=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/appdev-2/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/28/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-2.html | ||
=== fecub is now known as [fecub] | ||
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
=== johnny is now known as Guest72203 | ||
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | User Agent String selection for Ubuntu Browser | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21862/appdev-1308-browser-user-agent/ | ||
dpm | http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1308-appdev-1308-browser-user-agent | 14:07 |
dpm | to contribute to the notes ^ | 14:07 |
dpm | To join the hangout: | 14:07 |
dpm | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d8167589cab8d28cde7de9fdfbd8fc301d662072 | 14:07 |
rickspencer3 | QUESTION: can you please use facebook as an example of how the problem will be fixed? | 14:11 |
rickspencer3 | dpm, maybe I can join to ask some questions? | 14:12 |
dpm | rickspencer3, sure -> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d8167589cab8d28cde7de9fdfbd8fc301d662072 | 14:12 |
bfiller | rickspencer3: Mozilla/5.0 (Ubuntu; $formFactor) WebKit/$webkitVersion | 14:14 |
bfiller | rickspencer3: Mozilla/5.0 (Ubuntu; Mobile) WebKit/537.21 | 14:15 |
bfiller | rickspencer3: for reference, here is the iPhone string we were using "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3 | 14:16 |
bfiller | here is the file on the phone where overrides can be added: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Browser/ua-overrides.js | 14:20 |
bfiller | rickspencer3: ^^ | 14:20 |
alex_abreu | bfiller, except that it's going to be blink underneath ... which departted from webkit | 14:41 |
bfiller | alex_abreu: right, good point | 14:42 |
dpm | Any questions on IRC? | 14:55 |
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | Music app streaming | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21913/appdev-1308-music-app-streaming/ | ||
popey | \o/ | 15:01 |
dpm | http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1308-appdev-1308-music-app-streaming | 15:05 |
* karni will soon join discussion on IRC (still in a meeting, sry) | 15:06 | |
dpm | http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1308-appdev-1308-music-app-streaming | 15:08 |
karni | Hi all. Lil bit late to the party. | 15:09 |
dobey | well, for 6 months | 15:12 |
karni | QUESTION: Do we still use phone creds to stream, or has OAuth been implemented for the stream endpoint already? | 15:13 |
karni | QUESTION: If I recall correctly, there was another problem with the API, playlists did not persist order. Unless we've fixed that, we can expect developers start complaining :) | 15:14 |
karni | Other than that, v2 music API is fantastic. | 15:14 |
dobey | karni: i think it will have to support oauth, if it doesn't already. i think that's a question for beuno to answer/fix | 15:14 |
karni | It's been a while I worked on that. Maybe we even enabled oauth sining, but had some CSRF problem there. | 15:15 |
karni | (for the stream endpoint) | 15:15 |
dobey | well, not exactly that | 15:16 |
karni | For those Java inclined, looking for API v2 usage (it is _not_ a complete app), bzr branch lp:ubuntuone-android-music/v2 | 15:17 |
dobey | ralsina no aqui! | 15:17 |
karni | dobey: What do you mean by not exactly that? You poked the stream endpoint? | 15:18 |
dobey | karni: i mean, not exactly online-accounts API for doing the auth | 15:18 |
dobey | we have a qml component that makes it much easier to use u1 than using the online-accounts and doing everything yourself | 15:18 |
karni | sweet | 15:19 |
dobey | but some of that may change in the future | 15:19 |
dobey | ralsina: you can use *our* qml component to get the token and sign th url | 15:20 |
dobey | dpm: ^^ | 15:20 |
dobey | we don't have a component for music streaming | 15:20 |
dobey | just for credentials | 15:20 |
dobey | dpm: that was for credentials | 15:20 |
mmcc | it should be usable but we need to test it after the UOA changes | 15:21 |
dobey | yes | 15:21 |
karni | Now that I think of it, I *think* oauth may have been already enabled for the stream endpoint. In fact, the v2 app version for Android does stream (and I doubt I ever implemented phone creds there) | 15:21 |
dobey | we don't need to do it in JS | 15:22 |
karni | dpm: ralsina: This? https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/music/stream_music/cloud | 15:22 |
dpm | thanks dobey | 15:23 |
dpm | dobey, if you want to join https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/c119a99cc72b3dc2594059f5d841fe232b4744a3 | 15:24 |
dpm | (or anyone else) | 15:24 |
mmcc | the ubuntuone-credentials library uses UOA. | 15:27 |
mmcc | and the ubuntuone-credentials library provides a convenience function to sign urls, so app devs shouldn't have to do the oauth signing logic themselves. (that's the part that hasn't been tested yet) | 15:28 |
dobey | well, google+ is broken or something, so i can't join | 15:28 |
karni | mmcc: neat | 15:28 |
dobey | dpm: friends | 15:30 |
dobey | the twitter/facebook/google oauth stuff is a bit different than how u1 works though | 15:30 |
dobey | yeah, there are service-type descriptions in online-accounts | 15:32 |
ralsina | dobey: what are the packages that will integrate it into UOA? | 15:32 |
dpm | dobey, which packages do developers need to install? | 15:32 |
dobey | account-plugin-ubuntuone will be the package name | 15:33 |
dobey | it's already in ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies | 15:33 |
dobey | it's for any service on ubuntuone | 15:35 |
dobey | it's for buying apps, music streaming, file sync, etc | 15:35 |
dobey | this is *only* for credentials/authentication | 15:36 |
dobey | API access is per-application | 15:36 |
dobey | we could theoretically make qml components for different API endpoints, but we have no plans to do so | 15:36 |
dobey | i think file upload/download would be higher on that list, as it would be more useful across more applications, though | 15:37 |
dobey | we'll just have caching as we do on the ios/android music apps | 15:38 |
karni | seeking is application side feature. server does support range requests IIRC. | 15:41 |
dobey | the lag with vuds can be annoying sometimes :) | 15:41 |
karni | yes | 15:42 |
dobey | dpm: the component we currently have doesn't do anything related to any u1 services. it is only for authentication | 15:42 |
dobey | dpm: if we have components for the u1 services, they will be different components | 15:42 |
karni | -ish , yeah :D! | 15:42 |
mmcc | the app could "just" use the REST file APIs, but it runs into a lot of work | 15:43 |
dpm | dobey, I mean the U1 SDK component | 15:43 |
dpm | the one kalikiana is developing | 15:43 |
dobey | dpm: you mean the u1db component? | 15:43 |
dpm | sorry, yeah | 15:43 |
dobey | that is only u1db :) | 15:43 |
dobey | which is separate from file sync or music streaming | 15:43 |
dobey | and i don't know if the u1db component does syncing to the u1 server yet (given that we've only just got the credentials stuff really working for touch) | 15:44 |
kalikiana | dpm: I'm available if you give me a url to join | 15:46 |
karni | Question is - is playlist order persisted. That was a long standing bug that we had in v2. | 15:47 |
ralsina | dpm indeed playlists are some sort of json-formatted thing | 15:47 |
dobey | i think playlists are just json | 15:47 |
karni | Yes, JSON. The API is neat, but with the bug I mentioned.. | 15:47 |
dobey | karni: yes yes, there may be bugs | 15:48 |
ralsina | karni: I don't know if that's fixed, but agreed that always-shuffle playlists are broken ;-) | 15:48 |
karni | dobey: Not that many, I found v2 to be really good. | 15:48 |
dobey | karni: but bugs are irrelevant if you can't get the playlists in the app to see them :) | 15:48 |
karni | ralsina: hahah | 15:48 |
dpm | kalikiana, oh, thanks, we just wrapped up the session. I didn't have a clear understanding between what the u1db componend did and the u1 online accounts plugin, but dobey clarified. What's the status of syncing in the u1db component? | 15:48 |
karni | dobey: I think *playlists* are irrelevant if they don't persist order :D | 15:48 |
dobey | karni: write an app and see if they do :) | 15:48 |
karni | dobey: I already did, and they didn't. That's why I didn't implement them in v2 music android app in the first place. | 15:49 |
karni | I'm rather sure the bug is filed, lemme find it. | 15:49 |
dobey | karni: but complaining about it here isn't helpful to the rest of the session i think :) | 15:49 |
dobey | though the session is done now i guess | 15:49 |
karni | dobey: I thought we're discussing, no intention of "complaining". Talk to my manager, and I'll happily fix it myself haha ;D | 15:49 |
kalikiana | dpm: ah, okay. Sync is working - except for authentication, so in practise it can only used with a server that doesn't require a login right now | 15:50 |
dobey | karni: :) | 15:50 |
dpm | dobey, so could kalikiana's u1db component use the u1 online accounts to do authentication? ^ | 15:50 |
dpm | u1 online accounts *plugin, I meant | 15:51 |
karni | dobey: You see? The positive outcome is that I didn't find the bug. Maybe the team wasn't even aware :) | 15:51 |
karni | mmcc: Have you tried v2 playlists API? | 15:51 |
karni | mmcc: I mean, v2 music API playlists part | 15:51 |
dobey | dpm: yes | 15:51 |
dpm | kalikiana, there you go, authentication solved ;) ^ | 15:51 |
mmcc | karni: not really. I skimmed the code to use it when Paul left, but that was months ago. | 15:52 |
dobey | dpm: though, i think it's probably best to have that be a per-app thing, rather than part of the u1db component directly (depending on how it's done0 | 15:52 |
karni | mmcc: ack | 15:52 |
dobey | dpm, kalikiana: for example, the python and C implementations of u1db just have the application pass in the oauth credentials to the sync API, rather than always grabbing the u1 token. so it can easily sync with any server | 15:53 |
kalikiana | dobey: dpm I've been talking to mmcc actually about this not long ago. at the time the QML API was in-progress. I don't actually know what's the current state there - we need to follow up on this | 15:57 |
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | Music app designs showcase | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21922/appdev-1308-design-review-music/ | ||
dobey | kalikiana: ok | 16:01 |
GuidoPallemans | video isnt up yet | 16:04 |
dpm | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/298ba620199845622ee30f255874d6ae8939d467 | 16:09 |
dpm | http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1308-appdev-1308-design-review-music | 16:09 |
mihirsoni | hey | 16:12 |
dpm | any questions on IRC? | 16:18 |
GuidoPallemans | yeah, what will this all look like on a tablet, or on desktop - convergence? | 16:18 |
dobey | i think that's still to be fully designed, and phone is priority for the designs at the moment | 16:19 |
dpm | any other questions on IRC? | 16:22 |
micah2 | Question: I saw something about working with different streaming services in the music-app (like U1), is the vision to include services like Rdio and Pandora in the music app? | 16:22 |
micah2 | I'm currently working on a Pandora client FYI, and would be willing to get Pandora support built into the music app | 16:23 |
dpm | micah2, cool, feel free to contact me if you'd like to participate :) | 16:25 |
micah2 | I've been in touch with the guys doing the music app :) | 16:25 |
dobey | is the session wrapped up? | 16:29 |
micah2 | yes, they finished early | 16:33 |
dobey | ah. youtube just went to an error thing for me. :-/ | 16:36 |
dobey | ah well | 16:36 |
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu | ||
=== magicluriv is now known as luriv | ||
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/appdev-2/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/28/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-2.html | ||
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_ | ||
=== bfiller_ is now known as bfiller | ||
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | MMS support in Ubuntu Touch | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21863/appdev-1308-telephony-mms/ | ||
dpm | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a9cef40354cee3425eb0ff2336dbf01443e38be9 | 18:07 |
salem_ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Specs/MMSInfrastructure | 18:08 |
dpm | And to contribute to the notes: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1308-appdev-1308-telephony-mms | 18:08 |
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Track: App Development | Opening up Ubuntu.Components.Extras to community contributions | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21918/appdev-1308-ubuntu-components-extras-community-contributions/ | ||
dpm | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/b8103f0be0f574ca249d170d006068de612c8aa2 | 19:02 |
GuidoPallemans | its up | 19:02 |
dpm | http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1308-appdev-1308-ubuntu-components-extras-community-contributions | 19:02 |
=== Leon is now known as Guest12344 | ||
GuidoPallemans | https://github.com/iBeliever/ubuntu-ui-extras/ dont know if you've seen it, the sidebar is in there and everybody uses it | 19:08 |
mojo706 | that explanation on github was pretty good. I didn't quite understand how to use the etras | 19:19 |
GuidoPallemans | I haven't used the install steps though | 19:22 |
GuidoPallemans | yup | 19:26 |
GuidoPallemans | ive used the sidebar too | 19:26 |
GuidoPallemans | and I've found a JSONListModel | 19:26 |
GuidoPallemans | which I extended a bit too | 19:26 |
GuidoPallemans | Qt only gives an xml listmodel, but most apis are JSON | 19:27 |
GuidoPallemans | and maybe an ubuntu flipable? | 19:27 |
GuidoPallemans | and maybe a Page that only has a webview in it | 19:28 |
GuidoPallemans | ill post the link of where i found the listmodel, then il make a gist of what I have | 19:30 |
GuidoPallemans | there is a Flipable component in the qt api | 19:31 |
GuidoPallemans | it has a front side and a back side | 19:31 |
GuidoPallemans | you put some rectangles in that | 19:31 |
GuidoPallemans | the actual code for making such an element is pretty big, but I believe it's worth it to make it a seperate component | 19:32 |
kalikiana | you're talking about http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-flipable.html right? | 19:32 |
GuidoPallemans | which then also has a ubuntunumberanimation as speed | 19:32 |
GuidoPallemans | yup | 19:33 |
GuidoPallemans | oh yeah you have to specify the axis on which it turns | 19:33 |
GuidoPallemans | an x y z vector | 19:33 |
GuidoPallemans | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6037781/ | 19:35 |
GuidoPallemans | https://github.com/kromain/qml-utils | 19:36 |
GuidoPallemans | and I added this function to the qml file: | 19:37 |
GuidoPallemans | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6037787/ | 19:38 |
GuidoPallemans | sure, ill let you know | 19:41 |
dpm | any other questions or comments on IRC? | 19:41 |
GuidoPallemans | I think im the only one | 19:42 |
GuidoPallemans | lagg seems to be down | 19:42 |
mojo706 | your not | 19:42 |
mojo706 | I'm just listening | 19:42 |
GuidoPallemans | I believe you skipped a link | 19:42 |
GuidoPallemans | https://github.com/kromain/qml-utils | 19:42 |
GuidoPallemans | that one is the jsonlistmode | 19:43 |
GuidoPallemans | l | 19:43 |
GuidoPallemans | yeah the delay goes down | 19:43 |
GuidoPallemans | ah no, it's in there :d | 19:43 |
dpm | thanks kalikiana, GuidoPallemans, that was a good session | 19:44 |
GuidoPallemans | cheers | 19:44 |
mojo706 | good bye | 19:44 |
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/appdev-2/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/28/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-2.html | ||
=== salem_ is now known as _salem |
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