
=== sergiuse1s is now known as sergiusens
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== Dr_Who is now known as tgall_foo
hrwhttps://plus.google.com/u/0/105007947798310229700/posts/VkB4kk1PSy9 - issues with Chromebook and U-Boot + uImage of linux-chromeos 3.4 kernel. any ideas?08:29
hrwXorA: thanks09:11
XorAhrw: I think from memory anyway, chromebook not currently handy to check09:12
XorAlots of these as well gpio: device tree node not found for gpio controller with base address 10d10000 maybe the wrong DTB attached?09:14
hrwthis is what I also suspect. took dtb from same kernel as uimage ;09:16
hrwwill take deeper look later today09:16
XorAwould all be much easier with board files :-)09:16
* hrw off09:21
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
snktI m working Wondermedia 8950 and using ubuntu 11.10 core... I have an issuse regarding ethernet modules.... I m getting packet loss when I ping to the device... can any one help me, what is the issue?11:13
=== Dr_Who is now known as tgall_foo
gartralhey all, I'm dealing with a kernel panic on a wm8650-based netbook, what all info should I collect to offer helpful insights? I'm not used to dealing with arm systems15:28
=== doko_ is now known as doko
mijkI'm looking for libmali.so.0.0.35 for a Samsung Chromebook with a Exynos 517:20
mijkI'm looking for libmali.so.0.0.35 for a Samsung Chromebook with a Exynos 518:46
ogra_use the one from google for the nexus1018:47
ogra_(i think i told you earlier this week)18:47
mijkdidn't work, made this worse18:47
mijkwent from 3 in glmark to 218:48
ogra_funny, works fine for me18:48
mijkon your Chromebook?18:48
mijkhmm, might have mailed myself the wrong file then18:48
mijkI copied over the libmali.so file and created symlinks18:48
ogra_cpoied it over which file ?18:49
mijkI extracted the libmali.so file18:49
ogra_there usually is no such file in any ubuntu install18:49
mijkwould you be able to tell me what you did? because I obviously messed it up18:50
ogra_i would if i had noted it down somewhere ... but i didnt and its over a year ago i did it18:52
mijkwhat i did was mount and extract the img file with th eext4 partition and did a "ls -R | grep mali" and found "libmali.so" I believe, I copied it over to /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mali-gles18:54
mijkI had to edit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-chromium-mali-opengles.rules18:54
mijkreboot and then, it was slower than before :P18:55
ogra_are you doing that in chromeos ?18:55
mijkno, Ubuntu on my SD card18:55
ogra_what is /lib/udev/rules.d/40-chromium-mali-opengles.rules then ?18:55
mijkbeats me tbh ... followed this: http://people.mozilla.com/~vladimir/misc/fix-gles18:57
mijkI just want acceleration and no one seems to be able to help18:57
mijkI modified the code so it wouldn't pull from chrome os since I have .45 and not .35 anyway18:57
mijkI know it's a n00b thing to do but honestly, I don't feel like getting 1fps in a simple GL test that my Core 2 laptop with Intel GMA gets litterally 100 times better results18:59
ogra_i think hrw oncve wrote a blog post about getting gles to work19:01
mijkyes he did, you need libmali.so.0.0.3519:01
mijknowhere to be found again19:01
mijkunless I take a trip to Best Buy and pray the display unit there has it still and they didn't upgrade the OS19:02
ogra_again, in the google nexus 10 zips19:02
mijkyes, libmali.so is in there19:02
mijkbut following the fix-gles link, it didn't work19:03
mijkliterally made it worse19:03
mijkso I just give up now because nobody gives a crap?19:08
mijkrtfm and gtfo?19:08
mijkthis is the purest definition of Linux right here ... "How do I get it to work?" -Check Google. "Doesn't work." -Don't care anymore, didn't log it and I'm through with x distro because it's not cool anymore19:13
tripelb<-- owns. N7. Never seen anyone in here before. Surprised.19:20

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