
micahghrm, are we going another release without libav9...04:46
FourDollarsWho could review my fix at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pristine-tar/+bug/1101939 ?06:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1101939 in pristine-tar (Ubuntu) "pristine-tar is failing to reproduce original tarball" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:16
FourDollarswoops, I should open another bug report.06:24
freeflyinghi there, intended to upload a package, was rejected, seems my dev membership expired again without any notice07:20
siretartmicahg: :-(11:50
siretartmicahg: maybe we can go for libav10 in saucy+1 then11:51
LaneyWe /could/ still try for it now11:51
Laneybut I checked out the state of the transition in Debian and it doesn't look so far along11:52
Laneyso I'm not sure that's a wise idea at this point11:52
siretartLaney: maybe we could stage it in https://launchpad.net/~motumedia/+archive/libav9-saucy - I've tried that already for raring here: https://launchpad.net/~motumedia/+archive/libav9-raring11:56
Laneysiretart: I think what's needed is people coming up with patches11:56
LaneyI guess most of the Debian analysis will apply here too11:57
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ockhamcould anyone pls upload gourmet 0.16.1 to saucy before FF?16:39
ockhampacking is in ubuntu branch of github.com/thinkle/gourmet16:40
ockhamFF's at 8 pm UTC?16:41
ockhamanyone? typing ftom my cell phone, battery almost empty16:44
jtaylorockham: you can get a easy ffe for a while after ffe16:46
jtaylor0.16.1 looks like bugfix?16:46
jtaylorthat can also be done without one16:46
jtaylorhm I wonder if he still got that reply :/16:49
ockhami'm back. anyone willing to sponsor gourmet for me?17:20
jtaylorockham: your upstream?, updating CHANGES would be nice17:21
ockhamyeah. forgot about that this time. sorry, kinda embarrassing.17:22
jtaylorit would be good if it could be resynchronized with debian17:23
jtaylorseems the debian maintainer is responsive17:23
ockhami know. i've been trying to get the debian maintainer to adopt at least some of my changes17:24
ockhambut he's kinda stubborn17:24
ockhamsee my related debian bug reports, past and present17:25
jtaylork, so what changed in 16.1?17:25
ockhami've summed them up in the release notes at github17:26
ockhamdamn, leaving this wifi area soon. FF at 8 pm utc? can i talk to you later?17:27
jtaylorockham: looks like bugfix only?17:27
asomethingockham, if you file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, that will get it on the radar. since it looks like a bug fix release, it will still be ok after FF17:27
jtaylorthose can be added after the ff17:27
jtaylortumbleweed: you sponsored it last, want dibs?17:28
ockhamokay. good to hear.17:28
ockhami contacted tumbleweed yesterday, but no reply yet17:28
jtayloralso new features can be added after ff if they have a good reason, the reason must be better the later it is17:28
ockhamthought i had to hurry, but in this case...17:29
ockhamok, thx everybody & bye for now.17:31
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tumbleweedjtaylor: you're welcome to take it. I'm rather snowed under right now20:48
NoskcajAre there any packages that have to et merged before the freeze? I've got nothing to do for the next hour20:54
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jtaylorwtf its uds again?21:41
jtaylorsecond one I missed because I didn't even know its happening21:41
Noskcajcjwatson, Do you mind if i attempt to merge debhelper?21:49
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TheLordOfTimehow can i force `debuild -S` to use a specific gpg key?  It says that it can't find a gpg privkey however there *is* one on the system.  I cant access my normal devscripts file but i would like to make the key be specified persistently so i don't have to provide it all the time.21:56
jtaylorthoe requirements seem mutually exclusive21:59
jtayloran alias would work assuming you can modify your bashrc22:00
jtaylorbut I wouldn'T see how you can do that but not the devscripts22:01
TheLordOfTimejtaylor, let me rephrase that.22:04
TheLordOfTimewhat do i need to put into devscripts to make it work?22:04
TheLordOfTimebecause on THIS system i don't have a devscripts file yet22:04
TheLordOfTimein my normal build system i do22:04
TheLordOfTime(but that system's not accessible so i need the format of what to enter)22:04
TheLordOfTimejtaylor, that worked, thanks22:05
Noskcajcjwatson, I've merged debhelper at https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/saucy/debhelper/saucy/+merge/183042 . Can you take a look?22:07
NoskcajI'll be online but away, so if you need to contact me, please email me22:07
cjwatsonNoskcaj: I don't think it's appropriate to merge debhelper at this point in the release cycle22:42
cjwatsonAt all22:43
cjwatsonIn general after Debian import freeze I don't think people should be focusing on merges - but debhelper in particular should be left alone unless there's a clear reason to merge it22:43

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