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ScottKSeems to be a limitation Debian doesn't have.  Oh well.01:14
stgraberScottK: Debian stores the epoch in the file names?01:33
stgraberdoesn't look like it does (checked a random example on ftp.debian.org, zlib), so they should have the same kind of problem as Ubuntu would01:34
ScottKNo, but the dupe doesn't seem to have been a problem.02:50
wgrantLaunchpad archives do not allow filename conflicts.02:56
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qenghoWeird.  My PPA stopped trying to build on ARM lately.  I wonder what happened.14:50
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dobeyqengho: your ppa in question wouldn't happen to be for chromium? i am seeing arm ppa builds here, so i would guess either a hiccup or what you were building was too resource heavy and had to be disabled (but i don't have whatever access is needed to check the latter)19:06
qenghodobey: Yeah, I think I gave up native on my personal PPA, and the "~chromium-daily" ppa is virtualized, so I need to figure out what to do.19:07
qenghovirtualized makes it run for two days and then hang.  Which is awesome.19:08
dobeybeg for one of those machines you could do make -j192 on? :)19:10
Sonderbladewhen you upload a new version of a source package, can you have launchpad not remove the old builds before the new ones are complete?19:11
dobeySonderblade: i don't think so. the old builds remain published in the archive though until new builds are published to it (which requires successful builds)19:16
Sonderbladedobey: really? it deletes the queued builds and replaces them with your most recent upload anyway19:23
dobeyyes of course it does19:24
dobeywell, it's a little more complicated than that (and i don't know the exact heuristics off the top of my head), but why does it matter if it deletes a previously queued build when you upload a new version? you just uploaded a new version, so obviously the older one is wrong19:26
nagyzafter changing the e-mail address and deleting the one used at registration, is it normal that I still can only log in with that old, deleted e-mail address?20:22
nagyzif I want to get a password reset to my new e-mail address, it even tells me in the e-mail that it's not associated with any accounts...20:22
nagyzah, ok, it's confusing.20:30
nagyzfound that launchpad.net and login.launchpad.net are two different services...20:30
dobey yes, you need to do it on login.launchpad.net (or login.ubuntu.com)20:40
dobeybzr: ERROR: An error (1) occurred running quilt: None20:41
dobeyerr, wrong channel20:41
Sonderbladedobey: it replaced all binary debs when the first source build started. which i guess is reasonable but not optimal since the i386 build still has to wait 3 hours in the build queue20:43
dobeySonderblade: replaced? you mean the view on the web page i presume?20:46
Sonderbladedobey: correct20:47
dobeySonderblade: that's merely a view. the published binaries are still published in the apt archive20:47
dobeyand the previous build doesn't go away immediately on the +packages view either. it takes a little time20:48
Sonderbladeoh i didnt know that20:48
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