
smartboyhwJackYu, I think dholbach's further review of the youker-assitant package showed that you guys MUST pay attention to lintian08:08
JackYu smartboyhw, yes, we did. we use 'debuild' , maybe dholbach use 'bzr builddeb'08:27
smartboyhwJackYu, even debuild throws off lintian warnings08:27
JackYuyes, one warning... just show this time:)08:29
JackYuFJKong, happyaron, would you please take a further look at the youker-assistant package and give some comments on the bug #1213998?08:40
FJKongJack: is this about packaging issuse?09:44
happyaronFJKong: I'll deal with it later10:07
FJKonghappyaron: good guy,lol10:08
happyaronFJKong: :)10:08
happyaronJackYu: ping16:04

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