=== logic is now known as Guest43584 === Guest43584 is now known as Parlabane [09:10] how can I enter grub menu in ubuntu 12.04? [09:39] was it left shift key [13:29] hello everybody goof morning i need help please, i started synaptic and then i click to open repository and synaptic crashed, now i can't open it can someone tell me how to fix this please? [13:30] all i get after rebooting my pc is this red circle on the left bottom screen and it says: "a problem occurred when checking for the updates" and it won't open synaptic [13:30] actually is on the right bottom of my screen [13:33] open terminal [13:33] sudo apt-get update [13:33] sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [13:33] does it work? [13:34] ok [13:34] after typing my password it does nothing [13:35] usually it should do something [13:35] in this case do nothing [13:35] do apt-get dist-upgrade luis@GTPLUISAB:~$ [13:36] and as root i get this: apt-get dist-upgrade Segmentation fault (core dumped) [13:49] sounds bad :D [13:52] so any idea? some one that can help me to fix this? [13:53] might take a while, apt-get core dumping is quite funnny :D [13:54] you could consider reverting the sources you added from the cli [13:54] if that could help [13:54] how do i do that? [13:56] /etc/apt/ [13:56] maybe sources.list.d/ or just sources.list [13:57] ok now what do i copy paste it on paste bin so you can see it? [13:58] well, since clock is almost 17:00, I'm about to head to my home from work [13:58] as my day is done [13:58] so I think you can figure it out from those files and places what you added [13:59] ok [13:59] thanks [20:14] hey here, no one got issue with skype windows being stuck ? [20:15] Can you define "stuck"? [20:16] hmm like he's kind of unity still on the side but I can't move it [20:16] especially the dialogue windows, I can't move it nor resize, nor and that the most annoying scrolling down [20:16] so right now I can't see new msg =( [20:17] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/skype/ I don't have that at least. [20:17] do you want a screenshot to be more descriptive ? [20:17] you using the one from ppa ? [20:17] PPA? No, I use the official Ubuntu package.; [20:18] hmm same here [20:18] Skype [20:18] LSB Version: core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch [20:18] 13.04 we have the same release ? [20:19] Of course. [20:19] (Re)move the skype config dir? [20:21] you mean like a fresh install ? remove --purge and reinstall ? [20:21] guess I could do that ye [20:22] config is from an 11.xx thing that I just copy everytime [20:22] I was thinking more of a mv ~/.Skype/ ~/.Skype_backup [20:23] ah ye could do that too [20:23] here if you can see http://i41.tinypic.com/140y8pk.png [20:23] I need that scrolling bar [20:24] or I want to make it move =( [20:30] ok now I have the scrolling bar, that a progress I guess [20:30] should be fine enough for now