
cmaloneyYeah, but at least it's Windows 700:30
cmaloneyMachine shipped with Windows Vista on it, so that's already an improvement00:31
cmaloneyHuh, there's a PUTTY.RND file on here00:32
cmaloneyThat's strange00:32
cmaloneySet mom-in-law's machine to use an admin account01:04
cmaloneypassword is "becareful"01:04
cmaloneyPassword hint is "Be Careful" (No spaces)01:05
cmaloneyGood morning13:49
cmaloneybtw: we have a meeting on Sunday since it's the first Sunday of the month14:08
cmaloneyAnd it's Labor Day weekend. ;)14:08
rick_hoh boy14:11
jrwreni will try to make it anyway :)14:13
cmaloneyThank you14:14
rick_hI'll be on a plane sorry14:14
rick_hwell, I guess I might be landed, but doubtful to be around14:14
cmaloneyThere have been some changes to the approval (now verification) process that I think will change whether or not we go with the new process14:14
cmaloneyrick_h: No worries. If you can make it, that's awesome14:14
jrwrenwhat are the proposed changes?14:21
cmaloneyIt looks like it's just a "touch base" instead of a "prove to us that you are active and making awesome"15:46
cmaloneyThat and it relies more on data that we're already aggregating15:48
cmaloneyI think the loco directory / launchpad can do most, if not all of the work15:48
greg-gYA THINK?!15:49
greg-gCRAIG AND GREG15:49
* greg-g grumbles15:50
cmaloneyYeah, we're already generating tons of metadata about the group15:50
greg-gway to help the NSA, maaaaaan15:50
cmaloneyI do hope you realize that your involvement in OSS will go down on your permanent record.15:51
greg-gI'll eat my permanant record15:52
jrwrenonly if printed on ricepaper17:31
cmaloneyMy permanent record is printed on the backs of newborn piglets.17:43
greg-gmmmm, smoked permanent record.17:44
jrwrenwhat happened to greg-g vegetarian?17:46
jrwrenor do I just remember totally wrong?17:46
greg-gI ate him17:46
jrwrenhahaha, nice17:46
greg-gI was, 'tis true17:46
greg-gnow I'm mostly whatever. Hopefully going back to paleo-ish soon17:46
jrwrenwhoa, that is a lot of meat.17:47
greg-gbut I think I'm hypoglycemic :(17:47
jrwrenchallenge: paleo pesco-lacto-ovio vegetarian17:47
jrwreni'm on day 3 of vegetarian, does that count?17:47
greg-git counts to 3, at least17:47
cmaloneyI'm a vegetarian in between whenever I last ate meat17:54
cmaloneyso... 0 days.17:54
cmaloneyI'm a pragmatic vegetarian. I eat vegetarian when I don't want to eat meat. ;)17:55
jrwrenmost americans cannot imagine a meal without meat, let alone a day or two18:10
cmaloneyI have no problem with this, but I tend to do it more often with middle eastern food18:46
dzhosee also (for me): Ethiopian19:10
rick_hman, juju in lxc ftw, so freaking fast/cool19:10
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_
jrwrenya know how Im' always bitching there are no good python books. I think maybe treading on python vol1&2 might be great python books19:19
jrwrenby juju in lxc, you mean the lxc backend?19:19
cmaloneyjrwren: There are good Python books, just the O'Reilly / Mark Lutz books are a little dense.19:35
rick_hjrwren: yea, using the lxc provider to launch/test things out in a hurry locally23:54
rick_hso much faster and nicer23:54

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