
checkersI'm having problems debugging an issue where upstart hangs indefinitely when I try to start a job (rsyslog). how can I troubleshoot this?01:46
checkersthe debugging page on the wiki seems to be all about debugging boot time issues01:46
checkersit almost seems like upstart hangs when sending the command over dbus01:51
JanCcheckers: Ubuntu uses rsyslog, so you might want to compare your job configuration for it with that in Ubuntu03:36
checkersJanC: actually I am using ubuntu's rsyslog and just messed with its internal configuration, trying to figure out what's with the hanging03:55
* checkers pokes JanC 04:44
checkerssorry, just totally stuck on this issue. I can start rsyslogd by hand using the same user/commandline as the upstart job, and upstart works for all other services just fine... completely weird. it seems to hang even start from a fresh ubuntu configuration now04:45
=== Md_ is now known as Md
caleresshi guys i have an upstart script that works on 12.04 but fails on 10.04 :/12:50
caleressits just a basic run as different user12:51
caleressexec start-stop-daemon --start -c dev --exec /opt/dev/test.sh12:51
caleressany ideas ?12:51
xnoxdon't use start-stop-daemon in an upstart script.13:01
xnoxwell upstart job.13:01
caleressisnt that the recommended way to do it ?13:03
caleressthe cookbook says so13:04
caleressbut it looks like my script doesnt even get executed as root13:07
caleressstart on startup13:08
caleressexec /opt/dev/test.sh13:08
jodhcaleress: presumably the "dev" user exists on your 10.04 system?13:08
caleressstop on runlevel [016]13:09
caleressyes ofc13:09
caleresssame script runs on 12.0413:09
jodhcaleress: are you *sure* you want it to start that early? there isn't even a writeable disk at that point.13:09
jodhcaleress: 'start on runlevel [2345]' is much more conventional.13:09
caleressi use it to start jboss13:09
jodhcaleress: you are starting the job too early then.13:09
jodhcaleress: See http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#normal-start.13:10
caleressok i changed it13:11
caleressbut the script still doesnt run :p13:12
caleress"sudo start script" and nothing happens13:12
jodhcaleress: run "sudo start foo" where foo is /etc/init/foo.conf13:13
jodhcaleress: ah - sorry. when you say "nothing" you mean no output or it hangs?13:13
caleressno ouput basically and jboss doesnt start13:14
caleressi tried "sudo start jboss"13:14
jodhcaleress: Look at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#see-the-environment-a-job-runs-in, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#checking-how-a-service-might-react-when-run-as-a-job, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#determining-why-your-service-fails-to-start13:15
jodhcaleress: have you looked at the jboss logs?13:16
caleressyeah its like it never started13:17
caleresswell this look like java is missing from the path13:19
caleressany ideas how to set this ? :)13:20
jodhcaleress: everything is in the cookbook :)13:21
caleresshaha i can imagine :p13:21
jodhcaleress: 'env PATH=/foo:/bar:/baz'13:21
caleressso i set it basically the same as with export13:22
caleressyeah still doesnt start :/13:29
jodhcaleress: have you read and tried the checks in the 3 links above ?13:31
caleresschecking env now13:32
caleressprocenv: command not found13:32
jodhcaleress: procenv isn't in the 10.04 archive - you should be able to download and build it easily enough though - it's only a single C file. But for speed, just use "set" or "env".13:33
caleressi tried set and env, the environment looks ok, its got java and everything13:35
caleressthink for the time being i'll have to give it up as i have other stuff to do, but thank you very much for your help and for the startup tip !13:38
caleressthank you very much13:39
=== jodh changed the topic of #upstart to: Upstart 1.10 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ | Post to mailing list if no response here: http://bit.ly/ooeNVv
FunnyLookinHatYo guys - I'm having trouble finding doc on running periodic scripts ( i.e. replace cron )15:57
FunnyLookinHatThe cookbook doesn't seem to be aware that temporal events were built in: https://launchpad.net/upstart/+spec/replace-cron15:58
xnoxFunnyLookinHat: that's just a spec. Temporal events are not released in upstart. Use normal cron/anacron facilities, or make a cron job that does $ initctl emit-event my-event16:00
xnoxFunnyLookinHat: or e.g. $ initctl start mytask16:00
FunnyLookinHatOh still not done16:00
FunnyLookinHatAh ok - thanks xnox 16:01
FunnyLookinHatIt looked like it was done: https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-sonck/upstart/cron-replacement16:01
FunnyLookinHatMy bad16:01

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