=== alourie__ is now known as alourie [14:11] coolbhavi: ping [14:11] hey jose [14:12] coolbhavi: just got your email on the change from approved to verified. are you working on a blog post for it? [14:12] just so I know which one to cross-post to the fridge, the email or that one (in the case you're doing it) :) [14:12] yes jose same thing will be on the blog [14:13] ll publish it in a while [14:13] coolbhavi: ok, please ping me once it's up so I can cross-post it asap :) [14:13] sure :) [14:14] thanks [14:27] jose, http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2013/08/25/new-local-communities-healthcheck/ [14:27] coolbhavi: thanks! working on it now [14:27] :) [14:27] coolbhavi, "healthcheck" made me think of "lungcheck" (i.e. being scolded by boss in Chinese:P) [14:28] smartboyhw, :D lungcheck means scolding? :) [14:29] coolbhavi, yeah [14:29] smartboyhw, funny :) didnt know it :) [14:38] coolbhavi: already posted it to the planet or not? [14:38] jose, no [14:39] coolbhavi: ok, the fridge post will go there, we don't like to re-post to the planet :) [14:42] coolbhavi: just in case, I double-checked and it *is* already on the planet, but loading [14:45] jose, ok :) === jono is now known as Guest52668