Ritu | hey! I am extremly new to debugging in ubuntu. I just found out a spelling error in sfill manpages but I don't know where to get the soure code to start debugging it. Also I don't know if the bug that I reported is valid or not. How do I know for sure? | 13:23 |
Ritu | hey! I am extremly new to debugging in ubuntu. I just found out a spelling error in sfill manpages but I don't know where to get the soure code to start debugging it. Also I don't know if the bug that I reported is valid or not. How do I know for sure? | 13:25 |
hggdh | Ritu: usually the man pages are part of the package. | 13:27 |
hggdh | Ritu: so you can grab the source package, and check there. For fixing... we prefer the fix to be accepted by upstream | 13:28 |
hggdh | Ritu: so you can lookup in the source package where is the upstream for the source (probably Debian), and report the issue there, with the proposed patch | 13:29 |
Ritu | hggdh: with all due respect, but I really don't understand what your trying to tell me! | 13:30 |
hggdh | Ritu: :-) no offense. We never know how much people know here. My approach is usually not much detail, then see the reaction ;-) | 13:30 |
hggdh | Ritu: first of all, I do not know what sfill does, and what package(s) contain it | 13:31 |
Ritu | Neither do I | 13:31 |
hggdh | Ritu: so, there are some ways to find it: | 13:31 |
Ritu | Ahan, that is?..Google? | 13:32 |
hggdh | (1) use apt-file; (2) use 'dpkg -S'. (1) will work for all packages in your repositories, be they installed or not. (2) will only work for *installed* packages | 13:32 |
hggdh | so, since I do not have 'sfill' installed, I ran 'apt-file search /sfill' -- and got back 'secure-delete' as the package | 13:33 |
hggdh | (by the way, the man page was also listed as being in the secure-delete package) | 13:34 |
hggdh | (by the way 2, you have to manually install apt-file, it is not installed by default) | 13:35 |
hggdh | so. We now know the (binary, installable) package. Now we have to get the *source* pacakge -- the one that is used to *build* the installable thingies | 13:35 |
Ritu | Okay! | 13:36 |
hggdh | we can do that by many different ways -- going online to http://packages.ubuntu.com, using 'pull-lp-source', or directly using bazaar (bzr) | 13:36 |
Ritu | I was following the bazar tutorials. | 13:37 |
hggdh | perfect, easier | 13:37 |
Ritu | :) | 13:37 |
Ritu | Btw the way I am still downloading the apt-file | 13:38 |
hggdh | now that we know the package name, we can grab it by: (1) creating a directory to hold it; (2) cd to this directory; (3) bzr branch lp:ubuntu/<version>/secure-delete | 13:38 |
hggdh | where <version> is the Ubuntu version you are interested in. (saucy, raring, precise, etc) | 13:39 |
Ritu | precise | 13:39 |
hggdh | so you would use 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu/precise/secure-delete | 13:39 |
Ritu | this is to pull the source code and place it in the directory right? | 13:41 |
hggdh | correct | 13:41 |
hggdh | brb | 13:41 |
Ritu | Okay! :) | 13:41 |
hggdh | I am back | 13:51 |
hggdh | once you have the source, you can now look for the offending file(s) | 13:52 |
Ritu | I am still downloading the apt-file | 13:52 |
Ritu | got it! | 13:52 |
hggdh | don't worry, we will not be using apt-file right now, we already know the source package | 13:53 |
hggdh | well, you *can* use it to experiment | 13:53 |
Ritu | so I just have to create a folder n start working with it right? | 13:53 |
hggdh | correct | 13:53 |
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
Ritu | hggdh:http://pastebin.com/X6GLHTgd | 14:03 |
Ritu | I am unable to connect | 14:04 |
hggdh | Ritu: it seems you have a SSH key registered at lauchpad, and it does not match the one you are using by default | 14:05 |
Ritu | oh! so what do i do? | 14:06 |
hggdh | I am unsure. But you could add your current key to LP (if this is a key you use and vouch for) | 14:07 |
hggdh | (I either am working from my laptop, and use a known and registered key, or from a system with no local SSH keys) | 14:08 |
Ritu | I am working from my lap | 14:08 |
hggdh | Ritu: most probably the folks at #launchpad would be able to help you | 14:09 |
Ritu | oh okay!Thanks a tonne anyway! | 14:09 |
Ritu | :) | 14:09 |
hggdh | heh | 14:09 |
Bert_2 | Hi, i'm quite heavily affected by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/1216650 and I was wondering, the guy who filed it included a patch with it, is there a way to get that patch submitted somehow? | 21:49 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 1216650 in openldap (Ubuntu) "slapd crashed with SIGSEGV in lutil_str2bin() when using mdb" [Medium,Confirmed] | 21:49 |
TheLordOfTime | *looks* | 21:56 |
Bert_2 | TheLordOfTime: thx | 21:57 |
TheLordOfTime | Bert_2, the patch hasn't been attached to the bug and i could attach it but not until later as I am currently not near my system, I'm on my phone right now... | 21:58 |
TheLordOfTime | it's linked but not specifically "attached" to the bug. | 21:58 |
Bert_2 | TheLordOfTime: do I have the right to attach it as an affected user or does the maker of the bug have to do it? | 22:01 |
TheLordOfTime | AFAIK anyone can do it, last I checked, but it needs to be in diff format | 22:01 |
* TheLordOfTime yawns | 22:01 | |
TheLordOfTime | well, time to head home, back in 20 minutes (long drive) | 22:01 |
Bert_2 | TheLordOfTime: aah, k, diff against the current source in the latest package then? | 22:03 |
Bert_2 | enjoy the ride home :) | 22:03 |
TheLordOfTime | Bert_2, no, just the commit / codechanges for that fix | 22:03 |
TheLordOfTime | i already sent myself the link | 22:03 |
TheLordOfTime | i'll upload the patch to the bug the moment i'm home unless you do it first. | 22:03 |
Bert_2 | TheLordOfTime: if you would be so kind that would be awesome :D | 22:04 |
jtaylor | Bert_2: try putting the bug into the state described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 22:05 |
jtaylor | then subscribe ubuntu-sponsors | 22:05 |
Bert_2 | jtaylor: well, doesn't it already contain all that's needed according to that procedure? | 22:20 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha |
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