
=== iveand is now known as rikshaw76
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_polto_I apt-get upgraded my nexus7 and wifi is no more available. If I do "ifconfig wlan0 up" I get an "Operation not possible due to RF-kill" so I did "rfkill unblock all", after that ifconfig & iwconfig works until the next reboot and wifi manager do not show up. I have to configure wifi manually from the terminal.00:25
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XeddyHI all01:10
XeddyHow much space does Ubuntu touch need?01:10
XeddyI'm thinking of buying a Nexus 4 to run Ubuntu Touch, wondering if the 8GB version is enough?01:10
_polto_Xeddy, Nexus4 is officially supported. so yes it's enough.01:14
Xeddy_polto_: Thanks! But do you know how much space the OS itself uses, or what the partition structure is like01:15
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_polto_Xeddy, I do not remember. but I guess < 2G01:33
mijkis there a repo with the mali drivers for the Nexus 10?01:40
dangpzancohi, does anyone knows if ubuntu touch works smoothly on the last Nexus 4 4.3 build JWR66Y?02:01
cyphermoxdangpzanco: it's not a matter of android build, that gets replaced02:02
wilee-nileewiped clean02:02
wilee-nileedangpzanco, the touch is in development, it is a bit rough.02:03
mijkwhere can I get the drivers for the Mali T604 of the Nexus 10?02:03
cyphermoxrsalveti: indicator works for me right now02:03
cyphermoxand I changed nothing besides where I was sitting02:04
rsalveticyphermox: clean flash with 27.2?02:04
cyphermoxnmcli still works... so I can't explain what's up02:04
cyphermoxclean flash an hour or so ago?02:04
rsalvetiyeah, that should be 27.202:04
rsalvetiwell, seems quite a few folks are able to reproduce the issue02:04
rsalvetiwonder if that could be a race somehow02:04
cyphermoxcan I see what image from the phone itself?02:05
cyphermoxthis is starting to be really ridiculous, I haven't landed anything on the phone in two weeks, so it has to be external to NM02:06
dangpzancothanks for the tips guys!02:06
cyphermoxrsalveti: is it possible that GFileMonitors don't work on the phone?02:07
cyphermoxas in, inotify watches?02:07
rsalveticyphermox: /etc/media-info02:07
rsalvetiwell, but then it'd always fail02:07
rsalvetiUbuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130827.2)02:08
cyphermoxyou mean /var/log/installer/media-info certainly02:08
cyphermoxhmm, weird, I have an image from the 2202:08
cyphermoxcdimage-touch no?02:08
cyphermoxanyway, I uploaded NM the last time prior to the 2202:09
cyphermoxright, it was on the 20th02:10
cyphermoxso if it's something I changed, you would have to have started seeing it on the 21th at least, and the image 20130822 seems to work02:10
cyphermoxI'll reflash later with --pending, once I get some more mtp work done02:10
rsalveticyphermox: flash with --pending02:11
rsalvetithat's why it works for you02:11
rsalveti23.1 was the one I noticed that was broken02:11
cyphermoxwell, what changed then?02:12
awecyphermox, I have one phone that works, one that doesn't02:13
aweI looked at all the obvious stuff ( polkit config, dbus conf file ) and couldn't find any diffs02:13
rsalvetiyeah, not sure02:14
awedbus send is failing w/access_denied when run as 'phablet'02:15
aweworks fine if run as root02:15
cyphermoxthis has got to be something in logind then, could it have grown proper session knowledge on touch?02:15
awehas logind landed?02:15
awedon't see it02:16
awenow I do02:16
cyphermoxdoesn't seem to be the issue, it's too recently changed02:16
om26erbug 121765002:17
ubot5bug 1217650 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Unity8 does not start with the latest ubuntu-ui-toolkit packages" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121765002:17
awewhat else would cause access_denied for dbus_send?02:17
om26eris that already known or am I the first to encounter this bug ?02:17
cyphermoxawe: nothing if the config is correct02:17
cyphermoxassuming dbus itself hasn't changed, and it doesn't seem to have02:18
cyphermoxtyhicks uploaded one earlier, and there is a ubuntu3 missing, but I think that's just a +1 error02:18
cyphermoxagain, too new to be the issue02:19
awesame version of both02:19
awealready discussed with tyhicks, his stuff hasn't landed yet02:19
cyphermoxis this issue specific to maguro or to mako, or happens on both?02:19
cyphermoxyeah I know02:19
awemy maguro is working02:20
awedid a fresh install on mako earlier, and it's broken02:20
mijkhow can I get the mali drivers package for the nexus 10?02:20
cyphermoxmijk: rsalveti might know ^^^02:21
rsalvetimijk: you can download the binaries from google directly, let me find the link02:22
mijkfor Android or Ubuntu?02:22
rsalvetifor android02:22
rsalvetiwhich is what we use in ubuntu touch02:22
mijkoooh, okay so it does work in ubuntu02:23
mijkso you have to manually move stuff around and edit xorg.conf I gather?02:26
rsalvetinops, we don't use x11 with touch02:27
rsalvetiwe're currently using surface flinger still, but will move to use mir soon02:27
rsalvetiwhich uses the android libraries over hybris02:27
mijkk gotcha02:30
cyphermoxhell yes! I got some images showing over MTP :D02:31
cyphermoxsizes are good, image names are good, just need to fix up the actual file transfer fun02:33
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OrokuSakiso has pulse been changed.. etc?03:42
pauljohnhello anyone here?03:56
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* snwh is away: Away05:47
* snwh is back (gone 00:04:41)05:52
penguincoderanybody know how to add some udev rules to the ubuntu-root directory as a part of the build process?06:07
asacrsalveti: hi ... anything found on maguro?07:24
asacMirv: morning07:27
Mirvhello asac07:32
asacMirv: see -unity :)07:37
popeynik90: bug 1217743 is fun ☻07:37
ubot5bug 1217743 in Ubuntu Clock App "Stopwatch runs backwards" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121774307:37
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asacogra_: we got shot :)07:57
asacstop the image presses :)07:57
ogra_shot ?07:57
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dpmhi diwic, good morning. It seems that on Nexus 4 headphones don't work (that's on an image from yesterday evening). Do you know if this is this a known bug, or is there is a workaround?08:18
asacdiwic: !!08:26
asacdiwic: my hero :)08:26
asacdiwic: i can test whatever is needed to fix pulse on maguro :)08:26
asaci want to get to a point where i can ship an image without breaking basic call ability :)08:26
asacdiwic: so i am here, maguro is running .208:26
asacwhatever it takes, i am in :)08:27
ogra_asac, you have no SIM though  :)08:28
ogra_diwic, where are the fixes  ?08:28
asacbut i can at least try playuing sound in settings menu :)08:28
asacogra is better to test the whole thing for sure08:28
asache also is more professional and less distracted :)08:28
diwicogra_, the new UCM files for Maguro? Can I send them in an email to you, or do you prefer seomthing else?08:33
* diwic reads scrollback08:33
diwicasac, I can send the files to you too if you like :-)08:33
asacdiwic: if ogra is avail, try to use him :)08:34
asacbut happy to do the doulbe check08:34
diwicdpm, I'm looking at it now08:34
ogra_oh, i didnt see them on the mail, sorry08:38
diwicogra_, asac I just sent an email to both of you, feel free to coordinate testing efforts :-)08:38
diwicthere are changes both on the HiFi and VoiceCall sides08:38
diwicdpm, but completely non-working I can't reproduce. Here, the left side headphone is working but not the right side08:39
asacdiwic: i think ogra_ coordinates himself :)08:41
asaci will cehck in a bit08:41
asacdiwic: with that things are supposed to work somewhat?08:41
* ogra_ reboots with the new files in place08:41
diwicasac, hopefully even better than "somewhat"08:41
diwicbut let's see08:42
ogra_i'm not sure how much i messed up that image already though .... i'll do a test with a freschly flashed image afterwards08:42
* asac reboots08:42
asacafter copying files into that dir08:42
ogra_yay, looks good08:43
ogra_sounds in system-settings finally work08:43
ogra_paplay output comes from speaker08:43
asacdiwic: hmm. doesnt work for me in system-settings08:44
asacdiwic: do i need to do something else?08:44
asacmaybe i need a fresh install?08:44
asacanyway if it works for ogra08:44
asacthen i did something wrong08:44
asaclet me reflash08:45
ogra_ringtone, call mic and earpiece work, speakerphone works08:45
ogra_sintel plays but gets choppy after a while08:45
diwicsintel, is that a video?08:45
ogra_volume control through the volume rockers doesnt work08:45
ogra_the first from the three we ship08:45
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asacogra_: nice... seems we want that :)08:46
ogra_i guess it now uses SW decoding ... until the gstreamer patches are in08:46
asacogra_: so lets land a) these ucm files08:46
asacb) ui-toolkit08:46
ogra_asac, gimme 30min to test with a freshly flashed image08:46
asacogra_: i think its safe to already upload though, no?08:47
asacdoesnt waste much time and in case its good we would be ready08:47
asacin case its  bad it surely isnt worse than now08:47
ogra_asac, yeah, its definitely an improvement, but i messed around a lot with the current image last night to try to debug sound08:47
ogra_so i'd feel safer to test with a fresh flash08:48
diwicogra_, are you getting the same exception stack at boot time as Ricardo reported?08:48
ogra_diwic, yes, every 100st boot or so08:49
ogra_we have seen driver issues before that looked very similar08:49
ogra_there i had a similar stack and a reboot when the driver loaded08:49
AskUbuntuBehavior on listView | http://askubuntu.com/q/33827608:51
_polto_guys, any chance to get webgl working in the browser ? You can test here : http://www3.elphel.com/eyesis4pi_samples08:55
timpwhich parameter should I use with phablet-flash?08:56
timpwhat's the difference between the builds?08:56
asacLaney: hey08:56
ogra_you get the std flipped image with cdimage-touch08:56
asacLaney: you are about to land gstreamer major bump?08:56
Laneyasac: yes08:56
asacLaney: can we coordinate that for a sec? :)08:56
asacLaney: what i need to be aware of is the known impact this has on image builds and our tests08:57
LaneyIt'll be in proposed for a bit08:57
Laneycan you do a build with proposed to find out?08:57
asacLaney: no08:57
timpogra_: ok, thanks. I'll use that one now.08:57
asacLaney: is it already in proposed?08:57
asace.g. damage done?08:57
Laneyso, how then?'08:57
asacLaney: ok ... lets talk in /msg :)08:57
Laneyproposed isn't damage done either08:58
timpogra_: I guess I should be switching to ubuntu-system in the near future? or is that not done yet?08:58
ogra_timp, should be done next week i think08:58
ogra_until then go with the normal flipped one08:58
timpok, thanks08:58
ogra_diwic, asac, thumbs up ... all working09:01
ogra_oh, i heavet tested headset ... one sec09:01
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asacogra_: so we would like to try gstreamer staging packages09:02
asacogra_: to understand the impact of this landing in the images09:02
asacbefore pulling the trigger09:02
ogra_ok, headset only semi-works09:02
ogra_asac, i think rsalveti has done all that already, hasnt he ?09:03
diwicogra_, can you define "semi-works" ?09:03
asacogra_: well, i feel like i cant get enough insurance that something we want to land works09:03
asacgiven that we want to get an image :)09:03
asacdiwic: can you help test the gstreamer stack on on maguro?09:04
asacdiwic: the staged packages are here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gstreamer-1.1/+packages09:04
asacthe idea is that whatever usese gstreamer now will start working :)09:04
diwicasac, well, unless you prefer me to work on the music hub...09:04
asacdiwic: lets see if ogra can help. i couldnt get the sound workig09:04
diwicand fix up all other audio bugs09:04
asacso i am a bad tester09:05
asacdiwic: yeah go for that for now09:05
asacwe will find someone else :)09:05
asacogra_: so if this gstreamer goes up, will we automatically start using it?09:05
asacor is there something else to this transition?09:05
ogra_diwic, headphones work if i plug them in during the call (or re-plug) ... mic stays on the phone and doesnt get switched to headset at all09:05
ogra_asac, no idea, rsalveti has the details09:06
ogra_i assume we will need to change the seeds and some deps09:06
asacogra_: right now mediaplayer links against 0.1009:06
asaci dont think that will pick it up automatically :)09:06
* asac hopes that was not forgotten09:06
asacogra_: so landing this might have zero impact? aka is super safe to just land?09:07
ogra_jhodapp has a complete multimediastack ready afaik09:07
diwicogra_, can you check what the active port is in these cases (pactl list sinks, pactl list sources) to see if it flips correctly or not?09:07
ogra_including the player :)09:07
ogra_asac, again, i cant judge, rsalveti and Chicken worked with jhodapp on it09:07
asacogra_: jhodapp is US?09:08
asacok i guess we can wait another two hours09:08
seb128asac, not sure what's the question, but the current gstreamer version don't work on the device09:08
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seb128asac, those guys asked us to update so we can get support for touch09:09
ogra_seb128, asac is scared it might work even less i guess :)09:09
asacseb128: i am hoping for a straight ack from someone knowledge that pushing the staged gstreamer package09:10
asacwill have zero impact on our images09:10
asacand ability to update the image and do new builds :)?09:10
seb128asac, it's going to have an impact, it might make things actually work09:10
seb128when they don't09:10
asaci couldnt get that, so i am in conservative mode given that we have other hot things baking :)09:10
asacseb128: from the look, we dont even depend on anything in there, we also dont pull in the -dev package09:11
asacso i think it has zero impact until someone flipps the switch somewhere in qtmultimedia build-depends09:11
ogra_asac, well, lesss than "not working" is still "not working" ...09:11
asacbut i am just not sure :)09:11
ogra_there is nothing we can break more09:11
asacseb128: so we currently only have 0.10 from what i know in th eimage09:11
seb128asac, correct, and that switch can't be flipped before we update gst09:11
asachmm. no we have 1.009:11
asacnot sure what epende on it09:11
* asac checks09:11
ogra_we have 0.10 becausee telepathy-ofono depends on it09:11
ogra_but only one plugin09:12
diwicasac, libqt5-multimedia-plugins depends on 0.10 currently09:12
asacso that one is safe afaik09:12
ogra_and that one is in the new stack too afaik09:12
asacogra_: so what depends on 1.0?09:12
asacon the image?09:12
asacqt multimedia depends on 0.1009:12
asactelepathy-ofono as well09:12
asacwhats left?09:12
ogra_nothing i think09:13
asacogra_: i see libgstreamer1.0-0 on the image09:14
asacogra_: do you see whats pulling that in?09:14
ogra_mediascanner uses it i think09:14
asacogra_: whats that doing?09:14
asacis that critical?09:14
ogra_ah, no, not installed09:14
asacdoes it work right now :)?09:14
asacso maybe we just seed gstreamer1.0 for the sake of it?09:15
asacisnt pulse using it?09:15
asacok so Laney says webkit probably uses it? but then i thought we use qtwebkit09:15
AskUbuntuCan I Flash Ubuntu Touch to Wiko Cink Slim | http://askubuntu.com/q/33828909:15
asacif its just webkit then we probably can go ahead after quickly checking that stuff still works somewhat09:15
asaci dont think video ever worked well in browser etc.09:16
diwicasac, PulseAudio isn't using gstreamer. Gstreamer is using pulseaudio.09:16
seb128asac, we have tons of crap we don't use on the touch image09:16
asacso someone can confirm that the only place we use gstreamer 1.0 for right now is the browser?09:16
seb128including gtk gnome-control-center webkitgtk09:16
ogra_oh, crap09:16
asacif so we can just go ahead i feel :) ... after checking that the browser starts still :)09:17
ogra_diwic, i testeed the wrong stuff ...09:17
diwicogra_, is that good or bad news?09:17
asacseb128: interesting. do you know how that stuff ends up be there?09:17
Laneyinstall the PPA and see if anything breaks09:17
Laneythere aren't even the plugins so I seriously doubt anything is using gstreamer 1.009:17
seb128asac, some of this is https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-datetime/split-out-control-center/+merge/18241409:17
Laneywhich is a bit disconcerting but there we are09:17
ogra_diwic, the image i test still has  qtubuntu-media installed ... removing it09:17
asacLaney: well, i cant test all ... becaause sound doesnt work, so i wanted to understand how i could observe potential breakage09:18
seb128asac, some of it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-data-server/+bug/119301809:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1193018 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) "GOA support not completely split" [High,Confirmed]09:18
asacwhat i hear so far its like: if you can start it and use browser and everything its probably ok09:18
asacso i will just do that now :)09:18
seb128asac, that second bug is on my list for this week/before ff09:18
diwicogra_, ok...at least it does not seem to be on the image now, does it?09:18
seb128asac, basically eds is built with support for the gnome online account, and that brings in gtk and webkitgtk09:18
asacseb128: so i could observe potential breakage somewhere in online accounts stuff?09:19
ogra_diwic, no, but lxc-android-config was also old ... so i was using the android stack still ...09:19
asachow can i even use that code path on the phone right now?09:19
asace.g. where can i register any account09:19
seb128asac, GNOME online account, and no you can't09:19
* ogra_ reboots the phone09:19
asacseb128: ok so its just the backend for now? e.g. no app/frontend uses online account?09:19
seb128asac, that's GTK ui based and GTK doesn't run on surfacefinger/mir09:19
seb128asac, right, it's the backend used by the Ubuntu GNOME flavor09:20
ogra_doesnt friends use online accounts ?09:20
seb128asac, it's just not properly split out09:20
asacwhat does friends do? :)09:20
asacnever used it09:20
asacso hard to say if it broke09:20
* asac tries before upgrading09:20
seb128ogra_, asac: friends used Ubuntu Online Account09:20
asacerr ... where is friends :)?09:20
seb128in the apps lens09:20
asacis there an app icon?09:20
asacoh got it :)09:20
asacok it sends me to system settings09:21
asaclets see09:21
seb128you need to add a e.g facebook account in system settings first09:21
seb128then it lists your wall basically09:21
seb128and let you post09:21
_polto_guys, any chance to get WebGL working in the browser ? You can test here : http://www3.elphel.com/eyesis4pi_samples09:21
asacseb128: ok interesting ...that opens an embedded browser thing for auth09:22
asaci assume that would be what mnight break with the4 new gstreamer then09:22
* asac goes and tries09:22
seb128asac, I doubt gstreamer would break web auth :p09:23
asacogra_: where do we stand with the pulse landing?09:23
ogra_diwic, phew, all working, even the headset ... one thing i still see is that in headset mode both mics are on09:23
asacogra_: the data files :)09:23
asacare they in? :)09:23
ogra_asac, no, still testing, see above, i just noticed that i had tested with qtubuntu-media installed09:23
asacseb128: yeah. well more thinking that if something is really screwed the whole process would get busted09:23
ogra_works wtill fine without it it seems09:23
asacdont really anticipate to see a real gstreeam code triggering on this phone :)09:23
asacogra_: can you just upload and we finish testing while that builds?09:24
seb128asac, the browser on the phone use qtwebkit, that doesn't use gstreamer109:24
asacin case its good we just saved time09:24
asacotherwise we wont get a big problem either09:24
seb128asac, so there should be 0 chance it creates issues09:24
ogra_diwic, ^^ got a tree for me >09:24
asacogra_: i will also do a clean install then09:24
asacseb128: i think its slightly greater than 0 ... but yeah. let me just do my duty and then we push this stuff09:25
seb128asac, thanks09:25
diwicogra_, you mean to sponsor?09:25
ogra_diwic, yeah09:25
Laneyit'll be in proposed for a while anyway09:25
asacso the touch image surely doesnt pull in the stuf from the ppa09:25
asacthats odd09:25
Laneyneeds libav 9 first, see ubuntu-devel earlier09:25
asacLaney: nothing gtes upgraded with dist-upgrade09:25
diwicogra_, all right, one moment09:25
asacoh wait :)09:26
asaci didnt run update :)09:26
asacjust dist-upgrade09:26
ogra_Laney, define "a while" ?09:27
ogra_we should have this dione by end of the week09:27
Laneyuntil infinity gets libav 9 uploaded09:27
* asac thinks09:27
asacLaney: do we need it in proposed if its stuck anyway? :)09:27
asacmaybe we should wait until we know the path is cleared?09:27
ogra_thats what proposed is for09:28
Laneythen it's all ready to go automatically09:28
_polto_WebGL on ubuntu--touch ?09:28
asacdoes proposed loose its memory about version numbres after we kick stuff out? e.g. can we still go back in case we find out that we badly need a minor security patch in gstreamer today?09:32
Laneyyou just can't use the same one again09:32
asacLaney: but a lower versionm is ok?09:32
asacthats good news09:33
asacnot sure, but my phone doesnt come up after dist-upgrading to ppa09:35
asaci also got other stuff from archive though i think09:35
asaclet me give this phone a few more minutes :)09:35
asacogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6035990/09:38
asacthats what got updated09:38
diwicogra_, hmm, need to sync up the branch with your upload yesterday09:38
asachmm wait09:38
ogra_asac, upgrade or dist-upgrade ?09:38
ogra_and are you on .1 or .209:38
asacogra_: dist-upgrade09:39
asacon top of .209:39
asacogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6035992/09:39
asacmaybe i am wrong though09:39
asaclet me fix that by flashing from scratch09:39
ogra_what are you trying to achieve ?09:40
asacogra_: upgrade to gstreamer staging ppa09:40
asacand check that stuff and online accounts still works :)09:40
asace.g. doesnt crash badly09:40
* ogra_ wonders if thats worth it without knowing the full patchset09:40
asacogra_: well, i just want to forsee the future: basically trying what laney wants to land :)09:41
asacthis helps me understand the impact of that landing09:41
asacthe hope ws that impact is zero :)09:41
ogra_right, but you test something that might need patches in other places of the stack09:41
asacso i just wanted to double check before going ahead and push gstrteamer09:41
asacogra_: well, then its not ready :)09:41
ogra_i would wait for jhodapp or rsalveti, really09:41
asacif our uploads busts the whole phone it cant go in09:41
asacif it doesnt it can go in09:41
ogra_well, what you double check will be incomplete09:41
asacthen we shouldnt upload :)09:42
ogra_so thats a waste of time if there are app patches you miss09:42
asacwell, if it has zero effect09:42
asacthen its good to have it in already09:42
asacwhy not09:42
ogra_its a whole stack, three people work on to get in until friday09:42
asacless to do later :)09:42
asacright. and laney wanted to land this stuff09:42
ogra_you try to test one small piece of that stack out of context09:42
asacso that rsalveti can pick it up when he gets up09:42
asacso i just want to see if we can land this stuff without bricking our image ... simple as that :)09:42
asacland == upload to archive09:43
ogra_yes, and i say we might need Qt patches, or app patches that you will miss09:43
ogra_how can you judge by that if the transition is good or bad09:43
asacogra_: right. but Laney wanted to upload and they said it will help other folks so i try to make that happen :)09:43
seb128mardy, hey09:43
asacogra_: if the phone doesnt regress i dont care if its complete09:43
asacogra_: so you can do everything in archive and at best at the end upload a final, atomic switch09:44
ogra_the phone will most likely regress for a moment ...09:44
seb128mardy, is there a chance you could update the shotwell uoa patch for http://www.yorba.org/download/shotwell/0.15/shotwell-0.15.0pr1.tar.xz ?09:44
asaci dont think so09:44
asacif it does the laney upload cant go in before rsalveti is back up09:44
ogra_simply because stuff needs to be in place first to depend on it with the patched packages09:44
asacbut i think it can go in from what i heard :)09:44
asacerr... thats upside down. you can also make the packages avawilable first09:45
asacand then land the dependencies :)09:45
asacfrom what i undersatnd thats what we try to do here :)09:45
Laneymy device also doesn't get unity after dist-upgrading09:45
asacso lets see if just this upload does any harm09:45
ogra_but thats not how it is done atm09:45
asacotherwise its green light and wont torpedo our dashboard09:45
Laneythere's some suspicious qml errors in .cache/upstart/unity8.log09:45
asacogra_: so you want me to hold back the gstreamer upload as it will bust the imge?09:46
asacthats fine with me :)09:46
asacjust wanted to be nice09:46
ogra_asac, no, i want you to wait for someone who knows the transition before you judge it by piecemeal09:46
seb128Laney, that's likely the ubuntu-ui-toolkit update from yesterday09:46
Laneyseems likely09:46
asacseb128: i thought that is now in?09:46
asacthe revert09:46
Laneyi'm downgrading it to check09:46
seb128Laney, they reverted the commit this morning09:46
diwicogra_, ok, pushed to lp:~ubuntu-audio-dev/alsa-lib/ubuntu09:47
mardyseb128: hi! Sure, I'll try updating the patch09:47
asacseb128: can you check if the package made it through proposed?09:47
ogra_diwic, great, pulling and uploading then09:47
seb128mardy, thanks09:47
Laney3 minutes ago09:47
Laneythat upload has no changelog!09:47
seb128asac, just made it09:47
Laneythe little horrors09:47
asacso if i now dist-upgrade i will get it?09:47
asacseb128: ?09:47
seb128Laney, they pushed directly to trunk to revert09:47
seb128asac, you should yes09:47
Laneynot likely09:48
seb128Laney, I guess that confused things09:48
Laneyit probably has to publish09:48
asacok cool. /me waaits for his phone to be fresh and shiny before dist-upgrading a) distro only first and b) then gstreamer09:48
Laneyand definitely has to be pushed to mirrors09:48
asacseb128: ui-toolkit is still on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html09:48
asacguess that is trailing?09:48
seb128asac, that was the previous run and it has "Valid candidate "09:49
seb128asac, it got cleared in that run09:49
asacah so the page could say: Valid Candidation: now copying ...09:49
seb128asac, no, because then you have http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt09:49
seb128asac, details are written in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration09:50
asacok that is getting too cryptic for now09:50
Laneyok manually installing that works09:50
asacwill check that later09:50
Laneygstreamer didn't break it for me09:50
ogra_diwic, hmm, that tree looks messed up :(09:50
seb128Laney, good09:50
asacLaney: have you tried online acccounts login?09:50
asacin settings?09:50
asace.g. the webbrowser there?09:51
diwicogra_, in what way?09:51
ogra_diwic, i thought you pulled in my commit for the upload09:51
asacif that doesnt crash i am happy :)09:51
LaneyI loaded that09:51
Laneyand got a facebook login page09:51
diwicogra_, you never pushed that commit09:51
Laneyi didn't actually add the account09:51
asacLaney: are you mako or maguro?09:51
ogra_diwic, i got merge conflicts all over the place here with bzr pull09:51
Laneynone of those09:51
asacLaney: yeah guess thats fine09:51
asacLaney: oh.09:51
ogra_diwic, eeek, then it should have been pushed first09:51
diwicogra_, so all I did was to change UNRELEASED to saucy09:51
asacLaney: ok go ahead then i guess... we can still kick it out of proposed as its waiting :)09:52
Laneyjust getting the last package together09:52
asaci assume thats the risky package you tried to hide all times :)09:53
ogra_diwic, well, we need to clean that up i guess or luke will get a heart attack09:53
Laneyno it's already in the ppa09:53
Laneyit's -bad but I need to remove jhodapp's patches09:53
diwicogra_, are you a bzr wizard? I'm not.09:54
* diwic deals with more git than bzr usually.09:54
ogra_diwic, not exactly a wizard but i guess with some forced overwrites i can bring that back in sync09:54
diwicogra_, then you know more than I do, I don't know how to do "some forced overwrites"09:55
ogra_that will take a while though09:55
mamenyakano new build today?09:55
popeyError: nmcli ( and NetworkManager (unknown) versions don't match. Force execution using --nocheck, but the results are unpredictable.09:55
ogra_bah, why is the UDD branch out of sync too09:56
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/Music$ apt-cache policy network-manager09:56
popeynetwork-manager: Installed:
Laneysorry, your surprise amused me :P09:56
popeyUbuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130827.2)09:56
popeyseems a bit broken09:56
ogra_just on the surface :P09:57
asacogra_: so we cant even upload three bloody data files to pulse :)?09:59
ogra_so https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib clearly shows is in saucy ... and thats what i get from the archive ... yet the UDD branch is on -1ubuntu109:59
ogra_asac, alsa, not pulse09:59
asacyeah that :)09:59
diwicogra_, because you never pushed that commit09:59
ogra_the branch is messed up ... but i cant find a clean branch to overwrite from09:59
diwicogra_, I don't think it's that messed up10:00
asacLaney: so you said you got it back to working after installing the new compoents?10:00
ogra_diwic, UDD branches are aut-created from uploaded packages10:00
asaci did a dist-upgrade and see the same issue10:00
diwicogra_, what's wrong about it, except that you don't have a commit in it?10:00
ogra_diwic, the upload should automatically have created a commit of my upload that i should just be able to easily merge10:00
asacLaney: never mind... guess mirrosr still need time here10:01
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/branches$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu/alsa-lib alsa-udd10:01
ogra_Most recent Ubuntu version:
ogra_Packaging branch version:
ogra_Packaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE10:01
ogra_diwic, that theoretically cant happen ^^^10:01
diwicogra_, well, in theory, anubis is dead ;-)10:01
* ogra_ tries to create a commit manually from the package then 10:02
diwicogra_, maybe the version has ascended to a higher plane of existence10:02
ogra_diwic, just a few 100 years though10:02
Laneyasac: I just wgetted it from lp10:03
ogra_geez. whats up with this branch10:07
lovethecodewant to load on bionic (targa), but seems to be just a black screen...10:26
w-floso mostly anything related to sound hangs on the HTC vision, without the possibility to ctrl-c, or even kill -9... even "cat /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p" hangs. so no aplay, pulseaudio, etc.. how is that possible? kernel driver bug?10:27
lovethecodecan i load the img in VBox?10:28
ogra_diwic, i cant even manually pull your patches into the alsa-lib package, something is seriously borked :(10:46
diwicogra_, okay, so what do you suggest we do?10:47
ogra_this is just after copying the content of debian/patches and the changelog over10:47
ogra_i dont really get why it does that since only the patches changed, not the actual files it lists10:48
timpERROR:phablet-flash:Unsupported device, autodetect fails device10:48
diwicogra_, try cleaning the build-area directory and try again10:48
timp^ phablet-flash doesn't tell me anymore how to pass the device type10:48
timpis the option still there?10:48
timpand what was it?10:48
ogra_diwic, which build area ?10:49
cjwatsonalex-abreu: unity-webapps needs to be rebuilt against the new packagekit in saucy-proposed.  will it cause a problem if I just upload a no-change rebuild directly to the Ubuntu archive?10:49
cjwatsonalex-abreu: sorry, libunity-webapps I mean10:49
ogra_diwic, i did apt-get source alsa-lib and copied the 4 files into the debian dir ... i didnt do anything more ... that gets me such an output10:49
diwicogra_, after apt-get source alsa-lib, unapply (quilt pop -a), then copy the files10:50
ogra_uh, why are they applied on unpack ?10:50
timpok, rebooting my device helped. after reboot it is detected as maguro10:50
ogra_that seems rather wrong10:50
cjwatsonthat's standard for 3.0 (quilt)10:51
sergiuse1stimp: pass it in _after_ cdimage-touch or whatever you are using10:52
ogra_diwic, uploaded10:52
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timpsergiusens: phablet-flash --help doesn't show the options anymore10:53
timpsergiusens: ahh...  nevermind I got it now :)10:53
timpsergiusens: --help needs to be passed after cdimage-touch also10:54
ogra_"Use -h or --help after each command to learn about their provisioning options."10:54
ogra_is what it says at the bottom of "phablet-flash --help"10:54
timpyes I see now.10:54
ogra_should have an additional newline so it isnt glued to the prompt ...10:55
ogra_that would make it more visible10:55
dholbachanyone else having trouble launching click apps (from the store)?10:55
timpor list something like usage: phablet-flash [image] [options]10:55
diwicogra_, okay, thanks. Did you end up making any changes to the branch?10:55
ogra_diwic, no, i just blindly pulled your changes into the package10:56
diwicogra_, cool.10:56
ogra_i still would like to knwo why UDD is broken though10:56
* diwic goes for lunch now10:56
asacogra_: is the stuff up?11:00
asaccan we kick off a new image once its in?11:00
asacpulse/also fix that is :)11:00
ogra_dunno, how about the other breakage11:00
ogra_and yes, it is uploaded11:00
asacogra_: which one?11:00
asacogra_: ui-toolkit is fixed11:00
asaci verified that11:00
ogra_that one :)11:00
ogra_sp in ~1hi should be able to re-spin11:01
cjwatsonah, I guess there's no EU vanguard for webapps ...11:01
* cjwatson tries #webapps internal11:03
seb128cjwatson, what's the issue with webapps?11:05
Laneyneeding to do a no-change rebuild11:05
cjwatsonseb128: I'm asking vrruiz on #webapps - but as above, I need to get libunity-webapps rebuilt against the new packagekit in -proposed11:05
cjwatsonif there'll be an autorelease today, I'm fine with that, otherwise I'd like to bypass it11:06
seb128cjwatson, there should be one:
cjwatsonthe stack's currently blocked on a couple of things by the looks of it11:06
seb128sil2100, ^ do you plan to push that once I preNEW review the cordova packages?11:07
seb128cjwatson, it's yellow, which means a coredev should hack the packaging changes11:07
seb128cjwatson, give me 5 minutes to review the new sources in there11:07
sil2100Yes, but not only - we need those 2 new packages pre-NEWed11:07
loolalecu: I get the same error with xda app11:07
loolalecu: (no manifest found)11:07
sil2100cjwatson: so, a rebuild is needed, yes?11:08
sil2100cjwatson: of libunity-webapps?11:08
seb128sil2100, shrugh, those are non trivial to review, can't we just publish without those new packages?11:09
seb128sil2100, why did they get added to the config before review?11:09
sil2100seb128: this is something robru did without knowing ;/ When he's vanguarding there's usually no one to check if he's not doing anything strange11:09
sil2100seb128: we already pointed that out to him... I'll remove those from the config for now11:09
sil2100Redeploy and rebuild11:10
seb128sil2100, thanks11:10
sil2100seb128, cjwatson: I'll also make sure libunity-webapps is rebuilt11:10
cjwatsonsil2100: yep.  thanks11:12
cjwatsonrvr: ah, didn't realise you were here too11:13
cjwatsonso if sil2100 will take care of this then that's fine11:13
sil2100Doing that now11:13
loolalecu: actually, I can see the click doesn't get installed upon download, even if the UI seems to be happy11:15
looldoens't show up in click list11:15
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asacogra_: stuff ready>?11:19
ogra_as i said, 1h or more11:20
ogra_stop being so impationet :P11:20
asacogra_: well, one can hope for speedup :)11:20
asacogra_: well, just scared about the next bomb landing11:20
ogra_proposed migration takes its time11:20
ogra_https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/alsa-lib/  .... built already11:22
asacsil2100: Mirv: can we put daily-release in semi-manual mode?11:23
asacsil2100: Mirv: until we have gotten back to green image? i just want to know about stuff before landing while we are producing this golden image11:23
asacbut maybe its too lte11:23
asaclets do that next time11:23
asacand wait and prey on this one :/11:23
asacsil2100: Mirv: maybe it would be a good idea to put evertyhing in manual until we are past the FF rush :)11:24
ogra_well, thats ewhat you get having a vUDS the same week you have FF11:24
Mirvasac: we've enough breakage that it's in semimanual mode. but sil2100 is handling this tick now.11:25
ogra_everyone rushes their stuff in ... to be free for UDS stuff11:25
sil2100Golden image you say?11:25
sil2100asac: hmmm11:25
asacsil2100: Mirv: can you run through me stuff you push?11:25
ogra_sil2100, yeah, we thought we'd do the final release earlier this cycle11:25
sil2100asac: let's think about that after this tick, since it's already running and we can't change much in how we release - but I'll be poking you whenever there's a manual publication, so that you can also ACK it11:26
sil2100asac: I need to release the new webapps now for instance, since I have been asked to11:26
asacsil2100: whats the potential impact on the image?11:26
ogra_webapps could start working ?11:27
asacthats the best case11:27
ogra_perhaps ...11:27
asacsil2100: yeah. so we have a broken image. i think its valid to say to your stakeholders that due to that we have to coordinate every landing11:27
asacand double cehck that it doesnt make things worse11:28
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asacbut since its started11:28
asacwe can only prey and firefight in case nwo :)11:28
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Mirvasac: I think it's safe to say in my session Qt 5.1 isn't going to be uploaded before FF? ;)11:29
AskUbuntuWhen will Ubuntu Touch be available for Xperia Tipo release | http://askubuntu.com/q/33834211:29
asacMirv: why do you want to say that?11:29
asacMirv: is that important :)?11:30
ogra_Mirv, did you notice that Qt was excluded from the general feature freeze exception ?11:30
asacMirv: i think its safe to say that we plan to land qt 5.111:30
ogra_so better do it now or you will have to do paperwork11:30
asacbefore 13.10 and that we are working hard to make that happen as a non event]11:30
asacfor users and developers :)11:30
asacyou can say that we put quality high and that we are happy to accept paperwork11:30
cjwatsonlool: is this with ubuntu-system or cdimage-touch?11:30
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ogra_asac, well, that doesnt mean kubuntu will grant the exception :)11:31
sil2100asac: how *badly* broken is the image right now and why ;) ?11:31
asacyeah, but you can say that we will work hard to eliminate doubts and concerns11:31
* sil2100 doesn't want to find out himself11:31
Mirvasac: well there is a couple extra problems that come if it'd be uploaded, but generally that's news to me if we plan to land Qt 5.1, and nice to know. I haven't heard much on actual decisions.11:31
ogra_sil2100, no calls on maguro (witing for alsa-lib to come out of proposed)11:31
ogra_in fact no sound at all on maguro11:32
Mirvogra_: there are regressions, and there is a no regressions policy. no, I haven't seen any FFe actually, where'd it be?11:32
asacsil2100: its not suitable for giving the image to our dogfooders. call is broken11:32
asacis the biggest problem11:32
sil2100ogra_: but I guess it's not because of the packages we push out, right?11:32
asacsil2100: byut you can boot it, use it etc.11:32
asacsil2100: pulse was not coming completely through daily-release11:32
sil2100asac: right, I'll look into the config and see how to enable 'manual mode'11:32
asacso yes, daily release manual doesnt protect us from everything11:33
cjwatsonlool: I mean, ubuntu-system still can't do useful things with packagekit due to the lxc-android-config thing you fixed yesterday not being on the image yet11:34
ogra_sil2100, no, but we want to make sure you dont land any regressions from daily while we knoe that only the alsa fix is missing to make the image good11:34
sil2100asac: if, after this tick, we enable the manual-mode for all stacks (i.e. manual publishing forced every time for everything), be sure to escalate this to all the management11:34
asacsil2100: yeah. will do. do you have insight which landings might get delayed?11:34
sil2100asac: so that everyone is aware why things aren't landing automatically11:34
sil2100asac: what do you have in mind?11:35
ogra_Mirv, bug 120898911:35
ubot5bug 1208989 in Ubuntu "[FFe] standing freeze exception for Ubuntu Touch-specific packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120898911:35
Mirvogra_: ok, interesting. well, I hope asac or someone can join the session in 2.5h to bring some insight into it11:36
Mirvie. if the known regressions are allowed or if it's continued to be waited that they get fixed11:37
ogra_well, that will depend on the release team11:37
OrokuSaki@ogra_ Does today have a change with alsa\pulse?11:37
ogra_OrokuSaki, a pending one, yeah ... waiting for it to come out of -proposed11:37
ogra_note that we didnt have a morning image today11:38
OrokuSakiI always use the pending... hmmm =)11:38
* ogra_ holds it back fro a manual build once the alsa fix is there 11:38
asacsil2100: just wonde3r if you have good insight in our feature pipeline ... e.g. what do we expect to land in which daily stack11:43
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loolcjwatson: this is with ubuntu-system + apt-get updated to latest packages12:04
loolcjwatson: so PK is read-write12:04
cjwatsonHow do I set that up here?  Enter developer mode, upgrade, exit developer mode?12:04
loolcjwatson: I personally mount -o remount,rw /, apt-get update, shutdown -h now12:05
lool(apt-get dist-upgrade)12:05
loolobviously, it might break in interesting ways when I get a system image update later on  :-)12:05
cjwatsonmaybe I should just edit that one file ...12:05
aleculool: does the shutdown remount / as ro ?12:05
loolcjwatson: but touching writable_image is as valid a way to do it, except it's applied only on boot12:06
loolalecu: / is always mounted ro unless you have set the system builder / writable image flag (used to be "developer mode" but that was confusing for app develoeprs)12:06
loolcjwatson: yup, that's what I proposed yesterday; today I'll check wiht barry whether we could get new images by switching to daily-proposed12:07
loolstgraber didn't want to push new images to daily if these aren't promoted to /current on cdimage12:07
loolwhich is fair12:07
lool-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 232M Aug 28 12:04 /var/log/syslog12:07
loollooks like this will eventually become problematic12:07
cjwatsonlool: OK, so having rebooted with that, what do I need to do to reproduce your bug?12:08
loolcjwatson: install some appstore package12:08
loolcjwatson: e.g. xda develoeprs app12:08
loolcjwatson: it's probably in the suggestions, or just search for "xda" in the app lense12:08
loolcjwatson: the other test package I use is the "hello world" package12:08
ikillcypherany developers here?12:08
aleculool: yes, some partitions are very small. I used to host my build environ on the phone, but it's not fitting anymore since I started using ubuntu-system12:09
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loolalecu: just keeping a 200 M syslog isn't acceptable on a mobile device12:09
loolit seems we miss logrotate to gzip + trash old data12:10
cjwatsonlool: just in passing, does '/var/lib/sudo auto persistent none' seem sensible to you?  it's annoying having to enter my password every time when sudoing12:10
loolit also seems it's getting spammed quite a bit12:10
alecucjwatson, lool: the hello world package seems to be broken: the app name in the manifest has a "_" which is not allowed12:10
loolcjwatson: would temporary be enough?  enter it once after the reboot12:10
loolcjwatson: problem with persistent stuff is that we commit to backwards compatibility "for ever"12:11
alecu(the package name in the manifest is ok, though. It's only the app name the one that's broken)12:11
loolcjwatson: as in, no postinst to fix things up12:11
loolcjwatson: "temporary" will be trashed on each boot12:11
cjwatsonlool: temporary should be fine, I'll do that12:12
loolalecu: Ok12:12
looljdstrand: could we change the app review scripts to block manifests with "_" in the app name?  (see alecu's comment above)12:12
loolbeuno: would you reupload hello world with a - instead of a _ in the name?12:12
loolbeuno: do we also need to change the SDK template?12:12
jdstrandlool: we already do that12:13
jdstrandwait, let me read12:13
alecujdstrand: this is on the app name, not the package name12:13
alecujdstrand: line 5 here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6034427/12:13
jdstrandalecu: that is an error12:14
jdstrandbecause the appname forms part of the APPID12:14
cjwatsonit is an error, but is it enforced?12:14
jdstrandnone of those individually are allowed to have an underscore12:14
jdstrandthe review scripts catch that12:14
cjwatsonclick refuses it, but it shouldn't have got into the app store12:14
alecujdstrand: exactly12:15
loolmaybe beuno forced it in the early testing12:15
looljdstrand: if it's already covered, we're all good there; thanks for confirming!12:15
jdstrandit was preapproved into the appstore before there were review scripts :)12:15
jdstrandI just wrote the review scripst last week12:15
cjwatsonstgraber: hmm - "sudo: /var/lib/sudo writable by non-owner (041777), should be mode 0700"12:15
jdstrandthat was uploaded to the appstore at IoM12:15
cjwatsonstgraber: it would be nice if initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch had a way to mount temporary writable-paths with a selected mode / arbitrary mount options12:16
alecujdstrand: I think not, this one is more recent12:16
alecujdstrand: in the IoM we were still using the "staging" app store12:16
cjwatsonlool: ^- I think I may need to make it persistent to avoid this problem12:16
jdstrandalecu: can you give me a url to the package?12:16
alecujdstrand: but this is on one of the two apps in the "prod" one12:16
loolcjwatson: hmm that lets me think that we have to be careful with permissions because these are bind-mounts and the bind-mouted path might have different permissions12:16
alecujdstrand: sure12:16
jdstrandalecu: yes, but xda and hello_world were uploaded before the review scripts were written12:17
jdstrandI iterated with folks and on the review scripts with them, but if you point me at the package, I'll run the review scripts again12:17
cjwatsonlool: the bind-mounted path is right; the temporary one is a fresh tmpfs with default perms which is wrong (and in fact a security hole here)12:17
alecujdstrand: https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/ar.com.beuno/hello-world/ar.com.beuno.hello-world-0.4.click?noauth=112:17
jdstrandalso note, the review scripts are not yet automated12:17
cjwatsonlool: so I really think I need to make this persistent12:18
alecujdstrand: yes, running the review script on both apps seems very reasonable12:18
alecujdstrand: the url for the xda app is: https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119/xda-developers-app/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.xda-developers-app-0.1.5.click?noauth=112:18
loolcjwatson: like /android/ is +t12:19
jdstrandalecu: xda-developers should be fixed. hello-world is not.. There are a number of problems: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036415/12:19
alecujdstrand: just in case you need to get those latter, they are logged in .cache/ubuntu-download-manager/ubuntu-download-manager.log after you try to install.12:19
loolcjwatson: /android/data is system:system 75112:19
cjwatsonlool: /android/data is persistent ...12:20
loolcjwatson: sorry looking at wrong tree12:20
jdstrandalecu: it looks like beuno didn't update the package yet. beuno, can you take care of that ^12:20
loolcjwatson: /userdata is system:system with system-data under it12:21
cjwatsonlool: /userdata isn't handled through writable-paths ... I'm not sure what you're trying to say here12:21
alecujdstrand: ah, there it is: "malformed application name: 'hello_world'". Thanks!12:21
loolcjwatson: what I mean is that security wise there are two ways to get to the sudo data12:22
loolcjwatson: one is /var/lib/sudo which gets bind-mounted with wront permission12:22
alecujdstrand: I can certainly use that reviewing script, is it in lp?12:22
cjwatsonlool: when I mount /var/lib/sudo persistent, it's root:root 70012:22
looland another way, that sudo can't test for, is via /userdata12:22
cjwatsonwhich is correct12:22
cjwatson/userdata/system-data/var/lib/sudo is also root:root 70012:22
cjwatsonI don't see the problem here12:22
cjwatsonbind mounts share the permissions of the bound-from location - checking any one of them is sufficient12:23
alex-abreucjwatson, no you can upload a no change to libunity-webapps ... thx for the heads up :)12:23
cjwatsonlool: to be clear, when I bind mount, it's fine, but "temporary" mounts a fresh tmpfs which has wrong permissions12:23
jdstrandbeuno: the new sdk will create a proper manifest, but 2.7.1-0ubuntu7 isn't enough (what is in saucy)12:23
cjwatsonso this needs to be persistent12:23
loolcjwatson: I understand why tmpfs doesn't work in terms of permissions12:23
jdstranddholbach: did bzoltan talk to you about uploading a 2.7.1-0ubuntu8 to do the final touches on the manifest (ie, fix the underscore bug)?12:24
loolcjwatson: so if I'm in system, I can change /userdata/system-data to be another hierarchy of my chosing12:24
bzoltan jdstrand:as far as I know it is happening12:24
cjwatsonlool: realistically I think system is root-equivalent12:24
looland on next boot this will be bind-mounted to /var/lib/sudo12:24
jdstrandbzoltan: thanks12:25
loolcjwatson: ok, then I think we're good; that's the only thing I feared12:25
jdstranddholbach: can you make sure that happens? :) (if it is someone else I should poke, let me know)12:25
loolcjwatson: that other user/groups were involved in the place getting bind-mounted, introducing a weak path, but if system is as strong as root, I don't see a way12:25
cjwatsonlool: to name just the first thing I notice, you could also use it to replace /userdata/system-data/etc/default/ufw, which is sourced by a root shell12:25
loolcjwatson: right, not specific to sudo, it's just that it made me wonder about this12:26
jdstranddholbach: also, would it make sense to have alecu added to canonical-click-reviewers?12:26
loolespecially since some directories have funky permissions12:26
cjwatsonlool: I assume that the system uid/gid exists for some reason, since from the Ubuntu point of view it clearly should just be root12:27
jdstrandalecu: fyi http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036434/12:28
jdstrandalecu: that one still has blockable issues, but it will install correctly12:29
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jdstrandalecu: there are sdk bugs filed for mseveral of those12:29
alecugreat, thanks!12:30
* jdstrand ran through those last week12:30
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sil2100asac: I'll be slowly switching to manual mode now12:32
cjwatsonsil2100: so, just to be clear, did libunity-webapps get released, or is it now frozen and I should upload a no-source-change rebuild independently of daily release?12:32
sil2100cjwatson: it will be out in a moment, the queue was piled up and it's all prepared now for take-off12:32
cjwatsonok, brilliant, less work for me12:32
sil2100asac: I'm switching to manual mode slowly12:33
dholbachjdstrand, yes - test-building now12:33
dholbachjdstrand, sure adding him12:33
jdstranddholbach: thanks! :)12:34
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beunojdstrand, on it12:35
dholbachjdstrand, I can't wait for the ubuntu bits to be split out of the qtcreator build :)12:35
dholbachI had the build and a hangout running at the same time and cpu temperature went up to 96°C12:36
jdstranddholbach: heh, I know that situation very well! :)12:37
* ogra_ blames the hangout plugin 12:39
loolcjwatson: thinking of something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036460/ + http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036475/12:39
asacsil2100: cool.12:39
dholbachogra_, I expect to be able to upload in 30-45m12:39
loolcjwatson: but would want stgraber to +1 it12:39
dholbachjdstrand, ^12:39
* ogra_ pokes alsa-lib with a long stick ... 12:40
cjwatsonlool: Yeah, something like that12:40
ogra_come on, move out of proposed12:40
cjwatsonlool: maybe make some arrangements to avoid unnecessarily postfixing none12:41
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loolcjwatson: you mean allow for 5th column to be empty?  this might be uglier if we ever need a 6th one12:42
loolalbeit I see no reason we would12:42
cjwatsonlool: no, I meant special-case "none" in the script12:42
cjwatsonso none => bind, anything-else => bind,anything-else12:42
cjwatsonjust a nicety though12:42
looloh, right, it felt uglier in the code, but I can do that so that we have a nicer fstab12:44
stgraberlool: I'm happy with the change, though I don't see how that'll fix /var/lib/sudo since it's not even in the writable-paths you pasted12:48
diwicogra_, alsa-lib has migrated to release now12:48
ogra_diwic, lol, i pinged #ubuntu-release this minute abouot it12:49
loolstgraber: we'd be adding it, but it needs a special mode12:50
* ogra_ was waiting for the confirmation mail ... forgetting that i only signed it but it has your mail address in the changelog12:50
loolstgraber, cjwatson: LP #1217866 BTW; thought I had to wait some more for stgraber to review12:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1217866 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "Allow specifying arbitrary mount options in writable-paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121786612:50
loolstgraber: ok with second patch?12:50
stgraberlool: yep, looks good. But please also add /var/lib/sudo (with the custom mode) in the same change so we don't need a second upload for that12:53
ogra_asac, image build running12:53
cjwatsonlool,stgraber: I already uploaded for /var/lib/sudo - you'll need to rebase12:53
stgraberlool: I can take care of the uploads (since we need 4 uploads to get that done with proper timing, ...)12:53
loolstgraber: happy if you do  :-)12:53
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loolstgraber: don't think this is urgent now that cjwatson uploaded it as persistent path12:54
loolstgraber: so if we want to make it back to a temporary path, would we have to add some upgrade logic?12:54
stgraberyep, we'd need something to clean it up from /userdata12:55
stgraberbut the boot time hooks which I still need to implement will cover that12:55
* rsalveti reads backlog12:56
loolstgraber: ok12:56
loolrsalveti: morning12:56
gfjbbcghnew to this... installed copy of ubuntu . but it looks like its all synced to someone else . how do I perform a wipe12:56
RobbyFNexus 4 on sale $100 off FYI12:57
gfjbbcgh?any ideas12:59
RobbyFgfjbbcgh, probably just dummy data13:00
gfjbbcghcan it be wiped from the os ?13:00
RobbyFyou have like the video's and stuff right?13:00
ogra_gfjbbcgh, remove the demo-asset- packages with apt13:00
serge1I've read that all applications currently available in ubuntu are not available in ubuntu-touch. Is that true ?13:01
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ogra_serge1, they are all available ... wether they are useful or can run without X is different :)13:01
jdstranddholbach: \o/13:01
serge1without X, so what about libreoffice for example ?13:02
serge1ogra_: what about gimp ?13:02
ogra_why in the world would you run either of them on a phone ?13:02
gfjbbcghcan the apk removal be ran from terminal from the phone itself13:03
serge1ogra_: if you want to use your tablet as a pc... It's useful13:03
ogra_(they can run, but not display on the phone ... you would need VNC or ssh -X to exec them remotely)13:03
popeyconvergence ogra_ CONVERGENCE!13:03
ogra_popey, not on 13.10 :P13:04
popeywell yes13:04
cjwatsonlool: well, if you're quick, there won't actually be any real images with the persistent path13:04
serge1ogra_: No matter if it is not possible for 13.10 but is it planned ?13:04
rsalvetiasac: ogra_: the new gst packages will not solve the hardware decode issue13:04
rsalvetiwe'll need to get green with software decoding13:04
rsalvetiwhich is fine13:04
asacoki ... sonds good13:04
asacrsalveti: do we need to do anything for that?13:05
asaclike uploading a small fix?13:05
serge1ogra_: so could we have a vnc client on ubuntu touch13:05
rguidryis this being ported to the sch-r760 version of USCC?13:05
serge1ogra_: run vnc server and vnc client locally13:05
loolstgraber: ^13:06
rsalvetifor the hardware decode support, we need the new gst 1.1 packages, changes in gst to make it use libstagefright, and then change qtmultimedia13:06
rsalvetinot happening this week13:06
rsalvetionly pending issue from our team at this point is getting maguro to work properly with pulse13:06
ogra_serge1, no, vnc client needs X13:07
stgrabercjwatson: it takes about 2 hours to land an initrd change so I doubt we'll make it before any image is published, though I can certainly choose not to publish any image with that path as persistent to system-image13:09
stgrabercjwatson: (we need to get initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch uploaded, built and moved out of proposed, then same thing for ubuntu-touch-generic-initramfs and finally the same thing for android)13:09
ogra_stgraber, wow, thats highly optimistic13:10
rsalvetidiwic: so, the kernel exception stack is happening every time I start pulseaudio here13:10
stgraberogra_: well, I can rescore things and I can upload android in about 20s, that helps :)13:10
rsalvetidiwic: sometimes it also reboots my phone if I start pulseaudio twice in a row13:10
ogra_stgraber, i'm actually pondering to move the bootimg generation back into livecd-rootfs13:10
rsalvetidiwic: I wonder if that's because it's trying to initialize the hdmi "card"13:10
diwicrsalveti, okay, that sounds promising w r t nailing it down13:10
cjwatsonogra_: Not sure why it's optimistic13:11
rsalvetidiwic: is there a way for us to disable that card specifically?13:11
ogra_the result wont differ but it would save us from having to upload android all the time13:11
diwicrsalveti, we can certainly disable it, but I want to know if that actually fixes things13:11
ogra_cjwatson, usually it takes around 45min for each of the packages... plus a 500M downloacd for a no change rebuild of android13:11
ogra_(plus the android build and promotion indeed)13:12
rsalvetidiwic: yeah, just wanted a quick way to disable that to see if the exception stack will happen13:12
rsalvetidiwic: so we can at least know it's because of the hdmi card13:13
rsalvetiI know that one is not used by android13:13
ogra_cant you disable it in the kernel ?13:13
rsalvetiwhatever is the easier way to do it :-)13:15
diwicrsalveti, the quickest way is to do the pulse stuff I suggested13:15
diwicrsalveti, or strace possibly13:15
rsalvetiright, let me get some more logs for it13:15
ogra_rsalveti, the stacktrace looks pretty much like the one i see when the device reboots on boot13:16
ogra_whgich happens before even the rootfs is mounted13:16
rsalvetiogra_: that happens when pulse is started13:17
rsalvetijust link /usr/bin/pulseaudio to /bin/true and the stack is gone13:17
ogra_rsalveti, for me it happens if the device is initialized13:17
rsalvetiand then if you start pulseaudio manually, the kernel trace shows again13:17
ogra_while in initrd13:17
dholbachjdstrand, are http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036584/ the changes you were expecting?13:22
dholbachjdstrand, uploaded13:25
jdstranddholbach: hmm, I don't see the manifest shanges there. let me look at lp13:26
dholbachMirv, ^13:26
dholbachI uploaded the change and it looked to me it like it was just the mimetype and depends13:27
dholbachI'm happy to do another upload later on13:27
dholbachbut that's just what was there13:27
jdstrandthe diff isn't available yet13:27
cjwatsonlool: so, for me, the click package does show up in click list after I install it from the app lens13:27
beunojdstrand, I can't seem to run the lint tool with the latest rev: https://pastebin.canonical.com/96510/13:27
loolbarry, stgraber: could we use daily-proposed for testing new client upgrade code?  I'd install against daily-proposed -1 + upgrade?13:27
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jdstranddholbach: what I was looking for was qtcreator - 2.7.1-ubuntu7~saucy1~test2 from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/staging/+packages13:28
loolcjwatson: I should probably wipe my device to try this13:28
beunojdstrand, s/absname/abspath, I'll file the merge proposal13:28
jdstrandbeuno: whoops :)13:28
loolcjwatson: does it show on the app panel of the home screen too?13:29
cjwatsonlool: I can't open the app after installation, though, and it doesn't seem to remember that it's installed13:29
beunojdstrand, or should I just push to it?13:29
dholbachMirv, is the change jdstrand mentioned ^ scheduled to go into saucy too?13:29
Mirvdholbach: there was something new in lp:qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu , maybe that? "The Cordova porject type in the template definition file had a typo. The fileName was wrongly filename. So the .desktop file was not created."13:29
barrylool: not sure about the server side, but on the client side, you'd need to edit /etc/system-image/channel.ini until i get the feature in to specify the channel on the cli13:29
loolcjwatson: right13:29
cjwatsonlool: only under "More suggestions"13:29
dholbachMirv, I uploaded that last night13:29
jdstrandbeuno: what revision are you on?13:29
cjwatsonanyway, I need coffee etc. before UDS13:29
loolcjwatson: do you get the manifest error when trying to open it?13:29
dholbachjdstrand, was it 1215133?13:29
jdstranddholbach: yes13:29
loolcjwatson: see you there13:29
beunojdstrand, 3613:29
cjwatsonlool: no error, it just does nothing13:29
dholbachMirv, bug 121513313:29
ubot5bug 1215133 in qtcreator (Ubuntu Saucy) "click manifest name should not contain underscores" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121513313:29
sil2100cjwatson: just as an update: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunity-webapps13:30
sil2100cjwatson: sorry it took so long, I had issues with the architecture without documentation, had to hack my way through it13:30
Mirvdholbach: that was in the previous upload13:30
Mirvdholbach: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/saucy-changes/2013-August/008837.html13:30
dholbachMirv, no - that was a partial fix13:30
Mirvdholbach: right, it lacks proper "LP:#"13:30
jdstrandMirv: but ubuntu7 only had the partial fix13:30
dholbachMirv, I changed the changelog entry to say that13:30
jdstrand"Some initial work on #1215133: Replace "_" with "-" in the name of the13:31
cjwatsonsil2100: thanks!13:31
jdstrand      security manifest file" vs "Replace "_" with "-" in the name of the security manifest file (LP: #1215133)"13:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215133 in qtcreator (Ubuntu Saucy) "click manifest name should not contain underscores" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121513313:31
AskUbuntuUbuntu SDK on Ubuntu 13.04 | http://askubuntu.com/q/33838713:31
loolbeuno: did you see the request to reupload hello world without _ in the name?13:32
aleculool: yes, he has just uploaded a new version, and asked me to test it.13:32
beunolool, I have and I did. Want to test now?13:32
loolbeuno: I'm reflashing a clean system and will test this first thing  :)13:32
Mirvdholbach: aha, another upload needed then, ok13:32
jdstrandMirv: let me double check that13:33
dholbachMirv, let me know when the kubuntu-packagers branch is updated and I'll take a look13:33
beunojdstrand, with the fix, it tells me something's wrong, but I can't quite tell what from the output: https://pastebin.canonical.com/96511/13:33
aleculool: with a clean install it still breaks, because of the click bug on r/o filesystems13:33
cjwatsonalecu: which bug is that?13:33
jdstrandMirv: right, ubuntu7 is confirmed incomplete.13:33
dholbachmaybe I should set the bug back to "in progress"13:34
alecucjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/click/+bug/121747213:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1217472 in click "pkcon failure on the R/O system image" [Undecided,New]13:34
jdstranddholbach: makes sense13:34
cjwatsonoh.  can y'all please just file bugs on the Ubuntu click package rather than on the upstream project, so that I don't lose them?13:34
dholbachok, taking the dog for a walk real quick before sessions kick off13:34
cjwatsonalecu: I think that's just the unwritable /var/lib/PackageKit thing, though, fixed in lxc-android-config recently13:35
looljhodapp, diwic: With the GStreamer wrapping of Android side codecs provided by DSP, do we get accelerated MP3 decoding?13:35
alecucjwatson: great. It's not on today's RO image, it seems.13:36
jdstrandbeuno: ack. at the end of the script it says 'Warnings found' as opposed to 'Errors found'. so look up in the warn dictionaries and you'll see:13:36
jdstrand  "warn": {13:36
jdstrand    "desktop_file_hello_world.desktop": "TODO"13:36
jdstrand  }13:36
looljhodapp, diwic: Or do we have to add a gstreamer plugin for MP3 support?13:36
jdstrandbeuno: so, it is clean13:36
cjwatsonalecu: it's not yet, no13:36
ogra_lool, we cant13:36
beunojdstrand, ah   :)   thanks13:36
jdstrandbeuno: but we don't have tests for validating the desktop file yet13:36
* beuno nods13:36
beunojdstrand, want me to push this tiny fix to the script?13:36
sergiusensalecu: it won't make it into the image until pending is promoted to current13:36
jdstrandbeuno: I actually did already13:37
alecusergiusens: can I use --pending with the RO image somehow?13:37
* beuno pulls13:37
dholbachyou all are heroes!13:37
beunojdstrand, thanks13:37
sergiusenslool: barry stgraber I asked this a lot already, but do we have the 'pending'/'devel' channel ready?13:37
alecudholbach: the super kind? or just regular?13:37
dholbachthe super kind :)13:37
jhodapplool, no accelerated MP3 to my knowledge, should be software decoding even on the android side13:38
jdstranddholbach: do you want the quick reproducer on the manifest verification?13:38
popeybfiller: is renato on vacation?13:38
bfillerpopey: yes13:38
dholbachjdstrand, that'd be great13:39
loolsergiusens: there's a daily-proposed channel, but it's not something you'd be able to track every day13:39
popeybfiller: when's he back?13:39
jdstranddholbach: a) open qtcreator and create a new project of type Simple Touch UI13:39
loolsergiusens: or actually you might, but you'd at least lack deltas13:39
bfillerpopey: monday13:39
popeygreat, thanks13:39
jdstranddholbach: b) give it a name with an underscoe. eg, test_underscore113:39
loolsergiusens: testing it right now and will report back how it works  :-)13:39
jdstranddholbach: c) after clicking through the wizard, click 'Packaging' on the left13:40
popeybfiller: do we have anyone (other than renato) who can profile qml apps to identify performance issues?13:40
jdstranddholbach: d) examine the manifest tab. if any "name" and the key to the hooks dictionary have an underscore, the bug is not fixed13:41
jdstranddholbach: that's it13:42
bfillerpopey: not at the moment, we can discuss more. renato is totally booked as well13:42
Mirvdholbach: pushed qtcreator_2.713:42
ogra_asac, image up13:43
popeybfiller: ok. clock app has some performance issues which needs someone to take a look. it does a lot of animation which differs from most of our other apps13:43
bfillerpopey: can someone from sdk help take a look?13:43
mterrykatie, poke13:44
popeybfiller: ok, will do13:44
katiemterry, hello13:44
katiemterry, i was watching for you to come online13:44
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mterrykatie, :)  I have a few questions!  Let me see...  I wrote them down13:45
ogra_popey, is that the reason why it is exactly 9min behind on all my devices ?13:45
mterrykatie, do we have information on what indicators' "greeter mode" is like?13:45
popeyogra_: not sure about that. I'm more thinking of the animation of the hands and numbers13:46
katiemterry, i'll have to get back to you on that on13:47
asacogra_: cross your fingers man13:48
ogra_asac, nah, then i cant roll ciggarettes13:48
ogra_i know it is good ... no need to pray13:49
asacogra_: the ogra gut cannary at work?13:49
asacwould love if that would be a bullet proof method13:49
mterrykatie, OK. I also had some questions about the emergency dialer in the greeter13:50
ogra_it totally is :P13:50
katiemterry, i can probably answer those :)13:50
mterrykatie, so the only way to get into the emergency dialer is the button on the lockscreens, right?  Like, we don't insert a phone icon on the launcher?13:51
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katiemterry, correct13:51
dholbachMirv, did you see jdstrand's instructions to reproduce above?13:51
dholbachMirv, jdstrand: I'm going to be busy with sessions now - I guess I can start a build in the background but might be a bit too tied up to play around with QtC for a while :/13:52
mterrykatie, OK.  When it's open, do we show it on the launcher then?  (if user swipes launcher over)13:52
katiemterry, if you launch the phone icon in the launcher, it should take you to the normal telephony app13:52
mterrykatie, OK13:52
katiemterry, which if the device is locked, will take you to the pin code entry13:52
katie*sorry, meantpasscode13:52
mterrykatie, :)13:52
Mirvdholbach: I'm busy with Qt 5.1 right now, Zoltan would know more regarding the fix I pulled from his commits to that latest commit13:53
katiemterry, gotta be carefull with my pins and passcodes!13:53
mterrykatie, but when the emergency dialer is open, do we show it on the launcher then?  (if user swipes launcher over during use)13:54
dholbachbzoltan, can you verify that with the latest commits http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036681/ works now? (re: 1215133)13:54
rsalvetiogra_: diwic: with current ucm files I can hear the sound, but it's still quite low I'd say13:55
stgraberlool: should I add migration code for .developer_mode to .writable_image while I'm at it?13:55
ogra_rsalveti, depends how you play it it seems ...13:55
dholbachsergiusens, ev, lool: I won't be around for the error click session, I have to start another community session - sorry13:55
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rsalvetiwith alsamixer handsfree is in '21'13:55
rsalvetiogra_: with aplay13:55
loolricmm, tedg: Hey, I can't launch dropping letters from the unity home screen, but if I launch terminal and cd /opt/click.u.c/*dropping*/current and run qmlscene dropping-letters.qml, it works; could you help me debug this?13:55
ogra_rsalveti, the ringtone is loud and clear if i use system-settings13:55
loolstgraber: if you dont mind, that'd be nice13:55
stgraberlool: I don't believe we've promoted an image since, so I could do that and save us the trouble of having people do it by hand13:55
rsalvetiogra_: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav13:55
loolstgraber: especially since nobody got an upated image in the mean time13:55
ogra_rsalveti, and its quiet and faint from the phone app13:56
loolstgraber: right13:56
evdholbach: no worries13:56
stgraberlool: I did mind having to upload all the stack of packages just for that, but since I've got to do it anyway, might as well :)13:56
rsalvetiogra_: not for me13:56
rsalvetiogra_: must be the crash, let me get some logs13:56
rsalvetiI know yesterday I was able to get the proper volume sometimes13:56
rsalvetiright after boot, but wasn't happening all the time13:56
loolstgraber: I'd vote for supporting .developer_mode for a month on top of moving it; we should update docs to use the new path13:56
ricmmlool: I cant right now, smack in the middle of something else13:57
ricmmbut I'll ping you when im done13:57
loolricmm: is someone else able to help with this?13:57
cjwatsonlool: I wonder if the qtubuntu changes to support Path in .desktop files ever landed13:57
loolcjwatson: hmmm that could be it13:57
cjwatsonbug 120459613:58
ubot5bug 1204596 in unity-mir "Unity 8 does not honor Path= in desktop files" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120459613:58
cjwatsonsays fix-released in the distro tasks though13:58
katiemterry, just talked it over with JohnLea .. and the answer is no, Idon't think the emergency caller should be on the launcher13:58
cjwatsonoh, but the unity-mir one was only 12 hours ago.  maybe that?13:58
lool(I find it super annoying to leave terminal; I can never hide the keyboard, so can't reach the home screen button on the left bar whic is displayed under the keyboard; is there a workaround for this?)13:58
ricmmgreyback: do you know about this one^ ? that lool mentioned13:58
loolgreyback: context is that click apps don't seem to launch anymore, unless you run qmlscene by hand13:59
mterrykatie, yay, that makes it simpler  :)13:59
* asac is getting 2813:59
* asac hopes13:59
loolasac: you're much older I'm afraid13:59
katiemterry, great!13:59
sergiusenslool: which image, I can debug14:00
ogra_lool, thats why he hopes :)14:00
mterrykatie, what about transition?  Do we want the same transition apps get when appearing?  Or like a fade in or something?  Also, is it dismissed by turning of screen or is there a button to dismiss?14:00
* lool need to run to vUDS14:00
asacogra_: so you still believe its a good image? :)14:00
greybacklool: hmm, that's strange. Usual phablet image I suppose (i.e. not using Mir)?14:01
katiemterry, yes, same transition, and it is dismissed by turning off the screen14:01
asacogra_: i am installing on maguro :/14:01
katiemterry, later we should add a button to dismiss too14:01
loolhmm /me is stupidly running the image from 2214:01
loolwhich is not really helpful14:01
asaclool: lol14:01
asacwell i am not su sure, but i am surely much wiser :)14:01
loolgreyback: sorry need to update, had forgotten I couldn't set to --pending with system image14:01
alecubeuno: guess what? now the app manifest seems right, but the package name in the click index is different to the one in the manifest: "ar.com.beuno.hello-world" in the click index, "com.ubuntu.developer.beuno.hello-world" in the manifest.14:01
ogra_asac, yes, and ?14:02
ogra_hearing any issues ?14:03
beunoalecu, GAH!14:03
greybacklool: ok, please let me know if it is still broken14:03
beunoalecu, I'll re-upload after this session14:03
asacogra_: its pushing :) not yet booting14:03
asaci  hope i hear something yes :)14:04
loolbarry: ah stupid me, I thought I could test with new channel.ini, but it isn't supported in /current image14:04
* lool goes back to flashing .27.214:04
stgraberlool, cjwatson: so defaults,mode=0700 should be fine for sudo, right?14:05
barrylool: with older system-image you can probably edit /etc/system-image/client.ini14:05
tedglool, Catching up, is there something in ~/.cache/upstart/*log ?14:05
loolstgraber: seems correct to me14:05
MirvKaleo: are you available for the Qt 5.1 session? https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/368836c93bc010c273ce53686164a50dd2e47904?authuser=0&hl=en14:05
looloh wow, why is /var/lib/sudo root:lool on my system14:05
looljanv.  1  198514:06
ogra_it even speaks french !14:06
loolvery realistic14:06
* lool blames btrfs14:06
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loolbarry: ok, trying that now14:07
loolbarry: well, it's still relatively useless if I don't updte system-image before hand anyway14:07
stgraberlool: both packages uploaded, I'll do the two others as things publish in the archive and will do an image rebuild once it's all done14:08
loolstgraber: great, thanks14:08
cjwatsonstgraber: Yeah14:09
asacogra_: diwic: i dont hear anything in settings -> ringtone with latest14:12
asacbut i never could get it to work with the ucm files as well, so i assume i might have a bad setting?14:13
asacwhat files do i need to delete?14:13
ogra_none, it shoudl just work14:13
ogra_my rsync is still running ... i'll test in ~30min14:13
beunoalecu, re-uploaded 0.614:14
asacogra_: i can tell that it doesnt play any sound14:15
asaclet me see what i have in /home/phablet/.*14:15
asacnot sure what to remove14:16
asaclet me try wiping everything14:16
om26ersuper. pulseaudio only takes like 5-7% cpu and previously mediaserver used to consume 25-30% on mako while playing  a normal mp3 #success14:18
mterrykatie, I lost connectivity there.   "what about transition?  Do we want the same transition apps get when appearing?  Or like a fade in or something?  Also, is it dismissed by turning of screen or is there a button to dismiss?"14:19
loolsergiusens: I wanted to try bootstraping from daily-proposed and did this: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/phablet-tools/different-channels/+merge/18265414:19
om26erdiwic, hey!14:19
loolsergiusens: BTW the phablet-tools code is much nicer to read since a couple of months ago; feels much better structured14:19
loolsergiusens: I can tell you spent quite some time improving it  :)14:19
diwicom26er, asac I'm on a UDS session14:20
om26erdiwic, ah, ok. will ping you later14:20
asacdiwic: ok ... whenever its good for you to answer :)14:20
katiemterry, yes, same transition14:21
katiemterry, and yes, it is dismissed by turning off screen14:21
mterrykatie, OK, thanks!14:21
katiemterry, later there may be a button to dismiss, but not for now14:21
katiemterry, np :)14:21
om26erasac, is that mako or maguro ? (works for me on mako)14:22
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sergiusenslool: yeah, I broke some backwards compat someone was using.. thanks14:24
sergiusenslool: so I want to improve your MR, barry told me there's a channels.json we can use14:24
loolsergiusens: there is indeed14:25
sergiusenslool: I can get this in if urgent and work on that on top14:25
loolsergiusens: it's not critically urgent, but I'd rather we land this as to enable the QA team to use it14:25
loolsergiusens: we can improve it to use channels.json afterwards; seems like a good idea indeed14:25
loolsergiusens: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/channels.json which would avoid hardcoding some of the internal structure of system-image.u.c in phablet-tools too14:26
sergiusenslool: ack, I'll give this a test and happrove14:29
rsalvetiogra_: diwic: pulse logs with maguro, using syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036785/ not sure if it's useful14:31
rsalvetibecause it seems something is affecting the omap interrupt handler14:31
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asacom26er: maguro14:34
asacrsalveti: can you try maguro build?14:34
asacfor me sound doesnt work14:34
asacbut it never worked (also with UCM fixes), so it might be me14:34
rsalvetiasac: that's the one I'm testing14:34
asacrsalveti: so you see the same?14:35
rsalvetisound works sometimes with latest image, but there are still issues14:35
asacoh it works14:35
rsalvetiwhich is what we're currently debugging14:35
asacrsalveti: but its ok for dogfooding?14:35
asacor just super flaki compared to before?14:35
rsalvetinot ok for dogfooding it seems14:36
asacnot sure i wanted to hear that answer14:36
asacrsalveti: mayube debug for a bit and then describe the impact :)14:36
rsalvetithat's what I'm trying to do :-)14:36
rsalvetiI'll get back to you once I know more14:36
loolbarry: I've flashed 22 (-b reports 20130833) and upgraded system-image-* + ubuntu-system-settings, I don't get hangs when leaving / reentering settings, but after pointing at daily-proposed in client.ini it doesn't see the new image14:38
barrylool: which device?14:38
loolbarry: grouper14:38
asacsound works pretty ok ... just a bit low on volume14:38
loolbarry: this was after flashing with ./phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel daily-proposed --revision -114:39
loolbarry: (with new branch submitted above which just points phablet-flash at daily-proposed index.json)14:39
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loolbarry: could it be it's checking daily and not daily-proposed?14:39
barrylool: what does `system-image-cli -c` say?14:40
loolbarry: system-image-cli  --dry-run -v -v14:40
loolgets me to a traceback14:40
loolbarry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036810/14:41
loolsergiusens: ah forgot to update tests14:41
barrylool: that's interesting.  i managed to unbrick my n7 so let me try to reproduce both problems locally14:42
sergiusenslool: no worries14:43
ogra_asac, so the network indicator issue was our fault ...14:43
* ogra_ just uploaded a fix14:43
loolsergiusens: fixed14:44
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loolDo I need to change something on the MP to trigger another test run?  I forgot again14:45
sergiusenslool: nope, it will run eventually14:48
loolbarry: doing an apt-get dist-upgrade for now, will retest once there's a workaround/fix for using daily-proposed14:48
loolsergiusens: thanks14:48
loolsergiusens: latest runs I tested the new backup stuff, seemed to work fine; I don't remember why you list specific things to backup rather than backing up all of /userdata?14:50
KaleoMirv: sorry, missed it14:50
barrylool: [systemimage] Aug 28 14:40:52 2013 (1923) no matching channel/device: daily-proposed/grouper14:50
loolbarry: yes, saw this in the log, but it exists, yes?14:50
barrylool: seems to!14:51
sergiusenslool: all of userdata is too much14:51
loolsergiusens: because of?  demo contents?14:52
sergiusenslool: i.e.; if you move from a cdimage image to a system image you end up backing up all of ubuntu14:52
dholbachjdstrand, bzoltan1, Mirv: local test-build running - can anyone check http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036681/ with the latest package Mirv built?14:53
loolsergiusens: ah right; I guess we could fine tune handling when backing up system-image installs14:53
loolsergiusens: seems /userdata/system-data and /userdata/user-data would be good targets in ths case14:53
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sergiusenslool: ah, sure, I can look into adding that14:53
loolsergiusens: no hurry, just thinking of the next transition (partitioning changes) and fuller backups on the long-ter,m14:54
asacogra_: what did we do?14:55
ogra_asac, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/+bug/1217596/comments/614:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1217596 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "[regression] empty network-indicator since 23.1 with clean flash" [Medium,In progress]14:56
sergiusenslool: well, I'll add it as a WI even though we had the session yesterday :-)14:56
asacogra_: see i somehow had this sense14:56
asacwhen we did that14:56
ogra_asac, peripherial hackery we missed when fixcing autopilot14:56
asacright,, but remember how i wondered about what else might be using it :)?14:57
ogra_well theoretically nothing should14:57
ogra_practically someone wasnt up to date when creating all that hackish stuff in the first place :)14:57
asacwell, i wouldnt need to wonder if practice was close to theory :)14:57
asacogra_: well, we did a loosy stuff grepping and  consulting folks when rolling the real fix...14:57
ogra_in any case it will be fine the next build14:58
asaci thought we grepped for admin14:58
ogra_yeah, i definitely did14:58
asaci guess thats why i prefer having all the script magic in one place rather than all maintainer scripts14:58
loolsergiusens: thanks  :)14:58
ogra_that whole subdir in livecd-rootfs has to go14:58
asacif all that stuff would be in one bzr tree ... we could be ... almost perfect :)14:58
ogra_it cant14:58
asacogra_: so timeline for this fix?14:59
ogra_different things happen in different places14:59
ogra_asac, uploaded a while ago14:59
asacogra_: can you try call in and out for the GN as well?14:59
ogra_asac, but its a build time fix14:59
ogra_let me flash first ... the bugfix got in my way14:59
asacogra_: that means we have to create a new image you mean?14:59
asacyeah cool.15:00
asachappy we caught this as well now15:00
ogra_that file gets mangled at build time15:00
ogra_as a workaround for the still missing lightdm15:00
asacogra_: ok go test it as usual and let me know15:00
looljdstrand: hmm so I've pinged various folks about launching apps not working with latest packages on read-only image15:00
asactogethe with this bugfix we now did :)15:00
looljdstrand: I had this with latest /current and also after updating to latest packages15:01
looljdstrand: launching uncontained works15:01
looljdstrand: but not under aa-exec15:01
looljdstrand: I suspect something regressed in terms of permissions15:01
jdstrandlool: possibly-- is this with mir?15:01
looljdstrand: I can't tell how unity starts stuff, but launching qmlscene Stock_Ticker.qml works, while launching aa-exec -p com.ubuntu.stock-ticker-mobile_stock-ticker-mobile_0.3.7ubuntu1 -- qmlscene Stock_Ticker.qml doesn't15:01
looljdstrand: I think so?15:01
jdstrandlool: how are you launching with aa-exec, via the terminal app?15:02
loolI mean, I have libmirserver1:armhf and stuff15:02
looljdstrand: yes15:02
loolbut I think term app is unconfined15:02
loolsince it's not clickified?15:02
jdstrandlool: can you paste: grep DEN /var/log/kern.log ; grep DEN /var/log/syslog ?15:02
jdstrandlool: the term app doesn't matter, I was trying to rule out another bug15:03
MirvKaleo: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1308-qt51 whiteboard updated, the DPR/font issue assigned to you (as soon as work items can be put to work items field)15:03
looljdstrand: kern.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036881/15:04
looljdstrand: syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036882/15:04
jdstrandlool: ok, I can fix that, but heading into a meeting15:05
looljdstrand: thanks; I think this breaks running all clicks (preinstalled and downloaded) albeit other bugs might get in the way too15:05
jdstrandmight I mention that having vUDS during FF week is rather difficult?15:06
jdstrandlool: yes, I will fix it after this session15:06
seb128whoever decided on vUDS this week...15:06
looljdstrand: can confirm that if I strip aa-exec from .desktop files, I can run preinstalled clicks again15:08
loolnow trying installation15:08
barrylool: hahahaha.  the dash in "daily-proposed" is what's breaking things. :(  i'll have a fix (and better error reporting) shortly.15:08
jdstrandlool: yes. I know the problem15:08
jdstrandwe need to fix those denials15:08
loolw00t, downloaded app also works15:09
looldholbach: ^15:09
loolricmm, tedg, greyback: So app launching issue was just apparmor regression15:10
mamenyakaogra_, diwic, 0828 image, fresh install, apps with sound now don't freeze, but no sound15:10
lool(caused by unrelated uploads)15:10
tedglool, Ah, okay15:10
greybacklool: ok, thanks for the update15:10
jdstrandwell, I wouldn't say it is a regression-- nothing changed with apparmor, the system around apparmor changed15:11
dholbachlool, I'll upload qtcreator 0ubuntu9 once it passed a local build and test15:11
jdstrandbut that is semantics. apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu needs to be updated15:11
loolalecu, dholbach, jono_: With latest packages I can install and run clicks from appstore and run preinstalled clicks iif I disable the apparmor stuff, Jamie will fix this last remaining bug soon15:11
looljdstrand: sorry, tried to clarify with "unrelated uploads"15:11
ogra_mamenyaka, sounds good, that means the sound stack works but most likely your volume settings are wrong15:11
beunodholbach, and then we launch the store?   :)15:12
looljdstrand: I'm just super happy that we didn't face other click / click-scope / packagekit issue with r/o images in the appstore scenario15:12
mamenyakaogra_, when I tap on play in music:  msm_pm_wait_cpu_shutdown(): Timed out waiting for CPU 1 SPM to enter sleep stateCPU1: unable to kill15:12
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dholbachjono_, and with the next qtcreator upload (currently test-building), the submitted apps should stand a better chance of getting accepted15:12
dholbachbeuno, I'd have to defer to mhall119 and dpm for that one :/15:12
beunodholbach, mhall119, dpm, launch! launch! launch!15:13
jdstrandlool: the problem is that /android/... seems to be a new path for libs15:13
aleculool: indeed, it's great that no other big thing is needed for r/o images. I'd like to try it in tomorrow's image, where all of this fixes have landed.15:14
jdstrandits interesting that dropping letters does not work, but hello-world does. but regardless, the fix is easy15:14
mamenyakaogra_, volume is at max, unmuted in the indicator15:14
looljdstrand: could this be due to surface flinger?  there might also be device specific stuff since IIUC Mir has per-GPU support15:14
beunoalecu, could you verify 0.6 works well?15:14
ogra_mamenyaka, i'm talking about your UCM files15:14
beuno(btw, I keep getting it wrong because the SDK resets the fields)15:14
loolbeuno, alecu: So I do face a bug with installing click apps; not sure where it belongs15:15
jdstrandlool: I've tested with mir and surfaceflinger, and didn't see that15:15
mamenyakaogra_, that was my other guess :)15:15
loolbeuno, alecu: I can intsall beuno's hello world, I fixup the .desktop to disable aa manually, then hit "open"15:15
loolbeuno, alecu: But then screen flashes for a sec and I land back on the XDA app15:15
loolbeuno, alecu: Going back to the home screen, I see both are running, and I can go to the hello world app and it works15:15
loolso it seems like an unity launch thing; perhaps not waiting enough for the app to render and considering it dead?15:16
looljdstrand: this is on N7 BTW15:16
looljdstrand: might relate to the new images?  mounts might be slightly different15:16
jdstrandthat's what I figure15:16
loolbeuno: (this was with 0.6)15:17
mamenyakaogra_, I have this in speaker, enablesequence: cset "name='RX3 Digital Volume' 68"15:17
mamenyakacset "name='LINEOUT1 Volume' 100"15:17
mamenyakacset "name='LINEOUT3 Volume' 100"15:17
jdstrandbut why xda doesn't also fail is a slight mystery15:17
beunolool, perfect, thanks. I have a few more bugs to file against the SDK  :)15:17
looljdstrand: ?  I also patched the xda .desktop file15:17
ogra_mamenyaka, probably diwic can find some time to debug with you ... or tell you waht logs and info to attach to a bug15:17
jdstrandoh, I missed that. I thought you meant that they worked without modification15:17
looljdstrand: basically all preinstalled or downloaded apps failed, when I patch the .desktop file to drop aa-exec they always work, except for a display glitch when running an app just after downloading when one was already running15:18
mamenyakaogra_, okay, thank you; can you give me diwic ?15:18
jdstrandyep, got it15:18
jono_lool, dholbach sounds great, when will these fixes be in the images?15:18
dholbachjono_, qtcreator is not on the images - the other fix I don't know15:19
looljono_: images aren't getting promoted anymore due to various regressions in basic features reqiured for dogfooding15:19
jono_lool, right15:19
looljono_: outside of this, I think jdstrand will upload quite soon -- when he has a free second basically15:19
dholbachjono_, QtC build will likely take another hour here, plus some testing, then I'll upload, then some more time to build in LP and land15:19
looljono_: can't tell how long it takes to fix all regressions, but with jamie's fix and a pending image or apt-get updating to latest packages, we should get this working by end of day today I'd think15:20
tsdgeostvoss__: ricmm: did you guys have any time to look at the linking problems of the url-dispatcher thing in the platform-api?15:20
jono_lool, sounds great15:20
jono_thanks for the focus on this15:20
jono_dholbach, when will ratings and reviews land?15:21
dholbachjono_, not sure, ralsina: ^ do you know?15:21
jono_lool, dholbach also, any more resolution on apps that need to build C++ and how they fit into click packages?15:22
dholbachjono_, this is going to be discussed at UDS tomorrow (http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21954/community-1308-qml-extensions/ and http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21908/foundations-1308-arch-specific-click-pkgs/)15:24
looljono_: there's an app ^W^W a session for that!15:24
jono_dholbach, awesome15:24
jono_lool, :-)15:24
looljono_: tomorrow 16:0515:24
jono_lool, I was talking to dholbach about this the other day - time is of the essence on this as some app showdown apps use C++15:24
looljono_: Architecture-specific Click packages15:24
dholbachjono_, I sent out a mail about this: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-appstore-developers/msg00518.html15:25
rsalvetidiwic: ogra_: still giving the exception stack even with the hdmi card disabled in the kernel http://paste.ubuntu.com/6036955/15:25
rsalvetiseems it fails when starting the playback somehow15:25
looljono_: I doubt we have something ready in under a week, as it means getting cross stuff setup right, updating SDK rules and such; it's not a lot, but it's probably best to tell folks to switch back to rw images for this (as much as we hate this)15:26
looljono_: it would be good to see where they had to write C++ too15:26
w-flolool, take me as an example, I use c++ to talk to libupnp15:26
ogra_rsalveti, odd, i still balme the kernel15:26
rsalvetiogra_: right, it's probably something in the kernel for sure, but pulseaudio is making that issue to show15:27
jdstrandlool: apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu version 1.0.20 uploaded15:27
ogra_asac, so seeing that lool and stgraber just uploaded a lot of changes for the system image i think we should wait for that to land before i do another  respin15:27
ogra_(primarily that will require an android rebuild still)15:28
loolw-flo: seems completely valid to me, and might or might not make it to builtin features of the platform some day, I doubt iOS or Android offer this in their base platforms for instance; I guess one can't write an arch-independent uPNP implementation in QML/JS15:28
jdstrandlool: I would say install that and rerun the hooks, but, well, you have an ro image :)15:29
ralsinajono_: late september15:29
loolI can see how we have some kind of weakness over java / dalvik where a lot of low-level things can be programmed in java15:29
loollike UDP/TCP connections15:29
w-flolool, that's fine, I just bundle the .so with the click package. Though that makes it armhf dependent15:29
looljdstrand: I can mount -o remount,rw it  ;-)15:29
jdstrandlool, w-flo: that is what I did with evilapp15:29
w-flojdstrand, so is that considered evil? :)15:29
loolw-flo: Yes; what I think is interesting to fix is when people are using C++ to e.g. set an environment variable for their app or something like that15:30
lool(to tweak Qt's behavior)15:30
loolI've head this is pretty common15:30
jdstrandit tests confinement. as of today, it doesn't actually do anything evil. it just tries to see if it can do evil15:30
loolthere might be other cases where we could provide support mechanisms to avoid the need of C++15:30
w-flooh, i see. yeah, upnp support in the sdk is probably overkill15:31
jdstrandlool: we can wait for the session, but I think we need to allow for C++15:31
ogra_jdstrand, well, we are on a phone now ... it could do realyl evil stuff ... like calling your mom :)15:31
ogra_or texting her that you drop by tomorrow15:31
mamenyakaogra_, # /system/bin/logcat  Unable to open log device '/dev/alog/main': No such file or directory15:31
jdstrandyes, it could-- it just happens to only check if it can do stuff like that, instead of actually doing it :)15:31
w-floWell I do hope c++ will be allowed, otherwise I'm doomed :D15:31
ogra_mamenyaka, sounds like a udev problem15:32
mamenyakasecond boot15:32
looljdstrand: my goal never was to prevent C++; I mainly disagree with promotion of .debs15:32
* jdstrand nods15:32
loolI think app authors should build their deps as part of their app project and bundle the .so15:32
jdstrandme too15:32
looland we should enable them to cross-build for all target arches rather than building on device15:32
w-floI actually build a deb file using pbuilder-dist, then extract the .so file and put that into the click packaging dir.. seems to work fine :)15:33
jdstrandlool: also yep :)15:33
jdstrandw-flo: it does, it just is not easy enough15:34
* w-flo looks forward to easier builds15:34
mamenyakaogra_, resolved, weird things happen15:37
looljdstrand: how do you rerun the hooks?  and who's supposed to do this?15:39
looljdstrand: seems we will want to trigger this during session startup somehow15:39
jdstrandlool: correct. stgraber is creating a way for us to hook into something on first boot after upgrades15:40
jdstrandthere is a work item for that15:40
jdstrandlool: hold on15:42
looljdstrand:  I ran ls /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/*.json | xargs -n 1 /usr/bin/aa-clickhook15:43
looldidn't work though15:44
bigcalmI haven't been paying attention most of today, but is this known? (from apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade) click : Depends: python3-click (< but 0.3.2 is installed15:45
mamenyakaogra_, I have this in dmesg, this is good, right?: ALSA device list:   #0: Midas_WM181115:46
mamenyakaokay, because my other device hasn't got this15:46
loolbigcalm: I have python3-click and click at 0.3.2 on my armhf touch device15:46
bigcalmlool: This is a Galaxy Nexus15:46
bigcalmlool: nothing special installed, just apt-get update and dist-upgrade ended up giving me that15:47
loolbigcalm: could just be a symptom of a partial upgrade?  dpkg -C to check, or perhaps apt-get -f install?15:47
loolbigcalm: you can try apt-get install click python3-click to see what is the next issue apt would face15:48
bigcalmI can force it (as suggested by apt), but don't like to do so if it's a known problem15:48
bigcalmWill do15:48
bigcalmlool: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6037049/ doesn't look happy :(15:49
loolcjwatson: ^15:50
loolalbeit that seems like a desktophook issue15:50
bigcalmYay for breaking things. Maybe I could take davmor2's job15:51
loolbigcalm: I had an issue with desktophook recently myself (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart-app-launch/+bug/1215478)15:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1215478 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "desktophook fails when ~/.local/share/applications doesn't exist" [High,New]15:51
loolbut might have been broken manifest15:51
cjwatsonlool: your bug wasn't a desktophook issue, as I noted in my reassignment comment15:53
cjwatsonit was a bug in Ted's thing, which is different15:53
cjwatsonI'll have a look at bigcalm's traceback once I get a break between sessions15:53
cjwatsonbigcalm: I'm guessing /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery.desktop is a dangling symlink?15:53
cjwatsonbigcalm: have you been removing click apps by hand?15:53
jdstrandlool: ok, got asked a question in a session15:54
josephtcoX^>|VVXSS+[BcP$W XCb[B[APNC15:54
bigcalmcjohnston: yes it's a dead symlink. No I haven't been removing apps15:54
jdstrandlool: so, you need to run the system hooks and the user hooks15:54
cjwatson(I'm cjwatson not cjohnston)15:54
bigcalmSorry :)15:54
cjwatsonbigcalm: what is the target of the symlink?15:54
bigcalmHappens to me all the time15:54
jdstrandlool: so: sudo click hook remove apparmor && sudo click hook install apparmor15:54
bigcalmlrwxrwxrwx 1 phablet phablet 81 Aug 26 16:26 /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery.desktop -> /home/phablet/dev_tmp/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery.desktop15:55
cjwatsonoh, so that's a symlink not created by click15:55
jdstrandlool: click hook remove click-desktop && click hook install click-desktop15:55
cjwatsonpresumably by hand15:55
bigcalmAh, that was when I tried to run the gallery on the phone - which it didn't do15:55
jdstrandlool: click hook remove upstart-app-launch-desktop && click hook install upstart-app-launch-desktop15:55
ogra_cjwatson, i'd put my bets on the SDK15:55
jdstrandlool: those three commands should reset your desktop files and update your apparmor policy15:56
cjwatsonbigcalm: ok, so I'll just make it ignore dangling symlinks15:56
bigcalmcjwatson: not by my hand, by qtcreator15:56
looljdstrand: works!15:58
jdstrandlool: and 'sudo aa-status' shows they are running confined?15:59
* jdstrand is sure it does, but it is always nice to see :)15:59
lool16 profiles are in enforce mode.15:59
lool   ar.com.beuno.hello-world_hello-world_0.616:00
lool   com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.xda-developers-app_xda-developers_0.1.516:00
lool   com.ubuntu.dropping-letters_dropping-letters_0.1.2.216:00
lool   com.ubuntu.stock-ticker-mobile_stock-ticker-mobile_0.3.7ubuntu116:00
loolso yes!16:00
looljdstrand: cool, thanks for uploading the updated profile16:00
* beuno feels trapped16:00
looljdstrand: is there some test that will prevent promotion of an image if this regresses?16:00
jdstrandlool: note, that aa-status will show you the pid that is running under the profile when the app is running16:00
looljdstrand: not being able to launch any app because e.g. platform changed, qt was updated or something, is pretty bad16:00
mamenyakaogra_, after upgrading, the other device shows too: ALSA device list: apq8064-tabla-snd-card16:00
bigcalmcjwatson: having removed the dead symlink, the packages have installed okay16:01
cjwatsonbigcalm: fixed in click 0.3.4, hopefully making its way in soon16:01
loolI guess integration tests trying to run apps should catch this16:01
ogra_so the alsa driver initializes16:01
jdstrandlool: there is another discussion on that that came up wrt autopilot16:01
mamenyakabut still no sound16:01
jdstrandlool: I'll CC you16:01
looljdstrand: I guess evilapp's autopilot tests would be the best way to test this16:01
looljdstrand: I mean from an image QA point of view -- not for all app authors (useful too) but just for us not to call /pending a good image unless this works16:02
cjwatsonjdstrand: I haven't really been following the aa-exec discussion, but is it a problem that the generated code uses "aa-exec" without full path, aa-exec is in /usr/sbin/, and /usr/sbin apparently isn't on the phablet user's default path?16:02
cjwatson(which incidentally is a regression from the OneTruePath work we did way back in dapper or whatever it was ...)16:02
jdstrandcjwatson: the discussion lool and I are having now?16:02
loolcjwatson: things work now, it seemed to be that libs appeared out of /android/something instead of some other path16:02
cjwatsonhm, ok16:03
jdstrandright, what lool said. something changed in the image that moved paths around and apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu wasn't updated16:03
jdstrandlool: so, are autopilot tests part of image based tests?16:03
looljdstrand: yes, a bunch of them16:04
mamenyakawhich nexus device has apq8064-tabla-snd-card?16:04
jdstrandlool: right, so currently autopilot tests are using upsatrt-app-launch16:04
looljdstrand: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3805/16:04
jdstrandwhich means that autopilot tests run under apparmor16:04
jdstrandwhich means that if something changed in the image like this, the tests would fail16:05
doanac`jdstrand: i don't think they've been converted over to upstart yet?16:05
jdstranddoanac`: perhaps not yet, but this bug was filed last night: bug #121770016:05
ubot5bug 1217700 in AppArmor "apparmor prevents autopilot introspection from working on phablet devices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121770016:05
doanac`correct. thomi is trying to convert them16:05
looljdstrand: the problem is that none of the tests we have covers a click package, so no test against an apparmor confined app16:05
jdstrandok, that's fine16:05
jdstrandlool: to answer your queston, when ^ hits, then we have what you asked for16:06
looljdstrand: ok cool16:06
seb128mardy, mpt: if you want to join the settings's vUDS session: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5423f0843ea0c49351f4b1f771400ebf2d0e7cc5?authuser=016:07
asacogra_: no please16:07
asacbefore plz16:07
jdstrandthe problem currently is that when autopilot is used, qmlscene wants to start its own dbus-daemon by using dbus-launch16:07
seb128lool, ^ (I think you subscribed to the blueprint)16:07
asacogra_ we dont have time all day long16:07
seb128charles, ^16:07
ogra_asac, was that "no before" or was that "before plz" ?16:07
asacdo it now16:08
asacno time to loose16:08
asacmaybe already too late16:08
asacand they busted us16:08
jdstrandand apparmor blocks that. I have an idea I am playing around with to that work without widening the permission set or disabling apparmor during the tests16:08
ogra_asac, that might end up badly for the system image but firing it off now16:08
ogra_we'll at least have a good zip16:08
loolseb128: Ok; might join but mostly wanted to follow the video16:08
ogra_asac, running16:09
asacogra_: yeah. next time dont wait16:09
asacnever wait if there is no bad bug16:09
seb128lool, ok, works for me16:09
seb128lool, broadcast is going to start when we get more people16:09
ogra_asac, well, i had the impression you wanted all this for the system image people ...16:09
asacogra_: they didnt give me requirements at all16:09
ogra_asac, which will likely be unbootable now16:09
asacalso didnt approach me about coordinating landing16:09
loolI feel we're speaking of people as if they aren't in the room16:10
ogra_asac, i heard that someone thinks we are speaking about people like they arent in the room16:10
asacyeah lets stay focussed on our mission to get automation back on16:10
loolI dont think any big system-image changes are pending; the main things were adding back support for .developer_mode and avoiding a sudo warning; no big deals16:10
asacsounds good16:11
looland not worth delaying a good image superseding the one from the 22nd   ;-)16:11
ogra_lool, well, there were lxc-android-config changes as well as initrd changes16:11
ogra_lool, the former will be in, the latter wont16:11
loolyes, these are all nice to have but no big deals if they make it to an image16:11
asachope we didnt pick up any dirt16:11
loolit might break developer_mode for some people, but that's ok16:11
ogra_asac, if you dont want that, freeze the archive16:11
ogra_lool, ok, i was just cautious in case the lxc changes rely on the initrd changes or some such16:12
asacright. we would want to do that if we could keep up with the pace16:12
ogra_it looked like a set16:12
asacbut we cant so we can only control one side16:12
asacand hope for the other16:12
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asacand lool made a good assessment16:12
loolit's sad if we didn't land all of it in the image, but it's ok; I don't know how far stgraber managed to upload things (long chain of deps apparently)16:13
loolno big deal16:13
ogra_lool, the final bit (android package rebuild) is missing16:14
ogra_so the initrd changes wont be there16:14
stgraberlool: I'm about to upload android (waiting for the publisher to finish)16:14
stgraberlool: not waiting for android will cause a security issue btw16:15
ogra_stgraber, ouch16:15
stgraberlool: as lxc-android-config will be there, mount /var/lib/sudo without support for the custom flags16:15
ogra_stgraber, i just started an image build16:15
stgraberso that'll make /var/lib/sudo world writable16:15
ogra_not an issue on the non system image16:16
ogra_(/ is world writable there)16:16
stgrabersure, the path won't be affected on non-system iamges16:16
stgraberogra_: I'll kick another rebuild once android is built and published and I'll manually promote that one to system-image16:16
loolstgraber: let's just kick another build once android package is ready16:17
loolI'd like Jamie apparmor update to be picked up too16:17
loolit's not like this image will be immediately published from current to pending anyway  :-)16:17
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bigcalmWho manages https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install ? I got stuck in looping boot loader so in the process of going back to Android and then reflash.16:20
bigcalmIn Device factory reset "In Recovery (Android robot on his back with a red triangle)... tap the volume up button and the power button simultaneously which will bring you into stock recovery. Again.. Don't hold the buttons, just tap them simultaneously. Also make sure you're holding the correct volume button. Up will be the volume key on the right." didn't work for me. Had to use volume down16:20
bigcalmNow I can're reproduce it. Damn fickle hardware :(16:25
om26erdiwic, got a minute now ? :)16:26
diwicom26er, maybe16:26
om26erdiwic, i get very low sound on nexus 416:26
om26erdiwic, where to report bug for that ?16:27
diwicom26er, which device, speaker, earpiece or headphone?16:27
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diwicom26er, and which image are you running?16:27
om26erdiwic, 20130827.2 with apt-get dist-upgrade afterwards16:27
diwicrsalveti, what is an L3 error anyway?16:28
om26erdiwic, mako, on speaker and earphone16:29
om26erdiddledan, headphone volume is fine btw16:29
rsalvetidiwic: not sure yet16:29
rsalvetidiwic: but at the bottom there's a dma transaction error, not sure if we should be concerned with it16:29
diwicrsalveti, "Custom errors in L3: Target like DMM/FW/EMIF generates SRESP=ERR error"16:29
ogra_diwic, the one where you call the level3 support of the OEM perhaps16:29
diwicogra_, heh16:31
rsalvetidiwic: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-saucy.git;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-omap2/omap_l3_noc.c;h=0d6aaae95e8628d8d476cb3d505b309a03473054;hb=refs/heads/maguro16:31
diwicom26er, so what you're saying is that speaker (not earpiece or headphone) volume is low?16:31
diwicrsalveti, yes, that's how far I am as well16:32
om26erdiwic, no, I mean speaker and earpiece have low volume but when I connect a headphone sound is pretty acceptable there16:32
om26erI had a call a few minutes ago and had to hold a finger on my other ear so I could hear the call clearly.16:33
diwicom26er, okay. and this was not the case a few days ago?16:33
om26erdiwic, it was working till yesterday16:34
diwicom26er, ok, please file a bug for it ( touch-preview-images ) and include the output of "pacmd list" thanks16:34
diwicfamily calling, sigh16:35
Theohey guys, i've managed to get to Step 4 of the install. But i'm stuck on this command phablet-flash (cdimage-touch|cdimage-legacy|ubuntu-system|community) -b  .... what am I doing with the bracketed parameters?16:36
ogra_Theo, pick cdimage-touch from it :)16:38
ogra_it means you need to pick one16:38
Theoyeah just didn't know which. I'm on my way now!16:38
ogra_good luck16:39
mamenyakadiwic, have a moment?16:42
barrylool: LP: #1217932 will be fixed in system-image 1.316:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1217932 in Ubuntu system image "Dashes in channel name or group name breaks resolution" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121793216:44
diwicrsalveti, I have to quit for the day and take care of my family instead.16:45
diwicmamenyaka, not today, sorry16:45
mamenyakadiwic, no problem, maybe tomorrow16:46
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loolbarry: col16:54
loolbarry: cool16:54
barrylool: anyway, i'll upload a 1.3 before my eod.  we'll see what else i get in there by then ;)16:55
bigcalmJust recovered from a boot loader loop by doing a manual reinstall. Glad I'm not put off by such things :)16:55
loolbigcalm: did you find what was causing it?16:55
loolbigcalm: I was bitten by such a thing a while ago, barry had something ressembling recently16:56
loolasac, ogra_: I see 20130828.1/16:56
bigcalmlool: I can't pin-point it. Did an update and reboot this afternoon16:56
dholbachjdstrand,             "desktop": "test_underscore1.desktop"          is the only bit containing an underscore - the rest has a hyphen16:56
dholbachjdstrand, good to go?16:56
bigcalmlool: went into a loop from that point onwards16:56
barrybigcalm: yeah, i nearly bricked my n7 yesterday after doing a phablet-flash.   i got it working again though16:56
jdstranddholbach: can you paste the complete manifest?16:57
looland latest image has the right apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu16:57
dholbachjdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6037303/16:57
jdstranddholbach: yeah, that will work16:58
dholbachjdstrand, the .qml and .desktop file have underscores, so I guess that's all right16:58
dholbachok, uploading16:58
dholbachMirv, ^16:58
loolstgraber: would you want me to push a no change android upload?16:58
loolsince it's big16:59
ogra_lool, yep16:59
jdstrandbzoltan: note, dholbach's upload still creates: '"apparmor": "test-underscore1.json",' which doesn't need the transmogrification. Ie '"apparmor": "test_underscore1.json",' is fine. I know you know this and it is not a blocker16:59
stgraberlool: I've got gigabit internet for that16:59
ogra_lool, feel free to take over the builder16:59
* lool bows16:59
loolI have gigabit ... ethernet ....17:00
loolto a cable modem  :-)17:00
bzoltanjdstrand: I know, you know that I know it :)17:00
stgraberlool: I'm just waiting for ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd to publish completely, it's currently stuck half way through (source moved to release but binary still in proposed)17:00
jdstranddholbach: yes it is. it is only the "name", the "version" and the application name (ie, the keys to the hooks dictionary), that should not have underscores17:00
dholbachbzoltan, fix uploaded to saucy17:00
jdstrandbzoltan: :)17:00
ogra_stgraber, its already 3h btw :)17:01
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loolstgraber: ack; I was furiously refreshing the android pacakge's page17:01
bzoltanjdstrand: Yes, I left this change there to reduce the number of lines the second fix attempt needed. Next week when JP is back we will do a little refactoring of the Click packaging and manifest handling. Visual version increaser and smarter policy group editor is to be expected17:01
stgraberlool: don't trust LP for that, you need rmadison17:02
jdstrandbzoltan: sounds great. thanks again for all your work on this :)17:02
loolstgraber: rmadison is slooooooow17:02
stgraberlool: (LP thinks it's published at the beginning of the publisher cycle, so if you trust it, you upload and you change doesn't get picked up)17:02
bzoltan jdstrand:  :) I actually enjoyed that Click/Manifest solo sprint :) I touched code I have never seen before. Now I can fx things much faster if needed.17:03
* lool walks out for dinner17:03
ogra_cjwatson, since you thought i'm wrong thinking 2h is optimistic ... it is 3h now and android wasnt uploade yet :)17:04
cjwatsonogra_: my comment related to the time from upload to image generation17:04
cjwatsonlool: I hope it will get better once we get the new archive offload box (snakefruit)17:05
loolcjwatson: what does that do?17:05
cjwatsonlool: move a bunch of jobs off the overloaded lillypilly17:05
loolok, cool17:05
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cjwatsonogra_: but ok, I hadn't realised that this required multiple passes through the publisher cycle17:06
ogra_cjwatson, right, but it is three uploads for the whole chain before you can build images ... its closer to 4-5h17:06
cjwatsonstgraber: maybe whatever this is that's waiting for ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd should be pulling it from -proposed17:06
ogra_i'm really considering to move the bootimg generation back to livecd-rootfs17:07
ogra_that would save the last upload ... which is the most annoying one17:07
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ogra_asac, 28.1 is ther in case you didnt notice17:16
xnoxcjwatson: ack, i think it's more for me, rather than stgraber.17:17
stgraberxnox: hmm, my no change rebuild just FTBFSed, any idea? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/148638383/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.android_0.20130801.1-0ubuntu8_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:19
asacogra_: does it work :)? /me installs17:20
ogra_stgraber, xnox, likely missing upstream changes that rsalveti did for the camera fixes17:21
ogra_asac, still rsyncing17:21
sergiusensogra_: that's already pushed (to phablet-saucy)17:21
ogra_sergiusens, doesnt help the package if nobody synced it :)17:22
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ogra_stgraber, so there is your answer ... :)17:22
xnoxsergiusens: ogra_: i'll sort it out today then.17:23
sergiusensogra_: that buffer error seems more of a ricmm thing17:23
stgraberxnox: let me know once you've uploaded it so I can trigger an image rebuild for system-image17:23
sergiusensthe NativeBufferAlloc that is17:23
ogra_sergiusens, well, after all there are phablet.u.c changes that need to go into the package ... if it still fails then ....17:24
sergiusensoh, but if xnox didn't filter it in, that explains it17:24
sergiusensogra_: yeah, if it's in, this shouldn't fail17:24
ogra_yep :)17:24
xnoxstgraber: ack.17:28
bfillerseb128: contact picker ui component exists already17:31
w-floI get boot loops now, is this actually correct in the new initramfs "touch" script? The ' in line 138 should be a ; I guess: if [ "$5" = "none" ]' then17:34
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seb128bfiller, thanks for the pointer17:35
w-flostgraber, ^ (I think the initramfs script has a syntax error)17:37
nik90_Hi everyone. I just got a nexus 4. Are you instructions in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install up to date? (as in no additional tweaks necessary)17:37
stgraberw-flo: there's indeed a typo there...17:41
asacogra_: for me its good17:41
asaclets wait for dashboard and mako confirm17:41
asacand then push the trigger on this one17:41
stgraberw-flo: didn't spot it when I reviewed lool's diff. I'll fix and re-upload all the mess.17:41
w-flostgraber, thanks :)17:41
stgraber(and do a test boot before uploading just to be safe)17:42
ogra_stgraber, hmm, that explains why tsdgeos had a reboot loop ... i guess the dist-upgrade updated the initrd17:42
stgraberogra_: hmm, I don't see how a dist-upgrade would update the initrd17:42
stgraberogra_: you need to generate a new boot image for that...17:42
ogra_stgraber, nope17:44
ogra_stgraber,  update=initramfs just does the right thing17:44
loolstgraber, w-flo: Sorry about that17:44
mterrytedg, btw, katie said she'd have to get back to us about indicators-in-greeter17:44
tedgjdstrand, Reading your e-mail about the autopilot stuff... I don't *think* that autopilot starts it's own dbus... that would be odd.17:44
w-flolool, it's actually good news, because it means the boot loop is *not* caused by an unsuccessful attempt to fix the alsa driver :)17:44
tedgmterry, Ah, okay, thanks for asking!17:45
mterrytedg, I see still no upstart update17:45
loolw-flo: boot loop with which image?17:45
w-flolool, self made image (for ported device)17:45
mterrytedg, how do we enable auto-pushing u-g-s-b to saucy once ready?17:45
jdstrandtedg: it does via dbus-launch. see the denial17:45
tedgmterry, Perhaps we should get together a call with her and mpt, it could be fun!  :-)17:45
tedgmterry, We just need to update the config file.17:46
tedgmterry, I guess I need someone on didrocks' team to sign off on the packaging.17:46
jdstrandtedg: I don't know where, but somewhere in the stack dbus-launch is getting called under the qmlscene process17:46
mterrycyphermox, can you do preNEW stuff for auto-uploading?17:47
tedgjdstrand, Hmm, yeah.  Seems odd that autopilot would do it, itself.17:47
jdstrandtedg: well, the is libautopilot-qt17:47
jdstrandtedg: istr a discussion from long ago about not running autopilot tests under the user's session17:48
jdstrandtedg: which is consistent with the denial17:48
tedgjdstrand, Just to be curious, why can't I start my own confined dbus if it's under my apparmor profile?17:48
jdstrandtedg: we could use '/usr/bin/dbus-launch ix,' I suppose, but we are trying to keep execs down to a minimum17:49
tedgjdstrand, I guess I'm more asking, why aren't we doing "/usr/bin/* ix" ?17:50
tedgjdstrand, They'd still be contained, no?17:50
jdstrandtedg: and I don't really like the precedent of adding extra accesses to policy for automated tests17:50
tedgmterry, cyphermox, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/cupstream2distro-config/daily-session-broadcast/+merge/18272117:54
stgraberlool: code tested, uploading the fixed version now17:55
jdstrandtedg: they would be, yes, but that is more access than is required for SDK apps and that butts up against application lifecycle17:55
loolstgraber: thanks; I'll add a sh -n + checkbashism test to the build afterwards17:55
tedgjdstrand, Eh, okay.  I was more thinking that I might want to use "cal" in my program or something like that.17:56
jdstrandtedg: click packages don't have a concept of dependencies, so you can't rely on cal being present17:56
rsalvetistgraber: ogra_: sergiusens: that ftbfs is because the package is not yet reflecting the changes done in phablet.u.c17:56
ogra_thats what i said :)17:57
rsalvetisorry, didn't read the entire backlog17:57
rsalvetibut seems xnox will do the sync today17:57
rsalvetixnox: let me know if you need any other patch in phablet.u.c, but that should be good already17:57
rsalvetiwe only need to rebase your package patches17:57
tedgjdstrand, Sure, but I imagine your definition of "rely" and most devs are different :-)  If it shows up on the phone they have and kinda works... ;-)17:57
jdstrandtedg: for the converged device, we are probably going to have a different template that might have those types of accesses17:58
jdstrandtedg: for now, this is the spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement#Launching_other_applications18:00
sergiusensrsalveti: yup18:01
ogra_asac, all working (i dont have a headset handy, but dont think thats a prio)18:02
rsalvetiogra_: is 28.1 out already?18:03
ogra_rsalveti, yep, works well for me18:03
rsalveticool, let me flash it18:04
AskUbuntuIs the U.S. Cellular - Model SCH-R760 model supported? | http://askubuntu.com/q/33851718:09
Theohey guys, could do with some opinions. I'm trying to flash touch to a nexus 4. I got as far as phablet-flash which stalled in the terminal (still respondive but no return code and not really doing anything) on the device it outputted something along the lines of "cannot locate autodeploy.zip" i would assume the push failed. I've tried sideloading and adb push ing a zip i made outof the image but to no avail. The zip is viewable bu18:11
TheoAny help would be humbly appreciated18:12
greybackTheo: well it's strange the script has failed. Try rebooting phone, and running script again18:15
greybackTheo: note it doesn't need to re-downlaod everything18:15
Theoyeah i did that, i'll try it again and get the full output.18:16
greybackTheo: else, if it sticks there again, in the android recovery, choose the "sideload" option18:16
greybackTheo: then on your PC, change to hte download directory that phablet-flash indicated above18:16
greybackTheo: then run "adb sideload <filename.zip>" to push file to device18:16
greybackTheo: push the file with "mako" in its name first18:17
greyback(i.e. the smaller zip file)18:17
greybackTheo: you just caught me going out the door, I'll be back online in 30+18:18
greybackgood luck!18:18
Theoi only see one zip in the 20130822 folder  and its armhf.zip18:18
Theokk thanks anyway! I'll still be on then18:18
greybackTheo: there should be 2. Hmm18:18
Theopresumably a little lost still. :)18:18
greybackplease make sure your phablet-tools is up to date, then try again18:19
Theoi did both aptgetupdate and get upgrade18:19
Theoalready there :P18:19
greybackTheo: you're running Saucy?18:19
* greyback gone18:20
xnoxrsalveti: not happy with the tarball, it's bloated, but i've rebased patches and can build off it. I'll send you the tree diff of "extra" not-used stuff in the tarball18:21
rsalvetixnox: why bloated?18:22
rsalvetiwe just need to remove whatever you want in there :-)18:22
rsalvetiI got some pieces removed, but not all of them18:22
ogra_Theo, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130822/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+mako.zip18:22
ogra_thats the one greyback referred to18:23
xnoxrsalveti: well the android-*.tar.xz is 142MB and the one used in the archive is 92MB at the moment =)18:23
xnoxrsalveti: anyway running a test build at the moment.18:23
rsalvetixnox: right, have the diff for the stuff that needs to be removed in hands?18:23
xnoxrsalveti: not at the moment, following vUDS whilst doing a test build. I'll upload with tarball as it is, and send you a diff of paths later.18:24
xnoxit's not blocking rebase =)18:24
rsalvetixnox: right, but which tarball, the latest one available in there?18:24
xnoxrsalveti: I used android-20130828.tar.xz , is that the right one?18:25
rsalvetiyup, cool18:25
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Theosideloading results in "error: closed"18:30
Theobut the devices is showing in adb device -l18:30
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asacpopey: may i beg for a smoke test? :)18:32
asacof .1?18:32
popeyasac: I'm away from home for the evening, sorry18:33
xnoxrsalveti: so in the packaging i was updating the .zip with ubuntu boot image, i guess I don't need to do that, and instead i can just take: zip, boot.img and android-boot.img as it is?18:42
TheoAnyone available to give a rookie a hand, a little stuck on the installation.18:42
xnoxTheo: we are in the middle of vUDS =) uds.ubuntu.com so everyone is on google hangouts at the moment =)18:43
rsalvetixnox: the final zip from the tarball you're using should already contain the right boot.img by default18:43
rsalvetiwhy do you need android-boot.img?18:43
xnoxrsalveti: i used to ship it to support all types of images, but i guess there is no legacy images any more....18:46
rsalvetiyeah, all we care about now is the zip and boot.img18:47
rsalvetixnox: but I know you're not using the same logic to download the generic initrd in there18:47
rsalvetibut if you get that available before the build (instead of downloading it with pull-lp...), it should be good already18:47
tedgmterry, Do you the upstart-dbus-bridge?18:49
xnoxtedg: parse i fail18:50
xnoxtedg: are you talking in en_RPN locale?18:51
tedgxnox, en_yoda18:51
tedgInsert "have" ;-)18:51
xnoxrsalveti: i am not allowed to use pull-lp, so I use internal ftp mirror on the buildd. So it should be only ever-so-slightly delayed than pull-lp...18:52
xnoxrsalveti: and yeah i pull it before build starts.18:53
rsalvetiyeah, then it should be good18:54
mterrytedg, let me check19:00
mterrytedg, that's a package?  Doesn't show up in my apt cache19:00
asacogra_: the camera app failure on mako is a known regression, right?19:02
asacand expected?19:02
tedgmterry, No, it should be in upstart19:02
tedgmterry, And provide the dbus event that we need19:02
mterrytedg, I have /sbin/upstart-dbus-bridge installed19:03
tedgmterry, Ah, cool and I'm guessing it's running?19:03
tedgYou should actually have two19:03
tedg(per session)19:03
asacanyone here has mako?:19:03
asacand can test .1 build so we can push it out?19:03
mterrytedg, none running19:04
tedgmterry, Are there jobs for them in /usr/share/upstart/sessions ?19:04
tedgWonder if the PPA does different packaging.19:05
mterrytedg, no...  /usr/share/upstart/sessions only has jobs for event and file bridges19:05
tedgmterry, Hmm, so that's the issue, but I'm not sure why.  Let's see if we can find jodh :-)19:07
mhall119rsalveti: sergiusens: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/775b5f9d919a2624105bafd80c1846c84238b409?authuser=1&hl=en to talk about app developer mode for read-only system images19:07
RobbyF /join #ubuntu-uds-community-119:08
sergiusensmhall119: thanks19:09
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wilee-nileeshould you be messing with a development then?19:42
ogra_wilee-nilee, who exactly ?19:43
wilee-nileewrong channel my bad19:44
wilee-nileesmart phone fumbling19:44
wilee-nileesmart phone dumb user, lol19:47
Deep4kI have problem in the configuring the SIP account on the Ubuntu 12.0419:55
loolxnox: did you find the source of the android FTBFS issue?20:05
Deep4kI'm running in the Double NAT Network.Does't cause any issue?20:06
rsalvetilool: he's working on updating the package with the proper tarball20:06
xnoxlool: yeah, i've rebased patches and local build finishes. Will test that grouper still boots & will upload.20:06
rsalvetithat will fix the ftbfs20:06
achiangdoes anyone know which log file in /cache/recovery/[log | last_log] is the newer one?20:10
sergiusensachiang: when recovery exists it's supposed to dump it in last_log, so log should be the newer one20:13
achiangsergiusens: hm... i'm not sure i actually understand that clarification. ;)20:14
achiangsergiusens: recovery exists, dump info into last_log... what is in log then?20:14
sergiusensachiang: let me double check, I always have to double check anyways20:15
loolstgraber: uploaded a sh -n check to avoid this happening again20:20
loola bit surprizing that lintian doesn't do this; it seems to have a hard time picking up interesting shell scripts to test20:20
rsalvetilool: would also be nice to get this tested once before uploading :-)20:21
loolrsalveti: bah you know, did one last change before uploading20:21
rsalvetihaha, yeah, I know20:22
loolpurely cosmetic20:22
ogra_lool, btw, update-initramfs works on all supported devices20:22
ogra_and does the right thing20:22
achiangstgraber: ping, i'm trying out the customized image tarball now, and still not passing the signature check. maybe i don't have a proper keyring from you? i have archive-master.tar.xz but do not have any other keyrings20:22
ogra_(for testing)20:22
sergiusensachiang: ok, on recovery exit: copy_log_file(LOG_FILE, true); copy_log_file(LAST_LOG_FILE, false); ... 2nd arg is append, and it copies the TEMPORARY_LOG_FILE that lives in /tmp/recovery/log20:22
rsalvetispent a few minutes in panic mode because my device was in a reboot loop mode20:22
rsalvetibut thanks for pushing the fix quickly, everyone :-)20:23
ogra_i could disable the automatic flashing if someone thinks thats better20:24
achiangsergiusens: ok, so log is cumulative recovery attempts and last_log is simply the most recent attempt?20:24
sergiusensachiang: that's what the code shows20:24
achiangsergiusens: thanks20:24
sergiusensachiang: I see you are trying system images20:24
achiangssweeny: ^^20:24
sergiusensachiang: there's another log for that I think, let me check20:25
achiangsergiusens: well, i'm trying to get our customization tarballs to work20:25
stgraberachiang: you need the 3 same keyrings as for a standard update, otherwise it indeed won't validate20:26
stgraberachiang: (you need to load archive-master.tar.xz, then image-master.tar.xz and finally image-signing.tar.xz)20:26
sergiusensachiang: http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery.git;a=blob;f=system-image-upgrader;h=b5bce1aa2cdf54933b0a66397e5585cb739e3d95;hb=refs/heads/phablet-saucy20:26
sergiusensstgraber: I'm just noticing that we still have archive-master.tar.xz.asc archive-master.tar.xz in the repo, we are good to get rid of that, right?20:27
achiangsergiusens: stgraber: thanks, i'll keep poking then20:28
rsalvetiogra_: lxc-android-config uploaded20:28
stgrabersergiusens: why would we be able to remove it? we need to have those two files in the recovery image.20:28
ogra_rsalveti, rightm, waiting for android then20:29
stgraberachiang: the .asc I gave you was signed with image-signing, so you need to load the two others first to get a trust path from archive-master down to image-signing20:29
achiangstgraber: ack, merci20:29
sergiusensstgraber: hmm, sorry, I must of confused the names, thought we were downloading it20:30
achiangstgraber: dumb question but where do i find those keyrings (and signatures)?20:36
stgraberachiang: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/gpg/20:37
achiangstgraber: thanks. and they get pushed into /cache/recovery too?20:37
stgraberachiang: system-image-cli grabs them and pushes them to /cache/recovery when preparing an update, yes20:37
achiangstgraber: hm, ok.20:38
mmccHi folks, after upgrading the image on my nexus 7 today, unity8 crashes repeatedly. Is this a known bug I should wait out or do I need to do a clean reflash? I put some unity8 log info in bug #1218065 ...20:38
ubot5bug 1218065 in Unity 8 "unity8 crashing repeatedly on nexus 7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121806520:38
achiangstgraber: adding those keyrings, i achieved success with our custom tarball! thanks!20:46
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jdstrandsergiusens: where can I find the click package for com.ubuntu.dropping-letters?21:08
mhall119kenvandine: ping21:09
kenvandinemhall119, pong21:09
mhall119kenvandine: hey, a question came up during a session today about whether online-accounts providers can run under app isolation and be installable as click packages21:09
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mhall119do you know if that's possible?21:09
mhall119I know there was some work going to so allow Scopes to be packaged as Click and run under isolation21:10
mhall119jdstrand: ^^ would probably interest/affect you too21:10
jdstrandmhall119: currently no21:10
sergiusensjdstrand: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/dropping-letters-click/21:11
sergiusensjdstrand: anything wrong with it?21:11
jdstrandmhall119: also, click and scopes is not for 13.10. see thread on ubuntu-devel@ from yesterday21:11
mhall119kenvandine: jdstrand: probably not something that needs a solution before 13.10, but afterwards we might want to think about it21:11
mhall119jdstrand: ok, understood21:11
jdstrandsergiusens: no, thomi had some autopilot issues using that package with them using upstart-app-launch and I'm trying to reproduce21:12
sergiusensmhall119: jdstrand I think it's in the image customization target, but not in click21:12
sergiusensjdstrand: ack21:12
jdstrandsergiusens: thanks! :)21:12
kenvandinejdstrand, thanks :)21:12
jdstrandheh, sure thing :)21:13
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SeanHosie54anyone able to help my phone install?21:19
SeanHosie54I have a nexus 4, everytime I try to run phablet-flash  -b it comes up with error:too few arguments21:21
SeanHosie54anyone able to help me?21:21
iBotPeachesSeanHosie54: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install Step4, the parameters have changed21:24
iBotPeachesYour missing the cdimage-touch and board name21:24
iBotPeachesphablet-flash cdimage-touch -d mako -b (i think is it)21:24
SeanHosie54how do I reply to 1 person :)21:28
xnoxrsalveti: sergiusens: so building package from android.tar.xz makes grouper go into reboot loop.21:28
xnoxshall I upload into (a) ppa or (b) archive21:28
xnoxogra_: ^21:28
ogra_xnox, hmm, are you sure you have the fixed initrd ?21:30
rsalvetiyou probably got the broken initrd21:30
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rsalvetixnox: try rebuilding21:30
rsalvetiif it works, just push it21:30
xnoxrsalveti: i'll try reflashing, somehow adb/fastboot keep disconnecting from the device for me.21:32
* xnox twiddles thumbs21:32
ogra_xnox, check your build log, you want ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd 0.24 or newer21:33
ogra_that should have the fix21:33
xnoxogra_: right I caught 0.2321:34
SeanHosie54once it has downloaded what command do I run to install the image please iBotpeaches21:34
asacbfiller: so not sure, but think that landing now might be a good time :)21:35
asacat least prep for landing21:36
asaccheck with rsalveti and folks whats currently going on in archive etc. though21:36
iBotPeachesSeanHosie54: I wouldn't recommend flashing this, if you can't read the wiki and its detailed steps21:36
SeanHosie54iBotPeaches: I dont know what you mean?21:38
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* xnox current eta 20m for new build to finish locally 5m to flash test again + 2m upload + 40m build on buildd/publish21:40
iBotPeachesSeanHosie54: There is a well maintained wiki, which I linked you to that answers anything you are gonna ask me.21:40
w-flowow, ogra time travelled to commit something in the future21:42
AskUbuntuAccess microphone/record sound from QML? | http://askubuntu.com/q/33861021:53
boikofginther: are autopilot tests disabled again for calculator app on CI jobs?21:56
fgintherboiko, jenkins did something unexpected. I'll have it fixed in a moment21:58
fgintherboiko, thanks for notifyingme21:58
boikofginther: no problems, not urgent either21:59
maseiHi, anyone in here who has working bluetooth keyboard for mako? I only get "  "Connect" with signature "" on interface "org.bluez.Input" doesn't exist" when I try to connect with bluez22:00
maseipairing devices works without problems since 2 weeks...22:01
bfillerasac: ack, rsalveti are things good to go? if so 2 mr's need to go in22:04
bfillerChickenCutlass: https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.saucy-add-dialer-messaging/+merge/18248722:04
bfillerChickenCutlass: and this https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/unity8/add-new-telephony/+merge/18218422:05
rsalvetibfiller: yup22:05
ChickenCutlassbfiller, happroved22:05
rsalvetibfiller: will updated the seeds22:05
ChickenCutlassbfiller, rsalveti  I can not top approve22:05
rsalvetiI'd just like the second one to be approved first22:06
rsalvetiChickenCutlass: no worries, I can take care of it22:06
ChickenCutlassrsalveti, ack thanks22:06
ChickenCutlassrsalveti, I bottom approved both22:06
rsalvetibfiller: actually, it seems you want the seeds approved first22:07
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bfillerrsalveti: yup, stuff needs to be in image before adding launchers to shell22:07
bfillercyphermox: can you re-enabled daily-release for address-book-app? we're ready to land it now22:07
rsalvetilet me push the seeds changes22:07
bfilleror robru ^^^^^22:08
rsalvetibfiller: can we then remove phone-app from the ppa?22:08
bfillerrsalveti: yup22:08
rsalvetibfiller: seeds and meta-package pushed22:16
bfillerrobru, cyphermox: here is MR to turn address-book-app daily-release back on https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/cupstream2distro-config/enable-address-book-app/+merge/18277022:16
bfillerrsalveti: thanks22:16
bfillerrsalveti: you can happrove this one can you? ^^^^^^22:17
rsalvetibfiller: yes22:20
rsalvetijust need https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/unity8/add-new-telephony/+merge/18218422:21
rsalvetiwill build & test22:21
xnoxrsalveti: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android/20130828-0ubuntu1/+build/491521822:21
rsalvetiactually, just install the package from the zip22:21
rsalvetixnox: awesome22:21
xnoxrsalveti: i'm afk until tomorrow =)22:21
rsalvetixnox: no worries22:21
xnoxgood luck22:21
rsalvetixnox: do we have packaging branch or such? or just plain tarballs?22:22
rsalvetijust in case I need to fix something22:22
xnoxrsalveti: lp:ubuntu/android =)22:22
xnoxrsalveti: well, it's out of date. I just did, old-school debian by hand src package.22:23
rsalvetisure, no worries22:23
xnoxrsalveti: but e.g. uscan & uupdate will fetch updated tarball et.al.22:23
rsalvetixnox: there's an interesting foo.txt in debian/patches :-)22:25
rsalveticheck https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/android_20130828-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz22:27
xnoxrsalveti: indeed, i'll let you work it out what it is =)22:27
rsalvetihaha, right :-)22:27
rsalvetixnox: thanks for the upload22:27
xnoxrsalveti: well I know, AllanBell knows and ubottu knows.22:27
AlanBellwho me?22:30
xnoxrsalveti: hm... not sure if the proprietary blobs package needs updating.22:30
xnoxAlanBell: yes, you do. ;-)22:30
rsalvetixnox: probably, I can update them22:30
xnoxAlanBell: remember we drafted that list together.22:31
xnoxrsalveti: well, the package pulls from branches. But it's been a while, might need refresh, cause there have been 4.3.x releases....22:31
rsalvetiwe need to update them with the 4.2.2 binaries22:31
rsalvetiat least the same ones we're using internally22:32
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* AlanBell lacks context22:33
xnoxAlanBell: android package has foo.txt with http://paste.ubuntu.com/6038279/ and I said " I know, you know and ubottu knows that list" =)22:35
xnoxAlanBell: i'm not sure there is anything else to say =)22:35
eXeehi there22:39
eXeeIs there anyone online ?22:39
eXeeis there anyone online ?22:48
eXeeI need little help22:48
rsalvetibfiller: new phone app is awesome, happroving22:52
rsalvetibfiller: happroved https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/unity8/add-new-telephony/+merge/18218422:53
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eXeeis there anyone online ?22:55
ogra_rsalveti, mind doing the image build yourself ? seems the package is still building and i dont want to stay online for another hour .... the cron build is enabled again so it will kick in at 8 UTC22:55
rsalvetiogra_: no worries, was planning to do it anyway22:55
ogra_great, thanks22:56
eXeersalveti: can you help me whit flashing ?22:56
rsalvetieXee: what is the issue?22:57
eXeei have nexus 7 3g and i`m flashing it like it`s described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_2_-_Device_unlock but it stuck at the Google sign22:58
eXeeall was fine whit x-term22:58
eXeeno errors appear22:59
cjwatsonmhall119,jdstrand: I'm in a thread with some of the online-accounts people to discuss this.22:59
asacbfiller: can you send a mail to paul lars and and doan about the new test names?23:02
asacso they can enable the right ones?23:02
eXeersalveti: any ideas ?23:02
asacbfiller: plars and doanac` :) ... sorry23:03
rsalvetieXee: hm, I'm afraid the 3g version will not work out of the box23:03
rsalvetimight still need some changes in the kernel/initrd used by it23:03
eXeersalveti: how can i make it work (the noobs way) ?23:04
rsalvetiwould need to better understand what are the differences between the 3g version and the wifi one, it could be the partition table layout, it could as well be the kernel23:05
rsalvetiso it's not necessarily trivial23:05
rsalvetistarting to understand if the partition table is at least similar would already help23:06
rsalvetithen checking if the kernel is actually different from the wifi one23:06
rsalvetisergiusens: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/+junk/network/view/head:/network_gprs_provision_test.sh would not necessarily work if wifi is already enabled, right?23:06
jdstrandcjwatson: worry, I missed your ping. what is 'this'?23:09
jdstrandcjwatson: please don't worry :)23:09
cjwatsonjdstrand: This is following up to "22:09 <mhall119> kenvandine: hey, a question came up during a session today about whether online-accounts providers can run under app isolation and be installable as click packages"23:11
jdstrandcjwatson: I didn't need a thread. I said 'no' :P23:12
jdstrandof course, I tempered that somewhat and said, not for 13.1023:12
cjwatsonjdstrand: Apparently some such plugins are just XML config files, which (I think) wouldn't need careful confinement23:12
cjwatsonjdstrand: For those that involve arbitrary code, I agree, of course23:13
jdstrandcjwatson: well, I can create a template for them23:13
cjwatsonBut if it's just plain old data with API URLs and keys and the like, that should be handleable with the existing click hook code23:13
cjwatsonjdstrand: I gave them some pointers23:13
jdstrandthey would only need the install directory from apparmor's POV23:13
jdstrandsince nothing would execute there. that would allow automatic reviews23:14
cjwatsonIf it's just linking an XML config file into some directory, that doesn't need apparmor, just a click hook provided by online-accounts.23:14
jdstrandit would be silly to have a profile for nothing though, but if they want to cc me in the thread, that would be fine23:15
cjwatsonEven if it requires a bit of sanitisation/mangling, that can still be a hook, just with a script.23:15
jdstrandright. the point is, what happens if the next upload ships code23:15
cjwatsonWell of course you don't write your hook to permit that :-)23:15
jdstrandas long as the review can be automated, it doesn't matter23:15
jdstrand(to me)23:16
jdstrandautomated because it is safe that is :)23:16
jdstrandwe could check for the presence of that hook, and then check what the package ships and verify they are xml (or whatever). yes, seems doable23:19
cjwatsonThe hook should do the checks itself, either by its pattern only creating links that are by definition safe, or by the Exec script doing whatever sanitisation is needed.23:22
cjwatsonEither of those should be possible, rather than having to push things up to the review code.23:23
rsalvetibfiller: so, I'm ready to build a new image, but I'd like to wait for your unity8 to be in23:40
rsalvetibfiller: otherwise it'll fail to load the phone-app23:40
rsalvetiI approved it 46 mins ago, should be merged soon23:40
rsalvetithen we need to ping cyphermox to trigger the CI for it23:40
rsalvetiso we can build a new image in ~2 hours23:40
cyphermoxI don't trigger any kind of CI, only daily release23:45
bfillerrsalveti: ack, I'll try it out when done23:46
rsalveticyphermox: yeah, the daily release23:46
rsalvetithat's CI as well23:46
cyphermoxrsalveti: it's not clear when you just say CI, because there are other CI jobs in another jenkins that I also look at23:50
cyphermoxbut yeah, except atm there is lots of stuff running23:51
cyphermoxwe'll wait until they're done23:51
rsalvetiyeah, the mr is still not yet merged23:51
cyphermoxjust phone?23:51
cyphermoxnot good though23:51
cyphermoxyeah, it's merged23:52
cyphermoxouf :)23:52
rsalvetiapproved one hour ago23:56
bfillerwill probably take a while to merge and be released I bet23:57

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