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MACscrok, so as long as im not trying to provision anything on the actual host, i should be able to run juju within an lxc guest, correct?01:14
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MACscrwhy am i getting 'error: net: no such interface' when i try to deploy juju bootrap? I definitely already have lxc working on this host and a couple containers going05:54
davecheneyMACscr: is this using the juju client ?06:23
MACscrdavecheney: lol, my last name is chaney =P06:24
MACscrclose, but different06:24
MACscranyway, yes, its the juju client i guess06:24
davecheneyMACscr: what is the command you are using ?06:25
MACscri installed the juju-core, etc, on it in hopes of deploying the juju-gui within an lxc instance06:25
MACscr'deploy juju boostrap'06:26
MACscrim following this tutorial (the answer) http://askubuntu.com/questions/65359/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-local-usage06:26
davecheneyMACscr: 'deploy juju bootstrap' isn't a command I know06:26
MACscrwell 'juju bootstrap' gives the same response06:28
* davecheney reads http://askubuntu.com/a/6536006:28
davecheneyMACscr: the instructions say 'sudo juju bootstrap'06:28
sarnoldsudo o_O06:28
MACscrmy apologies, i was using sudo, same result06:29
davecheneysarnold: you have to use sudo for the local provider as lxc requires root to create and destroy containers06:30
davecheneythis is the only time it is required06:30
davecheneyit is a limitation of lxc06:30
davecheneyMACscr: can you do it again, pass -v and paste the output06:30
davecheneypastebinit, or paste.ubuntu.com06:30
kurt_is it possible to run more than 1 charm on a node?06:31
MACscrwhy is it trying to use that bridge when im using br0 for LXC as im not using nat, im getting dhcp from the actual router06:31
kurt_for example to consolidate several openstack services on a single node?06:32
MACscrkurt_: yes. using LXC06:32
sarnoldkurt_: investigate deploy-to -- I'm not sure of its current status..06:33
kurt_yes, I remember that was around, but I was unsure of its current status too06:33
* kurt_ thinks its time to start RTFMing about LXC06:34
davecheneyMACscr: looks like you either don't have lxc installed, or it isn't installed correctly06:35
davecheneyyou have no lxc bridge address06:35
sarnoldkurt_: I'm not sure lxc would be a good fit for deploying parts of openstack environment -- juju couldn't manage lxc containers on some hosts and maas or kvm on other hosts...06:35
davecheneyMACscr: I will log a bug for this, juju could be clearer in what has gone wrong06:35
davecheneysarnold: --to is available in 1.12 and later06:36
MACscrdavecheney: sure i do, i just dont have one setup for nat. I currently have 2 LXC instances installed and working great06:36
davecheney(i think, it is certainly avialable in the 1.13 devel series)06:36
sarnolddavecheney: AWESOME :D06:36
kurt_davecheney: thanks06:36
davecheneyMACscr: all I can say is the way your LXC is setup is not how juju expects it to be06:36
davecheneyand it can't handle it06:36
MACscrwell thats obviously a mistake on its part to assume im using lxcbr0 =P06:37
kurt_davecheney: will deploy to stay in the code?  I think it was there before, then removed06:37
MACscris that configurable?06:37
kurt_now added back again :D06:37
_mup_Bug #1216775: cmd/juju: local provider doesn't give a clear explanation when lxc is not configured correctly <papercut> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1216775>06:38
davecheneykurt_: s/--deploy-to/--to/06:38
davecheneyMACscr: it is not configurable, it is a hard requrement at this time06:39
davecheneykurt_: the name of the optoin has changed06:39
davecheneyit used to be a jitsu(?) plugin06:39
davecheneybut we intergrated it into the cli and it's an option on the deploy subcommand06:39
kurt_but jitsu has been depreciated, right?06:39
davecheneykurt_: yes, it's dead, like the parrot06:40
kurt_I'm currently on .7.  do I have these options?06:40
davecheneykurt_: no, you should upgrade to 1.1206:41
davecheneyfull warning: there is no upgrade path from 0.7 to 1.1206:41
davecheneybut there wasn't one from 0.6 to 0.7 either06:41
davecheneyso we haven't really made it much worse in that respect06:41
davecheneythere is an upgrade path once youre on juju 1.x06:42
davecheneybut you still have to bite the bullet and move away from your old pyjuju environments06:42
kurt_davecheney: would I basically be starting from scratch?06:42
sarnolddavecheney: no upgrade path? I had the impression it mostly just worked?06:42
kurt_ie. have to destroy the environment06:43
davecheneykurt_: yes, just like 0.6 -> 0.7, you will need to make a fresh environment06:44
* kurt_ winces06:44
davecheneysarnold: 1.x and up has an upgrade path06:45
davecheneythere is no upgrade path from 0.x to 1.x06:45
kurt_well, I guess if it allows me to deploy multiple charms and thus services on fewer nodes, its probably worth it06:46
kurt_is 1.12 stable?06:47
davecheneykurt_: yes06:47
davecheneythat is why it lives in the stable ppa :)06:47
MACscrdavecheney: does lxcbr0 have to to nat? if not, can it use dhcp?06:48
kurt_ok, I'm not totally familiar with bzr / ppa and all that yet - learning06:48
MACscri guess i could rename things06:48
MACscror do i maybe need to create a second network06:48
davecheneyMACscr: lxcbr0 is a layer 2 bridge mode interface06:49
MACscrwell technically its just the name of an interface. I was never aware it had to be used in a certain fashion06:50
davecheneyMACscr: i'm not really sure how you have configured your lxc networking06:51
MACscrso pretty much i cant use juju with lxc unless i want to use nat? which is obviously pretty useless without doing some sort of port forwarding06:51
davecheneyjuju pretty much expects to be able to control it06:51
davecheneyand that the setup that arrives out of the box is the setup that is present when you try to use the local provider06:51
davecheneyMACscr: i don't know if this is related to nat06:52
davecheneyit's probably simply that you've change the default LXC config from what juju is expecting06:52
davecheneythe local provider is still classed as experimental06:52
davecheneyor (insert word != production)06:52
MACscrdavecheney: out of the box, all of the lxc guests are not accessible outside the host because they are using nat06:52
davecheneyMACscr: using the bridge mode interface we expect they DHCP from the same source as the host06:53
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MACscrdavecheney: i apologize for my ignorance, but both my host and my lxc instances are all getting their ip addresses from the same dhcp server on my router06:55
davecheneyMACscr: s'ok07:03
davecheneyno need to be sorry07:03
davecheneylxc is super complex07:03
davecheneyand has loads of knobs to twiddle07:04
MACscrdavecheney: not really, it can be complex, but it doesnt have to be in its most basic form =P07:04
MACscrdavecheney: so from the sounds of it, there is no way to use juju with lxc and still have the lxc instances accessible on the LAN?07:16
davecheneyMACscr: i don't think that is correc07:19
davecheneythat is exactly how the juju lxc provider expects things to work07:19
davecheneywe bridge the lxc containers onto whatever your default ethernet interface is07:19
davecheneyso they get DHCP addresses07:19
davecheneyi think07:19
davecheneylet me check07:19
MACscrthats not now lxc works by default07:19
MACscrer, how07:19
davecheneyMACscr: you probalby know more about it than me07:20
MACscrwell im only a few days into lxc07:20
davecheneyMACscr: i'm waiting for confirmation07:20
davecheneyyou may find it easier to ask this question in #juju-dev07:20
tokern3i installed juju but when i used it it gave me this error:           error: No environments configured. Please edit: /root/.juju/environments.yaml   it seems it's a bug . what should i do?07:32
sarnoldtokern3: did you mean to run juju deploy as root?07:32
tokern3sarnold:  yes07:33
tokern3sarnold:  http://fpaste.org/34727/13775025/07:35
sarnoldtokern3: did you configure your environments.yaml properly?07:38
tokern3no i just installed it today sarnold. i did nothing on it07:38
tokern3http://fpaste.org/34729/75027261/  sarnold07:38
sarnoldtokern3: ah. you must tell juju how to contact your cloud, with which credentials, for it to be useful. :)07:39
davecheneytokern3: really, please don't run juju as root07:39
sarnoldtokern3: there are links for configuring juju for aws, hp cloud, and openstack: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/07:39
davecheneythere are only two cases where you need to use sudo, and they are using the local/lxc provider07:39
sarnoldbed time :) have fun!07:40
tokern3sarnold:  wait a min07:40
davecheneytokern3: i don't think juju deploy is doing to do what you think there07:40
tokern3i wanted to install  jenkins07:40
tokern3i'm doing every command in this page .07:40
tokern3is the cloud part necessary ?07:41
sarnoldtokern3: but -where- did you want to install jenkins to? your amazon cloud? your hp cloud? your openstack cloud? some lxc instances?07:41
sarnoldtokern3: the cloud is the whole point of juju. :)07:41
davecheneytokern3: ok, you need to configure juju first07:41
davecheneyto tell it where to deploy jenkins too07:41
davecheney^ start at configure07:41
sarnoldtokern3: if you just want to install software on one machine for production use, and you're _not_ using any cloud computing infrastructure, maybe you're _really_ looking for "apt-get install jenkins".07:44
sarnoldtokern3: I suggest reading this page before going much further: http://blog.labix.org/2013/06/25/the-heart-of-juju07:45
sarnoldyou might be in the wrong place depending upon what you want to get done. :)07:45
sarnoldgood luck, and have fun. :D07:45
tokern3sarnold:  i installed jenkins : apt-get install and det port8080 for it but i didn't  set juju at all.  my goal is integrate autotest into jenkins.           thank you for help07:46
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rick_hjcastro: if you guys want to hit up some node and ruby folks as well as java/etc. check out adding codemash.org to your list of conferences to hit up13:34
* jcastro nods13:36
jcastrorick_h: do you typically go?13:36
rick_hjcastro: I've not gone the last two eyars, but went the 3 before that13:37
jcastroman I am 90% sure we're sprinting that week13:37
rick_hjcastro: a little bit of a outside the normal crowd13:37
rick_hwhich I think is good tbh13:37
jcastrowant to submit a talk? :)13:38
rick_hjcastro: heh, was thinking about it. I tried to bring some python love there, but it's a small chunk of people. JS/Ruby would be larger communities.13:38
rick_hwill think on it, but wanted to put it on your radar13:38
jcastromaybe marco or mims can join you13:39
rick_hjrwren: do you recall numbers from there? I know they stopped growing to keep from outgrowing the space, but can't recall how many it was.13:41
jrwrenrick_h: what?13:45
rick_hjrwren: how big is codemash? 600ish people?13:45
jrwrenoh the kalahri expanded. last year was 120013:45
jrwrenlikely to be 1200 this year too13:45
rick_hok, I wanted to think over 1k but seemed too big and knew that was around OLF. Thought I had confused them.13:45
jrwrenyou gonna submit juju talks?13:46
jcastrojrwren: you should do one!13:46
rick_hjrwren: I'm thinking about it. I want to charm up bookie now that lxc containers work I can debug the charm nicely13:46
jcastroour node charm should be finished by then13:46
jcastroor do the rack charm, it's ninja13:46
rick_hjrwren: but I know there's a bit node/ruby/windows community so might be cool to hit up off the beaten path13:46
jcastroDo a node app .... on Azure.13:47
jrwrenjcastro: ok, i'll submit one.13:47
jrwrenrick_h: yes. there is a small python group there too.13:47
rick_hjrwren: yea, I've tried to rep python there, but not made it the last couple of years13:48
jrwrenIMO juju transcends platform, well, it doesn't help windows.13:48
jrwrenrick_h: i'll try to rep python more there.13:48
rick_hjrwren: yep, was thinking it'd be good to get some visiblity in some circles that don't read us that often13:48
jcastroI can get a box of shirts, and swag, etc.13:49
jcastrolet me add it to my events target sheet13:49
jcastrojrwren: are you entering the charm contest?13:50
jrwrenjcastro: not afaik.13:50
jrwrenjcastro: if I use juju much, it will be at work on proprietary codes. public charms will be of no use.13:50
jcastrocharms can deploy anything13:51
jrwrenother than that, I feel all the cool charms are written.13:51
jcastroeven blobs!13:51
jrwrenwordpress and discourse charms exist. The world is complete.13:51
jcastrowhen do CFPs open for codemash?13:51
jrwrenI think they are open.13:52
jcastroI was actually whining to people to stop demoing wordpress13:52
jcastroit's like man, show something complicated13:52
jrwrenthe point is that it is not supposed to be complicated.13:52
jcastroyeah so if you wanna do node that charm should be rewritten by then13:52
jcastrojrwren: well, installing PHP stuff is relatively simple to do vs say .... hadoop13:53
jrwrenhadoop? never heard of it. wait. is that some jvm thing? :)13:53
jrwrendiscourse is complex IMO.13:53
jcastroit's not in the store yet though13:54
jrwreni looked at that charm. its interesting. it uses tcmalloc in ruby. nice complex stuff13:54
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kurt_jcastro: you were asking me if I had installed a later version of juju?16:40
kurt_I am going to install 1.1216:40
kurt_starting over16:40
jcastrothat's the latest stable.16:40
jcastroso no recovery after the vmware crash?16:40
jcastrojust boom?16:40
kurt_what do you need me to test since I'm about to destroy everythign16:40
kurt_it's all good16:40
kurt_I still have some learning to do w/r network architecture16:41
kurt_w/r openstack16:41
kurt_I got everything successfully installed incl dashboard16:41
kurt_i just couldn't get the networks to work or a vm to spin up within openstack16:41
kurt_I believe later versions of juju will give me more flexibility in my deployment strategy16:42
kurt_allow me to deploy more than one charm/service on a node16:42
jcastrowe do --to now so you can specify a machine16:46
kurt_that's really nice16:46
kurt_will that be supported within the gui?16:46
jcastrocurrently a WIP in the gui16:46
jcastrothe feature itself is newish so there's some skew there16:46
jcastrowork in progress, sorry!16:47
jcastrohas --to examples16:47
kurt_while I have your attention.  do you have a reference network architecture visio or document?  I have seen jamepage's excellent write up, but it stops short with defining the actual network architecture used.16:48
kurt_I mean for openstack16:48
kurt_he references ensuring services are on particular interfaces without illustrating the reference16:49
kurt_I found some good folsom-based examples that would likely work on the openstack site16:50
kurt_but it would be nice to match up the work he did in his reference architecture16:50
kurt_for HA16:51
jcastrothat's a jamespage or adam_g question I think16:51
kurt_yeah, I think they must be super busy or I've been pestering them too much for info :D16:52
jcastromaybe there's something upstream on a doc page16:52
jcastroSpamapS: ^^^ any idea?16:52
marcoceppijcastro: your daily reminder that it's WordPress16:52
kurt_If you guys have ideas or manage to speak with Jamespage, I would love to get my hands on that info16:55
SpamapSsorry wha?16:55
SpamapSkurt_: oh you want a recommendation for the physical network to deploy Neutron on top of?16:56
SpamapSkurt_: http://docs.openstack.org/grizzly/openstack-network/admin/content/ has some things I think16:56
kurt_SpamapS: that would be awesome16:56
kurt_is that what jamespage used as a model for his HA openstack doc?16:56
kurt_and yes I have been looking at that.16:57
SpamapSkurt_: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-ops/content/ may too16:57
kurt_my complexity comes from: I am on vmware and I am using MAAS16:57
jcastroah nuts, I don't think --to works on MAAS yet16:58
kurt_oh seriously??16:58
kurt_NOOOO :)16:58
SpamapSjcastro: why wouldn't it? it worked with jitsu deploy-to16:59
jamespagekurt_, jcastro: --to worked OK for me16:59
sarnoldit requires provider support?16:59
jcastroSpamapS: it's maas provider specific16:59
jamespagewith MAAS16:59
kurt_there is jamespage!16:59
SpamapSI mean, I don't know that anybody has ever assembled the 28 actual machines to do a full HA deploy without --to ;)16:59
jamespageSpamapS, :-016:59
jcastroit's a high priority bug that the core team is well aware of. :)16:59
jamespagejcastro, is that a new bug in 1.13.2?16:59
* kurt_ thinks RATS!17:00
jamespageI'm sure it was working OK with I tried it the other day with 1.12.017:00
jcastrojamespage: Oh really?17:00
jamespagejcastro, I'm pretty certain yes17:00
jcastrooh good then!17:00
kurt_well, I can test it for you guys :)17:00
jamespagekurt_, what was your question re network architecture?17:01
jcastroyeah let me know17:01
* SpamapS stuffs a sock in his mouth and backs away slowly17:01
marcoceppijcastro: --to is provider agnostic iirc17:01
jcastroSpamapS: just trying to reel you back in sir!17:01
kurt_jamespage: I was looking at your HA openstack reference architecture17:01
kurt_guide, etc17:01
jamespagekurt_, ah - my epic17:01
kurt_can you please provide a supporting network map? :D17:01
kurt_I have run in to all kinds of issue with the quantum stuff and being able to allocate a network/floating IP etc17:02
kurt_and even spin up a vm17:02
jcastrojamespage: Aha, nevermind, I am thinking of the --contraints not working on maas, not --to17:03
marcoceppijcastro: last I talked with dfc about it. --to is really dumb and just does whatever you tell it to17:03
jamespagekurt_, so the charms implement this - http://docs.openstack.org/grizzly/openstack-network/admin/content/use_cases_tenant_router.html17:03
kurt_and I think its my own lack of understanding holding me back and having the underlying network not really set up correctly17:03
jcastromarcoceppi: yeah I was thinking of constraints17:03
marcoceppijcastro: ahh yeah. e need more constraints for Maas17:03
jamespagekurt_, each tenant must create/have created for them a private network and a route that connects it to the outside world17:03
jamespagethat ends up on the quantum-gateway unit btw17:03
jamespagethen you can float ip addresses on your instances for public access.17:04
jamespagekurt_, the quantum-gateway charm current requires a dedicated network port connected to the 'public' network to support this feature17:04
kurt_public = internet network right?17:04
jamespagepublic can be another connection to the private network in test deployments17:04
jamespagekurt_, yep17:04
jamespagekurt_, look - I'm time limited right now - hopefully that points you in the right direction17:05
kurt_Ok, I have been using NAT on my MAAS region controller - I think I am maybe breaking routing with that17:05
jamespagetake a look at the quantum-tenant-net and quantum-ext-net commands that get installed on the nova-cloud-controller node17:05
jamespagethey have help :-)17:05
kurt_jamespage: yes, its a good start.17:05
kurt_jamespage: maybe I can put together a visio with my stuff and email to you? you could give it a quick once-over?17:06
jcastrokurt_: make it nice so we can steal it and put it in the documentation!17:06
kurt_as long as you credit me as a contributor :D17:07
jcastroalways dude!17:07
kurt_maybe I'll earn that t-shirt then :)17:07
jcastroI was going to bring one for ya anyway17:07
kurt_jcastro: what version of juju do you want me to test?17:07
jcastroyes please17:08
jcastro1.13.2 is the new dev17:08
jcastroand I am interested in you trying that too but -stable ftw for now17:08
kurt_ok, give me some time today.  I need to thread in my "normal" work17:09
kurt_jcastro: do you work with Maarten Ectors?17:09
kurt_ok, he reached out to me for some feedback17:10
kurt_I'm guessing that's fairly normal for mailing list contributors17:10
jcastroI think it depends on what you posted17:12
jcastroyou posted that grizzly question?17:13
web-brandonjuju/pkgs for the latest charm-tools right?17:15
marcoceppiweb-brandon: ATM yes. though that may change soon17:19
kurt_jcastro: I think it was...17:25
X-warriorIf I want to use juju with aws, does the S3 mandatory?17:29
web-brandonmarcoceppi: are you moving it to its own PPA? I noticed one but it had some failed builds.17:30
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marcoceppiweb-brandon: it'll eventually be going in the juju/stable ppa17:46
marcoceppiX-warrior: yes17:46
marcoceppiweb-brandon: with a separate daily builds ppa17:46
X-warrioris it possible to choose the aws machine type? for example17:49
X-warriormicro instance?17:49
X-warriorI found it, --constraint ty17:51
marcoceppiX-warrior: you'll need to set cpu-power=0 mem=128 cpu-cores=0 with constraints in order to get micro with juju. we really don't recommend micros though17:54
X-warriormarcoceppi: oh really? ok, thanks for the information17:55
X-warriorSo I'm trying to bootstrap to sa-east-1 but I'm getting this error: "error: provider storage is not writable"... when I try to us-east-1 for example it created the machine. S3 says there is no region specification so I think it is ok. The only difference I could find is, ec2 from sa-east-1 has 2 machines (not created with juju) and us-east-1 has no machine. What could be wrong?18:11
sarnoldX-warrior: juju currently operates entirely within one availability zone in one region. there's no region-spanning intelligence..18:15
X-warriorsarnold: Yeap, but does it need a clean region?18:15
sarnoldX-warrior: no idea, but seems unlikely18:16
X-warriorSo I have no idea what is going on, I can bootstrap to us-east-1 easily... but when I try to bootstrap to sa-east-1 I get that error18:17
X-warriorsarnold: I found the problem, the problem was the s3 name. Just updated it and it worked. :D18:51
sarnoldX-warrior: woo! :)18:52
X-warriorIs bootstrap a valid instance to deploy services?18:52
X-warriorfor example, juju deploy postgresql --to 018:52
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marcoceppiX-warrior: yes, you can deploy --to the bootstrap node18:56
X-warriorso I already run juju bootstrap, but when I try to to use deploy --to 0, it returns me 'error: no instance found', checking the amazon ec2 I see the juju-amazon machine18:57
_mup_Bug #1217011 was filed: error connecting to rapi ws from chrome dev channel (30) <juju:New> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1217011>19:01
X-warrior2013-08-26 19:18:04 ERROR juju supercommand.go:235 command failed: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot set up groups: cannot revoke security group: Source group ID missing. (MissingParameter) error: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot set up groups: cannot revoke security group: Source group ID missing. (MissingParameter)19:19
vdsHello, I'm trying to deploy postgresql with the support for permanent storage, after changing the config file in this way http://paste.ubuntu.com/6030130/ I get this error, which is not very clear to me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6030125/20:40
vdsany suggestion?20:40
sidneivds: did you get an error and then retry perhaps?20:47
vdssidnei, nope20:47
sidneivds: uhm, try debug-hooks and then retry --resolved, see what 'config-get --format=json' returns once in the hook context.20:50
* vds tries20:50
kentbanyone know when this will trickle down into juj-core, preferably the stable ppa?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/121032821:09
_mup_Bug #1210328: cloudinit: switch apt-add-repository to use ppa:juju/stable <juju-core:Fix Committed by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1210328>21:09
sidneikentb: it's in the devel ppa atm, stable will only be updated when 1.14 is released.21:16
kentbok. thank you sidnei21:17
vdssidnei, config-get is not installed on postgresql/021:49
sidneivds: are you running from debug-hooks in the context of a hook?21:50
sidneivds: if you run in the default shell when debug-hook start up it won't work21:50
sidneivds: you need the 2nd shell that pops up after you do resolved --retry21:50
vdssidnei, where should I run resolved --retry?21:52
sidneivds: from where you ran juju debug-hooks (which I assume is your local machine), on a separate terminal window of course21:52
vdssidnei, config-get in the context of the hook returns {}21:56
sidneivds: cool. i wonder if it's a bug? the code expects it to return the default value that's set in config.yaml apparently, and afaict that has always worked.21:57
sidneithumper: ^21:58
sidneivds: which version of juju you're using?21:58
* thumper looks up21:58
vdssidnei, thumper 1.13.2-raring-amd6421:59
thumpervds: which provider (shouldn't matter just gathering info)21:59
thumpervds: and which hook were you debugging?21:59
vdssidnei, thumper could it be the config change I did? I'm not sure that's the way to pass a dict http://paste.ubuntu.com/6030130/ that's just what I changed21:59
vdsthedac, openstack22:00
vdsthumper, openstack22:00
vdsthumper, from the debug log it looks like install22:00
sidneivds: that looks like it should work22:00
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying

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