output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com09:11
convoiblazemore, here is this xchat window, but i clicked Firefox, the drop-down list has not appear for the next time09:11
blazemoreHmm I'm not sure about xchat09:12
blazemoreDoes it have its own list of browsers in the preferences?09:12
Elf_Anyone with some experience of Ubuntu on low end systems around?09:13
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:13
aeon-ltdElf_: we talking pentium 4 or lower?09:14
ikoniaElf_: people have variations of "low end" so just clarify your problem / question - and you'll get a better response09:14
Elf_1.3Ghz Celeron and 1GB Ram.09:14
cfhowlettElf_, lubuntu or xubuntu ...09:14
blazemoreElf_: I'd personally recommend lubuntu, or an even more lightweight (but not Ubuntu-based) distro like Crunchbang09:15
aeon-ltdElf_: celeron from which generation or year purchased?09:15
Elf_Celly 430 apparantly - as for distro I have no preference (its for a relative) as long as it has some kinda of photo album thing, can surf the net, and has a music library/09:16
blazemoreElf_: If it's for a relative, then definitely Lubuntu09:16
aeon-ltdElf_: hell that's irrelevant, i'm with cfhowlett+blazemore. xubuntu or lubuntu for the smoothest experience. with a gpu then you could run ubuntu + unity smootly09:16
Elf_What about a photo album program/music library program with that. (My experience with linux is pretty much server only)09:17
LuyinElf_: there are lists of applications on the web;)09:18
aeon-ltdElf_: once you get xubuntu or lubuntu installed you're just gonna have to find one a try them yourself09:18
Elf_Ye; was just if you recommend a particular one09:19
cfhowlettElf_, look in the software center.  photo apps are rated09:20
Elf_Ahh kk (as i said use server with commandline only)09:20
cfhowlettElf_, sorry.  missed that09:20
aeon-ltdElf_: music program, i personally like rhythmbox for gui, mpd+ncmpcpp for cli09:21
cfhowlettElf_, shotwell is pretty well regarded09:21
dry[1]hi. is there any way to get temperature readings from bios on terminal? lm-sensors doesn't detect my external temperature sensor, but bios does it.09:22
scarrsI have HUGE cpu usage with nautilus and it is causing my computer to shut down untill I killall nautilus HELP09:24
blazemorescarrs: It's possibly related to something you have mounted? What's the output of the "mount" command - put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com09:25
scarrsblazemore: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6017008/09:27
blazemore/dev/sda2 on /pagefile ?09:28
blazemoreI assume you know what you're doing so I shan't question... :P09:28
aljosacan anybody recommend a detailed guide on fonts setup for gtk/qt? not gui tools, they don't work09:28
scarrsblazemore: yes I know what I am doing09:29
scarrsexcept with the nautilus eating my cpu 100%09:29
blazemorescarrs: Are you sure it's nautilus causing high CPU usage? Have you checked with top or something while nautilus is running?09:29
extramarkshow can share file & folder linux to windows09:30
blazemore!samba | extramarks09:30
ubottuextramarks: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:30
scarrsyes I am sure it's nautilus eating my cpu09:30
blazemorescarrs: Does it do it immediately on opening?09:30
extramarkshow can share folder linux to windows09:30
scarrsif I don't kill nautilus my pc shuts down09:30
scarrsI have about a minute09:30
blazemorescarrs: Try unmounting all your mounted bookmarks from the sidebar09:31
convoiextramarks, http://www.noobslab.com/2012/03/configure-samba-sharing-between-ubuntu.html09:32
convoihi vlitomsk09:32
vlitomskI'm configuring kernel sources, and question is: do i need NUMA support for multi-core processor ?09:32
Moony22why does not "pulseaudio -vvv | grep permission" work?09:32
vlitomskDoes anyone know?09:33
blazemoreMoony22: Are you trying to get an error message? Error messages are sent to stderr, and pipe only sends stdout by default09:33
blazemoreMoony22: Look here for how to pipe stderr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2342826/how-to-pipe-stderr-and-not-stdout09:33
Moony22blazemore, but I mean when running that command09:33
Moony22the whole thing comes up09:34
blazemoreMoony22: Right, that's because it's printing to stderr09:34
blazemoreMoony22: Look here for how to pipe stderr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2342826/how-to-pipe-stderr-and-not-stdout09:34
Moony22so like "pulseaudio -vvv>&1 >/dev/null | grep permission"?09:35
blazemoreyes Moony2209:35
Moony22Does not work09:35
Moony22it shows the whole output again09:35
blazemoreMoony22: Read the answer09:36
blazemoreMoony22: I'll just tell you it... pulseaudio -vvv 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep permission09:36
vmachinei have a slow mouse issue on my ubuntu/linuxmint desktop everytime i boot i have to put this command in xset m 3 3 but then the mouse goes back to being slow after reboot09:36
vmachinehow can i make that settings permanent09:36
blazemorevmachine: You can run it at startup by putting it in the startup applications09:37
Moony22oh thank you I thought the answer was saying naming "command 2" as a command09:37
blazemorevmachine: Also take a look at this Arch Linux wiki page for how to add the acceleration to your xorg file https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mouse_acceleration09:38
blazemoreyou're welcome Moony22 :)09:38
blazemore!info apt-fast09:39
ubottuPackage apt-fast does not exist in raring09:39
convoi!info jupiter09:39
ubottuPackage jupiter does not exist in raring09:39
somsip_convoi: PPA only http://notblog.org/faster-updates-with-apt-fast/09:39
convoiyes ^^09:41
=== antonpiatek_away is now known as antonpiatek
antonpiatekAnyone know if/where there are any unity logs? It fails to start for me (see desktop only) and I have no idea why09:41
kenshiroHi, will be Ubuntu 12.04.3 released today?  According to wikipedia: (22 August 2013, but not released as of 23 August 2013)09:45
kenshiroor could it be postponed again?09:46
cfhowlettkenshiro, relax.  it'll be out when it's out.09:46
cfhowlettkenshiro, and no one has announced it's released date, so ... chillax09:47
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=== Guest55216 is now known as jan1337zZz
kenshirocfhowlett ok, thank you !09:48
vmachineblazemore:  thanks i was able to put the command in my startup09:54
jmnozHi, my bluetooth becomes disabled when suspending my laptop and it does not re-enable on resume. How can I fix this?09:55
jmnoz(on 13.04 Raring Ringtail)09:56
Elf_Ok ubuntu has changed a bit since i last used it.09:56
=== antonpiatek_away is now known as antonpiatek
christos_anyone about backtrack?09:59
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)09:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:59
ubottuElf_,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/09:59
Elf_nah was trying to access smth on my IRC server - dont actually need help09:59
Elf_just wrong channel :)09:59
jmnozElf_: I hope you find the "smth" you've been searching for.10:00
Elf_yea !nirvana10:00
PowermaniacDoes anyone here know about the supposed data leaks and Amazon ads that prism-break.org mentions?10:02
PowermaniacAnd if they are still built into Ubuntu, and if so is there anyway to remove it?10:02
ILinuxovePrison Break ?10:02
PowermaniacPRISM like the surveillance program.10:03
ILinuxovethe name , from where ?10:03
test_is it possible to change directory name in home?10:04
ILinuxovePowermaniac the program between NSA and social networking ?10:05
christos_help for compiz setting manager pls?10:05
PowermaniacILinuxove: It explains it at that wiki page.10:05
gsommerMy newly installed Ubuntu cannot restart (Clicking restart in the login window does nothing). How can I fix this ?10:05
christos_ help for compiz setting manager pls?10:06
ILinuxovePowermaniac mmm yeah i see , i think it Prison break it is good series .10:06
christos__ help for compiz setting manager pls?10:08
varunendra!details | christos__10:09
ubottuchristos__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:09
christos__iwant help for how to set the  compiz setting manager10:09
ILinuxovecan any one advice me to be a linux Certified ?10:11
varunendrachristos__, have you installed the compiz-config-settings-manager package ?10:11
blazemore!ot > ILinuxove10:11
ubottuILinuxove, please see my private message10:11
christos__no i dont know how10:11
vmachinewhats your question ILinuxove10:11
blazemorechristos__: did you run sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager like I said?10:11
gsommerHow do I 'enable' shutdown and restart for Ubuntu 13.04 ?  When I click restart it does nothing at all. The same with shutdown. It's the those buttons have no function at all10:12
ILinuxovevmachine this is my question10:12
blazemore!ot | ILinuxove this is the Ubuntu support channel only.10:12
ubottuILinuxove this is the Ubuntu support channel only.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:12
varunendrachristos__, make sure you are connected to internet, then open a terminal (ctrl+T), and run the command "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager" like blazemore said.10:13
=== jan1337zZz is now known as jan1337z
=== jan1337z is now known as Jan
=== Jan is now known as Guest29640
Powermaniacblazemore: Does that mean if I ask about the security of ubuntu such as whether there are still data leaks to Amazon etc. would that be allowed here?10:14
jubeiguys why can't the linker find some library?  /usr/bin/ld: error: cannot find10:15
jubeiI can see the library, it's in /usr/local/lib10:15
gsommerif I do ctrl+alt+f1 and reboot from the console, it works fine.. but.. how do I do it from X ?10:15
fudusPowermaniac, it is on by default, you need to turn it off in winkey>privacy10:16
blazemorePowermaniac: Best to keep that sort of thing in offtopic, unless you have a support question10:16
PowermaniacOkay that you will move along to offtopic, and thanks fudus!10:16
fuduscanonical has to make money somehow, so i understand why they did it, as with the pbs style beg ad when you try to download10:16
sdaob-mortealguien habla español?10:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:17
christos__i think i have prob10:17
christos__unable to locate packegee10:17
blazemore!info compizconfig-settings-manager10:17
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compiz): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:0.9.9~daily13.06.19~13.04-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4471 kB10:17
blazemorechristos__: sure you're spelling it right?10:17
christos__yes i think10:17
christos__how is the coppy paste10:17
christos__for sure10:18
nl287what will be price for ubuntu phone?10:18
blazemorechristos__: run "sudo software-properties-gtk" and tick the box to enable the "Universe" repository10:18
sdaob-morteFuck, el canal esta vacio10:18
blazemore!ot > nl28710:18
ubottunl287, please see my private message10:18
Luyinchristos__: in the terminal, you can copy&paste with ctrl+shift+c/v or with middle mouse button10:18
fudusare you using the live usb? the default install enables universe10:19
christos__i istalled it10:19
blazemorechristos__: run "sudo apt-get update" first then10:19
blazemorebrb 10 minutes10:19
fudusi wonder if unity still dies if you try to log in as root...10:20
nl287gnome should be replaced by kde. QT is much better then gtk10:20
fudusnl287, wish fulfilled in 14 lts with unity 810:21
nl287i can tell that kubuntu is fucking good now10:22
ikonianl287: tone down the language pleas.e10:23
ikonianl287: it's really not needed.10:23
nl287christos__: yes, 13.04 is vary polished and speed10:25
christos__and i habe to do now10:26
christos__what i have to do now10:26
nl287christos__: Kubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail10:26
christos__i have ubuntu 12.04 lts10:26
christos__what i have to do next?10:26
christos__sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager10:26
christos__ater this10:26
nl287christos__: u must install 13.0410:27
fuduswhat is the error message?10:27
Myrttinl287: when helping, be helpful10:30
Myrttinl287: installing 13.04 isn't a requirement if you're running 12.04, unless you have set requirements10:31
BluesKajHowdy folks10:33
Cira_Im trying to install libglib2.0-dev on my 64bit kubuntu. I have the following unmet dependencies: http://pastebin.com/GUBN1A9K. Can anyone help me resolve them?10:35
nl287christos__: LTS is for servers10:36
ikoniaCira_: apt-get update first, make sure your cache is good10:36
ikonianl287: no it's not10:36
blazemorenl287: I recommend you stop, because you're wrong10:36
ikonianl287: please stop giving miss-information10:36
Cira_I did, apt-get update and upgrade10:36
blazemoreCira_: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install10:36
Cira_then I expanded the allowed sources to inclode everything10:36
Cira_and update+upgrade again10:36
fudusgo to software sources and tick the sources button?10:37
blazemorefudus: that won't help.10:37
blazemoreCira_: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install10:37
Cira_-f didn't help, same message10:37
Cira_-f = force?10:37
ikonia!info libc6-dev10:37
ubottulibc6-dev (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.17-0ubuntu5 (raring), package size 5376 kB, installed size 20629 kB10:37
blazemoreCira_: *just* sudo apt-get -f install10:37
ikoniachristos__: lts is for desktop or server10:37
blazemoreCira_: on its own, with no other arguments10:38
christos__i have dekstop10:38
nl287but for desktop important are for example last drivers10:38
ikonianl287: please stop10:38
ikonianl287: you are giving incorrect information10:38
Cira_blazemore: ok, I did... 0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 to remove, and 3 not upgraded10:38
blazemorenl287: 12.04 is supported on the desktop. There are reasons to use later versions, but we DO support 12.04 in here.10:38
blazemoreCira_: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:38
auronandacenl287: depends on hardware and requirements, lts is just fine for desktop (hence why its supported for so long)10:39
ikonia!info libglib2.0-dev10:39
ubottulibglib2.0-dev (source: glib2.0): Development files for the GLib library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.36.0-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 1198 kB, installed size 7482 kB10:39
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Cira_blazemore: ok, I did that, -f install and install gliblib2.0-dev still do the same thing10:39
fudusis one of your mirrors down? it is in main so it should work10:40
ikoniawhy would it be a mirror problem10:40
blazemorefudus: He already ran apt-get update without error10:40
ikoniait's reporting the right versions10:40
ikoniathe version it wants to install is older than the version in the repo10:40
ikoniaas if the cache is out of date10:41
ikoniaI would clear your apt cache, re-update and re-try the install10:41
blazemoreCira_: wget rory.sh/fixpackages; sh fixpackages10:41
blazemorethat will do for you what ikonia just said10:41
Cira_rory.sh/fixpackages 404's on me10:42
runing_froger_hello, is it possible to scroll screen using rdesktop? something like viewport options to scroll screen if I dont have access to whole destkop?10:42
hdd3i have a problem with my ext. hd, it is suddenly not shown anymore by fdisk -l, cant mount it, dmesg is showing sth. like [ 4345.144030] usb 4-2: device not accepting address 29, error -71 [ 4345.144055] hub 4-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 2, winows 7 is showing error code 43: Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)10:42
blazemoresorry Cira_ try again :310:42
hdd3someone here has suggested usbmon as a last resort, can anybody help?10:43
burghello. wasn't ubuntu 12.04.3 supposed to be launched yesterday?10:43
blazemoreCira_: Expect it to hang for a while with no output10:44
Cira_blazemore: the console hangs, for a while now :/10:44
runing_froger_I mean when I connect with other computer from ubuntu to windows like this : rdesktop -g1920x1080 hostname and I dont have access to whole remote desktop. Is it possible to scroll the screen somehow?10:44
Luyinruning_froger_: have you tried a smaller resolution?10:45
runing_froger_I cannot try smaller resolutions the problems must be resolved with this resolutions10:45
runing_froger_Im thinking that maybe I can use programs like Xnest10:45
runing_froger_I create Xnest window on lets say display 2 (Xnest :2)10:46
Cira_blazemore: so the hang was due to the backing up and removing of the cache, I gather?10:46
runing_froger_than Im calling rdesktop on display 2, so I got rdesktop session inside my xnest session10:47
blazemoreYeah it copies your cache to a backup folder10:47
SuperLagIf you install $APP and it creates it's own menu category, how do you get that whole menu and it's items to be found as a submenu under one of the existing options? I installed the Tizen SDK, and I'd like it to be found under Development, rather than making its own menu at the top level. See the screenshot at http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-08232013-034610am.php for context.10:47
runing_froger_maybe using xnest or something like that I can get access to functions like viewport to scroll the screen10:47
Cira_blazemore: now, unlike the last time I did the update it is upgrading those 3 packages10:47
daftykinshdd3: is it a drive within an enclosure, or a retail product (i.e. can you remove the drive from inside it?)10:47
runing_froger_any ideas?10:47
hdd3daftykins, nope, i cant open the case of the hdd, its a "one piece" disc10:48
daftykinshdd3: it's definitely spinning up ok?10:48
blazemorehdd3: Forgive me, but have you tried a different USB cable just to rule that out?10:48
hdd3daftykins, it makes the usual soinds, but it is not recognized, blazemore, yes i did i might do that again though10:49
LuyinSuperLag: edit the tizen sdk's *.desktop. change "Categories=*" to "Categories=development". not sure if it's case-sensitive, though10:50
daftykinshdd3: i'd listen for clicks coming from it too10:50
daftykinshdd3: or any repetitive mechanical sounds10:50
Cira_blazemore:  thanks for the help... hopefully things should work after the restart10:51
Questis there a reall working no buggy software to record desktop screen and / or audio by mic?10:52
hdd3daftykins, yes it clicks when i put it on after putting it of, it really is the usual sounds it alsways made10:52
hdd3daftykins, blazemore: and i tired this 1 already: http://paulphilippov.com/articles/how-to-fix-device-not-accepting-address-error10:54
blazemorehdd3: It might just be bad luck, if it's stopped working in other systems too. Your best bet would be to rip the drive apart, put the drive into a different enclosure and see if you can get data off10:54
hdd3blazemore, have u ever done this? i mean i dont even have another enclosure10:56
hdd3can anyone help, would usbmon be worth a try???11:00
dry[1]hi. is there any way to get motherboard temperature readings from bios on terminal? lm-sensors doesn't detect my external temperature sensor, but bios does it.11:00
blazemoredry[1]: run sudo sensors-detect11:00
Johnny_Linuxyou may want to install lm-sensors first11:01
Johnny_Linuxyes to all11:02
=== rpadovani is now known as WebbyIT
SuperLagLuyin: What that did was simply copy the entries under the "Tizen SDK" menu and put them under Development. The original "Tizen SDK" menu exists at the top level, and all of the child menu options are still there.11:05
hdd3will data saving tools do anything for the hd although the drive is not recognized?11:05
blazemorehdd3: It's unlikely, since you're getting USB errors, but you could look at Testdisk11:05
LuyinSuperLag: then remove the .desktop entry for the original tizen sdk menu and everything should be fine.11:05
* blazemore is going on lunch now, back in an hour11:05
BrunoPThdd3 if it's not recognized in Bios you cant do nothing11:06
SuperLaghdd3: take it to a professional11:06
hdd3BrunoTP, how do I see it in the bios?11:07
hdd3SuperLag, thanks, i will consider that11:07
SuperLaghdd3: no backup of that data?11:08
magdurguys are there alternative for itunes on ubuntu ?11:08
hdd3SuperLag, unfortunatley no :( 800gb11:08
SuperLaghdd3: 800GB of data, and no backup? o.O11:09
honestlymagdur: not really. you can use banshee to sync (some?) ipods11:09
honestlyI'd recommend just abandoning anything apple11:09
honestlyand not looking back11:09
SuperLagOr just go all Apple.11:09
magdur<honestly> no actually i want to use itunes u11:09
SuperLagit's all or nothing, really11:09
Cirablazemore: no joy... same dependency isues :/11:09
honestlymagdur: in this case you can't have your pie and eat it too11:10
SuperLagmagdur: You can access MIT OpenCourseware and other such offerings external to iTunes.11:10
FreederIs there a way, when using useradd with -m, to create a homedir that is totally blank, as opposed to having .profile, .bashrc, the desktop graphic, etc, created automatically?11:11
magdur<SuperLag>  yes i know it but i want to acces with ubuntu11:12
SuperLagmagdur: you can... use your web browser11:14
magdur<SuperLag> yes Ä° know it :(11:14
dragan_Any eOS users here?11:15
auronandacedragan_: not supported here11:18
=== badass_ is now known as Guest6428
apb1963_so ever since adding dmlight my system has been hosed.11:27
apb1963_Any last thoughts before I reinstall the whole thing?11:27
MonkeyDustapb1963_  dmlight is not in the repos, what is it?11:28
sdaob-morteAlguien habla español?11:28
apb1963_some kind of desktop thingy11:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:29
apb1963_I was had installed unity, didn't like it...  somebody recommended replacing it with this thing.11:30
apb1963_apparently it doesn't work with my ATI radeon card11:30
daftykinsapb1963_: why don't you just remove it?11:31
apb1963_tried removing it... didn't help11:31
apb1963_it hosed my screen... couldn't use anything but CLI - and only one command at a time before I had to switch virtual terminals and back again to clear it for the next command.11:32
apb1963_So I removed it... which didn't help... and decided to reboot11:32
apb1963_saw it come up in the bootup sequence11:32
linux|newbhow did you remove it?11:32
apb1963_oh and I couldn't even stop it with a service dmlight stop11:32
apb1963_complained about an instance of something or other11:32
apb1963_apt-get remove dmlight11:33
apb1963_which is how I installed (using install instead of remove of course)11:33
MonkeyDustapb1963_  reinstall would be the fastest/easiest/cleanest way, i guess11:33
apb1963_`12.04 server11:33
apb1963_well, I do have a recovery USB stick11:34
MonkeyDustapb1963_  a server with a GUI?11:34
apb1963_meh, I needed to install it to use wireshark11:34
apb1963_figured I'd just either shutdown the gui or remove it later11:34
linux|newbso confused...11:34
linux|newbnevermind... we digress. reinstall is a bit drastic for a server11:35
linux|newbhas it been in production long?11:35
apb1963_Yes.  Almost 2 weeks now ;)11:35
linux|newbfucking re. in. stall.11:35
linux|newbapologies for language11:35
FloodBot1linux|newb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
apb1963_I'd rather not if I don't have to.  Got asterisk installed and almost working - I say almost because it seems I have a router issue... although that's still undetermined.11:36
usr13apb1963_: cat /etc/issue  #What does it say?11:36
apb1963_can't do that... it's stuck in the middle of a reboot... what do you want to know?11:37
usr13apb1963_: What version of ubuntu do you have installed?11:37
thepeopleschampi so need yall help on this one thing11:37
apb1963_"Checking battery state"... You'd think I had a battery problem if I hadn't put a fresh one in.11:37
apb1963_12.04 LTS11:37
thepeopleschampi have been tryin to calibrate my web cam through the app Colors11:38
linux|newbyou're running server off a laptop?11:38
thepeopleschampInstall of the files needed fails, as usual11:38
apb1963_Old Dell desktop11:38
thepeopleschampno regular on a laptop11:38
dry[1]blazemore: (about sensors - I've been away from my PC) I run that several times, but this sensor is not detected or it returns wrong readings (It is working perfectly on BIOS).11:38
linux|newbcmos battery :$11:38
thepeopleschampi am missing one file that is called wacom.cep11:38
apb1963_as I said... I replaced it with a fresh one when I first installed it 2 weeks ago... even less than that.11:39
thepeopleschampi already have ready for the calibration11:39
Blackwizard_I have a problem with my ubuntu 12.04.... after installing cinnamon on my ubuntu 12.04 when I using gnome shell, at startup desktop icons are hidden... as soon as open home folder icons become visible....11:39
Blackwizard_How can I solve this problem?11:39
thepeopleschampi have tried accessing Share, after i installed the packets11:39
thepeopleschampbut no luck11:39
linux|newbapb1963: sorry, I was blushing at my weak assumption previously... I get it.11:40
apb1963_no problem I appreciate the effort11:40
apb1963_I'll stick in the USB stick and see what happens11:40
thepeopleschampso i actually just need to get help on locating the file wacom.cep or if its called wacomcep11:40
apb1963_that'll help isolate11:41
thepeopleschampif i got help on this id be happy11:41
Blackwizard_any hint???11:41
linux|newbapb1963: just to clarify, dmlight is a window manager?11:41
MonkeyDustthepeopleschamp  try    locate wacom11:41
Blackwizard_is there anybody to help me?!11:41
thepeopleschampyea, it is not there11:41
thepeopleschampnot after showin hidden files either11:41
apb1963_to be honest, I'm not 100% sure what it is... but yes I think so11:42
thepeopleschampcan you see if you hae an easyer way off gettin this directly in google?11:42
usr13apb1963_: What is "dmlight"?11:42
apb1963_see above11:42
usr13apb1963_: Could it be lightdm?11:42
Blackwizard_I have a problem with my ubuntu 12.04.... after installing cinnamon on my ubuntu 12.04 when I using gnome shell, at startup desktop icons are hidden... as soon as open home folder icons become visible....11:42
apb1963_yes it could11:43
apb1963_almost 5am here and I haven't slept yet11:43
linux|newbBlackwizard_: from ubuntuforums.org: Use dconf editor Go to org-gnome-desktop-background and tick "Show desktop icons"11:43
Blackwizard_any hint???11:43
usr13apb1963_: And it is server edition  (12.04)?11:43
Blackwizard_linux|newb: I've check it...11:43
linux|newbBlackwizard_: and rebooted, right?11:43
Blackwizard_linux|newb: but it is true... it has been marked!11:44
jahmThe volume in my system tray is gone11:44
jahmHow do I get it back?11:44
usr13apb1963_: You appear to have unauthorized packages11:44
jnhghyI'm having troubles with cups out of a sudden, I can't add printers throw web interface, in the error log I get: http://pastebin.com/hFiXEEdS please help11:44
Blackwizard_linux|newb: yeah...11:44
Blackwizard_linux|newb: any another hint???11:44
linux|newbBlackwizard_: bug number 1085714 on launchpad.net: deleting /etc/xdg/autostart/nautilus-autostart.desktop file solved the issue11:45
Blackwizard_linux|newb: I think it is because of nemo file manager in cinnamon11:45
Blackwizard_linux|newb: just delete it?11:45
apb1963_I didn't realize I was doing something illegal11:46
linux|newbBlackwizard_: I have no experience of issue, just curating responses11:46
Blackwizard_so nautilus can't autostart?11:46
apb1963_usb stick appears to be booting... so it's not the battery11:46
apb1963_"rescue mode"... never thought I'd actually need it... but now I'm glad I thought ahead11:46
linux|newbapb1963: could you tell me where you got dmlight from?11:46
apb1963_not that I know what I'm gonna do about it once it's booted11:47
jahmHow do I add back volume to my tray?11:47
Blackwizard_any other idea about my problem?11:47
daftykinsjahm: right click and add?11:47
jahmdaftykins: but which app to add?11:47
apb1963_sorry... don't remember. Somebody here recommended it as his favorite11:47
Blackwizard_PLEASE! :D11:48
daftykinsjahm: something volume related? :) i'll bet a google result would tell you11:48
jnhghyI'm having troubles with cups out of a sudden, I can't add printers throw web interface, in the error log I get: http://pastebin.com/hFiXEEdS please help11:48
usr13apb1963_: Why is it you have a GUI running on a server?11:48
MonkeyDust!patience | Blackwizard_11:48
ubottuBlackwizard_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/11:48
usr13apb1963_: ... or did I missunderstand?  I thought you said 12.04 server?>11:48
linux|newbusr13: for wireshark apparently11:49
MonkeyDustapb1963_  so it's a laptop with server and a GUI? sounds odd to me11:50
apb1963_old Dell desktop11:50
linux|newbMonkeyDust: not laptop - I misunderstood11:50
Blackwizard_ubottu: ok... sorry for do this... I've search these sources before... but none of them could help me!11:50
ubottuBlackwizard_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:50
apb1963_so I could figure out what's wrong with my new router that's not passing specific SIP packets11:50
Blackwizard_ubottu: ;)11:50
apb1963_anyway, I'm at a command prompt11:50
Blackwizard_ubottu: do you have any idea about my problem11:51
ubottuBlackwizard_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:51
linux|newbBlackwizard_: https://github.com/linuxmint/Cinnamon/issues/123511:51
=== Guest29640 is now known as jan1337zZz
Blackwizard_linux|newb: thanks... let me check it....11:51
apb1963_just not sure what to do from here :)11:51
usr13apb1963_: So, where is "here"?11:52
linux|newbwhat was the package called?11:52
linux|newbapb1963_: dmlight package name?11:52
apb1963_any votes for init 3 ? :)11:52
usr13apb1963_: Did you login yet?11:52
apb1963_mounted the root file system... that's it11:53
apb1963_in "rescue mode"11:53
usr13apb1963_: What exactly do you need to do?  (Not fully understanding your problem.)11:53
apb1963_avoid reinstalling11:53
apb1963_get back to where I was before installing lightdm11:53
usr13apb1963_: The system won't boot anymore?  (You said you were booting to a USB boot device?)11:54
apb1963_Using a recovery USB stick to boot11:54
usr13apb1963_: So why won't it boot?  You have a problem with one of the kernels?11:54
linux|newbapb1963_: what was the dmlight package called?11:54
usr13apb1963_: Try this:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:55
usr13apb1963_: Let us know what errors it gives...11:55
MonkeyDustapb1963_  lightdm is the login screen, it's not "a desktop thingy"11:55
apb1963_did update & upgrade before I installed lightdm11:55
usr13apb1963_: But you say it won't even boot now?11:56
apb1963_not sure.... all I know is it was recommended as a unity replacement11:56
linux|newbapb1963_:  you've checked in  /var/log/lightdm presumably?11:56
usr13apb1963_: No?   Then what exactly is the problem?  (You said you had use a boot disk to boot it up.  Right?)11:57
ezechany ubuntu one users?11:57
linux|newbapb1963_: there is a section on 'What to do if things go wrong' here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM11:57
ezechwondering how well it integrates with android compared to dropbox11:57
linux|newbapb1963_: you've been through the process of starting GDM?11:58
apb1963_fatal server error.... no screens found  ... that log was created 3 days ago11:58
linux|newbapb1963_: were you connecting via ssh? ;)11:58
usr13apb1963_: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log   #Show us resulting URL11:58
apb1963_no to gdm11:59
apb1963_yes to ssh11:59
usr13apb1963_: .... but, if you are having to use a boot disk to boot it up, you have a more serious problem than "no screens found".  Right?12:00
apb1963_can't pastebin...12:00
usr13apb1963_: WHy not?12:00
linux|newbapb1963_: a graphical login won't work via SSH12:00
apb1963_yes, more serious problem12:00
usr13apb1963_: Ok, that is what I'm getting at;  What is the problem?12:00
apb1963_linuxjnewb: I was using console for gui... was also using ssh for just other regular stuff12:00
linux|newbapb1963_: I digressed again. have you followed the steps on the wiki?12:01
apb1963_linuxjnewb: no.  At this point I can't.  I believe I'm currently in single user mode (guessing) since I booted from a rescue cd (usb stick)12:02
usr13apb1963_: Are you saying that you installed lightdm and now it won't boot?  Is that it?12:02
apb1963_I installed lightdm.  It hosed my screen.  I removed it.  It made no difference.  I rebooted.  The reboot failed.12:03
apb1963_So I plugged in the USB rescue CD stick. and booted off that.12:03
apb1963_just now12:03
usr13apb1963_: Hosed what screen?  Was it a console screen?12:03
linux|newbapb1963_: you should be able to do this from live install: Edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager and set it to /usr/sbin/gdm12:03
apb1963_all screens really12:03
apb1963_ok, I will do that... brb12:04
apb1963_and good call12:05
apb1963_now what?12:05
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linux|newbapb1963_: you tell me...12:05
linux|newbreboot :P12:05
apb1963_init 3 ?12:05
usr13apb1963_: runlevel doesn't matter12:06
apb1963_i'll pull the stick and reboot12:06
=== thomas is now known as Guest66534
f3rsportasAll go to dbz-heroes.wu.lt12:08
apb1963_no dice.  fsck is clean.  Starts Apparmor, starts postfix, asterisk, apache.... hangs on "Checking battery state..."12:09
apb1963_It's an old Dell Desktop12:10
usr13apb1963_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/205695/12-04-hangs-at-checking-battery-state12:10
linux|newbapb1963_: there's also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185982012:12
apb1963_followed the first link.  Bottom line...  it was showing me the F7.... so essentially it was lightdm that was failing... switching the F1 gave me a login prompt12:17
apb1963_F7 screen12:17
apb1963_to F112:17
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MonkeyDustapb1963_  i guess reinstalling would have been faster/easier/cleaner than hanging around in this channel for so long12:17
apb1963_ran a purge12:17
apb1963_No, I disagree12:17
apb1963_This took about a half hour and I learned something...12:17
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usr13apb1963_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?12:18
apb1963_reinstalling would have taken longer and I learned nothing... although I still haven't rebooted yet again12:18
linux|newbapb1963_: have faith12:19
apb1963_nice.  clean reboot12:20
apb1963_all I did was switch to F1 screen and run apt-get purge lightdm12:20
apb1963_it left an /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file, but it doesn't hurt anything and now I know it's safe to rm it12:21
apb1963_although I'm back to needing a window manager :)12:21
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usr13apb1963_: Why?12:21
apb1963_so I can run wireshark12:21
linux|newbapb1963_: dude, run wireshark from another box :P12:21
jmnozdoes anyone know how to make my bluetooth start after suspend/resume on laptop?12:22
linux|newbapb1963_: ...or use sniffit instead :P12:22
apb1963_hmm... I have 2 machines on my network.  One is windoze XP, the other is ubuntu.  They are both behind a TP-link router12:22
apb1963_I have asterisk running on ubuntu, and a softphone on windoze12:22
apb1963_the softphone won't register12:23
apb1963_that's the problem I started with when I ran into all this other crap12:23
linux|newbapb1963_: GUIs don't belong on servers12:23
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usr13linux|newb: Exactly12:23
apb1963_not generally... and if I didn't need to use wireshark, I wouldn't have tried12:24
usr13apb1963_: And you don't really need wireshark, you could use tcpdump instead, (if that is really what you need in the first place).12:24
apb1963_tcpdump wasn't giving me what I needed to see12:24
linux|newbapb1963_: you don#t need to use wireshark. use sniffit - command line alternative12:24
apb1963_too awkward12:24
plicehi guys I have a problem with ftp and TLS . . . for some reason when the TLS is running i can log in but client won't show folders, fails to fully connect12:25
usr13apb1963_: Yes, there is also sniffit12:25
apb1963_haven't tried sniffit, but I know wireshark well enough and I actually had it working under unity just fine... but then somebody talked me into lightdm since I complained about unity12:25
linux|newbapb1963_: you're a lost cause, bro :P12:25
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linux|newbapb1963_: 'least the box boots. go, be merry with your GUI12:25
usr13apb1963_: Not sure you need either of them.12:26
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apb1963_well, I want to use wireshark... I have it running on XP... and I want to capture packets on both sides of the router12:26
apb1963_so I can tell TP-link their router firmware is busted12:26
stobixhi. I just upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04, and now ubuntu tries to load the wrong radeon driver! How do I change this?12:26
apb1963_or they can tell me how to configure it properly so my softphone registers12:27
apb1963_one or the other12:27
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usr13stobix: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak12:28
apb1963_what a stupid error.  checking battery state... sheesh.12:28
usr13apb1963_: Was it an "error"?12:29
apb1963_In my opinion no... it was a red freakin' herring12:30
apb1963_totally threw me for a loop12:30
usr13apb1963_: Ok, well as you said b4, you learned something.  ;)12:31
linux|newbapb1963_: well, hang on...12:31
linux|newbapb1963_: what comes after 'checking battery state...'?12:31
linux|newbapb1963_: ...also, you're softconsole isn't just a port forwarding issue is it?12:31
apb1963_and since I haven't used X in years, it never occurred to me there was another screen involved.12:31
stobixusr13: I have no xorg.conf yet.12:31
apb1963_Nothing comes after it... it appeared to hang there12:31
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apb1963_When if fact it was actually booting behind the scenes12:31
usr13stobix: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:31
usr13stobix: (Send URL)12:31
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usr13apb1963_: It ended there.12:32
apb1963_It was a case of misdirection.  They fooled me good12:32
ihreOne way or another, ubuntu's installer defined my usb install media as sda, so grub2 wont install. Whats the fastest way to fix this ?12:32
linux|newbapb1963_: lol, who's "they"?12:32
stobixusr13: will do, just a minute12:32
apb1963_the lightdm guys12:32
usr13ihre: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub12:33
linux|newbapb1963_: ...those rotters, hey... building and distributing free solutions to common computing needs.12:33
apb1963_meh.  They mean well.12:33
apb1963_I hold no malice12:33
apb1963_They fooled me... that's all12:34
linux|newbapb1963_: you'd have difficulty, I hear malices are huge.12:34
* stobix installs pastebinit12:34
apb1963_Man you should have seen the malice I almost caught once... it was this big!12:34
* linux|newb reveres12:35
stobixusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/601754412:35
apb1963_Any relation to Paul Reveres?12:35
linux|newbwe just got all puntastic, huh!?12:35
apb1963_You started it12:36
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apb1963_I would have said "Don't get me started"... but it was already too late.12:36
Johnny_Linuxautism at its best12:36
apb1963_Autumn is my favorite time of year12:37
apb1963_What about World of Warcraft?12:37
adamk_stobix, Run 'dmesg | grep pastbinit' please.12:37
linux|newbI'm going back to work ;)12:37
apb1963_thanks for the help you and others!12:37
adamk_stobix, Sorry, make that 'dmesg | pastebinit'12:37
stobixadamk_: Exacty. That's where I got the errors from.12:38
adamk_stobix, Your problem has nothing to do with the system trying to load the wrong driver...  Your GPU is locking up and the kernel driver is unable to reset it successfully.12:40
stobixadamk_: oh. Hm. I wonder what it was in the upgrade that made it do that...12:41
adamk_stobix, Quite likely just a bug in the driver.  Make sure you are using the latest kernel.  If you are, see if it works with a slightly older kernel.  You can also ask on #radeon.  One of the driver developers might have some idea what's going on12:42
usr13stobix: 13.04?12:42
stobixdowngrading the kernel seems like a good idea, yes.12:42
DamienCassouI successfully mounted a network disk using cifs. I can create and remove files on the root folder of this mount point. But I can't create/remove files on subfolders. (pastbin of some related shell commands that show the problem http://pastebin.com/MJhRwTAv)12:43
stobixusr13: yep. Installed 10.04 yesterday due to my CD only being 700MB, and then upgraded to 12.XX. Today, I upgraded to 13.04, and I have to log in in the terminal and restart kdm to log in graphically.12:43
Johnny_Linuxprolly just better off burning a new cd and re install12:45
usr13stobix: Wow, that is a lot of trouble just for not having a big enough CD.  You couldn't use a USB?12:45
bonhoefferhow do i tell what groups i'm a member of12:46
Johnny_Linuxor, you could also use a usb stick if you dont have a cd12:46
usr13bonhoeffer: grep username /etc/group12:46
bonhoefferusr13: thanks!12:47
stobixusr13: it was either buying a CD or a USB, and I knew that a CD would definitely work to boot off.12:47
usr13stobix: Okey dokey.12:47
* stobix has had some problems with PC:s not booting from USB sticks before12:47
stobix(Also, this was my job computer, so I needed it to work fast. So far, it has only taken two days...)12:48
illi_is the LPIC a good Cert about Linux ?12:49
MonkeyDustilli_  better ask in ##linux12:50
illi_I cant12:50
linux|newbilli_: ...worrying. why not?12:50
lateniteHi folks, does 3D graphics work with new intel Hasswell GPUs?12:50
illi_i think that i am not registred12:51
pliceRefusing activation of partial LV share. Use --partial to override.12:54
plicei have some issues with my lvm :/ any help?12:55
caleresshi guys i have an upstart script that works on 12.04 but fails on 10.04 :/12:56
caleressits just a basic run as different user12:57
caleressexec start-stop-daemon --start -c dev --exec /opt/dev/test.sh12:57
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caleressany ideas ?12:57
MonkeyDustcaleress  10.04 server or desktop? 10.04 desktop is dead12:58
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caleressserver of course12:59
MonkeyDustcaleress  tip: there's also #ubuntu-server12:59
Marleneeis that right setting for screen command  - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6017624/13:00
caleressthanks, thats a good tip :)13:00
esingCan I use this script on ubuntu too? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/UEFI_Bootloaders#Systemd_Automation13:00
esingIts purpose is to copy the kernel to /EFI/Boot/ if the kernel was updated13:01
Piciesing: We don't use systemd in Ubuntu.13:01
esingPici, Yes, I know, but could I put the script into rc.localß13:01
Marleneehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6017624/  ??13:03
Piciesing: I doubt it.  I don't believe  that we have refind on Ubuntu either.13:04
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esingPici, refind is a linux program, so you can install it on any linux distru. Refind also comes with a deb package13:05
neetzhey , my ubuntu doesnt boot into GUI  . its not boot repair i know , my question is how can i connect it to internet , i inserted a lan cable and i enter enable networking mode in adv.option but the cursor remains there13:07
esinggrub2 didn't work on my system and therefor I installed refind. The problem now is, that if ubuntu's kernel gets updated I need to automate the process of copying the kernel from /boot/vmlinuz3.8...... to /boot/efi/EFI/Boot13:07
neetzhey , my ubuntu doesnt boot into GUI  . its not boot repair i know , my question is how can i connect it to internet , i inserted a lan cable and i enter enable networking mode in adv.option but the cursor remains there13:07
neetz_hey , my ubuntu doesnt boot into GUI  . its not boot repair i know , my question is how can i connect it to internet , i inserted a lan cable and i enter enable networking mode in adv.option but the cursor remains there13:09
Johnny_Linuxneetz,  if omeone can help, they will, be patient13:09
neetzok i think its quite basic , i am a ubuntu newbie here13:10
MonkeyDustneetz  inserting the cable should be enough, ethernet does not require configuration, normally, as opposed to wifi13:12
MonkeyDustneetz  what ubuntu version is it?13:13
neetzand not even enable recovery mode13:13
neetzi click enable networking mode , the cursor hangs there13:14
MonkeyDustneetz  i have never seen 'enable networking mode', it goes out of the box... where do you see that?13:15
BrunoPTin the nm-applet?13:15
neetzadvanced recovery option , ( advanced options ofr ubuntu )13:15
MonkeyDustneetz  and why do you go in "recovery"? what goes wrong?13:16
BrunoPTneetz what is your graphics card?13:16
neetzits a big big story , coz i cant boot into my system gui coz of graphic card problem , and i have to install bumblebee13:17
neetzso neither livecd  works13:17
BrunoPTnVidia graphics are well known to give such problems13:17
ikonianeetz: enable safe graphics mode to manage a basic desktop and get thing sworking13:18
neetztrue help to get the internet acces from adv,options13:18
BrunoPTyou have to download the driver from nVidia website and install it from the terminal13:18
ikoniano you don't13:18
neetzyou mean "nomodeset " ?13:18
ikoniathe optimus options from nvidia.com provided modules are no better than the ones provided in the ubuntu packages13:18
ikonianeetz: no, I mean using the vesa or "safe" xorg driver,13:18
neetzwhat is it ?13:18
ikoniavesa is an xorg driver that's pretty much poor performing, but universal compatible13:19
ikonianeetz: it will give you a desktop - enough to sort your problems out13:19
neetzfor that also i need internet to install write ?13:19
neetzright ?13:19
ikoniait's part of the standard xorg package13:19
adamk_Bumblebee should never be required to get Xorg working...  Without it installed, Xorg should use the intel driver...  Heck, even with Bumblebee installed, Xorg should use the intel driver for all 2D functionality.13:20
neetzhow do i enable it ?13:20
ikonianeetz: there should be a safe graphics mode in recover mode, or you can hardcode vesa into your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file13:20
neetzthere isnt a file called xorg.conf in 12.0413:20
cofffeebean  newbie here lookin for some linux help..13:20
neetzthat was only in 11.x13:21
ikonianeetz: it's not in 11 only - you can use it in 1213:21
ikonianeetz: xorg is dynamic unless you hardcode options in xorg.conf13:21
neetzi wanted to delete file but found that there is no such file , there is conf.d folder13:22
ikoniare-read what I just said13:22
cofffeebean    HELLLO..,  newbie here lookin for some linux help pls ..13:22
MonkeyDustcofffeebean  let's hear it13:22
ikoniacofffeebean: we help with any ubuntu issues13:22
neetz@ikonia  when i tried to delete there is no such file , ok what do i do now with that file13:23
cofffeebean  monkey  ok..,  1 on one ??  ez'r for me..13:23
ikonianeetz: who said delete it ?13:23
neetzi saw one asnwer on askubuntu13:23
neetzbut there was no such file , there is a x11 folder but13:24
ikoniacan't be bothered anymore, I'm telling you what to do and you're answering my questions with feedback from some forum thread13:24
ikoniacofffeebean: just ask the channel13:24
pranavi have installed x11-dev package. but i couldn't find libX11.dylib. any clue guys ?13:24
cofffeebean  ikonia  is there another room where i can get some 1 on 1 help that u kno of ??..13:25
neetzok fine @ikonia , dude tell me what to do with the file , or how do i boot to safe graphics13:25
ikoniacofffeebean: just ask the channel - the channel will help you13:26
xtalmatheuhm, what is up with openjdk 6 in Ubuntu 12.04 ?13:26
neetzok fine @ikonia , dude tell me what to do with the file , or how do i boot to safe graphics13:26
ikoniaxtalmath: try to ask a "real" question, "what's is up" means nothing13:26
neetzhow do i boot to safegraphics ?13:26
cofffeebean  iknoia  i'm slow reader/learner..,  i get confused tryin to read everything..13:27
JyZyXELwhy does sshfs require root permission to mount a remote location to my own home directory?13:27
ikoniacofffeebean: ok, so just ask the channel - people will be patient and hilight you so you can see responses easy13:27
xtalmathmultiple applications that rely on Java (6) are not functioning properly on Ubuntu 12.04, they used to though13:27
ikoniaJyZyXEL: no13:27
ikoniaJyZyXEL: it's user space13:27
MonkeyDustcofffeebean use your time to ask your question, not to ask where to go13:27
neetz@ikonia dude tell me how to boot into safe graphics ?13:27
neetzplease helo @ikonia13:27
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xtalmathfor example NetBeans can no longer create new files just says "please wait"13:28
JyZyXELikonia: well its telling me "/etc/fuse.conf" permission denied and "failed to open mountpoint or readin: permission denied"13:28
xtalmathI insist on openjdk, and not oracle13:28
smartboyhwneetz: After the BIOS screen, click on "Shift" button on your keyboard13:28
ikoniaJyZyXEL: what exactly are you doing13:28
smartboyhwAnd choose "Recovery mode"13:28
BluesKajneetz, this is irc ,@ isn't needed to highlight nicks , just type the nick13:28
somsip_xtalmath: can you not use Java 7?13:28
smartboyhwThere should be an option that allows you to go to graphics fallback mod13:28
JyZyXELikonia: trying to mount over ssh to a directry in my home13:29
ikoniaJyZyXEL: how are you trying to do that though13:29
xtalmathsomsip_ has java 6 support been officially dropped?13:29
neetzpress shift then ?13:29
cofffeebean  ikonia  ok then..,  need help tryin to set this up !..,  i didnt kno til earlier that it only runs off memory & not a hsdd..,  i cant find the terminal set-up so i can enter my isps info & stuff in..,  " someone sd. i might need dns nmbrs & stuff & if so..,  i dont kno my isps dns nmbrs "..,  i've never had to ask for them before..13:29
xtalmaththere was a rather recent serious security flaw with 7...13:29
JyZyXELikonia: sshfs user@server.com ~/mount/13:29
JyZyXELikonia: sshfs user@server.com:/var/www/ ~/mount/13:30
somsip_xtalmath: not that I know of, but I moved to openjdk 7 to get something working that wasn't working on NB with openjdk 6. Can't remember what it was now13:30
Moony22Hey, how can I delete windows hibernation data13:30
Moony22from ubuntu13:30
ikoniaJyZyXEL: just having a look13:30
ikoniaJyZyXEL: just run it fine as a non-use13:31
JyZyXELit tells me permission denied though :\13:32
ikoniaJyZyXEL: can you do it in a terminal - and pastebin you typing + output into a pastebin please13:32
cofffeebean  i give-up..,  thnks anyway..13:32
ikoniaJyZyXEL: lets have a proper look at it13:32
marawan2hi guys, when i try to download firefox it shows this error13:33
marawan2Failed to fetch http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/firefox_22.0+build2-0ubuntu0.13.04.2_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]13:34
ikoniamarawan2: apt-get update first,13:34
ikoniamarawan2: then see if it's find13:34
JyZyXELwell im not in fuse user group u_u13:34
ikoniaJyZyXEL: there we go, well done13:34
macabrehey guys - i'm trying to update a ubuntu server (natty) and when i run apt-get update i keep getting 404 errors, even when i try to run update-manager-core, any advice?13:35
JyZyXELi wonder if i can mount a directory over ssh somehow still13:35
JyZyXELi mean there has to be a way?13:35
ikoniaJyZyXEL: just put yourself in the fuse group13:35
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JyZyXELi don't think a user can do that?13:36
ikoniaJyZyXEL: do you not have sudo permissions ?13:36
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ikoniaJyZyXEL: you'll need to ask to get into the group then13:36
JyZyXELikonia: but for now i need to find another way13:37
ikoniaJyZyXEL: you can't13:37
ikoniaJyZyXEL: contact the admin, it will take 30 seconds for him to put it in the group13:37
marawanikonia please explain13:37
ikoniamarawan: explain what ?13:37
bean__macabre: do you have any custom PPAs that might be gone now?13:37
JyZyXELi need to find a way to edit source code over ssh using the eclipse on this local computer13:37
marawanwhat is this update13:37
ikoniamarawan: run the command "sudo apt-get update" then try to install firefox13:37
DJones!eolupgrade | macabre Natty became eol and no longer supported in October 2012, the bots end of life links may help you to upgrade, but you may find it easier to do a fresh install,13:38
ubottumacabre Natty became eol and no longer supported in October 2012, the bots end of life links may help you to upgrade, but you may find it easier to do a fresh install,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:38
macabrebean__: it looks like they are all rackspace 404's Err http://mirror.rackspace.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main python-apt-common all
ikoniaJyZyXEL: the way to do that is contact the admin quickly, have him put you in the group, or mount the directory of nfs/samba/whatever for you13:38
bean__oh, yeah, macabre, natty is EOL13:38
macabreDJones: a fresh install, is there any way around that?13:38
ikoniamarawan: any way around what ?13:38
ikoniamarawan: sorry macabre13:39
macabreikonia: a fresh isntall...13:39
ikoniamacabre: read the link ubottu just gave yo u13:39
ikoniathe info13:39
Fireshelli m a new user ..............i dont know how to work .............plz someone is there for helping me ........13:39
iceroot_!eol | macabre (last link)13:39
ubottumacabre (last link): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:39
DJonesmacabre: You can try the EOLUpgrades link, but fresh install may be simpler than having to manually update13:39
ikoniaFireshell: https://help.ubuntu.com will give you an introduction to ubuntu13:39
macabrethanks guys13:39
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JyZyXELi came to school thinking i could easily use the local computers to remotely edit my source code back at home13:44
JyZyXELlooks like i was wrong :\13:44
JyZyXELthe admins have sshfs installed on these computers but no users are in the fuse group13:44
bean__JyZyXEL: you should just use git :)13:45
ladyleeguys i need help13:45
bean__ladylee: ask your question :)13:45
ladyleeHi bean13:45
ladyleewell i have an issue13:45
iceroot_JyZyXEL: yes, use git/svn instead of sshfs13:46
JyZyXELbean__: its so damn complicated :p13:46
ladyleethe battery indicator has gone bonkers one me. sometimes it shows 1hr sometimes 2hrs.13:46
bean__JyZyXEL: you'll learn to love it :)13:46
iceroot_JyZyXEL: you ALWAYS want a version control system when working on source code. ALWAYS13:46
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ladyleei dont know when exactly to charge because it keeps showing different discharge time :S13:47
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ladylee5 mins ago it was 1hr some minutes now its 2hrs and 20 mins13:47
bean__ladylee: it could be variable, depending on how much processor you're using, etc13:48
ladyleein 5mins?13:48
ladyleebean it took 5 mins to vary from 2hrs to 1hrs :S13:49
iceroot_bean__: its calculating the CURRENT powerusage and then will calculate how much you will still have with the same power usage13:49
bean__right, iceroot_13:50
ladyleelike im just using IRC. :S13:50
iceroot_bean__: so if you have the system heavy under fire it will calculate maybe 1 hour, when you now switch so light work, the system will calculate something different13:50
ladyleeand according to this the calculator thinks i have 2hrs and some minutes?13:50
bean__iceroot_: i think you're intending to direct these comments to ladylee13:50
iceroot_bean__: ah sorry13:50
bean__is k13:50
iceroot_ladylee: see my comment to bean__13:50
ladyleeyes im reading those :D13:50
ladyleeshould i name myself LADYBEAN?13:51
iceroot_ladylee: and the worst thing is when your bios is using propitary stuff to offer battery information, then the system can only guess13:51
ladyleecan i have an alternative app?13:51
iceroot_ladylee: so you will have a different view in windows and GNU/Linux13:51
iceroot_ladylee: there is normally only one way to ask the battery, ACPI13:52
ladyleehow to do that?13:52
iceroot_ladylee: and when that is not using standards you may face differences13:52
iceroot_ladylee: you dont have to do that, the system itself is doing that13:52
ladyleeokay so no app:S13:52
ladyleejust the reliable source :S13:52
tharkunladylee: remaining battery is not an exact science. It has a high correlation with cpu load and screen brightness.13:52
iceroot_ladylee: there are "apps" which reads the ACPI information13:52
ladyleesuggest a good one please13:53
iceroot_ladylee: like the default one from gnome/unity13:53
tharkunladylee: acpi -V from a shell should give you a fair hint13:53
xtalmathis this the developer channel or just the users channel?13:54
ladyleedo u know of an app that detects system heat?13:54
iceroot_ladylee: sensorsd13:54
iceroot_ladylee: sensord13:54
xtalmathladylee: it is system temperature13:54
iceroot_xtalmath: its the support channel13:54
xtalmaththen why is openjdk not properly supported?13:55
iceroot_xtalmath: #ubuntu-dev #ubuntu-devel or something like that, cant remember13:55
iceroot_xtalmath: it is13:55
iceroot_xtalmath: you have a real question?13:55
ladyleethank you so much ICEROOT :D13:55
ladyleethankyou BEAN13:55
bean__np ladylee13:55
iceroot_ladylee: you are welcome13:55
InfoBeyondCan I install the same Ubuntu download for a pc and a server?13:55
bean__btw in IRC you can use "tab" to auto complete nicknames13:55
iceroot_InfoBeyond: ubuntu download?13:56
bean__InfoBeyond: usually you'd want desktop version for the desktop, and server for the server.13:56
xtalmathyes: NetBeans fails to work, and it is documented on ubuntu that users get it to work with openjdk. the NetBeans problem doesnt seem to be reproduced non non-ubuntu based distro's13:56
iceroot_InfoBeyond: what is ubuntu download?13:56
iceroot_!bug | xtalmath13:56
ubottuxtalmath: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:56
MonkeyDustInfoBeyond  you mean ubuntu version?13:56
InfoBeyondThat is the one i downloaded13:56
iceroot_InfoBeyond: you can use it also on servers of course but normally servers dont use a gui13:56
iceroot_!server | InfoBeyond13:57
ubottuInfoBeyond: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server13:57
iceroot_there is no server specific kernel anymore, factoid should be changed13:57
InfoBeyondok. I just wanted to start using ubuntu. have no experience with linux before. So I will try it out with the desktop version with gui13:58
InfoBeyondThanks for the info13:58
iceroot_InfoBeyond: just a personal note, if you dont have experience with GNU/Linux, dont host a public reachable server13:58
iceroot_InfoBeyond: normally it will end up in open spam relays, warez-server and so on13:59
InfoBeyondSure. Its just for learning and testing13:59
iceroot_InfoBeyond: ok13:59
MonkeyDustand warez-servers attract listalians13:59
iceroot_InfoBeyond: then the version you downloaded is a good way to start13:59
xtalmathInvalid OpenID transaction13:59
InfoBeyondI have worked on windows for 10 years and need to learn linux to start using hadoop13:59
InfoBeyondThanks guys14:00
xtalmathiceroot_: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17892776/netbeans-no-error-message-but-cant-create-a-project this is the problem I have14:01
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iceroot_xtalmath: and that link is telling you to use an older version of openjdk14:08
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xtalmathwhich is telling you to fix the new version of openjdk?14:09
pranavis there a channel for X11 devs ?14:09
xtalmathi am no fan of 0-days14:09
honkeyzimbabweantried to use youtube-dl under ubuntu to dowload this video:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc3f4xU_FfQ thought it didn't work and I got this error: ERROR: YouTube said: This video contains content from Sony ATV Publishing and UMG. It is not available in your country.14:10
eeehi there14:11
MonkeyDustpranav  type /msg alis list *x11*     <-- with the asteriks14:11
iceroot_xtalmath: its also suggesting to use a specific path14:11
slvrnekodeis there a specific filesystem i should use for the ubuntu partition that ic'm migrating a wubi install tok?14:11
eeehelp me pls14:12
iceroot_honkeyzimbabwean: you need a proxy in another country, that is not an ubuntu issue, its a youtube/sony/gema issue14:12
iceroot_!ask | eee14:12
ubottueee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:12
xtalmathiceroot_ : where? can you give me the link?14:12
pranavMonkeyDust: hmm.. there is no channel. but thanks for the new irc command  :)14:12
eeei wanna use jupiter tool for power managment on my eee 1015pn14:12
iceroot_xtalmath: http://askubuntu.com/questions/326556/i-cant-start-a-new-project-on-netbeans14:12
eeeit dont support anymore14:12
eeeand dont wanna install under xubuntu 13, are any alternative features for asus eeepc ?14:13
xtalmaththat is for people who agree to using Oracle's JRE14:13
iceroot_xtalmath: netbeans_jdkhome="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre"14:14
iceroot_xtalmath: i dont see anything about oracle jdk there14:14
eee!ask | eee14:14
ubottueee, please see my private message14:14
Wykatdoes somebody know the error cam14:14
Wykatdoes somebody know the error can not mount lvm2_user?14:15
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burgdo you know when 12.04.3 is going to be released?14:17
hdonhi all :) is anyone successfully using imap in evolution on ubuntu 12.04 ?14:18
MonkeyDustburg  scroll down, 22 august https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule14:18
hdonmy evolution does not actually display new emails until i restart it :(14:18
burgMonkeyDust, 22 august is yesterday14:19
hdoneven if i click "send and receive" and it appears to connect to my imap server14:19
xtalmathIt shows the splash screen, and a popup "The JDK is missing and is required to run some NetBeans modules Please use the --jdkhome command line option to specify a JDK installation or see http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqRunningOnJre for more information. ", and I can choose Exit or Disable Modules or continue14:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
MonkeyDustburg  yes, so it's available, your lucky day14:22
burgMonkeyDust, available where? the download page prompts me to download 12.04.214:22
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MonkeyDustburg  may depend on your timezone, give it few more days, so the links can be updated14:23
holden87Hi guys, i have  a Libreoffice related problem.  I run 64bit precise, and i installed libreoffice 4.1 via ppa, and it uninstalled my lo global menu. What is the last version in 12.04 with which the global menu is working, and how can i downgrade to it?14:23
sasiHello I'm using Ubuntu 13.04. I'm getting14:23
burgMonkeyDust, can you see the new download link?14:23
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sasiTHe password you use no longer matches gnome keyring when I Try to add a vpn14:24
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MonkeyDustburg  no, it may not yet be there14:24
sasiI tried to delete .gnome2/keyrings as said in some post . I couldn't find that14:24
sasiany ideas?14:24
sasiI opened seahorse14:25
xtalmathiceroot_ : hmm not a good solution14:25
sasiBUt it's totally blank14:25
sasiIs this the right place?14:27
BluesKajsasi, for ?14:27
sasito ask for support14:27
sasi"The password you use no longer matches gnome keyring when I Try to add a vpn"14:28
DamienCassouI successfully mounted a network disk using cifs. I can create and remove files on the root folder of this mount point. But I can't create/remove files on subfolders. (pastbin of some related shell commands that show the problem http://pastebin.com/MJhRwTAv)14:28
sasithe thing is I don't know the old password14:29
sasiit's my friend's pc14:29
sasiI'm guessing it's the gnome keyring password14:29
BluesKajthe vpn app i use doesn't require a user pw14:31
sasiI'm asking about how to reset gnome keyring password14:31
sasivpn is irrelevant14:31
BluesKajask your friend in that case14:32
sasioh god14:32
sasiI wouldn't come here if it was  a  solution14:32
sasisrsly man14:33
blazemoresasi: Your friend doesn't remember the password?14:33
sasiWe have the current password14:33
sasiBut how to reset this gnome keyring pass?14:33
sasiI saw that14:34
blazemoresasi: that is the first result on Google for "reset Gnome keyring password", what errors did it give you?14:34
sasithere is no /.gnome2/keyrings14:34
sasi.gnome2/ has only one folder named accels14:34
blazemoreStart up Ubuntu's Dash (top most icon in Unity) Type Pas, select 'Passwords and Keys'14:34
sasiYes. I went to seahorse14:35
sasithe window that opens is completely blank14:35
sasithere is a plus sign14:35
sasito create new items14:35
sasibut the main portion of the window is  blank14:35
blazemore!info seahorse14:35
ubottuseahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.3-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 391 kB, installed size 2196 kB14:36
blazemoreseahorse is different from the included tool I think14:36
blazemoreStart up Ubuntu's Dash (top most icon in Unity) Type Pas, select 'Passwords and Keys'14:36
vishwaprotimhey guys.....well that wifi issue got fixed finally14:36
vishwaprotimthank god14:36
sasiThe window I have opened has "password and keys" as titles14:36
sasiI Am guessing it's the same14:37
sasiMaybe it's not seahorse14:37
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sasiand it's blank14:37
vishwaprotimbdw is it possible to upgrade ubuntu without losing my files?14:37
blazemorevishwaprotim: yes14:37
blazemoreWhat Ubuntu version, sasi?14:37
sasiany idea about this blazemore ?14:37
smartboyhwsasi: You mean, raring -> saucy?14:38
sasiDescription:Ubuntu 13.0414:38
vishwaprotimI mean suppose I upgrade it to 14 [as it get released] then will I have to backup my home folder? or can I just remain relaxed and upgrade it?14:38
sasiidk. I haven't used ubuntu before14:38
sasilsbrelease. gives me that14:39
burgis it possible to connect to a wireless network while installing ubuntu server?14:39
mojtabaHi, I have shrinked my windows partition with gparted, with ubuntu live, and now I have 100 G unallocated partition.14:39
mojtabaCould you please let me know how can I add it to my /home?14:40
mitchell_how do I install the patch supplied for all debian based linux users running vmware workstation 9?14:40
mojtabaBecause I could not see any option in gparted.14:40
pepper_chicosad thing, at ubuntu with unity I can't get auto-hide working nice, I mean, by auto-hiding when the mouse gets close the corner… while at elementary OS, auto-hiding the Dock just works (note: both being a parallels vm http://bit.ly/1d933Pu)14:40
nl287pepper_chico: try kubuntu. much better then gnome14:40
MonkeyDustpepper_chico  that is: if you like it more14:41
pepper_chiconl287, I accept unity…. just liked that fixed14:42
sasiyou there? blazemore14:42
blazemoresasi: Sorry I am here but I'm at work, and I just need to do something14:42
sasiok sorrry14:42
sasianyone else have an idea?14:43
mojtabaHi, I have shrunken my windows partition with gparted, with ubuntu live, and now I have 100 G unallocated partition. Could you please let me know how can I add it to my /home? Because I could not see any option in gparted.14:43
compdocmojtaba, you sucessfully dual boot?14:44
vishwaprotimhey...pls answer me...14:44
blazemoremojtaba: You need to create a new partition formatted as ext4, and mount it as /home14:44
mojtabacompdoc: What do you mean? I had windows before, and now I have shrinked it.14:44
blazemoremojtaba: You also need to copy all the files that are already in /home to the new partition14:44
aluminum_hey, just out of curiosity, does anyone know how to completely reset every random setting you have changed in irssi? I have accidentall-ied auto identified as myself twice, and thus am locked out of my actual account. :p14:44
vishwaprotimIs it necessary to backup my home folder before I upgrade ubuntu?14:45
justinfrontOAHi how do I write the script for autokey so that <ctrl>+c does a copy like on a mac or win?14:45
mojtabablazemore: I have /home partition now14:45
blazemorevishwaprotim: It's not necessary but it's recommended14:45
mojtabablazemore: I want to extend my /home parttition14:45
blazemoremojtaba: You can only expand partitions into free space14:45
universe2014mojtaba:  you could make an extra partion . however you can exten the home if the free space is touching the current home partition14:45
vishwaprotimoh...well and if I move entire contents of my home folder to another partition, then I guess no worry..isnt it?14:45
mojtabablazemore: universe2014: Could you please let me know how can I do that? It says you can not have more than four partition.14:46
blazemorevishwaprotim: I'd personally recommend you maintain a backup which is physically separate from your computer14:46
vishwaprotimanother thing14:47
blazemoremojtaba: If you're trying to create partitions, you can't have more than four primary partitions. You need to use logical partitions or LVM14:47
convoihi all, i need a master password package to keep all my passwords14:47
magdurguys i cant watch video on whromium at youtube14:47
vishwaprotimwell from where can I get a list of drivers supported by ubuntu?14:47
blazemoreconvoi: Look at KeePassX14:47
mojtabablazemore:  I have shrinked windows partition, and now I have 100G unallocated partition and my /home is almost 90% full. I want to add that space to my home.14:48
iceroot_vishwaprotim: from the kernel itself, most drivers are in the kernel14:48
blazemore!details | magdur: What happens when you try?14:48
ubottumagdur: What happens when you try?: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:48
iceroot_!hardware | vishwaprotim14:48
ubottuvishwaprotim: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:48
universe2014mojtaba: right click select NEW on the empty space it self14:48
nl287vishwaprotim: u caninstall live and see if your hardware working14:48
mojtabauniverse2014: What else should I do?14:48
bmomjianI was was seeing Firefox occasionally stuck at 100% CPU in the past few weeks, but the problem has stopped;  Did Ubuntu 12.04 fix anything in that area recently?14:48
universe2014select ext414:48
iceroot_bmomjian: apt-get changelog firefox14:49
iceroot_bmomjian: may give you a hint14:49
vishwaprotimActually my wifi + Bluetooth driver [rt3290] is supported by ubuntu...but only the WiFi option. Linux though detected BT hardware [used lspci in terminal] still cant find any adapters14:49
vishwaprotimI have searched the net to know that ubuntu supports only WiFi for rt329014:49
nl287vishwaprotim: bluetooth working for me14:50
vishwaprotimit is not working for me14:50
blazemore!bluetooth | vishwaprotim start here14:50
ubottuvishwaprotim start here: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:50
vishwaprotimthough wifi works smoothly14:50
nl287vishwaprotim: yes but i have bluetake usb dongle14:51
vishwaprotim?? mine is inbuilt in my laptop...driver rt329014:51
vishwaprotimlaptop model hpdv6 2320tx14:51
convoiblazemore, thank for keepassx14:52
blazemorenl287: If you're going to help, please be helpful. Saying bluetooth works for you, when you have completely different hardware from someone else is not helpful14:52
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nl287vishwaprotim: then buy any dongle, there are vary chip14:52
magdur<blazemore> here http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/753/l4ft.png14:52
bmomjian iceroot_: bingo,  change made Sat, 03 Aug 2013 19:35:36 +0100.    That must have been the fix.  Thanks  :-)14:52
vishwaprotimokay then..14:52
vishwaprotimI need some help about partition14:53
magdur"bu video şu anda kullanılamıyor"i take this error frequently14:53
vishwaprotimcan I make partions after installing ubuntu, without losing any data?14:53
MonkeyDustmagdur  looks turkish14:53
blazemoremagdur: What does that mean in English, roughly?14:53
blazemorevishwaprotim: Yes but the fact you have to ask that means you're probably not confident with partitions, so please back up anything important first14:54
magdur<MonkeyDust> <blazemore>  like "this video cant play now"14:54
blazemoremagdur: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree14:54
blazemoremagdur: What version of Ubuntu are you using?14:54
justinfrontOAmmm does no one use autokey I get the impression that it's not a good place for beginners to ask questions.14:54
vishwaprotimexactly, m not confident at all14:54
blazemore!info autokey14:55
ubottuPackage autokey does not exist in raring14:55
blazemorewe don't support that here justinfrontOA14:55
nl287vishwaprotim: it's very simple but if you delete or resize partition there some propability losing data14:55
fossjonwhats a raring?14:55
blazemoremy mistake we do14:55
blazemore!info autokey-gtk14:55
ubottuautokey-gtk (source: autokey): desktop automation utility - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90.1-1.1 (raring), package size 40 kB, installed size 364 kB14:55
smartboyhwfossjon: Ubuntu 13.0414:55
magdur<blazemore> ubuntu 12.0414:55
smartboyhwCodenamed Raring14:55
vishwaprotimand though linux uses a very refined file structure [unlike windows where we have to keep C drive as empty as possible, hence we better partition] , do I really need partiton in linux [ubuntu] ?14:55
blazemorevishwaprotim: It's up to you if you want a separate /home partition14:56
BluesKajmagdur, or make sure you have ubuntu-restricted -extras installed14:56
blazemorevishwaprotim: Some people find it fits their workflow better. If you aren't sure, don't bother. Just put everything on one big partition from the very beginning14:56
justinfrontOAok I am not using ubuntu but a clone but I am maybe setting a ubuntu vm later so the question remains how can I setup so that copy and paste don't require a shift key maybe it's sane to you but for me I am just loosing too much time.14:57
blazemorejustinfrontOA: Did you look in the documentation for autokey already?14:57
vishwaprotimoh....and I recently got notifiction from chromium about a java plugin update. I have downloaded a file from their website, it is jre-7u25-linux-x64.tar.gz, how to install it?14:57
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:58
tmmunqdont bother with that, just install the icedtea plugin14:58
johndoeszjoin #django14:58
blazemore /join #django14:58
nl287vishwaprotim: ext4 fs is needed becouse of permissions menagement14:59
justinfrontOAI don't care how I get copy and paste to work sensibly it should surely be something easy in unbuntu systems well if you actually want win/mac users using linux?14:59
BluesKaj!patience |justinfrontOA14:59
ubottujustinfrontOA: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:59
blazemorejustinfrontOA: Globally, ctrl-c is copy and ctrl-v is paste. If another applications has set its own keyboard shortcuts that's something that will need to be set within that application, not in Ubuntu15:00
MonkeyDustjustinfrontOA  shif-insert pastes also15:00
blazemorejustinfrontOA: Also, I know you're trying to get people's backs up to get faster support, but it'll likely have the opposite effect to the desired15:00
justinfrontOAwell everywhere it says it's ctrl+shift+c  I don't know I try copying links from firefox into a terminal and end up using the mouse which is mad.15:01
MonkeyDustjustinfrontOA  try ctrl-v or shift-insert to paste15:01
samlhey, after upgrading to 13.04, i can't login15:02
samli'm in tty115:02
samlX is started, i think.. but after typing in my credentials, it just hangs15:02
nl287vishwaprotim: but u can install everything on one partition, even swap as swapfile15:03
vishwaprotimwell the commands I saw was right through the terminal15:03
blazemorejustinfrontOA: ctrl-shift-c and v are used on a terminal, because ctrl-c has a special meaning in a terminal15:03
vishwaprotimthough these are quite easy, I want to know a way to install the binary file....15:04
vishwaprotimfor java15:04
blazemorevishwaprotim: you want the version of Java from Oracle?15:04
blazemorevishwaprotim: I use this http://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/install-oracle-java-8-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html15:05
blazemorevishwaprotim: That has the added benefit of automatically keeping you updated through the package maneger as new upstream versions of Java are released15:05
stobix_gah, what it is with ubuntu and holding hands‽ Nono, we haven't detected your card, so we won't even let you install the driver.15:08
konadrAm I missing something here with my PCRE, I am trying to replace part of my bashrc (precise) perl -pi -e 's/\\u@\\h:\\w\\$ /\\u@\\H \[\\t\]\$ /' .bashrc15:09
MonkeyDuststobix_  start from the beginning, what are you doing and what goes wrong15:09
Stevem737Is Linux.Ubuntu any safer on public wifi than windows is because of the filing system?15:10
blazemoreStevem737: Yes but that's not why15:10
stobix_MonkeyDust: I'm trying to get my wireless network to function on my hp 6735b15:10
blazemoreStevem737: It's because most malware which targets computers connecting to public wifi will target Windows15:10
stobix_MonkeyDust: (That, and the graphics drivers...)15:10
blazemoreStevem737: It is no safer at protecting you against someone sniffing traffic over an unencrypted connection15:10
b0xhey, can anyone suggest a good app for taking screenshots, but with being able to select specific areas? Similar to SnagIt for windows?15:11
b0xoverriding the prtscn button15:11
stobix_b0x: scrot15:11
somsip_b0x: scrot15:11
blazemoreb0x: shutter15:11
Stevem737blazemore. assuming the bad guy is not simply looking over your shoulder, it would be very difficlut for him to hack into your system if he only has wondows?15:12
somsip_b0x: xsnap15:12
blazemoreStevem737: It's very difficult for him to hack into your system if YOU are running a fully-patched Windows anyway15:12
blazemoreStevem737: You are safe from the majority of malware "out there"15:12
blazemoreStevem737: However you should obviously take precautions and not use public wifi for any unencrypted communication15:13
Stevem737blazemore. OK. thanks. I was curious if Ubuntu would give a little extra safety over windows.15:13
Stevem737...all things being equal15:13
h00kGenerally, yes15:13
blazemoreStevem737: Yes it will, because of the malware thing. Please don't go running to a public wifi hotspot and then come back complaining at me that someone stole your Facebook account based on my answer though15:14
Stevem737blazemore: lol. I have no intention of blaming others for my screw ups. thanks again for your help.15:15
blarghlStevem737: in general it's a good idea to invest in a VPN if you're going to be on unencrypted or public networks.15:15
tmmunqyeah, youre still vulnerable to attacks on cloud or webservices you use, and your network traffic being attacked, mainly because those have nothing to do with choice of OS15:15
blarghlStevem737: but as the others are saying, password policies are very important.15:16
tmmunqinstall ubuntu on a home computer and make your own vpn :) or use tor15:16
blazemoreNever mind investing in a VPN, just tunnel all your traffic over SSH :)15:16
blazemorevpn is overkill if you just want to do secure web browsing, since openssh can set up a proxy for you automatically over SSH15:16
eSoulHey guys, I am running an Ubuntu 13.04 server box and I have a 2nd network card for my VirtualBox VMs.  Right now, I have to issue a "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" on boot to start the interface but I was wondering if there something something in /etc/network/interfaces I could put in to bring the interface up at boot.   It have no network configuration on it at all, just looking to "turn-on" the15:17
Stevem737blarghl: I disconnect from the wifi and I tether my cell phone when I start to use passowrds but its not conveient. I was looking for an alternative but I will look into VPN15:17
blazemoreAlso if you run your ssh server on port 53, most paid-for public wifi hotspots dont look at traffic on this port so you can tunnel all your traffic and browse for free15:17
blarghlStevem737: actually what blazemore says is good advice - tunnelling over ssh.15:17
OmSaiHi all, I'm trying to install automake, but all the automake packages warn of "not authenticated" packages.  Why is this happening?15:18
blazemoreOmSai: run "sudo apt-get update" first15:18
blarghlStevem737, blazemore the trouble is that a shedload of apps you'll be running won't use your SSH tunnel, like chat clients, email, etc, (though email should be encrypted anyway.)15:18
Stevem737I need to do  more research. you're getting a little deep for me at this point15:18
OmSaiblazemore: thanks; will do15:18
vishwaprotimhey is there any sophisticated editor for flash [as there is adobe flash cs6 for windows] ?15:18
blarghlStevem737, blazemore that's why I like VPNs, because all traffic is routed and I don't need to worry.15:18
blazemoreOmSai: Then try installing again. If either gives you an error, put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com15:18
vishwaprotimand such kind of movie, sound editors?15:18
blazemoresound editor, the answer is audacity15:18
Mace268is there a good quality regex tutorial anywhere?15:18
stobix_MonkeyDust: in more detail: lspci doesn't find my network card. I thought that installing the driver might help.15:19
blazemoreno contest. Not sure about video editors15:19
Stevem737bye all. thx again15:19
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eSoulvishwaprotim -- You could try OpenShot for video editing.15:20
tmmunqkdenlive and pitivi are supposed to be good too15:20
vishwaprotimis open shot good? [ I want some advanced features]15:21
universe2014vishwaprotim:  kdenlive is a bit more semi pro15:21
eSoulthe homepage touts some advanced features15:21
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OmSaiblazemore: thanks, it works now.  I ran "Reload Package Information" from Synaptic Package Manager15:23
* OmSai used Gentoo before this and is getting familiar with apt15:23
eSoulJust get used to "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"15:24
vishwaprotimand for sound editing? [some advanced features like adobe audition]15:24
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blazemorevishwaprotim: audacity15:25
vishwaprotimand is there any softwares for creating swf movies and animations? [like adobe flash]15:25
blazemorevishwaprotim: I'd recommend Googling for these15:26
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blazemorevishwaprotim: Since we're getting somewhat out of the realm of "ubuntu support" ;)15:26
vishwaprotimoh....nevertheless...thankx a lot ..[actually recently migrated from windows]15:26
eSoulDoes anyone have a possible solution for my network interface issue from above, ill resend the message if you like.15:27
eSoulvery welcome vishwaprotim15:27
NK`is there a way preventing trusted external repository to upgrade package they do not own ?15:27
NK`lets say if one of the ppa I added is saying it got a firefox or chromium upgrade for me15:28
NK`it will be automatically upgraded at next apt-get update && apt-get upgrade or is there something to prevent it ?15:28
DJones!pinning | NK`15:29
ubottuNK`: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:29
NK`ok i exactly thought about some pinning concept, thx ubottu15:30
blazemore*thx DJones15:30
NK`thx DJones indeed15:33
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DJonesNo thanks needed :)15:35
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change windows file attributes in ubuntu?15:43
mojtabaI want to hidden some files for windows15:43
hexacodewhere do file opens get logged.. an example in question is when i do a "require('module');" in node.js i would actually like to see which files linuxed logged as being opened and read from at that same time?15:43
bean__hexacode: it isn't really logged, persay.15:44
bean__you'd likely have to read strace output15:44
WilliamStest I am still learing irc and ubuntu15:44
bean__or look at LSOF15:44
hexacodeoh coole. thanks bean__ strace will do for me; i can just aim it at the PID15:45
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change windows file attributes in ubuntu? I want to hidden some files for windows15:45
bean__yep, it'll be pretty verbose, hexacode15:45
bean__!repeat | mojtaba15:45
ubottumojtaba: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:45
Mace268anyone know of a good quality regex tutorial for a complete noob?15:50
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X-Useris there any way to minimize a opened window by clicking on Launcher icon?15:51
X-Useranybody can help please?15:53
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Guest79594who here know ubuntu REAL WELL?15:55
bean__Guest79594: please just ask your question15:56
Guest79594Keyboard issue,....15:56
Guest79594on the log in15:56
ozzloyMace268, have you tried rubular?  not a tutorial, but helpful15:56
ozzloyMace268, http://rubular.com/15:56
Guest79594Ill type my password and when i hit "a",..it prints on screen in the box,.."as"15:57
Mace268ozzloy, thanks i'll have a look15:57
Guest79594it does the same for q prints as qw15:57
blazemoreGuest79594: Does it only do it in that field?15:57
Guest79594got any ideas15:57
ozzloyGuest79594, is your left pinky really big?15:57
Guest79594it does it al lthru ubuntu15:57
blazemoreSo the fact it's your login password dialog is irrelevant?15:57
blazemoreDid you spill coffee on your keyboard at any point?15:58
Guest79594correct but15:58
Guest79594thats wher ei seen it first15:58
Guest79594it happened just after an update about two or threeks ago15:58
Guest79594it happened just after an update about two or three weeks ago15:58
blazemoreGuest79594: Does it still occur when you choose an older version of the kernel from the boot menu?15:58
X-Userany way to move panel to the bottom in unity?15:58
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Guest79594no on the coffee but that is a good question15:58
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Guest79594I was thinking the kernel issue15:59
Guest79594Ill try that when i get home15:59
* ozzloy holds out for fat pinky15:59
Guest79594It is a DELL laptop,..it had been running flawlessly up to that point16:00
dumb_questionsHey, bare metal restore of Ubuntu Server to a new physical server: does it matter if it's AMD or Intel as long as both are x64?16:01
linux|newbdumb_questions: you mean the distribution you install?16:02
dumb_questionsfrom a backup.16:02
MonkeyDustdumb_questions  better ask in #ubuntu-server16:02
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k1ldumb_questions: the patent is from amd so its called amd64. but both, intel and amd, work with amd6416:03
* linux|newb reread - sorry dumb_questions: it does not matter16:03
linux|newbout of interest, anyone use a client other than KVIRC?16:06
daftykinslinux|newb: irssi16:07
k1llinux|newb: there are alot of clients out there. most common are xchat and weechat, irssi besides kvirc. but there are still alot others16:08
linux|newbdaftykins: k1l: cheers. I think I was a little amibiguous... others that you would recommend16:08
Nach0zirssi <316:08
linux|newbNach0z: cheers16:08
Nach0zI think I'll end up writing an IRC client eventually16:09
linux|newbconvoi: :P16:09
Nach0zconvoi: t(^_^t)16:09
convoi^^ goodnight all... 23:10 Vietnam time16:11
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megalomixi am looking for a soap client16:13
megalomixcould someone advice me ?16:13
daftykinsmegalomix: that's more a web developer topic than OS support. i've no idea where you'd get a better answer16:16
stobix_megalomix: google it, I guess?16:17
pranavsry to ask, but where should i ask questions regarding X11 library based programs using gcc in ubuntu 12.04 ?16:17
daftykinspranav: just ask here and someone that knows what's up may reply16:18
pranavXImage *image; image = XGetImage (d, RootWindow (d, DefaultScreen (d)), x, y, 1900, 1270, AllPlanes, XYPixmap); //says "X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)"16:18
pranav i can only access points within 1024x768 despite my current resolution is 1920x1280. Please Help!16:18
convoimegalomix, soapui http://en.sourceforge.jp/projects/sfnet_soapui/downloads/soapui/4.0/soapUI-x32-4_0_0.sh/16:19
megalomixi see16:19
stroodlepupi'm having problems w/ flash player16:19
bean__pranav: its either 1920x1200 or 1920x108016:19
linux|newbstroodlepup: specifically?16:19
daftykinspranav: 1920x1270 doesn't sound like a real resolution :)16:21
bean__no, its 1200, or 108016:21
bean__not 128016:21
daftykinsMace268: no, that's not a real one to be by 1920 either16:21
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daftykinsyeah well done team, state the obvious *thumbs up*16:22
pranavbean__: daftykins: Foo.. Thanks! I was seeing the Background resolution that comes in Appereance! The program works :)16:23
Mace268most wide screens are 16:9 or 16:10 i guess16:23
MonkeyDust16:9 here16:23
pranavmine is even smaller 1366x76816:23
tmmunqvirtual machines can usually be set to weird resolutions like that, but that one is larger than 1080p, so good luck finding a monitor for it16:23
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daifukui just installed gnome ubuntu, im loving gnome3! why so much hate?16:26
daifukuhostestly i installed mint and cinnamon depressed me, it was like going back to windows 98  :P16:27
linux|newbdaifuku: some people are creatures of habit16:28
linux|newbI tend not to deviate much from unity or g316:29
linux|newbunless it's a low poered box16:29
daifukui dont dislike unity, i think it is right there with gnome 316:29
linux|newbin which case I go for xfce16:29
chucktfhi folks - I tried installing openoffice and seemed to have broken some dependency trees -- i'd like to just remove openoffice AND libreoffice and start over - how can i do that?16:29
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linux|newbchucktf: sudo apt-get purge package-name16:30
Linuxn00bI installed gnome-session-fallback, how do I start the gnome session now?16:30
k1ldaifuku: we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting please stick to technical support in here :)16:30
k1lLinuxn00b: choose the session on the login screen16:30
chucktfthanks linux|newb16:31
chucktflet me try that16:31
MonkeyDustLinuxn00b  logout, switch, login16:31
Linuxn00bMonkeyDust: Where do you see that? http://i.imgur.com/Kp5AZRg.jpg16:32
chucktfthat doesnt work - i get dependency errors stil16:32
MonkeyDustLinuxn00b  klick on the ubuntu sign16:32
k1lLinuxn00b: click on the little ubuntu symbol right to the nickname16:32
ChogyDanchucktf: if you pastebin them, I can help you16:32
Linuxn00bMonkeyDust: thanks! thats really well hidden....16:32
chucktfok ChogyDan hang on16:33
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chucktfChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/0eGkJwRs16:35
ChogyDanchucktf: what about apt-get -f install?16:36
linux|newbChogyDan: rated16:37
chucktfChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/ggdKMbFp16:38
johnjackson5055Does anyone know the fix when you don't even get a purple screen on first boot?16:38
ChogyDanchucktf: looks like they really aren't compatible for side-by-side installation.16:40
Felishiahow do I change the grub.cfg file so that it first loads the SO I want?16:40
chucktfChogyDan, agreed!  but how do i clean up my mess :)16:40
Felishiait's booting with xubuntu automatically and I want that to be ubuntu16:41
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ChogyDanchucktf: well, I just know the quick ways out.  delete /usr/bin/soffice and the directories /var/lib/libreoffice16:41
chucktfChogyDan, nod... ok let me try THAT :)16:41
ChogyDanchucktf: and then redo -f install16:42
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chucktfChogyDan, same error16:44
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ChogyDanchucktf: ok, maybe16:46
chucktfChogyDan, it keeps trying to overwrite /usr/bin/soffice and is unpacking /var/lib/libreoffice..... argh16:47
ChogyDanchucktf: dpkg --remove --force-all apache-openoffice16:48
NiNTENDUHi all :)16:48
chucktfChogyDan, ok that was successful16:49
chucktfChogyDan, should i do the same on libre16:49
ChogyDanchucktf: you can use that for any package that complains16:49
NiNTENDUI need some help with X11 and /dev/tty16:49
chucktfChogyDan, ok cool - cleaning with a wide brush!16:50
ChogyDanchucktf: then back to -f install, then remove the rest of the *office packages16:50
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ChogyDanchucktf: actually, you may want to do that for the packages from the purge command, libreoffice-core libreoffice-java-common16:51
chucktfChogyDan,  i just did the -f install and that completed with no error this time16:51
NiNTENDUIf i run a a simple program that try an ioctl on /dev/tty outside X11 (ctrl-alt-F1) it works fine. Inside X11 it fails. Does someone knows why?16:52
ChogyDanchucktf: ok, now your package setup is in a cleaned up state, so you can start running the purge commands16:52
nikithais there any quivalent tool to wine ?16:52
chucktfChogyDan,  so purge apache-openoffice AND libreoffice and THEN reinstall16:53
mojtabaHi, I ran out of primary partition and would like to use unallocated space in my computer and add it to my /home partition. Could you please let me know what should I do?16:53
ChogyDannikitha: for what?  wine is a library mainly16:53
ChogyDanchucktf: yeah16:53
wilee-nileenikitha, playonlinux and puechable codeweavers16:53
chucktfChogyDan, ok cool16:53
AlviurHi, can you say me which things can I erase form ubuntu 11.04 to improve speed?16:54
ChogyDanmojtaba: use a livecd, and start a partitioning tool like gparted16:54
mojtabaChogyDan: I have done that.16:54
chucktfChogyDan, i did "autoremove" first - hope that works :)16:54
k1lAlviur: 11.04 is out of support anyway16:54
mojtabaBut it do not let me to create a new partition or move my partitions around to add unallocated area to my /home.16:54
nikithawilee-nilee:  which is more user friendly out those 216:54
k1lAlviur: and if you want a more lightweight desktop better think about lubuntu16:55
ChogyDanmojtaba: I can't help right now, I have to go, sorry16:55
nikitha hi, microsoft word troubles on wine ? it asks for msxml5 ...?16:55
wilee-nileenikitha, Both are gui based, one costs, so it is what works for you.16:55
nikithawilee-nilee: which is free out of both16:55
mojtabawilee-nilee: I ran out of primary partition and would like to use unallocated space in my computer and add it to my /home partition. Could you please let me know what should I do?16:56
wilee-nileenikitha, playonlinux, and it is in the repos16:56
tmmunqbackup your data before anything else16:56
k1lmojtaba: unmount the swap16:56
k1lmojtaba: then you can shove the partitions. but do this from a live-system and better have backups16:57
wilee-nileemojtaba, I would want to see a picture of gparted looking at it.16:57
k1lmojtaba: (and it takes alot time)16:57
nikithawilee-nilee: one out of box question, as guest os for windows ... which is best xp  (unstable) or win7 (slow performance) ?16:57
mojtabak1l: Everything is unmounted. and ubuntu can not find what is one of my partitions. ( I have encrypted my system); Is it the swap partition?16:57
MonkeyDustnikitha  better ask in ##windows16:57
wilee-nileenikitha, I would not use xp for daily use, it is vulnerable in general.16:57
k1lmojtaba: im out with encryption16:58
mojtabawilee-nilee: I will take a picture next time and will post it here16:58
Felishiagrub doesn't show up!!!!16:58
wilee-nileenikitha, IN my opinion anyway.16:58
nikithawilee-nilee: same with me , that exactly what i wish to convey to u16:58
mojtababye for now16:58
FelishiaI can't choose the operative system I want16:58
k1lFelishia: left shift. press it on boot16:58
Felishiaand if I press shift nothing happen16:58
Felishiak1l, doesn't work :c16:58
wilee-nileenikitha, W7 will trim itself to a virtual.16:59
FelishiaI thought it would work, so I changed timeout to 016:59
Felishiabut now it doesn't even allow me to change the timeout16:59
k1lFelishia: first you should not be running irc a s root user. what ubunut do you use exactly?16:59
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Felishiak1l, this ubuntu is something I don't care much of u.u don't worry about it, I just need to know now how to change OS on grub17:00
Felishiabecause it doesn't show up17:00
wilee-nileeFelishia, YOu are using backtrack you alwyas have and have a different nick everytime.17:00
FelishiaI always have Felishia as my nick17:00
bazhang!backtrack | Felishia17:00
ubottuFelishia: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:00
Felishiaand this is ubuntu lucid17:00
k1lFelishia: ok, so you are using backtrack. so ask the backtrack support how to solve this17:00
Felishiathis is ubuntu lucid geeeeeezz17:00
bazhangFelishia, /join #backtrack-linux17:01
Felishiait's not backtrack!!!17:01
FelishiaI only came using "kali linux here once17:01
nikithawilee-nilee:  trim ?  what exact u mean, i see win7 is good as master and bit stubborn as secondary ( i mean as guest os ) as it slow in nature, additional addons u have put to it via usb ( adding user to vboxusers)  or shared folder  net use i: //vboxsvr/shared .. blah blah17:01
Felishiageez this is ubuntu lucid17:01
Felishiaand it's not showing up the boot entry menu17:01
bazhang!eol| Felishia17:01
ubottuFelishia: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:01
k1lFelishia: dont lie. you are a root user anyway17:01
bazhanglucid is eol Felishia17:01
Felishiabazhang, I know...17:02
bazhangFelishia, not supported17:02
Felishiathat's why I want to see the bot menu17:02
Mace268When PlayOnLinux says install 7z what is it talking about? 7zip?17:02
wilee-nileenikitha, W7 will run what it can in regards to the limitations of a computer or virtual in general I have found in some limitations, it is a OS it can't think.17:02
FelishiaI have xubuntu 13.04 installed in another partition17:02
Felishiabut if it doesn't show the menu entries how am I supposed to change them?17:02
wilee-nileeMace268, most likely17:02
smaudetwhat is the version of pulseaudio recommended for current users? The output of 'pulseaudio --version' is 'pulseaudio 1.1' for me. Could someone verify this is correct? I'm on 12.04.217:02
wilee-nileeFelishia, lucid is end of like17:03
daftykinsFelishia: back trying to trash those library PCs? :)17:03
FelishiaI don't care about lucid the thing is that I can't load on raring as I can't see the boot menu entry17:03
daftykinsFelishia: run boot repair17:04
Felishiafrom lucid?17:04
daftykinsassuming you installed correctly17:04
Felishiadaftykins, they told me they do not care17:04
daftykinsriiiight ;)17:04
Felishiayes the thing is that I changed timeout to zero17:04
daftykinsno, it's either a package in livecd mode or a boot disc17:04
daftykinsFelishia: so hold shift at boot time...17:04
Felishiadaftykins, I did that17:04
daftykinsand it contains kernels and recovery modes for Lucid only?17:05
stroodlepuplinux|newb, google chrome can't display youtube videos properly, having lots of yellow dots... familliar?17:05
Felishiadaftykins, yes...17:05
daftykinsFelishia: so run boot repair. as i said.17:05
Felishiain a live usb?17:05
douglhow do I disable autologin... I want to password protect my login for 13.0417:05
daftykinsnothing like running ones' client by root, no-sir-ee17:06
daftykinsdougl: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/106428/how-to-disable-automatic-login17:07
smaudetA separate question also: where is pulseaudio started? I already found /etc/init.d/pulseaudio, however that script looks like it is forced to not run, as an environment variable is set disabling its function17:08
Felishiacant I do a grub-update from my live usb/17:10
wilee-nileeFelishia, from a chroot yes17:10
daftykinsFelishia: oh so you read some docs now? sure.17:10
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot17:11
Felishiahow can I do that chroot then? :o17:11
wilee-nileeread the link17:11
daftykins!chroot | Felishia17:13
ubottuFelishia: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot17:13
Felishiahowever wilee-nilee I'm botting with xubuntu 13.04 now at it has instructions for lucid17:13
FelishiaI can't believe just changing the timeout doesn't allow me to boot it17:14
Felishiawhen it's supposed to show up if holding shift17:15
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Felishiacan't I just do apt-get install grub2?17:16
SwedeMikea/win 217:16
lightning0Hello everyone, my laptop has 2 hard drives in it, one is a msata ssd 20G and one is a traditional hard drive 500G . I would like to do a fresh install of everything. I would like all the system files and preferences to boot from the ssd and all my personal files to be stored on the traditional hard drive. How would i best accomplish this?17:17
daftykinsFelishia: after chrooting yeah, if you install that in livecd it's only going to install it to the live session :P17:17
dougldaftykins, right on thanks... would you happen to know how to change the splash screen image for the login?17:17
wilee-nileelightning0, This have W8?17:17
ezra-slightning0, when requested how to partition the disk select the option "another..."17:17
daftykinsdougl: not a clue, sorry17:17
ezra-sand manually select how you want to partition it17:17
OerHekslightning0, easy, install ubuntu on the ssd, and add the hdd later, or choose manual installation and move your /home to the ssd17:18
Felishiadaftykins, what about if I copy all the grub configuration files to the live cd and do update-grub17:18
Felishiawouldn't that send it to the MBR?17:18
daftykinsFelishia: why do you want to make things more complicated instead of just following the simple commands you've been linked to?17:18
lightning0ezra-s I understand that. but where do i mount my /home, on the hdd?17:19
manikHello. Can anybody here help me in makin the Windows key as a shortcut for the Menu?17:19
Felishiachrooting I don't know how to do it :c17:19
daftykinsFelishia: do you see the irony of performing a task in a library when you're unwilling to research, read and solve problems? :)17:19
micaelbergeronlightning0, OerHeks, should the swap partition be on the SSD too?17:19
daftykinsFelishia: i linked you to it!17:19
wilee-nileelightning0, This have W8?17:19
daftykins!chroot | Felishia17:19
daftykinsmmk, no response17:19
wilee-nileevery key question if you have a uefi setuo17:20
lightning0wilee-nilee: no it would be Linux not window 817:20
daftykinsFelishia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot17:20
daftykinsread ^17:20
Felishiaeh... the thing is that I'm reading but I'm getting even more confused17:20
wilee-nileelightning0, Has this computer had W8 is it a uefi?17:20
daftykinsFelishia: if you are unwilling to help yourself, i am unwilling to help you.17:20
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Felishiadaftykins, I ran boot-repair17:20
Felishiadaftykins, and I'm reading at the same time17:21
micaelbergeronfwi, uefi bios are more 'sophisticated' and normally allows you to use your mouse (with icons and stuff)17:21
OerHeksmicaelbergeron, i would do so, yes17:21
micaelbergeronOerHeks, isn't it a little bit write-heavy for a SSD?17:21
lightning0wilee-nilee, What do you mean by w8 and uefi?17:21
daftykinsmicaelbergeron: only in the case of enthusiast custom builds, more often than not that's not the case for laptops17:21
MonkeyDustFelishia  what do you want to chroot?17:22
OerHeksmicaelbergeron, ssd's are more reliable now, but you can reduce swapiness and reduce log-time-writing17:22
lightning0wilee-nilee: Imma noob, sorry.17:22
k1lFelishia: take 10 minutes and read the chroot howto. then (if you are chrooted) you can remove that 0 timeout and make grub-install.17:22
daftykinsMonkeyDust: honestly don't, it'll just get worse.17:22
micaelbergeronOerHeks, if you have any documentation about doing that, i'd like to learn about it.17:23
FelishiaI want to change the timeout of grub to 5 or something like that as I put 0 and it doesn't show up anymore, so I want to chroot my /dev/sda6 session17:23
MonkeyDustdaftykins  all right17:23
FelishiaI'm stuck in 4 k1l17:23
wilee-nileelightning0, uefi is the fast boot system from MS and part of the bios and chip set, it has some specifics such as gpt partitioning, and needs specialized installs, if you have this and just try and install you will most likelly have problems, just watching out for you is all.17:23
Felishiait says lucid, shouldn't I put raring?17:23
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k1lFelishia: no, that is not what you want17:24
lightning0OerHeks how big should the swap file be?17:24
wilee-nileethis should be confirmed on any installs the small ssd is a red flag17:24
k1lFelishia: you need the "setting up the chroot" part.17:24
Felishiak1l, I'm confused, I have ubuntu lucid and ubuntu raring, I want lucid to be the default but also to be able to choose raring17:24
Felishiawith lucid?17:25
lightning0OerHeks, The ssd formated is about 18.5 gigs and i have 6 gigs of ram.17:25
micaelbergeronlightning0, from my experience, 1:1 RAM/swap ratio is ALlright17:25
Felishiabash: cd: /etc/schroot: No such file or directory17:26
micaelbergeronlightning0, you could even go with 4GB swap, as 6GB is pretty good, unless you run memory intensive tasks (video encoding, ripping, image manipulation...)17:26
lightning0micaelbergeron and if i put that on the ssd will there be enough room for the system files?17:26
micaelbergeronlightning0, yes, you will have enough space.17:27
OerHeksmicaelbergeron, http://askubuntu.com/questions/103915/how-do-i-configure-swappiness and lots of tuts for reducing log writing, with -noatime > i used the debian howto  https://wiki.debian.org/SSDOptimization17:27
k1lFelishia: see this howto: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/17:27
micaelbergeronOerHeks, thank you sir.17:27
lightning0micaelbergeron isthere any other mount points i should make?17:27
micaelbergeronlightning0, the rest of the installation is pretty standard.17:28
OerHekslightning0, let the installer make the size, as it makes the right size of diskspace, ramsize and a few kb's more fore other needed space17:28
OerHekslightning0, only if you want hybernate, else you are free to change the size17:29
fartfaceI've got a 12.04 x64 Server, and I'm trying to determine where all of my RAM is going.  I have 8gb of RAM, and top is saying that 7195044k is used, and only 155xxxk is free, which is crazy to me as I'm only running SABNZBD+, transmission-daemon, and phpvirtualbox (no VMs running)17:29
micaelbergeronlightning0, which could come handy on a laptop17:29
micaelbergeronfartface, run free -m17:29
fartfaceIf I run top -c, and hit shift-m, the highest %MEM is 0.917:29
fartfacemicaelbergeron: I have, little to no difference.17:29
lightning0OerHeks, With the ssd  i dont care about hybenation.17:29
OerHekslightning0, oke, then maybe 4 gb is enough17:30
lightning0So will my system prefrences be on the ssd?17:31
fartfaceIs there another alternative to top?17:31
micaelbergeronfartface, http://goo.gl/hERzq17:31
k1lfartface: htop?17:31
OerHeksfartface htop, but running sabnzbd and transmisson can suck up your ram, wich is fine17:31
fartfacemicael: That's saying that it won't use swap, but top is saying that swap is in use.17:32
k1lfartface: reading your real issue is: look at free -m and look at the scond line. and remember: ram is to be used. free ram doesnt help anyone17:32
douglanyone know how to change the splash screen when 13.04 boots and asks for password...17:33
douglI have tried changing the image in system settings under login screen and checked /etc/lightdm/lightdm-kde-greeter.conf...17:33
Nach0zvery carefully17:33
micaelbergeronfartface, so you are swapping?17:33
douglbut when I get to the login screen the background is blank (white)17:33
fartfacek1l: Second line being -/+ buffers/cache?17:33
Felishianow those instructions were understantable17:34
k1lfartface: yes17:34
fartfaceAh, then yes, looks like a huge chunk of it is cached.17:34
FelishiaI'm chroot now17:34
xyz123accidentlly deleted /lib : BUT i have a copy of it on another partition, only issue is that ive rebooted and the system won't obviously boot up. :) can i use live cd to restore it? if so how?17:34
fartfaceSo then, nothing to worry about,  I don't need to add RAM?17:34
k1lfartface: and that cached stuff is what seeds up your amchine. not free ram17:34
xyz123fartface: i like your nick hahaha :)17:34
ikoniaxyz123: boot the livecd and copy it from the back to the target17:34
k1l*speeds your machine17:35
FelishiaI "apparently" fixed the boot... ¬¬17:35
Felishiahope it works17:35
smaudetre my first question,  nvm I answered it17:35
fartfacexyz123: fartfacepoopypants was too long for the server, but it shortened alright, haha17:35
xyz123ikonia: im on the livecd right now with an open term. how do i access my old drives to copy it back?17:35
xyz123fartface: lol :)17:35
reddeath68is anyone having problems with the latest kernel of 13.0417:35
fartfaceCheers for the heads up everyone17:35
ikoniaxyz123: you mount the disk17:35
k1lreddeath68: better ask what your real question is17:36
fartfaceIt's a steep learning curve, but I feel more and more comfortable with it every day haha17:36
Mike9863I am trying to use my Ubuntu server as a proxy. I connected to ssh with the -D parameter to tunnel the connection, and then setup my browser to point its proxy settings to the tunnel. For some reason when I do something in my browser, the page doesn't load and my shell freezes. Once it stops trying to load the page my shell unfreezes. Does anyone know what could cause this?17:36
reddeath68basicly i updated to latest kernel I was running fine come home today and find my computer bugging out and my caps lock and scroll lock were flashing while my num lock was off, and i restarted the system only to barley load desktop then it switched itself to text console and said something about kernel panic17:37
ikoniaMike9863: possible a name server look up?17:37
ikoniareddeath68: what kernel did you update to ?17:38
wilee-nileereddeath68, Latest kernel from the repos?17:38
Mike9863ikonia: On my end or the server?17:38
reddeath68yes via system update it installed17:38
ikoniaMike9863: a good question, I'm "guessing" the lookup is done on your client, then it sends that data down the tunnel - hence the delay17:39
wilee-nileereddeath68, notice we use nicks here you can tab complete them.17:39
reddeath68believe it was or something like that17:39
ikoniareddeath68: can you boot the old kernel, see if the problem is still there ?17:40
wilee-nileereddeath68, try the previous kernel to compare.17:40
smaudetsecond question still stands, I know how to start pulseaudio, but I'm looking for who starts it ...17:40
reddeath68i am in the previous kernel with no problems17:40
ikoniareddeath68: ok, so the key things are 1.) get the kernel panic message 2.) consider using kdump to get the kernel dump, if we cant see the problem from the messages, log a bug attaching the kdump17:41
xteejxHi all17:41
Mike9863ikonia: I just tried going to (google) in my browser using the tunnel as a proxy and it did end up loading, but only after a very long time. Other IPs I'm trying with aren't working.17:42
reddeath68ikonia, is kdump a command or what im still learning alot about linux and ubuntu itself also how would i retrieve the panic message17:42
xteejxI have a question but only minorly related to Ubuntu (I'm doing it IN Ubuntu)... I want to split an xml file (from a wikipedia dump) into smaller files by page, using the <page> tag as a document break of sorts. How would I do this in Ubuntu?17:42
ikoniareddeath68: it's a boot argument you pass to the kernel17:43
Mike9863xteejx: Write a script that will parse it17:43
reddeath68never messed with boot arguements before17:43
ikoniaMike9863: ok, so the lookup is out of the question17:43
JamesKHello, I tried to install Ubuntu with Unetbootin, I created installation USB stick, when I plug it in and click on "Default" after selecting boot from USB drive, it is showing me "Kernel Image not found"17:44
xteejxMike9863: That's where I'm stumped. I have very basic knowledge of pyhton and not much else... :(17:44
Mike9863xteejx: You should go to #python then17:44
xteejxfair enough, cheers...17:45
JamesKwhat to do now?17:45
JamesKcan someone help me?17:46
wilee-nileeJamesK, check the sum of the iso and maybe try another usb loader17:46
reddeath68ikonia, how would I do the kdump boot arguement as I said I have never messed with boot arguements17:47
wilee-nilee!md5sum | JamesK17:47
ubottuJamesK: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:47
ikoniareddeath68: well, lets look at it this way17:47
ikoniareddeath68: you have two options17:47
ikoniareddeath68: 1.) use the working kernel and just enjoy using your machine17:47
ikoniareddeath68: 2.) try to debug a kernel problem17:47
[CaBeTuX]hi guys!17:47
ikoniareddeath68: if you chose 2.) you're going to have to put in a fair bit of basic research yourself.17:47
[CaBeTuX]I have a problem with rsyslog17:48
wilee-nileeJamesK, Using unetbootin to download the iso can be problematic, if that was your approach17:48
reddeath68ikonia, I would like to debug only because the latest kernel seemed to fix a problem I was having with a removable piece of media I owned always mounting as a read only file system17:48
wilee-nilee!details > [CaBeTuX]17:48
ubottu[CaBeTuX], please see my private message17:48
[CaBeTuX]I created a new .conf file in /etc/rsyslog.d/ but not work... the idea is send messages of catalina.out to tomcat at rsyslog remote server17:48
ihreJamesK: http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/17:48
JamesKwilee-nilee: thanks for reply, I managed to install it on my compute, and it is installed, now I am wondering is the installation perfect? do I need to reinstall or just update?17:49
wilee-nileeRichter /j17:49
ikoniareddeath68: honestly......17:49
wilee-nileeJamesK, probably okay just run the updates17:49
JamesKwilee-nilee: I downloaded a ISO file.17:49
reddeath68ikonia, unless their is a way to fix the read only while using the old kernel which may be easier17:49
ikoniareddeath68: what was the problem device out of interest ?17:49
wilee-nileeJamesK, you could check the sum of the iso if it makes you feeel better.17:49
reddeath68ikonia, a sony walkman nwz-e365 mp3 player17:50
ikoniareddeath68: so in your current kernel (uname -a please) you can only mount it read only, but in the newer kernel you can mount it read/write , correct ?17:50
reddeath68ikonia, my old nwz-e344 worked fine however yet when new kernel came out the e365 suddenly started working17:50
[CaBeTuX]ok ubottu. Version: wheezy/sid Cloud Computing AMI Amazon. I try: send messages of tomcat "catalina.out" log via rsyslog at remote syslog server. Not have output17:51
ikoniareddeath68: got it with you now ?17:51
wilee-nilee[CaBeTuX], This ubuntu?17:51
JamesKwilee-nilee: what could be the cause of showing that "kernel image not found" when clicked "Default" ?17:51
wilee-nileeJamesK, Not sure.17:51
reddeath68ikonia, yes that is correct (uname -a: 3.8.0-27-generic) and yes its sitting right next to me17:51
ikoniareddeath68: lets have a look, I'm interested, can you please it in please and lets have a prod around at it17:52
ikoniareddeath68: not often you get something interesting, so if you have time, lets have a quick look17:52
TheSpirithellome, I have a Nexus 7 (2nd Generation). What is the status of Ubuntu Touch? Will normal Ubuntu work on it? Is it worth it to remove Android?17:52
JamesKihre: is not that a win software?17:52
wilee-nileeJamesK, IF it is installed if it were me I would not worry about that, things happen that finding an exact answer for can be difficult17:52
Nach0zubuntu touch? o_017:53
wilee-nilee!touch | TheSpirit17:53
ubottuTheSpirit: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch17:53
JamesKwilee-nilee: yup I am connecting from it right now, just running the updates.17:53
[CaBeTuX]wilee-nilee, Is a Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS17:53
reddeath68its plugged in17:54
[CaBeTuX]wheezy/sid show in /etc/debian_version17:54
wilee-nilee[CaBeTuX], how is this related "wheezy/sid " just trying to understand17:54
wilee-nileeit the sever17:55
caf4926If I want to setup remote internet (not just over the LAN) access to my files on a server, what is the simplest approach?17:55
Nach0zkinda sad that the ubuntu edge didn't hit its goal :/17:55
Nach0zI think if funding had gone on a bit longer it would have17:55
ikoniareddeath68: ok, so, lets look at the first thing, can you put "sudo fdisk -l" in a pastebin please,17:55
akshayPaiwhen will 13.04  stable version release?17:55
[CaBeTuX]wilee-nilee, infosec01:/etc/rsyslog.d$ cat /etc/debian_version17:55
[CaBeTuX]its simple17:55
wilee-nileeakshayPai, was already17:55
reddeath68seems to be functioning for now believe the orignal problem may have been a bad file system or something originally as I have compared the file system of the old one with the new one and the new one seemsed to bug out interface wise i did format it via the built in controls also had done ctrl + h  to see if there was maybe a hidden file causing any problems17:55
ikoniareddeath68: ahh, so it is working with the old kernel too17:56
wilee-nilee[CaBeTuX], That is debian17:56
[CaBeTuX]not... is a ubuntu 12.04.02 LTS17:56
wilee-nileewheezy/sid is debian17:56
reddeath68ikonia, here you are http://pastebin.com/7f367LZA17:57
[CaBeTuX]wilee-nilee, lsb_release -a | grep Description17:57
[CaBeTuX]Description:    Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS17:57
ikoniareddeath68: is it actually working ok now ?17:57
ikonia[CaBeTuX]: can you show me the output of uname -a please17:57
uhelpI am running 12.04.2 server -- how do I start up gnome?  startx doesn't work17:58
akshayPaiwilee-nilee,so 13.04 stable is already out?17:58
wilee-nileeakshayPai, 13.04 has been released for awhile, what is it you actually need.17:58
reddeath68ikonia, it appears to be perhaps it was a bad file system and just happened to coincide with the formatting of the player17:58
[CaBeTuX]inux infosec01 3.2.0-45-virtual #70-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 29 20:31:52 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:58
[CaBeTuX]... IS ubuntu, guys17:58
ikonia[CaBeTuX]: ahh, this is a virtual machine, I wonder if it's a bastardised ubuntu build on a debian hypervisor17:58
ezra-suhelp, startx won't work if you don't have xinit and some other X packages installed17:58
[CaBeTuX]Not because ubuntu leave that file there ... but ... is there!17:59
ezra-suhelp, why do you want to use gnome on a server?17:59
wilee-nileeakshayPai, http://www.ossdoc.com/2013/04/ubuntu-1304-stable-released-and-ready.html  it is not a lt17:59
uhelpezra-s: xinit is already the newest version.17:59
ikonia[CaBeTuX]: sorry, I don't understand your last comment17:59
[CaBeTuX]yes ikonia. Is a AMI Amazon Virtual Machine Cloud Computing17:59
ezra-suhelp, then define "startx doesn't work"17:59
ikonia[CaBeTuX]: it's an amazon guest, wow, that seems odd17:59
OerHeksuhelp, ubuntu server has no gnome, only if you installed ubuntu-desktop, start with sudo start lightdm18:00
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
reddeath68perhaps someone could help me with one other thing I seem to be having 3 minor issues with my machine that are more of an annoyance then anything if someone would be interested in helping me18:00
daftykinsjust ask18:00
akshayPaiwilee-nilee,i installed 13.04 but giving me a lot of system errors , tried 12.04 lts .. and it worked fine but still liked the new features of 13.04 and was wondering if i cld get a stable lt on that18:00
ikoniareddeath68: we'll try18:00
Extreminadorhow can i update my desktop enviroment ?18:00
uhelpezra-s: I will try sudo start lightdm but don't I have to tell it which display to use or something?18:00
reddeath68First on boot i see a message about a module trying to register but it fails as it says it is already registerd18:01
wilee-nileeakshayPai, stable is an elusive term, you need to be specific in details with your problems for help.18:01
uhelpOerHeks: start: Unknown job: lightdm18:01
stroodlepuplinux|newb, google chrome can't display youtube videos properly, having lots of yellow dots... familliar?18:01
ezra-suhelp,no, you don't18:01
OerHeksuhelp, did you install any desktop package?18:01
reddeath68second my graphics seem to crash every once in a while and yes im using a nvidia card a geforce 9400 gt to be precise18:01
uhelpezra-s: startx just give me a black screen18:01
[CaBeTuX]so... I need send "message X" of catalina.out to remete syslog server... using rsyslog. I created a new .conf in /etc/rsyslog.d/ but not are sent.18:02
ezra-suhelp, have you checked /var/log/X...?18:02
uhelpOerHeks:   sudo apt-get install gnome gnome-desktop18:02
reddeath68and the third one is my ram seems to fill up after a while is there a way to clear it so my system stops trying to freeze?18:02
uhelpOerHeks: this should install gnome right?18:02
ezra-sgnome probably comes with gdm18:02
OerHeksuhelp oh gnome-desktop, i have no experience with that one. ubuntu-desktop is different18:03
reddeath68any help on any of these three minor annoyances would be welcomed18:03
[CaBeTuX]and not have output for see... can't debugging the problem!18:03
ezra-sOerHeks, try "apt-cache search package" first to see if its avaibale18:03
ezra-ssorry, I mean, uhelp!18:03
wilee-nileeuhelp, What desktop do you want?18:03
[CaBeTuX]Why is odd? ikonia18:03
wilee-nileegnome 2 is gone18:03
shadejI want to contribute to ubuntu localization18:04
shadejam using launchpad.net18:04
shadejbut dont know how to start ( i can see any starting point on the website)18:04
k1lshadej: see if your loco team got a irc channel and ask them where they need help18:05
uhelpezra-s: apt-cache search gnome | wc -l give me 1441 packages18:05
uhelpwilee-nilee: I want the same desktop I had in 8.04 without all the fancy things that slow down usage18:05
wilee-nileeuhelp, That desktop is no more the closest is the fallback18:05
reddeath68so noone has any clues as to how to fix my three minor annoyances?18:06
wilee-nileeuhelp, there are other like xubuntu, lubuntu, and about 50 others18:06
daftykinsreddeath68: re: RAM - www.linuxatemyram.com18:06
uhelpwilee-nilee: what package should I install?18:06
wilee-nileeuhelp, For?18:06
daftykinsreddeath68: the module thing doesn't sound critical - and the nvidia card thing, try another driver version18:07
wolffffuhelp, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop ubuntu-gnome-default-settings18:07
wilee-nileeuhelp, most would not add a desktop to a server.18:07
uhelpwilee-nilee: for the ability of the system to boot into xwindows and give me a desktop without transitional effects and where alt-tab shows me the next item by english name instead of a lot of identical pictures and where there isn't a giant bar on the left using all my screen up18:07
reddeath68daftykins, ok I will try the different drivers any suggested versions?18:07
AleXaGuys, what shall I start to learn: Python or C? Which of these are the most used on Ubuntu?18:08
uhelpwolffff: E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-gnome-desktop E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-gnome-default-settings18:08
reddeath68ikonia, its not that it appears missing its that it dramatically slows after certain programs are used for a prolonged time then closed and reopened later in the day18:08
wilee-nileeuhelp, find a supported desktop you like and install it, is all I can really say18:08
ozzloyAleXa, python18:08
wilee-nileeuhelp, If you find one and still need help ask us.18:09
uhelpwilee-nilee: Is gnome-desktop not supported?18:09
uhelpwilee-nilee: where do I find out which ones are?18:09
wilee-nileeuhelp, I'm not sure what the gnome-desktop is to be honest sounds like gnome 218:10
daftykinsreddeath68: anything other than what you're running now :)18:10
ikoniareddeath68: ok, so here is my tip, open a terminal, type "top" into it - and just leave it running, when you think your machine is out of memory, look at the top 5 processes listed, write them down and report back18:10
moondoguhelp: I ran into a command string that will uninstall unity entirely and install gnome318:10
ozzloyAleXa, i assume since you're asking that, you're not going to be doing hardware level stuff, and you instead will be doing more "software"y stuff18:10
moondoggoogle is your friend18:10
wilee-nileeuhelp, The gnome desktop now released is called the gnome-shell in ubuntu but t has more than you describes wanting.18:11
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:11
reddeath68ikonia, will do I can tell you the main things that i use and seem to experience this slowdown with are firefox(especially when using youtube) and minecraft18:11
moondoguhelp: if you want the url I can get it18:11
ozzloyAleXa, there's probably more c code than python in the whole system, but the code likely to be encountered by someone asking "which is used more: c or python?" is python18:11
wolffffuhelp,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:11
uhelpwilee-nilee: I am not feature-adverse as long as it doesn't make using the system painfully slower or use up all my screen with toolbars18:11
[CaBeTuX]bye people... I get tired of waiting, after being questioned!18:11
uhelpmoondog: thank you18:12
ikoniareddeath68: minecraft, java = risk18:12
uhelpwolffff: I will try that now18:12
wilee-nileeuhelp, For a light setup lxde would probably serve you the lubuntu base18:12
wolffffshould work18:12
reddeath68ikonia, in terms of sucurity or in terms of linux itself?18:12
AleXaozzloy, thanks, man!18:13
ikoniareddeath68: just as an application18:13
snuffthey guys18:13
csdhi, I was wondering if anyone knows how to get xchat to provide a persistent notification when I get an irc private message. I've turned all of the alerts on in xchat but that hasn't helped. I get a temporary balloon o a new message but if I miss it nothing remains. What I'm looking for is for the envelope on the top-right to go blue (like pidgin and thunderbird do) or the icon on the left to have some notification (like thunderbird)18:13
wilee-nileeuhelp, YOU might just research desktops by downloading ISO's and booting them to see what you like.18:13
ozzloyis there a utility that tells me what kind of ram i should get for my laptop?  i used dmidecode to see what's in there, but i don't know what the mobo can support.  how do i see that?18:13
reddeath68ikonia, why risk does linux not play well with java or is there more because if i remember my java course correctly it is hard to make java interface directly with a machine as it runs based on a virtual machine18:14
snuffthas anyone had problems with autocomplete_widget not working for anon?18:14
ChogyDanozzloy: I think newegg.com has one, and corsair.com18:14
micaelbergeronozzloy, normally your laptop model will tell you it'S chipset, from which you can find RAM specs.18:14
ozzloyChogyDan, oh that'd be cool too18:14
uhelpwilee-nilee: I need to install a gui on ubuntu server since it is my understanding that only ubuntu server has support for 5 years for the base os?  Anything else I will need to upgrade in 2 years?  Am I missing something here?18:14
wilee-nileecsd, You will see the nick in the channel panel.18:14
ozzloyi know the current chip is a single 8G 1333Mhz DDR318:15
Orioadoes anyone know what the command is to add nitrogen restore to the start up applications18:15
Extreminadorhow can i disable the mouse-pad when a mouse exist turned on ?18:15
ozzloybut idk what the mobo supports for max mhz.  i know it supports a total of 16GB18:15
csdwilee-nilee, I use multiple desktops so I don't see the xchat window normally. Which is why I'm looking for something that will be visible from any desktop18:15
micaelbergeronozzloy, well you are better of getting the same speed18:15
ChogyDanozzloy: yeah, if you are adding a module, I suggest getting exactly the same as what you got18:16
ozzloymicaelbergeron, indeed, but i might just get 2 new sticks18:16
micaelbergeronozzloy, i guess that it 'would' take also 1600mhz18:16
wilee-nileeuhelp, 12.04 has 5years, I believe with lubuntu the de is 3 years, the gnome panel is the fallback it has 5 years and is closest to the gnome 2 setup.18:16
ozzloydepending on how expensive that is18:16
micaelbergeronozzloy, if you bought it with a single 8GB, that is pretty high-end, so my guess is 1600mhz18:17
ozzloyChogyDan, micaelbergeron thanks!18:17
ozzloyfor your time18:17
uhelpwilee-nilee: if I already have ubuntu server installed can I simply install gnome-panel package and be done?18:17
micaelbergeronozzloy, 16 GB in 2 sticks @ 1600 will put you down maybe 120$18:17
micaelbergeronozzloy, for good quality ram18:17
wilee-nileeuhelp, NOt sure I install the gnome-shell that is gnome 3 and the fallback is included, but this is 13.0418:18
ozzloyhow about 1 8GB 1333MHz?18:18
* ozzloy should just google it at this point18:18
wilee-nileeuhelp, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed18:18
ozzloybut i'd still like to know for sure whether my board can take 160018:18
micaelbergeronozzloy, can you tell me your laptop model18:19
ozzloythinkpad x1, but not the carbon one, i'll see if i can find a product page18:19
uhelpthank you for the link .... I am going to go away and come back in a few with results (hopefully or lack thereof)18:19
yannick_gagnonHow can I configure ubuntu server to only upgrade to LTS versions from command line?18:20
wilee-nileeuhelp, more info. http://askubuntu.com/questions/113989/is-gnome-session-fallback-viable-long-term-solution-in-12-0418:20
wilee-nileeuhelp, good luck. ;)18:20
Orioadoes anyone know what the command is to add nitrogen restore to the start up applications18:21
Hypnotixevening, i have a big problem, i cannot reinstall ubuntu18:22
micaelbergeronfrom what I see here, you'd be capped @ 8GB 1333, with th Q67 Express chipet.18:22
Hypnotixi think it may be my harddrive but im not sure18:22
micaelbergeronHyperbyte, have you checked the SMART status?18:22
daftykinsHypnotix: what seems to happen?18:23
Hypnotixi check with the disk utility and all is assesed as OK18:23
daftykinsno reallocated sectors?18:23
ozzloythinkpad x1 type 1286 model CTO18:23
Hypnotixi have no more data on this harddriver its clean18:23
shashankgI installed ubuntu 13.04, I can't change my screen brightness using brightness keys or brightness and lock, As written in an answer on ask ubuntu I also made this change.http://pastebin.com/z5xWu7at18:23
Hypnotixit says 018:23
daftykinsHypnotix: so what's happening when you go to install?18:23
ozzloymicaelbergeron, thinkpad x1 type 1286 model CTO.  and lenovo's site isn't loading the manual page for me18:24
Hypnotixill try again and let you know where it hangs18:24
setuidI need to test some code against the latest upstream kernel.org kernel. How can I take the parameters that were used to build the default Ubuntu kernel, and rebuild an upstream kernel with exactly the same config?18:24
wilee-nileeshashankg, Did you update-grub?18:25
MonkeyDustsetuid  there's also #ubuntu-kernel18:25
Hypnotixdaftykins: it hangs after i select download updates while installing, install third party etc18:25
daftykinsHypnotix: could be worth using the live mode to delete the entire disk setup first off, to have a clean slate?18:25
micaelbergeronozzloy, you are indeed capped at 8GB unfortunatly.18:25
daftykinsHypnotix: disable those then. install without and update later18:25
wilee-nileeshashankg, Did you update-grub? and reboot18:25
shashankgwilee-nilee: How can I update grub?18:26
ozzloymicaelbergeron, that's not what dmidecode says18:26
trismsetuid: we have builds already: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:26
wilee-nileeshashankg, sudo update-grub then rebbot any mods there need a update18:26
Hypnotixdaftykins: i have booted from the usb right now18:26
ozzloymicaelbergeron, could dmidecode be wrong?18:26
Hypnotixand its not the downloading that causes the hanging it just doesnt read my hdd i guess18:27
setuidtrism, looking18:27
daftykinsHypnotix: use disk utility to nuke the disk then18:27
daftykinsHypnotix: are you choosing manual partitioning or telling it to just do whatever it wants?18:27
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Hypnotixdaftykins:  i dont even get to that screen18:27
micaelbergeronozzloy, I have no idead with dmidecode would be wrong, but you only have 1 SODIMM so you can't add any more RAM.18:28
Hypnotixso i chose erase disk quicly and no partitioning ?18:28
Guest80307marcel kaledfk18:29
shivaniHi my sudo apt-get install isnt working and neither is sh :\18:29
wilee-nilee!ot | Guest8030718:29
ubottuGuest80307: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:29
daftykinsHypnotix: perhaps run a "dmesg | pastebinit" to see if there are any errors streaming?18:29
wilee-nileeGuest80307speak english18:29
Hypnotixdaftykins:  i get this error when i try to format Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 018:29
shivanineed some help here -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018805/18:29
setuidtrism, No way to wget the directory, and no sources.list entry18:30
shivani^ that is the output I get when I run "sudo apt-get update"18:30
setuidManually downloading from browser -> ssh -> wget is a pain in the arse18:30
daftykinsHypnotix: hmm, perhaps your ISO download wasn't perfect, making your flash drive wasn't quite right or your system isn't stable? sounds very odd18:30
shivaniI have set the proxy too18:30
shivanicould someone suggest a fix /?18:30
linux|newbBshivani: DNS?18:31
ozzloymicaelbergeron, oh dang.  i didn't even think about how many slots there were.  just assumed 218:31
shivanilinux|newbB : what about it ?18:31
linux|newbBshivani: set DNS to and test again18:31
uhelpwilee-nilee et all: I am back   Is ubuntu-desktop supported?18:31
* ozzloy wonders if there are 16GB sticks18:31
uhelpI installed ubuntu-desktop and when I reboot I get a black screen18:32
MonkeyDustuhelp  this is the ubuntu support channel18:32
wilee-nileeuhelp, you mean unity that is the ubuntu-desktop18:32
uhelpsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop = unity = supported??18:32
shivanilinux|newbB: Do you mean edit /etc/resolv.conf by hand?18:32
linux|newbBshivani: yep - just to tes18:32
Hypnotixdaftykins: what do you make of those errors in the pastebin18:33
uhelpwhen I reboot I get a blank screen  sudo apt-get stop lightdm ; sudo apt-get start lighdm (and same with gdm) doesn't fix problem18:33
wilee-nileeuhelp, Yes but didn't you install the gnome-desktop as well, are you using the choice at login?18:33
linux|newbBuhelp: had a lightdm issue earlier18:33
uhelpwilee-nilee: there is no login screen (but yes, I did install gnome-desktop previously and didn't remove it)18:33
uhelplinux|newbB: I also tried gdm18:34
shivanilinux|newbB:  edited -> nameserver
linux|newbBuhelp: see 'what to do if things go wrong: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM18:34
shivaniI get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018820/18:34
shivanilinux|newbB:  ^18:34
wilee-nileeuhelp, For me the picking at it to get a desktop makes it more than I have the patience for to help fix even if I could.18:34
uhelpi tried to install it again and it just gives me: ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.18:35
wilee-nileenot sure I can anyway, lol. ;)18:35
linux|newbBshivani: hmm18:35
shivanilinux|newbB:  any suggestions ?18:35
shivanip.s. it was working fine till about yesterday :(18:35
linux|newbBshivani: ping http://in.archive.ubuntu.com18:35
* wilee-nilee is not a clean up helper18:35
micaelbergeronozzloy, found 3 spec sheets, all saying 8GB max, I don't think a 16GB stick would do any better (and they aren't cheap these days)18:35
daftykinsHypnotix: i sense possibly a bad cable. can you screenshot your SMART status details just to confirm?18:36
shivanilinux|newbB:  shivani@shivani:~$  ping http://in.archive.ubuntu.com18:36
shivaniping: unknown host http://in.archive.ubuntu.com18:36
ozzloymicaelbergeron, thanks!18:36
ozzloymicaelbergeron, thanks for your time18:36
shivanilinux|newbB:  sorry ?18:36
ozzloyi guess i'll stick with 8 :/18:36
micaelbergeronozzloy, you are welcome18:36
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linux|newbBooo, my bad. error expected18:37
linux|newbByou can browse to it?18:37
shivanilinux|newbB:  let me try18:38
shivanilinux|newbB:  yes , can browse to it18:38
linux|newbBshivani: http://askubuntu.com/questions/310131/something-wicked-happened-error-in-apt-get18:38
linux|newbBshivani: sudo apt-get update --fix-missing18:39
shivanilinux|newbB:  whats the lock file ?18:39
daftykinsHypnotix: they look like LVM errors18:39
Hypnotixdaftykins: i dont really know what that means :)18:39
shivaniI have a feeling its somthing to do with screwed ssh ports18:39
uhelp[+0.55s] MESSAGE: Couldn't find primary device <-- this is in lightdm greeter log18:40
daftykinsHypnotix: a type of partitioning/disk setup.18:40
Hypnotixi see18:41
Hypnotixso what do you suggest i should do18:41
linux|newbBshivani: sudo apt-get update --fix-missing didn't work?18:41
daftykinsHypnotix: try running gparted and delete every partition on the disk18:41
shivaninope :\18:41
shivanilinux|newbB: ^18:41
linux|newbBscrewed SSH ports, why, what you been doing?18:41
shivanilinux|newbB: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018839/18:41
ericjungafter I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, how can I restore the desktop?18:42
shivanilinux|newbB:  well we have been trying to create VMs over LAN , after which ssh stopped working , and I removed it to reinstall the ssh servers18:42
shivaniand then apt-get failed too18:42
ws2k3hello i'm trying to setup zfs replication between boxes the replication itself works fine only i'm unable to find the data that should be replicated18:42
shivaniso I cant even reinstall ssh18:42
shivanilinux|newbB:  ^^18:42
linux|newbBshivani: yer, line 7 holds solid with your theory18:42
shashankgwilee-nilee: I updated grub. now the brightness keys are working in weird manner. It's not working properly18:42
daftykinsHypnotix: hang on i'm being really stupid, do you have more than one hard disk?18:43
Hypnotixdaftykins:  no18:43
shivanilinux|newbB:  I am sorry which line 7 are you refering to?18:43
ikoniaws2k3: this channel is for ubuntu support - not freebsd support,18:43
daftykinsHypnotix: if you run "sudo fdisk -l" what are sda and sdb?18:43
linux|newbBshivani: Cannot initiate the connection to extras.ubuntu.com:80 (fe80::a2b3:ccff:fee0:d988). - connect (22: Invalid argument) [IP: fe80::a2b3:ccff:fee0:d988 80]18:43
shivanilinux|newbB:  so could you tell me some fix for it ?18:44
Hypnotixdaftykins:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018843/18:44
Hypnotixdaftykins:  gparted just keeps scanning for partitions for the last 5mins18:44
ericjungafter I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, how can I  exit the console return to the desktop?18:44
ericjung"Exit" just logs me out18:45
ericjungkeeps me in the console18:45
daftykinsHypnotix: ok yep sdb is definitely your 500GB hard disk. what is on there already? an older ubuntu?18:45
ericjungMyrtti: yay! thanks18:45
Hypnotixdaftykins: its empty right now18:45
linux|newbBshivani: ein moment18:46
daftykinsHypnotix: it still shows three partitions though18:46
shivanilinux|newbB: oka ..18:46
uhelpMyrtti: ctrl-alt-f7 gives me a list of processes which started when the machine booted18:46
Hypnotixdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/tEhMDkfi18:46
daftykinsHypnotix: that's the same paste as before?18:47
uhelpMyrtti: service gdm start or service lightdm start or startx would all seem to fix the problem according to instructions I read or followed or advice but none of them do18:47
linux|newbBuhelp: http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-10.04/ubuntu-main-i386/openssh-client_5.3p1-3ubuntu3_i386.deb.html18:47
linux|newbBdpkg it18:47
Hypnotixdaftykins: ah i think so sry18:47
linux|newbBlinux|newbB: http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-10.04/ubuntu-main-i386/openssh-client_5.3p1-3ubuntu3_i386.deb.html18:47
linux|newbBuhelp: ignore me :)18:48
daftykinsHypnotix: is it a desktop PC?18:48
Hypnotixdaftykins: yes18:48
uhelplinux|newbB: I can ssh into the box just fine18:48
uhelplinux|newbB: i see, you intended that for someone else18:48
daftykinsHypnotix: are you comfortable with hardware? i would try another SATA cable / SATA port on the motherboard with the disk18:48
Hypnotixdaftykins: gparted shows an LVM flag on my biggest partition18:48
linux|newbBuhelp: yep18:48
Hypnotixdaftykins: i can switch the cable sure18:49
linux|newbBshivani: I've made assumptions about your architecture, amend as neccesary18:49
shivanilinux|newbB: shoot18:49
daftykinsHypnotix: sounds good - then keep trying the livecd + running gparted, and deleting the partitions18:49
linux|newbBshivani: huh?18:49
Hypnotixdaftykins: ok thanx brb18:49
shivanilinux|newbB: I mean tell me about them18:49
linux|newbBonly you know :P18:49
figgycity50how do i install xfce on ubuntu????????18:49
ericjunglduros: hi18:50
linux|newbB64 or 3218:50
uhelpI pasted my greater log here in case someone has some ideas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018862/18:51
DJonesfiggycity50: Don't do that18:51
shivanilinux|newbB: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018865/18:51
shivaniHope this is good for the system info :)18:51
ChogyDanfiggycity50: try install xubuntu18:51
uhelpfiggycity50: probably you don't know but you are just suppose to post your question ... only people in the Southern USA say hello anymore18:51
figgycity50 18:52
figgycity50 18:52
figgycity50 18:52
FloodBot1figgycity50: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:52
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linux|newbBshivani: how old is that box?18:52
shashankgMy screen brightness is not working. I modified the /etc/default/grub file.  I changed the prev line to this line . GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor". and updated grub+rebooted. It is still not working18:53
shivanilinux|newbB:  this os is like 3 months old .. and hardware is 2 years18:53
linux|newbBshivani: I have a skype I need to attend. just openssh client for your architecture and ubuntu release 10.04 should be good >>18:54
linux|newbBand dpkg it18:54
linux|newbBtry again18:54
shivaniokay thanks for your time18:54
shivaniOkay I dont want to change my distro and still want sudo apt-get to work, is that an option ?18:55
shivanianyone who can help?18:55
ezra-sshihan, it is18:56
shivaniezra-s : could you please help ?18:57
uhelphere is lightdm log file for anyone who might have a clue http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018883/18:57
ezra-sshihan, I don't remember it perfectly, but I know where you must look into, check /etc/sudoers, "man sudoers"18:57
shashankgMy screen brightness is not working. I modified the /etc/default/grub file.  I changed the prev line to this line . GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor".  and updated grub+rebooted. It is still not working18:58
trismsetuid: maybe a text browser? seems to work fine in elinks18:59
shivaniezra-s : I am sure the problem isnt with sudo but with apt-get18:59
shivaniI cant even ping the ubuntu archives from my terminal18:59
setuidtrism, I got it, now patching vmmem tools for VMware,18:59
shivaniwhile I can browse them from firefix18:59
uhelpthis channel doesn't know how to get a gui working on ubuntu server --- is there another channel I might be able to find the answer in?18:59
dinushivani are you usong a proxy server to connect  to internet19:00
shivanidinu : yes19:00
ikoniauhelp: what's the issue ?19:00
shivaniI have my proxy variables set19:00
GiantAppleuhelp: install ubuntu desktop if you want a gui19:00
shivanialso have proxy configured in my bashrc19:00
GiantAppleuhelp: why install ubuntu server if you want a gui19:00
shivanidinu ^^19:00
dinuok shivani then just update your apt.conf file19:01
uhelpikonia: service lightdm start doesn't up the gui ... I posted logs to http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018862/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/6018883/19:01
dinulet me send you a apt.conf file19:01
shivanidinu : my /etc/apt/apt.config is empty right now19:01
dinushivani: wait for a sec19:01
shivanihow do i update it ?19:01
uhelpGiantApple: need 5 years of os upgrades not 2-319:02
ikoniauhelp: what desktop enviornment do you want ?19:02
dinuwait shivani19:02
uhelpikonia: whatever would be most like 8.04 and actually work19:02
ikonia8.04 is dead19:02
ikoniauhelp: it's EOL and the repos are archived19:02
uhelpikonia: 8.04 is dead but I have 12.04.2 server LTS installed and want whatever gui is currently supported most like 8.04 gui19:03
equushttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-gui-in-ubuntu-server.html   look at things like this uhelp19:03
ikoniauhelp: ok, so that's not going to happen, as unity is totally different19:03
uhelpikonia: and currently I have NO GUI so any gui is better than none19:03
ikoniauhelp: 2 questions so I understand your situation better19:03
ikoniauhelp: 1.) why did you not install ubuntu desktop 12.04 if you wanted a desktop enviornment ?19:03
shashankgsome one please help. My screen brightness is not working. I modified the /etc/default/grub file.  I changed the prev line to this line . GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor".  and updated grub+rebooted. It is still not working19:03
ikoniauhelp: 2.) why are you doing "startx" if you install a desktop it should be setup to autostart19:03
shivaniGuys can anyone please help about my apt-get not working in ubuntu 13.04 ?19:04
dinushivani: wait and see19:04
shivanidinu : yes19:04
dinushivani: Acquire::http::proxy "";19:04
dinuAcquire::https::proxy "";19:04
dinuAcquire::ftp::proxy "";19:04
dinuAcquire::socks::proxy "socks://";19:04
uhelpikonia et all: I issued a sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and it is working on the packages (before I had done sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)19:04
shivanidinu : what does this do ?19:04
uhelpikonia: I did startx because service start gdm and service start lightdm didn't work19:04
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dinujust keep your proxy address and port in its place19:05
ikoniauhelp: why did you install ubuntu desktop after you had put xubuntu desktop already on it19:05
uhelpikonia: I didn't install the desktop version because it isn't supported for 5 years like server19:05
ikoniauhelp: yes, but the desktop component on the server, will only be 3 years19:05
shivanidinu : are these to be put into my apt.conf ?19:05
ikoniauhelp: so you still only get 3 years really19:05
dinushivani: this will make your terminal or bash to download updates and packages through it19:05
uhelpikonia: after everything is running I will uninstall the desktop component but I cannot do the setup without it19:05
ikoniauhelp: putting the ubuntu desktop install on may just be easy/quck fix19:06
dinushivani: yes but use your proxy settings as set in your browser19:06
ikoniauhelp: just install from the desktop CD - you'll find it easier than the situation you are currently in19:06
uhelpikonia: I am mailing off this server to Panama City, Panama and I need it to work for 5 years if possible19:06
shivanidinu : these will make apt-get work without proxy ?19:06
ChogyDanuhelp: try adding a ^ onto the end of the ubuntu-desktop install command, ie ubuntu-desktop^19:06
ikoniauhelp: it will not stop working after 3 years19:06
dinulike  instead of 3129 use your port19:06
ikoniaChogyDan: why ?19:06
ikoniaChogyDan: what does the ^ do ?19:07
uhelpikonia: if there is a security hole it won't be patched :(  could be a disaster19:07
shivanidinu and instead of the former address use my lan address ?19:07
ikoniauhelp: no, no no no no no no19:07
ikoniauhelp: I think you need to think a lot here19:07
ChogyDanikonia: it does a tasksel install rather than a package19:07
ikoniauhelp: 1.) if you can't confiugre the server without a desktop - you are probably not the person to make it secure19:07
uhelpikonia: I am listening19:07
dinulook for my pm shihan19:08
uhelpikonia: you cannot configure the system without a desktop PERIOD.  There is no command-line admin program.  I suppose you could do remote xwindows without a desktop.19:08
ikoniauhelp: 2.) the "components" are not supported, eg: an ubuntu desktop install, will still get kenrel updates, libc updates etc etc as they are shared with the server install repos - it just won't get desktop component updates such as the desktop, or say firefox19:08
ikoniauhelp: you'll find it much much simpler, install ubuntu 12.04 lts desktop - configure your applications, then shutdown/disable X1119:08
ezra-suhelp, you are probably the first one I see that uses desktop to configure a server19:09
ikoniaezra-s: some applications require a gui to install19:09
shashankgMy screen brightness is not working. I modified the /etc/default/grub file.  I changed the prev line to this line . GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor".  and updated grub+rebooted. It is still not working19:09
smaudetikonia: that's not entirely true, firefox still gets updates19:10
ezra-sikonia, ssh x forwarding does fine19:10
ikoniaezra-s: it depends on your situation, using a local desktop can be easier19:10
smaudetikonia: at least, I do. But I may have configured it specially?19:10
smaudetI run ff 23 anyways19:10
ezra-sikonia, that does not apply on a server in a production environment19:10
ikoniasmaudet: what do you mean you do - it's not EOL19:10
ikoniaezra-s: yeah, it does19:10
uhelpezra-s: lots of programs no longer allow their configuration via a gui --- or it is damn-near-impossible to do so   (try to use eclipse without the gui to get a project to the point where you can build it from the command line)19:10
ezra-sikonia, if you mean your house computer, it does yes19:10
ikoniaezra-s: no, I mean enterprise setups19:11
ezra-seclipse is not something to use in a SERVER19:11
smaudetikonia: 'it just won't get desktop component updates such as the desktop, or say firefox'19:11
ikoniaezra-s: who said eclipse ?19:11
ikoniasmaudet: yes, when it's EOL19:11
ikoniasmaudet: it's not EOL, so still gets update19:11
smaudetikonia: sure, does 12.04 come default configured with EOL?19:11
* ezra-s reading up, perhaps Im imagining things19:11
ikoniasmaudet: what are you talking about "EOL"19:12
lhxyuck... forget eclipse... learn vim or emacs... it's worth the investment19:12
ikoniasmaudet: Eol = End Of Life support19:12
ikoniasmaudet: it's not an application19:12
ezra-sikonia, you're right, it was uhelp mumble19:12
ezra-sI apologize19:12
ikoniaezra-s: no need,19:12
smaudetikonia: nvm, I thought you meant Extended Release, didn't think the acronym through :)19:12
uhelpezra-s: lots of people need to do a nightly build and use eclipse to automate the process since they use it on the desktop to create the application19:13
iampozhi guys, has there been a large number of people coming in here talking about nvidia problems in the last 2 weeks?19:13
uhelp ezra-s: the nightly build is on the server with a cron job19:13
iampozseems like the next update messes up my computer19:13
smaudetikonia: I probably jumped in without all the facts of the convo, but it sounded like you were saying firefox on 12.04.2 doesn't get firefox upgrades19:13
uhelpezra-s: but you can't easily get to the point of the nightly build without using the gui to configure the project19:13
smaudetFirefox is not EOL, for sure.19:13
mojtabawilee-nilee: Hi, could you please let me know to where can I upload the picture of the Gparted?19:13
ezra-swhat I meant, most enterprise software that needs a gui, does so for installation (oracle software anyone?), and for that ssh x forwarding is what most do.. because you want to limit the amount of packages susceptible of security issues in a production environment19:13
ezra-suhelp, ssh x forwarding19:14
ezra-smonitoring software may need a gui for usage, but still you can run that from a desktop and connect to necessary servers19:14
ikoniauhelp: seriously, quick fix, install from the desktop cd, configure your applicaiton, disable X - job done19:14
ikoniauhelp: make it easy and clean on yourself19:14
ezra-swhere I work If I ask for X to be installed anywhere they will probably cut me in two19:15
smaudetikonia: I am not getting other upgrades I noticed like pulseaudio, which is version 1.1 when the latest version is 4.0, but that's not firefox. I'm seriously thinking about upgrading, as it may be one contributing factor to some flash issues I'm having atm.19:15
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lhxezra-s: all the more reason to use vim or emacs in a terminal window(s)19:15
ikoniasmaudet: what are you talking about ????19:15
lhxezra-s: what language are you coding?19:15
iampozthis is what happends if i update my computer: it does not start unity and if i type in sudo lightdm, i get this "* Starting load fallback graphics devices        [fail]"19:15
ikoniasmaudet: I said you don't get updates when your release is EOL - youre release is not EOL, so why are you telling me you're getting/not-getting updates19:15
uhelpall: I will go away again and come back ... arg!19:15
ezra-slhx, I am no coder, I mainly do administration tasks19:15
shashankgIs this the right place to ask for help for my screen brightness issue. I can't change my screen brightness in ubuntu 13.04.19:16
ikoniauhelp: no need for htat19:16
uhelp(but thank you)19:16
ikoniauhelp: is there a problem with my suggestion ?19:16
ikoniauhelp: if so we can worth it through19:16
ezra-slhx, bash, a bit of python is all I do, all to help me with those admin tasks19:16
iampozit just takes me to a command prompt asking for my log in and password...19:16
smaudetikonia: what am I talking about? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pulseaudio precise (12.04.2) only has pulseaudio 1.119:16
smaudetsaucy has 4.019:17
mojtabawilee-nilee: I want to expand my /home partition, but I ran out of primary partitions. Do you know what should I do? http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2013-08-23_15_07_58-h60MKA12.png19:17
ikoniasmaudet: you won't get offered those updats, they are a different release19:17
nl287shashankg: have try keys to changing brightness?19:17
iampozmojtaba, cant you just use logical partitions?19:17
smaudetikonia: I know, but several times now I've been presented with some dialog letting me know there are latency problems in PA, which suggests to upgrade to version >= 3.019:17
ikoniasmaudet: so ? I'm missing the point here, what are you expecting to happen ?19:18
mojtabaiampoz: Could you please let me know how should I do that?19:18
uhelpikonia: perhaps I could install the desktop version but I will never understand why there isn't set of package(s) that I cannot install onto the server, do my thing, then uninstall -- in the past with 8.04 server that worked perfectly (12.04 is a step backwards if you cannot do the same)19:18
ikoniauhelp: there is - but you have messed up your install19:18
pepper_chicowhat's a good book, online reference, anything, that's a good reference for commands like readelf, ldd, strace, env that help at diagnostics, process monitoring, dependencies and stuff?19:18
smaudetikonia: which has usually occured when flash has frozen. Point? I was just saying I'm considering trying to upgrade it myself.19:18
ikoniauhelp: it's fixable, however, it will be quicker to just do my other suggesiton19:18
ikoniauhelp: so if there is a reason we can't do the quick suggestion, we can work through the problem19:18
ikoniasmaudet: how are you going to upgrade it ???19:19
iampozare you using gpart? - but really I am not the best person to do this kind of stuff since you could lose all your data if you do somthing wrong...19:19
smaudetikonia: perhaps more conversational, so more appropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic, but...19:19
ikoniasmaudet: you'd need to upgrade the howle OS to the development release.19:19
mojtabaiampoz: Because when I right click on the unallocated area, it just has new and properties options. and when I click new, it says you have four primary partition and you can not make any other partition.19:19
smaudetikonia: manually19:19
shashankgnl287: thanks for the response. I tried using the keys fn+f3/f4. also tried using brightness and lock. none works19:19
ikoniasmaudet: you can't do that19:19
iampozoh i see19:19
mojtabaYes, I am using Gparted19:19
nl287pepper_chico: for example arch linux and gentoo wiki19:19
mojtabaDoes anybody know what should I do?19:20
mojtabaI am new to linux by the way.19:20
iampozmojtaba: humm, not sure then... sorry19:20
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mojtabaiampoz: no problem.19:20
nl287shashankg: it's strange brightness keys working very wall for me19:21
mojtabaAnybody else?19:21
gerihi whats the difference between tap interface and a tun interface?19:21
iampozso I know nvidia is a sensative subject here, but has anyone else reported problems with the lastest update?19:21
add1ct3ddhi there - is there anywhere known to get support specifically to do with bind9 not working properly on ispconfig? im a newbie.19:21
add1ct3ddi am of course on ubuntu19:21
shashankgnl287: I also tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/128463/how-to-control-brightness the top answer mentioned here. it didn't help.19:22
atrusmojtaba: what partition in there is your home dir, that you want to expand?19:22
OerHeksmojtaba, 4 primairy partitions max, true, so remove 1 partition, make an extended, and in that extended start over agin, making logical partitions19:22
mojtabaatrus: /dev/sda619:22
nl287shashankg: i dont know maybe its gnome problem. I have kubuntu19:22
JamesKHello, I have a Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit ISO that I downloaded about 2 months ago from www.ubuntu.com that is 823.1Mb of file size, but when I trying to download the same file from the same location, it is showing 785Mb, why is that? is the previous file I have is corrupted one? I have installed the 1st ISO in a computer and it is working fine BTW. what to do now?19:22
iampozthanks Oerheks, that was a good answer, i think thats what I had to do awhile back when I was messing around with that stuff19:22
mojtabaOerHeks: I am not sure which one should I remove. :(19:22
atrusmojtaba: ugh. yeah, you're in a rough spot. you may need to back up everything elsewhere, repartition dramatically, and then restore.19:23
shashankgok, thanks anyways .19:23
julian-delphikiJamesK: what 13.04 version? :)19:23
Guest47892was wondering if someone can help a noob out... i have 10.04 with linuxcnc. it has been working fine for a while, then i couldnt access the folders through my network all off a sudden. i rebooted ubuntu, and then it appears i lost all privileges somehow. if i click on the applications dropdown menu, it shows nothing. If i click on the system tab, it only shows a few items like about gnome or whatever.19:23
mojtabaOerHeks: Could you please tell which ones are primary? (which one should I delete?)19:23
iampozmojtaba, "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe"19:23
iampozlol jk19:24
mojtabaiampoz: What is that?19:24
lhxezra-s: then why do you need eclipse?19:24
JamesKjulian-delphiki: dont't get what you mean.19:24
smaudetikonia: again, that's not entirely true...unless by 'you can't' you mean the whole depedency tree upgrade (dependent packages) is synonymous with the full dist-upgrade - however I thought ubuntu was more than just an audio server, so forgive me if I have some doubts about that. Its certainly not something I'll find nicely packaged in ubuntu-packages.19:24
julian-delphikiJamesK: are both of them 13.04 desktop?19:24
OerHeksmojtaba, ilooking at your screenshot, remove ALL except sda1 and sda2, those are your windows partitions, and the unallocated space will be freed19:24
smaudetikonia: it is also certainly something I would approch with tepidity and reserve, it is quite difficult to do.19:25
mojtabaOerHeks: Then I will lost all of my data!!19:25
ikoniasmaudet: pulse audio is so intergratted into the desktop you'll find the depenedency tree huge, andyou'll basically end up with a conflicting system - you may as well do it19:25
iampozso I know nvidia is a sensative subject here, but has anyone else reported problems with the lastest update?19:25
JamesKjulian-delphiki: yup, both of them are 13.04, downloaded in same process as described above.19:25
ikoniasmaudet: tehnically you can do it - but common sense says you shouldn't,19:25
evilrobwell crap... I suppose it's time to upgrade.  chrome won't run on my laptop anymore :(19:25
julian-delphikiJamesK: you can verify the checksum of the CD19:26
OerHeksmojtaba, back it up, this configuration looks like a mess19:26
julian-delphikito be sure they're good.19:26
JamesKjulian-delphiki: how to do so?19:26
julian-delphiki!verify | JamesK19:26
ubottuJamesK: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:26
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mojtabaOerHeks: I have also encrypted my computer, does that effect backing up and restoring?19:26
smaudetikonia: what do you mean by 'desktop'? The DE?19:26
iampozso I am assuming no nvidia problems aside from me?19:26
ikoniasmaudet: yes19:27
iampozI mean with the lastest update19:27
shaliniWhen I do sudo gedit I get this warning IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/shashank/.config/ibus/bus is not root!. what does it means?19:27
smaudetikonia: then its not much of an issue: I'm not using Unity.19:27
ikoniasmaudet: you are using a desktop though are you not ?19:27
smaudetikonia: I am. KDE to be precise. Which I am using the latest KDE stuff19:27
ikoniasmaudet: so kde is the desktop too19:27
ikoniapulse audio is still used by kde19:28
mojtabaOerHeks: Do you know what is /dev/sda3?19:28
OerHeksmojtaba, encryption can have effect, losing your keys, etc. and recovering an encrypted partition is hard, so a backup is wise.19:28
mojtabaOerHeks: Is it swap?19:28
OerHeksmojtaba, it is an unrecognized partition, i guess it is empty19:28
smaudetikonia: sure, I know; the desktop environment however is divorced somewhat from the distro release19:29
wilee-nileeGuest47892, Are you running 10.04 as a server only?19:29
mojtabaOerHeks: How can I make sure? and if it is empty, is it counted a primary partition? Can I just delete this one?19:29
smaudetikonia: what remains is to know the graph structure and manually plot the difference(s). Something, as I said, I would approach with great trepidation.19:29
Guest47892wilee-nilee:  no i dont think so19:29
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: can you help me out a bit m8, i get an error when i try to install ubuntu19:29
Guest47892wilee-nilee: it's a cnc mill19:30
ikoniasmaudet: yes, but as the desktop DEPENDS on pulse versions, you'll find that to install pulse, you'll end up upgrading the desktop, and as everything depends on the desktop, other things will update, so basically you'll ennd up with almost full distro upgrade, and a few lose non-upgrade packags which may well break incompatible19:30
HypnotiXubi-console-failed at code 119:30
ikoniasmaudet: I'm not going to argue this any more - just do it, I've lost interest19:30
OerHeksmojtaba, you might want to check it within windows, my best opinion it is empty space19:30
wilee-nileeGuest47892, Just a heads up that the desktop is end of life, but the server is still supported, I saw the linuxcnc so I figured you have a X, not sure on any permissions.19:30
iampozwilee-nilee: Got a quick question - Has there been anyone talking about nvidia problems with the lastest update? (in the last 1-2 weeks)19:31
mojtabaOerHeks: You mean I should boot to windows and then see what is it?19:31
smaudetikonia: ... I don't know what 'interest' there was to have. I never disagreed that it was difficult.19:31
mojtabaOerHeks: Is it possible to see what is it in ubuntu?19:31
wilee-nileeiampoz, what makes you think I know?19:31
Guest47892wilee-nilee: i have no options other than running 10.0419:31
smaudetikonia: unless you have a graph to show me then your words don't mean much to me at the moment.19:31
wilee-nileeGuest47892, I suspected that.19:31
iampozwilee-nilee: because you are awesome and from past experiences with your help, you know everything.19:32
mojtabaOerHeks: I see in disks in ubunut, it shows: size: 4.1 GB (4,096,000,000 bytes)      Partition Type: Linux swap     Content: Unknown19:32
wilee-nileeiampoz, hardly I know nothing about nvidia. ;)19:32
uhelpikonia: i would like to fix the existing install if possible even if it isn't as easy as reinstalling since I feel I will have a better understanding if I fix it19:33
mojtabaOerHeks: Can I delete the swap partition and then make another one, considering it is encrypted.19:33
julian-delphikismaudet: what ikonia is saying is true...19:33
julian-delphikismaudet: i don't understand your very rude attitude, when you're the one wanting help19:33
iampozwilee-nilee: Okay, thanks aways, this is just the first place to go for things need help with19:33
pranavi went offline.. is there a tool or command, to get click location in linux ubuntu terminal ? xdotool only gets current location19:33
iampozthings I need help with*19:33
ikoniauhelp: then do it - if there is a technical reason not to do it, i'll help, but if it's just because you want to fix a mess rather than do a simple solution, I've not got the interest19:33
JamesKjulian-delphiki: hello, it is showing the same MD5Sum as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes ubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.iso , how can be the file size of the ISO differ then?19:33
mojtabawilee-nilee: Could you please take a look at this http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_from_2013-08-23_15_07_58-h60MKA12.1377285497.png19:34
uhelpikonia: ok, I will be back if that doesn't work and then reinstall doesn't work19:34
mojtabawilee-nilee: and let me know what should I do?19:34
smaudetjulian-delphiki: where am I being rude? I apologize if it seems that way.19:34
wilee-nileemojtaba, You have been being advised, what is the end goal here?19:35
smaudetjulian-delphiki: I think perhaps irc is not a good medium to be judging whether someone is being rude.19:35
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mojtabawilee-nilee: I want to add that unallocated area to my /home partition, but it says that I have four primary partition and it does not allow me to make new one.19:36
julian-delphikismaudet: you seem to be rejecting help and telling someone who KNOWS WHAT THEYRE DOING that their words dont mean anything to you.19:36
wilee-nileemojtaba, which is the home partition?19:36
mojtabawilee-nilee: sda619:36
nl287mojtaba: then add logical partition19:36
uhelpmojtaba: you can mount the largest user's home partition into this space19:37
mojtabanl287: It does not allow me to add anything19:37
smaudetjulian-delphiki: The only 'help' I was offered was to run a dist-upgrade. If I don't want to run a dist-upgrade, that's not a lot of help, is it?19:37
julian-delphikismaudet: why would you not want to run a dist-upgrade?19:37
nl287mojtaba: then remove one of primary19:37
mojtabauhelp: I have just one user.19:37
smaudetjulian-delphiki: Are you aware of what LTS is?19:37
wilee-nileemojtaba, You can only exspand the extended to take up that space after removing the swap to do so, andf then resize the home, then put the swap in the extended, I would not run an encrypted OS either.19:37
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julian-delphikismaudet: are you aware that dist-upgrade doesn't remove you from LTS, all it does it maybe upgrade the kernel19:38
JamesKjulian-delphiki: please, reply.19:38
bazhangsmaudet, a dist-upgrade does NOT change versions19:38
mojtabanl287: Is swap partition primary partition? (it is encrypted at the moment though)19:38
uhelpmojtaba: then you can mount a directory of your user as this partition (maybe media files, etc)19:38
smaudetjulian-delphiki: no, I was not. How is that possible?19:38
julian-delphikiJamesK: I'm not sure.19:38
wilee-nileemojtaba, its not in a extended it is a primary19:38
julian-delphikismaudet: because do-release-upgrade or w/e is the command that upgrades toa different ubuntu version19:38
bazhang!dist-upgrade | smaudet19:38
ubottusmaudet: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.19:38
mrmowgliAnyone know what package includes the 'elf' command line tool?19:38
uhelpmojtaba: you can combine the partitions but to do so you need to take the data off of them, delete the partitions, make a new partition the size of both, and then put the data back19:38
mojtabawilee-nilee: swap should be in extended?19:39
wilee-nileeuhelp, Thats incorrect19:39
HypnotiXshould i create ext2 or ext4 for my main partition19:39
fbdystangHi, please help. I have ubuntu 13.04 getting stuck at boot and giving me a blinking cursor. nomodeset and removing quiet splash allow text but it still gets stuck. Please advise19:39
smaudetSo if I run dist-upgrade,  what, that will do what? Upgrade all my packages? And leave me on 12.04.2?19:39
uhelpwilee-nilee: that is the easiest way19:39
wilee-nileemojtaba, Not necessarily you could move ot to being next to the first two primaries.19:39
mojtabauhelp: Will I lose my data if I delete the swap partition?19:39
wilee-nileeuhelp, To you maybe19:39
wilee-nileemojtaba, no19:40
smaudetThis concept is rather confusing.19:40
HypnotiXshould i create ext2 or ext4 for my main partition anyone please19:40
smaudetWill this get me to pulseaudio >=3?19:40
mojtabawilee-nilee: What is the swap partition for?19:40
uhelpmojtaba: be sure to use swapoff before you remove a swap partition then it should be ok to remove it19:40
micaelbergeronmojdata, the swap partition is just a 'working' area for your system in the event it needs more virtual memory.19:40
wilee-nileemojtaba, For when the memeory gets used up and hibernating19:40
mojtabawilee-nilee: If I delete the swap partition, then can I make a new partition using the unallocated one and the removed swap?19:40
wilee-nileemojtaba, Yes, you can have 3 primaries there.19:41
mojtabauhelp: As you can see, ubuntu can not determine the file system; I think because it is encrypted. What should I do now?19:41
wilee-nileein that space on the HD you have two with windows now. mojtaba19:41
HypnotiXsigh have been trying to get my pc working again since last night after ubuntu decided not to boot anymore19:41
nl287mojtaba: u cen safely remove swap19:41
julian-delphikismaudet: it may take you to 12.04.319:42
julian-delphiki(if thats out yet, i forget)19:42
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, ext4 is the standard use19:42
julian-delphikiah, nope, it hasn't19:42
uhelpmojtaba: if you have a swap partition which you are not currently using as swap you can always remove that partition19:42
mojtabanl287: Without swapping off?19:42
wilee-nileemojtaba, has to be off to remove, are you on a live cd?19:42
uhelpmojtaba: sudo swapoff -a19:42
nl287mojtaba: with swapping off19:43
HypnotiXso why do i always get an error with 13.04 on install if i create a swap partition is so dumb19:43
mojtabawilee-nilee: Yes, I am using live cd19:43
smaudetjulian-delphiki, bazhang: Actually, I just ran that in my term, I'm already on 12.04.3 (my bad), and it only is going to install 6 new packages, and no new pulseaudio =/19:43
mojtabauhelp: Thanks.19:43
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, Are you breaking the partitio type and amount rules?19:43
smaudet12.04.2 was the release last I checked, I didn't know if I'd been put on 12.04.3 yet was all19:43
julian-delphikismaudet: *shrug* it was worth a shot, they usually don't update major versions in LTS19:43
shashankgI want to scan my hardrive using clamav. when I tried sudo freshclam it returned  "/etc/clamav/freshclam.conf must have no more than 0700 permissions." what is it. and how to update my virus database to scan the hard drive.19:43
julian-delphikiso, smaudet, do YOU know what LTS is ;)19:44
nl287mojtaba: u can very easy odd swapfile on any partition, even on '/'19:44
smaudetYes, I do.19:44
HypnotiXno i just hit install and the installer creates an ext4 and a swap and then i get an error saying swap cant be mounted19:44
smaudetStable packages, for the most part. I.e. I'm not on the crazyness of the 6 month release cycle.19:44
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, Can you take a screen shot of the HD with gparted and imagebin it?19:44
julian-delphikismaudet: right, and it won't upgrade a packge from 2->3 in an LTS19:44
smaudetOr 1 year, whatever it is.19:44
smaudetjulian-delphiki: exactly19:45
mojtabanl287: odd swapfile?19:45
guntbertshashankg: show us the output of   ls -l /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf19:45
uhelpmojtaba: he meant add19:45
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: its empty right now no partitions on the HDD, im on a live cd19:45
mojtabauhelp: nl287: Thank you all. wilee-nilee19:45
HypnotiXwilee-nilee:  tryied to create an ext4 partition with gparted and i get an error19:45
nl287mojtaba: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/19:45
smaudetjulian-delphiki: nevertheless if a package starts showing signs of wear and tear it might be a good idea to try to look at manually upgrading, depending on how much trouble it is.19:45
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, make a new partition table then do the install, I'm not sure what you problems actually are I have not followed.19:46
shashankgguntbert: -r--r--r-- 1 clamav adm 830 Aug 22 12:49 /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf19:46
julian-delphikismaudet: i'd say it's probably not worth the trouble, since a bunch of ubuntu-desktop packages rely on it19:46
smaudetjulian-delphiki: right,  and I'm using kubuntu-desktop - so I have to look at my graphs to see exactly how much troulbe that is.19:47
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, Didn't you 0 out the HD?19:47
smaudetWithout graphs, I can't see how much trouble it is.19:47
nl287mojtaba: 1. dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=524288 2. mkswap /swapfile 3. swapon /swapfile ... and u have swap without swap partition19:47
HypnotiXwilee-nilee:  tried to19:47
smaudetHence the comment about ikonia's words not being of very much use to me.19:47
julian-delphikismaudet: i'm not sure what you mean by "graphs"19:47
smaudetSince I want to see how much trouble it is19:47
smaudetDependency graphs19:47
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, YOu need a new partition table you can do it in gparted19:48
mojtabanl287: Is it better to have swap file or swap partition?19:48
smaudetAt least I will once these 6 or so packages upgrade :)19:48
uhelpmojtaba: the best answer is to have a device just for swap like a small but very fast ssd19:48
wilee-nileemojtaba, file works nicely, but I don't think it works for a hibernate sistuation is all.19:48
HypnotiXwilee-nilee:   i am trying but it wont work19:48
nl287mojtaba: i think swap partition may be faster but i am not sure19:48
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, trying what and how?19:48
uhelpmojtaba: however that is overkill so the next best option is a partition19:49
smaudetjulian-delphiki: I'll show you the graph once I get it generated19:49
HypnotiXwilee-nilee:   to created a primary ext4 partition with gparted19:49
uhelpmojtaba: although a file may be equally fast as all options if swap isn't used (much)19:49
julian-delphikismaudet: oh, using apt-rdepends?19:49
* OerHeks never seen encrypted swap with encrypted partitions19:49
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, You need a new partition table first.19:49
guntbertshashankg: you can fulfill the requirements with    sudo chmod -v 0700 /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf19:49
HypnotiXwilee-nilee:   ok19:49
smaudetjulian-delphiki: sure, I was using debtree, but that could work too19:49
wilee-nileeOerHeks, lvm does that I have seen it19:49
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wilee-nileeas I have seen rather*19:50
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, Do you know how to do that?19:50
HypnotiXwilee-nilee:   of course not :)19:50
OerHekswilee-nilee, i know it is possible, but regarding security i think it is not done.19:51
shashankgguntbert: now sudo freshclam is showing Can't open/parse the config file /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf error.19:51
fbdystangHi, please help. I have ubuntu 13.04 getting stuck at boot and giving me a blinking cursor. nomodeset and removing quiet splash allow text but it still gets stuck. Please advise19:51
HypnotiXwilee-nilee:   so i hit create partition table, i select msdos ?19:51
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, gparted-device-create new partition table accept the msdos19:51
wilee-nileeyep Hyperbyte19:52
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, yep19:52
wilee-nileeHyperbyte, sorry19:52
HypnotiXok done now19:52
chamunkscannot open protocol file /proc/net/tcp no such file or directory19:52
chamunksfrom running fuser -n tcp 2551119:52
wilee-nileeOerHeks, I think you are right, why anyone bothers is the question. ;)19:53
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: i think its done now i create my ext4 ? and swap maybe?19:53
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, Should work now.19:53
mojtabaOerHeks: sudo ecryptfs-setup-swap. This will encrypt your swap partition19:53
chamunksI'm trying to fix a "Failed to bind to port" problem.19:53
shashankgguntbert: I use internet via proxy server. so I added the following to the freshclam.conf http://pastebin.com/Nq5finVa maybe it is causing a problem19:53
mladouxOS: Ubuntu 13.04 Server Issue: Apache can't find java because the JAVA environment variable is not set. Which file would I set this in?19:54
guntbertshashankg: sorry, I am not good with clamav, please try      sudo chmod -v 0660 /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf (I don't know how serious they take that <0700  requirement)19:54
smaudetmladoux: .bashrc19:54
mladouxI don't want to set it system-wide for everyone. I'm trying something with the envvars file right now...19:54
mojtabaOerHeks: This is the link: http://www.howtogeek.com/116032/how-to-encrypt-your-home-folder-after-installing-ubuntu/19:55
pranavis there a small terminal based tool in ubuntu which can return me the mouse clicked location ?19:55
guntbertshashankg: shouldn't cause that problem, and if that was really your password please remove that entry again from the pastebin19:55
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: i still get an error when i try to create a partition19:56
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, what is the error?19:56
chamunksany idea as to how I can fix this tcp thing?19:56
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: i dont know gparted just doesnt create the partition19:56
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, have you rebooted the live cd since you have done all this voodoo?19:57
DereChi all, running ubuntu 12.04 headless, and trying to connect external usb hdd, but im not able to mount it, basicly ubuntu cant read it, but on laptom with same ubuntu works allright, any idea?19:57
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: no19:57
shashankgguntbert: still showing the same cant' parse... error. Thanks for your concern but the proxy password is not a serious issue.19:57
pranavk time to write a c program to do that now..19:57
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HypnotiXwilee-nilee: actually i rebooted right before we started talking19:58
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, I would and try again, I assume you have used gparted by actually running it with the green check mark.19:58
adamkDereC: What does 'dmesg' show after you plug the drive in?19:58
smaudetthe r-depends are not very bad19:58
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, Try one partition at a time, have you just run the auto install?19:58
smaudetits the forward depends which are a nightmare19:58
ironfoot495mladoux: are you there???19:58
shashankgguntbert:  can you tell me what this means IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/shashank/.config/ibus/bus is not root!19:58
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: green checkmark ? i just ran it from unity19:58
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, gparted has a run in its panel looks like a green check mark generally19:59
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, Take a screenshot of gparted and imagebin it.19:59
ironfoot495I found out that all my .so files are not seen in the php.ini file.20:00
guntbertshashankg: I haven't seen such a warning, from what command do you get it - that file should NOT be owned by root20:00
* ezra-s bye20:00
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:00
uhelppranav: perhaps I missed your msg but you want something that tracks mouse usage?20:00
DereCadamk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6019056/20:00
ironfoot495so I'm trying to find a clean way to install them on my php.ini.20:00
chamunks"cannot open protocol file /proc/net/tcp no such file or directory"  from running fuser -n tcp 2551120:00
uhelppranav: I would look at the source for xeyes20:00
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: http://imagebin.org/26854520:00
shashankgguntbert:  it happens every time I do sudo gedit /etc/anyfile20:00
ironfoot495is that possible?20:01
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, This is a western digital HD right?20:01
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: yes20:01
pranavuhelp: hmm.. thanks!20:01
mladouxironfoot495, what?20:01
guntbertshashankg: ah, you shouldn't do that (never call a GUI app with sudo, use gksudo instead)20:01
adamkDereC: Either there is a problem with the USB port(s) on that computer, there's a bug in the xhci kernel driver, or there's some incompatibility somewhere.20:02
guntbert!gksudo | shashankg20:02
ubottushashankg: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:02
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, If I recall a couple of them did not work with linux, look on the web with that exact model and check this20:02
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: i had ubuntu running fine for the last two weeks on this exact same hardware20:02
Extreminadorhow can i run some programs with administrator privileges ? i mean if i open the program a password input shold appear before20:03
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DereCadamk, tried to turn off usb3.0 support on mobo, and tried blacklist uas but no succes20:03
ironfoot495I've left some messages along the way.20:03
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, I have to assume you know what your doing the hd looks to be ready for partitions, I would try a reboot, then do a partition build or auto install.20:03
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: this morning after some partial upgrade thing it just went nuts, and i tried to reinstall it20:03
guntbertshashankg: about clamav: please revert what I made you try with      sudo chmod -v 0444 /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf   then ask the channel again to find someone with better knowledge about clamav20:03
DereCadamk, so try to update kernel?20:03
Extreminadorusing the desktop... i am asking this because the ubuntu software center is not working corrrectly with enlightment desktop enviroment20:04
HypnotiXwilee-nilee: now here i am with my hdd wiped and no hope in sight :)20:04
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HypnotiXwilee-nilee: ill reboot now and try again20:05
chamunksI know that a reboot would be helpful but I've got a heap of servers that cant really afford the reboot at the moment.20:05
shashankgok. Can you help with the brightness issue with my laptop . I can't change the brightness of my laptop. I tried the top  answer here. It doesn't help. http://askubuntu.com/questions/128463/how-to-control-brightness20:05
wilee-nileeHypnotiX, the disks app on the live cd have a smart check as well20:05
shashankgguntbert: ok. Can you help with the brightness issue with my laptop . I can't change the brightness of my laptop. I tried the top  answer here. It doesn't help. http://askubuntu.com/questions/128463/how-to-control-brightness20:06
wilee-nileeshashankg, Have you searched google with the exact computer model, hardware and this problem?20:07
uhelpshashankg: on mine you have to plug it in for maximum brightness20:07
uhelpshashankg: (at least on my old lenovo)20:07
guntbertshashankg: sorry, never had to do anything in that way - I carefully (and somewhat expensively) picked my laptop for compatibility with linux20:08
shashankgwilee-nilee: uhelp: I searched and found that solution. but it doesn't work for my laptop.20:10
uhelpshashankg: check proc for some directory having do to with your screen and also bios20:10
shashankgguntbert: ok thanks for helping me.20:10
guntbertshashankg: I didn't really, did I?20:11
mdevhow can I terminate a shell script with killall20:11
uhelpshashankg: i had a laptop with a file in /proc that I could echo -n numbers into to change the brightness20:11
shashankgWell you tried and that is really appreciable.20:12
uhelpmdev: killall -9 bash20:12
uhelp mdev: killall -9 sh20:12
uhelpmdev (depending on which shell your script is using)20:12
saxinWhen you are using netflix in Ubuntu, I can't use the addon that makes me able to see the movies from the USA. Anyone know how I can get around that? :)20:13
shashankgunhelp: which file in /proc?20:13
mladouxmeh, gotta run, I think I got it figured out.20:13
uhelpsaxin: you could use vmware for netflix only (cheat your way out of the problem) I don't know about the plugin but windows-only sofware is a hard problem to fix20:14
uhelpcat /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/DD02/brightness20:15
syntroPiwhy on earth is remmina so badly broken? it wont connect anymore, purging it and releting ~./remmina then reinstalling it and i cant even save any session templates anymore? is there a ppa for better quality package?20:15
uhelp(but your /proc will be different)20:15
shashankgunhelp: What will this solution do? http://thanhsiang.org/faqing/node/180 can it help. ?20:16
smaudethttps://mega.co.nz/#!IAgAzC6a!NlwWg3K0A_E3HK6Y7xIXIglxJKNijq5YSXhnCOcKDdQ , <julian-delphiki>20:16
uhelpshashankg: you have to find your files in /proc because every vendor is different20:17
uhelpshashankg: or maybe you don't have it at all20:17
uhelpshashankg: or maybe you need to install some device driver to have it20:17
julian-delphikismaudet: oh my20:17
julian-delphikithats a mess20:17
uhelpshashankg: so look for it in all of proc and if you find it GREAT and if not so sorry it isn't your answer20:17
=== naz904 is now known as goose209
goose209When will ubuntu 13.10 be officially released20:21
bekksIn 10/2013.20:21
uhelpgoose209: OCT(10) 20(13)20:21
smaudetjulian-delphiki: yeah partly 'cause I don't know how to use debtree very effectively yet, here's a cut down version without recursive dependencies: http://imagebin.org/26854820:24
smaudetjulian-delphiki: what would be useful to me know would be the dependency graph from 13.04 or 13.10; anyone mind running a couple command for me so I can compare?20:24
uhelpdoes anyone have a question that hasn't been answered? (not that I would know but I have a minute while I am waiting for a reboot)20:25
Extreminadoruhelp, me20:25
smaudetuhelp: if you have 10 minutes an raring/saucy and some terminal chops, perhaps20:25
Extreminadorhow can i run some programs with administrator privileges ? i mean if i open the program a password input shold appear before20:25
Extreminadorusing the desktop... i am asking this because the ubuntu software center is not working corrrectly with enlightment desktop enviroment20:26
argomay be need use sudo20:26
uhelpExtreminador: you can type su then root password then start the app from the command line20:26
bekksgksudo / gksu / kdesu20:26
bekkssudo for graphical applications is - no good idea.20:26
Extreminadorwell but i was asking something like to change that in the menus with out the need of use a terminal20:27
bekksuhelp: you cannot type su since that bwould require a root password being set.20:27
Extreminadorbecuase actuyaly is what i am using sudo software.center20:27
bekks!root | uhelp20:27
ubottuuhelp: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:27
bekksExtreminador: You want to use gksu instead of sudo20:27
Extreminadorbekks, ahhh thats why sometimes some things does not work20:28
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uhelpbekks: you can set a root password -- it isn't as much a problem as some people would have you believe20:28
bekksuhelp: I know that - by default, there is no pw set.20:28
KalelI'm tryin' to burn an iso W7 onto a dvd. I got an error: Anybody already had this situation?20:28
Extreminadorsow i will always need to use a terminal ?20:29
bekksKalel: Without knowing the ubuntu version, the burning program, and the error message? No.20:29
bekksExtreminador: No.20:29
uhelpExtreminador: you can change the icon to run something like ssh -X root@localhost your-app and add id_rsa,pub to your root authorized_keys20:29
uhelpExtreminador: correction id_rsa.pub20:30
OerHeksKalel maybe a bad download, who can tell with w7 ?20:30
Extreminadorand where is the file or how can i change that option menu (not a icon)20:30
bekksssh root login should always be disabled due to security reasons.20:30
Extreminadori am using the enlightment desktoptop enviroment20:30
bekksIt is one of the worst ideas to enable ssh root login.20:30
Extreminadorbut bekks  i want that only active for the software-center20:30
Kalelbekks: Ubuntu 13.04 - Brasero : Error while burning.. Thats it.20:30
KalelOerHeks: Windows 7 iso..20:30
bekksExtreminador: Then forget about ssh root login.20:30
bekksKalel: NEver used braser. I always use k3b.20:31
ipauldevI am having an issue with apt-get. System ran out of disk space during an upgrade... now a broken apt-get20:31
uhelpbekks: it would solve his problem20:31
bekksuhelp: It will not. It will enable security risks he isnt even aware of.20:31
Kalel'SCSI error on write(0,16): [2 04 08] Drive not ready. Logical unit is not ready.'20:31
smaudetIf someone using 13.04 or 13.10 (and who uses pulseaudio) could give me the output of this command: debtree -R --max-depth 1 pulseaudio > pulseaudiodeps.dot && dot -Tpng pulseaudiodeps.dot > pulseaudiodeps.png20:32
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KalelI cannot eject the media. I have to reboot the machine. I'll come back fellas...20:32
uhelpbekks: what is the security risk if the files he cares about are under his personal account anyway?  This isn't a big multi-user system.20:32
Extreminadorhumm well i don want to have unecessary risks20:32
bekksExtreminador: Then dont use ssh root logins.20:32
ipauldevunmet dependencies, must force, so I add -f, then Internal Error, No file name for libssl1.0.0, then I try to remove that and I get a bunch of packages with "but it is not going to be installed"20:33
smaudetNote; to run that you will need to 'sudo apt-get install debtree dot' if you don't already have those20:33
bekksuhelp: The risk is opening up a system to an attacker. You arent safe just because you leave your car open and no one steals it. It just that no one stole it yet.20:33
Extreminadorsow there is no way for example to use pop up a password input when opening the software-center20:34
uhelpbekks: what is the risk that wouldn't exist for ssh open for the user if the account is secured by a private key?20:34
uhelpbekks: I am not sure why this is a bad idea for single-user systems in the case of private key?20:35
smaudetExtreminador: This isn's so much advice as a technical possibility; you could setup root with a desktop environment, but then that would only be for root...and there are a bunch of other problems with doing that, so don't.20:35
bekksuhelp: having a root pw in addition to a key auth and not disabling pw auth explicitely is in invitation for brute force attacks.20:35
smaudetExtreminador: otherwise the best solution would be a 'preview mode'20:36
uhelpbekks: password auth isn't worse than key auth if the password isn't weak (for instance use base64 of key as password)20:36
smaudetIn the case of the software center you could just use only apt-get20:37
bekksuhelp: Basically, it is worse.20:37
smaudetsudo stays logged in as long as you are using it frequently20:37
uhelpbekks: if someone uses 12345 as their password it is bad but if the password is strong I am not aware of any issues20:37
bekksuhelp: You cant type a 4096bit key that easy - using a password.20:37
smaudetIs it possible to purchase stuff using the software center?20:37
smaudetI mean20:37
uhelpbekks: you can if it is a phrase or if you copy/paste20:37
FloodBot1smaudet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
bekksuhelp: And if you cant, it is not that easy.20:38
smaudetFloodBot1: thanks, I'm not flooding.20:38
Extreminadorsmaudet, yup...20:38
Extreminadorsmaudet, apt-get install program20:38
bekksuhelp: and brute force attackers mostly dont copy&paste your password.20:38
smaudetExtreminador: no I mean for stuff that requires a credit card20:38
smaudete.g. purchased apps20:38
uhelpbekks: everyone can use a phrase -- there is nothing which prevents strong passwords other than people just not bothering to type them20:39
Extreminadorsmaudet, that i don know...20:39
smaudetExtreminador: that's pretty much the only reason to use the software center, other than I suppose previews20:39
smaudetI've never used it myself.20:39
uhelpbekks: a key is just a long password20:39
smaudetI 'shop' on the interwebz for applications, then apt-get them if they exist.20:40
smaudetUsually has better documentation and pictures online anyways.20:40
bekksuhelp: Nope. key based auth and passphrase based auth work differently.20:40
Extreminadorwell smaudet u use it because it's easyer to read and search for stuff20:40
Extreminadorinstead use the terminal20:40
smaudetExtreminador: synaptic does the same job20:40
smaudetif you don't want to search with apt-cache20:41
smaudetIf you aren't buying an application its just slightly prettier...although it sucks for package management.20:41
Extreminadorspecialy that... the cache search it's a little un-praticak20:41
smaudetExtreminador: not for someone comfortable (like me) with cmd line20:42
uhelpbekks: they need not.  What I think you mean is that linux passwords don't use public key cryptography but they could if that was the chosen method.  Keys don't need to be used with public key cryptography systems either even though ssh does use it in this fashion.20:42
smaudetExtreminador: synaptic is nicer for showing dependencies than apt-cache20:42
smaudetbut if you don't care about dependencies apt-cache is better.20:42
bekksuhelp: They are different, in fact. Even if they dont need to be - bot approaces are implemented differently.20:42
Extreminadoruhelp and bekks , sow the problem that you guys are talking about is about if my password is a easy password or a hard one20:43
smaudete.g. if I want to find a browser in cmd line its just: apt-cache search browser20:43
Extreminadorsmaudet, i will try it...20:43
bekksExtreminador: Basically - instead of a password, you can use stronger key based authentication, without the need to type a password.20:43
uhelpExtreminador: ssh keys can be up to 4096 bits20:43
smaudetand if you are looking for a particular browser e.g. apt-cache search browser | grep chrome20:43
bekksExtreminador: And, in addition, you can even use keys that require a password, too.20:43
Extreminadoruffffff lool20:44
Extreminadorlet me check what a key based authentication is20:44
smaudetExtreminador: long password20:45
qwertyfim trying out pear os and i broke it and where should i go to talk about how to fix it20:45
smaudetThat you will never remember ;)20:45
bekksExtreminador: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH20:45
smaudetExtreminador: they look a little like this:20:45
Extreminadorahh ok got it...20:45
Extreminadorlike a 64bits password20:45
Extreminadorbut the guys were discussing back there they talk about the password being easy or harder20:46
delinquentmeis there a command to toggle the windowed vrs full screen state of a window?20:46
uhelpExtreminador: although you don't type the password the key is like a password stored as a file on your hard drive20:46
smaudetExtreminador: the password is still there though, because generally you protect the password with a password20:46
smaudetSo you encrypt the password, now called the key, with a shorter password20:47
uhelpExtreminador: anyone who can get access to your hard drive can extract that key (which in turn can be password protected but need not be)20:47
Extreminadorwhat diference there is beetween a pop up window password (to write the password before the program opens) and write it on a terminal ?20:47
smaudetuhelp, Extreminador: which, again, means choosing strong passwords is still important20:47
bekksExtreminador: There is no difference in typing the password. There is a huge difference in the named applications.20:47
smaudetsince its still possible to just brute force the encryption on the key...20:47
smaudetEspecially if you chose something simple like 'dog' or 'cat' for your key-password20:48
Extreminadorsow having a pop up windows to ask for the password for a particular program is not the real issue right ?20:48
smaudetFor super important passwords I recommend writing down a giant password and locking it up in a safe. That way, at least they have to break into the safe to get the key to your key >_>20:49
bekksExtreminador: One of the issues is: do not use sudo for graphical applications.20:49
uhelpExtreminador: actually they can shine a lazer at your window from a km away and when you type the sound waves vibrate the lazer and they can record your key strokes20:49
Extreminadorbekks, yup that i did not knew i am using now gksu20:49
smaudetuhelp: article?20:50
Extreminadoruhelp, and that will not happen if is it on a terminal ?20:50
ihreI have 2 LANS, .1.0 and .2.0, my laptop is connected to the .2.0 network, and my desktop to the .1.0. If I connect a cable to the laptop on the .2.0 LAN, could I access the .1.0 LAN with my desktop in any way?20:50
smaudetExtreminador: it will, the only difference is that they have to break into your house later20:51
Extreminadorahhh  got it...20:51
smaudetSo in case of government agents with super-lasers, lock the hard drive up in the safe when you leave as well ;)20:51
smaudetAnd get one of those really big safes that require at least an hour to saw into with more lasers.20:51
Extreminadorwell my password has letter, numbers and some special chars20:52
Extreminadorbut yehh i will use them a terminal to open the software-center20:52
Extreminadorbut i will test as well the20:52
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smaudetbekks: re not using sudo for graphical applications; how about text editors?20:52
smaudetAnd command lines, for that matter.20:53
smaudetbekks: drop into vt1 whenever you need to sudo?20:53
uhelpExtreminador: don't worry -- the donut-super-sausage-tits agents mainly focus their surveillance on teenage girls in USA http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Parenting/pennsylvania-school-fbi-probe-webcam-students-spying/story?id=990548820:53
smaudetOr did you just mean graphical as in gimp, inkscape, photoshop, firefox, etc20:53
xteejxQ: Can sed split files?20:54
Ciraheya... I had wireshark up and running, then I uninstalled it, then I reinstalled it, and now it wont start. Keeps saying it cant find libwiretap.so.2... Running Kubuntu... Any ideas what's wrong?20:54
CiraI have located the missing library in: /usr/lib/libwiretap.so.220:54
smaudetuhelp; true, but who says someone didn't sell one of those lasers to a foreign government when then recruited the local Mexican maffia to spy on your house?20:54
Extreminadorlool uhelp well actualy i have my web cam with the "door" close20:54
Extreminadorit's rare i use that...20:55
uhelpsmaudet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_microphone  <-- I am not joking that these things exist20:56
smaudetuhelp: and I'm not joking either; who says they don't sell those to the highest bidder in XYZ country?20:57
uhelpsmaudet: and you can absolutely record sound and turn it into keystrokes20:57
smaudetThe mexican maffia is still a problem last I check as well20:57
smaudetAnd whatever other maffia you like in non US countries for that matter20:57
Extreminadoruhelp, record sound and turn it to keystrokes ohhh... the correct keystrokes ?20:58
Extreminadori know some people that it seems they are using a hammer when writing in a keyboard20:59
Extreminadorwill that work as well ?20:59
=== Dillon is now known as Guest65583
=== Guest65583 is now known as Dillons
uhelpExtreminador: yes ... even the amount of time between keys alone gives a good clue as to what is typed20:59
DillonsI have a question20:59
smaudetuhelp: there are several companies which specialize in virus and exploit creation, and sell 'surveillance' packages to global governments. Why not throw a couple mics in to boot?21:00
HypnotiXHow can i check if my hdd is dead or dying on a live cd21:00
uhelpExtreminador: the space bar often sounds different enough to the human ear to to know the number of words and the number of characters in each21:00
compdocHypnotiX, read the SMART info21:00
DillonsIf i use Ubuntu ami still able to use windows 7 if i ever want to21:00
compdocdisk utility can do that21:00
uhelpsmaudet: windows has enough 0-day boogs to not need too many microphones21:00
HypnotiXcompdoc: it says ok on all21:01
smaudetuhelp: I hope no one in here is using windows regulalry21:01
Dillonsuhelp: If i use Ubuntu ami still able to use windows 7 if i ever want to21:01
HypnotiXcomdoc but i cant install any partitions on it21:01
compdocHypnotiX, it says healthy?21:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:01
smaudetIdleOne: srry21:01
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ExtreminadorDillons, atm i have both installed... you need to configure your boot to pop up always to ask what you want to open21:02
HypnotiXassesments are ok21:02
compdocHypnotiX, does it have a partition type set? use gparted to set the type: either ms-dos or gpt21:02
DillonsIs there anything you have to do specifically to make it where you can still use windows 721:02
HypnotiXthe table is msdos21:03
smaudetRegards to my question: can anyone run 'debtree -R --max-depth 1 pulseaudio > pulseaudiodeps.dot && dot -Tpng pulseaudiodeps.dot > pulseaudiodeps.png' for me, who has 13.04/13.10?21:03
uhelpsmaudet: I use Windows all the time for websites that won't allow me to use anything other than IE21:03
smaudetuhelp: that's what god made vm's for21:03
compdocHypnotiX, gparted is pretty good at creating partitions. but if the drive had some error, it may be in read-only mode as set in fstab21:04
uhelpsmaudet: do I have any native windows installs --- no ... but I do use it in the VM when I am forced21:04
smaudet!ot | uhelp21:04
ubottuuhelp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:04
IdleOneuhelp smaudet Please feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic and chit chat :)21:04
HypnotiXcompdoc:  so how can i check if thats the case?21:04
ExtreminadorDillons, i don't remember very well what you need to do... but i have done it 3 days ago... i was traying to remember as well  the expression the people uses to that boot login21:04
Extreminadorwait for someone else to explain to you...21:04
uhelpsmaudet: why am I being told it is off topic if you are saying "uhelp: that's what god made vm's for"21:05
smaudet!ot | uhelp21:05
F00LY|LovesAmandHey guys! Student here with a question if someone doesnt mind answering or PMing me. I'm taking some Bioinformatics programming courses. Lots of programming work (Perl / Python / C) and learning terminal commands (sed, ls, cd, etc).  I did this for undergrad, and working on Windows at home, but on Mac OSX at school was a nightmare.  I was considering buying a Macbook Pro to make my life easier21:05
F00LY|LovesAmand.  Then I saw the price *_*  If I buy a Windows based PC and install Ubuntu on it, will I still have the same nightmare learning programming commands / system administration commands? Should I just buy the Macbook to make my life easier? Or does Linux have a similar "Terminal" to mac that can make my life easy?21:05
=== F00LY|LovesAmand is now known as F00LY
uhelpsmaudet: why would you be happy to talk about this then "!ot | uhelp"?21:06
ExtreminadorDillons, it's called grub21:06
Dillonswhat happens if we dont have a disk to burn it to21:06
compdocHypnotiX, not certain how to tell. maybe if you opened a term window and tried to create a file with nano or something21:07
frenksudo ifconfig21:07
ExtreminadorDillons, you mean the ubuntu instalation ?21:07
NikThAh, finally..  â†’ http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.3/21:07
HypnotiXcomdoc but i have no partitions right now, im on a live cd21:07
=== Monotoko is now known as Guest58947
HypnotiXand my hdd is unpartitioned21:08
Dillonsi dont have a disk around my house21:08
ExtreminadorDillons, you can use a pen ... but them you need to put the pen bootable21:08
ExtreminadorDillons, i remember long time ago that i did that... but i don't remember what did i do...21:09
ExtreminadorDillons, google for create a pen bootable21:09
F00LYRepeating myself for anyone who just joined, sorry for the inconvenience.21:09
F00LYHey guys! Student here with a question if someone doesnt mind answering or PMing me. I'm taking some Bioinformatics programming courses. Lots of programming work (Perl / Python / C) and learning terminal commands (sed, ls, cd, etc).  I did this for undergrad, and working on Windows at home, but on Mac OSX at school was a nightmare.  I was considering buying a Macbook Pro to make my life easier21:09
F00LY.  Then I saw the price *_*  If I buy a Windows based PC and install Ubuntu on it, will I still have the same nightmare learning programming commands / system administration commands? Should I just buy the Macbook to make my life easier? Or does Linux have a similar "Terminal" to mac that can make my life easy?21:09
FloodBot1F00LY: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
compdocHypnotiX, ooops, sorry21:10
dopiehow do i move a file to another destination21:10
bekksF00LY: You will have to learn the same with MacOSX.21:10
frenkAndrew J. Caines21:10
NikThUnetbootin is a good creation tool for Ubuntu Live USB sticks.. http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:10
compdocHypnotiX, do you open gparted with sudo? or does it ask a password when it opens?21:11
smaudetFOOLY: questions in one paragraph21:11
F00LYHmm? I thought that was one paragraph.21:11
smaudetFOOLY: re your question, no, Linux has better terminals that OSX21:11
smaudetFOOLY: then your agent is splitting the question, your question is too verbose?21:11
HypnotiXcompdoc: sec im trying something21:12
smaudetFOOLY: although i've not used 10.8 (last used 10.6.8), osx's Terminal was pretty atrocious.21:12
F00LYSmaudet: Ah, thats probably it then. Okay. So, if I buy a PC-based laptop and install Ubuntu, I can do any "administration" style homework / programming homework, and bring it to the school MAC21:12
F00LYSmaudet: and be okay?21:12
bekksF00LY: No, since MacOSX isnt Ubuntu.21:12
smaudetFOOLY: unless you need a mac for some other reason, definitely.21:12
F00LYOkay, im getting 2 conflicting answers.21:13
smaudetFOOLY: All the unix stuff you need is going to be there.21:13
smaudetIf you need a more 'native' UNIX implementation, you could always use FreeBSD21:13
NikThdopie:  From terminal, you can use mv command or cp (to just copy it)21:14
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smaudetFOOLY: the only reason you'd need an osx would be if you needed to learn some specific OSX administration stuff, or if you needed an OSX program e.g. Final Cut Pro, but it doesn't sound like you do.21:14
F00LYYeah, Im just learning to program and do basic terminal commands for moving files, password protecting, etc.21:15
fbdystangAlright ubuntu ninjas, I am getting a blinking cursor everytime on boot now. How can I fix it? Thanks in advance21:15
smaudetFOOLY: then ubuntu should do you fine :)21:15
F00LYThank you :)21:15
HypnotiXcompdoc: i think it worked, i had to create the partitions in an extended and not as primary to work21:16
Dillonsi downloaded UUI But sience im not using a Ubuntu my .iso is a disc file instead of iso21:16
HypnotiXcompdoc: ah nevermind the installer gave me an error and closed21:16
fbdystangReally? nobody knows how to fix a blinking cursor?21:19
smaudetfbdystang: what is a 'blinking cursor'?21:22
IdleOne!nomodeset | fbdystang21:22
ubottufbdystang: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:22
smaudetWhat would need fixing about it?21:22
smaudetfbdystang: I'd check ccsm or kde desktop effects first21:23
smaudetfbdystang: graphics drivers, cards, parameters etc.21:24
smaudetOther than that I'm no help21:24
Cheeryis there way to broadcast my desktop on ubuntu?21:24
smaudetCheery: sure, xrdp, vnc21:24
smaudetCheery: teamviewer21:25
reisioCheery: broadcast?21:25
smaudetCheery: I think skype too21:25
smaudetCheery: half a dozen websites too21:25
smaudetsmaudet: used teamviewer myself on ubuntu, so I know it work(s|ed)21:26
smaudetUsed wine I think though21:26
Cheerywhat's the simplest way to do it? It'd only need to be seen.21:26
smaudetVNC/teamviewer: VNC is supported by tons of software21:27
smaudetBut there may be a config issue or two21:27
smaudetteamviewer is supported only be teamviewer21:27
reisioCheery: seen by whom?21:27
smaudetBut you just share a code21:27
Cheeryreisio: enough if a friend would see.21:27
smaudetWebsites are supported nearly everywhere, but may have perf/quality issues21:28
smaudetAnd again are only supported by that website21:28
guntbert!enter | smaudet21:28
ubottusmaudet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:28
smaudetguntbert: thanks, I was breaking it down by option21:28
HypnotiXcompdoc: are u still here?21:29
compdocHypnotiX, yeah.21:29
smaudetguntbert: also by pros/cons21:29
compdocHypnotiX, what size is the hdd?21:29
reisioCheery: teamviewer would probably take the least effort altogether21:29
HypnotiXcompdoc: 500gb21:29
Cheeryreisio: when I google it, why do I end up to a retard site?21:30
compdocHypnotiX, you were using gparted?21:30
guntbertsmaudet: please don't - you are scrolling the channel even faster21:30
HypnotiXcompdoc: yes21:30
benzrfhello bobapplepie21:30
smaudetCheery: because it is a bit of a retard program; it likes to crash a bit21:30
reisioCheery: if you mean teamviewer.com, that's just how retarded their site is :p21:30
smaudetCheery: also it runs on wine like I said so that's a cause for some instability21:30
reisioI haven't noticed any instability21:31
smaudetguntbert; I'm sorry, that's just how I think; I say what I think, and then remember something later.21:31
reisioit's unfortunate it's not a native app, but there isn't much that's a competitive alternative21:31
Cheerysmaudet: oh if it's windows software, then I understand. won't touch that with a stick.21:31
reisioCheery: well it's all bundled, you just run it21:31
smaudetCheery: then I'd suggest the vnc route.21:31
smaudetreisio: but its still windows software21:31
bobapplepieis cinnamon a lightweight DE?21:32
gibbshow do I reload AppArmor on Ubuntu 12.04? /etc/init.d/ only has apparmpr.removed21:32
k1lbobapplepie: no. lubuntu got a lightweight desktop21:32
k1lbobapplepie: (lxde)21:32
bobapplepieis cinnamon significantly lighter than unity?21:32
mmazinghaving a strange problem, when i search in unity for any application, i get no results, all the .desktop files are intact in /usr/share/app-install/21:32
mmazingany ideas?21:32
k1lbobapplepie: no. its on the same gnome3 base21:33
benzrfbobapplepie is my brother btw21:33
benzrfI am trying to assist him21:33
compdocHypnotiX, should just work. what does fdisk -l say about it?21:33
eSoulHey guys, I am running an Ubuntu 13.04 server box and I have a 2nd network card for my VirtualBox VMs.  Right now, I have to issue a "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" on boot to start the interface but I was wondering if there something something in /etc/network/interfaces I could put in to bring the interface up at boot.   It have no network configuration on it at all, just looking to "turn-on" the21:33
smaudetCheery: although it just occured to me that if you go vnc and this friend is not on the same network as you, but in e.g. a different country this friend will need to access your IP address, and you will have to setup some port forwarding...if you want something as easy as teamviewer you could try Skype, but again, windows software :P21:33
reisiosmaudet: mmhmm21:34
certanly_not_meguyz help me pls21:34
certanly_not_mehow to reset ip adress21:34
lakmuzhello, how to install subversion >=1.7v?21:35
Cheerysmaudet: if I have my own server, could I get something done with avconv?21:35
smaudetCheery: sorry I'm not familiar with that package21:35
k1lcertanly_not_me: reset ip adress? that depends on your ISP and netowrk setup. that is more a topic for #networking than for ubuntu21:35
k1llakmuz: for which ubuntu?21:35
reisioCheery: probably, but it'd be more work; http://www.google.com/search?q=stream%20desktop%20ffmpeg21:35
certanly_not_mek1l, pls maybie some sort of command will help, ubuntu 13.0421:35
mmazingfigured it out myself - removed ~/.cache/software-center and ran unity --reset &21:36
Cheeryreisio: I'm probably happier to the result. I just silently hoped those live streaming web sites wouldn't exist, because they are so terribly bad.21:36
smaudetCheery: I used to run vnc servers on windows and mac and got it to work, the linux configuration is only potentially more difficult if you need to some X config.21:36
k1llakmuz: for 12.004 the latest is 1.6.17dfsg-3ubuntu3.3   do you really need >1.7?21:36
reisioCheery: heh21:36
HypnotiXcompdoc: meh my hdd might be the problem but i need to be sure21:37
lakmuzyeah, sh~t i should download 1321:37
compdoc500g sounds old21:37
k1llakmuz: you could look out for a PPA for 12.04. but again: do you really need 1.7?21:37
lakmuzyeah already googled it - -21:38
smaudetCheery: the hassle with vnc is all on your end though, so if you are prepared to setup a server and stream audio/video to it, you might as well just use vnc, which does the video already21:38
reisiowell, mostly, you still have to get someone else to install a vncviewer, run it, type in an address (that must be accessible)21:38
k1llakmuz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65468/where-can-i-find-a-subversion-1-7-binary lists some possible solutions21:39
reisiomost people can manage going to a website, though21:39
smaudetCheery: as long as you test your setup locally and ensure the ports are open the other user just needs to a) install vncviewer  b) grap url c) grab port21:39
reisiojust more work21:39
benzrfhey, I installed cinnamon, but when I started it it's super zoombed in21:39
benzrfit follows the cursor around and is completely unusable21:39
smaudetreisio: right, but they still need to install skype/teamviewer21:39
reisionot exactly21:40
smaudetAnd skype/teamviewer still need that identification21:40
reisioteamviewer you just download and run21:40
reisioyou can even run it from the browser's download link21:40
k1lbenzrf: check the video card settings. watch out for the panning option21:40
smaudetreisio: right but they need a code21:40
reisioit's still simpler than vnc21:40
smaudetwhich is your url/port21:40
reisionot like, massively simpler21:40
reisiobut simpler21:40
smaudetreisio: not really, copy-paste21:40
smaudetin both cases21:40
benzrfk1l: how do I do that?21:41
smaudetreisio: if anything the url/port look nicer, with teamviewer you get this garbled number that looks like nothing in particular21:41
reisiosmaudet: there's really no comparison, one you run by the download link, one you download, explicitly install, find the launcher for, type in a number for21:41
smaudetreisio: download/install vncviewer, run the link/find the launcher, type in the url/port21:42
smaudetSame difference.21:42
reisiono, as I said, it can launch from the "installer"21:42
k1lbenzrf: depends on your video card /driver. are other desktops ok?21:42
reisioit's not a large difference, but some users have a lot of time with the whole installation and use of programs :p21:42
smaudetreisio: fine, vncviewers can do the same21:43
benzrfk1l: yup21:43
benzrftried multiple ones, all fine21:43
benzrfboth vanilla cinnamon and 2d21:43
smaudetreisio: the 'installer' is just an added convenience to make it easier to uninstall/organize21:43
k1lbenzrf: i could be still a cinnamon issue. in that case ask the cinnamon guys whats going wrong21:44
smaudetreisio: especially on windows/mac, where the whole thing comes bundled21:44
reisiothey can do the same, sure, they just don't on average21:44
reisioI have no dog in this fight, guy, it's just an obvservation of reality21:44
reisioan observavavation21:44
Bauercan anyone help me test my upnp script for my router? I need someone to try and telnet me from the outside, see whether the router really has opened a port21:44
smaudetreisio: Not really, its an equal observation of reality that VNC viewers are just exes you double click (or launchers).21:45
reisiosmaudet: yes, and then you have to run something else21:45
benzrfBauer: sounds like fun21:45
k1l!ot | Bauer21:45
ubottuBauer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:45
benzrfwhat do I connect to?21:45
ubottubenzrf: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:45
gerihow can i test if my traffic is routed from eth2 to tap0...they are connected over a vbridge!?21:46
benzrfI thought ubottu was a supybot?21:46
reisiowhat is it people expect !list to do?21:46
reisiooh list commands?21:46
benzrfreisio: supybot uses !list for modules21:46
benzrf*list of modules21:46
reisioah, ok21:46
Bauerbenzrf: telnet 1234521:46
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:46
smaudetreisio: packaging detail of some vnc packages; Cheery: if you are worried about the 'install' step just make sure to send them a single click VNC application. You might have to hunt for it on Windows, but they all comes like that on Mac21:46
benzrftelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host21:47
gerihow can i test if my traffic is routed from eth2 to tap0? ...they are connected over a vbridge!21:47
k1lBauer: benzrf i already told you its offtopic in here21:47
benzrfk1l: sorry21:47
lakmuz#svn is dead21:47
reisiosmaudet: yes indeed21:47
k1llakmuz: did you read the link i got you?21:48
benzrflakmuz: that's because svn is silly21:48
benzrflakmuz: why would you use a centralized vcs21:48
lakmuzk1l: asked about bug in windows) got out of memory crash after add file to repo and commit it in windows and cygwin too ;D21:49
smaudetCheery: I'd recommend UltraVNC on Windows, or TightVNC, ChickenoftheVNC on mac21:49
reisioI recommend tigervnc for any21:50
smaudetCheery: vinagre on linux21:50
reisioUbuntu comes with a VNC server, IIRC21:50
smaudetreisio: tightvnc comes on linux/windows, but doesn't play well with mac21:50
reisiosmaudet: so?21:51
smaudetreisio: and I'd trust a native implementation on linux more; as for ultravnc, it has by far been my best experience with vnc on windows21:51
reisionot sure why you're telling me this :)21:51
smaudetreisio: there are always the java vnc apps if you want cross platform21:52
smaudetreisio: there's nothing wrong with java (I'm not talking about applets).21:52
reisiokeep talking, don't mind my lack of participation :p21:53
smaudetreisio: you just participated; twice; re my mention; I'm just explaining the reasoning for my recommendations.21:53
reisiojust don't see why you think I'd be interested...21:54
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akinanubanyone able to fix this overheating mac with ubuntu problem?21:57
kingnick42I've got this new mouse - http://dx.com/p/r-horse-rh-3200-usb-wired-800-1600-2400-3200dpi-gaming-optical-mouse-black-golden-190cm-cable-13396721:58
kingnick42The left and right click buttons work fine, as does the middle click. Can't find a way to configure the other three buttons, and, most annoyingly, the scrollwheel doesn't work. Any ideas?21:58
kingnick42running xev in the terminal, the side buttons have numbers assigned, the scrollwheel doesn't21:58
kingnick42any ideas?21:58
arooni-mobilewhats the best chat client for integrating with facebook?21:58
arooni-mobilewhats the best way to send/receive facebook messages through a client on ubuntu?  i hate having to talk through a browser tab21:59
g0twigdoes launchpad accept lintian overrides for PPA packages22:10
snthtnsI just rebooted after an nvidia update and now X won't boot, thanks for the mess22:11
Haymakeris this thing working?22:11
Haymakernever mind22:11
k1lsnthtns: were there errors?22:11
trismg0twig: I don't think launchpad runs lintian on the package, maybe ask in #launchpad22:12
k1lsnthtns: and where was the driver from you installed?22:12
snthtnsk1l: driver update screws up22:12
snthtnsit was from update-manager22:12
g0twigtrism: of yourse they do22:12
snthtnsupdated, rebooted, X won't start22:12
g0twigtrism: and when your package does not pass certain warnings, lp does not accept it22:12
[Gentoo]snthtns: paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:12
snthtnsdid nothing out of the ordinary, have been running this for years now22:12
g0twig#launchpad is in general a very lonely place22:13
Dr_Williskingnick42:  check the archlinux wiki pages - they often have very good info on setting up unusual hardware22:13
k1lsnthtns: get the syslog, apt-log and the .xsession-errors to a pastebin, please22:13
kingnick42Dr_Willis, thanks22:13
snthtnsthe Xorg log is right after I tried to fix it with nvidia-xconfig22:13
snthtnsso its not much use22:13
snthtnsand I dont really have a web browser22:13
snthtnsmaybe lynx22:13
johnrbhey guys, I am kind of new to the UNIX world (less than 2yrs) and learning stuff everyday and wanted to run something by more experienced users, I am running Ubuntu sever 13.04, with Ubuntu-desktop on top of it, and have a HighPoint SAS RAID card installed that uses a web based management system named hptsvr. Now i would have to run "# hptsvr" after logging in, then open the web page. Instead i installed "@reboot22:13
johnrb/usr/bin/hptsvr"  to roots crontab and it works fine. Is there any reason I should not due that and use another way?22:13
[Gentoo]use wgetpaste or something22:13
k1lsnthtns: use pastebinit22:13
k1l!pastebinit | snthtns22:14
ubottusnthtns: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:14
snthtnsI dont need to paste these errors22:14
snthtnsHow can I recover what I used to have?22:14
k1lsnthtns: if you dont want help stop ranting in here.22:14
[Gentoo]why you asking for help then22:14
trismg0twig: it does reject if it can't unpack the package but I've never seen it reject for lintian stuff, what are you getting rejected on?22:14
[Gentoo]snthtns: modprobe nvidia work?22:14
snthtnslet me try22:14
g0twigtrism: my package is not ready yet, we chat on #launchpad22:14
snthtns[Gentoo]: yes22:15
snthtnsno errors22:15
[Gentoo]snthtns: just paste the logs22:15
snthtnsthere were also kernel headers/images installed22:15
[Gentoo]with a pasting program22:15
snthtnsI dont have the logs22:15
[Gentoo]ls -a /var/log there will be lots in there22:15
snthtnsI tried to fix it with nvidia-xconfig22:15
snthtnsand those logs arent useful22:15
[Gentoo]did you move the new xorg.conf?22:16
k1lsnthtns: does the headers match the kernel?22:16
[Gentoo]as it doesnt move it by default22:16
snthtnsnew x0rg.conf is basic22:16
Dr_Willisi dont even need an xorg.conf for my nvidia setup in most cases22:16
snthtnsI dont think its used22:16
reisioit is if it is, and not if it isn't :)22:16
[Gentoo]for nouveau you dont but nvidia most of the time you need one22:16
snthtnsall I have are consoles22:16
Dr_WillisI definatly have not needed an xorg.conf for  my nvidia drivers22:17
Dr_Willisonly time i have one is when i enable twinview or do other tweaks22:17
k1lif we could see some logs there would be no need to search in the dark22:17
Dr_Willisat least not since 12.10 or so ;)22:17
snthtnsI suppose I will download a system recsue cd22:17
Johnny_Linuxmy toaster has twin view22:17
[Gentoo]well nvidia-xconfig wont hurt22:17
snthtnsk1l: I don't have the logs man22:17
k1lJohnny_Linux: i thought we had an agreement on the nonsense22:17
[Gentoo]should generate a good basic config22:17
snthtnsthey are useless22:17
Johnny_Linuxokok k1l22:18
k1lsnthtns: you dont have them? or do you think they are useless?22:18
snthtnssays unknown screen22:18
k1lsnthtns: just hand them over so we can decide if its useless or not.22:18
snthtnsI have them, but its after I modified my X0rg.conf22:18
snthtnsHow the hell do I upload them from a console22:18
Dr_Willisvia the pastebinit command snthtns22:18
k1l!pastebinit | snthtns22:18
ubottusnthtns: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:19
snthtnsI cant even cut and paste22:19
Dr_Willispastebinit  filename22:19
snthtnsyeah, then you search that site for the post?22:19
johnrbcomical watching this22:19
Dr_Williscommand to show the info | pastebinit22:19
k1lsnthtns: if you would listen to what people tell you instead of ranting and playing  mr. "i know everything" then people could actually help you22:19
snthtnssuck a cock22:19
[Gentoo]runs away all giddy22:20
Dr_Willisid start with NO xorg.conf file and then check those logs.. but what do i know.. ive only used nvidia for like decades22:20
* Dr_Willis closes the ticket22:20
smaudet...snthtns:   echo "language please" | pastebinit22:21
k1llets move on.22:21
johnrbim gonna repeat my msg because i sent it in the middle of all that ignorance dont yell22:21
johnrbhey guys, I am kind of new to the UNIX world (less than 2yrs) and learning stuff everyday and wanted to run something by more experienced users, I am running Ubuntu sever 13.04, with Ubuntu-desktop on top of it, and have a HighPoint SAS RAID card installed that uses a web based management system named hptsvr. Now i would have to run "# hptsvr" after logging in, then open the web page. Instead i installed "@reboot22:21
johnrb/usr/bin/hptsvr" to roots crontab and it works fine. Is there any reason I should not due that and use another way?22:21
smaudetecho "better example" | pastebinit | xclip -selection clipboard22:22
HaymakerSince I installed Ubuntu 13.04 my battery only get half charged no matter how long I leave computer plugged-in.  any idea how to fix this?22:22
holsteinubuntuserver *is* ubuntu.. so if you have added a desktop, you basically have ubuntu now22:22
reisioHaymaker: how are you determining that?22:22
[Gentoo]johnrb: if it needs to be run once use a local script22:22
holsteinHaymaker: graphics drivers, maybe.. or many not at all ...if you are comparing to a supported operating system22:22
Haymakerbattery status22:22
johnrbit needs to be run once at startup22:23
johnrbby root22:23
[Gentoo]johnrb: rc.local is better way than cron for that22:23
smaudetHaymaker: 1) check that your battery charge capacity hasn't gone down 2) turn off all visual effects 3) use up-to-date graphics drivers22:23
k1lHaymaker: old batteries cant get to full charge. so its a regular progress for batteries to take less charge while getting older22:23
Haymakerthis is a new computer22:23
johnrb[Gentoo]: so shouldnt use a crontab? I was having issue using rc.local not sure why.22:24
smaudetHaymaker: how new?22:24
Haymaker6 months22:24
smaudetThat sounds reasonable22:24
smaudetYour battery could be going.22:24
akinanubso im the only one with a mac overheating on ubuntu?22:24
[Gentoo]johnrb: well rc.local is for scripts running at boot, if your way is working then no point changing it22:24
holsteinakinanub: same thing as above.. graphics drivers might help22:24
smaudetmacbook air's battery dies in...what, a year?22:24
smaudetSo in half a year easy, battery could have degraded22:25
akinanubno i already tried that, I start up from efi too but it still gets a little hotter on ubuntu then osx22:25
reisioanyways, I'd check something other than the GUI you're looking at22:25
johnrb[Gentoo]:  ok i wanted to know if there was a downside i didnt know about, I had it in rc.local but for some reason it was not working and cron was the only other thing I could think of22:26
johnrb[Gentoo]: ty22:26
[Gentoo]johnrb: make sure theres no typos in it, but rc.local is what i would use22:26
xyz123how do you go about backing-up Samba users and passwords?22:27
holsteinakinanub: osx is what the vendor officially supports.. you should expect "compromises"22:27
johnrb[Gentoo]: I'll try it again, its in my env/var so I should just have to add "hptsvr" to rc.local correct? Or is that a newbie mistake and the reason it was not working in rc.local22:28
akinanubdamn, i like linux so much more but im worried itll hurt the battery runnng it for  too long22:29
Dr_Willisrc.local is ran as root at boot time..  If you want to set a variable for the USER - you need to do it in their bash configs. NOT rc.local22:29
[Gentoo]johnrb: make a script and chmod +x it, and put the path to the script in the rc.local file22:29
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:29
holsteinakinanub: no need to be "worried".. try other drivers, and see if you can get better support22:29
Dr_Willis there are the /etc/bash.bashrc  and other bash config files to put in settings for system variables and so forth for the users shells22:29
cofffeebean  " linux will or can ruin a battery " ??..22:30
akinanuboh no way, this is a real thing?22:30
Dr_Williscofffeebean:  useing a battery can ruin a battery. from my experience22:30
johnrb[Gentoo]: I did, and it was +x but i added "hptsvr" not "/usr/bin/hptsvr"22:30
holsteinakinanub: on my macbook, it gets hotter,the battery life is shorter, and the webcam doesnt work.. but i still prefer, and accept the compromise22:30
johnrbtnx again glad i asked22:30
akinanubim just worried cuz it voids the warranty and they wont replace the battery if it dies cuz of linux heh22:30
holsteinakinanub: you can always let the vendor know you are having issues with the hardware in the operating system you are choosing to run22:30
holsteinakinanub: you could void a warranty changing OS's22:31
reisioakinanub: that's why you make a dd backup first ;)22:31
smaudetHaymaker: http://www.ifweassume.com/2013/08/the-de-evolution-of-my-laptop-battery.html?bg <-- reference for the macbook air22:31
Dr_WillisHW makers dont support the linux devs and dont supply info. so the kernel makers and other devs cant use the various power saveing tricks that are used by OS-X or Windows22:31
cofffeebean  dr  wear one out in time  yeah !  that goes with everything tho..22:31
akinanuboh true, i can back it up, restore it, and send it in22:31
akinanubok ill try different drivers for now22:31
Dr_Willisi alwyas get a new laptop hd when i buy a new laptop. :) and keep the windows HD on a shelf..  and then use the shiny new HD (hopefully a SSD) for my Laptop-linux setup22:32
smaudetOne would think we'd have enough RE's to figure out what those tricks are. But I suppose they're buried in Windows kernel code somewhere.22:34
Johnny_Linuxif you dont really need speed, a 16g usb stick with ubuntu on it runs excellent22:35
Johnny_Linuxa usb runs 1/2 the speed as an ide22:35
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Johnny_Linuxor an sd card even22:37
Johnny_Linuxvery portable22:37
akinanubis there a task manager for linux i can open with terminal22:37
Johnny_Linuxsystem monitor22:38
reisioakinanub: a GUI one, or not?22:38
akinanubsystem monitor works22:38
akinanubthis cant be right.... everything  is at 0% but the system monitor, and that is fluctuating between 4 and 30% cpu usage22:40
Johnny_Linuxtry top22:40
Johnny_Linuxin terminal22:40
holsteinakinanub: that can be right...22:40
akinanububuntu is this efficient?22:40
holsteinakinanub: its not ubuntu, friend.. its more than that22:40
holsteinakinanub: its driver support.. and what exactly you are doing on the machine22:41
FreederIs there a way, when using useradd with -m, to create a homedir that is totally blank, as opposed to having .profile, .bashrc, the desktop graphic, etc, created automatically?22:41
reisioFreeder: could just rm that afterwards22:41
holsteinakinanub: mine are reading at around 10% now, but i am using the machine..22:41
akinanubso i am22:41
akinanubim watching video22:41
Freederwell yes, I could obviously, but thats not what I asked :)22:41
akinanubtalking to you guys22:42
akinanuband on system monitor22:42
holsteinakinanub: then, why do you think it should be less than 30%?22:42
reisioFreeder: indeed, not exactly :)22:42
akinanubbecause only system monitor is taking 30%22:42
akinanuband every other program is at 0%22:42
reisioFreeder: -k maybe?22:42
holsteinakinanub: that is different.. and how did top work?22:42
akinanubya top wors22:42
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reisioFreeder: or SKEL=nonsense useradd22:43
Johnny_Linuxif you want colors, install htop22:43
Freederreisio: yes, that does look like it may be the answer22:43
Freederthis is for a guide for noobs, so I dont want to have a lot of commands in it though22:44
reisioFreeder: no explanation required :p22:45
Freederyeah, i think thats the answer I'm looking for. Not quite what I wanted, but its the answer. Ok, thank you22:45
akinanubroot user is taking 27%, i assume that means everything i am doing right now is 27% total?22:45
reisioFreeder: what did you want?22:45
Freeder-<something> that created the blank dir, w/o having to set SKEL22:46
Freederthink it will be easier to just have them mkdir it22:46
reisioFreeder: easier than -k /dev/null ?22:47
reisiomore straightfoward, perhaps, dunno about easier22:47
reisioFreeder: what's the use with no skel files for, exactly?22:47
aguitelhow configure epson cx5600 scanner in ubuntu?22:48
Freederlike i said, for noobs to use to set up an environment for some code22:48
ayashiok I installed a software and its not finding (karnel header 3.8.0-29-generic). that version of karnel is already installed. but software can't find its location22:48
Freederjust dont want to have a bunch of wierd looking stuff in there22:48
ayashiwhat am i supposed to do22:48
reisioFreeder: for some code?22:49
ayashi!karnel header 3.8.0-29-generic |sam__22:50
ubottuayashi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:50
ayashi!moblock |sam__22:53
ubottusam__: info in detail is on this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock22:53
smaudetFreeder: Just make sure to do all your config in the system prefs, you should be ok.22:53
ayashi!karnel header 3.8.0-29-generic |sam__22:53
ubottuayashi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:53
ayashiwhy isn't the bot answering me  :(22:54
smaudetAlthough if they install python/nodejs directories things could get cluttered I suppose22:54
svetterwhere can I contact a canonical admin? is there anyone on irc, web form or email address?22:57
reisiofor what?22:57
svetterpoint them to a DNS configuration issue22:58
syntnysthanks for nothing, restored my box without any problems, kernel update fucked up the nvidia binary22:58
syntnystypical ubuntu22:58
syntnysnice test/release system22:58
osubuntunice test/release system?22:59
mathfreakhello osubuntu22:59
osubuntubut is there any way to make the top and bottom side of compiz desktop cube a screen?23:00
reisioa desktop?23:00
reisiopretty sure23:00
osubuntuyeah desktop cube23:00
reisiogo into desktop/workspace prefs23:00
osubuntucompiz only supports setting colors of the top and bottom side of the cube...23:00
osubuntuwhat happend?23:00
quietonethe installer isn't detecting Vista and I want to dual boot23:02
reisioquietone: what makes you think it isn't detecting it?23:02
osubuntuquietone, than manually add a boot entry23:02
osubuntuor just exit GRUB and it would boot to Vista23:02
osubuntusince Windows also have a bootloader23:02
osubuntuat GRUB, press c and enter exit and the bootloader switches!23:03
quietoneThe partition disks screen don't show it. I am using ubuntu-alternate23:03
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reisioquietone: screenshot?23:03
osubuntuquietone, what is your partiton type?23:03
osubuntugpt? msdos?23:03
OerHeksquietone, vvista on a Sata hdd in IDE mode?23:03
osubuntu(I have a gpt hard drive with working Windows 8)23:03
osubuntuand Ubuntu23:04
quietonereisio, I don't know how to get a screenshot for you23:04
osubuntuOf course, Print Screen!23:04
quietoneosubuntu, I don't know the partition type. It is just a Vista box to me23:04
mathfreakosubuntu: I think with the alternate installer, that function is not available.23:04
osubuntuquietone, run gparted23:04
ayashithere used to be people who help in this chanel.23:04
osubuntubut do not press Alt + Print Screen + c.... it crashes the kernel23:05
osubuntubut Alt + Print Screen + s is okay :P23:05
mathfreakosubuntu, quietone: I don't think the alternate installer is meant to automatically partition the hard drive for Windows and Linux dual-boot. The regular installers do that, but I don't recall the alternate installers having the same feature.23:06
quietonemathfreak, thx.23:06
osubuntuwhy alternative installer? just use regular installers, and WUBI doesnt work in my computer since mine is UEFI...23:07
mathfreakThe alternate installers are more suited for features that most people usually don't use (e.g. LVM, encrypted partitions, etc)23:07
quietonemathfreak, I want to run LTSP on that machine, but it needs to dual boot for a while23:07
osubuntubtw what is 'alternative installer'?23:08
reisioosubuntu: it's minimal now, I think23:08
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reisioosubuntu: it doesn't load as much, so it's more likely to work23:08
reisiobut it also doesn't load as much :)23:08
osubuntuhmm... I used ISO to install Ubuntu..23:08
osubuntuIs it a 'regular expression'?23:08
osubuntuoh sorry23:08
osubunturegular installer23:08
quietoneanyone know if I can use the desktop install and then install LTSP?23:08
quietonelast time I tried that for 10.04 it didn't work. I had to use alternative install23:09
mathfreakquietone: I think you can do that. You can use the regular installer to create the partitions for Windows and Linux23:09
reisioosubuntu: there is a regular one, it isn't called that explicitly, though :)23:09
quietonemathfreak, yes, I need the installed to do the partitioning23:09
reisioquietone: I'm sure you could, but you can no doubt also use the "alternative"23:10
reisioI lost track of the problem... can't find Vista?23:10
mathfreakquietone: I don't have experience with LTSP (so take this with a grain of salt), but it's just a package from the repos you can install to set up what you need, right?23:10
osubuntureisio, thx23:10
osubuntubtw regualr expression was not joke...23:10
ironfoot495mladoux: are you buzy?23:10
quietonemathfreak, looks like I will have to try that.23:10
quietonemathfreak, thank you for your time23:11
mathfreakquietone: You're welcome23:11
iampozlinux-headers-3.5.0-40 is causing my computer to not boot into unity23:18
iampozanyone else have this problem?23:18
iampozI also get some error about the main drive not mounting on the splash screen, but this is a hit and miss23:18
iampozanyone here?23:20
bekksiampoz: several hundreds of people.23:21
bekks!anyone | iampoz23:21
ubottuiampoz: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:21
iampozThis is the first time in a long time that updates have been so unstable... I am not sure what the deal is23:21
iampozI did bekks... it was this: linux-headers-3.5.0-40 is causing my computer to not boot into unity; anyone else have this problem?23:22
osubuntuecho abc23:23
osubuntu!echo abc23:23
iampozI have been updating by component one by one until my computer stops booting, then restoring with clonezilla and trying again but skipping the update that caused the problem23:24
bekksiampoz: linux-headers is not causing it. the package contains just a lot of header files which are not even necessary to boot.23:24
bekksiampoz: Most likely, the linux-image package is causing the problems due to a broken graphics driver.23:24
iampozeventually I released that sometimes when I select an update, the ... I stopped becuase what you said makes more sense23:25
iampozokay, well some how the linux-image package is getting selected when I try to install certain components... I thought it was the headers, but perhaps the image is being installed as well23:26
iampozso how can I fix the broken graphics driver once I update?23:27
iampozOR prevent the graphics driver from braking to begin with23:28
iampozAs I am relatively new to ubuntu, can anyone inform me of how often updates are unstable? and if they are eventually fixed?23:30
mathfreakiampoz: Which version of Ubuntu are you running? What video driver are you installing?23:31
Eduard_MunteanuHi. Does Ubuntu provide *verifiable* signatures for downloads?23:31
iampoz12.04 lts23:31
mathfreakiampoz: What happens at boot? You said something about the hard drive not getting mounted. Do you remember what the screen says exactly?23:32
dnihello all,. can someone help me out with an issue im having please..  im trying to build a source which seems to be dependent on kernel-headers,.. so i've apt-get'd linux-headers-2.6.32-38,linux-headers-2.6.32-38-generic, linux-headers-generic ??   but the build directory seems to be missing from /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-38-generic/source -> /build/buildd/linux-2.6.3223:33
Eduard_MunteanuBy verifiable I mean either checksums downloadable over a secure channel or some other kind of signature, not just a checksum on a http server.23:33
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto23:33
osubuntuwhy is ppl good at computer called greek?23:33
iampozNvidia has some updates... not sure what the driver is that is being installed or that I have installed.23:33
osubuntuisnt it geek23:33
mathfreakosubuntu: You might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic for those sorts of topics.23:34
osubuntumathfreak, thx23:34
iampozThe screen says somthing about /tmp not being mounted and that I can press S to skip or M to manually mount (I think manually mount, but I am not sure, manually somthing anyways)23:34
Eduard_Munteanumathfreak: hm... that links to a http-only checksum file23:34
OerHeksEduard_Munteanu, setup pgp with ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto23:35
OerHeks*ubuntu servers23:35
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: Ah, sorry. This one should offer a more complete list. Signatures are passed along with the hashes.23:36
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/23:36
Eduard_MunteanuOerHeks: ok, but where do I check fingerprints?23:36
OerHeksEduard_Munteanu, same pages, they appear to be https then23:36
iampozmaybe if I put a list of all the available updates I have, it will be easyer to identify my problem? how to do that?23:37
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Eduard_MunteanuUm, is there an *official* https-hosted fingerprint?23:37
WallFaceHow do I install Nero if it's in a zip?23:38
Eduard_MunteanuI mean it's rather useless to get a random key off a keyserver.23:38
WallFaceI'm unfamiliar with the codes of Ubuntu 10.0423:38
jrib!checksums | Eduard_Munteanu23:39
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: Well, if you want ultimate security, you have to meet with the people that own the key in person. There is always a risk when you have to get a key online.23:39
jrib!md5sums | Eduard_Munteanu23:39
ubottuEduard_Munteanu: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.23:39
Eduard_Munteanumathfreak: that's "basic" security in my book :)23:40
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: I think you're stuck then.23:40
reisioWallFace: probably have to unzip it first23:40
reisioWallFace: but I wouldn't bother, there are other apps that you can install normally23:41
WallFacereisio: unsure of how to do that23:41
JeruvyWallFace The download I'm looking at is a rpm, not a zip.  Where did you get it and are you sure its the linux version.23:41
Eduard_Munteanujrib: thanks. Is that page locked from editing?23:41
jribEduard_Munteanu: no.23:41
reisioWallFace: you can double-click it from the file manager, or use 'unzip' from a terminal23:41
WallFaceIt's Nero Linux in zip23:41
WallFaceit's a friends copy23:41
iampozsooo I guess I should not do any updates?23:41
mathfreakiampoz: What happens when you press 'S' to skip mounting?23:41
WallFaceOnce I double click it goes to rb and other stuff23:41
iampoztakes me to a command prompt to log in23:42
reisioWallFace: rb?23:42
jribEduard_Munteanu: or maybe it is.23:42
Eduard_MunteanuI don't know, how hard is it to provide reasonable checksums on https?23:42
jribEduard_Munteanu: not sure :)23:42
Eduard_Munteanu(not to mention md5sums are rather poor)23:42
WallFacedeb, rpm,23:42
mathfreakiampoz: Okay, go ahead and log in through the command line.23:42
WallFacereisio deb rpm, those are the 2 folders I see23:42
iampozI did23:42
jribEduard_Munteanu: yeah, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes is locked23:43
reisioWallFace: Ubuntu is Debian based23:43
iampozeverything works aside from any graphics23:43
reisioWallFace: I suggest installing brasero or k3b from software center instead, though23:43
WallFaceA movie file I tried to put on a dvd23:43
WallFaceit didn't wor23:43
jribEduard_Munteanu: also see the *SUMS files here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/23:44
WallFaceI got it man23:44
mathfreakiampoz: Do you have the packages for Unity installed?23:44
reisioWallFace: what didn't work?23:44
WallFacemy common sense23:44
Eduard_Munteanujrib: I see... unfortunately unless I can get a fingerprint for those .gpg files, the SUMS files are rather useless since it doesn't support https.23:45
mathfreakiampoz: You can check by typing 'apt-cache show unity'23:45
iampozyes, unless the updates somehow uninstall any unity packages currently installed23:45
jribEduard_Munteanu: presumably the key that you need to trust is available somewhere.  I don't know where.23:46
WallFaceWanted to thank you reisio for your help23:48
mathfreakiampoz: Sorry about this. I meant 'aptitude show unity'23:48
reisioWallFace: :)23:48
WallFaceQuick question to eveyone, is there a way to turn mp4 or other file formats to ISO?23:48
iampozits okay, I appreciate your help23:48
reisioWallFace: to DVD-Video?23:48
reisioWallFace: nope23:49
jribEduard_Munteanu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto tells you the key you need to trust23:49
reisioWallFace: dvd-video is an ancient format23:49
reisioWallFace: you have to re-encode the mp4 to the antiquated mpeg-223:49
reisioand do other black magicks23:49
reisioI highly recommend not wasting your time on it, get something that can play video files off a usb stcik23:49
WallFaceI want to put this on a dvd player23:49
WallFaceI might have to resort to Windows...23:49
reisioI know, but you should consider replacing your dvd player with a smart tv or computer23:50
c2tarunHi friends, I installed chromium on my Ubuntu 12.04. It somehow activated some keyring password. Now everytime I login into my machine I have to enter that keyring password. What is it? and how can I disable it?23:50
Eduard_Munteanujrib: I read through that... I might as well not check a checksum because they suggest getting them through unsecure channels.23:50
reisioit'll save you massive amounts of time and heartbreak23:50
iampozmathfreak: http://pastebin.com/YDs59znS23:50
jribEduard_Munteanu: suggest getting what through insecure channels?23:50
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: How do you normally get your keys?23:50
Eduard_Munteanujrib: the checksum, signatures and keys23:51
Eduard_Munteanumathfreak: normally you get a checksum over https, unless you have a rather solid web of trust.23:51
jribEduard_Munteanu: well all you need is to obtain the key securely, no?23:51
Eduard_Munteanujrib: yep23:51
jribEduard_Munteanu: does gpg not do that (I don't know)?23:51
Eduard_Munteanujrib: no23:52
WallFaceThanks again reisio23:52
mathfreakiampoz: Can you run 'aptitude show lightdm'?23:52
jribEduard_Munteanu: ok.  Suppose it does.  Why should you trust the key anyway?23:52
Eduard_Munteanujrib: I trust that Ubuntu signed the download, that's all.23:53
Eduard_MunteanuThat's all a secure signature says.23:53
jribEduard_Munteanu: I don't see why.23:53
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: Would you be happy if we shared with you the fingerprint of the cdimage@ubuntu.com key that we already have from the CD?23:53
jribEduard_Munteanu: you don't know that the key is from ubuntu23:53
mathfreakEduard_Munteanu: That way when you download the key off a keyserver, you can check the fingerprint23:53
Eduard_Munteanujrib: if I obtained from https://www.ubuntu.com, I'm pretty sure23:53
iampozmathfreak: http://pastebin.com/TFuGTaLa23:53
jribEduard_Munteanu: sure23:54
Eduard_Munteanumathfreak: against what? A plain http page?23:54
jribEduard_Munteanu: I thought we were supposing you grabbed the key securely from the random key server23:54
Eduard_Munteanujrib: the keyserver can't really give me the key securely, unless some other signature proves it is authentic23:55
Eduard_MunteanuEither web of trust or HTTPS.23:55
mathfreakYou can check the fingerprint of the key from the keyserver using gpg. We can share with you the fingerprint of the key that's on our own machines (although this still leaves a hole, in that you can't really trust us over IRC)23:55
jribEduard_Munteanu: right, that's what I was trying to get at.  But we were thinking of different hypotheticals :P23:55
Eduard_Munteanumathfreak: I know, but the point still remains :)23:56
Eduard_MunteanuIt's pretty easy to publish the damn key on https. :)23:56
jribEduard_Munteanu: you could open up a bug (there's a note about editing that wiki page with the hashes in the footer; start there), and see what the response is23:56
jribEduard_Munteanu: though you did get secured md5sums23:57
mathfreakiampoz: What happens when you try to run 'lightdm'?23:57
Eduard_MunteanuSorry if I'm a bit edgy but I had the same conversation on Debian, and someone explained the archive keys on https that sign a deb that sign a bazillion other thing that then sign a CD release key that then signs my ISO. WTF. :)23:57
iampozit starts loading a bunch of stuff, most say [OK]23:58
Eduard_Munteanujrib: sort of :)23:58
jribEduard_Munteanu: why do you say that?23:58
iampozit just stops at some point and does not do anything...23:58
Eduard_Munteanujrib: yeah, I was nitpicking at MD5 calling itself a checksum these days, but for most purposes it's ok.23:58
jribEduard_Munteanu: I see23:59
iampozsometimes it stops on a screen and says somthing about "Starting load fallback graphics devices        [fail]"23:59
jribEduard_Munteanu: well the hashes, you received securely.  Whether they are of value...23:59
dimitry7Hello Guys! I have uninstalled open office but merely just erased it.... It is not in my system anymore but I still see it when I do # dpkg -l | grep openoffice23:59
dimitry7How can I do to delete it from dpkg installed packages list?23:59
iampoznot sure if it is consistent everytime23:59

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