
=== vlt_ is now known as vlt
studio-user183ho un problema con l'istallazione di Ubuntu Studio 13.0409:10
studio-user183in fase di istallazione, e precisamente quando inserisco i dati utente, l'istallazione termina per un errore tipo [erron].....09:11
studio-user183I have a problem with installation of ubuntu studio 13.0409:11
studio-user183help me09:12
vltQuale errore? Quale!?09:24
cubgreat, wait around for whole 2 minutes for someone to reply.09:27
vltA question in Italian.09:32
vltBut did you notice something?09:32
vltHe didn’t write !list first :-D09:33
tung2somebody help me10:14
studio-user714hi there13:41
studio-user714just installed ubuntu studio13:41
studio-user714have a nice day !13:41
cfhowlettstudio-user714, greetings13:41
studio-user714noobing around lol13:42
zequence-workstudio-user714: Hope you have fun with it :)13:42
studio-user714looks very nice at the very first glimpse, never used linux before13:48
cubnice, studio-user714 let us know if you run into any problems.14:05
caodepalhahi everyone!20:02
SnoopCZAnybody here?21:03
SnoopCZSaid the traveller knocking on the moonlit door21:03
wilee-nileeSnoopCZ, The irc works with you stating your issues21:04
holsteinSnoopCZ: do you need help? if so, just ask.21:04
SnoopCZSorry :/21:04
SnoopCZSo yea21:04
SnoopCZI wanted to install Python, the programming ...eh...how is it in English....well, the program where you do all of the programming stuff21:04
SnoopCZAnd..I just downloaded it and can't manage to install it. I always install what seems to be the libraries or what, but....21:05
SnoopCZNot the actual program what I want21:05
SnoopCZBut when I put in python into run a program it transferred me here...21:06
SnoopCZDunno why21:06
holsteinSnoopCZ: what application?21:07
holsteinSnoopCZ: thats not where you need to go do install or use python21:07
holsteinSnoopCZ: you use the software center, or whatever package manager you want to use21:07
holsteinyou can search "python" and install what you want21:08
SnoopCZYes, but it downloads the librarys ir what, but not the actual thing what I want-the programming enviroment21:08
holsteinSnoopCZ: no.. thats *not* where you go to get python21:08
holsteinSnoopCZ: there is no "python prgramming environment"21:09
holsteinpython is a language.. if there is an IDE that you use python with, you may install it21:09
SnoopCZIt goes like this21:09
SnoopCZFrom school - as the year starts we will have Python programming lessons, so I wanted to have a look at what we'll be doing. I thought it sould be something like Java or...not?21:10
holsteinSnoopCZ: no.. pythong is python.. java is java21:10
holsteinthey are "similar" sure. like a car is similar to a bike..21:11
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python21:11
holstein^^ you can install python in the software center.. or the command line21:11
holsteinhttp://www.upriss.org.uk/python/PythonCourse.html is a nice online course21:12
holsteintry a programming channel21:12
SnoopCZYea, but...so where do I actually put in something like -print Hello World and stuff?21:12
SnoopCZSorry ppl, I'm pretty new to Linux, so I'm kinda lost21:13
holsteinSnoopCZ: the link i gave you is a course..21:13
SnoopCZIf I asked on wrong channel21:13
holsteinSnoopCZ: this has *nothing* to do with linux, or ubuntu or ubuntustudio specifically21:13
holsteinSnoopCZ: you open a terminal, and type "python" and hit "enter".. that is python21:14
holsteinyou can make scripts.py21:14
SnoopCZYes, but I thought it was about installing the program....on Windows I got it installeed and suddenly a window popped up where I was supposed to write stufff21:14
SnoopCZThought it would be the same here21:14
holsteinSnoopCZ: python, *is* installed21:14
SnoopCZAlright, alright21:15
holsteinSnoopCZ: open a terminal, and type "python", and hit "enter".. and "suddenly, a window will popup"21:15
SnoopCZThanks for the help21:15
SnoopCZSo...everything is in terminal21:15
holsteinSnoopCZ: no... i didnt say, nor imply that21:15
holsteinSnoopCZ: that is one, of many ways to use and utilize python21:16
SnoopCZAlright than21:17
SnoopCZI will have a deeeper look onto the site you gave me21:17
SnoopCZBut thanks ;)21:17
Unit193`eric` is one IDE, for example.21:18
holsteinfacts: install software for ubuntu (as a beginner) from the provided sources.. from the software center. python *is* installed. python is not a "fancy kit" for writing code21:18
holsteinpython is just the language21:18
holsteinUnit193: eh.. what do you do :/21:19
Unit193Eh, never used a python IDE, so dunno.21:21
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai

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