
=== bluesabr1 is now known as bluesabre
bluesabreUnit193: any idea how to fix binary-without-manpage lintian error?  I've added a mugshot.1 and added dh_installman to debian/rules00:56
micahgbluesabre: for new upstream versions, a debian dir debdiff is useful so taht we insure using the proper upstream tarball01:03
bluesabremicahg: just a debdiff on debian/ ?01:06
micahgthough in this case it's just a changelog01:07
* micahg will just use that01:07
bluesabreok, I'll keep that in mind for future uploads01:07
skellatmicahg: Is it possible to upload the latest xubuntu-docs for saucy as well as the SRU for precise?01:15
micahglet me see how far I get with the rest01:16
Unit193bluesabre: ...Your rules file is weird.  Anywho, put an override in installman and that part should be good. (Unless I'm wrong, but tested working.)01:16
skellatmicahg: No problemo01:16
* skellat wanders off to see what the cat is crying about01:16
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, its weird because I was getting an error which no google results answered01:17
Unit193Had to install python-distutils-extra before -S would even work, sooo.....01:18
Unit193What error?01:22
bluesabrenot sure, already forgot01:26
bluesabreUnit193: this? http://dpaste.com/1358510/01:26
* bluesabre is still quite new to this01:27
Unit193As the to manual, yes.  Can't be included with the application itself?01:33
micahgochosi: any progress on getting more shimmer patches accepted upstream into gmusicbrowser?01:34
micahgochosi: is there a rebased shimmer-layouts patch somewhere against 1.10?01:36
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, I'll be adding that next01:39
* micahg is uploading gtk-theme-cnofig to mentors01:52
bluesabreplease do gtk-theme-config instead01:52
micahghttps://mentors.debian.net/package/gtk-theme-config \o.01:57
bluesabreyou did that in a few minutes02:01
bluesabreI've been working on mugshot for 2 days02:01
micahgI already had it ready :)02:02
Unit193I pretended to help.02:02
micahgI thought I didn't have a key, but I had that too02:02
bluesabrekeeping us in suspense :D02:02
bluesabreUnit193 helped more than I worked02:02
bluesabrebecause I would have struggled forever02:03
Unit193I not nearly as good as Mica, I don't actually program. :P02:06
micahgknome: I might have asked before, but do you have any objection to a Xubuntu packaging team on Alioth?02:24
micahgI'd like to get anything that pkg-xfce won't take that's orphaned or owned by one of our uploaders under that02:24
micahgwe can be a model for other flavors :)02:25
micahgbluesabre: looking at your settings merge now 02:27
bluesabreyou're on a roll!02:27
micahgbluesabre: oh, hrm, was it just that one line for the keyboard, maybe I'll just squash the commits then, I thought it was more than that02:28
* micahg will brb in about 20 min02:28
bluesabreyeah, the majority of the commit was updated comments template02:31
micahgbluesabre: oh, in the future, a changelog entry would be useful as well03:09
micahgbluesabre: want to add one quickly or should I just wing it?03:09
bluesabremicahg: for clock & keyboard?03:13
micahgyeah, for what you changed03:14
bluesabreyeah, just a sec, I'll add a simple one03:14
bluesabremicahg: pushed03:18
bluesabreheading to bed now, if there are any other issues, let me know03:19
bluesabrethanks micahg!03:19
bluesabreoh, and let me know if theres anything you need for mugshot03:19
skellatGrumble...LP Bug #1190406 is a package that is 2/3 broken now and though the remaining 1/3 still works it isn't the obvious use case based on the description.  I think it might be good to not seed this package for 13.10.03:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1190406 in pidgin-microblog (Ubuntu) "pidgin-microblog: Plugin is not Twitter API 1.1 Compliant" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119040603:20
micahgis there a new upstream version I can throw in quickly?03:22
micahgbluesabre: please leave changelogs UNRELEASED in bzr so other things can be easily added03:23
micahgI'm fixing this one03:23
bluesabreoh, woops03:24
bluesabrethanks micah03:24
micahgskellat: don't particularly want to fight with the SRU before bed, let's try another night03:46
skellatskellat: Don't blame ya03:46
Unit193micahg: PTS only had a patch about homepage, and no new upstream.  Good night.03:46
micahganything easy I've missed?03:46
skellatI filed a merge to take a package off the seed so we're not shipping the broken thingy mentioned in LP Bug 119040603:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1190406 in pidgin-microblog (Ubuntu) "pidgin-microblog: Plugin is not Twitter API 1.1 Compliant" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119040603:54
micahgskellat: +1, taking a look03:56
micahgI might have the package removed from saucy03:56
skellatI'm also trying to engage with the Debian Maintainer to see what can be do03:56
skellatYeah, I'm the one who filed that!03:56
skellatThe StatusNet functionality still works so 1 out of 3 main components works.  Twitter access and Identica access no longer work.03:57
skellatI'd say don't ship it by default but leave it in the archive if somebody really, really needs it for their independent StatusNet instance.03:58
skellatI filed a similar merge for gilir to help Lubuntu too since Xubuntu and Lubuntu are the only ones seeding the package03:59
micahgok, I'll leave that for him04:00
Unit193skellat: You filed a dupe. ;)04:01
Unit193https://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/issues/detail?id=88 the other project.04:01
skellatUnit193: Yeah, but nobody in the competing project wanted to touch it with a bargepole04:02
skellatCameron Kaiser had to do a ton of refactoring to get ttytter to work right with Twitter API 1.1 to the point that he had to break StatusNet compatibility in the end04:03
skellatAnd ttytter is written purely in Perl04:05
micahgskellat: uploaded04:09
* micahg -> bed04:10
skellatGoodnight micahg04:10
micahgI forgot, I still have some seed hacking to do...04:11
micahgnot tonight though04:11
* skellat wanders off to get ready for bed04:18
ochosimicahg: no, i spent a lot of time on getting more shimmer-patches into upstream and in the end the merge didn't happen / wasn't accepted. our stuff still works in the latest release, i'm also maintaining a kinda daily PPA with gmb from git with out patches so there shouldn't be a problem07:02
olbihello :)08:29
knomeolbi, next question is: what content?08:29
knomewe relatively recently updated it08:29
knomei'm wondering if what you are thinking would be more suitable for the docs08:30
olbihmm, there isn't update about Xubuntu 12.04.3 LTS on site :] it could be add by me for example :)08:32
knomeso are you referring to news articles?08:32
olbiyes, news that are very simple and you don't want to spent time for it08:33
olbiyou send me info and I add this or I found something08:33
knomethat's possible08:34
knomei would say just be in touch with the developers08:34
olbiyes, irc and mailing lists08:34
knomeyou can draft news in pads or sth, and people with permissions can then publish them08:34
olbiyes :)08:35
olbiI'm at the cocpit, logged with Ubuntu ID08:39
knomesent mail to -devel, team members please read09:44
bluesabreMaking us read an email that makes us read even more?09:51
knomeyeah ;)09:51
ochosiyeah, sneaky bastard! :p09:51
knomesneaky, aye?09:51
knomeit's not too long though09:52
knome5 minute thing if you use meld09:53
elfynot going to have time to look - and I'm not going to be about for a meeting at 15:0009:55
knomeelfy, if you read the mail, you'll get a grasp what you should've read :)09:56
elfybut if the only major thing is "only the Xubuntu team (LP ~xubuntu-team) should be able vote for a new project lead" that's fine by me09:56
knomenothing fishy there, no unannounced changes :)09:56
knomethat's it09:56
knomebut we're probably not *voting* today anyway, so...:)09:56
elfyknome: then you can have my proxy +109:56
elfyok - ochosi doesn't need to witness my proxy +1 then :)09:57
bluesabreexcept the line that says the XPL is now more of a dictator position09:57
elfythat's fine by me also bluesabre :)09:57
knomewell i'm checking if you are awake!09:58
knome(also makes other changes pass easier)09:58
bluesabrejust one less thing we'll have to vote for in the future, so +1 here09:58
knome(also, the XPL is kind of a dictator anyway, so...)09:58
knomeor can be.09:58
knomethat's up to the XPL and his personality.09:58
ffiowhere i can browse the source code for xubuntu ? searched in launchpad but it's not there for raring.10:09
knomeffio, "the source code for xubuntu" is a rather abstract concept.10:09
knomewhat are you looking for?10:09
ffioknome: i wanted to browse the source code of xfce4 i feel like to contribute something.10:10
knomehttp://git.xfce.org/ is all the upstream xfce source code10:10
ffioso wanted to know the structure of xubuntu-desktop package and how it is organized. which dep it pulls etc etc..10:11
knomeapt-cache show xubuntu-desktop10:11
ffioknome: if i want to change any of those depends where should i go ?10:12
knomechange in what way?10:12
ffioi.e. i want to add or delete some depeds package.10:13
knomein where?10:13
knomeare you saying you want to remaster a new ISO?10:13
ffiounder xubuntu-desktop10:13
knomeyour question doesn't make sense as is10:13
ffioknome: yeah 10:14
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:14
ffioknome: can i pm you ?10:15
knomeyou can if you need to, but if you're just asking for further information on the same issue, it'd be better to ask on the channel10:16
smartboyhwknome, um, I found http://thexubuntuzone.blogspot.hk/2013/08/xubuntu-will-be-upgrading-its-graphic.html13:25
smartboyhw(from G+)13:25
smartboyhwYou'd better clarify...13:25
smartboyhwochosi, congrats on light-locker's release:)13:40
knomesmartboyhw, known. comments on G+ are disabled, the blog entry is very unclear so i see no reason to comment on that13:46
ochosismartboyhw: thanks13:47
skellatknome: I am very likely to be a little late to the meeting as I have to pick Mom up from cardiac rehab.  I should be available by no later than 1515 UTC at the utmost worst.13:49
knomeskellat, no problem13:49
GridCubethe blog entry is vague at best13:50
OvenWerk1GridCube: You are being excedingly gracious in that comment...13:52
GridCubei mean the title mentions xubutnu, and once in the first paragraph but then it talks about anything else13:52
knomebluesabre, apparently new catfish broke xubuntu and ubuntu studio14:18
knomeOvenWerk1, ^14:18
smartboyhwknome, no14:18
smartboyhwThe version in the CD builds are 0.08.014:18
smartboyhwThe archive version is 0.8.1-0ubuntu114:19
smartboyhwSo, not.14:19
knomehey skaet :)14:19
smartboyhw^ rare visitor:P14:19
skaetknome,  hiya knome, smartboyhw.  :-)  expect me around a bit more for the next couple of weeks.  :-)14:20
smartboyhwknome, restarted a rebuild for Ubuntu Studio to check on 0.8.114:20
smartboyhwskaet, yeah, we miss you:P14:21
skaetsmartboyhw, thanks.14:21
smartboyhwknome, 0.8.1 has fixed the issue14:22
smartboyhwSo, no need to worry;)14:22
knomeskaet, so do you have some release team duties this cycle? :)14:24
smartboyhwknome, fidn the answer at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseTaskSignup :)14:24
knomesmartboyhw, have you heard of the thing called "small talk"?14:25
smartboyhwknome, um, I have heard of "smalltalk" as programming lang14:25
* knome suggests some reading for smartboyhw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_talk14:26
smartboyhwknome, sorry:P14:26
ali1234i seem to have found a reproducable crash bug in the main menu14:30
skellatknome: If I'm not back in time, you've got my proxy +1 on the changes so far to the Strategy Document.  If you could drop the bug handling item to the end it would be appreciated.14:53
* skellat heads out the door yet again14:53
knomeskellat, i'll do that.14:54
* elfy makes it back in time 14:57
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting14:59
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Aug 28 15:00:10 2013 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.14:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired14:59
knome#topic Items carried on14:59
knome#action     ACTION: skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so 15:00
meetingologyACTION: ACTION: skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so15:00
knomehuh, ok15:00
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x322d510>15:00
knome#action skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so 15:00
meetingologyACTION: skellat to prepare blog article discussing updating & upgrading for users and why it is okay to do so15:00
knomebrb, phone...15:00
GridCubeno prob15:01
knomeok, i'm back15:01
knome#topic Team updates15:01
knomeochosi, bluesabre: did you have something?15:01
knomeothers, micahg?15:02
knomesome uploading action at least i think15:02
knome#info ochosi has been preparing an updated artwork package for uploading later15:02
GridCube#info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Projects/DesktopOfTheWeek has been updated whit the first few desktops proposed15:03
knome#action knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week15:04
meetingologyACTION: knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week15:04
knomeGridCube, if i have time after the meeting, i'll start on that right away.15:04
GridCubewe will keep moderating and accepting submissions, but if we start anouncing and all that we could start to make some noise in g+ and other social outlets15:05
GridCubegood nose15:05
knomemicahg-work, wanted to send some updates, or should we move on?15:05
micahg-workI didn't see the first part15:06
knomewe're on team updates15:06
knomedid you do something during the week after last thu? :)15:07
micahg-workCatfish 0.8.1 in last night (thanks bluesabre), dropped pidgin-microblog from the seeds since twitter is broke (thanks skellat), gtk-theme-config is on mentors awaiting sponsorship15:07
knomemicahg-work, can you prefix with #info so the bot picks it up? thanks15:07
micahg-work#info Catfish 0.8.1 in last night (thanks bluesabre), dropped pidgin-microblog from the seeds since twitter is broke (thanks skellat), gtk-theme-config is on mentors awaiting sponsorship15:08
knomedo we need to do something for the gtk-theme-config to get it in before FF, or do you think it'll be picked up?15:08
micahg-workyeah, I need to follow it through to make sure it's sync'd to Ubuntu15:08
knomeokay, thanks15:09
ochosiknome: sorry, kinda on and off now15:09
knomeanything else?15:09
ochositrue that, i prepared the artwork-upload15:09
knomeochosi, if you could be on for like 5-10 mins, would be good...15:09
micahg-workWas hoping that ochosi had a rebased patch for gmusicbrowser 1.1.1015:09
knomeochosi, can you finish that ^ off for micahg-work today?15:10
micahg-workI can do an artwork upload tonight15:10
ochosimr_pouit said he'll take care of it15:10
micahg-work#info added clock and keyboard settings for greeter to our defaults (thanks bluesabre)15:10
micahg-workah, excellent15:10
GridCube :D thats awesome!15:10
knome#action mr_pouit uploads the new artwork package later15:11
meetingologyACTION: mr_pouit uploads the new artwork package later15:11
ochosimicahg-work: are you sure that our patch needs to be modified? afaik it should still apply on top of gmb1.1.1015:11
knome#nick mr_pouit 15:11
micahg-workochosi, it doesn't apply15:11
ochosimicahg-work: strange, i'll take a look a little later today15:12
knomeochosi, thanks!15:12
knome#topic Announcements15:12
knome#info No announcements.15:12
knome#topic New and emerging items15:12
knome#subtopic Inclusion of Xfce 4.11 components in Xubuntu 13.10 15:12
knomeso, we were in touch with lionel about these15:13
knomeand the bottom line was "you should be cautious", but he said it'd be okay to cherry-pick the display dialog if we had the time to do that15:13
knomei'd really like that in, as well as the gtk3-indicators-on-gtk2-panel (which ochosi has been preparing)15:13
knomeany possibility we could squeeze them in?15:13
ochosithat's micahg-work's call i guess :)15:14
knomemicahg-work, would you have time/any motivation to do that?15:14
ochosithe icon-loading problem has been solved yesterday (if you remember the known issues list)15:14
knomei've argumented for the display dialog before (i can reargument if needed, but would rather not to save time)15:14
micahg-workyeah, I can see about 4.11, I'd like the gtk3 indicators on gtk2 panel patch so we can drop the gtk2 indicator stack (at least from our stuff) and get an extra 6 months of testing on that for the LTS15:15
knomei don't think we need to pull in all of 4.1115:15
micahg-workochosi, I didn't see 2.0 of the indicator plugin15:15
knomei'd really like the display dialog, and that's about all of my wishlist from 4.11 for now.15:16
micahg-workknome, I wouldn't pull in all of 4.11, just the settings piece and the dialog (I forget which components those are ATM)15:16
knomebut that does need some cherry-picking15:16
ochosimicahg-work: yeah, for some reason the download-tag hasn't appeared on git.xfce yet, but there's a release-email. i can ask andrzejr what went wrong with the tarball15:16
ochosi(as soon as he's online)15:16
knome#action micahg to see about 4.11 settings/display-dialog and the panel patch for gtk3 indicators in gtk2 panel15:17
meetingologyACTION: micahg to see about 4.11 settings/display-dialog and the panel patch for gtk3 indicators in gtk2 panel15:17
ochosithere's even a "preparing for release"-commit (http://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-indicator-plugin/commit/?id=6570cb8d49105800b57c6aeabd069d19f722ffe9)15:17
micahg-workochosi, do you know if it'll work with stock 4.10 in case we decide to revert the patch?15:17
knomewant to dig deeper in this issue, or shall we move along?15:17
ochosimicahg-work: i'm not sure, i haven't tested the 2.0 plugin with the 4.10 panel from master15:18
ochosiat least it's not designed to work, but it could15:18
micahg-workhrm :(15:18
ochosiwe also need libxfce4ui compiled against gtk3 (so we have gtk2 + gtk3 of that lib)15:18
ochosisry folks, i gotta run, i'll be back a bit later15:19
micahg-workwell, then only panel change we're planning is the gtk3 patch, the rest is 4.1015:19
ochosifeel free to ping me if you need more infos on that15:19
ochosiyeah, the rest remains 4.1015:19
knome#action micahg and ochosi to work on the panel patch together15:19
meetingologyACTION: micahg and ochosi to work on the panel patch together15:19
ochosionly the panel has to be built from the andrzejr/wrapper3 branch15:19
knome#subtopic Strategy Document reviewing 15:20
knomeanybody has questions about that (we'll vote later, on the next meeting)15:20
elfyno questions from me15:20
GridCubei don't particularly fancy the changes on who can vote15:20
GridCubeeven if -users don't vote they should still have the option to.15:21
alpacaherderNothing looked objectionable in the diff shown in Launchpad15:21
knomefor what reason?15:21
knomebut *buntu* isn't a democracy15:21
GridCubeno, but we do serve our users15:21
knomesure... and i'd say the team knows best who to pick as the new project lead15:22
knomeif we let the users pick, they can pick any arbitrary person with the coolest or shortest nick, for example15:22
micahg-work+1 to the vote change15:22
knome(like "knome")15:22
micahg-workbut -team needs to be maintainable by more than just the XPL15:22
GridCubeprobably yes, in any case the proposed leader has to be a known person from -team15:23
Unit193I'd think you should clearify what -team is, no?15:23
micahg-workmeritocracy + checks and balances15:23
GridCubewell yes i would agree to that micahg-work 15:23
knomemicahg-work, in practice it is, XPL along with team leads are the ones that nominate people15:23
micahg-workknome, I'd like it to be policy as well :)15:24
knomemicahg-work, but also in practice, XPL is the only one with admin rights on the LP team15:24
knomegiving those to others would bring other problems15:24
micahg-workknome, XPL should be admin of the team that admins -team15:25
knomemicahg-work, the SD says that -team membership is gained with continuing contributions to teams15:25
GridCubeyes you see thats the people who should be elected, people who are known and work in the team15:25
micahg-workknome, I"ll have to review the docs + changes and respond at a later time15:25
knomemicahg-work, rather than over-complicating it, i'd just count on people doing sensible choices15:25
GridCubebut the voters should be anyone from -users15:26
knomemicahg-work, ultimately, the SD has a veto vote15:26
knomemicahg-work, which can be overruled by CC intervention in the worst case15:26
micahg-workI don't think random users should have a say in who XPL is since that opens it up to be more of a popularity contest15:26
knomei agree with micahg-work 15:27
knomeeven if the nominees were from -team, that doesn't warrant the decision is an informed one15:27
GridCubei like the rest of the modifications though, simplifying the text is a good idea.15:27
micahg-workif people are part of the project, they can get -team membership (and maybe that should be clearer somewhere)15:27
knome(if -users vote)15:27
GridCubeknome, probably not, thats true.15:27
knomemicahg-work, that is pretty clear on the SD imo, but feel free to propose changes15:27
micahg-workI think the team leads should decide on the slate for XPL15:28
micahg-workpeople can nominate themselves15:28
micahg-workknome, yes, but who reads the SD :)15:28
knomemicahg-work, hah.15:28
knomemicahg-work, i hope more people now that it is much more readable15:28
micahg-workI really should draft a response to all this, but won't get to this until the weekend at the earliest15:29
knomebut point taken.15:29
knomemicahg-work, that's fine, we're not taking any decisions now15:29
micahg-workI would say possibly something about -team membership on the contributing to Xubuntu page, it's akin to "Xubuntu membership"15:30
micahg-work(and if it's on there, I apologize, I don't think I've looked at the page in a while)15:30
knomemicahg-work, sounds like something i can agree with :)15:30
knomeno, it's not specifically mentioned15:31
knomebut i'm not sure if it should be on the contribute frontpage15:31
knomebut we can discuss that later15:31
micahg-workmaybe a new "Becoming a part of Xubuntu" section15:31
knome#subtopic Ideas for using the project money 15:32
knomewe have about 250 euros. ideas?15:32
* knome proposes to use it on the knome beer fund in the lack of better ideas15:34
skellatSet up disc distributions?15:34
knomei'm not sure if that's sensible15:34
skellatUse it for a bounty on something we want fixed/built?15:35
knomewe could print flyers as well, but all the money would just *go*15:35
micahg-workknome, can use it as seed money for merchandise to generate more money?15:35
knomemicahg-work, we can't make money out of merchandise.15:35
knomemicahg-work, canonical license agreement.15:35
knomethat's the thing; we should just use it so it's gone. :)15:36
* smartboyhw suggests for using money to sponsor Xubuntu people to meetings15:36
smartboyhwThat's a usual way15:36
micahg-work250 euro isn't much to do something with15:36
smartboyhwNot sure 250 euros do anyway15:36
knomebut rather than throwing it all towards a printer (the business, not the machine), i'd spend it to enable the team to do something15:36
ali1234use it to buy prizes and then hold a contest of some sort - would perhaps go further than directly sponsoring specific work15:36
skellatsmartboyhw: What sort of meeting do you have in mind?  UbuCon at Ohio Linux Fest?15:36
smartboyhwskellat, not sure, I'm just brainstorming for you guys15:37
knomefor example, if we decided we want google hangouts for next vUDS, we could buy headsets for those who don't have one15:37
chilicuilali1234: +115:37
knomeand we'd be able to buy a few15:37
knomeinstead of a pile of paper15:37
skellatOr invest in a server to run Jitsi/XMPP so smartboyhw can be included in such discussions since he's locked out of Google Hangouts?15:38
ali1234that's a good idea. nothing is worse than video calling someone with the world's worst mic + webcam15:38
smartboyhwskellat, huh15:38
smartboyhwYou'll do it for Noskcaj:)15:38
knomei'd rather invest 5 minutes of my time to create him/them sock puppet accounts that tell they are 18.15:38
skellatknome: That works too15:39
* smartboyhw hates lying about age as I said15:39
Unit193Well, issue is that G+ hangouts simply seemed to be the least bad option.15:39
knomecontests are nice, but what do we gain from that?15:39
smartboyhwknome, nice artwork?15:39
smartboyhwBetter packaging15:40
knomesmartboyhw, we have a set of artwork contributors to create us that, for free15:40
knomebetter what packaging?15:40
knomedebian packaging?15:40
smartboyhwknome, I mean, more applications:P15:40
skellatThat goes back to being a bounty for getting something accomplished15:40
lderanthats not a terrible idea15:40
ali1234yeah... the idea of doing it as a contest is you get loads of people to do it and you only have to pay one of them :P15:41
knomeand isn't "more applications" related more to ubuntu repositories than xubuntu15:41
smartboyhwThat's a issue, yeah15:41
knomeali1234, but when they so something... what do we gain from them doing that?15:41
smartboyhwknome, bigger contributor base (maybe)15:42
ali1234well for example, a year ago i would have suggested a contest to make some more xfce themes. instead of paying one guy to make one theme, you hold a contest and maybe get 5 good themes but only have to pay the same amount15:42
ali1234although the theme situation seems to be fixed now15:42
skellatIf we use it as an honorarium we can ask politely for somebody to help sponsor our developers along the road to gaining status as Debian Developer which will help us get stuff in quicker instead of waiting on mentors.debian.net and sponsorship there.15:42
knomesmartboyhw, i wouldn't count on that. and i'd not like people who contribute only because there is money to be had.15:42
GridCubei like the idea of having a server for our own streaming/chat that we can "share" with mainbuntu P:15:42
smartboyhwskellat, +115:42
knomeGridCube, you're not going to get anything like that for 250 euros.15:43
smartboyhwI think Noskcaj is working on doing that, he has quite a number of package uploads in mentors15:43
smartboyhw(though I am willing to exceed him:P)15:43
knomeskellat, good idea, but i'm wondering if money really helps in that15:43
skellatknome: Just as a token of appreciation and/or contribution to their beer funds15:43
knomesure, but still15:44
knomebut yeah, i think that's a good idea15:44
knomeat least it's not completely in vain15:44
knome#info Discussion to be continued15:44
knome#subtopic Proposal for more structured handling of Xubuntu bugs 15:45
knomeskellat, 15:45
skellat#info Currently we lack sufficient manpower to secure delegated status for "Bug Control" power15:45
micahg-workwe don't need delegated status15:45
skellat#info We still have a "Xubuntu Bugs" team that is subscribed to all of our packages to get bug reports15:45
micahg-workgetting people approved for bug control is fairly easy15:46
micahg-workone just needs to prove triage skills15:46
skellatRight now we just need folks to join "Xubuntu Bugs", watch what comes in, and triage.15:47
lderani can attempt that15:47
skellatThere isn't really a whole lot that comes in15:47
knomeskellat, want to prepare a blog article on the subject?15:47
knomethat's something that people who aren't actively involved could do as well15:47
skellatNot at this point.  I will defer that for a couple weeks.15:47
elfyI seem to see them in mailing list now15:47
knomeskellat, sure, but at some point15:48
micahg-workright, people in #ubuntu-bugs can help set status for people until they prove themselves15:48
skellatelfy: I've forwarded a couple to be highlighted to the list if they're one's we should be thinking about15:48
skellatThe biggest worry at this point is tagging duplicates, it seems.15:49
skellatAnd watching for Incomplete information bug reports.15:49
micahg-workthat anyone can do I think15:49
elfyI'd just need some pointers I suspect15:50
skellatAnybody can do it.  We just have to go from "can" to "will".15:50
knomei would say there's also work to be done with the testing team to make the testers aware of what bugs they'd need to be aware of in addition to the ones already reported on the QA tracker or those they happen to hit15:50
skellatBasically we're hitting Feature Freeze tomorrow so now is the time to get started tagging and flagging bugs so we can get rid of them.15:52
micahg-workknome, elfy was working on consolidating bugs so developers can address them15:52
knomemicahg-work, yup, that's good15:53
elfymicahg-work: did that with knome's help with launchpad - there are 8 from iso testing15:53
micahg-workspeaking of FF, is there anything feature wise we want before tomorrow?  I think I'm going to upload the new gnumeric15:53
knomemicahg-work, the panel indicators patch, display dialog, gmusicbrowser and any other pending uploads from ochosi you might have15:53
skellatNothing I can think of.  Did the seed regenerate after my patch last night?15:54
micahg-workskellat, I uploaded that after I merged in your branch15:54
skellatOkay, good, with the bugs upstream on pidgin-microblog not being addressed it didn't make sense to ship it on-disc at this point.15:55
micahg-workanything else we want to add/remove from the seeds?15:55
knomeskellat, so what's the outcome for the bug discussion? (#info please)15:55
skellat#info Members encouraged to join "Xubuntu Bugs" to watch the stream of reports and assist in triaging as they feel so moved15:56
skellat#info Bug handling to be reassessed prior to opening of T cycle15:57
knomeokay, thanks15:57
skellatI don't have any further seed changes either, micahg-work15:57
knomecan't think of any either15:57
knome#subtopic Schedule next meeting 15:57
knomedo we need one next week (b1 release is on thu)15:58
GridCube2 weeks should be fine i guess15:58
skellatI would rather avoid a release day15:58
skellat2 weeks15:58
knomeskellat, we can pick a wed, like today...15:58
knomebut yeah, if we don't need one, let's make that 2 weeks15:59
knome#info Next meeting: Thu Sept 12, 15UTC15:59
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Aug 28 15:59:44 2013 UTC.  15:59
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-08-28-15.00.moin.txt15:59
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-08-28-15.00.html15:59
elfythanks knome 15:59
knomei'll put the minutes up later again15:59
knomethanks everybody15:59
elfyknome: also - thanks for release post 15:59
knomeelfy, np15:59
knomeelfy, thought i'd reply since i happened to see the mail first...16:00
elfymailing later today re B116:00
elfyyep - been waiting for that mail to pop up - you beat me to it16:00
knomei'm out of time now, so see you later ->16:00
elfyI'll not be here for 12/9 meeting - wrong time on the wrong day 16:00
knomemeeting minutes are up18:39
pleia2elfy: passed along your beta1 testing note to fb, twitter, g+19:34
pleia2apologies for missing the meeting, had a late night last night and 8AM meeting really wasn't happening19:34
elfyty pleia2 19:36
knomepleia2, no problem, hope you had a good time sleeping :)19:38
Unit193I would have liked to have been...19:40
knomeochosi, bug 120448620:56
ubottubug 1204486 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "Unable to select alternate languages at login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120448620:56
knomeochosi, was that something that was fixed?20:56
ochosiknome: that has to be re-tested against lightdm>=1.7.921:30
ochosicurrent release is 1.7.11, not sure what is in saucy21:30
jjfrv8knome, I spotted a few typos in the strategy doc. How would you like me to send you the suggested revisions?21:32
knomejjfrv8, since i have it on a branch, and you're familiar with them, do a merge proposal21:32
jjfrv8I tried to find the branch but wasn't successful. Where did I go wrong?21:33
jjfrv8Well I tried to pull from the link you sent but it didn't let me.21:34
knomejjfrv8, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/+junk/xubuntu-strategy-document-rewrite-131021:34
knome     bzr branch lp:~knome/+junk/xubuntu-strategy-document-rewrite-1310 21:34
knomeno reason you couldn't do that21:34
jjfrv8okay, will try again21:34
knomelet me know how it goes21:34
jjfrv8worked this time. it didn't like the "changes" subdirectory before.21:37
jjfrv8thanks for that suggestion on Meld. I had been looking for just such a thing.21:38
knomeno problem :)21:38
knomeglad to be able to help21:38
jjfrv8I've been falling down on the job lately with the Saucy docs but I plan on getting back to them in the next few days.21:40
knomethat's okay, we still have time until the doc freeze21:40
knomehey GridCube! will you be around tomorrow?21:42
GridCubelike usually around21:42
knomebefore 12UTC?21:42
knomeor is that still "today" for you?21:43
knome(what's your timezone again...)21:43
GridCubei live in utc -321:43
GridCubethat would be the hour i "should" get to work, but i've arranged with my director to come later and leave later21:44
knomelet's see if i'll just do the website stuff today21:44
ochosimicahg: i made the mistake of pinging you in -offtopic. gonna re-summarize here now...21:44
GridCubegreat :)21:44
ochosimicahg: i never made the shimmer-pathces, that was either you or mr_pouit, so i'm a bit lost with rebasing them (i'm not even sure where they are now)21:46
knomeGridCube, is the first desktop only 1024x576, or can't i access the full size version because i'm not logged?22:05
GridCubelet me see22:06
GridCubethe image resolution should be 1366×76822:08
knomealso, can you confirm where the license is specified?22:08
knomeok, how should i go to get that size?22:09
GridCubeno no22:09
GridCubelets find another image, this is obviously wrong somewhere22:09
bluesabreknome: yup, already fixed and new one released22:10
bluesabreyou're so slow >.<22:10
knomebluesabre, wha? 1204486? why isn't the status fixed then22:10
GridCubeknome, lets use the second one22:10
knomei get 1920x1080 for that22:11
knomei assume that's correct22:11
knomeoh, for that, i can see the license22:11
GridCubeyes i made sure to upload it full22:11
GridCubeyes 22:11
bluesabreknome... 1204486 != catfish22:11
knomebluesabre, ffst22:12
bluesabrehaven't backlogged all the way yet22:12
bluesabremicahg: https://mentors.debian.net/package/mugshot22:14
bluesabreany way to get that in with gtk-theme-config?22:14
knomeGridCube, so we also need to make sure the people who send the images specifically specify a license.22:14
GridCubeyes sorry i didnt paid any attention to that in the first image22:15
knomethey are lacking in all submissions except for those you uploaded22:15
knomewe also need to double-check the attribution the people want22:16
GridCubeyes, i am noticing it22:16
knomeeg. would that person want (c) Maitake or (c) Real Name22:16
GridCubeProbably just Maitake in this case22:17
knomesure, but for future22:17
knomewould be helpful to have that in the deviantArt image description22:17
knomealong with the description you want in the website too, actually22:17
knomewhat's in  http://gridcube.deviantart.com/art/Xubuntu-13-04-Desktop-of-IRC-user-Maitake-388920028  is better than "this is from user X"22:18
knomeexcept that description is for a reason or another cut..22:18
knomeis there a limit for the deviantArt submission titles?22:18
GridCubeit was an example of what to do in the wiki, not a real line that should go22:18
knome(the one that says "Xubuntu 13.04 Desktop of IRC user Maitake" ?)22:18
bluesabretab title "Unix porn" on that screenshot22:19
GridCubemmm you cant use special characters and maybe too long names would be a no no too22:19
knomei thought we had moderators for that.22:19
knomeGridCube, but that would be acceptable for our purposes. we can always link to the deviantArt page too.22:19
GridCubei noticed the "unix porn" tab, but thats just a screenshot sharing subreddit22:21
knomesure, but that's still questionable22:21
GridCubethough so, but not really22:21
knomewhatever the actual content is, the guidelines say "safe for work"22:21
knomenot if you know what that is, but if you don't... and you probably wouldn't want your kids see that.22:21
ali1234"mummy what is unix porn?"22:22
GridCubea desktop sharing subreddit son22:22
knomefor example22:22
knomeGridCube, go explain that...22:22
GridCubei though i just did22:22
GridCubeno really up to a fight here, we can use another, we do have many22:22
ali1234could lead to an interesting conversation about eunuchs22:23
knomeali1234, which is where we should stop the discussion on this family-friendly channel22:23
* genii ponders ritporn22:24
knomegenii, uwff... can you ponder that alone? ;)22:25
knomegenii, just for the sake of it, googling that gives a questionable result #3.22:25
GridCubewe can use this one knome http://xubuntu-showcase.deviantart.com/art/Xubuntu-Numix-Faenza-38933453422:26
ali1234it gives questionable results for the entire front page for me22:26
geniiknome: It's a joke site, all the photos are of computer equipment :-)22:26
GridCubeeven if the license its not there it was proposed to us. i will send them a note asking for an update on the license22:26
genii"The Best Racks on the Net", etc22:26
knomegenii, #3 result in google ain't. apparently rit == ritual...22:27
knomeGridCube, looking at that wallpaper, and following to its deviantArt page, what's the license?22:27
knomeGridCube, actually, it says ©2012-2013 ~rOEN91122:28
knomeGridCube, and there's no open license specified22:28
GridCubeyes as i said, they gave the image to us. im asking him to update the license though22:28
knomeGridCube, no, i'm referring to the wallpaper image.22:29
knomeGridCube, at http://roen911.deviantart.com/art/The-Storm-Catcher-34257663022:29
GridCubeoh we have no idea for that, we will never be22:29
GridCubeneither them22:29
GridCubeits the internet we are talking about22:29
knomeit's the guidelines we set22:30
knome"All submissions must confirm that they have permission to share a background or other desktop image (either through direct ownership or through licensing which allows it to be included in a screenshot). Our preferred licence is Creative Commons."22:30
knomethat's really clear on the issue.22:30
GridCubethe user links to the wallpaper creator http://roen911.deviantart.com/art/The-Storm-Catcher-34257663022:30
knomethat's exactly the reason we needed a moderator team22:31
knomeGridCube, yes, and that page does not specify a license we can use, only a copyright22:31
GridCubeand it falls under the deviantART fair use copyright policy http://about.deviantart.com/policy/copyright/22:31
knomeGridCube, so it should be considered a copyrighted image22:31
knomethat's the deviantArt copyright policy, not transferable to images submitted to xubuntu.org22:32
knomeGridCube, i understand the concept of fair use, and i'm sure most people wouldn't have any problems with what we are doing, but the guidelines are there for a reason22:33
GridCubeyes i know that22:33
knomeGridCube, the people sending submissions are able to change their wallpapers really easily (heck, we even literally ship them software to do that!)22:34
knomeGridCube, looks like we need to tigthen the moderation screw.22:39
GridCubei will see to that22:39
GridCubeknome, http://xubuntu-showcase.deviantart.com/art/Desktop-2013-08-13-Xubuntu-12-04-39280999022:48
knomeGridCube, great22:51
GridCubeor this one http://xubuntu-showcase.deviantart.com/art/True-Blue-391934116 wallaper has a simply disclaimer http://alextc1.deviantart.com/art/Tsunami-29552129222:53
knomei'd rather stick with real (tm) licenses, less prone to errors and misuse22:53
knomebut you could check with the xubuntu license expert pleia2 22:54
GridCubewill do23:01
knomeanyway, let's follow up on this on the mailing list and IRC the following days23:02
knomei hope we can publish the first desktop early next week23:02
pleia2been pretty overwhelmed this week and I haven't kept up with the discussion, but +1 to real licenses (CC preferred)23:02
knomepleia2 <323:02
* Unit193 licensed his BSD-3-clause. :D23:03
ochosiali1234: did you start the panel from /usr/local/.. ?23:03
pleia2Unit193: it's weird to license artwork with a code license :)23:03
ali1234yes, it makes no difference23:03
ochosiali1234: sorry i have to leave you at this point/stage, but i really gotta go sleep23:03
Unit193pleia2: Kidding. ;P23:03
knomepleia2, Unit193 is weird23:03
ali1234don't worry, i'll figure it out23:03
GridCubei've changed the wiki a bit knome 23:03
Unit193Only concern is background, otherwise I couldn't care less.23:03
knomeGridCube, yeah, i played a bit with it as well23:04
ochosiali1234: ok great, if you do, forward your results to micahg 23:04
ochosinight everyone!23:04
ali1234ah.. if i run the indicators by hand they show up23:05
ali1234so they're just not starting23:05
ochosibut still, good that it works23:05
ali1234unfortunately the only one that exists on path is indicator-cpufreq23:05
ali1234and that might be a dbus one anyway23:05
micahg_mobileI'll upload gmb to Ubuntu and then push to Debian git23:15
jjfrv8knome, there's no option to propose for merging on that SD branch. Could it be because of the +junk thing?23:20
knomejjfrv8, i'm pretty sure that's not proposed, but if you just type in the branch name (starting with ~knome...) that should do it23:21
micahg_mobileNo merges for junk branches23:25
knomeisn't that a bit stupid.23:26
jjfrv8knome, you actualy mentioned that in my original training session.23:27
knomedid i?23:27
micahg_mobileNah,they're meant as a place to stash a WIP, if you want collaboration,make a project23:27
jjfrv8I've got the notes to prove it. :)23:28
knomethen i've just forgotten...23:28
knomewell BOO23:28
bluesabremicahg_mobile: is there any way to get mugshot in, like what is being done with gtk-theme-config?  https://mentors.debian.net/package/mugshot23:28
knomejjfrv8, if you have it on a branch i can manually diff though.23:28
micahg_mobileSee the RFS template on mentors, let me know if you still need help23:29
jjfrv8okay. https://code.launchpad.net/~jjfrv8-gmail/+junk/xubuntu-strategy-document-rewrite-131023:29
knomejjfrv8, downloaded the file, thanks. you can either keep or delete the branch, however you wish23:31
jjfrv8oki, thanks.23:32
knomei'll look at merging that tomorrow23:32
knomebut a quick overview looked fine for me23:32
bluesabremicahg_mobile, RFS sent, thanks23:37

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