=== bbunes is now known as Landman === BTCOxygen is now known as Guest29389 === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen === turbo is now known as Guest79419 [01:32] test === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen === Toast_ is now known as Toast === jacob_ is now known as Guest32231 === bill is now known as Guest46214 [07:14] hi === kubuntu is now known as Guest50572 [09:01] hi to all, i want to add "add single files as archive" to my dolphin How can i do it? i already write the nash script [09:01] bash* [09:04] hi to all, i want to add "add single files as archive" to my dolphin How can i do it? i already write the nash script [09:10] hallo [09:11] i can't login in my administrtor with the right code [09:14] while i more .xsession-errors [09:14] it says /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 45: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98vboxadd-xclient: /usr/bin/V [09:14] BoxClient: not found [09:14] /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 46: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98vboxadd-xclient: /usr/bin/V [09:14] BoxClient: not found [09:14] /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 48: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98vboxadd-xclient: /usr/bin/V [09:14] BoxClient: not found [09:14] /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 50: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98vboxadd-xclient: /usr/bin/V [09:14] BoxClient: not found [09:14] hp1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:14] Backend : gconf [09:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6024364/ [09:18] my problem is here [09:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6024364/ === onebitX is now known as onebitxajax === BTCOxygen is now known as Guest54206 === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen [10:54] sir, to download firefox web browser, i have just installed kubuntu [10:54] sir, how to download firefox web browser, i have just installed kubuntu [10:59] kumararasa: sudo apt-get install firefox [11:01] thnk u [11:04] [09:01:06] < onebitxajax> hi to all, i want to add "add single files as archive" to my dolphin How can i do it? i already write the nash script [12:17] Howdy all === chris____ is now known as chrisfield === alessandro_ is now known as AlexanderIrish === onebitX is now known as onebitXajax === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen === BTCOxygen is now known as Guest64224 === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen === spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57 [15:05] bonjour [15:07] ? [15:08] hello florentin [15:08] hello do you speak french? [15:09] no [15:09] ok and you know any chan with a french community? [15:11] no, sorry [15:11] !fr | florentin [15:11] florentin: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [15:12] maybe #ubuntu-fr [15:12] thanks === BTCOxygen is now known as Guest9720 === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen [15:59] I occasionally switch between QWERTY and Dvorak keyboard layouts. In most apps, the keyboard shortcuts change to match the new layout. In Kate (and possibly others) this doesn't happen. I want it to. How do I make it happen? [16:09] Hi, I'm having an odd problem with an old laptop running kubuntu,... [16:09] ...at boot, the laptop is normally speed, but after a while it beomes seriously sluggish [16:10] ...apparently the cpu frequency becomes stuck at the lowest possible value (only 600 mhz) [16:10] no idea why [16:10] mamoun, check your power management settings, in the settings manager [16:11] Thank you for replying, there is no options related to cpu throttle in the power management options [16:11] using kde 4.10 [16:14] I thought it could be because of overheating, but even using a laptop fan, there is no difference [16:17] ok, quick unrelated basic question: where does custom grub configuration goes? [16:18] I remember messing up with it ages ago but now I really can't remember where it was === spawn57 is now known as spawn[dead] [17:16] привет, народ [17:39] every time I click a weblink in a program (not web browser) it opens Muon software center asking me to install firefox INSTEAD of just opening chrome [17:39] any suggestions on how to fix this ? [17:44] seronis, you need to change a thing in Default Applications [17:44] to the effect that Chrome is your default web browser [17:45] This means you don't get a different app depending on the contents of a web link. You may not care [17:56] hello? === smg is now known as Guest19699 [20:08] I'm trying to install kdm on 13.04. When I try, it says it must uninstall kde-full, kde-workspace, etc.. Is this correct? [20:11] gizmobay, lightdm is the default now === joerg is now known as Guest8097 [20:39] LogicallyDashing, i set chrome as my default web browser the day i installed kubuntu [20:40] it worked normally and randomly started doing this [20:41] seronis, so did you check the way it's set now? settings could have gotten randomly wiped [20:41] yup. i set it to the kde default web browser and then back to chrome [20:41] seronis, use chromium [20:41] blue, no [20:42] chromium has nothing to do with my issue [20:42] then expalian your issue [20:42] every time I click a weblink in a program (not web browser) it opens Muon software center asking me to install firefox INSTEAD of just opening chrome [20:43] then chrome has everything to do with your issue because chromium is the default version for linux [20:44] no.. 'rekonq' is default in kubuntu [20:44] default ggogle internet browser for linux , then [20:45] and switching 'default web browser' back to rekonq does not fix issue. switching to opera or chrome afterwards does not fix issue [20:45] anyway , use chromium , chrome isn't supported here [20:46] i dont give a shit. my issue isnt chrome. its muon software center [20:46] which should not be telling me to install 'firefox' when i click a link [20:46] now. be helpful or be quiet [20:46] !language [20:46] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [20:46] !attitude [20:46] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [20:47] idleone, if he doesnt want to help he doesnt have to. but i asked about a specific issue [20:47] seronis , if you insist that muon is your issue , you;re mistaken , that's all. [20:47] seronis: the two factoids were directed at you. [20:47] idleone, im aware. i just disagree [20:48] not at BluesKaj All I saw was you cursing and being rude [20:48] !chrome [20:48] blueskaj, stay on topic [20:48] !info chrome [20:48] Package chrome does not exist in raring [20:48] google chrome is not supported on ubuntu or kubuntu. seek help from google. [20:48] my problem is the same with rekonq [20:49] now.. stop being pendantic [20:49] help or not. im happy with idling until someone can help [20:49] seronis: drop the attitude [20:50] rekonq is supported here. exact same 'effect' is in play. [20:51] muon software center should be suported here. its the issue as far as i can tell. id appreciate information to the contrary [20:52] idleone, are you able to help tell me why rekonq does not launch when i click a link ? [20:53] I'm not interested in helping you. [20:54] seronis: is the application you click the link something java based, like minecraft? [20:54] minecraft, steam, and instant messengers [20:54] any link outside a web browser [20:55] what does update-alternatives --display x-www-browser tell you? [20:55] testing now [20:56] then set a default web browser in system settings.default apps [20:56] blueskaj, i told you i've switched back and forth between rekonq, opera, chrome. i've uninstalled opera and chromium [20:56] currently its listing chrome as priority 200 and rekonq as priority 40 [20:57] @ joephelius [20:57] does xdg-open http://google.com from a terminal also open muon? [20:58] testing [20:58] nope. that worked fine actually [20:59] ok , then seronis good luck , despite the attitude [20:59] blueskaj, appreciaqte the effort. its just 'use XXX browser instead' isnt helpful. id rather track down why the problem occurs [21:01] where do you click the links that open muon, by the way? [21:01] in the chat window in minecraft. in instant message windows in steam and other IM clients [21:03] just tested. clicking a link here in hexchat opens muon too [21:05] can you remove muon and try again? what happens then? [21:06] oddly enough.. 'sudo apt-get remove muon' [21:06] and muon still opened clicking a link === Guest8097 is now known as LachNed [21:09] something's definitely not right :D [21:11] seronis: remove muon-installer, too [21:12] which should, if installed, remove the kubuntu-firefox-installer, too [21:12] it should be enough to remove kubuntu-firefox-installer [21:12] which I guess is what keeps popping up [21:15] joephelius, problem resolved. thank you [21:17] glad I could help ;) [21:19] one shouldn't have to remove the FF installer, there's something still amiss I think [21:19] agreed. but doing so fixed the problem [21:20] the only thing i can think that i installed close to when the problem started was netflix desktop package [21:21] but i used that with xubuntu without any issues [21:22] seems this installer registered somewhere as default url handler [21:22] but not in xdg-open [21:22] google found one other person having the problem and no solution except re-installing firefox [21:23] reinstalling and re-removing firefox didnt fix it [21:23] i did try that last week. probably saw the same goog result you saw [21:24] or uninstall kubuntu-firefox-installer.. thats my fix. but my only known app is minecraft [21:25] is there any way to see a list of packages that contain a specific other package as a dependancy / [21:26] ie: all packages that would have installed kubuntu-firefox-installer [21:26] apt-get rdepends [21:26] I guess [21:27] 'invalid operation rdepends' [21:27] or not. thanks anyways [21:27] apt-cache [21:27] sry [21:28] debian always confuses me with this damned packet manager [21:28] thanks. im still mostly new to linux. have 3 months with xfce and now 2 months with kde [21:29] will do some 'man' research on apt-cache === jacob_ is now known as Guest90638 [21:29] package manager is important :) === fei is now known as ArchLoneX64