
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/28/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html
=== fecub is now known as [fecub]
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Advocacy Kit 1.0 Release | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21957/community-s-uak-first-release/
dholbachanyone here to discuss UAK v1.0?13:58
dholbachhey rrnwexec14:00
rrnwexecgood morning everyone. we'll get started shortly :)14:00
dholbachanyone else? it'd be great to have you in the hangout14:01
linuxtechGood Morning!14:01
dholbachsession notes here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1308-community-s-uak-first-release14:02
dholbachlinuxtech, interested in joining the hangout?14:02
linuxtechNo thanks, I'm not setup to run video without spending time...14:03
dholbachany more input from IRC?14:32
dholbachanyone who wants to join the hangout?14:32
linuxtechdholbach: I know you have done some classroom sessions on irc on building packages, have you done it with Google Hangouts?14:40
dholbachlinuxtech, some youtube videos and in other formats, although they might be a bit outdated14:40
linuxtechI attended some of the IRC sessions, and it helped me recently when I built mailman and got the newest release into saucy.14:41
linuxtechWith the help of the server team and Debian developer also!14:42
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1169472 in LoCo Team Portal "Integrate UAK into LTP" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Adnane Belmadiaf (daker)14:46
evwould someone kindly send me the link to the hangout once we have one?14:57
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Bug Reporting workflow for end users | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21840/community-1308-quality-reporting-bugs/
hggdhthe problem that spearheaded this meeting was the difficulty of casual users to report an issue (note I did not say bug)15:12
SergioMenesesI lost the connection15:12
SergioMeneseshggdh, too many clients?15:13
balloons_udshggdh:feel free to share opinion on that15:13
hggdhmy opinion on this has been clear for quite a long time -- bugs are TECHNICAL reports. Issues are user problems that may be even a bug (but most of the times are not)15:14
bdmurraythe +filebug change was trying to reduce reports like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/121471215:16
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1214712 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New]15:16
penguin42bdmurray: What is +filebug?15:16
bdmurraythat's part of the url for filing a bug in Launchpad15:16
penguin42bdmurray: Ah the one that discourages manual filing?15:17
penguin42(On mobile what type of bandwidth is a crash going to use up - might be costly on mobile tarrifs?)15:17
sergiusenspitti: today we use ubuntu-bug or we just use the launchpad project15:22
pittisergiusens: yes, if you know about it that's fine (for ubuntu pkgs, not for click)15:22
sergiusenspitti: oh and we do it from a host15:22
sergiusenspitti: yup, I was hoping for an ubuntu-bug equivalent, but we can always do what cjwatson or xnox mentioned about just having a link in the manifest and use a host tool15:23
beunoev, connecting it to Launchpad or re-writing a bug tracker?  :)15:23
* sergiusens is just thinking about stuff that lands in the image by default15:24
pittisergiusens: maybe just hop into the hangout? balloons_uds ?15:24
balloons_udsyes, hop in :-)15:24
evbeuno: I'm afraid I've lost the context to your question15:25
beunoev, the lag is a bit of a killer for IRC. The context was with allowing to report from the appstore, splitting into it reviews and technical reports. Where would the technical reports go?15:25
penguin42do you want a host-based bug-filer - plug the phone in and run something?15:25
penguin42(adb like)15:25
evbeuno: it would be a hyperlink to a place of the developer's choosing, rather than a form that gets filled out15:26
beunoev, ah, perfect15:26
beunopitti, we have it and it's already exposed15:29
beunosort of15:29
beunoyou specify it in MyApps directly15:29
pittibeuno: nice :) → DONE15:29
beunonot in the click package15:29
beunobut, details15:29
bdmurrayhow would a user get from the application to myapps?15:30
beunobdmurray, they wouldn't, this would be shown when navigating the apps in the store15:30
beunosame as for a review15:30
hggdher. Are we also going to deal with the casual users? How do they report an issue? Where to?15:35
beunohggdh, a review15:35
hggdhbeuno: review?15:35
beunohggdh, yeah, ratings & reviews15:35
beunothey provide feedback through there15:36
hggdhand how do we route them there (wherever that is/will be)?15:36
beunohggdh, from the dash15:36
hggdhbeuno: so we better start advertising this... make it abundantly clear15:37
pittibeuno: so I guess the $VERSION substitution in the URL would be a WI?15:38
beunopitti, yes15:38
hggdh(1 )an example of abuse of the bug system: http://goo.gl/5Lzk8r15:43
beunobdmurray, for touch, it's done in the dash15:49
beunobdmurray, from the same place where you install apps15:49
beunobdmurray, people should, in theory, be able to open up the dash with their app selected15:50
beunoto review15:50
beunobut that needs some checking with the unity team that the URL handlers to do that have been implemented15:50
beunoalso, software center is being deprecated15:50
beuno14.04 is the last release of it15:50
beunoit's all being moved in the dash15:51
hggdhwe should also try to *integrate* the user experience.15:52
bdmurraybeuno: thanks15:53
hggdhballoons_uds: another task(?): review usage of ask.u.c, answers.lp.com, review process, etc15:56
hggdhthanks, folks15:57
balloons_udshggdh:interesting, and a good point15:57
hggdhballoons_uds: one of our issues is we are spread thin, and uncontrolled15:57
balloons_udsperhaps some of these people official routes for people who have an issue15:57
hggdhso -- for example -- questions that start with "how to" could be routed to ask, etc, etc15:58
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Community Roundtable - Wed | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21901/community-roundtable-wed/
rrnwexechi, can someone PM me the link for the hangout?16:01
skellatI am going to be text-only today as Time Warner Cable is giving me fits16:05
jono_hangout link: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f13129e20518fc6d9d5693d1a28a5d8f29c11ed8?authuser=0&hl=en16:06
jono_rrnwexec, ^16:06
skellatWhat?  I thought we finished the Approved/Unapproved issue in May!16:10
airurandoHas the "LoCo/Community Best Practise to share" blueprint/session been set up for Thursday?16:12
skellatI had commented out a couple people who had publicly renounced membership pretty thoroughly16:13
skellatXubuntu had that discussion prior and we found Google Hangouts were the least worst option available at this time.16:15
skellatYeah, this age limit also locks out James Gifford from Ubuntu Ohio.16:15
airurandoskellat: have you seen http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2013/08/25/new-local-communities-healthcheck/ ?16:16
skellatairurando: I'm looking forward to it!16:16
skellatUbuntu Ohio definitely meets the criteria for verified even under my current conservatorship16:17
skellatairurando: I addressed it here: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/16416:17
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
airurandoskellat: Cool, I'll have a listen later!16:19
skellatairurando: Transcript is there too16:19
skellatjono: OR MY CRAPPY ISP!16:19
skellatLet's move on16:21
aquariusjono_, big thing you didn't mention: hangouts record the sessions and autopublish them to youtube, so UDS sessions can be watched after the fact too.16:22
linuxtechYes, IRC logs are boring but I can read faster...16:25
skellatIRC Logs in Xubuntu country get interesting at meeting times16:25
skellatWhat proposal?  The LoCo Council said to me that the Verified Teams process entered into force as of announcement.16:26
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
skellatrrnwexec: My statement on the verified process can be found here: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/16416:30
asomethingis there a pad for this?16:36
aquariusA proposal I saw, years and years ago (this was political, not about Ubuntu) was this: if you can get 50 people to support you, you're a chief. So if 50 people want to join your loco team, it's a loco team. This means that there can be one for geography -- Ubuntu California, Ubuntu University of California, Ubuntu Walnut Creek -- but they can be communities of interest too, so Ubuntu Birdwatchers could16:37
aquariusbe a loco team, or Ubuntu Game Makers, or Ubuntu English People In America, or Ubuntu Motorcyclists16:37
aquariusnot sure if that's a good idea or not, mind.16:37
asomethingsounds like people are coming up with work items, but no one is taking notes afaict16:37
skellatasomething: This is a rehash of discussion from May16:38
linuxtechGood luck with that in Virginia.  It seems a few people have tried to get it going without success.16:38
asomethingskellat, yep and the notes weren't great for that discussion either. I've heard lots of confusion on the approved/verified thing  and the regional team thing.16:39
skellatasomething: When we did the distribution of people here in Ohio, regional groupings just weren't coherent enough.16:41
skellatasomething: Partly in my LoCo's case, there are economic reasons that drive this geographic dispersion.  I'll be speaking about this wearing my hat as Point of Contact/Leader at UbuCon during Ohio Linux Fest 2013 during my opening remarks.16:42
skellatasomething: We have had a few steady months of IT job losses in Ohio so I've had "Ubuntu Member" folk pass on to Ubuntu Colorado and Ubuntu Washington State.16:43
skellatPLEASE AVOID September 13th-15th for scheduling as that is Ohio Linux Fest.16:45
linuxtechI want to move to Colorado, where I live now is too rural for any kind of tech group.16:45
skellatPLEASE AVOID September 13th as Ubuntu Ohio will be hosting UbuCon at Ohio Linux Fest with Jorge Castro speaking as well as myself, Stephen Michael Kellat16:46
skellatrrnwexec: Look at the map Randall: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/map/user16:50
airurandoHas the "LoCo/Community Best Practise to share" blueprint/session been set up for Thursday?  If memory serves this was proposed at the Canonical Community Team Feedback Session yesterday.16:50
airurandorrnwexec: I believe the LoCo ecosphere is becoming stagnant16:51
linuxtechIt isn't happening here in VA.  I would like to see some hang outs weekly and other things.16:51
airurandojono_: philipballew: Has the "LoCo/Community Best Practise to share" blueprint/UDS session been set up for Thursday?  If memory serves this was proposed at the Canonical Community Team Feedback Session yesterday.16:52
asomethingi wonder if these roundtables need to be structured better. lots of free ranging discussion not many work items16:56
=== DanChapman is now known as DanChapman|afk
linuxtechIt's hard to commit to a lot when time and sometimes money are issues.16:57
=== magicluriv is now known as luriv
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/28/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html
cjwatsonasomething: I find this is a problem with roundtables in general17:04
asomethingcjwatson, part of the problem is that if you don't know what will be discussed before hand, it's hard to get the right people in the room17:06
airurandojono_ i was just referring to the discussion in the very last minute of the Canonical Community Team Feedback Session between yourself and philipballew yesterday.  Thought something along the lines I inquired about above was to be arranged.17:09
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Server Guide - LTS only | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21879/community-1308-serverguide-development/
pmatulishi everybody, server guide stuff coming up next17:59
pmatulisis doug smythies in the house?  :)17:59
dsmythiesDoug Smythie is here18:00
pmatulisdsmythies: hi, coming?  :)18:00
dsmythiestrying to join hangout now18:01
pmatulisdsmythies: alrighty18:01
OpenTangentI can see you18:03
OpenTangent(and hear ou)18:03
darlof_can see and hear you18:03
JDS81Yep, I see and hear you perfectly.18:03
xMarkusxYes, I can see you :)18:04
FreeDumbI can Sees you18:04
argesIs the video live yet?18:05
gQuigs1arges: you want in?18:06
argesgot it now18:06
argesI'll listen : )18:06
number22QUESTION: Can we center the video/irc client18:06
argesDid audio drop? or is peter thinking?18:07
=== Andrew is now known as Guest66124
FreeDumbQUESTION:  How much more Privacy does Ubuntu give in comparison to Windows18:07
ppetrakipmatulis, It won't let me join, fun18:08
* Sweetshark is tempted to ask again about the jono bacon belly dancing performance.18:08
gQuigs1I think we might have an irc channel mix up...18:09
Tommujnice app :)18:09
argespmatulis: How does one sign up to help with the server guide?18:10
Leonardo_OliveirQUESTION: When will ubuntu touch be released as a non preview version?18:10
ppetrakipmatulis, +118:10
rbasaknumber22, FreeDumb, Leonardo_Oliveir: I believe you're all in the wrong channel. See the channel topic.18:11
rbasakThe session in this channel is for "Ubuntu Server Guide - LTS only".18:11
=== Diego is now known as Guest37641
cjwatsonI think they may be in the wrong hour18:12
cjwatsonThere's a jono Q&A in this channel next hour ...18:12
ppetrakipmatulis, yes18:13
dsmythiesPeter P: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/9ec81cd4c80d2b07bf136ced9a463ba207cd63c4?authuser=0&hl=en-GB18:13
TommujWill Ubuntu Touch work on any android device?18:13
Sweetsharkcjwatson: jono_ is reading this channel on his session right now though.18:14
sebsebsebQUESTION:  Ubuntu Edge didn't reach it's goal, but do you think something similar may get tried again in the future?18:14
=== prism is now known as Guest56985
pmatulisfor those interested in the server guide:18:14
argespmatulis: thanks18:14
TommujQUESTION: Will Ubuntu touch be available for any android device?18:14
cjwatsonjono_: Perhaps you could encourage people to move18:15
cjwatsonTo wherever is appropriate18:15
jono_cjwatson, I need this room as IRC is part of my Q+A session18:15
jono_this has been scheduled at this time all week18:15
jono_can you use another channel?18:15
cjwatsonjono_: The schedule says your session is 19:05 UTC, which is an hour from now18:15
jono_cjwatson, oh sorry about that18:16
jono_can you do your session then?18:16
jono_I thought the session was in this slot18:16
cjwatsonjono_: This isn't my session, I just happened to be on this channel18:16
jono_ahhhh I see18:16
sebsebseb19:16 UK time ,but it's BST  :d  not UTC here at the mometn18:16
cjwatsonjono_: The server people are already running their session18:16
jono_cjwatson, ok we will move channels18:16
sebsebsebno you normally run it when it's 7pm in UK if its' UTC or BST I think :d18:17
jono_cjwatson, actually we can't do that18:17
ppetrakithere's  a nasty feedback loop, playing the same audio twice18:17
jono_as people are already on the video page18:17
=== Tommuj is now known as UnixStuff
ppetrakioh, I had the other video windows open :)18:17
jono_cjwatson, ok, stopped the session18:18
jono_ok everyone, apologies for the delay, can everyone join the session again in 40mins18:18
rbasakpmatulis: instead of every now and then, how about dailies?18:19
linuxtechNot that I can tell from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/UbuntuServerGuide, but I would like to see DNSSEC, DANE and other related issues included in the DNS docs.18:20
rbasaklinuxtech: please contribute!18:21
linuxtechI will if I am not restricted to only publishing it on ubuntu.18:22
linuxtechThe video keeps dropping here...18:22
rbasak"Unless stated otherwise on the front page of the document, the documents are made available under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 License (CC-BY-SA)."18:22
rbasakSounds like you can.18:23
rbasakMust the source be XML?18:24
rbasakIf XML is causing a problem, how about transitioning to something that more people can use more easily?18:25
rbasak(I believe my "live" stream is lagged by about a minute, btw)18:25
ppetrakirbasak, I like that18:25
rbasakIt's all consumed on the web anyway.18:26
rbasakStick some markdown on github or something if that's what it takes. Or a wiki or something.18:26
ppetrakirbasak, the only real targets we have are web and pdf, and the later may be debatable18:27
rbasakppetraki: I understand that changes are infrequent; but if you publish within a day when changes are made, then I think that makes the processes easier.18:27
rbasakIf it's impractical, then we should make it practical!18:28
rbasakThe server guide is just a bunch of text. Tiny as far as a computer is concerned.18:28
rbasakIMHO, it's a vicious circle. XML = difficult = low contribution rate = low capacity to fix it.18:29
rbasakThe key is the content, not the formatting.18:30
=== mj is now known as Guest95931
rbasakIt's the content that's lacking due to the few contributors, right?18:30
ppetrakiyeah, and docbook doesn't exactly have a low barrier to entry18:31
=== DanChapman|afk is now known as DanChapman
marruslthere must be some docbook -> markdown or ReST tools out there18:34
marruslnot that they'd be _good_18:35
marruslWe changed one of our projects from docbook to ReST and it made things so much easier to work with imho.18:36
marruslI like robie's idea a lot.  but if there's interest in markdown or ReST, this could be interesting for conversion:  http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/18:39
linuxtechI wish I could have heard the idea, thvideo keeps dropping, grr...18:40
ppetrakiif format XXX becomes dominant, and pdf is really that important, we could make a a pdf target18:41
ppetrakikinda hard to google for that, link?18:44
marruslThe diffs are also much more readable in markdown/rest.18:44
linuxtechI can write to etherpad, but the video keeps dropping so i am missing quite a bit of the conversation...18:44
marruslwell, not everywhere.18:45
marruslI hear you folks fine.18:45
marruslwhich point?18:48
pmatulis① pmatulis to test xmlmind18:49
pmatulis② ? to pursue research into going away from XML18:50
marruslppetraki, when I do get results in google from the server guide I find it completely random which release will be highest18:50
marruslI end up manually changing the numbers18:51
marruslworks like a champ18:51
rbasakYes - I think that happens to me too.18:51
marrusli just tried "ubuntu lvm".  got the wiki first and the 10.04 server guide 2nd18:53
pmatulis③ ? research how to improve publicity for server guide contribution18:54
b3rn475Hello everyone, Greetings from Italy18:56
bladernraskubuntu is where everyone is always told (IME, the first thing I see in response to questions is "see askubuntu or the forums"18:56
bladernrI've never seen docs mentioned in response to a question or issue, IME, of course, so grain of salt and all that18:56
bladernrA good home for a server guide (from a corporate perspective) would be certification.canonical.com18:58
jono_the session is kicking off in around 4mins18:59
bladernr^^ I say that as the person who writes all the how-to stuff for certification testing18:59
Raed667one question and only one ....  AYFKM ?19:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Jono Bacon Q&A | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21944/jono-bacon-qa/
=== MarcosMedeiros is now known as marcosmed
UnixstuffQUESTION: Will Ubuntu touch work on any android device?19:01
* sebsebseb doesnt see a jono_ on the video yet19:04
micah2You are now seen19:05
magic_hatwelcome back19:05
Richie442Hi there19:05
magic_hatyou are seen19:05
svennpnope, cant see you at all19:06
pulu90works well19:06
Zetman8383I can see you19:06
dexinoxi can see you19:06
magic_hati can see u, can u see us?19:06
majsterworks :)19:06
Bob_ZI can see you19:06
sebsebsebI see a beard19:06
TuxSaxI can see you Jono19:06
Leonardo_Oo/ I See u19:06
SamRJPKI can see and hear you19:06
OpenNingiacrystal clear :(19:06
TuxSaxI can also hearing you19:06
OpenNingiabad emoticon19:06
b3rn475I can see and hear you19:06
Yoshihello, say i see you clear !19:06
=== Yoshi is now known as Guest80186
=== UnixStuff is now known as UnixStuffDotNet
magic_hatsweet :D19:07
TuxSaxIn the mean time, tell the audience what did you have for dinner19:07
Raed667QUESTION: Ubuntu / Linux Mint .. friends or foes ??19:08
medriQUESTION: Will the future Nexus Devices be "reference" devices for Ubuntu Touch as it is now? (thinking of buying a new Nexus 7)19:08
UnixStuffDotNetQUESTION: Will Ubuntu touch work on any android device?19:08
Raed667QUESTION: is Ubuntu edge project dead ?19:08
RobbyFI see you jono19:09
RobbyFif there is no lag lol19:09
Richie442QUESTION: Have you tried Mir/Xmir on your own? Your Thoughts?19:09
Bob_ZI thought I was beeping19:09
magic_hatQUESTION: was anything gained from the Ubuntu Edge attempt? Like a desire to head in a direction previously avoided prior to the attempt?19:09
sebsebsebQUESTION: You were an hour early today, so whilst answring my question, you didn't quite finnish I think.  So here it is again: Ubuntu Edge didn't reach it's goal, but do you think something similar may get tried again in the future?19:10
sebsebsebI already saw that demo :d19:10
sebsebsebsince I was able to go back  earlier, when he was an hour early :d19:10
Zatara214QUESTION: Many newer mobile platforms are criticized for their lack of apps. What's being done with Ubuntu Touch to ensure that it's not ignored? Basically I'm just curious how it stands out.19:11
dexinoxQUESTION: Will the next LTS be focused more on mobile and adding features or just stabilizing new features from 13.10?19:11
OpenNingiaQUESTION: click package on desktop system? Are they planned?19:11
=== gordon is now known as Guest62262
svennptoo much noise!19:11
b3rn475QUESTION: What do you think about WebKit vs Blink?19:12
dholbachOpenNingia, in the converged world, when Ubuntu Touch runs on Desktops too, but not right now19:12
micah2QUESTION: I'm working on uTouch apps and would like to get a device to test touch / small screen / convergence performance. Can I do this all with a Nexus 10? Would I be better off getting a Nexus 4? Or need both?19:12
SamRJPKQUESTION: Do you think the changes in Software Centre will help it be adopted as a de-facto standard with other distros or just for Ubuntu?19:12
Raed667QUESTION: Edge project dead or not ?  + what's your position on Linux Mint ?19:12
beunoyou are live19:12
wellsbA slider to change the volume property so you can adjust levels when playing multiple items might be nice19:12
sebsebsebRaed667: yes Edge is dead19:13
zygajono_: QUESTION: will the nexus 7 2013 model be officially supported by ubuntu touch?19:13
Dariuswhere to grab one of those ?19:13
OpenNingiait's a nexus 419:13
Dariusnexus4 with ubuntu ?19:13
Leonardo_OQUESTION: So, how close are you working with valve games to linux? And how is the work with nVidia and AMD to bring better drivers to Ubuntu/linux?19:13
Dariusis it stable ?19:14
firecrackervery pleased with ubuntu at the moment... thank you for your work :)19:14
Guest62262QUESTION: what is your thought on the elementary OS project19:14
OpenNingiaDarius: nope, not near alpha quality, but you better ask Jono19:14
=== Guest62262 is now known as hardtalk
pulu90QUESTION: Is there plan to support new version of nexus 4 incase it happens to be released soon?19:15
rikshawion (such as these weekly sessions) are really great.  But, I think I only found them from a random link somewhere.  What am I missing?  Is there a obvious way to get to this good communication stuff from ubuntu.com?19:15
rikshaw<rik-shaw> I mean "discover" them easier for a complete outsider / beginner?19:15
KarielG0hello, can you remember me? I was on a live like 1,5 month ago, I was just on vacation... I'm sure I will make some questions for you19:16
rikshawlet me try that again...19:16
sebsebsebQUESTION: Do you ever think that you aren't technical enough, I mean in general, so for eaxmple it could be at being at an event, with certain tech talks going on about things you don't know much about.19:16
rikshawQUESTION: your communication is great, once it is found.  I recently 'stumbled' into the launchpad documentation on creating and uploading packages to a ppa.  And your communication (such as these weekly sessions) are really great.  But, I think I only found them from a random link somewhere.  What am I missing?  Is there a obvious way to get to th19:17
rikshawis good communication stuff from ubuntu.com?19:17
number22QUESTION: in a couple weeks a lot of major brands will do events, i know its probably secret info but should we except some surprises?19:17
KarielG0QUESTION: What's your statement about community making Ubuntu? I feel that Canonical is getting really closed about it, I don't feel that I can change anything in it like with other distros.19:18
DS_McGuireSorry I'm late :/19:18
OpenNingiaQUESTION: about Mir and GTK, did you guys manage to agree with the GTK guys about Mir support or are you going to ship GTK apps running on XMir ( or something else entirely ) ?19:18
b3rn475QUESTION: Raspberry Pi, what do you think about? Will ubuntu support ARM6 board like Raspberry Pi in the future?19:18
KarielG0QUESTION: I heard like few month ago that Ubuntu has 20mln users, how is it with it now and do remixes count? ( f.ex. xubuntu as well as such like Mint)19:19
magic_pantslost my connection so i'm now magic pants :P19:19
SimonK1QUESTION: does/will ubuntu-touch-phones support iphone headphones (media-control-keys and volume-keys)?19:19
b3rn475QUESTION: What chip vendors think about MIR?19:20
rstreeterQUESTION: Will Nautilus be replaced with a different file manager in future releases?19:20
KarielG0QUESTION: Metro Last Light is going to be released for Linux, is Canonical as a company cooperating with companies for making things on Linux?19:20
SimonK1b3rn475: nvidia and amd are confirmed. I don't think Jono will reveal any more information on this toppic (contracts between canonical and the gpu vendors...)19:21
KarielG0QUESTION: What's the Canonical's statement about Pacman?19:21
UnixStuffDotNetQUESTION: Will Ubuntu Touch be able to use it's Desktop Mode if the phone does not support using a mhl buy can be sent onto a screen by a wireless display.19:21
magic_pantsQUESTION: do you think ubuntu or linux in general will, in the future, begin to define or redefine what it means to use a computer? the look and feel as well as how a computer is meant to work?19:21
sebsebsebQESTION: How come you haven't done any Q&A sessions for a few weeks or more?19:21
b3rn475SimonK1: Thank you I was not very updated about that.19:21
cheerockieQUESTION: Hi Jono. I'm Polish and I have websoftware company. In my company we use only Ubuntu. We glad to see "game revolution" but we need to a professional software like Photoshop, After Effects etc. GiMP is not enough. Soe We think we can build proffesional software for Ubuntu or been a Canonical partner (We have 10 000.pounds for that for a ye19:22
cheerockiear Why Canonical19:22
SimonK1b3rn475, the open source drivers are supporting mir too (just to mention them^^)19:22
=== onlymade is now known as mohamma
cheerockieQUESTION:don't build some proffesional apps?19:22
TuxSaxQUESTION: As for getting involved in the community, what would you recommend to a total coding illiterate to start from?19:22
cheerockieQUESTION: Hi Jono. I'm Polish and I have websoftware company. In my company we use only Ubuntu. We glad to see "game revolution" but we need to a professional software like Photoshop, After Effects etc. GiMP is not enough. Soe We think we can build proffesional software for Ubuntu or been a Canonical partner (We have 10 000.pounds for that for a ye19:23
cheerockiear Why Canonical don't build some professional apps? Sorry for my bad english ;)19:23
OpenNingiaJono: OpenNingia is pronounced like OpenNinja :P19:24
KarielG0QUESTION: Is Canonical going to make alternatives of other services against companies like Microsoft or Google? Like on this picture (a bit old one) :24
KarielG0sorry for it, I didn't know that this link is so long ;c19:25
DariusQuestion: will ubuntu be capable of running android native applications?19:25
DariusQUESTION: will ubuntu be capable of running android native applications?19:26
sebsebsebSamRJPK: I think you'll be interested in the AppStream project, it's meant to be a cross distro alternative to the software centre,  Fedora, Debian, Mageia, OpenSuse, etc19:26
SimonK1Darius: no19:26
sebsebsebSimonK1: not sur about its current developmetn state, but that was the idea19:27
KarielG0QUESTION: Is rolling release idea dead?19:27
kniwawHi Jono!19:27
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SimonK1Darius: or to be more differential: it'll not be supported by cannonical. Third party could write an emulator/...19:27
CracknelDarius: no by default. I guess you could install the Java VM used by Android.19:27
sebsebsebQUESTION: What do you think of Tizen, and Enlightment which Tizen is interested in using etc?19:28
SimonK1KarielG0: rolling release will not land in the near future. But it is still in discussion. Indeed there are already changes towards "rolling release".19:29
sebsebsebjono_: thanks for your answer to my technical question :)19:30
SimonK1KarielG0: like shorter support for "non-LTS"-versions, it was a plan to have more versions between LTSs... I don't know however the last details about this.19:30
SimonK1QUESTION: will the next Jono Bacon Q&A, announced by @Ubuntu on twitter, link to the canonical site instead of facebook (which isn't accessible without javascript)?19:31
KarielG0QUESTION: With my question about community - for example I wrote an email to the webmaster about my concerns about one part of the site and I didn't get any response, so how is it?19:32
sebsebsebQUESTION: If a opensource/freesoftware event, has mainly talks that aren't really aimed at you, but also some that would be, would you go maybe anyway?  In fact to add to this would you only go to some events maybe, if speakin there yourself?19:33
bkerensaQUESTION: Do you think 13.10 having ads in its installer for a non-free service and non-free software is in line with the Ubuntu Ethos?19:33
magic_pantsQUESTION: What types of areas does Cannonical want preference? Look and feel? security? What are they the most passionate about?19:33
linuxtechupdates to security and some stats should yield some reasonably accurate numbers for users...19:35
sebsebsebQUESTION:  With my LUG we are planning on having a install fest next year, with more than one distro as well, have you got any  general tips for us?19:35
bkerensalinuxtech: In reality Ubuntu by default does ping Canonicals servers from the U1 daemon so that alone would be better measurement then downloads19:36
KarielG0QUESTION: My question about pacman - pacman is like apt-get, for example Arch uses it19:36
TuxSaxpacman is the Arck Linux package manager19:36
Deep4kHey Jono,How about the sip packages in the server19:37
Leonardo_OQUESTION: The Brazilian military uses ubuntu with pride. How is the NSA leaks made by snowden affecting work at Canonical?19:37
KarielG0QUESTION: If I want to build a PC now what companies components would you reccomend?19:38
magic_pantsQUESTION: is there any thought to PUSH technology towards wireless power, wireless video (for a monitor and sound), and other cordless applications? Or is that something that will only be dealt with as it comes on it's own?19:39
TuxSaxI was asking about coding19:39
TuxSaxwhat language would you recommend me to get started on19:39
zygaQUESTION: what is your guess on the name of the T release? ;-)19:40
magic_pantsTuxSax, i'd say language doesn't matter.. the principles behind coding are language independent.. languages simply have strengths towards certain aspects of those concepts19:40
DS_McGuireQUESTION: How likely is Unity 8 for 14.04. Will we see Unity 7 for the next LTS again?19:40
sebsebsebzyga: he tends to find out the names early, but not to early19:40
KarielG0QUESTION: Will there be any kind of Canonical/Ubuntu melody? :D19:41
Zatara214QUESTION: One thing I love about Ubuntu is that I get updates and patches whenever they're needed. How are updates like that going to work on Ubuntu Touch?19:41
SimonK1DS_McGuire: It is still the official statement: 14.04LTS will ship with Unity-8 as default.19:41
bkerensajono_: there are now ads in the installer as highvoltage has pointed out on G+19:42
DariusQUESTION: what are the plans of canonical about JVM ? I find sometime difficult running Java enterprise class applications like citrix or cisco's software with openjdk19:42
willc0de4foodQUESTION: have there been any talks with Blizzard about bringing their games to Ubuntu?19:43
sebsebsebQUESTION:  Is that a old or new Ubuntu t-shirt and what is really on it under the logo?19:43
cheerockieQUESTION Jono can You print Your email address please? What about building professional apps by Canonical and what is future of ubuntu's webbapp. Sorry for my english I still learning ;)19:43
IdleOnecheerockie: jono@ubuntu.com19:44
bkerensaQUESTION: More info about those ads in the installer https://plus.google.com/u/0/118060934321492774758/posts/9KWT21ehG6i19:44
=== UnixStuff is now known as TomJ
ChloverQUESTION Could you tell us what phone manufacturers canonical have been talking to, for Ubuntu Touch's release in 2014?19:44
jcastroyea so ... that's not an ad19:44
cheerockie@IdleOne: Thank You!19:44
TomJWhat is better in your opinion, Windows or osx?19:45
Al_Clavichi[QUESTION] Default web browser in future ubuntu and the one use?19:45
TomJQUESTION: What is better in your opinion, Windows or osx?19:45
bkerensajcastro: he seems to think it is and it is non-free service/non-free software19:45
linuxtechUbuntu One could be an issue for the NSA.19:46
Deep4kHow strong kernel does the Ubuntu have?19:46
jcastrobkerensa: so?19:46
KarielG0QUESTION: I meant that I know about components but about companies - drivers etc.19:46
bkerensalinuxtech: since it is on AWS it absolutely is already an issue19:46
Al_Clavichisame as linux19:46
jcastroWe don't remove the browser because it can connect to non-free servers19:46
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sebsebsebQUESTION: Guitar today?19:47
bkerensajcastro: this is direct promotion of a non-free software/service though on a free OS quite different from browsers accessing non-free sites19:47
mehdiWhy is my fan blowing really loud when I load Ubuntu. I have an AMD graphic card.19:47
CheeseBurgQUESTION: Right now Ubuntu uses a lot of Google technology like in the RSS reader and Canonical uses Google for like Hangouts, are you guys planning to move away from Google products in the future?19:47
Al_Clavichicheck for power management features for radeon open source driver19:47
KarielG0Mehdi is it you VGA's fan? try to install another drivers, I had the same problems with my 9600GT19:48
jcastrobkerensa: so what?19:48
kellimdoes exist already a new time line for the smartphone edge?19:48
jcastrotelling people that they shouldn't use non-free services with ubuntu is a good way to get people to not use Ubuntu19:48
pteklofwhat do you think about the Oppo find 5 and ubuntu touch19:48
magic_pantsQUESTION: are non-LTS distros a kind of testing ground for options that may end up in a future LTS? I guess I want to know, why have LTS and non-LTS distros? what do the non-LTS distros contribute to the growth or progress of Ubuntu?19:48
Al_Clavichiecho mid|sudo tee /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile this will lower your gpu temp19:48
DariusQUESTION: what are the plans of canonical about JVM ? I find sometime difficult running Java enterprise class applications like citrix or cisco's software with openjdk19:49
CheeseBurgQUESTION: Why is Ubuntu so awesome?19:50
mehdiIf you're still reading this guys, I have tried a lot of AMD drivers, but most of them give really sketchy results.19:50
cheerockieQUESTION: Jono what phone I have buy to run Ubuntu for phone?19:51
mehdiThe open-source drivers are the most stable, and they consume a lot of power as I previously said :(.19:51
Al_Clavichiyou can lower your temps with default driver19:51
Al_Clavichisearch for power management https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI#With_KMS_enabled19:52
kellimI try to tell the peopke to switch to ubuntu but they are still afreaid to switch because of non windows program how can i explain them that everything exist and make them the ubuntu also interesting as other!19:53
IdleOnecheerockie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch19:53
Al_Clavichiteach them to dual install19:53
Deep4kDoes the ubuntu have a documentation of the asterisk SIP19:53
KarielG0QUESTION: What does Ubuntu logo exactly show? a ring with 3 circles?19:53
DariusBye and thanks19:53
linuxtechHave a good vacation!19:53
Al_ClavichiCheer Jono19:53
piewthank you!19:53
krwlngsee u jono19:53
dexinoxenjoy your vacation19:53
krwlngthank you19:53
rikshawthanks a lot19:54
ChloverBye bye, have a good vacation19:54
RobbyFawesome. love these sessions.19:54
sebsebsebRobbyF: yeah same here :)19:54
Ev90878i see u19:55
piewnice drum on the back, want to listen Severed Fifth19:55
Ev90878im lovin it19:55
Al_Clavichiubuntu logo means circle of friends19:57
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Spee_DerSee you fine in RI20:05
BacharWhat do we do with the Edge Project ?21:39
BacharWhat is the next major step for Desktop Ubuntu ? features... else..21:46
BacharYou guys had 12M ( indiegogo ) to finance the production of the EDGE why not try to raise that money elsewhere ? Website dedicated or else...21:49
BacharAny Touch SDK available ?21:55
xnoxBachar: the uds session has finished for the day in this channel. maybe try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-touch?21:58
BacharWhat can we do to help the Ubuntu dev. as a day to day user ?22:01
BacharBest IDE to dev. on Ubuntu touch project ?22:02
bubba1why is the data transfer to usb drive so slow22:07
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/29/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html

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