
ArthurBorsboomHi guys, I have an issue with an init script (upstart job), which I have a hard time to solve. Would somebody mind to listen and maybe give suggestions for solving my issue?03:44
ScrewbaI have been playing with the blocking of the boot process and I can not get it paused when depending on `startingļ¼15:24
Screwbanetwork-interface INTERFACE!=lo` but I can get it paused when depending on `starting rc-sysini15:24
Screwbaxnox:  ^^^^15:24
Screwbaxnox:  your patience paid off, looks like all your pointers, as well as jodh pointers, have helped me out and I can get the pause I require during the bootup sequence now15:25
ScrewbaTHANKS GUYS !!!15:25
jdhore1How can i tell upstart to autorestart a process even if it returns exit code 0?20:01
jdhore1would i just do normal exit HUP? (so it only considers SIGHUP something normal)20:01

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