
Unit193forestpiskie: Ditto, ran it, worked.00:07
pleia2oh, knome blogged but we didn't actually update the -devel mailing list with our decision00:17
Unit193That one guy also has the same graphics card as me.00:21
skellatHave we checked off our 12.04.3 ISOs as ready to release?  Do we feel ready to release?00:28
=== forestpiskie is now known as Guest7372
Noskcajknome: Since i wasn't able to get to the meeting, so things i should add. 1. I support not using XMir. 2. I've got settings 4.11 in the debian experimental SVN repository, It should be released to experimental this week. 3. idicator plugin 1.0 is waiting on someone who knows C who can fix the patch01:39
bluesabreNoskcaj: I saw the indicator-plugin, not sure where to start for the patch01:41
Noskcajbluesabre: It looks like they've completely changes the code layout. micahg said he'd do it eventually, but he's very busy01:43
Noskcajochosi: I'm willing to test the GTK3 stuff, just get that how-to ready01:46
* Noskcaj just realised he's not in ~xubuntu-dev or ~xubuntu-team, i insulted01:57
bluesabreI'm not in -dev either, since it grants upload rights to the main repos (I believe)02:00
Noskcajbluesabre: in that case, i shouldn't be allowed in that team02:01
Noskcaj.me is also butthurt because no-one voted for him in the meeting02:01
Noskcaj* /me02:02
NoskcajIt's be butthurt day02:02
Unit193Seems you get insulted very easily.02:02
NoskcajUnit193: something like that02:03
skellatNoskcaj: You've only got a few things left in the queue on mentor.debian.net at the moment it seems: http://mentors.debian.net/packages/uploader/noskcaj%40ubuntu.com02:13
Noskcajskellat: yeah. I merged the three xfce ones into the SVN repo, and someone helped me get convertall into debian02:15
Unit193Someone is trying to get mariadb in, nice.02:15
skellatIt looks like convertall just got in: http://packages.qa.debian.org/c/convertall.html02:16
Noskcajyeah. It got uploaded two days ago, but only today has some of the links worked and everything updated02:18
skellatI get to wait 10 days or so before it hits Jessie and then I can install it on my BeagleBoard that is running Xfce on Debian02:18
skellatHopefully it syncs to saucy02:18
skellatThat should happen automagically02:18
Unit193No, DIF happened.02:18
NoskcajI'll file a sync bug when i get hom02:19
skellatUnit193: Paperwork says it did but some things are still migrating over like the new version of calibre.  I checked LP and nobody ordered a sync specially on it.02:21
skellatAt least, not since I requested grabbing the version stuck in experimental...02:21
Noskcajskellat: the core-devs and motus can sync without bugs02:21
* skellat wanders off to ponder what he is screwing up this time with feed2imap02:27
Guest7372jjfrv8 Unit193 - thanks chaps :)06:29
=== Guest7372 is now known as forestpiskie
ochosiNoskcaj: i can only do a tutorial once it works for me (which it doesn't atm)07:42
ochosii still have some issues, i guess some libraries are linked wrongly07:42
Noskcajochosi, ok07:43
ochosii'll ping you once i got something07:44
knomebluesabre, thanks10:43
cubknome, have you got any reactions to the mir/xmir decision?10:45
knomecub, yeah. a few that i don't feel like publishing...10:46
cubI can imagine10:46
bluesabreochosi: if you need a hand figuring it out, let me know11:28
ochosibluesabre: i do :)12:28
GridCubethe #xubuntu-es channel will be taken down and all traffic to will be redirected to #ubuntu-es, probably next week or so.13:36
NoskcajI've merged the eyes plugin from upstream. it's at https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/saucy/xfce4-eyes-plugin/4.4.221:20
knomenow that's a useful one21:21
knomehave you checked the popcon stats on how many people have it installed? 21:22
knome(useless, but good for package learning purposes, i assume)21:22
Noskcajknome, ubuntuwire says 385721:22
Unit19318748 xfce4-eyes-plugin               3859    23  3817     8    11 (Marsaud Jonathan)21:22
knomeso that's about... 3% of our users21:23
NoskcajSince we ship it currently, it can't hurt to have the newest version, and remove the lintian error21:23
knomeheh. right.21:23
knomei suppose21:24
* knome shrugs21:24
Noskcajlogan is checking the package now,  he seems to be the lintian error guy21:25
* Noskcaj rage quits xfce4 eyes plugin22:09
skellatNoskcaj: Why are you full of rage?22:11
skellatOr engaging in a rage quit, I should ask.22:11
Noskcajskellat, 1. I deleted the bzr branch i was using. 2. This plugin has taken at least 6 hours of my life and still doesn't work22:11
NoskcajI'll try gthumb now, even it is easier22:12
NoskcajOn a  happier note, i think gtumb might work this time23:23
NoskcajShould we ask to drop the eyes plugin? 23:24
NoskcajAnd the time-out plugin23:24
NoskcajAnd gthumb won't work either. I think i'll go and make a bomb23:50
knomeNoskcaj, i would ask not to say such things, even as a joke.23:50
Noskcajknome, I'm serious though, it's for a birthday party. I'm making a small bomb23:51
NoskcajAnd for a school science project23:51
knomeNoskcaj, fine, but consider how talking about bombs after "raging" about something else sounds.23:52
knomeNoskcaj, it's not going to earn you any trust.23:53
Noskcajok. 23:53
Noskcajand sorry23:53
knomeno problem23:53
knomehave fun with your school project23:53
knomebut think twice next time (and all other consecutive times)23:53
Noskcajwill do23:53

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