
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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cwaynemhall119, ping01:41
mhall119om26er_: because the click packages don't have the full path to the icon in the Icon field of the .desktop file01:53
mhall119cwayne: pong01:53
om26er_mhall119, can we remove those hollow entries from dash ?01:54
cwaynemhall119, is the best way to open a link in the browser window doing something like Qt.openUrlExternally(url) ?01:55
mhall119om26er_: we can fix the .click packages, I'm not sure who is maintaining them though, they aren't in the app store01:56
mhall119cwayne: yes but it doesn't work01:56
mhall119cwayne: longer answer is that it will work, probably soon, and it's the correct way of doing it, but requires platform work to make it work01:57
mhall119specifically it doesn't work on Touch, it works on the desktop though01:57
cwaynemhall119, yeah, i just saw it work on the desktop,was just wondering about how to do it on touch.. thanks for the info!01:59
mhall119cwayne: alternately, you can use Ubuntu.Components.Extras.Browser to embed the webbrowser-app in your app02:03
cwaynemhall119, ah, perfect, thanks02:09
PaoloRotoloHi all!09:46
WebbyITHi dpm :)09:54
dpmciao PaoloRotolo and WebbyIT :)09:55
PaoloRotoloCiao dpm :)09:55
WebbyITdpm, I have some problems with calculator: it doesn't save calc or save double  or.. a lots of trouble with db, and also with old branch09:56
WebbyITdpm, can you verify if is a my problem?09:56
WebbyITdpm, do a calc, tear off, do another calc, tear off, close and reopen09:56
dpmWebbyIT, with trunk?09:57
WebbyITdpm, and also with old revisions09:57
dpmWebbyIT, yeah, I can see an issue, the first calculation is saved twice in my case, after following the steps you mentioned10:02
dpmScrolling from the top, I see:10:02
dpm- Calculation 110:02
dpm- Calculation 210:02
dpm- Calculation 110:02
WebbyITdpm, there were some changes to SDK? Because we didn't touch code that is memory related10:03
dpmWebbyIT, I don't know. it'd be good to find out if there is a revision where the problem cannot be reproduced, or if the autopilot tests started failing at some point10:04
WebbyITdpm, ok, I'm going to investigate10:05
dpmWebbyIT, ok, cool, I'd suggest having a chat with Gustavo when he's up later on, unfortunately today with UDS I don't have much time :(10:05
WebbyITdpm, yeah sure10:06
dpmthanks WebbyIT :)10:06
WebbyITdpm, revision 140 -> I'm going to investigate it10:23
WebbyITdpm, if you join #ubuntu-calc-app I'll write everything to have a log, without ping you ;)10:24
manornkHi guys, i want to create blogging client like blogilo, just web version, any suggestions on how?10:49
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manornkany one?10:53
smartboyhwpopey, so, any bugs you think will be easy to fix?10:53
smartboyhw(For the apps ofc)10:53
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-app-devel to: http://developer.ubuntu.com | App development on Ubuntu: how to do it & how to make it better | HackDays! http://bit.ly/12Ux0vM |
popeysmartboyhw: I'd certainly take a look at some of the clock bugs. also, dropping letters has a few straightforward ones.10:55
smartboyhwpopey, sure10:55
dpmargh, too late, but we've also got https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize10:59
dpmsmartboyhw, you can also have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize11:01
dpmyou can even start there without having to wait for the hack days to start :)11:01
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GuidoPallemansmhall119: or dpm who was it that had the meeting about the ubuntu extras yesterday? maybe a settings database should also be added to that https://developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/How-to_create_a_persistent_settings_database_in_Qt_Quick_(QML) but perhaps that is going to be integrated later?11:18
smartboyhwdpm, hmm, weird Bug 1215542 the second part worked, first part didn't11:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1215542 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "[RSS Reader] Text on Add feeds screen" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121554211:19
smartboyhwWhere are the page headers stored?11:20
dpmhi GuidoPallemans, it was me. There's been some talk of a settings API, and it's on the radar, but I don't know where it is on the schedule other than "after 13.10". The link could be interesting, would you mind adding it to the session's notes?11:20
smartboyhwWait, I might have found it11:21
dpmsmartboyhw, let me have a look11:21
dpmok, cool :)11:22
GuidoPallemansdpm ill add it, as a temporary solution11:24
smartboyhwdpm, no11:24
smartboyhwStill can't find it11:24
GuidoPallemansI used it in that reddit client i made back in january11:24
smartboyhwdpm, fonud it11:25
smartboyhwdpm, now I basically changed every "Append feed" to "Add feeds" lol11:26
smartboyhwdpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/ubuntu-rssreader-app/fix-lp-1215542/+merge/18287511:29
smartboyhw^ got sometime to review?;P11:31
dpmsmartboyhw, cool, done and added a comment :)11:34
smartboyhwdpm, ah I get it11:36
smartboyhwNo wait, still don't:P11:37
dpmbasically, I noticed that you changed the text on a button as well, not only the header, and I wasn't sure if that change is needed11:37
dpmyou can run the app on your desktop to test11:38
dpmand see where this button is used11:38
dpmand if the text needs updating11:38
smartboyhwdpm, the question is where, yay11:38
smartboyhwCan't get to see it11:38
dpmperhaps it's dead code and it's not used?11:38
smartboyhwdpm, no it seems11:40
smartboyhwJust can't find it11:40
smartboyhwIs that a big problem though?11:42
dpmwoho, just closed two bitesize bugs fixed by PaoloRotolo! \o/11:45
PaoloRotolodpm, thanks you :D11:46
dpmsmartboyhw, if we don't know where it's used, the safest thing might be not to change it. But it'd be good if we could find out.11:46
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PaoloRotoloMust go now. See you later :)11:48
dpmhi om26er, do you know why this MP is failing the tests? -> https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/FixedTestsNewScrolling/+merge/18285211:48
om26erdpm, something wrong with that environment it seems11:49
om26erERROR:pbuilderjenkins:Specified chroot environment /var/cache/pbuilder/raring-amd64.tgz does not exist11:49
om26erlets retry11:50
dinkometalacwho deleted raring environment11:54
smartboyhwdpm, pushed the version without the change12:05
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smartboyhwdpm, as I said, the version without the change is there12:20
dpmsmartboyhw, sorry, I'm doing several other things at the same time, I'll see if I can go back to it later, or perhaps others on the channel can review your new MP in the meantime12:27
smartboyhwdpm, sure12:27
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clepto1995nik90, ping13:14
WebbyITdpm, I know that you are busy, but boiko is offline!13:17
WebbyITdpm, I fixed (hope to have) the save of calcs, if you have five minutes, shall you please check?13:17
dpmWebbyIT, thanks! Tested it to work, but added a request with acomment13:25
WebbyITdpm, sure13:27
clepto1995randomcpp, ping13:28
randomcppclepto1995, pong13:28
om26ertmoenicke, btw there is no bug tracking enabled for ubuntu-keyboard13:28
om26erMirv, hey could you ? ^13:28
clepto1995randomcpp, what should I add to importPaths in qmlproject so that qtcreator load my plugin?13:28
tmoenickeom26er: that has changed iirc, letme check13:29
clepto1995randomcpp, https://github.com/Clepto/cnotes-ubuntu-touch take look the dir structure13:29
om26ertmoenicke, seem not https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keyboard13:29
randomcppclepto1995, ./dirParserPlugin13:30
randomcppbut it won't open the c++ sources13:30
clepto1995file:///media/Files/UbuntuTouchDevelopment/CNotes/CNotes.qml:9 module "DirParser" plugin "dirparserplugin" not found13:30
randomcppjust read the plugin13:30
clepto1995randomcpp, what do you mean?13:30
om26ertmoenicke, anyways I actually wanted to add this bug 1201988 to ubuntu-keyboard13:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1201988 in Ubuntu UX "[OSK]holding the back button should remove the text quickly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120198813:30
om26ertmoenicke, is that planned ?13:30
mhall119GuidoPallemans: re: settings, I think the plan is to make it easy for apps to use GSettings13:30
randomcpp.qmlproject doesn't manage c++ source, just qml and js13:31
GuidoPallemansoh ok13:31
clepto1995randomcpp, how you do it?13:31
clepto1995mhall119, when GSettings will be ready?13:31
randomcppclepto1995, you use qmake projects or cmake projects13:31
clepto1995randomcpp, I use qmake... What I should change?13:32
om26ernik90_, you might know, where are we with the alarm api, is that happening soon ?13:32
randomcppclepto1995, what's the name of the compiled plugin binary?13:32
tmoenickeom26er: yes, it is probably broken13:32
clepto1995randomcpp, wait a minute13:33
mhall119clepto1995: I'll have to check, I thought it already was13:33
clepto1995randomcpp, nevermind13:34
mhall119seb128: does system-settings use GSettings via C++ or QML?13:34
clepto1995randomcpp, I cleaned before and needed to recompile... silly me13:34
seb128mhall119, qml13:34
seb128mhall119, but I used it through qt/c++ in dialer-app/messaging-app13:34
seb128mhall119, why?13:34
WebbyITdpm done, hope to be clear13:36
Mirvom26er: ok13:38
Mirvom26er: done13:38
om26erMirv, cool, thanks13:39
mhall119seb128: GuidoPallemans was asking about how to store app settings13:40
seb128mhall119, we don't have a story for app settings atm I think :/13:44
seb128mhall119, better for them to store locally in sqlite13:44
seb128I'm not sure gsettings in its current form is going to work for confined apps13:44
boikoom26er: hi, could you please check what is going on with this job:
om26erboiko, i pinged fginther about that, he's looking14:37
om26ersomething broken with that VM14:37
boikoom26er: thanks!14:37
boikoWebbyIT: ^14:37
oSoMoNom26er: ping14:40
om26eroSoMoN, pong14:40
oSoMoNom26er: hey Omer, bfiller just mentioned that there might be potential problems in using the standard UITK emulators, can you confirm?14:40
om26eroSoMoN, I have not seen that, any pointeres or logs would help14:41
oSoMoNom26er: I’m not aware of any problems either, but Bill said that he recalled a conversation with you about potential problems, so I thought I’d ask14:42
oSoMoNom26er: so using the UITK emulators is still the recommended way of writing autopilot tests, right?14:42
wellsbdholbach: What's the process for creating a .click package for compiled apps?14:42
om26eroSoMoN, hmm I don't recall and nothing in mind says I saw any problem14:43
oSoMoNom26er: cool, thanks!14:43
dholbachwellsb, that's what we're going to discuss at UDS today - there's no process yet14:46
om26erboiko, the VM have been fixed. francis triggered a rebuild for the failed jobs15:14
cwaynehey guys, got a random QML question if anyone's around15:19
om26erboiko, do you guys need any help with autopilot testing for the dialer, messaging apps ?15:20
clepto1995cwayne, shoot15:21
cwayneclepto1995, so i've got all this stuff that's blank until an XHR is done, and then set once i get the data15:21
cwaynethe problem is, it seems to be anchoring to when it's blank (like when there's no image), so then when the image source is set, the other stuff that's anchored below it doesn't move, and looks all jumbled15:22
clepto1995cwayne, can i try it?15:23
cwayneclepto1995, sure, let me push up a branch15:24
cwayneclepto1995,  lp:~cwayne18/+junk/uwoot15:25
cwayneclepto1995, this is my first foray into QML, so I may be doing something wicked stupid here :)15:26
clepto1995cwayne, just give me a minute15:26
cwaynesure thing, no rush :)15:27
clepto1995cwayne, ok, I got all of errors about layout15:30
clepto1995cwayne, but first of all i get WootTab.qml:29: ReferenceError: woot is not defined15:31
clepto1995and again the same in another line like 5-6 times15:31
clepto1995you may want to solve that firsrt15:31
clepto1995cwayne, you don't use anchors correctly, thats why its messed up15:34
clepto1995I got the same problem all the time...15:34
cwayneoh, i was afraid i was doing something fundamentally wrong :/15:34
clepto1995cwayne, can you fix the 'woot not defined' thing so the errors will narrow down to layouts related?15:35
cwayneclepto1995, yep, about to push now15:35
cwayneclepto1995, pushed15:36
clepto1995a lot better15:36
cwayneso it complains that i cant set horizontalCenter in a row, but it seems to work if i do set it..15:37
clepto1995cwayne, first of all15:37
clepto1995when you want to set width and height of an element to its parent's width and height15:38
clepto1995use anchors.fill: parent15:38
clepto1995its cleaner in the eye and code..15:38
cwayneok, so i cleaned some stuff up and un-commented some stuff (not sure why it had been commented) and now it seems to work15:39
clepto1995cwayne, oh, good :)15:39
cwaynebut if there's something i'm doing fundamentally wrong, i'd like to learn how to do it right :)15:39
cwayneclepto1995, just pushed if you'd like to take a look15:40
clepto1995cwayne, ok wait15:40
clepto1995isn't running15:41
clepto1995cwayne, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6040728/15:41
clepto1995oh wait15:41
clepto1995I'm not sure its your fault :)15:41
clepto1995ok my fault15:42
clepto1995cwayne, i still get one error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6040739/15:43
clepto1995but its better15:43
cwayneyeah, but if i take that out, it's not centered15:43
clepto1995cwayne, when you need to use a lot of anchors in one element like line 41-44 make it like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6040745/15:44
clepto1995cwayne, take what out?15:45
cwayneclepto1995, yeah, there's a lot of cleanup i need to do -- it's currently the way it is just cus i was adding them one at a time15:45
cwayneclepto1995, if i take out the anchors.horizontalCenter to get rid of those errors15:45
clepto1995cwayne, an anchor property in the code gives the error, if you want to fix it you need to test things... comment/uncomment and stuff15:48
clepto1995I can't pin point it15:48
cwaynewell, regardless of the error, it does center it anyway :)15:48
cwaynei might not need the row anyway actually15:49
cwayneyep, sure don't15:50
cwaynepushed, now with 100% fewer errors15:50
cwayneclepto1995, thank you for taking a look, btw :)15:58
clepto1995cwayne, no problem :)15:58
cwayneclepto1995, just added a bunch more tabs if you felt like taking a look :P15:59
clepto1995cwayne, I can't right now, I need to go somewhere16:01
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dpmnik90_, nik90, if you're around and want to join the UDS Clock design session -> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/15a4b754fe5395e85719a3399343791ea2fb674116:02
om26ergusch, ping16:14
om26ergusch, in the gallery app I am not able to open a photo, do you know what's wrong with that? i.e. I can open gallery, I can change tabs but tapping on a photo does not open it. even I can tap and hold over a photo and select mode comes in..16:16
guschom26er: https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/121823716:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218237 in share-app (Ubuntu) "Share-app test failures in mako and maguro smoke: module "Friends" is not installed" [Undecided,New]16:19
om26ergusch, how does that related to gallery ?16:20
guschom26er: opening the photo viewer loads the share component, and loading that one is broken16:21
om26ergusch, aha ok16:21
rbnswartzI installed the ubuntu sdk but I don't have ubuntu as one of the sections under new project any thoughts anyone?16:35
timpwho works on notes-app?16:37
boikoom26er: so, we wrote basic tests for the apps, but the truth is that there is not much we can test without mocking at least some layers of the apps :/16:39
om26erboiko, ok, well some of the network stuff will get tested on real devices as well. like the connected tests previously for phone-app are being ported over to the new apps16:40
om26eroSoMoN, before I start looking, any guesses on why 80% of the tests failed for the webbrowser ? http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/3825/16:54
oSoMoNom26er: I’m on it16:55
oSoMoNom26er: I have a MR ready already, waiting for CI to run to confirm that it actually fixes the failures16:55
om26eroSoMoN, did something change in the SDK ?16:55
oSoMoNom26er: that’s my guess, although I haven’t been able to identify what exactly16:56
om26erthere was a huge changelog of ubuntu-ui-toolkit that may have broken something, It did break unity8 so the change was reverted16:57
oSoMoNom26er: probably not this one, since it was reverted…16:58
om26eroSoMoN, only a specific commit was reverted, I meant16:59
timpwhen were those tests run?17:00
oSoMoNtimp: this morning17:01
timpoSoMoN: so before your fix of the typos in Panel17:01
timpoSoMoN: when were the previous tests executed successfully?17:02
timpto have an interval of when something went wrong17:02
timpthere was a change in triggering of toolbar buttons recently http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/revision/70717:02
oSoMoNtimp: I think yesterday’s run were successful17:02
timphmm there were no recent changes in panel-related code. But I'm not sure when new uitk packages are created17:03
WebbyITpopey, with USD no meeting, right?17:05
popeyWebbyIT: sorry, was busy.. yes, we are meeting17:05
WebbyITpopey, ok :)17:05
popeyin -meeting17:06
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cwayneis wrapMode in Label not working for anyone else?17:13
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timpcwayne: I haven't checked, but Label is simply this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6041093/17:24
timpcwayne: so you can check by using Text first to see if wrapmode works there.17:25
cwaynemakes sense17:25
cwaynethanks timp17:25
cwayneseems text wrapmode isn't working, or im doing something dumb17:27
timpcwayne: show me your code17:27
cwaynetimp, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6041105/17:29
timpcwayne: you need to anchor the Text left and right, or set its width17:32
timpText needs to have a fixed width for wrapping to work17:32
cwaynetimp, i tried to set width: parent.width and it didnt change anything17:32
timpcwayne: does it work if you set width: 200 ?17:34
timpcwayne: I don't see Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere listed as a valid wrap mode on http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-text.html#wrapMode-prop17:36
iBelievecwayne, are you using Label.Wrap* or Text.Wrap*?17:36
timpmaybe it was renamed to Text.Wrap17:36
cwaynetimp, hm, yes it does work if i do set the width17:36
cwayneperhaps i had forgotten to close when i tried to set tot he parent's width last time17:36
cwaynenow can i have it centered when it wraps?17:37
timpor the parent.width is not valid when its value is evaluated. if it doesn't work you can try to set the left and right anchors (and remove horizontalcenter)17:37
timpcwayne: Text.horizontalAlignment17:38
timpcwayne: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-text.html#horizontalAlignment-prop17:38
timpcwayne: don't forget to change the Text back to Label to get the proper styling :)17:39
cwaynetimp, yep, thanks for the help!17:40
cwaynehm, still not centering17:42
boikoom26er: speaking of tests, I think we can enable autopilot tests for dialer-app and messaging-app now17:42
timpcwayne: horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter17:43
cwaynetimp, that's exactly what I did17:43
cwayneok now it works17:44
cwaynei didnt change anything17:44
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harishaHello All, I have query regarding native apps17:52
harishawhere can i find API's for sending SMS, Call in Ubuntu Touch?17:53
joern_someone of the calendar app team here?17:55
iBelievejoern_, you could try oSoMoN_17:55
oSoMoN_darn, just when I was going to go offline… ;)17:56
oSoMoN_joern_: hey17:56
joern_no in a hurry17:57
joern_i would like to get some calendar syncing17:58
joern_so i thought of implementing it17:58
joern_just wanted to check where i could start, or if there are some concepts17:58
oSoMoN_joern_: excellent idea, I don’t know what’s the current status but I’m pretty sure that’s on the roadmap, and I don’t think anyone is actively working on it17:59
oSoMoN_joern_: popey should be able to give you pointers to get started17:59
joern_i took a look at the milestones18:00
joern_I still need time to get a better overview18:00
joern_but i realy want caldav for private syncing18:01
om26erboiko, I'll do that18:03
oSoMoN_joern_: do you mind if we discuss this tomorrow? I’ll be online the whole day and available, but need to leave now18:03
oSoMoN_cool, tty tomorrow then18:04
iBelievekenvandine, ping18:04
joern_iBelieve are you writing the tasks app?18:04
iBelievejoern_, yes, I'm writing Ubuntu Tasks18:05
joern_recognized the name ;)18:05
joern_nice work so fare18:05
iBelievejoern_, thanks :)18:06
joern_iBelieve, can you tell me if there is something like a tasks and event storage I should be aware of`18:07
joern_or are the apps implementing this on there own18:08
iBelievejoern_, there is QtOrganizer, which is a high-level API to access different calendar backends.18:08
joern_a, o18:08
iBelievejoern_, I think the Calendar app will be switching to it soon18:08
iBelievejoern_, Currently I'm just using my own custom U1db JSON backend18:09
iBelievejoern_, here is the docs for QtOrganizer: http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtmobility-1.2/qml-organizer.html18:09
joern_I hope I will get through it18:10
joern_iBelieve, are you planing to add a "move task to other project" feature?18:13
iBelievejoern_, do you mean moving a task to another project with in the app, or to another app?18:13
joern_currently I ment the app18:13
iBelievejoern_, yes, I'm in the middle of my third re-write of the backend. I plan on adding that feature. I actually thought it existed but maybe not18:14
joern_k, maybe I overlooked18:14
kenvandineiBelieve, pong18:22
iBelievekenvandine, are you the person I should talk to regarding Online Accounts?18:22
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kenvandineiBelieve, one of them18:25
kenvandinewhat do you need?18:25
iBelievekenvandine, ah, good. I was wondering about getting Trello added as an Online Account since I'm writing an app with Trello integration18:26
kenvandineiBelieve, is it oauth?18:26
iBelievekenvandine, is that something that an app could ship in a click package, or does that get included in Ubuntu by default?18:26
iBelievekenvandine, yes18:27
kenvandineshouldn't be too hard18:27
kenvandineno, not in a click package18:27
kenvandineat least not yet18:27
kenvandineiBelieve, https://code.launchpad.net/account-plugin-fitbit/18:28
kenvandinethat's probably a good reference package18:28
iBelievekenvandine, I tried creating an account plugin for Trello by following http://askubuntu.com/a/337346/109543, but trello said the browser wasn't supported18:28
kenvandineusing pretty basic oauth stuff18:28
iBelievekenvandine, okay, I'll take a look at that18:28
cwaynekenvandine, iBelieve i can help out in a bit if you'd like :)18:28
iBelievecwayne, sure :)18:29
iBelievekenvandine, so what would be the process for getting a Trello account plugin included in Ubuntu? Is that something that could get done by the App Showdown deadline?18:29
kenvandineit doesn't need to be included by default18:30
kenvandinejust need it packaged and available18:30
kenvandineiBelieve, so that askubuntu reference is great, even includes the qml bits needed for ubuntu touch :)18:30
kenvandineand mardy is the expert there18:31
kenvandinecwayne, you should add the qml-plugin bits to the fitbit plugin :)18:31
cwaynekenvandine, that's next on my utouch task list :D18:32
kenvandineiBelieve, you can override the useragent18:32
cwaynekenvandine, btw i tried to get pandora, but they won't give me any keys/tokens18:32
kenvandinelook at /etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/secure.flickr.com.conf18:32
kenvandinepart of the account-plugin-flickr18:33
iBelievekenvandine, if it's not included by default, how would work with my app's click package?18:33
kenvandinegood question... i guess it can't18:33
kenvandinebut click packages with app confinement won't be able to provide account plugins18:33
kenvandineat least not yet18:34
kenvandineand account plugins need to be installed in system directories... which click packages can't do18:35
iBelieveSo is it possible to create a Trello account plugin for use with my showdown app, or should I authenticate manually inside my app?18:35
kenvandinei'd hate to suggest you manually do it in your app18:36
kenvandinedpm, what would you suggest?18:36
jreijey, xchat18:36
kenvandineor mhall119 ^^18:36
dpmkenvandine, iBelieve, create an Online Accounts plugin for Trello?18:37
iBelieveCurrently I'm using the other method for authentication which pops up a browser and has the user copy a token back into my app. Very ugly18:37
dpmmardy, ^18:37
kenvandinedpm, yes... but it would need to be installed by default18:37
kenvandineor his click package won't work18:37
iBelievedpm, yes, that's what I'd like to do, if possible. But it would need to work with a click package for my showdown app18:37
mhall119iBelieve: manually in your app for now, until we know how to package account plugins in Click18:37
iBelievemhall119, okay, thanks18:39
iBelievekenvandine, dpm thanks for the help!18:39
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jreiiBelieve, are you planning to use the qml organizer backend?18:49
mefriosome news about my app for the showdown contest: http://mefrio.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/memories-third-week/ give it a try and help me making it better with feedbacks and suggestions18:50
iBelievejrei, I looked into it a while back, and they didn't have the EDS backend done yet, so I didn't use it right away. Now though, by app is way more complex than what QtOrganizer offers18:51
iBelieve** my app18:51
cwaynemhall119, is there a theme yo use the default aubergine background? or is it just UbuntuColors.midAubergine?18:52
snwhkenvandine, I thought I'd update Friends' icon to make it similar to the Contacts, messages and phone icons. Thoughts? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7027392/friends-app-icon.png18:53
iBelieveDoes anyone know if I can use a regular Qt Quick Application template for an Ubuntu Touch app, one that has C++ code that which load a QML view>19:06
iBelievemhall119, dpm, do either of you know? ^^^19:06
iBelieveVersus a Ubuntu Touch template with a C++ plugin19:06
dpmiBelieve, I haven't tried it, but I think you should be able to, with some caveats:19:07
dpm- You'll have to import Ubuntu.Components in your QML files19:07
iBelievedpm, but I already need to do that, right?19:08
dpm- You might have to manually recreate some of the things that the Ubuntu template does for you (e.g. setting up the .desktop file, the MainView, etc.)19:08
dpmyeah, the first one is easy, the second one not so much, as I don't know off the top of my head all of the things the Ubuntu template sets up19:09
iBelievedpm, than that's no problem, since I already have a Ubuntu Touch app that I want to add C++ code to19:09
iBelievedpm, I'd just prefer to have some C++ code that loads the QML view instead of using a C++ extension library19:09
dpmyeah, that should work19:09
iBelievedpm, thanks!19:10
dpmI did it for a test project of mine a while ago, using the Qt upstream mixed app template19:10
dpmbut just to get it running, I didn't package it or any thing19:10
iBelievedpm, that's the project type I'm using for uBible, but I just wanted to double check that there weren't any problems with that method before using it in my Showdown app19:11
dpmiBelieve, you might have to do some extra work to get the packaging working, but essentially it should work. You'd have to do some extra work anyway with the Ubuntu template, as we don't yet have a story for cross-compilation and packaging with C++ extensions (but we might have it now, after UDS :)19:13
iBelievedpm, oh, yeah... how will that work with packaging it in a Click package? Will that work?19:14
dpmiBelieve, it doesn't work out of the box, but I think you can just hammer the binary into the click package. Unfortunately, I couldn't attend the UDS session about it, but I can probably find out more tomorrow19:15
iBelievedpm, should I just ping you tomorrow to see if you know anything more about that?19:16
dpmiBelieve, yeah, although at this time tomorrow you might have more luck with mhall119, as I'm in Europe and I won't be around19:17
iBelievedpm, I'll try one of you. Thanks for the help!19:18
kenvandinesnwh, that looks nice... but might look too much like the common "share" icon19:19
kenvandinesnwh, which is fitting for friends, but might get confused19:20
kenvandinesnwh, but it does look really nice... and the blue is a good idea19:20
kenvandinesnwh, have you seen the latest friends-app?  that landed in saucy today?19:20
kenvandineit's blue :)19:20
jreiis saucy stable enough for daily use?19:22
iBelievejrei, for me it is. I use it every day because the showdown requires me to develop for it. It's working fine. A few issues with the global menus, but it's working great19:26
jreik thanks19:26
dpmiBelieve, you might have seen the core apps hack days announcement. We're setting up a wiki page for the goals for the hackfest. Anything you'd like to add to the goals for File Manager? -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/SaucySprint#File_Manager19:28
jreiiBelieve, do you think your tasks would fit into webdav?19:29
jreiwe will see19:30
snwhkenvandine, I haven't updated I'll have to look :)19:31
iBelievedpm, other than fixing the critical/high bugs and triaging bugs, I think the biggest things would be adding Undo support, using real icons, and maybe adding multiple tabs. Not sure if those would be good hack day goals, though19:34
iBelievejrei, I don't know anything about webdav. Isn't that calendar stuff, though? or is that something different?19:34
dpmiBelieve, do you see them as goals for the 1.0 release? I think undo support would be awesome, but are we targeting it for 1.0?19:35
iBelievedpm, we don't have any other major features left, so I guess they would be nice to have if we could get them done in time. About Undo support, I don't know, I was going to bring it up in today's meeting. I just saw that as a feature request in a G+ comment19:37
iBelievedpm, using real filetype-based icons would be the biggest thing, in my opinion19:37
dpmiBelieve, does that require new icons/design only, or is there non-trivial development involved as well?19:38
iBelievedpm, I don't know since I haven't done any backend work.19:40
iBelievedpm, there seems to be some code for icons in the source of the dirmodel, but I don't know what it's for19:41
iBelievedpm, of the three, multiple tabs support should be very simple to implement19:43
balachmarHi guys, just wanted to drop in and say I am going to try and flash Ubuntu Touch on a Galaxy S so I might help out with the hack days19:43
balachmarAnd of course any tips or hints are welcome, because it doesn't seem to have gotten a lot of attention :)19:45
dpmiBelieve, what would multiple tabs do actually? Browse different locations on different tabs?19:46
iBelievedpm, right, like opening a new tab in Nautilus19:46
dpmgotcha, thanks19:47
snwhkenvandine, i used a similar looking  icon for Friends because the friends is for sharing and the share button would be for sharing; I figured the two resembling each other would make sense.19:53
snwhkenvandine, if there was confusion I could always change it ;)19:58
dpmsnwh, thanks a lot for your work with the core apps icons!20:00
snwhdpm, no problem :)20:00
dpmsnwh, for Music and RSS Reader I'll need to check with the Design team, though, as it seems they might have started working on icons independently as well. Let me comment on your merge proposal once I learn more tomorrow and update you, and I'll get them to get in touch with you20:01
dpmbut for the other ones I suggested on the list there is no one else working on them, afaik20:02
snwhdpm, I made an rss reader one and it has been merged :)20:02
dpmyeah, I saw that, I hadn't seen it got merged20:03
snwhdpm, and it would be helpful knowing what the design team is up too :)20:03
dpmsnwh, they're working pretty closely with the core apps developers, the rule is to just ask. If you're interested in joining any of the design hangouts, let me know and I'll send you an invite so you can keep track of the times20:05
snwhdpm, where is dropping letters installing in the filesystem?20:05
dpmhm, don't know off the top of my head, let me check, probably in /opt nowadays20:05
snwhI usually test an icon by overwriting the current one on the phone but I couldn't find it20:07
dpmsnwh, yeah, it seems dropping letters, stock ticker and sudoku have been migrated to click packages, which also causes unity not to actually find the icons :/20:09
dpmso an empty UbuntuShape is show20:09
snwhit seems to have found dropping letters though20:09
dpmah, really? I probably need to update my image20:10
snwhalthough stock ticker and sudoku are not there20:11
asomethingis there a list of bitesize bugs for the touch core apps? looking to play with qml some more...20:19
popeyasomething: we're working on it20:50
asomethingpopey, cool. I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize20:50
popeythats it20:50
asomethingnot much yet, but it's a start20:51
popeywe'll tag some more over the next few days20:51
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szymonHello! I have Ubuntu Touch app related question, is it possible to change colour of text in header ?21:59
randomcppszymon, I don't think so, the color of the text is related to the background22:02
randomcppdark background -> light text and viceversa22:02
szymonrandomcpp, thanks.22:03
hakermaniarandomcpp, I don't program for Ubuntu Touch, but isn't this ridiculous ? I mean, we have less options as users and now we have less options as programmers from the SDKs?22:07
randomcpphakermania, ?22:07
randomcpphakermania, the sdk is pretty limited at the moment because it just hit beta at the end of july22:08
hakermaniarandomcpp, the thing that you cannot change the color of the text, for example. I agree that the default color should be something that would match each other (dark bg -> light text and vv)22:08
randomcpphakermania, it's qml, you can define your own styles, but it's not recommended22:08
hakermaniarandomcpp, while I don't know QML, I see the point. And I understand they want all the applications to have a similar look and feel, but they must leave the coder have a freedom of choice. If it is just the beta state, then ok :)22:10
randomcpphakermania, you can use the language and the toolkit you want22:11
randomcppfor the contest qml and ubuntu sdk is required this year22:11
hakermaniaAnyway, good night to everybody!22:12
bigcalmI'm about to attempt my 1st c++ plugin. Having watched the sessions this afternoon on multi-arch, should I be concerned about the use of qmake or cmake?22:38
clepto1995bigcalm, I also interested in this.. I missed the sessions... Can you tell me a summary?22:40
bigcalmclepto1995: not really, but here is the session of interest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qs10lu10dU22:41
* bigcalm heads to bed22:44

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