
TJ-tgm4883: see http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/  ... or for out-of-support packages, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/00:25
tgm4883TJ-, TheLordOfTime 12.04. It's not on either of those sites, although I found it on the kernel team PPA. I'm going to attempt using a newer version and seeing if that will resolve the issue I'm having00:27
tgm4883if not, I'll attempt the one from the PPA00:27
TheLordOfTimetgm4883, i was going to link you to the archive for it00:27
TheLordOfTimebecause i believe i could get those packages00:27
TheLordOfTimetgm4883, but why do you specifically need the linux-image-server package?00:30
TheLordOfTimei don't think there's a server-specific image now, but I might be wrong...00:30
tgm4883TheLordOfTime, not necessarily the server package, but that particular version number00:30
tgm4883I've got a test server and a production server. The test server works fine, but the production server doesn't work quite right when it comes to backing up the virtual machine, so I'm trying to make it identical to the test server (the previous admin didn't do that)00:31
Patrickdk_exactly, how do you backup the machine?00:33
tgm4883Patrickdk_, using a windows program called vm explorer. It uses the vmware API to backup the machine00:34
TJ-tgm4883: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/3248693/+listing-archive-extra00:35
tgm4883TJ-, awesome, I'll grab that. Thanks00:35
Patrickdk_funny, vmware has no backup api, only a cbl00:35
tgm4883Patrickdk_, we use this http://www.trilead.com/00:36
Patrickdk_ya, looking, I use veeam00:36
dassoukilooking for a document collab and task management CMS of some sort for a group of 10 folks .. low budget so FOSS is ideal01:48
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soy_el_pulpodassouki: we are using asana, I think is free for less than 1001:54
dassoukidoes it include document sharing? and task management?01:55
soy_el_pulpoyou can add documents to the proyects...01:56
soy_el_pulpoup to 15 users is free..01:56
soy_el_pulpothe good thing is that it has iOS and android app to keep you working on the road, they work very nicely01:56
dassoukidoes it work on the ipad you know?01:56
soy_el_pulpodocuments per project, photos, etc...01:57
soy_el_pulpowe spent so much time looking for something...01:57
soy_el_pulpoalso we tried social office form Liferay that I also liked, but my team has old-fashion people that cannot use "modern" tools very well... jeje01:57
soy_el_pulpodassouki: take a look to it...01:58
soy_el_pulpomsg dassouki01:58
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zulis there a python way of determining number of cpu threads?15:25
brendan-is there a way to find out when a specific package was added to the repos?16:16
brendan-im building a debian package to for ruby & there's a dependency for libssl0.9.8 according to the script i came across, but im not sure if that dependency was as a result of when it was created (about 1yr ago) or for another reason16:17
FunnyLookinHatHey guys - is there a reason that apache2-mpm-prefork is still the default?  I had thought that worker was the best means to take advantage of modern hardware ?16:19
TJ-FunnyLookinHat: Good question; it's down to PHP and some of the libraries it depends on not being thread-safe, but I've not been able to find a list of the supposedly unsafe libraries16:22
FunnyLookinHatYeah - that's what I thought.16:22
FunnyLookinHatI asked in #httpd and got the usual "use worker but don't use mod_php" - which is more or less a PITA16:22
TJ-I installed php5 on a new 13.10 apache 2.4 install and it replace worker with prefork. I quickly reversed that, switched to event, and installed php5-fpm16:29
patdk-wkyou should have install php5-fpm first, instead of plain php516:35
patdk-wkplain php5 defaults to mod_php16:35
ivokszul: there is16:41
ivokszul: i remember doing that for one project16:41
zulivoks:  cpu threads?16:41
ivoksgive me a second to check, it was long long time ago16:42
ivoksah, just the number of cpus16:43
ivokszul: ^16:43
zulivoks:  yeah thats what i used ;)16:45
TJ-zul: ivoks: wouldn't a simple read of /proc/cpuinfo and then look at "siblings" and "cpu cores"?  see http://www.richweb.com/cpu_info16:46
zulTJ-:  thanks16:47
TJ-zul: also, look for the "ht" flag16:50
Serhadhey volks17:21
SerhadI got a question to commerce? How can I create a ney payment method like paying if the guy pick the product at my office17:22
Serhadney = new17:22
yolandajamespage, zuul https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/horizon/autokpgtests/+merge/18216817:22
yolandasorry, zul.. . that's consequence of my CI work :)17:22
jamespageyolanda, comments on MP17:27
yolandajamespage ok, i'll fix t17:29
Serhadsorry wrong chat...17:32
yolandajamespage, updated mp17:37
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kurt_how does one install the software in a bzr branch once its downloaded?21:37
sarnoldkurt_: depends upon the software in question; bzr is just a source control system similar to git, mercurial, subversion, bitkeeper, perforce, etc.21:38
kurt_sarnold: I'm trying to install juju 1.1221:39
sarnoldkurt_: aha! :) can you use their ppa? that will provide you with precompiled packages for several distributions and architectures and save you the hassle of building it yourself21:39
kurt_I could, sure… more googling ha ha21:40
sarnoldkurt_: that'd be the add-apt-repository and following command here: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/21:40
kurt_sarnold: too easy thanks.  seems this version doesn't support --version flag or -version flg21:44
sarnoldkurt_: try just "juju version"?21:44
sarnoldI've got a vague memory that something there was a bit goofy21:44
kurt_:) duh21:44
kurt_thank you sir21:45
sarnoldwoo, back to fighting your fight :) good luck! hehe21:45
kurt_yes indeed.  I'm sure you've been reading on juju list…. her hee21:45
sarnoldkurt_: just irc, I try to not subscribe to too many lists, it's an easy wya to lose hours every day :)21:46
kurt_indeed and understood.  I appreciate your help. :)21:46
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koolhead17hi all22:28
arooni-mobiletrying to install nginx on ubuntu 12.04;  i have previously installed from source in /opt/nginx when running an older version of ubuntu.  how can i install correctly?  when i do sudo apt-get install nginx i see this https://gist.github.com/arooni/d27e1b6cc6443fcf4a4b22:29
sarnoldarooni-mobile: yikes you've got a good problem there to solve. echo $PATH as root will probably give you different results than the actual environment that apt-get was executed with. try this instead: sudo env22:34
arooni-mobilesarnold, what about adding /sbin to roots path?22:34
sarnoldarooni-mobile: ooh, note this too: "...chasetoys/.bashrc:10:PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:..."22:35
arooni-mobilesarnold, i updated root's path to add /sbin ... but doesnt seem to make a difference22:35
sarnoldarooni-mobile: whatever you've currently got is also scribbling over the path you've got22:35
arooni-mobilesarnold, should i get rid of my users path additions?22:35
sarnoldarooni-mobile: you should at least inspect them to make sure they make sense22:36
arooni-mobilehavent messed with them for awhile22:36
sarnoldarooni-mobile: I personally would be terrified to have a user's home directory contents in root's PATH anywhere, but that might be difficult to fix.22:36
arooni-mobilesarnold, i think i just copied thie bashrc file from my home laptop22:37
arooni-mobilethe only thing i need is the ruby gem stuff22:38
arooni-mobilesarnold, i commented out all that stuff modfiying the $PATH22:39
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