=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [10:56] Hi, what was changed in saucy yesterday. [10:56] After login i just get a black screen and "permission denied" popup [10:57] intel grafix [12:10] 'Morning all [12:12] Hey BK [12:24] hey penguin42 === om26er is now known as om26er|away === om26er|away is now known as om26er [17:02] currently running 3.11.0-3-generic #7-Ubuntu SMP but i can't seem to activate radeon.dpm=1 on my vga [17:03] do i need some extra lib/package? i was left with the impression 3.11 would provide better power management for radeon cards [19:19] * penguin42 is getting a crash in the (python) printer-applet on KDE at login; the KDE guys say they've recently replaced their printer-applet by a C one; is this something that's just awaiting packaging? === willis1 is now known as Dr_Willis [20:17] penguin42: not really, the new one is called print-manager, printer-applet was just never removed [20:21] yofel: OK, for me the old python one segs, I suggest the old one is removed or make the new one remove the old one? === willis1 is now known as Dr_Willis === Jikan is now known as Jikai === Jikai is now known as Jikan [23:28] anyone's gnome-flashback session working?