
Kilosmorning psychicist and others05:52
Kiloslo Squirm 05:52
Kilosohi sakhi 05:52
superflyguten morgen06:07
Kilosmorning superfly 06:14
Kilossuperfly, do you leave your router username password as admin? is that safe?06:54
superflyKilos: not at all (on both accounts)06:58
Kilosty 06:59
magespawngood morning07:10
Kiloshi magespawn 07:15
magespawnhow are things today?07:15
Kilosanother back to back?07:15
Kilosall good here ty and there07:15
charlgood morning07:16
Kilosweather liar says we gonna be 28°c today07:16
charlhi Kilos, magespawn 07:16
charlhi superfly 07:16
Kiloshi charl 07:16
magespawn`morning charl07:16
charlMaaz: coffee on07:16
* Maaz starts grinding coffee07:16
magespawnMaaz coffee please07:16
Maazmagespawn: Yessir07:16
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:17
MaazKilos: Okay07:17
Kilosnetworking gets involved hey?07:19
barrydkMorning everyone07:19
Kilosmorning barrydk 07:19
MaazCoffee's ready for charl, magespawn and Kilos!07:20
KilosMaaz, danke07:20
superflyohi charl07:21
barrydkEk gaan gou oor aanteken lyk my ek is op die duitse ubuntu vanmore07:22
KilosMaaz, shup07:25
MaazShup yourself oh noisy one07:25
magespawnhey superfly barrydk07:28
magespawnMaaz botsnack07:28
MaazThank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp07:28
superflyhi magespawn07:31
superflyhi barrydk07:32
barrydkHow are you guys this morning07:32
Kilosgood ty and you. did you fix your ubuntu?07:33
barrydkGood No didn't have time yet used my tab to do g-earth will fight it again later07:45
Kiloshehe hiya Vince-0 07:46
inetprogood mornings07:51
Kilosyo inetpro 07:51
Kiloshi psyatw 07:51
psyatwhi Kilos07:53
magespawnbbl call out07:59
theblazehenhi all08:22
Kiloseish---power cut again08:37
Kilosand more eish cops said sis can have her car on monday but now after many fone calls they say she can come fetch it08:38
Kilosthey too busy they say08:38
Kilosno wonder peeps dont wanna help them08:38
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 08:41
ThatGraemeGuyhooooooowzit? :)08:43
superflyohi ThatGraemeGuy08:45
ThatGraemeGuyoh hiiii :)08:45
Kilosgood here ty. you counting the days?08:45
ThatGraemeGuynot just yet08:45
ThatGraemeGuyi don't have enough fingers ;-)08:45
Kilostoes and ears08:46
Kilosmust be close08:46
ThatGraemeGuytoo complicated :-D08:46
Kiloshi adeebnqo 08:56
Kiloshi space 09:08
spaceHi Kilos.09:08
Kilosyou type the full nick out?09:09
Kilosno tab complete09:12
theblazehenhi Kilos, space and ThatGraemeGuy 09:13
Kiloshi theblazehen 09:13
Kiloshi Cantide 09:16
Cantidehey Kilos :)09:16
Cantidehow's Kilos today?09:16
Kiloshe be good and you?09:17
Cantidei'm okay :)09:18
Cantidegetting nervous for my new job :p09:18
Kilosthese peeps that chat from an addy like this Thunderbi@09:18
Kilosis that from thunderbird mail?09:18
Kilosdont be nervous man09:18
Cantidenot sure, but i've also seen that and wondered09:18
Cantidedoes Thunderbird even do IRC?09:18
Cantidei don't think it does09:18
Kilosi saw it has a chat googie in the mail09:19
Kilosirc and jabber09:19
Cantideoh yeah09:19
Kilosmaybe ill try from here09:19
Cantideit does Facebook, Google Talk, IRC, Twitter and XMPP protocols. Nice!09:20
Cantidei have enough options for IM clients though09:20
Cantideand i may prefer to keep Thunderbird for mail09:20
Kilosshows fb and twitter too09:21
Kiloshehe it works09:23
Kiloswonder why maia stopped using weechat in favour of the thunderbird09:24
Kilosmust have some advantage09:24
magespawnhi meters09:24
magespawnhey Kilos09:25
Kiloshaha and it makes a little ploep sound09:25
magespawnonly one piece of software open at a time09:25
Kilosno it opens a full page over the mails09:26
metersok toods all09:27
Kilossimilar looks to xchat09:29
magespawnnot a tab in thunderbird?09:29
Kilosnope a full page09:30
Kilosdidnt look if you can shrink it09:30
Kilosim happy with xchat and konversation09:30
=== Kilos is now known as meters
=== meters is now known as Kilos
Kilosbefore someone steals that nick09:42
Cantideit seemed to open as a tab for me09:45
Cantidebut i didn't have any chat accounts set up09:45
Cantideso i can't really say :/09:45
Kilosset up and see09:45
Cantideah, k :p09:45
Cantidei'll take your word for it :)09:45
Kiloshehe it open a small window till setup09:45
Kilosthen opened page to chat.freenode.net09:46
Kilosmust have some advantage otherwise clever peeps wont use it09:56
magespawnyou assume the peeps be clever09:58
Kilosmaiabe very clever09:58
Kilosbut not everyone has 10 workspaces like me09:58
magespawnlet me go see what it is about09:59
magespawnjust set up my twitter to run through it, opens in a tab for me, almost like you could use as an os10:01
Kilosdo you have it installed or use online10:02
Kilosi get pop mails here not the imap thing10:02
Kilosoh ya i see now10:05
Kilossorry guys10:06
metersits in a tab here too10:09
metersthats quite cool10:09
Cantideah :)10:10
Kiloshehe it even shows the smileys10:11
Kiloshaha hi thundermage 10:15
magespawncool beans good to know how that works, wonder if i can get it to connect to the quasselcore10:15
thundermageso now we know why the clever peeps use it10:16
Kilosyeah good idea10:17
superflymagespawn: not unless they implement the Quassel protocol.10:18
Kilosmaia not a kde user10:18
magespawnmight be a suggestion to mozilla10:18
Kilosmagespawn, if you wanna save that nick group it10:19
Kilosotherwise next week someone else has it10:20
Kilosquite a cool nick10:20
=== magespawn is now known as thundermage
=== thundermage is now known as magespawn
Kilosso fast?10:26
=== theblazehen is now known as thundermage
Kilosdidnt it tell you the nick is registered10:34
magespawnmaybe i did something wrong10:35
Kilos you gotta /msg niclserv group nick10:35
Kilos     /msg nickserv group nick10:36
=== Cantide is now known as CanEat
magespawnsee it is registered to me10:37
magespawni assumed nickserv would ask for the password10:38
Kilosonce grouped it asks you to identify10:39
magespawnso then it should ask theblazehen for a password10:39
=== magespawn is now known as thundermage
=== thundermage is now known as magespawn
magespawngotta go out later all10:42
Kilosgo well magespawn 10:43
=== CanEat is now known as Cantide
jeandre_hi space 11:23
=== jeandre_ is now known as theblazehen
=== theblazehen is now known as theblazehen1
=== theblazehen1 is now known as theblazehen
charlvery interesting project: http://www.trsst.com/11:52
Cantidei like how suddenly everyone is on this encryption bandwagon :D11:57
Cantidealso, it seems to bring Linux a little more attention11:57
barrydkBuy all have a great evening12:40
charlCantide: at least, on the one side, this whole nsa "scandal" has a positive side12:52
* inetpro dreaming of a day where everyone uses standardised cross platform authentication mechanisms13:05
charlyeah for sure13:21
Kiloshey guys, what is a good email client to use on tablets14:39
Kilosah 14:39
KilosMaaz, what email client to use on tablets14:39
MaazKilos: *blink*14:39
Kilosgoogle what email client to use on tablets14:40
KilosMaaz, google what email client to use on tablets14:40
MaazKilos: "Aqua Mail - email app - Android Apps on Google Play" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kman.AquaMail&hl=en :: "Set up email on an Android phone or tablet - support - Office.com" http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/set-up-email-on-an-android-phone-or-tablet-HA102823196.aspx :: "Improve the efficiency of your Android tablet's built-in14:40
Maazemail client ..." http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/tablets-in-the-enterprise/improve-the-ef…14:40
Vince-0K9 mail client14:41
Vince-0haven't tried it though14:41
KilosMaaz, google k9 mail client for android tablets14:41
MaazKilos: "K-9 Mail - Android Apps on Google Play" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fsck.k9&hl=en :: "k9mail - K-9 Mail is an advanced email client for Android - Google ..." https://code.google.com/p/k9mail/ :: "Issue 2877 - k9mail - Optimized Tablet Display Mode - K-9 Mail is an ..." https://code.google.com/p/k9mail/issues/detail?id=2877 :: "4 Best14:41
MaazAndroid Apps for Email. Android App Recommendations from ..." http://www.androidtapp.com/4…14:41
Kilosty Vince-0 14:42
Vince-0whoot works over! for today14:45
* Kilos sad, gonna format maverick off drive i did for sis. she got tablet to play with now15:04
Kilosthen i got 20g for centos15:07
magespawnhi Kilos15:46
magespawni see my power went off while i was out15:46
Kiloshi magespawn 15:46
Kilosit didnt show here15:47
Kilosi was also off some. must be an inactivity timeout in router15:47
magespawni went off after 15:21 and came back at 15:4915:48
Kilosi was also off then15:49
magespawnMaybe set a ping up so that there is always traffic, will use some data up though15:49
Kiloswas polishing all the gunk the cops put on sisters car to find prints15:49
Kilosdont come off with soap15:49
magespawnsome work to get that stuff off15:50
Kilosset a ping up in the router or on pc15:50
Kiloswow im lame15:50
magespawnOn the pc ping google.co.za15:51
Kilostoo old for that kinda effort15:51
Kilosor too unfit maybe15:51
Kilostyping on keyboard isnt exactly exercise15:51
magespawnThat way the cell does not time out, used to do it with the telkom dial up15:51
Kilosmust surely be a timeout goodie in router somewhere15:52
Kilosbut thats for morrow or so15:52
Kilosthere is a stack of info in the router book15:53
Kiloseven got a warning goodie that can mail you when crackers trying to get in15:54
Kilosi forget the word now15:54
Kiloscold weekend coming15:55
Kiloswow you 19 tonight and 24 tomorrow15:56
magespawnYup warm northern wind15:59
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 16:15
nlsthznuncle Kilos ... alo16:16
nlsthznhow is ZA land... (I am about to have dinner so my day is looking up :p)16:24
inetprogood evening16:44
inetproKilos: are you telling me we have lost the race?16:47
theblazehenh5 a3316:47
theblazehenoops  numlock on netbook16:48
Kiloswhich race inetpro 16:48
theblazehenhi all*16:48
inetproKilos: your sis will rather use a tablet than a PC?16:48
inetprotheblazehen: h516:48
Kiloslol she only plays ms games on her pc16:48
Kilosand learning the tablet so no chance of learning buntu16:49
inetproKilos: does she have a gmail address?16:49
inetprowhy not simply use the gmail app as an email client?16:49
Cantideload ubuntu on the tablet?16:49
Kilosbecause she has a vodamail account too16:49
Kilosi opened her gmail account16:50
inetprothat is dof16:50
inetproset her voda mails to forward automagically to gmail16:50
Kilosthats what voda offered when she got fones that can do mail16:50
Kilosoh i can look at that maybe ya16:51
inetproit is called lock-in16:51
inetprodon't ever do that16:51
Kilosbut going there stinks16:51
Kilosdont ever do what?16:51
inetprodon't use your service providers email services16:52
inetprothey all suck16:52
Kilosbefore i had managed to get the password changed it had used 10m data just going page to page16:53
Kilosand you wait 30 mins before it becomes active after 4 tries16:54
inetproand it complicates your life immeasurably when you decide to jump ship to another service provider16:54
Kilos30 mins each try that is16:54
Kilosvodamail is all she had before i made her gmail account16:54
Kilosbut if k9 can fetch vodamail shell be happy16:55
Kilosvinnie said try that client for tablets16:55
inetproKilos: to forward Vodacom emails go to Settings on the Vodamail interface, click on the rules tab and add a rule, set All e-mails17:18
inetprofrom everyone and forwarded to 'YourGmailAddress @ gmail . com'17:18
Kilosah ty inetpro 17:19
magespawnKilos you can also have gmail fetch the vodamail17:21
magespawnThose settings are in gmail17:21
Kilosya ill find that ty17:22
inetproKilos: I just tested it and it works17:22
Kilosbut methinks let voda earn their living17:22
inetprothough it does leave a copy in the vodamail inbox as well17:22
Kilosyou also got a vodamail account??17:22
inetproI just set it up to test17:23
* inetpro wbb17:23
magespawnI must make sure that gmail empties my other accounts17:24
Kilosthey say fire hazard there by you tomorrow magespawn 17:27
Kilosthen hopefully it will rain17:27
magespawnThere has been big fires burning for last 2 days17:29
Kilosfly sleepin17:33
magespawnLong day, and the mind is always quicker than the fingers17:42
Kilosthat correction is for peeps learning english17:44
magespawnAlso good for me17:45
Kilosbad day today, no noobs17:46
magespawnAh well17:52
charlgood evening folks17:58
theblazehenhi charl 17:58
charlhi theblazehen 17:58
magespawnHey charl theblazehen18:00
theblazehenhi magespawn 18:00
magespawnKilos has just stepped out for bi18:01
charlhi magespawn 18:02
inetproso who is following the latest UDS?18:12
inetprohmm... we don't have anyone interested in what's happening at UDS anymore?18:20
Cantidei don't follow it too closely18:22
Cantideinstead i watch for news coming out of it18:22
inetproahh, same here18:24
* inetpro was hoping that others on here had a bit more of an insight18:24
inetprotumbleweed: you still alive and well?18:25
inetprokbmonkey: wb18:27
kbmonkeythanks inetpro 18:27
kbmonkeyI got my gsm-wifi device from afrihost today. yeehaa.18:28
kbmonkeyjust have not got it connecting via usb yet. wifi works fine via laptop :]18:29
inetprokbmonkey: what did you get?18:30
kbmonkeyinetpro, that offer that went last week at http://www.afrihost.com/landing/mobile_data_preorder/18:32
inetproanother useless buzzword18:34
kbmonkeygsm-wifi is much more descriptive18:34
inetprowifi = wifi18:35
inetprowhat's the diffs?18:35
kbmonkeywb nocware 18:36
kbmonkeyinetpro, I remember when wifi was a buzzword :D18:36
inetpronocware: wb18:37
kbmonkeypyweek starts on Sunday ;)18:38
inetprokbmonkey: there's an accepted standard behind wifi18:38
nocwareinetpro: thanks 18:39
kbmonkeybaked some muffins earlier. yum.18:40
inetprokbmonkey: anyway I hope you'll be happy with that device18:42
inetprolet us know how it goes18:42
inetprokbmonkey: but please explain that 2+3GB option18:42
kbmonkeyinetpro, I'll just be happy to get net access, however it comes ;)18:44
inetprowhy do they say 2+3?18:44
kbmonkeyit is a 2GB data plan, and for the next 6 months they are adding an extra 3G as promotion18:44
inetproso you signed a contract?18:46
inetprofor 24 months?18:46
kbmonkeyno, it is month to month, no contract18:46
Kiloswhats coolll ggrrrrrr18:47
Kilosboth modems showed they could connect but no xchat or pidgin18:47
Kiloshi kbmonkey 18:49
Kiloslike an angry dawg18:49
inetproKilos: kbmonkey got himself a new deal for connectivity to the interwebs18:50
inetproat 2.9c per MB for the next 6 months it's not bad18:50
Kilosthats good18:51
kbmonkeythat is less than a chappie bubblegum18:51
Kiloslook what message ian is getting on kde18:52
Kilos(18:37:06) Iany:  You are banned from this server- Your host is an open proxy (HTTP CONNECT (8080)).  Email proxyscan@freenode.net18:52
kbmonkeyKilos, what is that blue screen of CentOS you spoke of?18:52
Kilosblue is blue like the sky18:53
kbmonkeyoh, not as a blue error screen? ;)18:53
Kilosi fixed it it be tentacles now18:53
Kilosno not the blue screen of death like winsucks18:53
kbmonkeyopen proxy? huh? he is not running a tor node is he?18:53
kbmonkeyfreenode blocks those18:53
Kilosi dont think he knows about tor18:54
Kilosand says he never changed any network settings18:54
inetproKilos: on the cli let him run 'lsof -i:8080'18:56
inetprothat should tell you the service that is running on port 808018:56
Kiloshe just gave me a pile of it trying to connect18:56
Kiloshe has things wrong for starters18:56
nocwareKilos: ohh..totally forgot.Boot repair didn't help. Did the recommended fix...now all i get is Read error it didn't make it worse than before...thinking of creating a boot partition.18:57
Kilosoh my nocware 18:58
nocwareI'm out of  options..18:59
kbmonkeyit is worrying *why* Ian's pc has that port open 18:59
kbmonkeyhaving grub problems nocware ?19:00
nocwarei think so..already re-installed grub19:00
nocwareno use19:01
Kilos(21:03:33) Iany: You are banned from this server- Your host is an open proxy (HTTP CONNECT (8080)).  Email proxyscan@freenode.net when corrected. (2013/8/29 12.35)19:04
Kilos* Closing Link: 8ta-150-247-111.telkomadsl.co.za (*** Banned )19:04
Kilosits something else causing it19:04
Kilosxchat said its using port 800119:04
Kilossomewhere proxy settings19:04
kbmonkeyKilos, get him to run the command inetpro suggested 19:04
Kilosin kde19:04
kbmonkeysomething is serving a connection on that port. freenode checks for such things.19:05
kbmonkeysee http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#proxies for their explination 19:06
Kiloswill get him to look at that over weekend i hope19:06
Kiloslsof -i:8080 does nothing19:07
Kilosi remember one okey here said i must try some proxy settings to use less data and that crashed my kde as well19:08
kbmonkeymay be trivial, but can you try run that again as sudo, Kilos ?19:09
kbmonkeyhmm, it sounds flakey to change proxy settings to "use less data".19:11
magespawnif you had a caching proxy setup it would work19:12
Kiloswill paste his result on my channel19:12
kbmonkeyyes like squid. but Ian won't have a caching proxy now, would he?19:12
Kilos##kilos kbmonkey 19:12
Kilosok here  comes spam sorry19:13
Kiloshavp    1895 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    1896 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    1900 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    1902 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    1904 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    1906 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    1910 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    6531 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
Kiloshavp    6533 havp    3u  IPv4   5061      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)19:13
inetprohe running HTTP antivirus proxy?19:14
Kilossec ill ask19:15
magespawnso 8080 would be an alternate for port 80 then?19:15
inetpromagespawn: no19:16
magespawnokay i am missing something then19:17
inetpromagespawn: read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server19:18
Kiloshe says all else running is skype and firefox19:19
inetproKilos: why is he running havp?19:20
Kiloswhat is it??19:20
inetprohe he doesn't know then he should stop and or uninstall it19:20
inetproif he doesn't know*19:20
kbmonkeynocware, I do not see anything wrong with your grub config. possible that note at the end about making a boot partition could be the cause19:20
Kilosis havp an app inetpro 19:21
kbmonkeynormally it is not an issue, but perhaps in certain configurations? it is not an ssd? or is your drive mode in bios set to AHCI?19:21
inetproaptitude search havp19:22
kbmonkeymy debian repo does not have havp, but google says it is an anti virus proxy with ClamAV scanner...19:22
inetproKilos: most likely a service that he chose to install for some reason19:22
inetproit is in the ubuntu repositories19:23
kbmonkeysee clamsmtp in apt19:23
Kilosok lemme do lotsa removes19:23
inetproor it is a service that was installed as a dependency of something else19:23
kbmonkeyno need to have a virus scanner installed unless it is a mail server forwarding messages to clients with ThatOS(tm) ;)19:24
Kiloshe has no idea19:24
magespawninetpro: why the 8080 port though? 19:24
Kilosmy ibid opens port 8080 as well19:25
inetpromagespawn: that is probably the default port used by havp19:25
magespawnright need to read about havp then19:25
inetpromany proxy servers use 8080 by default19:25
magespawnto protect against attacks coming in on port 80 (normal http port)?19:26
inetpromagespawn: no19:27
inetproa proxy is typically used on the inside of a network to handle all web requests on behalf of network clients19:28
inetprothe proxy server should typically not be accessible from the outside19:28
Kilosclamsmtp is installed19:28
Kiloswhat is it for19:28
Kiloscan he remove?19:28
inetproClamSMTP is an SMTP proxy daemon that checks for viruses using the ClamAV anti-virus software19:30
kbmonkeywe can safely say that pacakge is not installed by default19:30
kbmonkeyI vote you remove it.19:30
Kilosi told him to19:32
Kilosi want him to come to classes with us now this19:32
Kilosbanned from irc ai!19:32
kbmonkeysay, can anybody here build python code into win32 exe's?19:34
nocwarekbmonkey: I haven't created the boot partition yet, i think its not ssd and  i'll  check the bios drive mode.19:34
kbmonkeyI'm failing to setup a WINE environment to do this :p19:34
kbmonkeyI do not think it is a permanent ban Kilos, once that port is closed he should be okay19:35
Kilosyeah hes never caused any probs on irc so its that proxy thing19:36
inetproKilos: anything that is not installed by default or anything that is not consciously installed afterwards (with the correct configuration) should be removed19:36
kbmonkeymay be worth checking after removal if that port was removed from the firewall white list19:36
Kiloshe cant remember what where why or how19:36
kbmonkeylol, it happens on those lazy days when one browses the apt packages ;)19:37
inetproalways check the open ports on your PC and make sure you know what they are open for19:38
inetpronetstat -an | grep LISTEN19:38
kbmonkeythanks inetpro :) adding that to my library of scripts!19:39
Kiloshow do you know whats open to the internet19:41
Kilosor how do you find them19:41
kbmonkey^ see that command inet posted Kilos 19:42
Kilosi have it running19:42
Kiloslooks like all is inside here 19:42
Kilosnothing to outside19:42
inetproalways remember, security starts at home!19:42
Kilosmine all local hey19:43
inetproeven inside a local network at home you do not want services running on your local machine that you do not know about19:43
Kiloswould that same command show if anything was open to outside19:44
inetproman netstat19:44
inetproKilos: on that output of yours you basically have four services running in teh background19:46
inetproand you are actually safe with those for a very good reason19:46
Kiloswhich 419:47
Kiloshere is ians after lotsa remove stuffs19:47
nocwarekbmonkey: Hardware failure?19:47
kbmonkeynocware, why do you sy that?19:48
inetproKilos: those services of yours are all bound to localhost19:48
nocwareI'm just asking..19:49
kbmonkeyinetpro, is that indicated by the 4th column, all going to
nocwaredisk utility does show a few tests failed.19:50
kbmonkeynocware, I had some trouble before trying to boot off drives set as ACHI. 19:50
Kilosians has lotsa stuffs19:50
inetpro127.0.0.1 = localhost19:50
kbmonkeyoh really? hmm yes hardware failure is a big possiblity :(19:50
inetproand IIRC ::1 in tcp6 is also localhost19:50
kbmonkeythank you :)19:50
nocwarekbmonkey, If it is ACHI .19:51
nocwarehow would i change that/19:51
kbmonkeynocware, if it booted before then that wont be a problem.19:52
kbmonkeybest you start looking for a new drive 19:52
nocwareI'll run some tests. Later19:52
nocwarenew drive19:52
kbmonkeytry fsck the disk - file system check19:52
inetproKilos: he needs to find out what is running on ports 139, 25, 445 and 407119:52
kbmonkeysudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda119:53
Kiloshow does one do that?19:53
inetproKilos: sudo lsof -i:###19:53
nocwareI need to boot into live environment19:53
kbmonkeyyou cant check on a mounted partition, iIRC it will ask you to reboot and it will check on reboot for you19:53
inetproor netstat -ntlp19:54
kbmonkeyor boot into live nocware :)19:54
nocwareLet me boot into live19:54
kbmonkeyhang on nocware 19:54
Kilosrun sudo touch /forcefsck and it checks on booting19:54
kbmonkeyoh well19:55
magespawnhow would you build pythin into a win exe kbmonkey?19:56
Kilos21:55:51) Iany: [sudo] password for ci-pc-lap1: 19:56
Kilossmbd    1022 root   28u  IPv6   3725      0t0  TCP *:netbios-ssn (LISTEN)19:56
Kilossmbd    1022 root   30u  IPv4   3729      0t0  TCP *:netbios-ssn (LISTEN)19:56
superflymagespawn: ^^19:56
magespawnthanks superfly19:57
magespawnwould that run on linux?19:57
superflyapparently you can cross-compile using WINE19:58
magespawnkbmonkey seems to be struggling with it19:58
superflykbmonkey: what you struggling with?19:59
inetproKilos: that looks like samba20:00
Kilossamba is for a server?20:00
Kilossamba not needed in kde?20:01
Kiloscan he remove it?20:01
inetprosamba can be very useful for hsaring files between multiple systems 20:01
inetproor for sharing printers20:02
inetprobut if you don't know how to use it it needs to go20:02
Kilosso its safe then20:02
inetproyou can introduce vulnerabilities big time20:02
inetproif your stuff is not properly configured anyone from the interwebs can see your files20:03
inetproand possibly even dump and change your files20:03
inetproor delete20:03
kbmonkeyhello superfly - I was trying to compile my ludum dare game entry to a win32 binary so that the windows people can play it20:04
kbmonkeywindows people dont seem to know about source code XD20:04
Kilosso is it safe to remove samba till we got irc fixed inetpro ?20:04
inetproif havp is removed, and it looks like it is, then irc should be fine20:05
Kiloswhats the microsoft stuff in there20:05
magespawnkbmonkey: would the compile work better on a win system?20:05
kbmonkeymagespawn, not better. but it bundles the dependencies in one download 20:06
inetprosamba can be used to make your PC look like a microsoft file server20:06
kbmonkeyas opposed to installing python and pygame seperately20:06
inetproKilos: let hom run the following: sudo netstat -ntulp20:07
Kilosstill banned20:07
inetproKilos: he's probably blacklisted20:08
Kilosby irc?20:08
magespawnkbmonkey: i can try do it here if you want20:08
Kiloshes never online20:08
inetpro29/08 21:04:11 <Kilos> (21:03:33) Iany: You are banned from this server- Your host is an open proxy (HTTP CONNECT (8080)).  Email proxyscan@freenode.net when corrected. (2013/8/29 12.35)20:08
superflykbmonkey: you using PyInstaller?20:08
inetproblacklisted by freenode20:08
magespawnon the plus side the recommended study time for LPIC 101 is 40 hours20:08
inetprohe'll have to send that email 20:09
magespawnso if we average 4 hours a week 10 weeks20:09
magespawnthen we finish with it the middle of novemberish20:10
inetproKilos: if he doesn't know why he needs a specific service he should not be running it20:11
Kiloswhat are those proxyscan things20:12
kbmonkeysuperfly, I tried py2exe on a work machine, but the resulting exe did not work. so now I am trying pyinstaller in WINE (have been too busy at work to play with games there)20:12
kbmonkeymagespawn, that would be nice if you can thank you :)20:12
kbmonkeylet me see what is involved to do that...20:13
superflykbmonkey: I've never tried it myself, but according to one of the developers, that should work. Presuming you have all the actual Windows DLLs installed.20:13
superflykbmonkey: also, you need to install 32-bit everything because WINE is 32-bit20:13
kbmonkeyyes, I use 32-bit everything20:13
kbmonkeymagespawn, not to worry, I will try pyinstaller at work tomorrow over lunch or early before work. thanks anyway :)20:22
magespawnnp would have be interesting to try20:22
kbmonkeyif you like you can try. I am looking at the docs now on this..20:23
magespawni would need detailed instructions, being a tad clueless about this20:23
kbmonkeyhmm, it seems like step 1 is it builds a spec file, step 2 involves tweaking this file. I don't think it will work first time ;)20:26
magespawnwell we can have a look tomorrow then20:26
kbmonkeysure thing, I will gather all my knowledge for then :)20:27
magespawncool beans20:27
kbmonkeyI did not get this far yet, failing to setup the WINE ;)20:27
magespawnwill also have adsl in the morning20:27
Trixar_zaI actually have wine running an mIRC bot20:27
inetprodamn Vodacom is still as useless as ever here20:28
Trixar_zaoh an hi :P20:28
Kiloshe has mailed freenode inetpro 20:28
Kilosnocware, fixed?20:30
nocwareU said it would reboot right?20:30
nocwareActually fsck...damaged my system...20:31
kbmonkeydoes the drive health still show as having errors?20:31
nocwareOn booting....unknown filesystem..20:31
kbmonkeyoh noes :(20:32
nocwareI'm on my phone...20:32
kbmonkeyyou should be able to boot the live cd still20:32
nocwareOhh well have a separate home partition..20:33
Kilosnocware, wait a bit20:33
Kiloshave you got backups20:33
kbmonkeyokay that is good at least.20:33
Kilosnocware, have you got a external to save to20:34
nocwareNot now, i could wait planning on getting one this week or next.20:35
kbmonkeyboot the live cd, and you can split that partition into that boot,/ partitions that grub info script suggested20:35
Kilosthen we save all you packages in archives20:35
Kilosand rsync home but dont use it till we got the drive fixed20:36
Kilosthen we format drive and partition nicely and install20:37
Kilosmaybe some corruption in there in the boot sector or something20:37
* inetpro waves everyone a good night o/20:37
Kilosnight inetpro ty very much20:38
Kiloswhew look at the time20:38
inetproKilos: you're welcome20:38
* Kilos bows in gratitude20:38
nocwareI'm looking at gparted and only option is well format. 20:39
kbmonkeygn inetpro o/20:39
nocwareNight inetpro20:39
kbmonkeyoh dear. it sounds like the partition table of the drive is missing nocware 20:40
Kiloswait noc20:40
Kiloshow big is your drive20:40
nocwareWhole drive is 25020:41
Kilosok so you must have spare space20:43
Kilosif you look with gparted you should be able to resixe a section and make that a storage partition20:43
kbmonkeynocware, apparently you can recover your partition table..20:44
kbmonkeysee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37012120:44
nocwareKbmonkey I'll look at it.20:44
kbmonkeyyou do it from live cd. does live have xchat?20:44
Kilosnocware, you on 3g or adsl uncapped20:45
Kiloson live you can install xchat20:45
kbmonkeyif you can get your home back, just reinstall the os part and include that boot partition. and keep your home as it is20:46
nocware3g kilos20:46
Kilosmaybe there is something corrupt in home kbmonkey 20:46
Kilosthen we gotta save all downloaded packages20:47
Kilosi do a 12.04 install and only use 20m data20:47
Kilosbut then i have a remastersys dvd20:48
kbmonkeyKilos is master at saving those archives :)20:48
tumbleweedinetpro: yeah, hi20:48
Kilos3g makes anyone good at trying to save20:48
Kiloshi tumbleweed 20:48
Kilosyou home yet?20:48
nocware:) kilos20:48
tumbleweedyeah, got back on monday20:48
Kiloswb tumbleweed 20:48
Kiloswe gotta chat sometime please but not tonight20:49
nocwareI'll do a clean install...I've saved packages before using aptonCd  20:49
Kilosnocware, first go to /var/cache/apt/archives/20:50
Kilosaptoncd dont work with 12.04 by me20:50
Kilosyou know how to get to /archives/? nocware 20:50
Kilosthen filesystem20:51
Kilosthen /var/cache/apt/archives/20:51
Kilosthen on archives right click and properties20:51
Kilosand hope youve been saving them 20:52
Kiloshow many meg or gig20:52
Kilosi got 7g of 12.04 already20:53
kbmonkeythat sure is a lot of download Kilos 20:55
Kilosits every package that 12.04 has used kbmonkey 20:56
kbmonkeynocware, I hope that recovery works. *cross fingers*20:56
Kilosi save them all20:56
magespawnKilos how about testdisk to redo the file system?20:56
Kilostestdisk from live cd?20:57
Kilosdunno how well it works on a working drive20:57
magespawnnot sure if it is on there20:57
Kilosyou gotta install it20:57
magespawni think it can redo the file system, not a 100% sure though20:58
magespawni can ony check tomorrow20:58
Kilosbut better to work from another drive20:58
Kilosat times its not worth all the hassles. easier to clean install20:59
Kiloshes been battling for a week20:59
Kilos2 or 3 hours and new install running kiff20:59
kbmonkeywhat could have caused the boot loader to break liek that?21:00
Kilosyeah but something bad wrong there because boot-repair always fixes boot probs21:01
Kilosmaybe a bad block even21:01
Kilosi got a bad block command but also must use from another drive21:02
Kiloshow did you do the fsck just now nocware 21:03
Kilosfrom cd?21:03
nocwareMy mistake21:04
nocwareIm thinking a clean install...21:04
Kiloshave you found the archives21:04
Kilosdo you want to save the downloaded packages?21:05
magespawni off to bed, good night all21:06
Kilosnight magespawn 21:06
nocwareI do have an iso with some packages...i used aptonCD21:06
Kilossleep tight21:06
kbmonkeynite magespawn o/21:06
Kiloslets try one more fsck from cd21:07
kbmonkeyI dont think fsck will work without a partition table Kilos 21:07
Kilosboot from cd then run sudo fsck -f /dev/sda121:07
Kilosis the partition table gone21:07
Kilosthats mbr corrupt21:08
nocwareSuperblock could not be read....21:08
kbmonkeyno, the mbr defines what to boot, the part table defines how your drive is partitioned21:08
Kilosthe boot sector21:08
kbmonkeytechnically your data is still there nocware, if that recovery helps to restore the part table, you can access the data again21:09
Kilosbrub installs a bit to mbr21:09
nocwareSuperblock has an invalid journal21:11
nocwareInode (8)21:11
Kilossomething corrupt21:11
nocwareThere is an option to clear21:12
kbmonkeywhat are you busy doing nocware ?21:13
Kilosnocware, do you have a largish usb stick?21:13
nocwarekbmonkey? I don't get.21:13
kbmonkeyI do not understand what option to clear means21:13
Kiloshard when the pc isnt in front of you hey21:14
nocwareClear<y>? On the cli21:14
kbmonkeywhat command did you run?21:15
nocwareSudo fsck -f /dev/sda121:15
kbmonkeyno, dont run fsck again21:16
kbmonkeyit wont without a partition table21:16
Kilosi would do it21:17
Kilosit normally asks fix it >y21:17
nocwareKilos :) 21:17
nocwareI'll try gpart tomorrow.21:17
nocwareSeeing as it's late.21:18
kbmonkeyokay :]21:18
Kilosok sleep tight nocware 21:18
nocwareThanks for the help.21:18
Kilosprobs like that keep me up all night till its fixed21:18
kbmonkeygn :)21:18
nocwareI have something exhausting tommorow.21:19
kbmonkeyIm seeing double already -.-21:19
nocwareI'm 21:20
Kilosboth of us21:20
Kilosim normally asleep an hour ago21:20
Kilosno more21:20
nocwareSame here.21:20
Kilosbut if you wanna go on ill stay up21:21
Kilosmonkyou work tomorrow?21:21
Kiloskbmonkey, 21:22
Kilosshame thats so frustrating21:23
Kilosnight all of you. sleep tight21:23
kbmonkeyMaaz, tell kilos good night!21:30
Maazkbmonkey: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode21:30

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