
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
ali1234can i get https://bugs.launchpad.net/~a-j-buxton/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0 as an rss feed anywhere?14:43
=== rcleere_ is now known as rcleere
ehooverwould it be possible for me to get a temporary build priority boost so that i'm no longer breaking dependencies for the pipelight project?16:35
DarkPlayerStevenK: concerning ehoovers wish - we would really appreciate this :-)17:06
Tecanis this for the midi launchpad too ?17:13
dobeyTecan: no18:07
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
cjohnstonwgrant: ping22:53
wgrantcjohnston: Hi23:41
cjohnstonwgrant: am I missing something or should the second line of https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/helipad/graphics-link-dashboard-to-jenkins/+merge/181376/comments/410560 have been processed?23:44
cjohnstonsorry.. second line of the commands23:44
wgrantcjohnston: I think it should be "merge approved", with a d, but I'm not completely sure.23:46
cjohnstonwgrant: agreed.. except that according the to docs there is an alias of approve  https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Review/#EmailInterface23:47
cjohnstonwgrant: I think its also a known issue that DKIM isn't working for @canonical.com, any idea?23:49
wgrantDoes canonical.com actually do DKIM?23:54
wgrantAnyway, we don't just accept DKIM from any domain today.23:54
wgrantAnd canonical.com isn't whitelisted.23:54
cjohnstonso the docs should be updated?23:55
wgrantWhich docs?23:56
wgrantI thought the docs said we only accepted mail from gmail.com.23:56
wgrantOh, no, canonical.com is whitelisted, weird.23:56
cjohnston"Trusted sender domain such as GMail"23:57
cjohnstonso I wasn't sure with ours if that would count as gmail23:57
wgrant"sender domain"23:57
wgrantNot MUA23:57
cjohnstonI kinda figured that if gmail is canonical.com would be too23:58
cjohnstonwgrant: I'm thinking that bug #960741 might be why tho?23:58
ubot5bug 960741 in Launchpad itself "launchpad doesn't trust dkim signed mail from canonical.com" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96074123:58
wgrantDKIM is based on the sender domain.23:58
wgrantThat's why it very explicitly says sender domain.23:58
wgrantPossibly. Can you send me an email so I can check the DKIM headers?23:59

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