
jcastropleia2: hahaha yeah for sure00:17
mhall119daker: do we know when the team name in LP will happen?01:55
mhall119daker: nvm, went back and re-read cz-tab's email, it's set for the 30th so I've approved your MP02:01
popeyGood morning07:16
popeydpm: when you've had your morning coffee can you check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/HackDays pls and I'll blog it07:46
dpmmorning popey, sure, on it07:47
* popey updates it07:49
popeyI should have proof read it myself first! :D07:49
dpmpopey, looks great. I've just added an extra focus on sprinting to 13.10: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/HackDays?action=diff&rev2=10&rev1=908:04
dpmthanks for taking care of this08:04
popeydpm: if you fancy redditing that blog post I won't complain ☻08:28
dpmpopey, done!08:32
* smartboyhw might probably join in the HackDays;P08:37
popeysmartboyhw: awesome!08:46
dpmpopey, I've also prepared a page based on the dogfooding campaign, with a set of goals and linked it to the main page. Would you mind having a quick look at the goals I've put in there to see if they make sense, and if you can think of any for the ones marked as TBD? -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/SaucySprint09:20
popeyooh, excellent.09:21
popeybrilliant dpm09:21
dpmpopey, I've shared the announcement on all our social media channels, would you mind sending an e-mail to the core apps and phone lists as well?10:12
popeydpm: heh, just typing it now ☻10:13
* dpm is happy about the telepathy skills still working10:14
dpmthanks popey10:42
dpmpopey, looking forward to seeing this one landing for the weather app, it seems Raul is on fire: https://code.launchpad.net/~neokore/ubuntu-weather-app/NewScrollAndIcons/+merge/18270810:45
* dpm tries to find some Jenkins people10:45
dakermhall119: thanks!10:46
dpmah, actually, it's this one, they've created a new branched that fixes the related tests: https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/FixedTestsNewScrolling/+merge/18285210:47
* popey relocates to the inlaws to avoid noise12:09
dholbachdpm, jetzt soll ich auch noch Zusammenfassungen schreiben! Alter - als nächstes willst Du dass ich arbeite!12:14
* dpm hugs dholbach :)12:16
dpmdholbach, es war entweder das oder E-Mails schreiben ;)12:17
dpmhi daker, we've got an HTML5 session for UDS today, I thought you might be interested to join12:27
jo-erlend__has Ubuntu ever formally been named Ubuntu Linux?12:42
popeyjo-erlend__: not really, it was "Ubuntu. Linux for Human Beings". We also had ubuntulinux.com domain from early on which causes some confusion.12:51
jo-erlend__popey, right. Thanks, that's what I thought.12:52
popeyjo-erlend__: "The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world." from 200612:53
jo-erlend__right. But that means "the Linux distribution called Ubuntu", right? It's not "the distribution called Ubuntu Linux"?12:54
balloonsjono, dholbach I'll be doing the flavors quality session13:39
dholbachthanks balloons13:40
jonothanks balloons13:41
* popey travels back home from the inlaws17:21
aquariusgood job on the summary, mhall11920:03
jcastronice work everyone20:06
jcastroman, in hindsight20:06
jcastroscheduling a doc sprint tomorrow right after UDS20:06
jcastro= stupid idea20:06
elfyjcastro: when you mail the loco council re forums can you cc us please20:07
elfyand I'll look at that list over the weekend - so maybe wait and I'll get you a copy of it20:07
jcastroelfy: yeah, on it now20:08
elfyaah ok20:08
elfydo it without a list then :p20:08
jcastrowhat do you mean?20:09
elfyif you're doing it now - I've not got a list for you :)20:10
jcastrooh that's fine20:10
jcastroI have a better idea20:10
jcastrowe could ask the loco council to recommend a list20:10
elfyI'd doubt if they'd have the first idea which ones are actually being used20:11
elfybut go for it :)20:11
jcastrooh ok20:11
jcastrowell, whatever, when they say yes then I guess we'll just pick a handful and go from there?20:12
elfyjcastro: what I was going to get over the weekend was a list of each loco forum - with qty of posts/last post date/language20:13
jcastrothat works20:13
elfyso we've got at least a knowledge of what there is there20:13
mhall119thanks aquarius20:14
elfyjcastro: then it's down to moving/closing/nesting etc - we'll probably need to give those we're closing and moving some leadtime20:14
jcastroyeah especially nesting20:15
jcastroAs that will need work upstream first20:15
elfyI see that you've got October as going live date - so that's time to work with loco council I'd think20:15
jcastroso maybe we could find a "small" one that doesn't have like 343453453 nested subcategories or something20:15
elfyjcastro: yep20:15
elfyasia/oceania is the smallest - has 11 sub forums - one of which is well used - but possibly support more than chat - the phillipine one20:16
elfymany of the US ones are just dead20:17
elfyRhode Island Team 12/09/08 last post   7 threads ...20:18
elfyanyway - just thought I'd touch base on it - will get list done and to you by Monday20:18
jcastroso I think there might be some room for optimization here as well20:19
jcastrolike say ... if a cluster of teams are low traffic stick them in a "northeast US" group or something20:20
* jcastro thinks aloud20:20
elfyyou're telling me ...20:20
jcastroelfy: Vancouver is always up to do awesome stuff, maybe they might make a great "alpha team"20:21
jcastroI'll ask randall about it next time he's around20:21
pleia2california is alive! but only because we have a policy of x-posting, it doesn't get much traffic on its own20:21
pleia2used to20:21
elfyI know it's alive pleia2 :)20:21
jcastroyeah same with us20:21
jcastroit's more like "Hey guys, release party/beer time here."20:22
elfyjcastro: vancouver might - but there's only a Canada forum20:22
jcastroplus I wonder how much is "why hang out with just the michigan guys when I can hang out with everyone."20:22
pleia2jcastro: yeah, there is that20:22
jcastroand I'm sure language has something to do with it20:22
pleia2also here "hang out with california ubuntu people, or openstack people, or python people, or mysql people"20:23
pleia2but I live in crazy land20:23
pleia2just learned this morning that kyle is hosting an openstack+ubuntu meetup half a block from where I live tonight20:23
elfyIS killing off all the loco mods proved not much happens in them - I've only had to put back one of them20:24
pleia2elfy: other than me?20:24
elfyno - just you :)20:25
elfythe system 76 guy is on the list now - but doesn't count in this context20:25
pleia2oh good, it was a lonely lp team20:26
elfyjcastro: it might be time to just relook at the whole thing - have a basic infrastructure in - gives upstream something to work with - then expand as needed - I don't think there'll be a need for 100 of them20:28
elfyanyway - gtg - been a long day for me20:28
jcastroaquarius: hey20:45
jcastroso I got an njoy one at the 7-11 just now20:45

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