
SonikkuAmericaInterestingly enough, there is a workaround for our "Install alongside" bug: using YUMI to deploy a live USB.00:34
SonikkuAmerica(UUI doesn't work though.)00:34
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jbichaso this Ubuntu One page in the installer03:17
jbichait's a nice feature but03:18
jbicha1. Ubuntu GNOME includes the U1 libraries but not the file sync app03:20
jbichaand because of Qt it's a significant amount of space to install ubuntuone-control-panel-qt (apt says 29 MB packages, 109 MB installed)03:23
jbicha2. it's not working here, I'm not sure if that's because USC and so on haven't been updated for it or whether it needs more UOA stuff03:25
jbicha2b. no one cares yet to write the U1>GOA pieces03:26
jbicha3. I have several online accounts I'd like to set up during the install, it feels a bit weird to only have U1 as an option03:27
jbichadarkxst: Shift+Super+Space doesn't switch keyboard layout in Unity with your gsd3807:19
jbichaI can't figure out where Unity would be looking at the wrong place07:23
jbichamaybe this is it...08:04
darkxstjbicha, hi08:27
darkxstjbicha, yes looks like it would be, I can revert the commit for unity only08:32
darkxstbut at some point ubuntu really need to just fork g-s-d/g-c-c08:33
darkxstthere will be another round if issues with 3.10, like the display stuff being moved into mutter08:33
jbichawell for that commit,08:33
jbichaUnity could do what gnome-shell does but not today ;)08:34
darkxstUnity hasnt implemented a single feature that has been moved out of g-s-d!08:34
darkxstbtw I think we should just disable the u1 screen in installer08:35
jbichaif you want to make that commit conditional, you can use https://code.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu08:40
jbichaI still have some more cleanup to do to make sure we haven't dropped anything that's been added to saucy over the last few months08:41
darkxstmy package should be in sync upto 3.6.4-0ubuntu1608:43
jbichawell it was missing the changelog entries at least08:46
darkxstright, I think I just cherry-picked the bits that were still relevant09:21
jbichaI pushed rev. 411, my revert patch isn't working though09:32
darkxstI will look into it after diiner09:32
darkxstjbicha: "    - Note that power management was intentionally broken. Specific09:36
darkxst      examples include autosuspend, suspend on lid close, and "media keys"09:36
darkxst      such as brightness control.09:36
darkxst    - Theming is broken in Unity"09:36
darkxstall the above are fixed09:36
jbichadarkxst: thanks, pushed again09:41
jbichaand good night09:41
darkxstgood night09:44
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zerfzef874189hello, I checked the FAQ but I didn't find my question. Is Ubuntu Gnome just Ubuntu with Gnome 3 PPA enabled ( https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 )or is something more ?12:42
jbichadarkxst: the GNOME Shell ubiquity installer looks really nice22:10
darkxstjbicha, ;)22:10
darkxstno 3D support though, until we get proper logind integration22:11
darkxstjbicha, oh and there is still a bunch of indicator stuff on the CD22:13
darkxstjbicha, do you get the power menu in the installer?22:15
jbichadarkxst: yes, I was using VirtualBox on my laptop22:16
darkxststrange its not showing up in vmware, but certain it was on my laptop22:16

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