[00:02] sherry: are you sure you have all of your repositories enabled? [00:03] how cn I make sure about that?! [00:05] actually doesn't look like dot is a program... why are you trying to install a program named dot? [00:05] in the http://github.com/ceph/ceph mentioned that I do need to install "dot" package, I just searched through packages.ubuntu.com and I found several packages with dot, but Im not sure which one it that! [00:09] sherry: http://www.graphviz.org/content/dot-graphviz-version-2263-ubuntu-1110-does-not-recognize-arcs-fromto-clusters [00:10] looks like it's part of the graphviz program? maybe just not install dot and see if what you're trying to do still works [00:11] yeah [00:11] alright thanks === julien is now known as Guest53070 === zach_ is now known as DuncanD === ubuntu is now known as Guest24642 === Abd_Allatif_ is now known as Abd_Allatif === max is now known as Guest61088 === Guest61088 is now known as Max_tmn [07:59] Good morning. === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube === emuensterberg is now known as Mogli [09:20] hello. In software rendering example, this struct is allocated: drm_i915_gem_mmap_gtt. From what I understadd, it allows memory access to the GTT by user space. 1) is that right? 2) in hw rendering, do I need the same struct too, or I have to drive the gpu access the gtt in other ways? [09:21] faLUCE: Is this a development question? If so I think you are better of in the appropriate channels, this is Kubuntu support. [09:22] lordievader: LOL, sorry [09:23] faLUCE: No problem. [09:37] hello world [09:40] Hey ovidiu-florin, how are you? [09:43] hey lordievader [09:44] I'm working on the Romanian Kubuntu website [09:44] do you want to see it? [09:44] Sure, I don't speak Romanian, but sure :) [09:44] http://geekaliens.com/kubuntu.ro/ [09:45] That shadow is a bit strange, but overall looks sweet :) [09:46] That slideshow still needs some work [09:46] and some images [09:47] Go to Descarcă Kubuntu (Download Kubuntu) [09:48] Yes? [09:48] That's what I'm working on currently [09:48] I'm wondering if it's ok if I use the same images? [09:49] Looks very familliar :D [09:49] That's the ideea [09:49] only, that I'm trying to make it a bit more organised (IMO) [09:51] Shouldn't the first link be 13.04? [09:51] Now you have 12.04 and 12.04.3 [09:51] that's the release notes [09:55] I'm still figuring out how to make them both on the same page [09:58] What do you mean exactly? [10:03] on the official kubuntu site you have to go through 4-5 steps to download a ISO [10:03] I want to reduce that [10:17] can anyone help me with this error http://pastebin.ca/2438735 ? [10:19] Guest50981: I take it is Python? Do you have the package "python-gtk2" installed? [10:19] And also "python-gi", Guest50981 [10:20] hm [10:21] python-gtk2 is already the newest version. [10:21] python-gtk2 set to manually installed. [10:21] python-gi is already the newest version [10:22] Guest50981: I remember having this problem once, is "gir1.2-gtk-3.0" installed too? [10:24] let me see [10:25] lordievader, girl was not there. I installed and got this . $ kazam [10:25] ERROR Kazam - Could not find any typelib for AppIndicator3 [10:25] [10:25] but now kazam does runs [10:26] Many programs throw that error, namely the jockey, not sure where it comes from. But it does no harm. [10:45] lordievader, whats count down timer in kazam? and is there any other good recorder like it? === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [10:52] lordievader, is there any other tool like but better than "recorditnow" [12:09] 'Morning all [13:18] hello, the ntp service is started whenever i connect to a network with network-manager even though i've checked off "Set Date and Time automatically" option in the "Adjust Date and Time" menu; is there a way to avoid that? [13:40] Hello. Is there a table of graphics cards to how well they work on ubuntu somewhere? [13:43] !hardware [13:43] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [13:43] !graphics [13:44] no infobot factoid for graphics [13:44] natschil, if you gives your graphics card model , that would help [13:44] err give [13:45] BluesKaj: I'm looking to buy a laptop, and hence there are quite a lot of cards I would need to check [13:46] BluesKaj: I've had the experience of buying a laptop with less-than-optimal graphics support before on linux, and therefore now I'm trying to look in advance [13:47] natschil, ok , stay away froim the dual gpu laptops that use 2 gpu chips , one for low power mode and the other for high poiwer.... they're a pita to configure the drivers on linux [13:48] well, most nvidia nad intels work well on linux , and ati is ok , but not as easy to configure [13:49] BluesKaj: Do you know what the status of the open source nvidia drivers is? If possibly I'd like to use the open-source drivers as they tend to work "out of the box" [13:50] there aren't any afaik, but the proprietary drivers in the ubuntu repos work well , mostly [13:50] natschil,^ === thelionroars is now known as thelionsleeps === christian is now known as Guest98284 [14:34] hallo gibt es jemandem der deutsch sprechen wollte? [14:34] !de | miki__ [14:34] miki__: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [14:35] thanks [14:35] :) === marc_ is now known as Guest92873 === Guest98284 is now known as crodriguez [16:04] BluesKaj: thanks! === moji_ is now known as moji === spawn57^ is now known as spawn[dead] [17:21] please suggest tally like accounting sofware for linux [17:42] meh, I created a folder called --foo by accident, anyone an idea how to delete that? rm always says "unrecognised option '--foo/'" [17:42] nvm [17:42] got it [17:49] hi guis. I have instaled kubuntu 13.04 and have problems with gdb. it takes too much time for show data. when I had 12.10 everithing worked ok. but after upgrade I have this problem with gdb [17:50] maybe anyone had same problem? [17:50] I thinking to downgrade, but trying to fix problem first. === joephelius is now known as dejot [18:08] hi all === moji_ is now known as moji === poka is now known as poka22 === poka is now known as pok2321 === claydoh_ is now known as claydoh === thelionsleeps is now known as thelionroars === anton___ is now known as Guest23569 === jhunold is now known as jayhunold === jayhunold is now known as hunold === hunold is now known as jhunold === Godinez is now known as Godinez_br === Toast_ is now known as Toast [21:21] hi there. I am screwing around with a minimal KDE install from ubuntu mini. I am a little confused by the different versions of kwin. I get that the gles version is compiled without legacy opengl1x stuff, but what is kde-window-manager-active? [21:44] so no one can tell me the difference between the different versions of kwin? kwin gles, kwin active gles, ... === Jikan is now known as Jikai === Jikai is now known as Jikan === dino_ is now known as ljetibo