
stgraberhighvoltage: I think we should take part in beta113:52
highvoltagestgraber: I agree.13:52
stgraberhighvoltage: ok, I'll e-mail ubuntu-release then13:53
smartboyhwhighvoltage, any work that I can do for Edubuntu at this moment?13:54
* highvoltage starts edubuntu iso sync to update some artwork/version numbers and check smartboyhw's merge proposal13:54
smartboyhwhighvoltage, :) Thanks!13:55
highvoltagesmartboyhw: nothing that comes to mind, but it's likely that some things might need fixing that will pop up13:56
highvoltagesmartboyhw: perhaps sync/download the current images so long and poke around?13:56
smartboyhwhighvoltage, :) sure13:56
highvoltagesmartboyhw: at least we know that you know how to test edubuntu. if you could also check things like whether ltsp is working so long (on both live and installed), then that would be great.13:57
smartboyhwhighvoltage, sure, I don't have a server:P13:57
highvoltagesmartboyhw: ah, I usually just do it in VMs. with libvirt-kvm or virtualbox you can test it on an internal virtual network.13:58
smartboyhwhighvoltage, sure:) In the future, give me something to package;P13:59
highvoltagesmartboyhw: if you're looking for packaging work, can you check whether we have the latest gcompris package that's also in debian?14:00
smartboyhwhighvoltage, yep14:01
smartboyhwIt's new14:02
smartboyhwI mean, Debian = Ubuntu14:02
highvoltagestgraber: the ubuntu one prompt in the installer is *awfull*18:25

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