
micahgOvenWerk1: I see ubuntustudio-instaler was uploaded, anything else left to do?04:19
OvenWerk1micahg: -installer, menu and -settings all uploaded. I think thats it for me... just waiting for the three to hit the wild.04:22
micahgok, once -installer clears new, they should migrate04:22
OvenWerk1ok micahg is there anything I can do to help move it along or is it just waiting for the weekend to end?04:23
micahgNEW is processed as time permits, anything in there before Feature Freeze is good for saucy, if you need it in sooner, you can poke in -release04:24
micahgjdstrand used to do NEW review on Fridays, don't know if he still does04:24
OvenWerk1Thats fine. I can wait.04:24
OvenWerk1I can relax now :)04:24
micahgI'm glad you managed to find someone and am sorry I wasn't able to get to it04:25
OvenWerk1No problem, anything like that again, just say so. I can bug other people :)04:26
micahgyeah, I need to learn to say no more :)04:26
OvenWerk1Besides I learn more this way ...04:26
smartboyhwzequence, you are at WORK?:O06:14
smartboyhwzequence-work, :O06:14
zequence-worksmartboyhw: Yes. I've been working last week too.06:16
smartboyhwzequence-work, oh, that's why we can't contact you...06:16
zequence-workI'm a Linux teacher for unemployed people06:16
smartboyhwzequence-work, sure, teach me how to make multiarch work in a cmake package..06:17
zequence-workI'm on every day. Just not all the time06:17
zequence-workNot sure how that relates to Linux06:18
smartboyhwzequence-work: I know, just can't understand it06:19
zequence-workCheck the documentation for cmake06:19
smartboyhwHey cub 07:39
cubgood morning!07:39
cuball is well, smartboyhw ?07:41
smartboyhwcub, yes07:41
smartboyhwcub, what are you asking OvenWerk1 yesterday?07:42
cubzequence-work, indeed.07:42
cubsmartboyhw, I'm about to set up several installations on my laptop and I think he had done what I'm aiming for before and just wanted some feedback07:43
zequence-workcub: hi07:43
cubspent a week or so trying to shrink my pre-installed old Windows-partition. 07:43
cubzequence-work, teaching work or *nix work?07:43
smartboyhwcub, both can be mixed together:P07:44
cubyes but is usually gets messy after three OS installation I think. :P07:45
smartboyhwcub, um, I'm replying to zequence's job, not on your installation...07:45
cubhaha ok07:45
* smartboyhw will send a reminder to zequence-work about the RT kernel after FF:P07:46
zequence-workcub: I had plus ten Ubuntu/Debian installs at one point07:49
zequence-workThere was a problem with the installer sometimes, when you hit a certain amount07:49
cubhow did you partition the hdd?07:49
zequence-workYou can have max 4 primary partitions07:50
zequence-workOne of them can be shared between all, which is the swap partition07:50
zequence-workI just made several small ones. Like 20GB for each testing install07:50
zequence-workI'm currently trying to move towards virtual machines on my server, but VirtualBox was making it crash. Need to try something else07:51
cubI run most in Vbox but some things I think I would need a "real" installation for07:52
cubVirtualbox crash you system? What do you use as host OS, Debian right?07:53
zequence-workDebian, yes07:54
zequence-workIt's headless, and I use remote GUI07:55
cubzequence-work, since I pushed to the contributor branch. Do I need to do anything else to get it reviewed and my minor change into the real seed?07:58
smartboyhwcub, a merge proposal07:58
smartboyhw(But I suppose OvenWerk1 did the orca change already(07:58
cubyes but I put in brltty as well.07:59
smartboyhwcub, oh good07:59
smartboyhwMerge proposal then07:59
cubdang, I should have done that on Friday already07:59
smartboyhwcub, no worries:)08:00
smartboyhwWe can push it in08:00
cubShould I name someone as reviewer?08:02
smartboyhwcub, Ubuntu Studio Development Team is OK08:02
smartboyhwSo I or OvenWerk1 or zequence-work can review 08:02
cubI suppose it will go there anyway, the field is "optional"08:02
cuband done.08:02
smartboyhwOK, let me review:)08:03
cubit shoudl be quick, I only added "* (brltty) "08:03
cubbut how does it work after that? Do you need to manually do the same change in the main branch? Or can it automatically include just the last change in the contributor branch? Since there might have been other changes done there since I pushed on Friday.08:05
smartboyhwcub, yep, manually, I'm doing it08:05
smartboyhwJust a bzr merge and a bzr commit08:05
smartboyhwcub, MERGED08:06
smartboyhwzequence-work, you are now having the same problems like OvenWerk1 of bzr launchpad-login08:07
cubI've got some good feedback from the ubuntu-accessibility mailing list. It seems there might be an audience for Ubuntu Studio there if we can get it to work properly.08:07
smartboyhwNow the question: Do we want to update it for -meta?08:09
smartboyhwIf yes, either we wait for micahg or we ask somebody else to sponsor the upload08:09
smartboyhwcub, which country are you from again?08:09
smartboyhwcub, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamStructure:)08:11
cubOooh fame and glory!08:11
cubI have started up a wikipage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/cub08:13
smartboyhwcub, oh great:)08:14
smartboyhwcub, look at mine:P https://wiki.ubuntu.com/smartboyhw08:15
smartboyhwAnd I need an update, hmm08:15
cub"ninja" hehe08:17
smartboyhwcub, OK, this team doesn't actually exist (as in the team's LP profile)08:18
cubwhich team?08:19
smartboyhwcub, ninjas08:19
cubHaha I didn't know there was one.08:20
smartboyhwcub, there actually is (in Launchpad terms)08:20
zequence-workcub: Did you first make sure the branch was updated with the changes from the master branch (i.e. the ubuntustudio-dev branch)?09:09
zequence-workBefore making changes, first pull changes from the master branch09:09
zequence-workThen make changes, then push, then do merge request09:10
zequence-workI can have a look09:10
smartboyhwzequence-work, nah, I bzr pulled before merging09:13
smartboyhwFor cub :)09:13
zequence-worksmartboyhw: Ok09:18
zequence-workcub: Are you with us on the details on this now?09:18
zequence-workSince there are two branches, the second one needs to be updated before making changes (preferably)09:19
cubzequence-work, yes I pulled the main branch just before doing my change, then push to the contributor branch. Though I didn't do the merge proposal until today, which might be an issue?09:25
smartboyhwcub, the main branch might have changed during the time you started doing the editing work and the merge proposal09:28
cubexactly, that's why I asked before09:39
zequence-workcub: What you do then is you first do a merge to your own branch, before pushing it to contributor - if there were changes10:22
zequence-workOr you can do it the other way around too of course10:22
zequence-workI mean push changes first. Then merge with the main branch10:23
zequence-workcub: Ok, so you had your first change done in code today then10:23
zequence-workEven if it's more like config files10:23
zequence-workDev change anyway10:24
cubhehe, still worth celebrating. I bought icecream.10:42
smartboyhwcub, LOL10:44
* smartboyhw ate icecream 1 hour ago10:44
zequence-workluckily I don't like ice cream11:34
zequence-workSo, only tea and cookies for me11:35
zequence-workDarkEra: Hi11:36
DarkErahi there zequence-work11:37
smartboyhwHey DarkEra 12:39
smartboyhwzequence-work, ice creams are great:12:40
DarkErahi smartboyhw12:40
zequence-workSo is tea and cookies12:40
* smartboyhw likes cookies but not western tea12:41
smartboyhwzequence-work, drink Chinese and Japanese tea:P12:41
zequence-worksmartboyhw: I had some green tea today, but not from leaves. Just from bags12:46
zequence-workI used to drink lots of green tea in the past12:46
zequence-workThe Chinese kind12:46
smartboyhwzequence-work, good:)13:01
smartboyhwDarkEra, welcome:)13:08
DarkErasmartboyhw: hmm?13:08
smartboyhwDarkEra, welcome I sayu13:09
DarkErawelcome to what? lol13:09
smartboyhwDarkEra, th the channel:)13:09
DarkErai already said hi before but then again... thanks buddy :)13:10
smartboyhwzequence-work, http://smartboyhwubuntu.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/happy-22nd-birthday-linux/14:19
smartboyhwcub, ^14:19
cubYup, I read his biography this summer. I was surprised the book was already over 10 years old14:20
smartboyhwcub, heh14:21
smartboyhwBuy a newer edition:p14:21
cubI don't think there is one?14:22
cubI like the part "I’m doing a (free) operating system". It doesn't say "I'm doing a (free) kernel". ;)14:23
smartboyhwcub, that IS the original email14:24
cubI know.14:24
zequence-workSome would claim the kernel is the actual operating system. The terminology is not perfectly clear14:25
cubyeah, that will probably be the new mac vs pc argument within the gnu/foss/floss/linux/etc communties.14:25
zequence-workGoing to an interview for HiQ tomorrow (thought it would be today)14:25
zequence-workThey were looking for a Linux guru14:26
zequence-workIt would really make my day if it led somewhere14:26
cubis it a consulting job?14:26
zequence-workNot sure yet. Something to do with Linux14:27
cubyeah I meant if you know if you would work on HiQ's own things or other companies14:27
zequence-workHaven't got any details at all really14:27
cubmaybe they both actually. :P14:27
smartboyhwzequence-work, oh?14:40
zequence-workYes, it was time for an account there. Time to go home..14:40
cubIs there a way to see all the ! commands for ubottu?14:46
ubottusmartboyhw: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:50
smartboyhwcub, check ubottu.com14:50
smartboyhw"Factoid database"14:50
cubAh, I found some other pages but they only explained how to create new factoids.14:51
smartboyhwzequence, do we have any intention to update our ubiquity slideshow?15:40
smartboyhwIt seemed to be quite old, tbh15:40
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: waiting for new backdrops to drop...16:07
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, ?16:08
* smartboyhw does wonder what happened to our artwork16:08
smartboyhwSadly madeinkobaia isn't here16:08
OvenWerk1people get busy, Mish is out for a bit16:09
OvenWerk1 I am glad he got the icons done though16:09
OvenWerk1Ralf did one icon too16:09
OvenWerk1Anyone else do art?16:11
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: We tried to make our slide show have no version ref, so we have just been changing the first/last slides with the new BG16:12
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, well, we should update it a bit I think16:14
zequenceOvenWerk1: Yeah, I'm waiting a bit to see if madein will show up. Since we have until interface freeze, I wasn't in a hurry to do the icons myself18:02
zequenceThere is a new set, which is ok to use already18:02
zequencebut, they could be improved18:02
zequenceso not much work to finish it18:02
zequenceI think if we don't get a new wallpaper this cycle we just roll with the old one18:02
zequenceThe important changes come with 14.04, so I'm not going to be stressed about the wallpaper this time (last time it was really getting old)18:03
OvenWerk1zequence: ubutustudio-icon-theme is still in the wild and as a depends some place. I think it shouldn't matter for the menu because we have changed the name of all the menu icons anyway.20:32
OvenWerk1zequence: I think it has to remain in our package becasue it has the distributer icon. However, it could have the menu icons cleaned out.20:36
OvenWerk1Because it is art work we may be able to still do this after FF.20:36
zequenceOvenWerk1: Yes, the menu icons I've gathered should go into the menu packag now20:37
OvenWerk1It seems odd having an icon theme with only one icon :)20:37
zequenceThe icon theme might see a resurrection for 14.04 with a new icon set20:37
OvenWerk1They are already in tghe menu20:37
zequenceDoesn't matter if there's only one :)20:37
OvenWerk1Ya, just seems funny :)20:38
OvenWerk1Do you want me to clean it out, or leave it for a new guy?20:38
zequenceIt's mostly just cleaning up. If you want to do it, please go ahead :).20:39
OvenWerk1Right. will rebranch this afternoon.20:40
OvenWerk1I have a couple of identical stereo amps... one side works on each I think... Maybe I can make one good one.20:42
* OvenWerk1 just fixed the stove in a simmilar way...20:44
knomeOvenWerk1, do you happen to have an otherwise broken camera with a working flash? ;)20:44
knomei have the pairing part (working camera with broken flash)20:45
madeinkobaiaSee you all : )21:30
OvenWerk1knome: no such luck... not much of a photographer. Even so, the shipping might cost the value of any of the cameras I own ;)21:45
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
OvenWerk1knome: how much do you know about licences?21:48
knomelimiting amount, but ask away21:49
OvenWerk1one of our packages the debian part is licenced "GPL" in 2006. I notice that in the dirctory GPL links to GPL-321:50
OvenWerk1However, GPL-3 was introduced in 2007, so I am guessing that GPL in this case should be GPL-2?21:50
* OvenWerk1 is fixing up the copyright files to machine readable..21:51
knomewhat's the package?21:51
OvenWerk1Or should I leave it as "GPL" and let it poinbt at 3. This is ubuntustudio-icon-theme.21:52
knomedepends if the license for the application/lib in the package says "GPL2 or later" or "GPL2"21:52
knomewho are the authors for that theme?21:52
knomeyou should consult them to check how they want to handle the license21:52
OvenWerk1The theme itself is cc by sa21:52
OvenWerk1all the icons are new sinse 201221:53
OvenWerk1It is just the /debian directory21:53
knomeso why is GPL there?21:53
knomeif GPL isn't the license, delete the file21:53
OvenWerk1Left from the original packager21:53
knomeor to be more exact, if nothing in the package is GPL-licensed, there's no reason for the file to be in there21:54
OvenWerk1So I can just do the whole thing cc by sa then? That would be much simpler21:54
knomei'd imagine so.21:54
knomei don't know if debian packages itself are licensed21:54
OvenWerk1So the *.deb package format itself is no licenced?21:54
knomecommon sense says that's stupid...21:54
knomei'd check with other packagers on that21:55
knomeor, check packages like xubuntu-icon-theme for what that does.21:55
TheDrumsknome: Generally there's a Files: debian/* section.22:08
knomeTheDrums, yeah, but does that have a GPL file if the contents of the package isn't GPL'd?22:08
TheDrumsIt's whatever the maintainer licenses it as, so all files under the source/debian/ dir are GPL.22:09
OvenWerk1TheDrums: ok, The original question stands, If the package was originally debianized when GPL was gpl-2, do I have to make it gpl-2 or can I leave it as just gpl?22:16
TheDrumsI'm not good with copyright, so I can't say.22:16
OvenWerk1Most of the packages are gpl-2+ for that part ...22:17
OvenWerk1I think That is what I will do here, It was started as gpl2 but left open.. 22:19
OvenWerk1Building and delinting...22:36
OvenWerk1Should have known.. extended-description-is-probably-too-short23:09
OvenWerk1we seem to do that a lot.23:09

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