
downbeamya i tried em all00:00
downbeamdeezed ^00:00
wilee-nileedownbeam, what is the formatting?00:00
deezeddownbeam: is it fat32?00:00
downbeamwilee-nilee, whats the formatting... o i cant even find it00:00
downbeamdeezed, how do i find that out?00:00
wilee-nileedownbeam, have you looked in the left panel in home when you plug them in?00:01
downbeamwilee-nilee, ya00:01
deezeddownbeam: can you see your drive in the left side of your file manager as well?00:02
eden_it looks that gnome-shell doesn't allow automatically i have to manually edit it why is that?00:02
wilee-nileedownbeam, plug them in and run sudo fdisk -l and pastebin the text00:02
downbeamdeezed, i use archive manager and it wont even see it00:02
wilee-nileeeden_, You have to be detailed.00:03
wilee-nileeeden_, what is the end goal?00:03
eden_wilee-nilee, i am usiing ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and i noticed that after i install ccsm, and fusion icon00:03
downbeamwilee-nilee, how do you pastebin?00:03
eden_wilee-nilee, i want the gnome-shell to load without telling it so00:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:04
eden_wilee-nilee, from the startup applications00:04
deezeddownbeam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:04
eden_wilee-nilee, or find the root of problem00:04
wilee-nileeeden_, pick it from the login and it will go there if you are using the auto login.00:04
eden_wilee-nilee, there?00:05
deezeddownbeam: sorry, but did you tried with other pen-drive? or an external hd?00:05
eden_wilee-nilee, i don't use the auto login00:05
wilee-nileeeden_, there=gnome shell00:05
downbeamwilee-nilee, deezed can you see it or how do i make you see it?00:05
wilee-nileeeden_, How did you install the gnome shell?00:05
deezeddownbeam: after paste, you can send us the link00:05
downbeamdeezed, i tried all the pen drives00:06
downbeamdeezed, wilee-nilee http://paste.ubuntu.com/6038471/00:06
deezeddownbeam: and it always happens, right?00:06
downbeamdeezed, ya i can never find it00:06
BowblesI am trying to add  vhost to apache2 in Ubuntu, and the service reload is failing. However, there are no errors on the console, nor in the /var/log/apache2/ dir. Any ideas where else I can look?00:07
wilee-nileedownbeam, you on an apple computer?00:07
downbeamwilee-nilee, nope just an asus00:07
eden_wilee-nilee, i think from a ppa00:07
eden_wilee-nilee, but that was long time ago00:07
jribBowbles: what makes you say it is failing?00:08
downbeamhow do you update all of your particions?? deezed wilee-nilee ???00:08
wilee-nileedownbeam, The usbs are formatted with efi gpt that is a problem.00:08
Bowblesjrib: it says fail on the far right in red in the terminal00:09
downbeamwilee-nilee, how do i fix?00:09
deezeddownbeam: can you try 'sudo mount /dev/sdb2' ?00:09
wilee-nileeeden_, what release is this?00:09
eden_wilee-nilee, 12.0400:09
lovinggirlAny pinoy00:09
eden_wilee-nilee, i don't if that helps but i have a hybrid laptop and i have some problems with bumblebee recently the "configure apps " doesn't work00:10
wilee-nileeeden_, the gnome shell is in the repos, you need to remember what you have done. If it is correct choosing it from the login will default it to that choice at the login.00:10
lovinggirlTao po00:10
deezeddownbeam: ok, is there anything saved in these usb drives?00:10
wilee-nileeeden_, I think this is beyond my help.00:10
downbeami'm trying to burn rosetta stone to it deezed00:11
deezeddownbeam: ok, but can you format it first?00:11
downbeami cant find it deezed00:12
jribBowbles: and when you revert your changes?00:12
deezeddownbeam: you can try to run gparted00:12
deezeddownbeam: and then format it with this software00:12
downbeamk how deezed00:12
deezeddownbeam: open your panel, write down gparted00:13
Bowblesjrib: works fine with just the default vhost enabled00:13
downbeami just tried that deezed00:13
deezeddownbeam: and?00:13
BowblesI am pretty much using this exact vhost config: https://code.google.com/p/pcaphar/issues/detail?id=18#c1100:13
downbeamit said sorry no results deezed00:13
BowblesAnd I am just looking for more logging as to why it failed to start00:13
deezeddownbeam: can you open a terminal and run 'sudo gparted'00:14
jribBowbles: you can try "apache2ctl configtest"00:14
wilee-nileegparted has to be installed00:14
deezedwilee-nilee: oh, sorry, its not ubuntu's 13.04 default?00:14
downbeami didn't have it so i just installed it deezed00:15
deezeddownbeam: oh, ok. now can you open it, and see your drive?00:15
Bowblesjrib: PERFECT, thanks much00:16
Coburndoes anyone know what package kde's beeps, bloops and chords are kept in?00:16
BowblesIt looks like I may have forgotten to enable the module00:16
downbeamya i can see it but i dont know how to format it yett deezed00:16
blazem8hi, does anyone know how to set MasqueradeAddress in the latest pure-ftpd?00:17
Matissewhats the diff between quantal-updates and quantal-backports?00:18
Matisseis updates for security issues?00:18
deezeddownbeam: hey, thats for mint, but I think it will help you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9zctyRP43400:18
jrib!backports | Matisse00:18
ubottuMatisse: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging00:18
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jrib!repos | Matisse00:18
ubottuMatisse: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.00:18
Matisseis it possible to add quantal repos with low-prio so that I have to manually choose for updates and nothing is done without my decision?00:19
MatisseI'd like to update libreoffice cause is has annoying bugs...00:20
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BoTB22323How trusted is the program Ssh?00:21
chrispingu2BoTB22323: lol..00:21
deezedBoTB22323: good question00:21
wilee-nileeMatisse, That is a bit of a over response to a single apps problems, you can mess up the whole system messing with the repos, try the PPA.00:22
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lacy20#join ubuntu-cn00:23
BoTB22323Well i was connected to several people, using Ssh.00:23
BoTB22323But it was seemed that i was traced back.00:23
BoTB22323Im wondering how.00:23
BoTB22323If i have dynamic ip.00:23
lacy20join #ubuntu-cn00:23
BoTB22323How trusted is ssh >.>00:23
wilee-nileelacy20, /#ubuntu-cn00:23
deezeddownbeam: did it work?00:23
wilee-nileelacy20, /j #ubuntu-cn00:23
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lacy20i forgot it00:24
wilee-nileeno prob00:24
downbeamdeezed, i dont know yett i gotta pis and im figuring out gparted00:24
deezeddownbeam: lol ok00:24
wilee-nilee!tmi | downbeam00:25
ubottudownbeam: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...00:25
Matissewilee-nilee, can I use launchpad for 3.6 if 3.5 is installed?00:25
Matisselaunchpad for 3.5 has same version...00:25
wilee-nileeMatisse, what launchpad link are you referencing?00:26
Matisseyou mean this ?  https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-3-600:26
downbeamdeezed, hey is this a gpt operation???00:26
MatisseMatisse, https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa00:28
Matissewilee-nilee, -100:28
deezeddownbeam: somehow yes00:29
wilee-nileeMatisse, A ppa will upgrade the packages I use this one. https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-4-0  However I have to wonder if these bugs are not fixable, so far your methodology and thinking is a bit off, I say this as kindly as possible. ;)00:29
downbeamok fuck then it wont work because i have an iso to usb program that wont find it either00:30
wilee-nilee!lanuage | downbeam00:30
wilee-nilee!language | downbeam00:30
ubottudownbeam: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:30
deezedwilee-nilee: thanks00:31
Matissewilee-nilee, maybe they are fixed... wont find out if the version stays the same...00:31
melanie i have just installed kubuntu 12.04 on a dell vostro 1000 for a friend. unfortunately, audio does not seem to be working. would anyone here be able to assist with this?00:31
Matissemelanie, 1st describe what you mean with "not working"00:32
melanieMatisse: there is no sound00:32
Matissewhat did you try?00:32
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Matissetry in bash:  alsa-mixer00:33
wilee-nileeMatisse, I believe that apps like libreoffice are locked to the release, however fixes for bugs would be released.00:33
melanieMatisse: i've tried adding various lines to the end of alsa-base.conf00:33
Matissewilee-nilee, what does locked mean - not supposed to be updated?00:34
Ari-YangMatisse, what's not suppose to be updated?...00:34
wilee-nileeMatisse, version updates00:34
melanieMatisse: things like "options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=0 model=eapd" -- a suggestion from ubuntu forums00:34
Matissemelanie, can you provide the forum link?00:35
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melanieMatisse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155249100:37
Matissemelanie, reboot done?00:40
melanieMatisse: yes... many reboots00:41
Matissemelanie, and the line you copied might be wrong, if you get other output when using the command   head -n 1 /proc/asound/card*/codec#*00:41
downbeamwilee-nilee, do you know of a decent iso to usb program?00:42
melanieMatisse: codec#0 is Conexant ID 2c06 and codec#1 is SigmaTel STA920000:43
_gazza_downbean: have you tried UNetbootin00:44
Matissemelanie, please use a net paste, like http://pastebin.com/   for posting output with >1 line00:45
melanieMatisse: i only posted one line, which is why i did not use pastebin00:45
Matissethats all? didnt except that :)00:47
melanieahhh, yea, that was all00:47
ben_linusi cant dual boot ubuntu & windoze 8 any ideas ??00:49
Matissemelanie, dmesg | grep -C1 -E 'ALSA|HDA|HDMI|sound|hda.codec|hda.intel'   gives what?00:49
wilee-nileeben_linus, You had a look at the uefi wiki?00:49
melanieMatisse: that returned nothing00:50
ben_linusmy daughter told me abt it wilee_nilee, becuz i was trying to dual boot her comp00:50
themanwithnofacehow/where do you guys check for if the latest version of the kernel or grub is out?00:50
wilee-nileethemanwithnoface, any not in the repos is not supported here, just a heads up is all.00:51
downbeamANYONE KNOW OF A GOOD ISO TO USB PROGRAM FOR  UBUNTU 13.04????????????00:51
Matissedownbeam, unetbootin  worked great for me!00:52
wilee-nilee!uefi | ben_linus00:52
ubottuben_linus: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:52
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee: ohhh....  so whatever came default with raring ... wait what? what dyou mean?00:52
Nikonhi there00:52
wilee-nileeben_linus, more info, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729500:52
Matissedownbeam, but your usb and the computer need to be able to boot from usb00:53
NikonI'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 but my laptop overheats before i can install00:53
Matissedownbeam, dont know if a special partitioning is needed for the stick to be bootable00:53
Ari-YangNikon, hardware problem?00:53
NikonI'm in windows at the moment and i dont have a issue00:53
Ari-YangNikon, what kind of graphics does your laptop have?00:54
wilee-nileethemanwithnoface, the kernels and grub are updated through the ubuntu repos in any release, however they may not ne the latest released to the public, but the ones the developers have setup to run in ubuntu00:54
Ari-YangNikon, what card?00:54
Nikonone sec ill check00:54
Ari-Yangcan you be more specific?00:54
NikonRadeon 7660G00:54
Matissemelanie, try    dmesg | grep -C3 irq    .... but if that gives you 1000 lines... it wont be helpful :)00:55
Ari-YangNikon, the only thing that comes to my mind of ATI/AMD laptops overheating with ubuntu is the open source radeon driver...which is known for making laptop's hot00:55
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee: ahhh i see i see, so like defaults , right?  ok, .. poop. i just upgraded to 3.9 .. lol ah well. how do i find out what the newest stable version of grub is? im on the homepage..00:55
wilee-nileethemanwithnoface, why are you worried about grub?00:55
NikonAri-Yang: i was concered about the kernal, 3.0 if i remember correctly has problems with over heating00:55
downbeamMatisse, i dont need the disk to boot i just need it to run an iso image00:56
Nikoni was going to try and install 11.0400:56
Matissewilee-nilee, which ubuntu version do you have with libreoff 4.0 ?00:56
melanieMatisse: it gave no lines00:56
wilee-nileeNikon, 11.04 is eol and not supported00:56
Ari-YangNikon, yeah, that's why I upgraded to kernel 3.10...00:56
Ari-YangNikon, though when I installed ubuntu on this laptop, I could install it, it didn't overheat :/00:56
Matissemelanie, then just paste  dmesg00:56
Nikonwilee-nilee: i was going to install 11.04 to install then update to the lts00:57
Ari-YangNikon, I dunno, maybe install an older version of ubuntu then install 12.04...00:57
Kawata_#gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gor00:57
Kawata_ilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis00:57
FloodBot1Kawata_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
Kawata_#gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis #gorilapenis00:57
wilee-nileeNikon, Bad idea00:57
Nikonmy idea was if i used a older distro without unity it would be less stress on the system00:57
Nikonless heat00:57
* Matisse .oO ( ... dont click...)00:57
subcoolcan someone help me with a package? Java is having an issue. and im not going to pretend to know whatim doing00:58
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee:  well, long story , was trying to downgrade from 13.04 to 12.04.03 b/c i thought it'd be more stable, but it turned out to be more difficult than prev. thought. anyway 13.04 has just been a little buggy...  thought 12.04.03 may be better...00:58
Ari-Yangsubcool, need more details, too vauge...00:58
jribsubcool: give details when you ask your question (use a pastebin for errors, logs, commands, etc.)00:58
subcool-f install causes the system to try to install the package00:58
Matissedownbeam, ok, then i cant help you. the others might need more information about what your trying too00:58
{{let's see how long it takes until netsplit00:58
Matissewilee-nilee, which ubuntu version do you have with libreoff 4.0 ?00:58
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee:  so now i'm sticking with 13.04 until the next LTS.. and trying to update everything, i have GRUB 2.00-13ubuntu300:58
subcooljava-jre is not updating... it erros00:59
jribsubcool: 1) -f install is not a command 2) give full input and output in a pastebin00:59
wilee-nileethemanwithnoface, the grub in the ubuntu repos is considered stable I have never had a problem with it. I am sensing a b it of a flailing about here am I correct. ;)00:59
Ari-YangMatisse, you may know that libreoffice 4.0 may not be in ubuntu's official repos (which tend to have stable things). Though you can get a 4.0 repo with a stable version01:00
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee:  hmm?  lol  what do you mean?  i am a hypochondriac with computers that's for sure... :(01:00
Ari-YangMatisse, can't remember which is more stable between 4.0 and 4.101:00
wilee-nileethemanwithnoface, Ah, you have to be careful with an OS your given enough power to brick easily is all.01:01
MatisseAri-Yang, i just want to know if 4.0 is stable with 12.04  ... and i think that wilee-nilee   uses something newer01:01
subcoolOk- here is something. And its not something ive seen before http://paste.ubuntu.com/603860201:01
melanieMatisse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6038603/01:01
Ari-YangMatisse, whatever is marked as stable, is most likely stable for all ubuntu versions...01:01
wilee-nileeis pretty tough but you have to use informed information and correct techniques01:01
Matissemelanie, still trying? let me help01:01
Matissemelanie, dmesg > log-dmesg.txt01:02
Ari-YangMatisse, latest stable is 4.1.0, which should be stable on all ubuntu versions01:02
Ari-Yangjust try it01:02
Ari-Yangand if things go wrong, you can always uninstall it, Matisse.01:02
Matisseok, thx01:02
melanieMatisse: the pastebin link i posted should work... but the output of dmesg isn't looking too helpful01:03
Matissemelanie, nothing useful in there :)  are other things working?01:03
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee:  i see...  noted and thanks friend :)  i'm really just procrastinating on my C work...01:04
wilee-nileethemanwithnoface, I would not update it out of what the distro provides in general unless there is an obvious fail.01:04
melanieMatisse: everything is working, except audio and wifi.... i have not messed with the wifi yet01:04
themanwithnofaceanyone know how to remove Steam 100% from ubuntu it is bothering me01:04
melaniei just took a radical step, and removed pulseaudio01:04
Matissemelanie, did the same. worked for me01:05
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee:  hmm yeah some issues arose earlier with some program... can't remember... might have been the vim upgrade or something01:05
Matissemelanie, maybe you only got the end of dmesg01:06
Matissetry to output into a file and look if theres more01:06
Ari-Yang[21:06:22] <Matisse> melanie, maybe you only got the end of dmesg ---> she is not here.. she quit saying 'brb'01:10
Matissethx. did see a bit late :)01:10
themanwithnofacewilee-nilee: what verison of ubuntu do you use?   LTS to LTS?01:10
Matissethemanwithnoface, he wont tell anybody... :)01:13
themanwithnofaceMatisse: :O impossibru01:13
kairosUbuntu keeps going into low-graphics mode whenever I boot. How can I determine why?01:19
feeshonI ham having an issue with Synology NAS where the files names went all into hex01:20
wilee-nileekairos, Do you have proprietary graphic drivers installed not in the repos?01:20
feeshonWould there be someone to possibly assist?01:20
feeshonI know it's outside the scope of this room01:20
kimphillkairos, take a look at the relevant Xorg log in /var/log01:20
Ben64feeshon: you may want to contact their support then01:21
kairoswilee-nilee: No, not that I'm aware of.01:21
wilee-nileekairos, Yo.u would of had to install them01:21
wilee-nileeyou would know then01:21
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kairosThere doesn't appear to be any errors in the log file01:23
kairosIs there a skeleton conf file for X anywhere? I appear to have misplaced mine01:26
Ben64you shouldn't need an xorg.conf01:26
wilee-nileekairos, You should post the graphic hardware details.01:27
kairoswilee-nilee: I'm using integrated graphics01:27
kairosWould lshw work?01:27
Ben64lshw -C VIDEO01:28
Ben64and also do ... lspci | grep -i vga01:28
kairosForigve me if those links are wrong01:30
kairosCan't copy nor paste01:30
themanwithnofaceanyone else experience the bug in 13.04 where randomly adjusting brightness with the buttons or settings causes ubuntu to fatally freeze?01:30
themanwithnofacealso what do you do in a fata freeze situation.. i heard01:30
themanwithnofacealt + F1 or something but it didnt work01:31
kairosthemanwithnoface: CTRL+ALT+F<1-8> opens up terminals01:31
holsteinthemanwithnoface: fatal, like, you cant do anything? you wont be able to do anything01:31
themanwithnofaceholstein:  kairos  ahhh crap, so i can only hard reboot?  isnt that really bad?01:32
DouglasKquestion, how does one detach all byobu sessions?01:32
Ben64themanwithnoface: you could try to ssh in01:32
holsteinthemanwithnoface: you can try tty.. as suggested01:32
holstein!tty | themanwithnoface01:32
ubottuthemanwithnoface: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution01:32
kairosthemanwithnoface: Press CTRL+ALT+F101:32
kairosHey there ya go01:32
themanwithnofacethanks, thank you01:33
subcoolOk- here is something. And its not something ive seen before http://paste.ubuntu.com/603860201:33
holsteinsubcool: you'll just need to clean those up.. i usually just remove what is offending.. purge PPA's if there are any.. etc01:34
holsteinsubcool: im also assuming you ran sudo apt-get update at some point01:35
subcoolholstein, yeah, but- the javaapp is just really mad01:35
holsteinsubcool: not following..01:36
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subcoolholstein, java--- The openjdk-java is having severe issues01:37
subcoolholstein, i cant remove it, i cant force it.. and now its serisoul affect me..01:38
holsteinsubcool: did you add a PPA?01:38
subcoolthat- i doont know about01:39
holsteinsubcool: this is what i would run.. sudo apt-get autoremove icedtea-6-jre-jamvm openjdk-6-jre icedtea-6-jre-cacao openjdk-6-jdk01:40
holsteinthen, i would look at my sources.. see that i have no PPA's added that are "broken"... then, i would run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see that that completes with no errors01:41
holstein*then* i would refer to the java wiki..01:41
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:41
subcoolholstein, i cant hlep but feel like an idiot.. that worked.01:43
holsteinsubcool: it happens.. no worries :)01:44
webereincwhen I enter a command 'sudo service cups start' I get an error 'start: Unknown job: cups' error.  Also, there is no file in the var/log/cups area?  Can anyone help troubleshoot why I can't get cups to start so I can add a printer to my new install of Lubuntu?01:46
DouglasKIs it possible to cause byobu to detach all connected sessions?01:47
SonikkuAmericawebereinc: cups is installed, I presume?01:49
webereincSonikkuAmerica: Yes, cups is installed (and re-installed) but it won't start and it's not logging...01:50
SonikkuAmericawebereinc: Weird.01:50
SonikkuAmericawebereinc: You configured a printer?01:51
webereincSonikkuAmerica: This is a new Lubuntu install... I wanted to try to add / configure my wireless printer, but it wouldn't let me because CUPS isn't running.01:52
kabamarobash: /bin/mkdir: cannot execute binary file01:54
kabamaroany command i type01:54
kabamarois like this01:54
kabamarobash: /bin/cat: cannot execute binary file01:54
kabamarowhat to do01:54
SonikkuAmericakabamaro: ...Did you mess with MIME types or extensions?01:54
kabamaromaybe someone did01:54
jribkabamaro: what was the last thing you did before this started happening...?01:54
kabamarohow can i fix it?01:54
kabamaroit was working fine yesterday01:54
kabamarobut someone else logged in today and this happened01:54
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jribkabamaro: ask that person what he or she did01:55
kabamaroit was hacked01:55
kabamarobrute forced01:55
kabamarohow can i ask them01:56
jribkabamaro: so you should be wiping and reinstalling01:56
kabamarono other way?01:56
jribkabamaro: if your system was compromised, you can't trust anything on it.01:56
kabamaroso theres no way to fix it ? :(01:57
SonikkuAmericakabamaro: Hate to say it, but jrib is right - an OS is only as good as it weakest system file.01:57
jribkabamaro: your issue isn't relevant.  The fact that your system was compromised means you should be wiping, reinstalling, and restoring data from known safe back-ups01:58
jribkabamaro: preferably, after you ensure you won't be compromised again in the same manner01:58
kabamaromicrosoft is hosting virtual machines now?02:01
kabamaroubuntu and windows02:01
holsteinkabamaro: try the #ubuntu-offtopic channel02:01
geektechya on Azure02:02
geektechVMware Vcloud too02:02
kabamarowhats vmware vcloud02:07
holsteinkabamaro: its not on topic here to discuss http://www.vmware.com/products/vcloud-suite02:08
kabamarook  uddy02:08
kairosSo my system keeps going into low graphics mode on boot02:11
histokairos: what kind of graphics card?02:13
kairoshisto: None02:13
BenyaminLHmmm, anyone know is the LTS 14.04 will be the stable one with XMIR?02:13
histokairos: That's interesting then how do you have video output?02:15
holsteinkairos: you have some graphics card.. what is the brand?02:15
histoBenyaminL: yes 14.04 will be the next LTS02:15
holsteinkairos: have you set a custom xorg.conf?02:15
histo!releases | BenyaminL02:16
ubottuBenyaminL: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases02:16
kairoshisto: Heh. Sorry. I meant integrated02:16
kairosholstein: No.02:16
histokairos: okay, well it still has a chipset so lspci | grep VGA    will shed some light on the matter02:16
SonikkuAmericaBenyaminL: Also, 14.04 will be Lubuntu's first LTS.02:16
dr_willismir still needs a lot of work from what im reading.02:16
BenyaminL@Histo :no, i mean will it stable with XMIR?02:17
holsteinmir or no, 14.04 should be LTS02:17
histoBenyaminL: Don't know you'd have to ask the dev team. I think as we approach 13.10 we will get a better idea.02:17
SonikkuAmericaBenyaminL: Xubuntu is the only *buntu that will have XMir02:17
kairoshisto: sprunge.us/FQRS02:17
kairosSorry if that's wrong. Can't copy or paste02:17
dr_willismir and stable.   :-(  who can tell at this point02:17
SonikkuAmericaBenyaminL: (if they decide to put it in)02:17
kabamarohow do i unrar .rar files?02:17
kabamarowhen i apt-get install unrar02:17
kabamarono packages found02:17
SonikkuAmericakabamaro: Get p7zip-full02:18
jrib!info unrar | kabamaro02:18
ubottukabamaro: unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version) - binary program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4-0.3 (raring), package size 116 kB, installed size 265 kB02:18
jribkabamaro: make sure you have multiverse enabled02:18
histokairos: What do you mean by low graphics mode?02:18
BenyaminL@SonnikkuAmerica : really good :) but i face many problem on 13.04 lubuntu, is it safety upgrade to 13.10 and to 14.04?02:18
histokabamaro: unrar-nonfree I believe it's called02:18
dr_willisunrar --help     for the syntax02:18
kairoshisto: I get a popup that says something along the lines of switching to low graphics mode02:18
xmetali need to readup more on LTS's02:19
histoKabaka: unrar-free02:19
kairosIt has several options. Troubleshoot, start in low-graphics mode, reoncifugre, etc02:19
BenyaminL@SonikkuAmerica : i heard xubuntu using x11?02:19
histokairos: What version of ubuntu are you booting and how?02:19
kairoshisto: 12.10 via TTY02:20
SonikkuAmericaBenyaminL: Let me check with the Xubuntu party. There might be too much helium in their balloons.02:20
aMonikerHow can I tell which version do-release-upgrade will upgrade to?02:20
aMonikerI want to move from 11.10 to 12.04... I don't want 13.04 by mistake02:20
histokairos: I have no idea what menu you are speaking of perhaps you can take a picture of it and post to imgbin or somewhere02:21
histo!paste | kairos02:21
ubottukairos: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:21
SonikkuAmericaaMoniker: You can only upgrade to the next version by that method.02:21
BenyaminLSonikkuAmerica : Ok Bro, i'll back for the other news :) i wana take breakfast *watching the conjuring :)02:21
dr_willisaMoniker:  it should  go  lts to lts..  or nonlts to next release02:21
xmetalhmm LTS's allow you to update to the lastest software packages without having to upgrade the entire OS?02:21
SonikkuAmericaBenyaminL: ... Breakfast? Eastern Hemisphere?02:21
aMonikerSonikkuAmerica: What's the next step from 11.10?02:21
histoaMoniker: it will only upgrade to the next release. If youa re running LTS you can go LTS > LTS02:21
histoaMoniker: 12.0402:21
SonikkuAmericaaMoniker: Read what histo said.02:21
aMonikerhisto: ok good, thanks02:21
histoxmetal: No not the latest.02:23
kairoshisto: No, I can't. I can't run programs while that menu is open02:24
histokairos: with your cell phone or digital camera02:25
histokairos: is this the installation cd or an installed system that you are booting?02:26
kairoshisto: Installed02:27
kairosJust started happening after a reboot a while ago02:28
histokairos: what happens after you make a selection?02:29
somsip!fud | AcidRain201202:32
ubottuAcidRain2012: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt02:32
kairoshisto: When I select 'Enter low-graphics mode for one session', it says the display is going to restart. It just hangs, though. When I select 'reoncigure configuration', I get two options: Use default config, or use my backed-up config. Nothing happens when I select either of those. Troubleshoot the error gives me xserver log file, with no way to paste it. However, I don't see any errors or anything that would cause this02:32
AcidRain2012somsip, im watching the video now. its just bashing unity02:33
somsipAcidRain2012: it's not a support issue, so it's OT at best02:33
AcidRain2012off topic02:34
AcidRain2012got ya02:34
histokairos: Is this a unity message like GUI based or grub based message text based?02:34
somsipAcidRain2012: yes. Try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chats02:34
somsipAcidRain2012: thanks02:34
histokairos: before or after you login?02:34
kairoshisto: GUI. And before.02:34
histokairos: What were you doing just prior to this starting?02:36
kairoshisto: I had exited i3 to try a new WM, and my system hung. I reboot, and this happened.02:37
histokairos: is your hard drive full?02:37
AcidRain2012beefy miracle lulz02:37
histokairos: http://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error02:38
kairosI can't open a URL02:38
histokairos: Do you not have another machine to check the solutions at that URL?02:41
majornickhey yall. Ubuntu 13.04 here. wondereing if anyone knows of a app for recording my voice in a tweaked way. i want to do a podacast anonymously. i have several mics. i just need an app that can record my voice in an alternate persona. anyyone know of an app that can do this?02:43
nerdtronrecord as normal voice and then pass a filter in audacity to alter your voice02:44
majornickok so record normal and then "audacity" is the app i use to filter the audio?02:44
Gnarlyyes, that can adjust the timbre and the like in the same program02:45
nerdtronmajornick yes, you can install it from the software center02:45
histomajornick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89921802:45
nerdtronBTW, majornick audacity can't save MP3 by default... I think it needs a LAME.dll ( at least in windows) to be able to export MP3. other formats are good to go02:46
histomajornick: http://lobstertech.com/voice_changer.html02:46
majornicki am on Ubuntu 13.04 so i hope audacity works for me as i dont need real time changing. thanks. i got confused when i looked before because everyone wants real time changing for skype or whatever. looks like audacity will work for what i need. thanks again02:48
wilee-nileeHas not the LTS Enablement Stack for 12.04 been set up for 64 bit?02:49
kairosGreat. Timed out.02:51
kairoshisto: Ugh. This is weird. lightdm nor slim worked, but kdm is02:54
kairosAlso I don't have mouse support. Nice.02:54
histokairos: were you perhaps messing with file permissions also?02:54
histokairos: weird. Something has gone wrong with your config files most likely.02:55
kairosWhich ones should I take a look at, do you think?02:55
histowilee-nilee: what enablement stack?02:55
histowilliangliao: they are only intended for x86 hardware at this time according to the wiki02:56
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
kabamarohow do i start apache2 with a certain server name?03:03
NeverHerekabamaro, what do you mean certian server name? like a domain name?03:03
kabamaroits running on a wrong ip address03:04
kabamaro * Starting web server apache2                                                  apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName03:04
kabamarothats local03:04
kabamaroso its not working when i use it03:04
NeverHerenot sure, never heard of apache doing that before03:05
nerdtronkabamaro what is your /etc/hosts contain?03:05
NeverHereusually localhost is
NeverHereyou can find out with hostname command03:05
somsipkabamaro: This should help: http://is.gd/PeLczK03:06
histokabamaro: What do you have apache listening on?03:06
kabamarothats my server ip03:07
kabamarotry http:// my ip03:07
kabamaroits timed out03:07
histokabamaro: Is your server behind a router or firewalled?03:09
histokabamaro: I can't even get a ping response from that ip btw03:10
histokabamaro: also you IP is owned by microsoft so that's rather odd03:10
kabamaroyeah its firewalled03:11
kabamaroyes man, microsoft is hosting it03:11
kabamaronvm i fixed it03:11
kabamaroit was a firewall problem03:11
kabamarocan you help me with 1 more thing?03:13
kabamaroi have postfix installed but its not sending emails03:13
kabamaroshould i have port 25 UDP/TCP or only TCP?03:15
kabamaronvm i fixed it03:16
histokabamaro: Why are you attempting to run your own mail server?03:16
NeverHerekabamo is you get postfix working you must teach me how lol, i can't get mine to recieve emails to save my life03:16
histoNeverHere: postfix doesn't receive mail03:16
mhrhi, I have this problem (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1173759/comments/14), mediatek.com is gone, so does anyone have another copy of that file, or is there a mirror somewhere...?03:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173759 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu 13.04 can detect wi-fi but can't connect" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:17
kabamarohisto sending newsletters03:17
kabamaroto customers03:17
mhrand maybe that's not even the solution. My problem is that I can detect wifi, but cannot connect.03:18
NeverHerehisto, eh whut lol doesn't postfix recieve the email on the server and forward to the correct inbox of the user?03:18
nerdtronkabamaro sending newsletters if you don't own a mail domain is considered spam03:18
NeverHerelike sendmail03:18
majornickupdate. 13.04 here. installed "audacity" from ubuntu software center. recorded audio. edited effect and pitch. exported to mp3. everything was fine until i went to play the saved file. then i was asked to install 3 gstreamer libs. i did and it is all fine now. i am using this software for research purposes/and or is legal in my curent country.  i promise and thank you.03:18
nerdtronmajornick glad to here you sorted it out.. and always use the software with responsibility goodluck :)03:19
majornicknerdtron: :)03:19
=== Hexeon|2 is now known as Hexeon
wizard_evening, everyone. I made a stupid mistake. I was updating drivers on one of my boxes and accidentally installed nvidia drivers on a box with Intel 4600. now I get a black screen when I log in using Unity. I'm on the fallback gui at the moment03:21
usr13wizard_: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:23
majornickwizard_: oh your fine. these guys will have you sorted out in no time03:23
wizard_"no such file or directory" when I tried that03:24
usr13wizard_: Uninstall the Nvidia driver.03:24
majornickusr13: thats what i was thinking lol03:24
usr13wizard_: How did you install it?03:24
usr13wizard_: did you use the package manager?03:25
wizard_I actually did. before I did, I was getting a blank screen. I could see my desktop background but nothing else. after uninstalling it I have a black screen lol03:25
wizard_I used the terminal. give me a sec and I'll pull up what I did03:25
majornickwizard_: so now install the correct driver?03:25
wizard_sudo apt-get update03:26
wizard_sudo apt-get upgrade03:26
usr13wizard_: ls -ltr /var/lib/dpkg/info/   #Will show you the latest packages last.03:26
wizard_sudo apt-get install nvidia-current03:26
wizard_ok let me give that a try. thanks so far by the way, everyone03:26
usr13wizard_: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current03:26
majornick&& sudo apt-get install intel-current?03:26
wizard_intet-current doesn't seem to be a thing. let me see if it's named something else03:27
majornickwizard_: no03:28
majornickdont listen to me03:28
majornickwizard_: i am a noob thts why i put the question mark after that03:28
usr13majornick: no03:28
wizard_oh lol03:28
wizard_I already removed nvidia-current03:28
wizard_sudo apt-get remove nvidia03:28
wizard_either way03:29
usr13wizard_: lspci   #Tell us the line that describes your video card.03:29
mhrah, the guy corrects the broken link later down the page, whoops03:29
majornickwizard_: my solution=reinstall clean from hash sum checked iso using unetbootin.. fixes everything everytime03:29
NickRicecodeblocks hasnt been able to install in ubuntu succesfully since switching from a partition to a virtual machine, is this a common issue?03:30
wizard_what exactly am I looking for once I enter lspci?03:31
usr13wizard_: lspck |grep Intel03:32
b_lspci lists your current drivers correct?03:32
majornickwizard_: copy and paste output to imagebin.com03:32
usr13b_: No03:32
majornickwizard_: then post the link here03:32
usr13wizard_: lspci |grep Intel  *Typo03:33
usr13corrected  ^^^^^^03:33
usr13wizard_: lspci |grep VGA03:33
majornickusr13: he caught the typo03:33
usr13majornick: Why would he use imagebin?03:34
mhrokay, so this is it http://www.mediatek.com/_en/07_downloads/01_windows.php?sn=501, but I can't figure out how to download the file! (which is called RT539x PCIe)03:34
usr13majornick: Rather than pastebin ?03:34
majornickusr13: i dont know i am just attempting to be helpful and am obviously getting in the way so i will go now. thanks and bbl UBUNTU!!03:34
wizard_ok, everything is copied. want me to paste it here or would that be too much spam?03:35
usr13wizard_: Do, use paste.ubuntu.com03:35
mhris that what goes to the email? or was that just to get my information...? now I feel stupid03:35
usr13wizard_: lspci |pastebinit03:36
usr13wizard_: Show us the resulting URL03:37
auntiepattykhoHi Everyone, could you help me out with this error below?03:38
auntiepattykhoI am trying to run a VM inside a VM but got this error when running it..03:38
auntiepattykhoStarting install....03:38
auntiepattykhoERROR internal error Process exited while reading console log output: char device redirected to /dev/pts/003:38
auntiepattykhoCould not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied03:38
FloodBot1auntiepattykho: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:38
auntiepattykhoNo accelerator found!03:38
usr13!paste | auntiepattykho03:38
ubottuauntiepattykho: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:38
usr13wizard_: lspci |pastebinit  #Send resulting URL03:39
wizard_sure thing, one moment03:39
awc737I repeatedly have to /bin/bash --login to use certain commands03:39
awc737even though i've run chsh, and checked /etc/passwd that /bin/bash is my shell03:39
awc737what does "Run command as Login Shell" do?03:41
usr13wizard_: cat /etc/issue  #Paste output here.03:41
guest___I want to install KDE in my Ubuntu 12.04.2 install.  Will KDE overwrite the default DE?03:42
usr13guest___: Yes.  Just do:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:42
xmetalno, it will be added as an extra option03:43
usr13guest___: xmetal is correct, (I was wrong).03:43
guest___<usr13> and <xmetal> thanks.03:44
devslashis there a way to auto hide the taskbar at the top of my desktop in ubuntu 13?03:44
xmetalhold on .. i think the question was will it "remove" the default dE ... kde may set itself as the default de, when you install it (i forgot) though you could change it back if you wanted03:45
xmetali am a Mint users with a number of DE's installed03:45
BoTB22323Python Works Well With DreamWeaver03:45
BoTB22323Would have never guessed it.03:45
usr13wizard_: is this a laptop or desktop?  (Tell us make and model.)03:46
uwto install the package it's just "apt-get install experimental PACKAGENAME".     however to build-dep of that experimental package, how do i specify it?03:47
guest___How could I keep my default DE while having KDE as a secondary DE?  Is there a command in the terminal I will need to execute?03:47
wizard_laptop. System76 Gazelle Professional03:48
usr13wizard_: uname -a   #Just paste the results here.03:48
auntiepattykhoHi..Im having issues installing a vm from a vm..ran the command03:48
auntiepattykhosudo virt-install -n devstack-1 -r 256 \--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/devstack-1.img,bus=virtio,size=4 -c \mini.iso --accelerate --network network=default,model=virtio \--connect=qemu:///system --vnc --noautoconsole -v03:48
auntiepattykhoand got the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/6038966/03:48
wizard_Linux Hokus 3.8.0-29-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 13 19:40:39 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:48
usr13wizard_: So this system already had Ubuntu installed when you got it.  Right?03:48
auntiepattykhocan anybody help me with this ?03:49
usr13wizard_: So you just did a distribution upgrade?  Maybe from 12.04 to 13.04?03:49
wizard_it came installed with 13.04. I never had to do an upgrade03:49
TheRC51Whenever someone has time I have an issue I need help with.03:49
usr13wizard_:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:50
Ben64auntiepattykho: it really doesn't seem like an ubuntu issue03:50
devslashis there a way to autohide the top panel in ubuntu ?03:50
uwdevslash, which ubuntu version and desktop?03:51
wizard_all right then. everything is updated and upgraded03:51
devslashuw ubuntu 13 desktop03:51
usr13wizard_: See if it works ok now.  Reboot.03:51
TheRC51I'm having an issue installing Ubuntu on my new computer. I installed windows 8 on one SSD and I installed Ubuntu onto the other SSD using a flash drive install. But Grub won't come up and let me choose which operating system to choose. In the bios I changed it from the Windows UEFI to "other os". And fastboot is disabled in windows 8. Still every time it goes to Windows 8 when it boots up. Any ideas?03:51
wizard_sure thing. I'll let you know in a few minutes. thanks so far03:51
=== illuz is now known as ftiasch
Ben64TheRC51: set the computer to boot from the 2nd drive03:52
auntiepattykho@Ben64: why? I'm using Ubuntu to create the VM and followed the guide found in this page https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/libvirt.html03:52
auntiepattykhobut got the error03:52
=== ftiasch is now known as illuz
TheRC51I've tried that but I'll try it again Ben6403:52
themanwithnofaceanyone else experience the bug in 13.04 where randomly adjusting brightness with the buttons or settings causes ubuntu to fatally freeze? sorry asking again, maybe somebody has here, now has experience with this?03:52
Ben64auntiepattykho: yeah, but you're trying to do some VMception kind of thing03:53
taterسمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ03:56
TheRC51Ben64: Didn't work. Still went straight to Windows 803:56
StaticSilvaTheRC5, I had the same problem. Not really sure how I fixed it.03:56
Ben64TheRC51: then either you didn't set the correct drive to boot, or grub isn't installed, or maybe a secret third option03:56
TheRC51Correct drive was set. I know that for sure.03:57
TheRC51Grub should have installed with Ubuntu. No errors came up.03:57
wizard_hey, I'm back. looks like I'm back to a blank desktop with only my background visible when I choose unity as my DE03:57
Ben64you could try that from a livecd/usb and see what it says03:58
wizard_if worse comes to worse I'll back my files up on an external drive and reinstall. not the end of the world03:58
TheRC51Boot from live usb?03:58
TheRC51boot repair*03:58
TheRC51Ok I will try that.03:58
wizard_@usr13 I'm back to using the GNOME Fallback for the time being04:00
StaticSilvaAnyone know how to make the default font in Ubuntu look for like Windows?04:01
StaticSilvamore like*04:01
usr13wizard_: I think you just need to reset unity.04:02
usr13wizard_: unity --restart04:02
lotuspsychjeBen64: !recovery maybe?04:03
wizard_will that work from the DE I'm currently in?04:03
usr13wizard_: Ctrl-ALt-t  #Should give you a terminal.04:03
=== hacker is now known as Guest81176
wizard_all right, I'll give it a shot04:03
StaticSilvaHow many of you here use nothing but Linux as your OS? And how would I go about doing it if I play games?04:04
b_staticsilva steam04:05
TheRC51Ben64: I am running Boot Repair and this error came up04:05
StaticSilvaNot every game is on Steam though04:05
TheRC51GPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag). This can be performed via tools such as Gparted. Then try again.04:05
b_therc51 you have a new machine with win8 secure boot enabled?04:05
TheRC51I turned off secure boot in my Bios04:06
=== AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta
b_staticsilva use a vm of windows04:07
b_main os = ubun04:07
dec0d3rTheRC51, this might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/83771/recovering-grub-after-installing-windows-704:07
StaticSilvaI would, but then my games would look terrible04:07
b_dec0d3r he is on win 8 though04:08
b_staticsilva have you tried it?04:08
Ari-YangStaticSilva, then dual boot?04:09
Ari-Yangboot into windows when you want to game and boot into ubuntu for everything else?04:09
dec0d3ri'm noob on win 8, but wouldn't it be the same?04:09
StaticSilvaWhen I tried dual booting I ended up mostly using Windows for everything and not using Ubuntu04:09
Ari-YangStaticSilva, and using a virtual machine for gaming may not be so great.... unless you're on a high power machine I guess04:09
Ari-YangStaticSilva, then just stick with Windows? *shrugs*04:09
StaticSilvaIts mostly though because I'm used to it04:10
StaticSilvaBut I hate WIndows04:10
TheRC51dec0d3r this warning came up while i was working on what you sent me.04:11
TheRC51GPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag). This can be performed via tools such as Gparted. Then try again.04:11
TheRC51Ops sorry wrong one. hold on04:11
TheRC51WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdb'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.04:11
TheRC51This one04:11
StaticSilvaWhen I tried dual booting I had the same problems TheRC51 is having now04:11
=== Yojimbo- is now known as Yojimbo_
Ben64TheRC51: use gparted then04:12
StaticSilvaI had Windows on my sdd and ubuntu on my hard driv e and it wouldn't boot ubuntu04:12
b_staticsilva partition tables correct?04:14
wizard_@usr13 wizard@Hokus:~$ unity --restart04:14
wizard_Usage: unity [options]04:14
wizard_unity: error: no such option: --restart04:14
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=== AntiSpamMeta2 is now known as AntiSpamMeta
Ari-YangStaticSilva, there are countless walkthroughs of dual-booting ubuntu with windows, here's one http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/tired-of-windows-8-how-to-dual-boot-windows-ubuntu/04:15
Ari-Yang^ TheRC5104:15
Ari-Yangyou might be interested? *shrugs*04:15
TheRC51Currently going through one. Thanks though Ari-Yang . I'll try yours if this current one doesn't work.04:15
StaticSilvaMight have to try that tutorial gain04:16
StaticSilvaagain, all though it seems like something always goes wrong that isn't explained in it04:16
wizard_heh, I guess I'm just not having luck tonight04:17
StaticSilvaThe biggest problem I have though is figuring out how to disable Secure Boot in my Bios04:18
StaticSilvaBy the way is that tutorial about dual booting when each OS is on a different drive?04:19
Silver_ArrowI just installed qtsixa to try and use a PS3 Sixaxis controller for a game in wine. How can I tell if the problem is the system not recognizing the controller, or just the game?04:19
b_staticsilva read it and see man04:19
TheRC51Got onto step 4. These are the instructions04:22
TheRC51sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install grub-pc sudo grub-setup /dev/sda     # NOTE THAT THERE IS NO DIGIT sudo umount /boot04:22
TheRC51But I ran into an issue running sudo grup-setup /dev/sda04:23
TheRC51The error said the command was not found04:23
wizard_no luck with "unity --restart". I may just start from scratch04:23
TheRC51any ideas Ben6404:24
StaticSilvaSo besides Ubuntu, what Distros do you guys use?04:24
Ari-YangStaticSilva, there are dozens of Linux distros...04:25
Johnny_LinuxNOT WINDOZE04:25
Ari-Yangremember StaticSilva this is a support channel for off topic stuff join #ubuntu-offtopic04:25
StaticSilvaoh ok. didn't know04:26
TheRC51Ari-Yang did you see the recent error that I mentioned?04:26
Ari-YangTheRC51, nope, and not really an expert when it comes to this. Though if I were you, I'd google the error and find threads and topics about it to see if there are any answers that may help me.04:28
TheRC51Yeah, i'm currently doing that now. Thanks though.04:28
DoYouKnoware there any channels for Zorin, or places where I can ask questions on freenode?04:30
DoYouKnowit's an ubuntu derivate04:31
Johnny_Linux /list04:31
DoYouKnowthat will just flood my client04:31
Ermesciao a tutti04:32
Johnny_Linuxwhat client do you use04:32
Ermesitalian is allowed?04:32
DoYouKnowJohnny_Linux: irssi04:32
Johnny_Linuxah ok04:32
Ermesnessuno parla italiano ?04:32
Johnny_Linuxdosnt zorin provide that info on their site ?04:32
wilee-nileeDoYouKnow, #ZorinOS04:33
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)04:33
AcidRain2012how can i run a cron job as root?04:35
Ben64use root's crontab04:35
AcidRain2012im using the 'scheduled tasks' gui04:37
Ben64AcidRain2012: what are you trying to run anyway04:38
AcidRain2012a cronjob that will keep stats on my ftp server. but the location that contains the files is owned by root.04:38
Ben64well yeah then, just edit root's crontab04:39
AcidRain2012where exactlly is roots cron tab?04:40
Ben64use the command "crontab"04:40
AcidRain2012well... is there a way to gain root in bash?04:40
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qinAcidRain2012: sudo -i04:50
qinAcidRain2012: ftp and root sounds bad, much worst than ftp itself04:51
AcidRain2012its sftp using ssh keys as authentication ;)04:52
AcidRain2012im just used to saying ftp04:52
qinstill bad ;)04:52
AcidRain2012... epic perhaps is the term  your querying with the expectations of desired results? ;D04:53
qinAcidRain2012: i not really sure if running ftp as root is better than changing ownership of files to share. sudo crontab -e; and ftp config;04:55
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=== cheesecakes_yumm is now known as cheesecakes
revealHello all, I am in need of installing an EOL version of Ubuntu, Ubuntu 11.04 i386 desktop. My school teacher will only allow this version to be used with lab assignments. I tried to use wubi but it fails even if i modify the manifest to replace old-version. Is there a way to get natty with wubi04:59
uwgood luck with that one05:01
revealyeah ive read lots of posts no success05:02
qinreveal: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/ what prevents you from using live system?05:02
toketokensenanybody have any luck installing on an hp envy h9?  ubuntu installs just fine with or without uefi and secure boot enabled but boots to a black screen and can't install grub05:02
toketokensenany ideas?05:02
AcidRain2012no no qin. u jail the user into a directory. root has to have ownership of it. and permissions have to be set. that is pretty secure ftp :o05:02
revealqin: id prefer the less headache route of install with a gui inside windows less afraid to jack stuff up05:02
toketokenseni don't want windows 8 ever05:03
revealdoes anyone know wif there are any SUPER major revisions from 11.04 to current05:03
toketokensenlke even with a clean wipe/install it doesn't work05:03
Ben64reveal: 11.04 is no longer supported, you can do what you want, but you're on your own with it05:03
revealBen64: Yeah I saw that but with it being no longer supported can't use wubi05:04
MH53_Intelgui install from windows sounds like more of a headache to me fwiw ;)05:04
Ben64wubi is not a good solution anyway05:04
wilee-nileetoketokensen, This thread may help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729505:04
Ben64reveal: you should use 12.04 or 13.04, as they are still supported here05:04
qinreveal: get unertbootin, usb drive, install foolproof system; wonder if unetbootin will install line natty...05:04
revealI tried the pen drive ubuntu method05:05
revealslow as malasys05:05
qinreveal: hehe05:05
revealBen64: do you know if there are any realy changes between the 11.04 to 13.0405:05
Ben64tons of changes05:05
reveali emailed my teacher tell him im not going to install an outdated distro on my computer and be vulnerable to people05:06
Ben64smart idea05:06
reveal the i386 version of Ubuntu 11.04 are the only official distributions for this class. These are the only distributions that the labs have been tested against and verified to work with. These are also the only distributions for which students can expect any instructor support. Students attempting to use any other distributions or distribution versions may find that the labs do not work correctly for them. Such students, if they ask for help, will only be told 05:06
kabamarohow to clean mail queue?05:06
revealthats what he said05:06
kabamarodelete mails in queue05:06
revealthis is for a linux+ class05:06
Ben64what kind of class tells you to use outdated software05:06
revealits either ubuntu or fedora *shudders*05:07
Ben64and why would a class use a non-LTS release05:07
Ben6412.04 is supported until 201705:07
reveali dont know im going to ask him ad just use 12.0405:07
revealall else ill livecd it hehehe05:07
kabamarohow to remove all mails in queue?05:07
qinreveal: vbox?05:08
revealqin, i tried a vmware of it but gnome is painfully slow updating the applications05:08
kabamarohow to remove all mails in queue05:08
Ben64!patience | kabamaro, and more details couldn't hurt05:09
ubottukabamaro, and more details couldn't hurt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:09
kabamarosorry Ben64, i have sent over 9000 emails, i want to remove them from mail queue, i want to stop it.05:10
qinkabamaro: postfix nighmare? -f05:10
revealBen64: do you trust wubi for 12.04 or should i burn it to disk and05:10
kabamaroqin ?05:10
Ben64reveal: i'm really not a fan of wubi at all05:10
qinkabamaro: what mail are you using?05:10
qinkabamaro: postfix flush (or -f)05:11
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kabamaropostfix: invalid option -- 'f'05:12
kabamaroi did postfix flush05:12
kabamarobut when i do mailq05:12
kabamarothey're still there05:12
revealpostsuper -d mailID05:13
kabamarooh, there are many, reveal05:14
revealmailID is the ID of the mail in the mail queue.05:14
kabamaroabout 900005:14
revealpostsuper -d ALL05:14
revealwill delete all queued mails from the mailq.05:14
BoTB22323What's the command to connect to here under terminal05:14
BoTB22323I forgot zzzzz.05:14
kabamarothanks sir05:14
kabamaroyou are da bomb05:18
BoTB22323Can i get some help here?05:18
BoTB22323I was just connected to this site, but i was under my terminal. I had the process to do so05:19
BoTB22323Copied down05:19
BoTB22323But i lost it05:19
BoTB22323Can i get the commands under ubuntu/wine using a terminal to do so?05:19
james-ubcso my bash prompt right now is (precise)james@localhost:~$ how would I get rid of the (precise) part?05:24
james-ubchappend on an update05:24
gbushprogsthat's something I've never seen05:24
gbushprogswhat does "echo $PS1" say05:26
wilee-nileejames-ubc, number of hits on the web this looks easiest. http://askubuntu.com/questions/145618/how-can-i-shorten-my-command-line-bash-prompt05:28
wilee-nileethis one two https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizingBashPrompt05:28
james-ubc\[\e]0;(precise)\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$05:28
james-ubcI'm looking at my .bashrc05:29
james-ubcand there's no refrence to (precise)05:29
james-ubcvery strange05:30
gbushprogsoh, it looks like an update just added (precise) into your prompt05:30
gbushprogstry executing: export PS1="\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$"05:33
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gbushprogsthe easy way to fix that permanently is to put the export command at the end of your .bashrc file. That's the dirty way to do it.05:35
james-ubcthat doesn't appear to have done anything when executed05:37
james-ubcstrangest thing ever or what?05:38
gbushprogsIt's just odd that Google has nothing, ROFL05:39
james-ubcIDK where else to look05:39
james-ubcfor the refrence05:39
james-ubclike whats setting it05:39
gbushprogsIf google doesn't have it, it must not be on the Internet -- lol, j/k05:40
james-ubcthat's almost true05:40
wilee-nileeI posted two links05:41
wilee-nileetons on  the web05:41
gbushprogsdid you find your PS1="somethingsomething" line in your .bashrc?05:43
gbushprogsdoes it have (precise) in the middle of it?05:43
james-ubcno "(precise)" or similar in the file05:43
james-ubcthat's what's confusing me so much05:44
gbushprogsdo you have a .bash_aliases file?05:45
lord_daemonI think I'll sleep05:47
james-ubcwhat else can set $PS1?05:48
magnetronhi, how would i restrict which usb devices can be recognized on which ports? i want to put my computer at a physically secure location and extend the USB to a certain point, but i only want a specific device being able to connect to that USB port05:48
jpdsmagnetron: udev rules.05:49
magnetronjpds: good. would i have to edit all the udev rules for all supported devices, to be able to restrict them?05:49
jpdsmagnetron: Of course, someone could fake the USB ID of a device.05:49
magnetronjpds: yes, but as long as they don't fake another type of USB device, i don't care05:50
jpdsmagnetron: No, you create a file with some rules that say: "allow *this* device" and another telling it to ignore the rest.05:50
revealBen64: I installed ubuntu 12 not a big fan of the gui LOL05:50
jpdsmagnetron: I've done it before, but can't remmeber the syntax off the top of my head.05:50
gbushprogsjames: I would think any process running with your credentials could edit your $PS105:51
jpdsmagnetron: You'll want to put this in /etc/udev/rules.d .05:51
revealgbushprogs: doesnt it have to have perm for /etc/profile05:51
jpdsmagnetron: And see: /lib/udev/rules.d and the README file there for inspiration.05:51
jpdsgo df05:51
Silver_ArrowI seem to have all the correct libraries installed, but ubuntu won't recognize the controller05:52
magnetronjpds: i'll look into it, thx05:54
Ben64reveal: you can use whichever gui you want05:54
james-ubci'll do this tmr05:55
gbushprogsreveal -- not if it's executing a change to the $PS1 variable after /etc/profile has already executed and .bashrc has already executed. Seems like something could be added to /etc/profile to execute another file and change $PS105:55
gbushprogsIn which case, in light of /etc/profile and .bashrc there's a few places to hide a "(precise)" in there somewhere.05:56
gbushprogsoh well, chances are he logs in tomorrow and it doesn't do it, ROFL, I love computers05:57
republican_devilhow reliable is ubuntu software raid?06:04
TokeTokensenso if i have an hp envy h9 and i replace the motherboard in it, anybody think that that would let me install ubuntu finally?06:06
TokeTokensenthis pc is so much fucking headache06:07
Ben64watch the language, and explain what you're talking about06:07
uncorrhi, where can I find a help channel?06:07
republican_devilamd fx 8 way under 30006:07
republican_devilsee desktop no os06:07
FloodBot1republican_devil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
Ben64republican_devil: thats nice, but offtopic06:07
uncorrI'm having trouble accessing the boot menu of my lenovo g50006:08
Ben64uncorr: maybe try ##hardware06:08
uncorrthanks, is that #ubuntu-hardware or just #hardware?06:08
uncorris it a help channel?06:09
Ben64depends what you need help with, ##hardware is a channel for hardware help06:09
uncorrOK, thanks06:09
jonascjbackports... "apt-get install package/release-backports", should release the the release you want to install it in or should it be the release you want the package from? E.g. I'm on precise (12.04) and want a package from Raring (13.04)?06:13
MikeD412I want to dual boot between win 8/ubuntu on my laptop, but I don't think its letting me.. I went into the windows disk editor, made like 30GB unallocated space and turned it into an ntfs volume, and then booted the ubuntu setup up... i chose something else...but i looked at it confused...and i don't want to mess it up06:23
usr13MikeD412: Delete the new NTFS partition and use the free space.  (Ubuntu doesn't use NTFS.)06:26
MikeD412so...de-shrink it?06:27
usr13MikeD412: No06:27
usr13MikeD412: Delete the new NTFS partition and use the free space.  (Ubuntu doesn't use NTFS.)06:27
MikeD412did that06:28
usr13MikeD412: Now you can create partitions that Ubuntu will use.06:28
usr13MikeD412: How much RAM do you have?06:28
usr13MikeD412: Create a 4G swap partition, use the rest for a partition for /  (root).06:30
usr13MikeD412: The other 26G or so for /06:30
usr13MikeD412: How big is the Hard Drive?06:31
MikeD412like 400+gb06:31
MikeD412my c drive06:31
usr13MikeD412: Your hard drive.06:32
MikeD412my c drive is my hdd06:32
usr13MikeD412:  So what does "c drive" mean?  (Think about it....)06:32
user258467I click on an Icon on my dock and nothing happen is there a log for that problem?06:33
usr13MikeD412: Continue with the install.06:33
usr13MikeD412: So, by now, you realize that your "c drive" is *not* your hdd.  Right?06:34
usr13MikeD412: Your Hard Drive consists of several partitions, (the "c drive" is what MS Windows calls one of them).06:35
MrSassyPantsupdate-rc.d , but what's the menu-based one called?06:37
usr13MrSassyPants: It is the way you introduce new init scripts to your system.06:38
MrSassyPantsusr13, er, yea, but iirc there was some menu based thing where you got a list of start scripts06:39
MrSassyPantsand you could just toggle them on and off06:39
MrSassyPantsrcconf! that was it06:40
usr13!upstart | MrSassyPants06:40
ubottuMrSassyPants: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/06:40
esehi, you guys know a fix for skype iun 12.04 32 bits why is not logging?06:40
usr13!info rcconf | MrSassyPants06:41
ubottuMrSassyPants: rcconf (source: rcconf): Debian Runlevel configuration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5ubuntu2 (raring), package size 20 kB, installed size 108 kB06:41
usr13MrSassyPants: you can start or stop your individual services with the command service06:42
MrSassyPantsusr13, oook.06:42
nowayrideHey guys, any ideas on this? I installed mumble and during the audio setup input got mangled, my mic is only receiving nothing or very loud (like yelling into the mic) input, tried even uninistalling mumble/pulseaudio, running full updates, reinstalling, nothing06:45
nowayrideIt's not just mumble, it's reflected in the input setting screen, the meter only moves when it's overly loud06:46
esehi, i got skype and ubuntu precise 32bits, in windows 7 runs good, am 100% sure am giving the right credentials but in ubuntu does not crash or anytrhing, it just hangs and does not login, i can login with my browser, any ideas?06:46
usr13ese: Are you using virtualbox?06:47
eseno, dual boot grub in win 7 and ubuntu precise 32bits06:49
eseusr13,  now in ubunbtu06:49
usr13ese: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword06:49
usr13ese: What do you mean, "i can login with my browser"?06:50
usr13ese: Oh,... You are saying that you can't get skype to login?06:51
eseusr13,  not in skype but in my browser am in, skype in my windows 7 partition logs in fine.06:52
usr13ese:  What is the problem?06:52
nowayrideUbuntu firewall maybe?06:53
esewhen i log in the blue circle keeps spinning and thats it, never passes that.06:53
nowayrideusr13: ese can't log into skype in Ubuntu06:53
esenowayride,  no firewall, all my firewall is disable06:53
usr13nowayride: I'm starting to get that impression.06:54
esei when to skype support page and everybody is having the same problem with precise 12.0406:54
usr13ese: http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/06:54
ShapeShifter499I have java 7 and 6 installed but only the java 6 plugin shows up in firefox, how do I get the java 7 plugin to work?   I run ubuntu 13.04 64bit06:54
usr13ese: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:55
eseusr13,  yes my box is uptodate06:55
usr13ese: Did you rm ~/.Skype  ?06:56
eseusr13,  i was wonder if you guys come on with the solution, because i been googloing some time now, nothing i can found about it06:56
eseyes i try rm -rf .Skype and login with my hotmail and my skype accounts same problem06:57
usr13ese: hotmail?06:57
usr13ese: (I don't know about hotmail or what it has to do with skype.)06:57
smaudetShapeShifter499: remove the java 6 plugin, or better yet, java 6 if you don't need it06:58
eseyes ...the new skype have two options, login with skype credentials or msn credentials, i choose both with no luck06:58
smaudetShapeShifter499: otherwise make sure java 7 is default, with update-alternatives06:58
usr13ese: Sounds like skype is broken.06:58
eseusr13,  my msn is a hotmial account06:58
usr13ese: Yea, got it.06:58
usr13ese: Just sounds like skype is broken,  Maybe they will get around to fixing it sometime soon...06:59
eseusr13,  yes, looks like because i been looking for an answer but nothing so far06:59
ShapeShifter499smaudet, ohh I forgot about "update-alternatives", yea I need java 6 for some android stuff06:59
setti had to remove pulseaudio and everything worked fine, today i wake up and it's installed again wtf06:59
eseone guy sugest running with root but i dont want to do that06:59
usr13ese: Try downloading from http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-3207:00
usr13ese: Re-install?07:00
eseusr13,  i may try running from root skype for testing, hmmm07:00
usr13ese: Really?  Why would you do that?07:00
settwhat music player is most used now? any advice? just need names07:01
usr13ese: In other words, no, don't.07:01
eseusr13, one post suggest running from root, and looks like he run it ok, but i dont want to run skype with root07:01
quick-sett: Rythombox07:01
quick-sett banshee07:02
usr13ese: Yea.  Don't do it.07:02
usr13ese: My notion is this;  Microsoft will see that skype works ok on the Microsoft Windows platforms.  They will not worry so much about how it runs on Ubuntu. (Maybe if [Ubuntu] users want skype bad enough, they will convert to Microsoft platforms.) (I may be over critical, but just my notion.)07:05
eseusr13,  i installed skype-beta, am rebooting because i elso install something else thats is asking me to reboot, brb thanks07:05
usr13ese: Other than that, I'd say try uninstalling it and download directly from skype.com and re-install.07:05
tomtomgpsWill openbox work on waylaid in the future ?07:06
usr13ese: Ok. Yea.  Good luck.07:06
smaudetShapeShifter499: legacy android support? I should hope Google is using JRE7 for Android 4.0+07:08
ShapeShifter499smaudet, cyanogenmod suggested to use java 607:09
lesser_pandaI'm having an issue with bluetooth on 12.04, is there anyone who can offer sage advice?07:09
ShapeShifter499smaudet, anyways, thank you for the help07:09
lotuspsychjelesser_panda: you can try to describe your issue07:09
smaudetShapeShifter499: you're welcome07:10
IamTryingWhile using OpenVPN i need to set a parameter "plugin plugin /opt/iss/isec/vpn/lib/openvpn/plugins/openvpn-plugin-auth-pam.so login"  but this path do not exist what is the default path for such PAM login?07:11
lotuspsychje!vpn | IamTrying07:12
ubottuIamTrying: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN07:12
lesser_pandaI have managed to get my HP laptop with a built in Bluetooth antenna to connect with and recognize my Samsung Galaxy S3. I can send files to the phone from my laptop but not vice versa.07:12
esehmm no luck loging to skype from skype-beta, does anyone can log into skype from linux ubuntu?07:13
ikoniaese: try not using the beta07:13
eseam in beta now, with precise 32bits07:13
IamTryinglotuspsychje, nothing is there about SERVER07:13
ikoniaese: try not using the beta07:13
esei did that before too, can you login to skype alright?07:14
lotuspsychjeIamTrying: are you on ubuntu server?07:14
ikoniaI'm not using skype07:14
lotuspsychjeese: did you install software centre version or web version?07:15
esei think microsoft broke it for non-windows users?07:15
ikoniaese: please don't make things up07:15
lotuspsychjeese: skype works fine on ubuntu07:15
IamTryinglotuspsychje, Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit where i need to setup VPN Server which i did, but i need to assign a file which allow VPN client to login with server username/password07:15
eselotuspsychje,  yes i try the software center version to, fail07:15
IamTryinglotuspsychje, missing the path of that file location by default where is such file located?07:15
lotuspsychjeese: try the web version install07:16
eselotuspsychje,  what version of skype are you using?07:16
lotuspsychjeese: 64bit skype, latest07:16
gopihi i have problem with package installation in ubuntu . showing error07:17
robottiDon't use Skype. NSA is spying Skype.07:17
=== mtrd`w is now known as EugeneBndt
gopican u solve my problem07:18
esei check my firewall rules and all in accept07:18
wilee-nileegopi, pastebin the errors.07:18
eseprobably the 32bits skype is broken http://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/Can-t-sign-in-Ubuntu-12-04/td-p/838226  ?07:19
wilee-nileeese, look at the dates, there is a version released after that 4.207:21
republican_devilsoftware raid anyone?07:22
republican_devilis recovering hard?07:22
ikoniarepublican_devil: you've just said a a group of pointless words, try asking a real question07:23
DarkSimI got a nice item from the Dota 2 Fantasy Team crate07:24
ikoniaDarkSim: not something this channel is interested in, sorry07:24
ikoniano problem07:24
republican_devilanyone here running ha-proxy as a production load balancer solution?07:41
ikoniarepublican_devil: ran many an lvs solution as a load balancer07:42
hcuetno yet oh!07:43
ikoniahcuet: do you need ubuntu support ?07:43
IamTryinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6039425/ - How do i get this installed please?07:43
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ikoniahome555: can we help you ?07:45
home555Suse це Unix07:46
ikoniahome555: /join #suse07:46
republican_devillike what?07:46
republican_devillinux virtual server?07:46
ikoniarepublican_devil: linux virtual server, it's basically a load balancing/ha daemon setup07:46
republican_devilI am not sur eI used it07:46
republican_devilI think redhat has something like that back a ways07:47
republican_devilI hear ha-proxy is the master nowadays07:47
ikoniarepublican_devil: redhat has may solutions,07:47
abrknhow can i install libxml2 2.8 on precise?07:49
settanyone know how to make rhytmbox work with alsa? getting autoaudiosink error when trying to play mp307:50
bibi32I can't find what values are allowed in the first bit of umask, docs are only talkink about the other ones, where can I find which value corresponds to sticky bit, group id, ...?07:50
MindSparkarbkn sudo apt-cache libxml207:50
MindSparksudo apt-cache search libxml207:50
abrknMindSpark:i only see 2.7 there for precise07:51
MindSparkthen locate the package and install07:51
MindSparkthen it's possible there's no package for that version in the repos07:51
MindSparkyou may have to compile it yourself07:51
abrknMindSpark: i'll need to build from source?07:51
abrknMindSpark: ok07:51
MindSparkghost_: peace be upon you too07:51
MindSparkabrkn: you might find another repo with the package07:52
MindSparkyou'd have to edit your sources.list file and add the repo07:52
ghost_MindSpark : are U moeslem.,.?07:53
MindSparkghost_: doesn't make a difference on this channel07:53
MindSparkit's an irrelevant question :)07:54
ghost_MindSpark : ooh.,  I'm sorry., ^_^07:55
ghost_can anybody help me,  my ubuntu frequent errors.07:57
ubottughost_,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:57
ghost_ubottu : yes07:58
ghost_pleace wait07:58
bibi32is it possible with umask to get the group of the parent directory as group owner when creating files in a directory by default?07:59
legend321Is Medibuntu illegal to use? Lately i tried everything to eliminate static sounds coming out from ubuntu(including downloading ubuntu restricted extras), but it was of no use. Then i downloaded and installed some packages from medibuntu and it fixed my problem.08:00
smaudetlegend321: legal gray area08:01
cfhowlettlegend321, not illegal ....08:01
smaudetlegend321: although there is plenty of non-gray stuff in medibuntu08:01
ghost_ubottu : I get the following output sorry, ubuntu 13.04 has experienced an internal error.if you notice further problems, try restarting the computer08:02
ubottughost_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:02
MindSparkbibi32: what do you mean get the group? are you trying to setuid?08:02
MindSparkghost_: when do you get this error?08:02
MindSparkthis sounds like a windows error to me :P08:02
smaudetghost_: that is the automated error management08:03
legend321smaudet: Is medibuntu officially supported by ubuntu?08:03
roninnwhere does 2>&1 go?08:03
smaudetsmaudet: depends. I'm not official ubuntu, just a volunteer. Are volunteers official? Medibuntu is volunteer.08:03
MindSparkroninn: redirects stderr to stdout08:03
ghost_MindSpark : every time I turn on the laptop08:04
roninnstdout is hmm where? :|08:04
MindSparkghost_: which part? after booting?08:04
MindSparkghost_:  or before loading the startup screen?08:04
MindSparkroninn: on your screen :)08:04
smaudetghost_: if you want you should be able to choose a 'more details' option, and you should have some sort of error notification show up in your task bar08:04
MindSparkroninn:  http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/io-redirection.html08:05
smaudetghost_: there is some program which is dying at every boot.08:05
bibi32MindSpark: I'm trying to set guid with umask08:05
smaudetghost_: if you want to know more about the ubuntu error reporting look up apport08:05
legend321I have a problem in ubuntu 12.04. Whenever there is a broadband connection problem, ubuntu waits for two-three minutes looking for network. can i skip this waiting?08:06
bibi32MindSpark: I mean that when I create a file in a directory, it isn't owned by my group, but group of the parent directory08:06
MindSparkbibi32: then the setgid bit is set on the parent dir08:06
esei found out that skype leaves a zombie process to PPid in init 1!  [skype] <defunct>   if belongs to init 1: cat /proc/22164/status | grep -i ppid -> PPid:1  ...how can you kill a zombie with parent to init 1 without halting your box? i think this is a major bug for skype 32bits!08:06
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gordonjcpese: you can't08:07
gordonjcpoh, no factoid for that08:07
bibi32MindSpark: so this has nothing to do with umask?08:07
esegordonjcp, yes, this flaw is big on skype08:07
gordonjcpese: you could try contacting the authors, but it's unlikely they'll ever fix it08:08
gordonjcpese: well the zombie processes don't really cause a problem as such08:08
gordonjcpese: it's not the biggest problem Skype has08:08
smaudetese: where bad program are concerned, contact authors. Where authors are unavailable, obtain source. Where source is unavaible, stop using that program.08:08
nowayridePidgin really enjoys leaving zombies too08:09
MindSparkbibi32: not sure if you can set gid/uid using umask. But you just need to chmod u-s or chmod g-s on the parent dir08:09
smaudetAnd purge all copies of it from your hdd08:09
esegordonjcp, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6039484/08:09
nowayridesmaudet: Dear Microsoft, please fix your Linux program? Give us the source? Heh...08:09
smaudetnowayride: pretty much08:09
MindSparkbibi32: man chmod, then look up SETUID AND SETGID08:09
smaudetnowayride: last step, stop using Skype and use something else08:10
nowayrideProbably the only legit step with SKype08:10
smaudetIts not anti-Microsoft, just anti-bad programs.08:11
esethe problem is i own a usa phone number i use to call my relatives from here mexixco, i hate to waste the year i have prepaid!08:11
smaudetese: skype's fault08:11
smaudetese: ask for a refund?08:11
nowayrideSpeaking of bad programs, why did mumble break my mic? :( After trying to autoconfigure it's only showing input for like, yelling right next to it, even in Ubuntu settings08:11
smaudet!offtopic | ese08:11
ubottuese: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:11
ghost_MindSpark : after boot, Always out the bugs08:13
settanyone know what to do? installed all plugins but still get Skipping unavailable plugin 'sunaudiosink'08:13
MindSparkghost_:  maybe you have a bad boot record?08:13
smaudetMindSpark: unlikely, he probably just has a bad config file somewhere08:14
smaudet!details | ghost_08:14
ubottughost_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:14
MindSparkghost_: do you get to the login screen?08:14
smaudetWe need to know more.08:14
MindSparkghost_: like smaudet, we need more info on the problem. Where do you get the error? after which line? Does the system halt or can you switch terminals? etc.08:16
=== Nitrodex is now known as Guest92121
bibi32MindSpark: ok thx I've found it, it's "chmod g+s"08:20
smaudetghost_: this is your error right? http://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Screenshot-from-2013-03-26-205909.png08:21
smaudetghost_: could you please hit the button called 'Show Details' and tell us what it says08:21
ngochaihi guys, there's one line in my /etc/shadow looks like  username:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:15401:0:99999:7:::  (no dollar sign), what kind of hash is it?08:23
lesser_pandaHmmm so I am still stuck after trying a few things. My laptop running32 bit Ubuntu 12.04  still won't receive files via Bluetooth from my Samsung Galaxy S3. I can send files TO the phone just fine. The Bluetooth antenna on the laptop is built in, and it connects to my wireless keyboard just fine...08:23
smaudetghost_: or if you could find the following icon in your task tray (upper right): http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Apport_logo.svg/120px-Apport_logo.svg.png08:23
smaudetclick on it and see what the error is.08:24
=== Clank|Gone is now known as RedefinedClank
cfhowlettlesser_panda, airdroid.08:27
blazemorelesser_panda: +1 for airdroid08:28
cfhowlettlesser_panda, airdroid for android.  install, go to wifi, link and transfer08:28
lesser_pandaI'll give it a try. Is it like Kies Air? because I have that on this phone already.08:28
cfhowlettlesser_panda, don't know, never heard of it.08:29
blazemorelesser_panda: Sort of, but less clunky08:29
bibi32my umask is 0002, when I create a file it is 664, shouldn't this be 775?08:29
smaudetlesser_panda: rule of apps on android (not an android expert); if its not popular, you're lucky if it works08:29
lesser_pandaAh good blazemore, glad to hear it.08:29
smaudetlesser_panda: xda forums seems to full of people who know android08:30
MindSparkghost_: I recommend you delete the .cache dir in your homedir and login again08:31
MindSparkif this doesn't work, move the .config dir to something like .config-old and see if the error goes away, if it does, it's some misconfiguration08:32
smaudetMindSpark: I suppose, but there are literally hundreds of reasons it could be erroring08:32
smaudetYou can't cover every case just because someone doesn't give more details.08:32
smaudetThe best you can really say in that case is "re-install ubuntu"08:33
MindSparksmaudet: like you said, probably a config problem. But just to make sure it is, that's a quick and sloppy method to find out08:33
smaudetWhich I do not recommend08:33
smaudetMindSpark: I've had very few problems with my .config files, maybe I'm just lucky08:34
MindSparksmaudet: there's no need to reinstall anything if X loads and he can log in and everything.08:34
smaudetusually when stuff goes kerplut a package maintainer did something stupid08:34
smaudetAnd the config is buried in the system somewhere, or there's another compatability08:34
smaudetcompatability issue08:34
smaudetSo yes, re-install is about the only pat-way of ensuring that 'out of the box' 'just works'08:34
MindSparksmaudet: this is a user specific configuration issue. I am almost sure if he uses a different user the error won't popup again.08:35
smaudetSince that's at least supposed to be QA'ed and working08:35
smaudetMindSpark: you don't even know that08:35
smaudetIts likely, yes08:35
smaudetBut you could just be wasting his time and configuration08:35
MindSparksmaudet: we're trying to troubleshoot and think together here08:35
cfhowlettMindSpark, easily tested.  create a new user and see08:35
ghost_smaudet : yes that is my error, http://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Screenshot-from-2013-03-26-205909.png08:35
MindSparkthat's why I recommended to move the configuration to another name08:35
smaudetMindSpark: its not a bad suggestion, but its a rather drastic one08:36
MindSparkwhy drastic?08:36
smaudetBecause it removes all your configuration? (most of it anyways)08:36
MindSparkyou move your config dir into confi.old. If it doesn't work, you move it back and as if nothing happened08:36
smaudetYou're throwing out the baby with the bathwater08:36
smaudetIf he's made any changes08:37
smaudethe loses the good ones with the bad ones08:37
timfrostbibi32: For a umask of 002, a file with 664 is correct, because the EXEC bit isn't set by default08:37
ghost_MindSpark : how to delete cache in my homedir08:37
MindSparksmaudet: did you read what I suggested?08:37
smaudetAnd if he can't find the old config error, likelyhood is he won't know how to find the 'good' stuff08:37
smaudeteven if he keeps a backup08:37
smaudetyes, you said to move to config.old and login again08:37
MindSparksmaudet: correct, that's 100% safe08:38
smaudetMindSpark: safe, but still overly destructive, IMHO08:38
smaudetfor a new user at least08:38
MindSparksmaudet: not destructive at all08:38
smaudetghost_: good, can you press 'Show Details' and tell us what it says?08:38
smaudetMindSpark: I only see it as non-destructive if you return .config.old to .config, in which case the problem is back.08:39
smaudetSo I guess you know where the problem is or isn't at that point, but it doesn't solve the problem.08:40
MindSparksmaudet: exactly, and that is how I troubleshoot08:40
MindSparksmaudet: once you know where the problem is, you get into more details08:40
MindSparkthat's how you pinpoint a problem08:40
smaudetMindSpark: great, but that's roundabout08:40
smaudetYou need details to find a problem08:40
MindSparkis the problem in the interior, the motor or the chassis?08:40
MindSparkoh the motor? then which part of the motor08:41
smaudetThat is one way to find a detail, but a not very efficient way08:41
blazemoreIs it possible to pass a flag to ./configure to have that flag applied to all occurences of gcc? the flag in question is -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=208:41
ghost_smaudet : please wait I'm restarting my system08:41
MindSparksmaudet: hmmm… interesting. So there is a definitve guide to fix problems?08:41
smaudetMindSpark: if your check engine light comes on, are you going to check the tires first? Of course not.08:42
smaudetYou use the details the system gives you first08:42
smaudetNot ones you think might be the problem.08:42
MindSparkblazemore: depends on the configuration script I guess?08:42
clue_hi'd check the tires08:42
MindSparkblazemore:  you could just edit the ./configure script and hardcode the option inside08:43
smaudetMindSpark: and yes, actually, there is, its called Occam's Razor, and its the method I used to say config issues are the most likely08:43
MindSparksmaudet: I'll look that up, thanks, maybe I'll be able to prevent the next world war08:44
smaudetMindSpark: http://www.math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/occam.html08:44
MindSparksmaudet: reading on wikipedia, will read your link as soon as I am done, thanks!08:45
MindSparkhmm in fact, yours looks better08:45
smaudetIn this case I'm saying the simpler method is just to hit 'Show Details' and see the problem report08:46
timfrostblazemore: many configure scripts pick up "CFLAGS' or similar environment variables and pass them to the make command.  Try 'CFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2'08:46
smaudetNot run 100 tests to find where the config issue is :P08:46
MindSparksmaudet: I never said he shouldn't open the logs. I also never suggested 100 test ;)08:47
smaudetMindSpark: purposeful exaggeration to make a point ;)08:47
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MindSparkbut I am assuming he will find a 0x4340873 memory overrun in the log which won't give enough info. Just me though, I never had apport or even X to begin with when I started my journey08:48
smaudetMindSpark: usually in my experience the apport logs are pretty nice08:50
smaudetI would recommend your approach on Windows since you do get more random error dumps of memory there ;)08:50
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ghost_smaudet : I'm sent file with you screenshot.png09:07
ghost_MindSpark : I'm sent file with you screenshot.png09:08
=== RedefinedClank is now known as Clank|Gone
smaudetghost_: could you just paste online: http://imagebin.org/ ?09:13
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MindSparkghost_: yes, imagebin it so we can all see it09:16
christos_for help?09:16
ghost_smaudet : http://imagebin.org/26909209:18
foo2I generated a key using gpg --gen-key. I then installed seahorse, but I don't see that key in seahorse09:18
foo2Can anyone help me with that?09:18
ghost_MindSpark : http://imagebin.org/26909209:19
=== Clank|Gone is now known as RedefinedClank
ghost_smaudet : why.,/?09:23
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smaudetghost_ one sec09:23
ghost_MindSpark : why.,?09:23
MindSparkghost_: ok, this is a daemon error, not sure what bamf does, but you should start with googling something like "bamfdaemon crashed"09:24
MindSparkthat's what I am doing right now09:24
smaudetghost_: here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bamf/+bug/106354409:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1063544 in bamf (Ubuntu) "bamfdaemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_desktop_app_info_new()" [High,New]09:26
ghost_MindSpark : whether this has to do with compiz effect that I give.,?09:26
MindSparkghost_: you need to know what is crashing first09:26
MindSparkagain, I recommend you try to clear the cache folder as a start09:27
MindSparkopen a terminal09:27
MindSparktype cd ~09:27
MindSparkthen mv .cache .cache-old09:27
ActionParsnipMindSpark: 'cd'   on it's own goes to $HOME too :)09:28
MindSparkthen logout and login again09:28
MindSparkActionParsnip: yea :) I typed that at first09:28
smaudetghost_: the link I sent you means your issue is known, current, and will be resolved ASAP09:28
MindSparkghost_: or simply open your file manager locate the .cache file (you might need to reveal hidden files) and rename it to something else09:29
ghost_what should i do guys.,??09:29
smaudetghost_: how much memory does your computer have?09:30
MindSparkyes it looks like a confirmed bug on launchpade09:30
qinProblem with apt, output of apt-get instal -f and lsb_release -a; apparently there is some problem with libjack package. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6039694/09:30
smaudetThis is a guess, but the crash reason is as stated in the bug report 'SegvReason: writing NULL VMA'09:30
smaudetWhich means some memory access is failing, just a guess but perhaps you have very little memory09:31
ghost_smaudet : may be 320 GB, for ubuntu 32 GB09:32
smaudetVMA is a virtual memory location; I don't know anything about VMA but it sounds like 'extra' memory the linux system creates when it runs short09:32
smaudetghost_: do you know the amount of RAM? Not hard drive space09:32
smaudetghost_: how old is the computer?09:33
foo2how can I install gpa? there seems to be no package for that09:36
ikoniawhat is gpa ?09:36
clue_hgiant panda app09:36
smaudetfoo2: just use the website09:37
smaudetfoo2: it may not be in the repos09:37
=== dean|away is now known as dean
smaudetikonia: its gnupg09:37
smaudetGPA is Gnu Privacy Assistant09:37
ikoniathank you09:38
ghost_smaudet : my be 1 GB RAM09:38
ghost_spec my computer is dualcore, RAM :1GB Hardisk 320.09:38
ghost_smaudet : smaudet09:38
ghost_smaudet :  spec my computer is dualcore, RAM :1GB Hardisk 320.09:38
FloodBot1ghost_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:38
ghost_you are welcome09:38
smaudetghost_: that may be part of your problem then, those specs are a little low for ubuntu 13.0409:38
smaudetI'd recommend at least 2 GB ram09:38
smaudetI run 4 GB09:39
smaudetghost_: of course if it works for you and you are just getting an annoying popup, it might be worth your time just to not re-install09:39
karab44is there a friendly tool to check what modules has been installed on ubuntu desktop? I mean like deamons apache/php /posftix and other stuff like that09:40
ikoniakarab44: dpkg -l09:40
smaudetghost_: its not a serious issue though, its just annoying and you can ignore it, likely completely safely09:40
smaudetdpkg -l mypackage*09:40
ikoniakarab44: initctl list09:40
christos_anyone for help'?09:40
ikoniachristos_: if you ask a question people can try to help09:40
ghost_smaudet : emm.,. what spec your computer ?09:40
smaudet4 GB, 0.5 TB HDD, dual core 2.4 Ghz09:41
christos_i bought a wifi usb .. i have the cd drivers for linux but i cant install it and i want help ... i am using 12.04 lts09:41
karab44ikonia: thanks!09:41
ikoniachristos_: ok, so ask what you need help with09:41
smaudetghost_: ubuntu recommends 13.04 for 'new' computers09:41
christos_how can i install it09:41
smaudet12.04 is what I run09:41
smaudetand is for older computers09:41
ikoniachristos_: what does the documentation say ? are you sure you need to install it ?09:41
ghost_smaudet : owww., your computer is macintosh ?09:42
smaudetghost_: nope, dell09:42
christos_ikonia: i am connenting usb with pc but cant do my to connect with wifi09:42
ikoniachristos_: what does the documentation say ? are you sure you need to install it ?09:42
christos_ikonia:  yes bcs linux cant find it as wifi usb09:43
ikoniachristos_: 1.) what does the documentation say 2.) because it can' find it out of the box doesn't mean you need to install anything (although it may)09:43
karab44by the way... ubuntu 12.04 desktop wont install on my PC. I have installed 1204LTS server but I want to overwrite it. I tried livecd, now liveusb hags on first ubuntu logo. Weird thing is that live cd works from USB, but won't install.09:44
karab44Oh! It just said Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.09:44
smaudetchristos_: I'm not going to be around much longer09:45
christos_ikonia:  ok how can i know that isb is working correctly09:45
smaudetbut I'd look at the model, and see what drivers there are for it09:45
ikoniachristos_: what does the documentation say about it09:45
d3vZer0hi all09:45
christos_ikonia:  what do you meann the read me file?09:45
smaudetchristos_: if your wireless is working, you should see some wifi output from ifconfig09:45
karab44do I have to format my disk drive first?09:45
smaudete.g. ifconfig | grep eth109:45
auronandaceikonia: christos_  usb wifi is the ralink: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsVarious#USB09:46
smaudetchristos_: did you have to install anything when you used it on windows?09:46
christos_ikonia:  i have done ifconfig and i have 3 parts 1.eth0  2. lo 3.wlan009:46
nerdtronkarab44 which disk drive? the internal drive where ubuntu server is installed? no you don't have to format it before booting09:46
smaudetchristos_: its working then09:46
smaudetunless you have another wifi card09:46
nerdtronit will be formated when you install Ubuntu anyway09:46
smaudetwlan0 is your adaptor09:46
smaudeteth0 is probably your ethernet link09:47
karab44nerdtron: I have two disks one is SSD / and 2x WD 500GB RAID009:47
karab44and I install on SSD, where is 1204LTS already09:47
christos_smaudet: for windows i have to and i neeed it for here i think09:47
karab44but I want to overwrite it.09:47
smaudetchristos_: if its working, you should be able to see the wifi networks by opening the NetworkManager09:47
karab44and no menu appears, only ubuntu logo with dots changing color09:48
nerdtronkarab44 when you choose erase everything and install ubuntu, the hard drive will be formated again09:48
smaudetchristos_: well then it could be the wrong driver was selected for it09:48
karab44but no menu is shown, I have no choice09:48
christos_smaudet:  i cant find NetworkManager09:48
smaudetikonia: what is NetworkManager called in gui land?09:49
nerdtronkarab44 press the arrow keys up or down to see the text mode and post the last lines09:49
smaudetnm-applet is the package I believe09:49
ikoniait's part of the desktop09:49
ikoniasmaudet: yes, thats the actual applet on screen09:49
karab44nerdtron: I have only choice Run Live system/ Install ubuntu so I choose install ant then nothing happens. Just logo and dots...09:49
smaudetchristos_: following ikonia's suggestion, I'd look for gnome-network-manager09:50
smaudetif you don't see the network icon in the upper right corner09:50
ikoniashouldn't need to look for anything, it's already installed on the desktop09:50
karab44nerdtron: live system works fine. I boot from USB.09:50
karab44nerdtron: Ill try to get some logs09:50
nerdtronkarab44 when you are in live mode, click the install option in the desktop09:51
christos_smaudet: in the software ceneter i have downloaded the manager but in my pc i cant find it09:51
amigoguys, how to tell exim4 to send mail with full name sender? FROM: Jhon Doe <jhon@doe.com>09:51
smaudetchristos_: well, assuming you manage to find the manager (there should be some icons in your menu bar, upper right)09:52
smaudetit could be that the wrong driver is installed, in that case you will have to find the right one, install, then sudo modprobe -r baddriver09:52
smaudetsudo modprobe gooddriver09:52
smaudetmay need to restart NetworkManger e.g. sudo service network-manager restart09:53
christos_smaudet:  from where i can do wifi check09:53
smaudetIf you can see in the upper right there is a small wifi icon09:54
smaudetnext to the volume09:54
smaudetalso check auronadace's link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsVarious#USB09:55
smaudetsee if your card is in there or not, if it is install that driver09:55
smaudetAnd if that doesn't work you can try using fw-cutter09:56
nl287Reading package lists... Error!09:57
nl287Segmentation fault09:57
smaudetAlthough that doesn't always work well, and I'm not ready to sit here debugging it the rest of the night09:57
smaudetchristos_: good luck09:57
karab44nerdtron: I am processing installation, I will let you know is it succeed09:59
karab44nerdtron: and yes, through USB live mode10:00
karab44probably I know, what could be the problem. My bios beta makes USB stuff not always work. After boot/reboot they get big lag.10:01
karab44this is how it finish when you experiment with uefi10:01
vice_Hi! How can i do link open source in skype permanent? It always asks me, and theres no checkbox or smth10:01
smaudet!offtopic | vice_10:02
ubottuvice_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:02
nerdtronkarab44 maybe the "hang" state you get in the logo and the dots, you'll just have to wait a few minutes10:04
nerdtronsometimes it is very slow10:04
smaudetkarab44: custom bios wat? I'd get rid of that beta bios if I were you.10:05
nerdtronkarab44 I always turn off uefi,,,,,it doesn't bring anything except troubles :)10:05
karab44nerdtron: I did wait quite long and patient and I get "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" message10:06
karab44but now it just started to work conditionless. First time with liveUSB, now installator shown on booting10:07
karab44smaudet: unfortunately, producer released beta - first uefi bios for my mobo.10:08
nerdtronyou sure you "burned" the usb correctly? or rather is your ISO good? better try it other computers just to be sure10:08
nerdtronkarab44 oh it started the installation?? let's wait for the result10:08
karab44I set time zones and other stuff, it didn't showup before.10:09
karab44So it should be fine now10:09
qinProblem with apt, output of apt-get instal -f and lsb_release -a; apparently there is some problem with libjack package. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6039694/10:10
karab44during the installation - is computer name a place where I set a full qualified domain name?10:11
karab44It is where I set name and username and passwords10:11
christos_anyone who know about bluetooth?10:12
aeon-ltdchristos_: just ask the actual question anyway10:12
ShootingironHello, is there a free irc chat client with spell check available for ubuntu?10:13
christos_can i send a file via bluetooth with out the other device accept my request?10:13
cfhowlettchristos_, pretty sure that the receiver has to verify permission10:13
Shootingironchristos: sounds suspicious. =)10:13
nerdtronkarab44 yes computer name is the hostname only and not the FQDN, you can always change it after install10:15
aeon-ltdchristos_: there are some devices i've used that can skip the verification for 'known' devices. why would you need this? if you own the device usb would be much faster and reliable10:16
karab44nerdtron: you mean in these hosts and hostname files?10:16
karab44it shouldnt be a big problem10:16
nerdtronShootingiron XChat spell checks while you are typing :)10:16
karab44Ok installation completed10:17
nerdtronkarab44 yes, hosts and hostsname, don't forget to run sudo hostname restart and logout login to see changes10:17
karab44it boots in 3 seconds :)10:17
karab442,5 maybe10:17
karab44very fast10:17
christos_for ex. i want to send a message for my bday  .. and with request it will take more time so with out answer for myy request i will send my invitation .. can i?10:17
Shootingironnerdtron: Thanks .. are some of these clients only available in certain desktop environments?10:17
peppohi! how do I show my network mounts (NFS) in the left launcher panel? both of my currently mounted nfs shares were showing before, but now they're gone.10:17
aeon-ltdchristos_: use bluetooth to send a message? seriously?10:18
nerdtronShootingiron i'm using Xchat in Ubuntu and Xubuntu and KDE...all is well10:18
christos_its free !10:18
nerdtronchristos_ but it is very short range10:18
aeon-ltdchristos_: also limited to about 30 meters10:18
christos_its ok but can i?10:19
ShootingironNerdtron: very nice, thanks for your time. =)10:19
karab44okay, it works flowless10:19
aeon-ltdchristos_: no the reciever needs to be set to auto accept10:19
aeon-ltdchristos_: you cannot forcibly push unlike radio broadcasting10:19
nerdtronpeppo while you view the shared folder, create a book mark for it..what file manager are you using?10:19
pepponerdtron, nautilus I guess. it wasn't a bookmark before and it still showed a network mount folder icon in the launcher panel10:20
peppo(the left thingy)10:20
nerdtronkarab44 congrats..glad to hear that10:20
christos_hmm i heard that a friend did this  ...10:20
karab44okay, let's try something completely different. Is there a fast and nice way to make snapshots of this system to let's say another drive?10:20
karab44nerdtron: thank you. It's up to you :)10:21
nerdtronkarab44 i have no idea.. it think similar to Mac time machine is "back in time"10:21
karab44I mean installation works thanks to you :)10:21
aeon-ltdchristos_: you know how this looks right?10:22
nerdtronkarab44 you're welcome....10:22
christos_wich ?10:22
pepponerdtron, a bookmark how? there's no such context menu item10:22
karab44ok but I thing about like system image like snapshot in virtualbox.10:22
aeon-ltdchristos_: what it sounds like you want to do10:22
karab44when something go terribly wrong I just summon good system.10:22
nerdtronpeppo hmmm i think you should go up one folder up the directory, then drag the folder you want to the left pane10:23
pepponerdtron, nope, it doesn't add it, it just shows that it can open the folder with nautilus10:23
nerdtronkarab44 i don't think that exists yet in live systems...I believed the answer to that is Cclone your hard drive...10:23
edheldilHi all, has anybody experienced a problem with timed waking up sleeping syscalls on precise? E.g. in iostat, there's { alarm(1); ... ; pause(); }, but the SIGALARM frequently comes after several (e.g. 5) seconds. Consequently, iostat sometimes waits much longer than expected between  outputs. Similar for ping, that does { setsockopt(fd, SO_RECVTIMEO, 1); recvmsg(fd); } - the EAGAIN comes not after 1sec, but sometimes after sever10:23
edheldilal seconds10:23
nerdtronpeppo sorry..need to go ....10:24
christos_aeon-ltd:  i want to send invitation for my b-day to my friends via bluetooth but i dont want to answer me to my request for the msg bcs it will take more time..10:24
karab44nerdtron: it is a good point.10:24
aeon-ltdchristos_: that sounds like a lie10:24
karab44I heard about clonezzila but I was just wondering is something build into ubuntu and I could for example make automated launch periodicly10:24
peppoanyone know how to force the unity launcher to start showing network mounts again?10:25
christos_aeon-ltd:  bluetooth msg are free if i start to call to all my friends i will waste my money10:25
edheldilI suspect that could be caused by dynamic ticks and AMD cpu, but so far disabling dynticks did not improve the scheduling10:25
aeon-ltdchristos_: at <30 meters you could just ask them, or use paper10:25
christos_aeon-ltd:  its more action with mob ... where is the lie what can i send.. its not pc just a mob10:26
aeon-ltdchristos_: if your friend did this then ask them, if you have 2 devices keep trying to do this, afaik it isn't possible without accepting a prior message then setting it to auto-accept future messages10:27
christos_aeon-ltd:  okk thanks its this that i want to hear :)10:28
=== jack is now known as Guest9823
nl287i have a verry seroius problema on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS every time i do apt-get update there is segmentation fault10:30
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ActionParsnipnl287: have you tested RAM using Memtest?10:42
ActionParsnipnl287: have you booted to livecd/usb to run an fsck on your partition?10:43
manornkHi guys, i won't to build similar web program as Blogilo, do you know how can i make one, what is its working system10:46
chiccociao !list10:47
ubottuchicco: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:47
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MonkeyDustmanornk  are you a developer? if yes, try #ubuntu-app-devel10:48
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manornkMonkeyDust: ok, thanks you for your help :)10:50
HypnotiXhow can i see why ubuntu takes 2-3mins to load after login ?10:51
blazemoreHypnotiX: Does it do it for every user?10:52
HypnotiXim the only user10:52
blazemoreTry the guest user10:52
HypnotiXok brb10:53
wanttolovedjangoHow do I can install sqlite on ubuntu ?10:54
aeon-ltdwanttolovedjango: not in the repos?10:54
wanttolovedjangoIs sqlite3 a gui for sqlite ?10:55
nl287wanttolovedjango: apt-cache search sqlite10:55
HypnotiXfor guest its almost instant for my user its ~2mins10:55
aeon-ltdHypnotiX: what starts after login?10:56
blazemoreOK HypnotiX on your user, take a look in the startup applications. disable them all, and renable them one by one until you find the one causing problems10:56
HypnotiXin the startup i have dropbox, chrome, and a bit of terminal code i run to remap a key for my mouse10:57
blazemoreWhich one of them is causing the delay?10:57
HypnotiXi will try now10:57
jonascjHi all. Could somebody tell me having a LVM swap partition or having a swap file on a lvm partition is as good as a normal partition? I don't know the internal mechanics of LVM but having those very flexible volumes could suggest that the logical volumes (i.e. my swap partition) would not be contiguous on disk.10:57
ikoniajonascj: no different10:57
HypnotiXok it was dropbox10:58
HypnotiXits instant without it10:58
jonascjikonia: empirical fact or does LVM ensure contiguous partitions?10:58
alt^255Hi. I'm installing ubuntu 12.04.1 and in the past hour I'm getting a signature mismatch with package libjs-json10:58
blazemoreHypnotiX: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22512/how-can-i-delay-dropbox-from-starting-but-not-disable-it10:59
blazemorealt^255: have you tried running sudo apt-get update first?10:59
wanttolovedjangoWhere is the place of sqlite file on ubuntu ?10:59
ikoniajonascj: it should order data from the VG against PE block sizes per LV,10:59
alt^255blazemore: yes, several times. It all worked in the last install, an hour ago.10:59
edheldilHi all, has anybody experienced a problem with timed waking up sleeping syscalls on precise? E.g. in iostat, there's { alarm(1); ... ; pause(); }, but the SIGALARM frequently comes after several (e.g. 5) seconds. Consequently, iostat sometimes waits much longer than expected between  outputs. Similar for ping, that does { setsockopt(fd, SO_RECVTIMEO, 1); recvmsg(fd); } - the EAGAIN comes not after 1sec, but sometimes after sever10:59
edheldilal seconds10:59
blazemorealt^255: wget rory.sh/fixpackages; sh fixpackages10:59
alt^255blazemore: I'm using http://archive not any mirror10:59
HypnotiXblazemore: thanx11:00
alt^255blazemore: I'd rather not run custom scripts if possible. apt-get -u dist-upgrade forced the install and things are OK now, I'm just paranoid.11:00
jonascjikonia: okay thanks, i'll take your word for it and read up on LVM another day :)11:00
blazemorealt^255: Take a look at what it does11:00
wanttolovedjangocan anyone help11:00
alt^255blazemore: I see. I guess I'm not the first to ask such questions ;)11:02
jonascjuh, one last: swap file vs. swap partition. Any good points? They perform the same as far as I can read, but any manageability arguments?11:03
blazemorealt^255: It's a nuclear approach (those commands) - but it does sort out nearly all packaging problems11:03
blazemorejonascj: Not much to consider in terms of performance - up to you whether you find it easier to manage11:03
alt^255blazemore: I understand. Still I wonder what happened in the past hour..? Except the NSA doing runtime data injection to read all my mail.. oh, no, wait..11:03
jonascjblazemore: I was just looking for arguments like: "you can live resize your swap file but not a regular partition"11:05
jonascjblazemore: but perhaps there are none. I'll give it a good chance that the only manageability differences are the tools you use, resize2fs vs dd and so on.11:07
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
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support_I need help in solving some right access problem. I formatted my external hdd (2 Tb) in ext4, now I can't copy anything there and so on without having sudo rights. How can I change that?11:37
CatKillersupport_: sudo chown -R username:username /mnt/MyHardDrive11:40
CatKillerwhere "username" is your own11:40
support_and if I'll reconnect it to other PC?11:40
CatKillersupport_: Other Linux running machine?11:41
support_with other user as default11:41
CatKillersupport_: Well then the userid might not match and you may not access it ok11:41
CatKillersupport_: The problem sharing filesystems11:41
CatKillersupport_: A solution is to simply create a common group on both nodes11:41
CatKillera group that has the same group id11:41
CatKillerand add both users to that group11:42
CatKillerand change the mode to username:groupname11:42
CatKillerand make sure you also "chmod -R g+w /mnt/myHardDrive"11:42
CatKillerthat will ensure that both users have access to it11:42
support_I think I tried chown... but I'll try again11:43
support_I also set 666 right recursively is it correct?11:43
karab44ubuntu does not mount my raid drive. It says there is no partition table. What partition table do I have to create as I want to format it later use for NTFS partition?11:43
CatKillersupport_: It's overkill11:44
karab44there are some options like msdos11:44
CatKillersupport_: This will solve your problem and is the right way to do11:44
wanttolovedjangoHow do I can change my ssh password ?11:44
support_well It didn't, the problem I described occured after I made that11:45
jribwanttolovedjango: what password do you mean exactly?11:45
wanttolovedjangoI'm using github with ssh , and when do I want to update my files It say me to type password11:45
wanttolovedjangoI want to change it11:46
jribwanttolovedjango: you put a password on your ssh key?11:46
wanttolovedjangojrib: when I wanted to make my own key I got it a password11:46
jribwanttolovedjango: ssh-keygen -f yourkey -p11:47
wanttolovedjangojrib: thanks11:47
=== ServerTechLaptop is now known as ServerTech
pehohow can I use git on 999 port11:50
pehowith ssh11:50
nemoSo.  I have an ubuntu machine that is tellin me /dev/sda1 (root partition) will be checked for errors on next reboot.  So I reboot.11:51
jribpeho:  ssh://[user@]host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git/11:51
nemoMessage shows up again.  I reboot again.  Ditto.  I touch /forcefsck and reboot again.  Forcefsck is removed indicating fsck happened, but message still appears.11:51
nemoHow to get it to shut up?11:51
wanttolovedjangoHow do I can use ssh-agent ?11:52
jribnemo: check the various relevant values with tune2fs11:52
nemojrib: Filesystem state:         clean  Last checked:             Thu Aug 29 07:45:21 2013 Check interval:           15552000 (6 months)11:54
nemojrib: sooo. yeah :-p11:54
jribnemo: I don't know offhand what causes that message in ubuntu11:54
ServerTechHow can I set up a dual boot between ubuntu (13.04) and Windows 7? Both are already installed on one HDD on different partitions (not Wubi). Windows 7 seems to start up directly on its own.11:56
blazemore!grub | ServerTech11:57
ubottuServerTech: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:57
ServerTechThanks blazemore, completely forgot about this11:57
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nemojrib: I'm guessing /etc/update-motd.d/98-fsck-at-reboot ...12:00
jribnemo: you're getting a message in terminal or gui/12:01
nemowhich calls /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-fsck-at-reboot  which returns that text12:01
nemojrib: motd12:01
aryansfirefox only runs as superuser12:01
nemothat is, in /etc/motd12:01
pehojrib: I try it but get follow error error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects12:01
CountryfiedLinuxCan netbook remix theme be installed on Ubuntu if I'm using Mate? I understand Mate is a Gnome 2 fork.12:01
ubottuStarting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.12:02
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jribpeho: "try" what exactly?12:02
nemojrib: I'm guessing that script is buggy12:02
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jribnemo: are you alright reading through the script or want some suggestions?12:02
CountryfiedLinuxbazhang, can it be installed anyway? I know its not updated12:02
aryansping  only runs as superuser on ubuntu12:03
blazemoreCountryfiedLinux: Nothing stopping you, but it's not supported and doesn't get updates12:03
bazhangCountryfiedLinux, its no longer there12:03
nemojrib: I'm ok I think12:03
pehojrib: git remote add origin ssh://[user@]host.xz[:port]/path/to/repo.git/12:03
nemojrib: looks like the key issue is their last check was about an hour ago12:03
CountryfiedLinuxok thanks12:03
pehogit push origin master12:03
nemojrib: if you reboot within an hour after the last check, you'll get the nag message12:04
nemoand keep getting it until an hour later12:04
nemokind of annoying I must say12:04
jribpeho: you need to replace [user], etc. with your own values12:04
nemoyou'd think they could check uptime12:04
pehojrib: I replace it my values (user, path , server)12:05
pehobut when push I get this error12:05
pehomaybe permission on the server in not ok12:06
jribpeho: can you do a fresh clone without issues?12:06
nemojrib: oh well. thanks for interest. looks like just ubuntu being silly again. seeya :)12:06
support_CatKiller: changed to 777 and used chown, now it works on different PC-c without sudo, but all of them have support as the sudo user, hope it'll work on my home PC)12:06
MonkeyDustsupport_  careful with 777, anyone could change anything at any time, even lock you out12:07
pehojrid: Yes I do. I receive warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.12:07
pehoit it ok, because repo is empty12:08
support_MonkeyDust: well, it's an external hdd running mostly on home pc12:08
jribpeho: what do you do next12:10
aryansping only works from superuser, can anyone help12:12
support_CatKiller: i think 666 didn't work cause execution flag for folder means entering them as well.12:13
pehojrid: i add file: git add index.php12:13
pehoafter that I commit: git commit -m 'added index.php'12:13
pehothen push: git push12:14
pehoand I take fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly12:14
jribpeho: I thought you got some permission issue?  Did you check permissions for the user you ssh with on the remote git repository?12:15
Hammerhead2011-SWhen my server boots, the interfaces are not up. The only interface listed in the ifconfig is lo. I can manually up the interfaces and add IP info but I realy don't want to do this every time the server boots.12:19
Hammerhead2011-Sany ideas why this would be happening?12:20
Adrelliasخ ̷̴̐خ12:20
pehojrib: how to check permission?12:20
jrib!permissions | peho12:22
ubottupeho: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:22
jribpeho: ls -ld file12:22
Super8Hi there, I have downloaded ubuntu 12.10 but how can I install it directly from my windows? I have tried to boot from cd, but disk partition is taking more than an hour and it doesnt work.12:24
MonkeyDustSuper8  can you load the live cd?12:25
Super8Yes I can load it, and i can use it as a trial, but when it comes to installing it along side windows, it takes forever to resize the partition.12:26
cfhowlettSuper8, what version of windows?12:26
pehojrib: thanks I fix it, group of repo dir was root, adn not git user group12:26
Super8I tried to use bootable usb, but my bios is not recognizing it.12:26
Super8cfhowlett I have windows7 32bit.12:26
jribpeho: cool12:26
pehohow can I attach multiple users to that repo12:26
cfhowlettSuper8, what's your ram situation?12:26
MonkeyDustSuper8  forget windows, you don't need it to run ubuntu12:27
jribpeho: personally, I just have a "git" user and then everyone uses that user (you can add multiple ssh keys to it's authorized_keys file.  See git-scm book for more complicated setups12:27
Super8cfhowlett 6GB of ram, its running just fine.12:27
jribpeho: when people make commits, they still sign with their own name, they just use the "git" user on the system to push12:27
cfhowlettSuper8, ?  and your HDD?12:28
Super8C: 547GB free of 576 - F: 20GB free of 20GB (I made it for ubuntu)12:29
cfhowlettSuper8, I suggest you go into windows and run the file cleaner then defrag.  THEN run ubuntu.  defrag should speed up repartitioning12:30
Super8I tried to install it on F which is sda3, but while installing it says "Starting up the partitioner" and it freezes.12:30
Super8cfhowlett How to do that?12:30
cfhowlettSuper8, THERE it is.  How many partitions have you GOT on that thing?12:30
pehojrib: ok, and how can I track changes from who is?12:30
ServerTechIs there a way to disable ubuntu asking for authentication everytime, like when you install a package?12:30
Super8Only 2 partitions. C and F.12:31
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cfhowlettSuper8, and "F" was created in windows, right?12:31
pehojrid: please excuse me, but I migrate from svn12:31
Super8cfhowlett Yes.12:31
Super8I tried to create it from live cd. but it took alot of time and didnt succeed12:31
cfhowlettSuper8,  ?  "didn't succeed"?12:32
MonkeyDustSuper8  ubuntu does not use C, D, E, F12:32
MonkeyDustSuper8  in ubuntu it's like /dev/sda1, sda2 etc12:32
Super8Super8 It kept saying "Starting up the partitioner"12:32
Super8And nothing happens12:32
gp5stis GNU DAP in any repos? I can't find it. http://www.gnu.org/software/dap (I'm not adverse to compiling it, but would prefer a repo version)12:33
cfhowlettSuper8, not normal behavior, but I'm concerned.  you DID md5sum to verify the ISO?12:33
=== Chex is now known as Guest2009
SlartServerTech: yes, there are ways.. you can check how sudo works and configure it so that certain commands can be run without entering password12:33
Slart!sudo | ServerTech12:33
ubottuServerTech: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:33
Super8cfhowlett No idea whats that.12:33
Ascavasaionlspci gives me VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller as my graphics card.  I am trying to run Google Earth but it tells me that I do not have "3D accelerator card with shader support".  HOw do I enable those please?12:33
cfhowlett!md5sum|Super8, it's a way to verify the integrity of the downloaded ubuntu ISO12:34
ubottuSuper8, it's a way to verify the integrity of the downloaded ubuntu ISO: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:34
Super8The thing is, Linuxmint runs well and install with no problems12:35
Ascavasaionlspci gives me VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller as my graphics card.  I am trying to run Google Earth but it tells me that I do not have "3D accelerator card with shader support".  HOw do I enable those please?12:35
cfhowlettSuper8, which leads me to suspect you've got bad media.  Easily tested.12:37
Super8What do u mean by bad media?12:37
cfhowlettSuper8, corrupted downloads do happen12:37
Super8cfhowlett I deleted windows and installed ubuntu it worked just fine.12:38
cfhowlettSuper8, ??? So it's fixed now?  Nice.12:38
Super8But when am trying to install ubuntu on a specific hard drive created on windows. it does not work12:38
cfhowlettSuper8, so ... don't install on partitions created in windows.12:39
home555i need help12:39
ubottuhome555,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:39
Super8If i completely removed my win7, and installed ubuntu. Would i be able to install win7 along side ubuntu?12:39
home555burn xununtu 13.4 to usb12:40
cfhowlettSuper8, you don't need to remove windows.  I'd suggest you delete the partitions you created with windows and then partition the freed space with ubuntu12:40
g105bI really have the urge to LMGTFY home55512:41
cfhowletthome555, STATE YOUR ISSUE.  with details.12:41
Pici!usb | home55512:41
ubottuhome555: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:41
Super8cfhowlett I already tried that, it keeps on saying "Starting up the partitioner" for a long time12:41
cfhowlettSuper8, did you verify your iso?12:41
g105bIt still surprises me that people can learn how to connect to IRC before they learn how to Google something.12:41
ubottuchris5000,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:42
cfhowlettchris5000, sorry. wrong bot12:42
home555unebooting burn version 11.1012:43
Super8Yes I verfied it cfhowlett12:43
cfhowlettSuper8, deleting OS is a drastic step and should be avoided.  reboot and run the check disk for integrity function.12:43
cfhowletthome555, ubuntu 11.10 is dead and end of life.  Use a supported version.12:43
Super8I think bootable usb might be the solution but my bios is not recognizing any bootable usb12:44
chris5000Super8: you have to set it to boot from usb in the boot order menu12:44
cfhowlettSuper8, corrupted cd burns happen too.  thus you run the check to verify things12:44
MonkeyDustSuper8  during boot, press F12 or so, to get the boot order menu, select flash/usb12:45
Super8cfhowlett How come its corrupted and when i decided to delete win7 and install ubuntu it worked just fine?12:46
pehojrib: thanks I understand perpose, git config add user data12:46
Super8MonkeyDust what I saw there is the HDD, DVD drive and LAN12:46
cfhowlettSuper8, you JUST told us it wouldn't partition.  that's not "worked just fine".12:46
Super8cfhowlett When i installed it, I installed it on ALL THE HDD.12:47
Super8But when it gets to installing ubuntu + win7, it doesnt work.12:47
cfhowlettSuper8, color me confused.12:47
cfhowlettSuper8, have you installed ubuntu to your HDD?12:47
Super8Ubuntu by it self works just fine, i have also tried it on another computer.12:47
cfhowlettSuper8, ???? so ... what is it you're having trouble with?12:48
Super8When i get to install Ubuntu on an empty HDD (No windows), it works FINE.12:48
Super8But since windows is currently installed on my HDD, i intend to install ubuntu along side and its not working.12:48
ActionPa1snipSuper8: Which version of Windows?12:49
Super8Windows 7 32 bit.12:49
ActionPa1snipSuper8: resize your NTFS using Windows, then install to the unpartitioned space12:50
cfhowlettSuper8, and kill those extra windows created partitions.12:50
Super8ActionPa1snip i tried that already, not working12:50
Super8Wait let me try it again then.12:50
ActionPa1snipSuper8: how do you mean 'not working', saying 'not working' tells us near zero12:50
Super8Do i have to install swap area?12:50
ActionPa1snipSuper8: i suggest you do12:51
Super8Okay, ill try that and capture the screen, be back in a bit12:51
ActionPa1snipSuper8: also chkdsk your NTFS to ensure its ok12:51
cfhowlettSuper8, run a terminal in windows.  type in chkdsk.  it'll likely state "can't do it now, will do so on reboot."12:52
Super8Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges.12:53
Super8You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode.12:53
cfhowlettSuper8, you need to use your windows admin account or password.12:53
BluesKajHiyas all12:53
chris5000or right click on cmd and select "run as administrator"12:53
Super80 bad files records12:55
Super80KB in bad sectors12:55
Super8let me try to boot the cd again, wait.12:55
cfhowlettBluesKaj, greetings12:56
BluesKajHi cfhowlett12:56
ActionPa1snipsurfdue: right click computer manager -> run as admin12:58
ixio2anyone know how to setfacl recursively?13:08
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ActionPa1snipixio2: http://linux.die.net/man/1/setfacl13:12
ActionPa1snipixio2: --recursive   or   -R13:13
user258467How do I display my desktop icons ?13:13
ActionPa1snipixio2: its in the man page.....13:13
JoBArTe_Skuldanyone here?13:13
ActionPa1snipixio2: does:   man setfacl   not show a man page to you?13:13
JoBArTe_Skuldis allowed to questions here?13:13
ActionPa1snipJoBArTe_Skuld: many :)13:13
ActionPa1snipJoBArTe_Skuld: about ubuntu support, yes13:13
cfhowlettJoBArTe_Skuld, ask your questions13:13
MonkeyDustuser258467  with unity-tweak-tool or with dconf-editor13:13
user258467MonkeyDust, thx13:14
JoBArTe_Skuldim trying to compile one serial driver here, but on make its exit because linux/mca.h not found13:14
JoBArTe_Skuldlinux-source dont have this file?13:14
ActionPa1snipJoBArTe_Skuld: use http://packages.ubuntu.com   and you can seach for the filename and it will show the package name (if it exists)13:14
jhon1I am from colombia in south america13:15
JoBArTe_Skuldanother question \o\13:15
jhon1I have one problem with my compuer13:15
JoBArTe_Skuldis possible to measure a bandwith used on server by domain on a ethernet or another option?13:15
clue_hjhon1, whats up with it13:16
JoBArTe_Skuld[ActionPa1snip]: this linux/mca.h is one include on a driver file.c13:17
JoBArTe_Skuldi installed linux-source, but no resolve :(13:18
bing0719good night!13:18
JoBArTe_Skuld[bing0719]: good :)13:18
jhon1I do not know to install packages tar.bz213:18
jhon1this is done?13:18
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jhon1hello! who you speaks spanish? please13:21
Pici!es | jhon113:22
ubottujhon1: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:22
MonkeyDustjhon1  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression13:22
jhon1muchas gracias13:22
morkhay muchos canales espanoles13:22
jhon1thank you very much13:23
Picinp :)13:23
rob_hi, im trying to get an upstart job to log to logger but whatever i try it doesnt seem to work, if i run the same command at the console its fine13:23
harrishey can i use ubuntu to install cynagenmod on my android phone13:25
cfhowlettharris, ask in #nexus4 or #android for the procedure13:26
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ikillcypherhello was wondering how do I open13:35
ikillcypherOpen ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub13:35
ikillcypherreally a bash noob13:35
ActionPa1sniprob_: could add the command (backgrouded) in /etc/rc.local   until you get a proper fix13:35
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ActionPa1snip!away > CiscOH|Away13:35
ubottuCiscOH|Away, please see my private message13:35
ikillcypher:( ?13:37
ActionPa1snipikillcypher: its a text file...use your favourite editor13:37
ikillcyphergedit display nothing13:38
ActionPa1snipikillcypher: is the file present?13:38
wanttolovedjangoHow do i can screen video capture on ubuntu ?13:38
ActionPa1snipwanttolovedjango: press print screen key...just like in Windows13:39
ChogyDan!screencast | wanttolovedjango13:39
ubottuwanttolovedjango: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.13:39
ActionPa1snipwanttolovedjango: same as ANY OS13:39
wanttolovedjangoActionPa1snip : screen cast , no screen shot13:39
majornickubuntu 13.04 here. have a HUGE problem with audacity and rythm box. first of all. why does rythm box run inthe back ground with no way to see what i s going on is shuttleworth iuhgh ?13:40
majornick*high on drugs?13:40
ActionPa1snipwanttolovedjango: apologies13:40
ActionPa1snipwanttolovedjango: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/record-screen-linux13:40
majornickis shuttleworth high on drugs?13:40
ChogyDanmajornick: don't troll13:40
majornickhow what is rythmbox doing13:40
ikillcypherikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/.ssh$ ls13:40
ikillcypherid_dsa  id_dsa.pub  known_hosts13:40
cfhowlettmajornick, if you want actual help, considering reformulating your questions13:40
majornickam drunk13:40
cfhowlettmajornick, come back when sober.  bye13:41
wanttolovedjangoIs there anything with command line that gets the end of what screen makes13:41
wanttolovedjangowe say it from what pixel to which pixel record it13:41
ChogyDanmajornick: you can't hit the x to close rhythmbox, you have to use the menu13:41
majornickChogyDan: what now?13:42
ikillcypherhello anyone can tell me how to open id_dsa.pub inside a .ssh13:42
ikillcypherIm not good with bash13:42
ActionPa1snipikillcypher: gedit ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub13:42
majornickChogyDan: what aout when i cant seee anything? its just the audio palying?13:42
ChogyDanmajornick: open it back up through the sound icon (indicator)13:43
majornickoh i got it. i have to lock it to the launcher so i can close it13:43
majornickChogyDan: man i hate rythmbox man i want oto elevate past this but audacity has been givcing me some major headaches13:43
majornicki keep trying to save these files to my folders from audacity through the exprt to mp3 but i have humanly malfunctioned due to obvious american alcoholism malufucntion and this dude i w right i need to try agian tomorrrow i love YOU all Ubuntu friends soorryy13:45
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b0xhi, i installed ubuntu 13.04 a few weeks ago and its been absolutely awesome. HOWEVER! I suspended ubuntu, took my laptop to the office, and its not booting correctly. I get to a blank desktop, with no unity. I'm able to run terminal and other things via it. I tried sudo apt-get update and it didnt pickup anything unusual. ALso tried booting with recovery options and low graphics mode13:51
b0xmy indicators seem to load also.. psensor appears, the num/caps lock toggle appears, but there is no actual global menu bar13:52
b0xany ideas? i'm booted to windows now (dual boot)13:52
BluesKajb0x, make sure your swap file is as large as your RAM for suspend13:52
b0x:/ how can i do that .. but it shouldnt matter now right? i've rebooted it from within this working desktop (power button prompts shutdown/suspend/etc but not in normal style13:53
b0xit initially popped up with an error about it trying to resume (sent) but now nothing13:54
ActionPa1snipb0x: if you log in as another user, is it the same?13:54
b0xI've got no other users.. Guest session?13:54
ActionPa1snipb0x: yes guest13:54
ActionPa1snipb0x: or make a fresh user13:55
b0xany other ideas, i'll have to reboot to try13:55
clue_hi cant remember where to place allow-guest=False? where the conf file to edit it13:56
ActionPa1snipclue_h: lightdm.conf13:56
clue_hActionPa1snip, thank you13:56
mariannehi... total hardware upgrade complete to 12.04.3... I don't have sound with either the onboard (realteck ALC887) or the PCI (soundblaster) speakers all work fine and I have double checked the connections...help13:57
marianneboth the onboard and PCI support 5.113:57
ActionPa1snipmarianne: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*   wait 10 seconds and reboot13:59
MonkeyDustmarianne  in a terminal, type alsamixer -- if you see mm,go there and press m13:59
ncopain installed linux mint xfce yesterday on wifes netbook and it killed the windows dualboot14:01
ncopait said something about <UUID> not foud at boot14:01
marianneActionPalsnip: Directory not empty14:01
MonkeyDustncopa  better ask in mint support14:01
ncopai compared with blkid and grub.cfg and they differed14:01
ncopai have reinstalled with ubuntu now14:02
ncopa(she didnt like mint)14:02
BluesKajif pulseaudio is removed there won't be sound on websites , pulse links alsa to flash on most sites like youtube etc14:02
ncopaany ideas how to fix the dualboot again?14:02
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ncopawindows 7 is on sda114:02
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marianneMonkeyDust: do I need to reboot or anything?14:03
ChogyDanncopa: is dual boot broken after you reinstalled ubuntu?  That wasn't clear14:04
MonkeyDustmarianne  no, simply open a terminal window and type alsamixer14:04
MonkeyDustmarianne  reboot wouldnt harm, tho14:04
marianneMonkeyDust:I did that > hightlighted MM ...BRB reboot then14:05
gjungcan somebody help me i become after installatin a Kernel Panik14:05
ncopaChogyDan: it broke after installing mint xfce. ubuntu installer did not find it. i need to fix it from ubuntu now14:05
ncopai have backup of old grub.cfg14:05
gjungi use 13.04 64bit14:06
ChogyDanncopa: so your windows 7 install isn't being located when you update-grub?14:06
ncopashould i run update-grub2 or update-grub?14:07
ChogyDanncopa: it may not matter14:07
ncopaChogyDan: correct. windows was not run with update-grub214:08
ncopai can retry14:08
ChogyDanncopa: pastebin output14:08
ncopait finds linux images and initrd, the windows recovery on sda2 but not sda114:09
ncopaok. i'll paste. its on other computer. gimme a sec14:09
ncopathe machine has only 1G ram so its slow..14:10
ncopa(which is is why let her try mint-xfce but she didnt like it...)14:10
ncopaChogyDan: https://dpaste.de/WtsDy/14:12
gjung Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found Try passing init= option to kernel somebody can help me14:12
marianneMonkeyDust: still nothing14:13
Billyswhere are you from guys ?14:14
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ChogyDanncopa: I would try the advice from here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22698/update-grub2-not-finding-windows7-partition14:15
majornickim dead in the water with rythm box and audacity .. i got major malufunctions here, damn.14:15
manik_Can anybody why does the OS keep asking for the WiFi password even though I am putting its correct password?14:16
majornickits like metldown on 8gb ram total metldown14:16
ncopaChogyDan: ok i'll try. thanks!14:16
majornickim going to get banned from u bntu help ? oh lord i love the Queen and manchester untied lpolease14:17
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majornickbbl ndrunk14:17
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p1l0tWow quiet14:24
clue_hhas anyone configured their firewall to adapt to openvpn?14:24
clue_hi was curious about what the outbound rule set was or if there is a page on this somewhere14:25
marianneIn AlsaMixer I can see my PCI card, but when I select it, it's not saving the value14:25
przemekhello support one my client ask me to install debian in efi boot mode,  do you know anything about efi boot ? whats the point using this mode? thank yo14:26
OerHeks!uefi | przemek14:26
ubottuprzemek: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:26
BluesKajmarianne, what's your audio chip in alsamixer ?14:27
przemekubottu:  so no need to instal efi boot debian if mainboard not support efi?14:27
ubottuprzemek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
przemekubottu: :)14:27
przemekOerHeks: :)14:28
przemekthx dude14:28
przemekOerHeks:  so no need to instal efi boot debian if mainboard not support efi?14:28
marianneBluesKaj: DEfault onboard is Realtek ALC887-VD ...the one I want is PCI and it is Creative CA013214:28
ActionPa1snipprzemek: debian isnt supported here14:28
b0xback again, tried guest user and new user14:28
ActionPa1snipprzemek: ask in #debian14:28
b0xno good14:29
ActionPa1snipb0x: then its not your user's config14:29
OerHeksprzemek, if your mainbord does not support EFI, why bother?14:29
przemekdebian always sleep my friend :)14:29
BluesKajmarianne, did you you set the pci card as default in the bios ?14:29
ActionPa1snipprzemek: doesnt mean its supported here14:29
ActionPa1snipmarianne: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload14:29
marianneBluesKaj: no i didn't14:30
ncopaok. i tried add the menuentry manually: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/os-prober/+bug/713899 but it now says: "BOOTMGR is missing"14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 713899 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "os-prober does not find Windows 7" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:30
b0xActionPa1snip: ok, so where do i go from here?14:30
ActionPa1snipmarianne: I suggest you only use one sound card, keep it simple. Either use pci and disable the onboar, or just use the onboard14:30
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ActionPa1snipb0x: does the system have a make and model?14:30
b0xi tried running unity via the command line14:31
ActionPa1snipb0x: try:  unity --replace14:31
b0xit threw an error about a window manager already in use14:31
marianneActionPalsnip: going to bios to fix it14:31
b0xbut without the --replace switch14:31
ActionPa1snipb0x: try:  compiz --replace14:31
ActionPa1snipb0x: you need to use the replace switch14:31
b0xwill give it another go14:32
b0xdive, dive, dive....14:32
ncopalooks like i need to fix it from windows... unfortunally, the recovery only allows me to wipe disk to factory defaults14:34
ncopai dunnot want to it all again :-(14:34
ChogyDanncopa: did you try deleting the /boot directory? or wahtever?14:35
ncopathere was no /boot14:35
ncopai think it is strange that the UUID of sda1 changed. i still have the old grub.cfg14:36
ncopathe uuid does not match14:36
ActionPa1snipncopa: you can run:  sudo blkid    and see the IDs, then compare14:37
ncopaActionPa1snip: thats what i did. the uuid in old grub.cfg does not mach with the uuid from blkid14:37
ActionPa1snipncopa: as long as its what is in the standing grub config, its fine14:38
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ncopaActionPa1snip: nope. I get "BOOTMGR is missing"14:39
ActionPa1snipncopa: boot to live cd and use the omgubuntu guide:   sticking it to grub14:39
ncopahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair has a "Repair windows boot files" at the end14:40
kenshiroHi, I would like to know if it's safe to upgrade Ubuntu 12.04 to 13.04 hardware enablement stack. Wiki page is not upgraded, 13.04 LTS appears as "Proposed":   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:40
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: you'll need to upgrade to 12.10 first14:41
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: 13.04 is only supported til January 2014 so you will need to upgrade to 13.10 when it comes shortly after release14:41
kenshiroactionpa1snip But I want to upgrade only the hardware enablemenet stack (kernel, xwindows), not upgrade distro14:41
kenshiroactionpa1snip I want to upgrade to 12.04.314:42
feeshonHello, how can I hash my password for .smbcredentials file?14:42
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: do you have 12.04 installed now?14:42
kenshiroactionpa1snip, yes the original stack14:42
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: then run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:43
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: you will then have 12.04.314:43
kenshiroactionpa1snip, ok I will try, thank you ! :-)14:43
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: the minor releases just make installing nicer14:43
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: as it is supported 5 years, the packages get old14:44
ActionPa1snipkenshiro: so they release intermediate releases with newer packages in the default, rather than install then having to update the entire OS14:44
kenshiroactionpa1snip I understand, thank you ! :-)14:45
feeshonHello, how can I hash my password for .smbcredentials file?14:45
ActionPa1snipkel39: np :)14:46
b0xno good.. got some more info.14:47
b0xaerrors: opengl not loaded, compix (opengl) fatal: glxQueryExtensionString is NULL for screen 0, xlib: extension - gLX missing on display "0:0"14:50
b0xai did recall something though.. a few days ago,. or more i wanted to install the nvidia drivers so i could get hdmi output14:50
ActionPa1snipb0xa: if you install xfce4 and log off, then log in to the XFCE session. Is it ok?14:51
b0xai only got as far as installing the nvidia package from apt-get14:51
b0xathis could be the first full reboot since :/14:51
b0xaXFCE ?14:51
b0xasudo apt-get install xfce4 ?14:52
SergeyPenkinIf a new version of software is released what influences how quick this new version would be in Ubuntu repositories?14:53
ActionPa1snipb0xa: yes14:54
Almindoris there a way to do dist-upgrade but mark something as blacklisted?14:54
ActionPa1snipb0xa: sudo apt-get install xfce414:54
ActionPa1snip!pin | Almindor14:54
ubottuAlmindor: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:54
Almindorpython2.7-minimal crashes (some script error) for me on dist-upgrade upgrading from 10.04 to 12.0414:55
Almindorand I don't need python or it's children atm.14:55
b0xaActionPa1snip: found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212482314:55
visualiseAlmindor, you may only dist-upgrade one version at a time I believe14:55
ActionPa1snipvisualise: LTS to LTS is supported14:56
Almindorvisualise: LTS14:56
Almindorit's just 10.04 -> 12.04 is bugged14:56
visualiseActionPa1snip, nu-uh14:56
Almindorit fails, there's a manual workaround, but it always wants to install python for me even if I purged it from my current version14:56
visualiseoh, apt hell. gotcha :)14:56
ActionPa1snipvisualise: you upgrade to the next release, or LTS to LTS14:57
Almindorand I don't need that damn thing :D14:57
g0twiggrub from ubuntu 12.04.3 does not support adding Fedora 20 to the bootlist, what can I do??14:57
revealanyone have problems with vim after a clean install not recognizing your terminal type and getting AB CD for arrow keys and no delete14:57
AlmindorI already got the base-system upgraded to 12.04 (kernel and the base packages) but it fails on a script error (actual python error) while trying the python install, that's why I want to ignore it14:57
Almindorbut pinning only pins it at the old version, not sure if that'll help14:58
revealdoes it require a specific python version14:58
ActionPa1snipvisualise: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades  "You can directly upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (.Precise Pangolin.) from Ubuntu 11.10 (.Oneiric Ocelot.) or 10.04 LTS (.Lucid Lynx.)."14:58
gordonjcpAlmindor: what *exactly* is the error?14:58
visualiseActionPa1snip, cool beans14:58
ActionPa1snipvisualise: so YES, very supported and advised14:58
gordonjcpI never upgrade between versions14:59
gordonjcpnever really had that work successfully14:59
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visualiseActionPa1snip, apparentlly not so supported =p14:59
ActionPa1snipvisualise: so why the "15:56 < visualise> ActionPa1snip, nu-uh" ?14:59
Almindorgordonjcp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6040583/14:59
visualiseActionPa1snip, I didn't know of LTS > LTS14:59
visualisebut is good to hear!14:59
ActionPa1snipvisualise: then why say nu-uh to something, when you didn't know about it?15:00
visualiseActionPa1snip, an mistake15:00
AlmindorI only found a german poster on some forums with same error but no replies15:00
Almindorbut the infuriating thing is, I don't NEED python on this machine atm.15:00
ActionPa1snipvisualise: if you aren't quite sure about something, you can't advise.15:00
Almindorit's just dist-upgrade wants to add all the bull* on top15:00
visualiseActionPa1snip, indeed15:01
gordonjcpAlmindor: I think you pretty much require python15:01
gordonjcpAlmindor: I found the same post in German15:01
* OerHeks agrees with gordonjcp 15:01
b0xaActionPa1snip: going to try these: FYI: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285779/after-upgrading-to-13-04-unity-interface-is-not-showing15:02
Almindorit's just some of the meta-packages require it, the ubuntu tools15:02
Almindorthe base system can run nicely without15:02
Almindorthis is a server I'm talking about not desktop15:02
revealso install then downgrade it15:02
k3ys3rsoz3hello ubuntu15:04
=== dduffey is now known as dduffey_afk
ActionPa1snip!away | dduffey_afk15:08
ubottudduffey_afk: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»15:08
d3vZer0mensch gibts denn nicht mal _irgendwo_ nen vernuenftigen _deutschen_ linux hilfe chan?15:09
BluesKaj!de | d3vZer015:09
ubottud3vZer0: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:09
BIGTONEMy friend told me not 2 upgrade from 12.04, what do the chat line say?15:13
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OerHeksBIGTONE, your friend might be right, ask him why15:16
Siecjewhen I press up in the terminal I don't see the previous command15:16
=== david__ is now known as bananapie
codephobicare there any hardware channels on irc? for some reason ubuntu 13.04 is stressing my FX4100/Radeon HD6670/8GB system than I could have anticipated. It's especially bad when I run VirtualBox and boot up windows 7 (2 cores limited to a max of 80% cpu usage)...15:20
tux_1Is there there anything I need to setup to use the talk and ytalk command?15:20
codephobictemps are spiking at near critical... very depressing situation to find myself in.15:20
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Siecjepressing up and tab in the terminal do not work unity on 13.0415:23
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: did you install the proprietary video driver?15:24
glumetuhi how can i find out if i have 3d hardawre acceleration enabled?15:25
ActionPa1snipglumetu: run a game, use Compiz as WM15:25
codephobicActionPa1snip, yes15:26
glumetuty i'll give it a try15:28
ggolintrying to set env for runit, looks like the variables are not set15:30
ggolindoes anyone have exp with this?15:30
ggolinfollowing the man page15:30
codephobicis there a known bug with virtualbox 4.2.16?15:30
codephobicit doesn't seem right that it should be stressing out my system when previous versions didn't ...15:31
Felishiais there a way to play a midi or nted file over a web browser? o.o15:31
ggolinFelishia, yeah its in 199715:32
Felishiawhat do you mean?15:32
ggolinnetscape had plugins for midi15:32
AcidRain2012why is php channel invite only? im logged in15:32
FelishiaI know midis have been around since so much time ago15:32
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display | grep -i driver      what is output?15:33
Felishianetscape... uh ggolin I forgot to say that I also need the sheet to be there15:33
Felishiasomething like put nted in a webpage15:33
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: also, what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:33
Felishiait must be interactive15:33
FelishiaInquisitive, :o15:33
OerHeksAcidRain2012, some channels need a registered account, ask in #freenode15:33
Inquisitivemy audio keeps dying and it is not just VLC or youtube or my media player it is all of them15:34
Inquisitivebut when I plug in my headphones it works...Why?15:34
codephobicActionPa1snip, "configuration: driver=fglrx_pci latency=0"15:34
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: ok thats good, and the 2nd command15:35
FelishiaInquisitive, let me guess... >.> 13.04 with hda intel?15:35
codephobicand issue = "Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l"15:35
codephobicerr, "cat /etc/issue": "Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l"15:36
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: all I can suggest is to try the xorg update ppa (less fresh more stable), or make an xorg.conf file15:36
codephobicnever heard of issue before... is that a type of error log?15:36
menoxzI'm trying to add 1280x1024 resolution since its showing CRT0. But I'm stuck on the "1600 1696 1856 2112" what are the values for 1280x1024?15:36
menoxzor how do you calculate them15:36
codephobicActionPa1snip, is the ppa xorg more stable than the one that comes with 13.04?15:38
InquisitiveFelisha not sure just treat me like a noob not stupid just new only been using Ubuntu for a month or 2 sorry for the inexpierence...15:38
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: the one in te official repos is tried and tested, but your kit may need newer15:38
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: have you tried a non-compositing session, like xfce?15:39
codephobicI'll try and make a config, but I'm mystified as to why my system has become less stable since upgrading the hardware and upgrading to 13.04 ...15:39
codephobicActionPa1snip, nope not tried using anything other than gnome 3 and unity15:39
InquisitiveI am familiar with terminal already though15:40
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: unity runs on top of gnome 315:40
codephobicI actually upgraded my gfx card (I have an on-board radeon hd 3300) to a hd 6670 just so I wouldn't be left behind by the newer xorg ...15:40
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: install the xfce4 package, log off then try the XFCE session in the login screen15:40
codephobicActionPa1snip, I thought unity ran on a cut down version of gnome? I downloaded the full gnome 3 desktop and used that just to see if it was any better for general work than unity, but didn't get any joy15:41
codephobick, just gonna download xfce...15:42
Inquisitiveand how do I connect to a different IRC server /.server. or something?15:44
starbuckhi guys, I got a problem with samba on a debina server with an ubuntu 13.04 client and vlc... for some reason vlc doesn't like to read fiels from a sambashare, vlc crashes and becomes a zombie which can't be killed except logging out and back in15:44
xatr0zstarbuck: does the samba has an username?15:45
starbuckxatr0z: waht do you mean?15:45
xatr0zi had an similar issue, and it had to do with vlc and gvfs15:45
xatr0zvlc didnt had the correct username/password somehow15:45
starbuckok, what do i have to check / do?15:46
xatr0znot exactly sure why but it DID seem to work with passwordless servers15:46
beliveyourdreami have a problem with one of my servers15:46
beliveyourdreami've updated  from 11.04 to 12.04 and now on every form submit the browser just hangs15:46
beliveyourdreami've checked logs on apache/php/mysql and my application logs but nothing to explaing the hang15:47
xatr0zstarbuck: if you are currently just doubleclicking the file: try opening the smb:// link in vlc (with username password)15:47
SachUsing 12.04.  Was listening through my headphones, now suddenly I get no sound at all through the headset OR the laptop speakers. Help please?15:48
beliveyourdreamany idea what could break from this dist upgrade ?15:48
codephobicActionPa1snip, I'm installing the full desktop of XFCE 4.10.15:48
ActionPa1snipcodephobic: yes, it doesnt use compositing, we can see if the temp is lower or same15:50
codephobicI'm getting high temps on the cpu while downloading.15:51
chris5000Sach: restart your computer? check the sound settings? re-start your browser or application?15:51
codephobicIt's really strange, I don't have this issue with windows 7, nor did I experience it with ubuntu 12.1015:51
Sachchriss5000: just restarted the laptop, same result15:51
xatr0zstarbuck: if that DOES work you could try googling because their should be a better solution... a workaround however would be to just mount the share instead of using gvfs15:51
codephobicActionPa1snip, I forgot something else... I get lots of "system problem" errors15:52
codephobicsometimes for apport, sometimes for other services/daemons ...15:53
chris5000Sach: check your sound settings, there are usually two meters you can adjust15:53
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starbuckxatr0z: it doesn't work... i can start the file with doubleclick but if I enter the address by hand it doesn't do anything15:53
Sachchris5000: yes, both meters  are unmuted and have enough volume for me to hear...but nothing15:54
xatr0zstarbuck: could you try starting it in the terminal with vlc -vvvv to see if it outputs anything useful before crashing ?15:54
convoicodephobic, which's your graphic-card?15:54
starbuckxatr0z:  open of `smb://t43p/download/The_Worlds_End.wmv' failed15:56
codephobicconvoi, it's an ASUS ATI Radeon HD667015:56
Siecjewhen I press up in the terminal I don't see the previous command15:56
burghello. i am getting setfacl: opperation not permitted when i try: sudo setfacl -R -m u:ultra:rwx /projects/*15:56
convoicodephobic, edit your /etc/default/grub15:57
sillyme#join #aircrack-ng15:57
revealconvoi: grep ACL in your kernels .config file15:58
convoicodephobic, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" change to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force radeon.dpm=1"15:58
chris5000Sach: output of pulseaudio -D?15:58
convoicodephobic, and install Jupiter and choose Power Saving mode15:59
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codephobicconvoi, I'm just going to try out xfce first, need to give ActionPa1snip some feedback on temps in non-compiz desktop.16:00
convoicodephobic, sudo update-grub after edited grub16:01
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jonascjwhen connecting to my newly installed ubuntu server 12.04 with vncviewer (tried it from both windows and ubuntu) I have a wrong keymap. I use a danish keyboard and my : is not where it should be for example. What could be wrong?16:01
Sachchris5000: http://pastebin.com/EzgRsdSK16:02
RoyKjonascj: which vncviewer is this?16:03
chris5000Sach: there's your problem16:03
chris5000Sach: sec16:03
Inquisitiveso any help on my audio problem? it stops but the headphones work and yeah it was after my last batch of updates I installed now that I think about it16:03
chris5000Sach: kill the service and restart it16:04
Sachchris5000: the service?16:04
chris5000Sach: the pulseaudio daemon16:04
Sachchris5000: is there a command for that?16:04
chris5000Sach: pulseaudio --kill and then pulseaudio --start16:04
chris5000Sach: might need sudo16:04
jonascjRoyK: on ubuntu it's RealVNC (vncplayer) and on Windows it's the same, Real VNCPlayer16:04
codephobicjust logged in to XFCE416:05
jonascjRoyK: Do you think it is an issue witht he vnc client or is it an config issue on the ubuntu server?16:05
codephobichad a system crash - apport16:05
ilovexbmcplease can someone help me out here, i just installed latest vsn of WUBI but my display is unusable - it looks like this: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B98pNjnjhJj0bk1TX25najlXREE/edit?usp=sharing i know that I have read a fix previously but cant find it anywhere now. please help!16:05
RoyKjonascj: not sure16:05
Sachchrisr5000: this is strange:  http://pastebin.com/QyiYQ4Yz16:06
holsteinilovexbmc: i would look for another graphics driver, if one is available for your hardware.. you can also try the normal installation cd live16:06
Sachchris5000: this is strange: http://pastebin.com/QyiYQ4Yz16:06
cuddylierUsing FTP on SSH, how would I get a file from a remote FTP and put it in a directory I want to put it in on the local machine? When i do 'get [filename] it tries to download it to the same directory on my local machine.16:06
ilovexbmcholstein - Any ubuntu or ubuntu variant is the same :( and seeing as i cant even get in to it how would i change driver?16:07
RoyKSach: perhaps sudo -i first?16:07
SachRoyK: you mean as a command in and of itself?16:07
holsteinilovexbmc: you would "get into it" via tty.. or nomodeset before installation or now16:07
gordonjcpcuddylier: "lcd"16:07
holstein!nomodeset | ilovexbmc this is what i would try from a live CD16:07
ubottuilovexbmc this is what i would try from a live CD: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:07
gordonjcpcuddylier: but, avoid using ftp16:08
cuddylierI have to as it's a FTP server16:08
holstein!tty | ilovexbmc this is where i would go from the current installation to "fix" it16:08
ubottuilovexbmc this is where i would go from the current installation to "fix" it: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution16:08
RoyKSach: sudo -i first and then kill/start16:08
gordonjcpcuddylier: sftp is fine, and if you've got sftp chances are you've got scp too ;-)16:08
cuddyliergordonjcp I'm transferring from a remote host I have no control over16:08
gordonjcpcuddylier: okay, then also assume it's been broken into and use a unique password for it that you use nowhere else16:08
cuddyliergordonjcp So do I type lcd [filename]?16:09
codephobicis anybody else experiencing frequent system crash errors with ubuntu 13.04? I keep getting apport-gtk related errors16:09
RoyKgordonjcp: I don't think I've ever seen scp not working if sftp works (except some strange cases with rssh)16:09
SachRoyK: http://pastebin.com/8AhNFtiS16:09
RoyKSach: perhaps it's running as your UID16:09
ilovexbmcthanks guys, im a bit of a linux noob so some of your help kind of goes right over my head but will see what i can manage16:09
RoyKif so, don't use sudo16:09
cuddylierWhen I try to use 'get [foldername]' it says  Cannot download non-regular file: /home/minecraft/multicraft/scripts/16:10
mustmodifyis there some way to combine tail and ... grep maybe? so that I can get a wc -l between lines matching "^Started GET" ... so that I can basically see how many lines of logfile were generated for every web request in my development log?16:10
feeshonDoes anyone know how to prune rsnapshots?16:10
feeshonIs there a built in function for this?16:10
mustmodifyI would want it to work for tail -f ...16:11
codephobicActionPa1snip, so far the system seems to be no worse than under unity. temps climbed down to 53 deg C, but then that was true in unity too, just that they occasionally ramp up to 67-70 deg C.16:11
SachRoyK: still no luck  :(16:11
chris5000Sach: try just typing alsamixer in the command line16:12
cuddylierIs it not possible to copy recursively then using the basic FTP client? Can I use scp if I have just a remote FTP server and not SFTP?16:12
RoyKchris5000: you don'd need an ftp server for neither scp, sftp or rsync16:13
Sachchris5000: I did already,  I see that speaker is MM.16:13
RoyKall of them run over ssh (that is, rsync can run over other protocols, but uses ssh by default)16:13
chris5000RoyK:  you tabbed the wrong guy16:14
RoyKcuddylier: that one was for you - my advice is to use rsync16:14
cuddylierRoyK Ah okay, is it similar then to the FTP commands?16:14
RoyKcuddylier: no, man rsync16:15
cuddylierWhat does 'man rsync' do?16:15
chris5000Sach: try force killing it, if you can't then purge it and reinstall the issue is clearly with that daemon16:15
Sachchris5000: try force killing what exactly?16:16
chris5000Sach: pulseaudio16:17
ActionPa1snipSach: killall pulseaudio16:18
RoyKSach: or killall -9 pulseaudio if it's really stuck16:18
Sachchris5000, ActioPa1snip: Okay, I've killed it.  what next?16:19
chris5000Sach: restart it16:19
ActionPa1snipSach: it will come back up on it's own. Ubuntu is configured to restart pulseaudio if it dies16:20
ActionPa1snipchris5000: ^16:20
chris5000ActionPa1snip: ah16:20
tharkunGodd $(date +%P) what would be the weapon of choice for an office irc server? Small number of users.16:20
Sachchris5000, Actionpa1snip: still no sound.  do I need to restart or something?16:21
ironhalikIs there a way to make certain display the default one for full screen opengl apps?16:21
cuddylierWhere does rsync ask for a password?16:22
karab44is there a good program to cleanup system?16:22
karab44like temporary files, old/unused packages and crap?16:22
chris5000Sach: check if it's running currently with pulseaudio -D16:22
holsteinkarab44: define "cleanup".. and, "good" is a matter of opinion.. if you mean, delete files, you can use a filemanager.. sudo apt-get auto-remove .etc16:22
tmmunqthe old versions of libs that persist after an upgrade?16:23
Sachchriss5000: http://pastebin.com/iz9ijUUp16:23
holsteintharkun: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/irc-server.html is what i referred to years back.. the only issue i has was with folks connecting from the same "location"16:23
holsteinSach: for me, i'll restart, and try older kernels.. i'll try as another user.. i'll try with a live CD to see that the hardware is still "good".. i'll try looking at "aplay -l" to see that the hardware is present16:25
cuddylierWhy does 'rsync -v -e ssh admin.214@b***.**.***.* /server.properties /' not work?16:27
cuddylier rsync: link_stat "/server.properties" failed: No such file or directory (2)16:27
cuddylierBut that file exists on that FTP..16:27
cuddylierIn the root directory16:27
suhaswhere is the background image of the grub present in the file system???16:29
RoyKcuddylier: where is server.properties?16:29
RoyKcuddylier: oh, rsync and sftp and scp is, by default, rooted on the root dir, not the ftp server's root16:29
cuddylierRoyK In the main accessible directory of the remote FTP therefore the directory just should be /server.properties16:30
cuddylierI see..16:30
cuddylierSo how do I specify that then?16:30
RoyKcuddylier: just use the full path16:30
cuddylierI see, I'll try that16:30
RoyKcuddylier: as in /path/to/ftp/root/filename16:30
codephobicActionPa1snip, I don't think I'm seeing any difference in temp/cpu usage with virtualbox 4.2.16 between unity and xfce...16:33
Sachchris5000: any suggestions?16:34
karab44holstein: this is not an answer16:34
chris5000Sach: hmm16:34
chris5000Sach: sec i'm at work lol16:34
Sachchris5000: oh, ok  :-p16:34
cuddylierRoyK Still didn't work, rsync -v -e ssh admin.214@***.**.***.* /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server214/server.properties /16:36
cuddylierThat directory exists on the remote machine16:36
Sachholstein: yes, I think i'll try that at some point.16:36
karab44I am asking about Cleanup program, that cleans temporary files, sets variables to defaults, removes unused libraries, removes unused files, folders, dead links, registeries and so on.16:36
RoyKcuddylier: can you access that exact dir on the server if you ssh into it as admin.214?16:36
BluesKajSach, I think holstein has some good suggestions , did you see his post above ?16:37
cuddylierRoyK I can FTP into it, not SSH16:37
cuddylierRoyK This is a remote FTP server I'm trying to connect to16:37
RoyKcuddylier: if you sftp in, what is your root dir? the home dir?16:37
cuddylierI have no other access apart from this FTP account16:37
cuddylierMy root directory is /root16:37
cuddylierWell, the remote FTP's server is /root16:37
RoyKcuddylier: can you make sftp work non-recursively?16:38
RoyKcuddylier: rsync will have the same root as that one16:38
karab44holstein: by saying good program I mean a program that people use and are satisfied.16:38
cuddylierRoyK I do not have access to SFTP on that other box16:38
cuddylierI only have FTP and nothing else16:38
SachBluesKaj: yes, I'll try that.16:38
RoyKkarab44: registeries?16:39
BluesKajSach, good :)16:39
RoyKcuddylier: does sftp work at all?16:39
cuddylierThe normal FTP client works fine, only if it supported recursively copying files I'd be fine..16:39
cuddylierOn that other box it works yes16:39
cuddylierBut isn't accessible to me16:39
RoyKcuddylier: ncftpget -R ...16:39
cuddylierI found on google the FTP didn't support that but maybe not..16:39
karab44RoyK: yes, if any16:39
cuddylierRoyK Do I use ncftpget [hostname] then?16:39
Sachchris5000: I'm going to log off for a bit to try holstein's suggestions.  Will let you know when I'm back.16:39
cuddylierOh wait no16:40
chris5000Sach: ok. try rm -r ~/.pulse*; pulseaudio -k when you get a chance16:40
chris5000Sach: this will delete your pulseaudio user settings16:40
chris5000maybe regenerating new ones will fix this16:40
RoyKkarab44: what do you mean by 'registeries'?16:41
Sachchris5000: http://pastebin.com/Dj56Fpy316:41
RoyKSach: then it's not running16:41
SachRoyK: so how do I get it to run?16:42
cuddylierRoyK When I try ncftp it just sits connecting when I can connect to the FTP on my PC now fine?16:42
RoyKSach: not sure, not very good with desktop things16:42
chris5000RoyK: it is running it's just unresponsive16:42
RoyKcuddylier: ncftp -u username ipaddress16:43
chris5000Sach: do the same thing just append the killall command you did before to forcefully kill it16:43
Sachchris5000: "sudo pulseaudio --kill"  ?16:44
SubCoolCould somoen help me with this.. - its made 100+ notes for my fingerprint scanner, and then when i use software to use it.. it doesnt see it16:44
chris5000Sach: that might not work.. try killall pulseaudio16:44
Sachchris5000: done.  but how do I know it is killed?16:45
chris5000Sach: check for the process id16:45
chris5000Sach: ps aux16:45
chris5000ps aux | grep pulseaudio might work16:46
RoyKSach: ps axf| grep procame16:46
RoyKprocname, even16:46
RoyKSach: or pgrep procname16:46
RoyKor ...16:46
Sachchris5000: using your command: http://pastebin.com/nwHJdRiR16:47
marianneis it possible to update the kernel without updating the version I'm on?16:48
cuddylierRoyK Seems to work perfectly :) Thanks for your help.16:49
Sachchris5000: going to try a live cd and see what happens.  Back soon.16:50
RoyKcuddylier: you can create a bookmark in ncftp to make things easier16:50
cuddylierOh, cool16:50
RoyKcuddylier: and save the password16:50
RoyKcuddylier: just type 'bookmark mybookmarkname'16:51
cuddylierOkay, thanks16:51
RoyKafter cd'ing into the right dir16:51
BluesKajSach, i joined too late . but what does aplay -l output ?16:51
SachBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/4APCz1Hy16:52
BluesKajSach, ok , have you run , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel ?16:53
chris5000Sach: ok16:53
SachBluesKaj: just did, but nothing seems to have happened.16:53
RoyKSach: check dmesg16:54
BluesKajsac no output means the module/driver loaded properly16:54
SachBluesKaj: I opened a file after that command, and I have sound!16:54
BluesKajif it didn't there would be error messages , Sach`16:55
BluesKajSach, ok good16:55
Sachchris5000, RoyK: BluesKaj's command seems to have done the trick: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel16:56
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RoyKSach: then add snd-hda-intel to /etc/modules16:56
RoyKSach: otherwise it won't be loaded on boot16:56
SachRoyK: how do I do that?  Just type that command in the terminal?16:57
SachBluesKaj: can you suggest what the problem might've been to begin with?  My sound suddendly disappeared while I was listening to an mp3 earlier today.16:57
RoyKSach: just edit /etc/modules16:57
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RoyKSach: as for editor, use nano if you're a newbie or vim if you're not ;)16:57
RoyKor emacs if you like that sort of thing16:58
BluesKajSach, add this line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, options snd-hda-intel index=0 , this makes the module your default16:58
RoyKBluesKaj: nice - didn't know that one16:58
SachRoyK: I'm sorry to say that I'm completely lost.  :(16:59
Lockalسمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ16:59
SachRoyK: How do I find /etc/modules?16:59
RoyKlooks like Lockal is trying to DoS Mac uses - isn't that a good reason to get him or her out of here?17:00
chris5000can't he just do cat >> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, and paste options snd-hda-intel index=0, enter and then ctrl-d17:00
SubCoolanyone? - screwy dmesg17:00
LockalRoyK, what's common with mac and this channel?17:00
BluesKajSach, use alt +F2 gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf17:00
RoyKchris5000: or echo 'options snd-hda-intel index=0' >> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf17:00
chris5000Sach: do any of the things listed above by me or RoyK17:01
RoyKLockal: well, users of all sorts hang in all sorts of channels - posting things to DoS people isn't very nice17:01
SachRoyK: so I've opened alsa-base.conf (/etc/modprobe.d).  onto which line do I paste snd-hda-intel ?17:02
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BluesKajtoo many cooks guys , maybe those terminal commands work , but it's better in my view to to see the actual file and see what he's dealing with17:02
chris5000Sach: just type this into your terminal echo 'options snd-hda-intel index=0' >> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf17:03
chris5000and you should be good17:03
BluesKajsach  , at the bottom is fine17:03
Sachchris5000: all as one line?17:03
BluesKajlike I said chris5000 , too many cooks17:03
BluesKajSach, paste , options snd-hda-intel index=0 , at the bottom17:04
SachBluesKaj: to confirm, "options snd-hda-intel index=0"  ?17:05
BluesKajsac yes without the quotes17:05
RoyKSach: just run 'nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf'17:05
SachBluesKaj: can you suggest what the cause of the problem might've originally been?17:05
RoyKSach: better learn to use an editor to see what you're actually doing17:05
BluesKajRoyK, enough already , just let him finish17:06
RoyKBluesKaj: I don't really agree - if he understands the content of those config files, he'll understand more about how linux is configured17:07
setti tried everything from google, any help will be appreciated http://i.imgur.com/FhahZhH.jpg17:07
BluesKajSach, it's common after upgrades , the audio module doesn't get loaded , if you removed pulseaudio you might want to install it again so you get audio on youtube and other websites17:07
SachBluesKaj, RoyK, Chris5000: you are all great.  thank you for your help.  :)17:08
BluesKajRoyK, that why i told him to use gedit with the run command17:08
RoyKBluesKaj: I keep forgetting that I'm in #ubuntu and not in #ubuntu-server :þ17:09
usr325hello everybody, I have ubuntu 13.04 running with boot/efi on fat32 (configured automatically by ubuntu installation) now I want to install another distro, if i choose to do so without installing grub will ubuntu discover that distro ?17:10
BluesKajRokixz, there's nothing wrong with your cli command suggestions , but editing the actual config file can be beneficial in terms of understanding17:10
chris5000BluesKaj: RoyK: this is a petty argument just get over it17:11
BluesKajchris5000, argument ? what argument ?17:12
ww2005join #minetest17:12
RoyKChristi123: most people that join this channel want to learn, not only given a quick fix17:13
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X-Userwh is software centre calling this packages untrusted? "libav-tools libavdevice53 libavfilter2 rtmpdump youtube-dl"17:25
RoyKX-User: using some ppa?17:25
X-UserRoyK, nope, Software Centre17:26
RoyKnothing in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?17:26
RoyKX-User: try to run an apt-get update17:26
X-UserRoyK, ok17:27
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X-Userwhat will this command do? "apt-get autoremove"17:30
teX-User: See  man apt-get17:31
OerHeksX-User, good start > http://askubuntu.com/questions/3167/what-is-difference-between-the-options-autoclean-autoremove-and-clean17:32
BluesKajX-User, it gets rid of unneeded packages mostly17:32
mozahello, i am trying to open new types of documents and i want to associate them with applications, but in the list, i can only choose folders and files, is there a way to be able to choose a list of applications?17:32
X-Userok OerHeks BluesKaj17:32
temoza: properties?17:34
temoza: Choose to always do it.17:34
temoza: (I use thunar)17:36
mozaok, now i realize that i have two problems.17:36
mozate : it seems to work, but does not give the possibility of the program i want (calibre to open epub files)17:36
mozaand in firefox, is where the initial problem i described appears.17:37
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karab44I don't see any java to install JRE or JDK17:38
karab44how to do it in a right way?17:38
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temoza: Using Nautilus?  If so, see: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66524/why-cant-i-make-a-file-association-in-nautilus17:38
X-Useris downloading youtube-dl from this page safe? http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html17:38
teX-User: Use your package manager.17:39
teX-User: But I think that most youtube videos have a download option below the viewer.17:40
mozate : i'll try to read more, but basically, i have an issue from two perspectives, one is calibre not being in the app choices, and the other with firefox not getting a list of apps for me to choose. Thanks for your link, i'll go look into it.17:40
tmmunqabout as safe as its going to get, thats the project homepage apparently17:40
X-Userte, the one that is downloaded from official repos says to download from this link17:40
teX-User: (youtube-dl is just an application that helps you download videos from youtube.  There are Firefox Plugins for that, so..)17:41
X-Userte, i need it17:41
temoza: /join #firefox17:42
majornickcan anyone help me i am totally lost with audacity? ap. i can not get it eve rocord now. it has gone totally crazy on me. at first i had somehting good going with tis app but now it has gone talotally crazy on me and i hav no idea now to even record a dingle littel test file.17:42
teX-User: So install it.17:42
X-Usercan anybody help? (and please do not say bot patiance)17:42
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BluesKajte, youtube-dl is very handy and less clunky than the FF plugin'17:43
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X-Userte, command line programme is much more powerful than firefox plugins17:43
majornickwhen i first installed audacity it wored fine but now its ttotally fubar what is going on and how can i reset it bakc ck to original please config file maybe?17:43
X-UserBluesKaj, can u help plz?17:43
BluesKajX-User, can you state your problem , i was disconnected for a few mins and may have missed it17:44
X-UserBluesKaj, ok the youtube-dl from official repos said me to download it from http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html , is it safe?17:45
majornickdamn audacity saoked up all my ram and id nothing i got no good audio i am done please helpo?17:45
majornickI launch audacity and hit record and get nothing.17:46
peytonHi -- I used apt-get to "install nginx" (well, actually, puppet did).  But the version is super old -- 0.7.65.  When I do 'apt-cache show nginx' I see three different versions of nginx -- how can I install the right one?17:46
majornicki need audacifdty support17:46
SubCoolwell, now i dont feel so stupid.. i knowi ts weird its doing what its doing, but- its not easily remidied.. so- YAY..17:47
BluesKajX-User, user it's in the repos , just do , sudo apt-get install youtube-dl , in the terminal17:47
Picipeyton: the 'right one'?  The one with the highest version number will be installed if you don't specify anthing.17:47
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majornickwhat is wrong with audacity?17:48
BluesKajmajornick, have you updated/upgraded ?17:48
majornicki am done . i got to do this podcast and this thing has done man17:48
majornickBluesKaj: oh damn17:48
majornickok let me try that17:48
majornickand i be tthats not it but wait a few and ibbl17:48
peytonPici: hmm, I guess I don't understand the "highest version" rules yet -- when I do 'apt-cache show nginx', it looks like the cache knows about 3 versions -- one is 'Version: 1.4.2-1~lucid' but the one that appears to be installed is 'Version: 0.7.65-1ubuntu2.3'17:49
Picipeyton: Can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy nginx ?17:50
X-UserBluesKaj, the one that is downloaded from official repos is saying it while i try to download anything17:50
karab44can I install java 7 JDK when I have 7 JRE already?17:51
peytonPici: http://pastebin.com/dBm2bmVY17:51
BluesKajX-User, anything ?17:52
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Picipeyton: Have you done an apt-get dist-upgrade lately?17:52
peytonpici: actually, it looks like an apt-get install should install that later one -- so I guess I need to figure out why puppet's invocation of apt-get only installed the earlier one..?17:52
Picipeyton: okay :)17:52
majornickno good sudo apt-get updat upgrade on the audacity issue i am dead in tha water and need nhuge hel pi go this poda cast i need to put out and am dead in tha water what is audacity doing?17:53
X-UserBluesKaj, is is the output while trying to use it= Hi! We changed distribution method and now youtube-dl needs to update itself one more time.17:53
X-UserThis will only happen once. Simply press enter to go on. Sorry for the trouble!17:53
X-UserFrom now on, get the binaries from http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html, not from the git repository.17:53
majornickrythmboc audacity is nuts man what is this goin on my box?17:53
LinuxStyleI need some advice: I got a desktop with an embedded intel hd4000. I took that because of the well known compatibility with linux. Now i want to buy two Asus monitors (PB278Q) and unfortunately I found out that the hd4000 only supports one monitor at the top resolution. Which card should I get to drive one or even both the screen ? The old question, Nvidia or ATI ?17:54
majornicki am dead in tha water with audacity on 13,04 ant even get it to record  even a test17:54
majornickmajor brealkdown17:55
LinuxStyleI mostly use ubuntu or arch, looking for something as functional and as well supported as the hd4000.17:55
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majornicki cant believe this17:55
BluesKajmajornick, purge audacity and reinstall it17:55
majornicksudo apt-get automremove?17:56
BluesKajsudo apt-get purge audacity17:56
LinuxStyleanyone able to suggest a graphics card (ati or nvidia) which can support two monitors at 2560 x 1440 ? If you also had an hd4000 embedded, would you split the two monitors one on each graphics card or both on the same discrete one ?17:57
X-UserBluesKaj, can u help?17:57
BluesKajX-User, how ?17:58
X-UserBluesKaj, is it bsafe to do what it said?17:58
majornickshould i install audacity from terminal or ubintu software cener?17:58
[Gentoo]majornick: theyre the same thing17:58
X-Usermajornick, what is the problem with audacity?17:59
OerHeksX-User, i just installed youtube-dl an no message appears about github17:59
ikonowhy do i have to get an ubuntu one account to install steam?17:59
majornickX-User: i think it might be a user error but damn if it aint somthing echinical18:00
smaudet!offtopic | LinuxStyle18:00
ubottuLinuxStyle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:00
X-UserOerHeks, have u tried to download anything? it is saying then.18:00
BluesKajyes looks fine , but it's not really necessary , unless it installed a ppa or other source in your sources.list then i would be careful , look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d , to make sure nothing was added there that you don't want18:00
smaudetLinuxStyle: #hardware?18:00
LinuxStylesmaudet: well it needs to be compatible with ubuntu18:00
smaudetLinuxStyle: Well most Nvidia cards are compatible with ubuntu, ATIs not bad either.18:01
X-UserBluesKaj, that folder is empty18:01
OerHeksX-User, no it does not.18:02
RoyKX-User: check /etc/apt/sources.list to see if there's something non-ubuntu there18:02
smaudetLinuxStyle: the dual screen thing is a hardware thing though I think, you'd have to ask the specifics pertaining to multiple cards in #hardware18:02
RoyKX-User: and pastebin 'ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/'18:03
smaudetI don't know how that would work, although Nvidia supports TwinView just fine so probably fine. Again, not really an Ubuntu question18:03
RoyK(or output of that command :þ)18:03
LinuxStylesure, although knowing a bit about X11 it's kinda relevant whether it supports better two in one or seperate18:03
LinuxStylerelevant to linux more than ubuntu18:03
majornickhow can i get rythmbox out of my way its annoying me with thes audio file splease?18:03
LinuxStyleanyway, fair enough, i'll talk to the guys in #hardware18:03
X-UserRoyK, nope all the links there are from either ubuntu.com or canonical.com18:04
X-UserRoyK, that same thing is also showing in xubuntu18:04
RoyKX-User: did you try an apt-get update?18:04
LinuxStylelooks like i can't speak in hardware as i'm not registered18:05
X-UserRoyK, i have updated18:05
OerHeksX-User, are you running 13.10?18:05
RoyKperhaps something is messed up in the repos - what do I know18:05
X-UserOerHeks, yup 13.0418:05
RoyK13.04 != 13.1018:05
smaudetLinuxStyle: ##hardware18:05
smaudetLinuxStyle: your client should redirect you to the ##hardware from #hardware, but if it doesn't you'll get that message yeah18:06
majornickdoes anyone know how to get rythmbox out of myface?18:06
LinuxStylei'm on the web client18:06
majornickcan i like uninstall rythmbox forever and for good?18:06
chris5000majornick: yes18:07
BluesKajX-User,  pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list18:07
majornickchris5000: how to get rid of that thing?18:07
chris5000just uninstall it like any other program18:07
X-Useroh great, have you guys even tried that app?18:07
chris5000majornick: mhm18:07
majornickX-User: what rythmbox man its like popping up all the time if only i could turn it ooff i woudlnt need to uninstallit18:08
OerHeksX-User, just finished download a youtube movie, there is something wrong with your ubuntu, or you running 13.10 or a fork of ubuntu ?18:08
BluesKajX-User, youtube-dl ? yes , I've run it a few times18:08
OerHeksX-User, as you did not wanted to paste sources list and more important sourceslist.d, we cannot tell18:09
BluesKajX-User, youtube-dl is a command line application18:09
BluesKajOerHeks, his ppa list is empty18:09
X-UserOerHeks, running 13.0418:10
majornickhow to uninstall rythmbox forever please?18:10
X-UserOerHeks, as a told already theres nothing from third-party in my ppa list18:11
OerHeksmajornick, if you fishished the purge command you were given, reboot and it will be gone?18:11
BluesKajmajornick, remember the command I gace for purging audacitty , well just put  rythmbox instaed18:11
majornickoh lord this is to much18:11
X-UserOerHeks, well I am trying this in kubuntu  and xubuntu the same thing18:11
majornickwhy cant i just do my damn podcast18:11
majornickwhy is this so hard?18:12
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BluesKajmajornick, don't waste time complaining18:12
X-UserOerHeks, and also try this command "sudo youtube-dl -U'18:12
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majornickim deada18:13
OerHeksX-User, ah, so you use an option with youtube-dl. .. and sudo ... nice18:13
majornicki just lost my job18:13
NickRiceis there any linux distribution created with a programmer in mind for easy access of libraries and ides and such?18:14
X-UserOerHeks, that one updates the youtube-dl as of "youtube-dl --help"18:14
majornicki lost my job because audacity broke? wtf?18:14
chris5000majornick: sudo apt-get remove rhythmbox18:14
tmmunqhow do i set ubuntu to not wait for an IP on boot?18:15
majornickchris5000: i have no clue its way srose than that why cant i even get audacity to record even a litttle teat?18:15
wilee-nileemajonick no swearing please18:15
majornickim done im dead i just lost my job its over18:15
X-Usercan anybody even help me right way?18:16
chris5000majornick: i don't know how audacity works18:16
Mekaarimajornick: nobody is going to help you if you keep freaking out18:16
chris5000majornick: don't underestimate the power of google18:16
majornickchris5000: its user error no worries here you guys are stller18:17
smaudetNickRice: not really, although all linux distros are dev friendly. What sort of programming are you looking to do?18:18
BluesKajX-User, help you with what ? We've already given you several options , but you don't seem to want to co-operate18:18
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smaudetNickRice: also offtopic, did you try #linux?18:18
smaudetNickRice: and #programming18:18
NickRicei havent but i will!18:19
majornickin reality. i am so nuwby i just reinstall a new OS distro Live usb unetbootin every 3 days beacuse i have no clue what is goin gon things just go crazy on me. can this ever be friendly? i mean Linux?18:20
chris5000majornick: use windows18:20
chris5000most of the people who use linux intend on learning what's under the hood18:20
majornickchris5000: i would rather by apple and sell me car18:20
majornickchris5000: man if you only knew how hard my brain was trying18:21
chris5000then use apple, whatever18:21
chris5000if linux eludes you then it's not for you18:21
majornickchris5000: sadly18:21
X-UserBluesKaj, well, dont be angry, i mean to say the i downloaded it from software centre, then "sudo  youtube-dl -U" as of "youtube-dl --help" and then tried to downloads a video,  then it said me to download from http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html tried with Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu 13.04 and another distro as well all the same18:21
awc737normally, don't users have access to /usr/local ?18:22
kboodumajornick: Or try using something like a chromebook18:22
awc737I have sudo access18:22
awc737why don't I have access to /usr/local ? is this a ubuntu thing18:22
smaudetawc737: what on earth are you on about?18:22
X-UserBluesKaj, i have to do "sudo youtube-dl -U" because it wasnt working18:22
kboodumajornick: But that's moving to offtopic.18:22
awc737git clone repo /usr/local/src18:22
smaudetthere is no restriction to /usr/local other than the need to sudo18:22
X-UserBluesKaj, and I already told theres no third party ppa18:23
awc737ok, i don't want to sudo, i want to install node / npm there18:23
BluesKajX-User, look in your /home/yourusername/Downloads  for the youtube-dl app , you may have to run it from there to install18:23
smaudetawc737: a) not a good place to stick your source b) sudo git clone etc etc18:23
RoyKX-User: if normal commands don't work, they usually don't work better if you sudo them18:23
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kbooduawc737: You don't have write permission to /usr/local without sudo18:23
awc737is it all right to 775 /usr/local, chmod root:staff, and add me to staff?18:23
quadHelixIf i want to remove a users password, can I edit /etc/shadow and remove the characters between the first and seciond semi-colon?18:23
RoyKX-User: if you sudo everything, someone will brick your box eventually18:23
smaudetawc737: i wouldn't recommend it18:23
awc737i thought that was what /usr/local was for18:24
awc737so /opt then?18:24
smaudetawc737: you are free to do what you like of course, but if you install packages then they may go into /usr/local18:24
X-UserRoyK, i have not sudo them, that apps help file told to update the definitions with that sudo command18:24
awc737yes smaudet i want to put global packages for users there18:24
awc737but not have them require sudo18:24
smaudetawc737: well its for user (non-distro) system stuff18:24
kbooduawc737: By changing the permissions and opening it up to anyone to write to it, you open yourself to security compromises.18:24
smaudetawc737: they won't require sudo just to read it18:24
X-UserBluesKaj, nothing in there18:25
OerHeksX-User, it just works fine here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6041291/  did you install restricted extra's?18:25
mojtabaHi, Could you please let me know how can I format a usb disk via command line?18:25
awc737kboodu, it's 775, therefore only staff group users18:25
X-UserOerHeks, yup, i use restricted extras18:25
awc737smaudet, oh ok, perfect18:25
awc737so installing needs sudo, running it will be fine18:25
clue_hmojtaba, yes18:25
smaudetawc737: yes18:25
X-UserOerHeks, whats problem with it?18:25
mojtabaclue_h: What should I do?18:25
kbooduawc737: Not on my system.  So it might be version specific.18:25
smaudetawc737: I still wouldn't put your srcs in /usr/local18:26
smaudetput them in your e.g. home directory, compile, install with sudo18:26
awc737i was frustrated and already do chmod 775 / chown root:staff on /usr/local18:26
X-Usermojtaba, you can use gparted to format usb stick18:26
awc737would it be safe to do chmod 755 / chown root:root back on this?18:26
awc737i think that's the default setting for everything in it18:26
smaudetawc737: yes18:26
smaudetchmod 75518:26
mojtabaX-User: Yes, I know that, but I would like to do that via command line18:26
BluesKajX-User,  is there a youtube-dl binary in /usr/bin ?18:27
awc737except a few python libraries i noticed in /usr/local/share were 77518:27
awc737i mean in /usr/local/lib18:27
X-Usermojtaba, http://www.webupd8.org/2009/10/linux-format-your-usb-drive-via-command.html18:27
clue_hmojtaba, take note of the device path, unmount it and use makefs18:27
smaudetawc737: you shouldn't do that, those processes can be modified by staff members18:28
mojtabaX-User: clue_h: Thanks18:28
awc737smaudet, so I shouldn't chmod 775/chown root:root on /usr/local ?18:28
basichashHow can I install themes? I've tried putting it in ~/.themes, but no dice (ubuntu 12.04, GNOME)18:29
smaudetsmaudet: chmod 755 && chown root:root18:29
clue_hawc737, you should leave it as it is18:29
awc737clue_h, I'm asking how to get it back18:29
smaudetclue_h: he already modified it18:29
awc737clue_h, I already chmod 775 / chown root:staff18:29
X-UserBluesKaj, theres only a python script named youtube-dl in that folder18:29
clue_hpast tense then lol18:29
mojtabaX-User: I used mkdosfs, but when mounting the device, it just show an error and does not mount it!18:29
basichashHow can I install themes? I've tried putting it in ~/.themes, but no dice (ubuntu 12.04, GNOME)18:29
awc737because I noticed that's what the python libraries were18:29
awc737so everything else now matches them18:29
awc737i'm wondering if everything else in /usr/local is probably 755/root:root18:30
clue_hmojtaba, http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-format-usb-drive-in-the-terminal/18:30
trismbasichash: putting them in ~/.themes works but you can't use Appearances to change them, you need to use gnome-tweak-tool or something similar18:30
basichashtrism: it's not showing up in tweak18:30
basichashthis theme specifically: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/MediterraneanNight+Series?content=15678218:30
X-Usermojtaba, working for me.18:30
smaudetawc737: lookup user and group permissions - then make a decision based on who you want to be able to modify your system18:31
BluesKajX-User, then it should be working , it is a cli app18:31
smaudetawc737: if you don't know that, just stick with root and 75518:31
awc737smaudet, i know about it. was just wondering defaults on it18:31
awc737yeah, i'm not worried about it anymore18:31
X-UserBluesKaj, yup i nkw18:31
quadHelixIf i want to remove a users password (employee quit), can I edit /etc/shadow and remove the characters between the first and seciond semi-colon?  Allowing me then to set a new password?18:31
X-UserBluesKaj, knw18:31
clue_hremove the user entirely18:32
smaudetawc737: if it helps those are the permissions on my /usr/local18:32
awc737thanks smaudet18:32
basichashHow can I install a gnome theme?18:33
clue_hquadHelix, like 'deluser user'18:33
basichashHow can I install a gnome theme?18:33
clue_hi mean userdel18:33
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:34
ubuntu-studiowich is the best editor to program in c_18:34
daftykinsbasichash: ^18:34
quadHelixclue_h so best course of action is to backup their home directory then recreate user / replace files?18:34
trismbasichash: shows up fine in 13.04, they do say gnome 3.6 and 3.8 which isn't in 12.04, though I don't know if that should matter18:34
smaudetawc737: the write permissions i think are for some python specific files, they are not for the executables themselves18:34
X-UserBluesKaj, oh i got it at last, according to youtube-dl devs the one that is present in official git repos is no longer working/recommended it said to download it from http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html for both mac os x and gni/linux distros in the same process,so have to do that.18:34
quadHelixclue_h what happened to the good ol' days when you could boot single user and replace passwords?18:34
smaudetawc737: so e.g. package management stuff18:34
clue_hquadHelix, it accounts for /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd. so it just removes credentials, as for files i am not certain on what the best thing to do would be18:34
smaudetanything else is probably a mistake18:34
basichashtrism: perhaps that's the issue. thanks nonetheless18:34
X-UserBluesKaj, *GNU/Linux18:35
quadHelixright arm, ty clue_h18:35
clue_hquadHelix, you can do it the old way too but this is easier to me18:35
trismbasichash: you could use a bit of gsettings to set it directly: http://askubuntu.com/a/79616/6818818:35
basichashtrism: If i want to install a shell theme, where would I put the directory?18:35
quadHelixyes, this is production server and I can not goto init 118:35
clue_hah i see now18:35
trismbasichash: same place, ~/.themes, gnome-shell themes include an extra directory in ~/.theme/ThemeName/gnome-shell18:36
trismbasichash: though I think you still need the user-theme extension to change those18:36
basichashtrism: is that a package?18:36
trismbasichash: it is a gnome-shell extension, I don't think we have it in the repos (definitely not in 12.04 anyway)18:36
X-UserBluesKaj, never mind for inconvenience.18:37
basichashtrism: ok thanks18:37
trismbasichash: oh we do have it in 13.04 now though, gnome-shell-extensions package18:37
quadHelixCan I set up sudoers file to only allow access to chmod, chown, chgrp for a single directory?18:38
joelwallisI'm trying to enable the multitouch feature on my Vostro. How can I do that?18:39
RoyKquadHelix: AFAIK you can only setup sudo for certain commands - for chgrp for a dir, use the +t (sticky) bit18:41
holsteinkarab44: did you find a solution? there used to literally be a "cleanup" entry in the menu. my answer was, if you want to delete files, a file manager will do so, and i assure you, my answer was an answer.. might not have been waht you are looking for..18:41
RoyKquadHelix: it might be possible to do that with sudo, but better to do it with normal permission bits18:41
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quadHelixty RoyK, perhaps I will chroot him at login.18:42
smaudetjoelwallis: I don't know but it has to do with synaptics config files; let me know as well18:42
karab44holstein: will file manager autonomously remove tons of old hidden everywhere configure files and logs ?18:42
quadHelixI am required to share the server with a guy who knows squat about command line, I am worried about fixing his goofs.18:42
holsteinkarab44: the "cleanup" entry i mentioned does some automated cleanup.. so will the other command "sudo auto-remove". did you try that?18:43
karab44holstein: you try to be sarcastic but you exactly know what I mean18:43
holstein!volunteers | karab4418:43
ubottukarab44: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:43
karab44so what?18:44
joelwallissmaudet: I found some documentation in community.ubuntu.com but I don't know how to install the DKMS module provided in launchpad.net18:44
nurowcan anyone recommend me a solid mobi/epub reader from Ubuntu?18:44
DJonesnurow: Have a look at FBreader18:44
holsteinkarab44: i would try narrowing the field to *exactly* what it is you are tyring to do.. did you try "sudo apt-get autoremove" ?.. that removes some apps that you might now want anymore18:44
karab44stop hidding behind ubottu and don't be sarcastic. If you're tired make a break, have a rest.18:44
geniinurow: calibre is also good18:44
z0rannurow try calibre18:45
z0ranim using it18:45
holsteinkarab44: i like to do this manually, because i dont trust any automatic tools..18:45
z0rani like it a lot18:45
nurowthanks guys18:45
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holsteinkarab44: ? please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for chat. thanks18:45
karab44yes, I tried auto-remove it is a basic. I am looking for a tool that will scan HDD in search for old unused files, logs, configs, empty folders and stuff. How many times can I repeat18:46
holsteinkarab44: auto-remove removes applications that you might not be using anymore.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-to-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu is how to remove old kernels18:47
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holsteinkarab44: i would literally navigate to an unwanted config file and delete it.. is that not going to work for you?18:47
karab44yes, old kernels are quite heavy18:47
holsteinkarab44: not really "heavy" at all. but here is another suggestion http://askubuntu.com/questions/20127/how-to-remove-configuration-files-completely18:48
idioternahow do i get gdisk in installer shell?18:48
idioternaor fdisk or anything similar?18:48
quadHelixidioterna, press CTRL+ALT+F2 for console.18:49
idioternai have my shell18:49
idioternai just don't know where the gdisk is on the install media18:50
quadHelixi have not used gdisk, i have used fdisk and gparted18:50
idioternahow did you get them?18:50
quadHelixthey came on the liveCD18:50
idioternamy installer doesn't have fdisk18:50
holsteinidioterna: you shouldnt need to do what you are doing. what iso are you using?18:50
X-Userbtw if you guys have not belived me you guys can check this page and the last comment http://www.tecmint.com/install-youtube-dl-command-line-video-download-tool/ BluesKaj  OerHeks RoyK18:50
karab44holstein: thanks a lot. I found it very useful. I am a bit tired, that's why I am not in a mood, sorry for that. I hope you understand.18:50
idioterna12.04 lts installer18:50
quadHelixsudo apt-cache search gparted if you have internet18:50
joelwallissmaudet: following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection it seems to be a bug in kernel. I'll file an issue on the project issue queue.18:51
joelwallisanyway thanks for helping18:51
idioternai don't want to use the partitioning ui18:51
idioternai used to be able to fdisk the first drive and then dd the partition to other drives and then set up md and lvm18:51
holsteinidioterna: if you dont want to use it, you should be prepared to use something custom, and i dont think you are18:52
idioternabut my shell doesn't have fdisk anymore18:52
idioternafdisk was there in 10.0418:52
idioternaand it isn't anymore18:52
idioternahow do i get it?18:52
holsteinidioterna: my live CD boots and lets me custom partition the disk.. it should work fine for you. otherwise, you can load that *very* 10.04 cd you want to be using and partion the disk.. then install to it18:52
idioternai'm also ok with gdisk since i'd prefer GPT partitions18:52
quadHelixI have server 12.04, my fdisk is located at /sbin/fdisk18:52
idioternano, i have 24 disks.18:52
idioternai really don't want to partition them in the installer18:53
MonkeyDustidioterna  maybe you have to type the full path for fdisk, not just the command name18:53
holsteinidioterna: then, you should find a way to use the custom tool you want to use..18:53
BluesKajX-User, my question is , why would you use that method in the first place? The app doesn't need a ppa source.18:53
idioternawhat custom tool, isn't fdisk/gdisk the most basic utility for manipulating disk partitions?18:54
idioternadoes ubuntu ship with others?18:54
ubuntu-visitor5hi, who has a vpn server?18:54
X-UserBluesKaj, i told the last comment not the article, also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16995863/not-able-to-install-youtube-dl18:54
holsteinidioterna: yes.. ubuntu has an insatller that you are not wanting to use.. gparted is in there. you should be able to use whatever you like from the live CD.. insatll whatever if its not there18:55
X-UserBluesKaj, the one in official repos is not working it is showing = ERROR: unable to download video18:55
MonkeyDustidioterna  is it an installer or a live iso?18:56
holsteinX-User: ask the content creator for a copy18:56
X-Userholstein, huh?18:56
holsteinX-User: the content creator or maintainer.. ask them for a copy18:56
X-Userholstein, what content you are talking about? just don't get it.18:56
holsteinX-User: whatever video it is you are trying to download18:57
X-Userholstein, oh i know what you mean ! then just yoitube-dl is not being removed from official repos?18:58
GoldenVirginiaEach user is in /home. I have 4 users and 4 HDD. How to give them dedicated HDD ?18:58
daftykinsGoldenVirginia: symlink each /home/user to /user on the separate HDDs18:59
holsteinX-User: i have no idea.. but nothing at youtube guarntees you to be able to download your own copy. so expect breakage of apps that try and provide that, as the downloading of said content is circumvented18:59
X-Userholstein, this is the video i was trying to download http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6MlUcmOul8 and its open-source btw19:00
holsteinX-User: then, the creator will have no issues sharing a copy with you19:00
GoldenVirginiadaftykins: So /home/user will exist on my SSD, where my main OS is and they fill up with space of HDD with symlinks ?19:00
BluesKajalso sometimes wget or even curl can DL media that youtube-dl can't19:00
X-Userholstein, ok i get what you mean, let it be i will download it from their website19:01
daftykinsGoldenVirginia: that would be one way19:01
GoldenVirginiadaftykins: symlink wouldnt hinder the performance ? and whats the other way ?19:02
daftykinsGoldenVirginia: well, your home still contains some user data of applications like the .hidden folders, so what you could do is just symlink your Music/Photos/Video folders onto the HDDs to keep them off-SSD, whilst the application configs stay on the SSD to keep fast.19:02
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tripelbWhat's an irc client for 12.04 that has built-in SASL?19:04
GoldenVirginiadaftykins: Sounds good, symlinks don't hinder the performance, like extra burden on CPU , seek time etc ?19:04
daftykinsGoldenVirginia: nope19:04
GoldenVirginiadaftykins: Also, 64 GB SSD enough for this kind of thing ?19:04
holsteintripelb: i dont think freenode requires sasl19:05
daftykinsGoldenVirginia: given a 13.04 install only uses <5GB, sure19:05
ljetiboHello, I keep getting error of unresolved dependencies and/or broken packages. I've read on ubuntu forums that sudo apt-get -f install will help me but it didn't. Here are the pasties: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6041406/19:05
GoldenVirginiadaftykins: Ill be running 12.0419:05
holsteintripelb: http://freenode.net/sasl/19:05
ljetiboyes, forgot, I'm also running ubuntu 12.0419:05
GoldenVirginiaLTS server version19:06
MonkeyDustljetibo  do      sudo apt-get update      first19:06
Mace268How do I restart my audio system? It sounds terrible after adjusting the volume in VLC.19:07
ljetiboMonkeyDust: do I run -f ater that or just update?19:07
MonkeyDustljetibo  both19:07
GoldenVirginiadaftykins: Thanks mate.19:07
ljetiboMonkeyDust: it seems to work now19:08
ljetiboMonekyDust: thank you!19:08
ljetiboMonkeyDust: Now to deinstall this pidgin and get myself a Konversation :)19:09
MonkeyDustljetibo  sudo apt-get purge pidgin*; sudo apt-get autoremove;sudo apt-get install konversation19:09
idioternagparted is indeed there19:09
idioternabut only as _server19:10
idioternano there is no gparted19:12
gianniload .xchat2/budus.so19:12
tripelbholstein: freenode does require sasl if one is running from a phone tether. (Tho I didn't mention I wanted it for freenode, you guessed well)19:12
idioternai tried using the installer's partitioner19:13
gianniload .xchat2/budus.so19:13
idioternait won't let me turn on bootable flag19:13
holsteintripelb: the link i gave provieds *many* clients that support it.. you will note the ones that run in linux/ubuntu19:13
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idioternai see19:15
idioternaapparently this is a bug in partman19:15
idioternait creates broken gpt partitions19:15
baphomet111hey guys.  question.  is there a way to set screen timeout options based upon if something is plugged in or not?  say I want my screen to power off after x time on battery, but never on AC.  I looked but I didn't see a setting for it19:17
tripelbholstein:  OK I was hoping someone would tell me which work in 12.04 since I know some of those from previous tries from that webpage and they don't. Maybe pidgin has gotten comment history now. Not having it was a deal breaker for me in the past.19:18
holsteintripelb: they are broken out in that list by version #'s19:18
holsteintripelb: ppa's add newer versions if you need19:18
holsteini thought chatzilla was on the list as well19:18
tripelbShort shrift.19:19
idioternait's impossible to create a 20G root lvm on a raid1 with GPT partitions using ubuntu installer19:23
idioternaif i create a dos partition table, then it works19:23
idioternabut then i can only use the first 2TB19:24
iceroot_is there a way to connect to a running application with ss (-X)? i dont want to restart that program19:24
holstein!info screen19:25
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu9 (raring), package size 584 kB, installed size 885 kB19:25
baphomet111i suppose the answer to my question is no19:25
holsteiniceroot_: ^^ thats what i use to reconnect to screen sessions19:25
histoholstein: try tmux19:25
iceroot_holstein: i want to connect to a gui application which is already running19:25
holsteinhisto: i still just prefer screen.. tmux was just a bit different for me to learn and i just didnt..19:25
histoholstein: They have a screen keys config in the tmux examples from installation.19:26
holsteinbaphomet111: i just have that in the menu.. "on battery do this, on ac do this".. not sure if thats a main ubuntu/unity thing or what, friend.. i just see it there, and im not sure why you dont19:26
holsteinhisto: yeah, then its just like screen.. kind of.. which is what i have now :)19:27
histoholstein: less ram usage and a bit faster I've noticed19:27
holsteinhisto: i should revisit it..19:28
histoholstein: I actually use the vim keys config from the examples and just changed the default binding to ^a19:28
tripelb I googled IRC client for ubu tu 12.04 and oinlky saw quassel and xchat. Neither script for xchat works. Hassel is for KDE and I use gnome. Help someone. I need an irc client that will handle SASL for my 12.04 gnome-classic installation.19:29
histoholstein: if you do check out /usr/share/doc/tmux/examples/*19:29
ezra-swireless lan not connecting with AES but connecting with TKIP in 13.04 is a driver thing right?19:29
histotripelb: what is wrong with xchat?19:29
histotripelb: I'm using weechat here though19:29
ezra-stripelb, hexchat has sasl support19:30
ezra-sbuilt-in unlike xchat19:30
histoezra-s: could be driver issue... What chipset?19:30
histotripelb: if you apt-cache search irc   or use the software center you will find many clients available.19:30
ezra-shisto, Atheros ar242x says lspci19:31
histoezra-s: hrmm... should be fine with that chipset what happens when you try wpa?19:32
ezra-shisto, it is wpa personal, only works with TKIP, if I force AES only in the wifi router it wont ever authenticate19:33
histoezra-s: there are a lot of posts on askubuntu.com with that particular chipset. It appears other people are using different drivers19:35
histoezra-s: people are also blacklisting the acer_wmi driver for what ever reason and having sucess19:35
histoezra-s: http://askubuntu.com/search?q=ar242x19:36
ezra-shisto, it is an acer laptop.. mmm going to check that19:36
histoezra-s: lspci -k  will show you what module is in use19:37
K1rkHey everyone, I'm trying to allow IPv6 to my network using a Ubuntu 12.04 machine as my router.  It's providing NAT for IPv4, but I'd like to natively transport IPv6 addresses to machines inside my network.  Here's a diagram:  http://flupl.be/0813btcp.png    What configuration is needed on the Ubuntu machine to let the IPv6 flow inside the network?19:37
sharifhelp me19:37
sharifubuntu dock useing plzz19:37
sharifhelp me19:37
histo!details | sharif19:37
ubottusharif: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:37
ezra-shisto, ath5k19:37
sharifubuntu 13.4 install in dock help19:38
histosharif: Install what in dock?19:38
K1rksharif, "in dock"?19:38
K1rksharif, if you pull your boat into a dock, and while sitting on your boat you install Ubuntu 13.04, you've just installed Ubuntu 13.04 in-dock.  I suggest you try that.19:39
histosharif: what is your native language?19:39
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histosharif: Where are you from?19:42
cyphasesharif, inta miin waen?19:43
voozeJust installed Ubuntu on my laptop.. I'm using a screen (with HDMI) that that has sound in it, connected to the laptop.. But in the sound options I can't find the sound for the screen. Anyone tried this.. I guess its the same with TV screens connected to laptops maybe?19:43
basichashHow can I remove the workspace bar at the bottom of my screen?19:44
wilee-nileebasichash, what desktop?19:46
BluesKajvooze, open alsamixer , make sure the spdif shows pcm out , use the up/down arrow keys to select pcm19:47
voozeBluesKaj, spdif is set to MM and I can't change it with the arrows :/19:48
basichashwilee-nilee: gnome19:48
BluesKajvooze, use the M key to unmute MM19:48
ZooIrene2whats up?19:49
voozeBluesKaj, did that, but the arrows still does nothing, it just says TT now.19:50
wilee-nileebasichash, The gnome-shell has an extension insensitive message tray that will hide it go to the gnome 3 extension site19:50
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wilee-nileelots of other cool extensions there basichash19:51
BluesKajvooze, what choices do you have in F6 ?19:51
basichashwilee-nilee: awesome, thanks19:51
wilee-nileeno problem19:51
voozeBluesKaj,  -   (default)                        0  HDA Intel PCH             29  ThinkPad Console Audio Control19:52
voozeBluesKaj, I think the problem is that I dont have have HDMI options in the sound options19:53
voozethere is only the Speakers19:53
sharifhow to install gnewsense19:54
agodlydeciplesharif, Download the ISO from their site, burn to cd, boot from cd, follow steps, done19:54
BluesKajvooze, the audio is transferred from the soundcard to the hdmi out , perhaps if you install pavucontrol then you have that option in the outputs there19:55
voozeBluesKaj, could it be because its a brand new screen (new as in new model) so its not supported yet?19:56
BluesKajvooze, no the screen or monitor should bew supported right out of the box19:57
BluesKajvooze, also install dkms19:58
voozeBluesKaj, just tried with pavucontrol, same result20:00
voozetrying somthing from askubuntu, brb :)20:00
voozeBlueEagle, okay I found a solution20:04
voozeI just did this.20:04
voozeGo to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/+packages and install the latest oem-audio-hda-daily-lts-raring-dkms - ** ~precise1 deb and restart. If HDMI output is not the default selected, select it.20:04
vooze(i ofc. took raring)20:04
M3rl1nhey folds20:08
M3rl1ncan someone help me out with fishlim?20:08
BluesKajvooze, ok , I'm surprised that bug is still not fixed, i had that same problem 4 months ago20:09
M3rl1nBluesKaj, where might i find someone to help me with fishlim pm key exchange? any ideas?20:11
BluesKajvooze, this is the one i've been using , adds a ppa to keep alsa upgraded https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily20:13
MonkeyDustM3rl1n  fishlim is not in the repos, what is it?20:13
voozeBluesKaj, good idea, I'll add that too :) thanks alot20:13
BluesKajvooze, np20:13
jjavaholicwhich ubuntu compiz setting would set everything bar my cursor to be dip in appearance?20:14
M3rl1nit is encrytption for irc chat using xchat. i have it installed and all set up just having trouble with key exchange20:14
funky2hey folks20:14
funky2how come many hosts have bugs20:14
funky2is it due to their drive to cut costs?20:14
bekksfunky2: Because there is no bugfree software.20:15
funky2that I understand however customer service can be better20:15
M3rl1nMonkeyDust, no it is not in the repos. you have to compile anf build it yoursef.20:15
funky2like - we are profoundly sorry for the potential inconvenience caused20:15
funky2and so on20:15
funky2M3rl1n:  u can use otr20:15
funky2its also nice20:15
agodlydecipleM3rl1n: http://fishlim.kodafritt.se/ubuntu_install.html20:16
M3rl1nfunky2, i will check that out.20:16
bekksfunky2: Do you have an actual ubuntu support question?20:16
funky2if I had it I would ask it20:16
funky2in this channel people always talk about ubuntu only? I doubt )20:17
ljetibo_hello, how do I unlock a folder in ubuntu 12.04 (I installed som libraries for programming in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages) and now when I try importing them I get an error because I don't have permission to acces the .py files20:17
bekksfunky2: Then please keep this channel free for actual support. If you want to talk, join the offutopic channel.20:17
voozeJust because other people go offtopic, does not mean you have to :)20:17
funky2I love to20:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:17
BluesKajfunky2, this ubuntu support , which OS are you running ?20:17
funky2np I can talk  in defocus :D20:18
funky2or in PM20:18
daftykinsdo not speak of dirty IRC cesspits!20:18
Picilets move on20:19
M3rl1nsince xchat is ubuntu's irc client. i would think that would be considered on topic20:19
PiciM3rl1n: You may have better luck asking in #xchat though20:20
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BluesKajM3rl1n, not if xchat is being run on a different OS20:20
M3rl1nPici, thatnks. i will check that out :)20:20
csabihungarian ?20:21
ZouavmanHey, I'm trying to update iOS on an iPhone 3G; possible using Linux? Or is iTunes absolutely necessary?20:21
Pici!hu | csabi20:21
ubottucsabi: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál20:21
PiciZouavman: I'm pretty sure that itunes is required20:22
ZouavmanPici, awesome, thanks! I'ma hop on XP then :)20:22
mamedhello guys . i think ubunt 13.04 consumes so much system sources cause my laptop fan always turns in a high speed and noisy20:24
mamedhow can i optimize my system20:24
bekksClean the fan.20:24
histomamed: first clean your fan and ensure that it's not a bug that it's spinning at full speed constantly. Also what video chipset are you using and driver?20:24
mamedphysical issues are done20:24
baphomet111haha bekks20:25
baphomet111clean fan. new thermal paste.20:25
s4h4nHello guys.. Need help here... While trying to install ubuntu 13.04 I splitted a partition using windows disk manager. Then formatted it. Then disk became dynamic. Trying to get it back to Basic useda hex editor to edit a number... Now I can't boot into windows or.. install ubuntu what can i do??? Please help...20:25
baphomet111how much memory do you have installed in the system?20:25
mamedwell in 11.10 everything was ok it was fast and stable and my fan were not making noise everytime20:25
histos4h4n: boot the ubuntu installation media and fix your disks20:25
M3rl1nmamed, how does 13.04 look so far? i been thinking about trying it out live. but my 12.04 lts is just so slick im not seeing a need for it right now.20:25
mamedhisto, i use fglrx20:25
daftykinshex editing >_<20:25
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daftykinsworst idea. ever.20:25
baphomet111mamed, 13.04 has a different DE, this could be why20:26
s4h4nBut how??20:26
mamedyeah i  thought so  bec of the compositor20:26
bekkss4h4n: Use a live cd to revert your changes.20:26
histos4h4n: depends what you did by editing. What editor did you use and what did you change?20:26
daftykinsmamed: you probably shouldn't run Unity20:26
mameddaftykins, it is default one20:26
daftykinsmamed: yeah i know...20:27
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mamedonly comes with def. installation also i loe global menu and dock on the right side20:27
karab44it's a long day...20:27
baphomet111daftykins, why not? unity 2d?20:27
baphomet111mamed, did you try unity 2d?20:27
mamedany tips for optimizing DE compositor20:27
ljetibo_oh I got it, google and whatnot20:27
daftykinsunity's bad in any form, heh20:27
histo!notunity | mamed20:27
ubottumamed: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.20:27
s4h4nUsed DxH or something like that , opened the disk, changed offset 1C2  from 42 to 07...20:27
histomamed: What does top show using all your resources20:28
bekkss4h4n: Then you have to revert it now.20:28
histos4h4n: well change it back20:28
karab44Guys I just updated nvidia drivers for [recommended] in ubuntu 12.04 and it doesn't boot at all.20:28
mamedwell unity 2 d i think . but i changed my file manager to nemo20:28
histowth is DxH20:28
bekkshisto: Sounds like some Windows program.20:28
histomamed: I doubt the file manager is taxing your resources20:28
histomamed: Sounds like something else is going bad.20:28
s4h4nI don't find a hexeditor in live..20:28
mamedtop - 23:28:39 up 10 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.51, 1.27, 0.7720:28
mamedTasks: 186 total,   2 running, 184 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie20:28
mamed%Cpu(s): 26.5 us,  9.8 sy,  0.0 ni, 62.7 id,  0.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.7 si,  0.0 st20:28
mamedKiB Mem:   2064564 total,  1221280 used,   843284 free,    52316 buffers20:28
mamedKiB Swap:  1633276 total,        0 used,  1633276 free,   461008 cached20:28
FloodBot1mamed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
karab44my system was 1 day old20:28
histomamed: paste elsewhere and provide link20:29
s4h4nDxH a windowa app..20:29
histokarab44: What does it do now at boot?20:29
mamedok my question is does ubuntu consumes 1.2GB RAM20:29
histos4h4n: there are plenty of hex editors for linux. Or you could use gparted and just fix your partition table.20:29
histo!atemyram | mamed20:29
ubottumamed: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html20:29
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karab44histo: nothing, it hangs on booting with saving kernel something...20:30
s4h4nThe problem is i can't install any programme on live...20:30
karab44I try to fetch some logs.20:30
histomamed: Your cpu usage is rather high What is the top process using it all?20:30
mamedthis is the some points i dont understand20:30
histos4h4n: why not?20:30
baphomet111mamed, saying Ubuntu does is too broad20:30
mamedwell compiz20:30
histokarab44: okay boot to livecd or rescue mode and remove the driver your installed.20:30
MonkeyDusts4h4n  a live session is for testing purposes, not for production20:30
baphomet111use something like top to find out what process is eating all your memory20:30
baphomet111that will help20:30
feeshonAnyone know to properly prune rsnapshot directories?20:31
histoMonkeyDust: he's trying to repair his system using the installation media.20:31
mamedok i switch to a lightweight compositor20:31
mamedwill unity wokr again20:31
histofeeshon: I'm sure there is an exclude switch?20:31
histomamed: or try unity-2d20:31
mameddoes it in repositry20:31
s4h4nOK then what can i use to repair it..20:31
karab44histo: good point but can you direct me how to go back to old driver/ remove new one?20:31
histos4h4n: gparted20:31
baphomet111mamed, why not actually look and see what process is consuming all of your memory rather than trying things at random?20:31
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karab44it would be great20:32
mamedi said compiz20:32
karab44i am actually in livecd mode20:32
histokarab44: which one did you install?  boot to rescue mode and dpkg -l nvidia*20:32
feeshonNot sure if exclude is what would do it. I basically have hourly, monthy, and weekly snapshots, and I want to remove the old snapshots, but I am concerned that it will break other hard links20:32
baphomet111mamed, oh.  sorry!  didn't see20:32
histokarab44: okay well if you want to do it from livecd. You ahve to mount your / partition and chroot there20:32
baphomet111yeah, drop compiz20:32
karab44chroot there?20:33
mamedunity 2d dummy package?20:33
karab44i'll try20:33
histokarab44: yeah mount /dev/of/root /some/directory && chroot /some/directory && dpkg -l nvidia*20:33
histo!info unity2d20:33
ubottuPackage unity2d does not exist in raring20:33
histo!info unity-2d20:33
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.0daily13.06.19~13.04-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 98 kB20:33
mamedyes i am installing20:34
histomamed: or switch to xcompmgr or something20:34
mamedhisto,  does unty work if i switch to xcommgr20:34
mamedi want global menu and right dock20:34
histomamed: dunno never tried. I'd assume it would.20:34
jmeps3Good afternoon, someone could show me how Copilo in ubuntu20:34
karab44histo: done, I am chroot on dead system now.20:35
mamedi am afraid to lose my so called stablre system20:35
mamedi will try 2 d20:35
histomamed: Are you running 20 year old hardware? or just a messed up driver this should not be an issue.20:35
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mamedhisto, 5 yeared old laptop20:35
histokarab44: okay dpkg -l nvidia* | pastebinit20:35
mamedmessed up with drivers20:35
feeshonhisto: any idea20:36
histomamed: I would assume it's a bug with whatever drivers you are using as unity should not be that taxing.20:36
histofeeshon: on?20:36
wilee-nileejmeps3, Copilot?20:36
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histofeeshon: doesn't rsnapshot build based on old ones? Like only copies the changes?20:36
baphomet111mamed, I run 13.04 on this laptop no problem20:37
baphomet111mamed, this laptop is not superpowerful by any means20:37
mamedok but noice irritates me20:37
MonkeyDustfeeshon  rsync -a also only copies the changes20:37
Krystle_Anyone know anything about udev and automount? I'm having a problem with a UDISKS_PRESENTATION_NOPOLICY flag I'm setting that seems to be totally ignored.20:37
histomamed: My lappy is probably 7-8 year old low end model. Ran fine here when I was using unity.20:37
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baphomet111histo, that's impressive20:38
baphomet111Krystle_, sorry, not I!20:38
fartfaceIf I have an Ubuntu server running a ZFS pool, and run a VM stored in that storage pool, is the data stored inside of that VM integrity checked the same as the rest of the ZFS pool data?20:38
histobaphomet111: not really intel video chipset works jsut fine for me.20:38
jjavaholicI'm experiencing a never ending dim screen after accidently pressing sleep button on Keyboard how can I reverse this?20:38
karab44histo: http://pastebin.com/6CphXvhi20:38
histofartface: the image for the vm would be checked as a whole20:39
karab44here are the dpkg20:39
baphomet111histo, I prefer not to run graphics cards with linux.  I have had way too many issues in the past.  Although it looks like nVidia finally listened after Linus ripped them20:39
fartfacehisto: That's kind of what I figured.20:39
baphomet111histo, because now my other laptop with an nvidia card runs super stable20:39
bekksfartface: Yes and no. Inside the vm it depends on the fs you are using, but the container file itself is stored on ZFS.20:39
feeshonMonkeyDust: Right but with rsync you would only get the difference and not be able to go back into different states of the file sets20:39
baphomet111before the DE would crash all the time due to the shitty drivers20:39
karab44so much traffic today evening here ;)20:39
feeshonrsnapshot allows you to keep "revisions" by utilizing hardlinks20:40
histokarab44: multiple versions ughh.  apt-get purge nvidia-common nvidia-304 nvidia-31920:40
karab44ok boss20:40
bekksfartface: How did you manage to use ZFS on linux?20:40
feeshonhisto: However I am unsure as to how to only keep the last 5 months for examples20:40
MonkeyDustfeeshon  if you want that, use btrfs, insteas of ext4   <-- i havent tried it myself, just read what it can do20:40
histokarab44: what nvidia card do you have?  lspci | grep VGA will show you.20:40
fartfaceI think the best way to keep the data integrity in check would be to mount the pool as a shared volume (either NFS, SMB, or AFP depending on the connecting client) and have it checked that way.20:40
fartfacebekks: ubuntu-zfs package20:40
Krystle_msg baphomet111 thanks anyway20:40
fartfaceWorks quite well actually.20:40
histofeeshon: you'd have to consult the documentation for rsnapshot most likley.20:40
wilee-nileefartface, for just info there are #zfs and #zfsonlinux channels as well20:40
karab44histo: need more details or it's enough?20:41
histokarab44: lspci | grep VGA20:41
karab44pastebinit does not work on livecd so It's a bit unonvinient20:41
vadiHow do I contact Ubuntu's "technical support" when I need to report a bug in Ubuntu - and it is very clear that it is a bug?20:41
fartfacewilee-nilee: #zfs was +m (I wasn't able to send to channel), and wasn't sure if they'd be the best support for ZFS on Linux, didn't realize there was a dedicated ZoL channel, cheers!20:41
feeshonhisto: Yea I looked into it but there is only a function for lazy_delete which isn't what I am looking for20:41
wilee-nilee!bug | vadi20:41
ubottuvadi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:41
histokarab44: you can apt-get install pastebinit on your chroot20:42
bekksfartface: Ah, that linux FOSS implementation. And just mounting something will not enforce an integrity check. If you want the integrity being checked, use scrub.20:42
histokarab44: or just copy and paste the one liner here. for the lspci command20:42
vadiYes, I have done that - and it says I have to go through "technical support" first before I can.20:42
wilee-nileefartface, Might have to be registered with freenode20:42
karab44it's another physical machine20:42
histofeeshon: perhaps you need a different backup solution then.20:42
fartfacebekks: Couldn't I setup a job to automatically scrub the data stored on the drive at scheduled intervals?20:42
karab44but it says not much, 570 GTX, rev 2 (rev. 1A)20:42
bekksfartface: Once a month, yes.20:43
histofeeshon: rsnapshot keeps a certain number of snapshots which is configurable.20:43
MonkeyDustfeeshon  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs#Create_snapshots20:43
fartfaceAh, that should be enough for my application (just a home server)20:43
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bekksfartface: For a homeserver, scrub isnt necessary at all. :)20:43
feeshonhisto: Where did you see that?20:44
fartfaceWell I'd like to ensure that my data stays as it should.20:44
fartfaceEven if it's a bit overkill.20:44
bekksfartface: Then backup your data.20:44
feeshonMonkeyDust: Yea that looks really good, I appreciate that info, I would have to migrate the data to a new file system in order to do so.20:44
jjavaholicI'm experiencing a never ending dim screen after accidently pressing sleep button on Keyboard how can I reverse this?20:44
mamedi am logging out to try unity 2d thanks guyz20:44
histofeeshon: on their website. You would probably have to just create another full backup after awhile and remove the previous one.20:44
fartfacebekks: It's backed up as well.20:44
bekksfartface: Then you dont need scrubbing at all.20:45
fartfaceBut one of the biggest draws for ZFS for me was the integrity checks to ensure that what's being backed up is what I intended to backup.20:45
bekksfartface: Look at zfs checksum=yes20:45
bekksfartface: You dont need regular scrubbing at home.20:45
histoyuck btrfs20:45
fartfaceAh, right on!20:46
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
histokarab44: I believe you would use nvidia-current20:46
histokarab44: after your remove the others apt-get install nvidia-current and then try rebooting when that is done.20:46
bekksfartface: I am using Solaris with ZFS for my home server - but thats offtopic in here.20:46
karab44histo: I did apt-get purge but there a lot of permission denies, mostly /dev/null and /dev/random20:49
karab44I did pastebinit but don't know where it went :P20:49
Dr_Willisodd that you have permission issues on /dev/null unless you are chrooted or somthing.20:50
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
MonkeyDustfeeshon  glad i could help20:51
histokarab44: dpkg -P packagename20:51
histoDr_Willis: he is chroot'd20:52
histodidn't bind mount /dev or proc20:52
jmeps3Brasileiro On?20:52
Dr_Willisthat would  explain the problem .;)20:52
histokarab44: just apt-get install nvidia-current20:52
fartfacebekks: I had thought about going the openindiana route, but I was more comfortable in an ubuntu environment so ended up just going that route instead.  Seems to be good so far!20:52
troulouliou_devhi i have 13.04 on a I7 4 core + HT;  seems like i have default issues with multithreading when file access is involved as soon as a disk copy or file extract/compress is started; all the gui/desktop becomes really slow20:53
jmeps3How to make array in C + +20:54
bekksfartface: The ZFS FOSS is quite unstable, untested, and has far less features as well as a lower zpool and zfs revision as Solaris.20:55
ikoniajmeps3: ask in ##c++20:55
karab44histo: what now, is it ok? reboot?20:55
bekksfartface: When using ZFS, frankly, I'd not use that FOSS stuff.20:55
histokarab44: yeah try it out20:55
karab44hold on your butts20:55
karab44histo: You are the best!20:56
karab44It is working!20:57
karab44Thank you20:57
histokarab44: np20:57
karab44now I can break and fix it all the time20:57
histokarab44: pretty much just backup your ~20:57
karab44I was on the way, it was last step before backup and you know what then happened20:59
histo!backup | karab4420:59
ubottukarab44: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:59
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate21:00
karab44I actually want to clone a whole system, like VM snapshot21:00
Dr_Willisclonezilla perhaps.21:01
Dr_Willisor go old-skool with dd. ;)21:01
histokarab44: tar or dd + gzip21:02
histokarab44: although clonezilla is a nifty little tool to have on your thumbdrive21:02
s4h4nIs there a way to reverse this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EZXceqY4hU21:02
fartfacebekks: I realize it's a bit offtopic in here, but did you go to OpenSolaris from *nix or vice versa?  If so, how'd you find the learning curve?  Was it very difficult to pick up?21:03
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Dr_Willisgreat thing about the *nix stuff. you learn the fundamental/core tools and they tend to work the same on all the *nix variants21:04
SuperLagNormally, I'd use an external display for this... but when I'm not docked, is there a way to "dock" a window to the left half of the screen, and one to the right?21:04
karab44I have clonezzila somewhere quite fresh copy21:04
histos4h4n: reverse the video21:04
histos4h4n: if you have ubuntu installed somehow to a dynamic disk you need to start over.21:04
Dr_WillisSuperLag:  well with unity/compiz i can push a window the the right side. it goes 'half' the screen. I could then make it always on top/sticky so its always there.21:04
histos4h4n: or copy the data out and put it on a real partition.21:05
Dr_WillisSuperLag:  but not sure about making other apps 'not' go under it.21:05
Dr_WillisSuperLag:  there might be some compiz window rules that could do it.21:05
SuperLagDr_Willis: and I'm using Xubuntu, so I'm not sure if it uses Compiz.21:06
Dr_WillisSuperLag:  not by default21:06
histos4h4n: and yes your could revert the change with any hex editor21:06
Dr_WillisYou may want to look into 'devilspie'21:06
Dr_Willisi dont really see any 'dock' setting in the compiz windows rules plugin either.21:07
s4h4nhow do i add a hex editor to a live usb??21:07
Dr_WillisI tend to tweak that plugin to make windows like the file copy dialog  alwyas be 'always on top, at the top right' and so forth21:07
histos4h4n: apt-get install somepackage21:08
Dr_Williss4h4n:  sudo apt-get install packagename will load it. (to ram) it will get lost on reboot21:08
histos4h4n: or use the software center21:08
histos4h4n: you're going to have a hell of a time finding that value though.21:08
histos4h4n: I dont' believe windows creates dynamic disks in the partition table so who knows where it actually is on your disk.  Why do you assume that is the problem with your system?21:09
karab44histo: I am on 319-upd and it works great and got just back to original screen resolution. Once again thanks a lot thousand times!21:10
histoAren't dynamic disks just m$ implementation of LVM?21:10
histokarab44: np anytime.21:10
histos4h4n: What is the problem your are experiencing?21:12
s4h4nThank you guys... See you tomorrow...21:15
jonascjdoes anyone know which services I need to restart to make rsyslog redirect log events? I have added lines to  /etc/rsyslog.d/iptables.conf and restarted rsyslog but nothing appears in the new logfile. Do I need to restart something else?21:16
FleaFlickerjonascj: service rsyslog restart21:20
FleaFlickerjonascj: as root, or sudo it21:20
ElectricPrismanyone here have comcast in california? I periodically have URLs that wont resolve like this one http://zazagallery.com/21:23
ElectricPrismcan anyone who has comcast in california see if it loads for them21:23
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
rrutturسمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ21:23
histoElectricPrism: whois zazagallery.com and dig zazagallery.com should help you with some info21:24
histo!arabic | rruttur21:25
ubotturruttur: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:25
FleaFlickerElectricPrism: you can also use mtr, should show you where the issue may lay21:25
w30ElectricPrism, perhaps you would have better sucess with open dns or google dns.21:25
histoElectricPrism: or opendns21:26
w30ElectricPrism, my Illinois comcast got faster with Google dns21:26
ElectricPrismim going to note all those suggestions and try them, the stupid website went down about 14 hrs ago21:27
ElectricPrismits also located in europe21:27
w30ElectricPrism, what Google gets from me I don't know?21:27
histoElectricPrism: there is also isitlive.net and stuff21:27
ElectricPrismbtw, how would i use GoogleDNS ?21:28
ElectricPrismI would need to configure my WAN?21:28
histoElectricPrism: configure network manager to use and as your nameservers21:28
w30ElectricPrism, these days there might be a more secure dns in the offering; anyone know of one?21:28
histow30: opendns21:29
w30histo, better, eh?21:29
ElectricPrismOpen DNS:
ElectricPrismOkay Ill try plugging in that info thanks :)21:29
shk2when booting with a dead SATA HDD connected in my desktop, I get a lot of errors after I passed Grub2. It seems Ubuntu (or Xubuntu...) will just insist on being able to read this disk on bootup. Is there a way to allow for a faulty HDD during boot time?21:31
OE1shk2: maybe you can disable automount21:31
felonmaybe smash the hard drive with a hammer21:33
TaTaWebkitسمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ21:34
shk2OE1: I am not sure if it has been mounted by the point the errors show up21:34
shk2an example:21:34
shk2"ata3.00: error: { UNC }"21:35
shk2right after Grub finished grubbing21:35
shk2felon: tried that, did not work21:35
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=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
linkzorHey guys, I came here two days ago because I was having issues getting grub to load with my system with UEFI, but that problem is fixed now grub loads and I can pick ubuntu or windows 8. But sometimes on startup, it tells me something along the lines of http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=vo0vw4&s=6 about a problem with startup.nsh, any way to fix it?21:37
OE1shk2: well - i don't think i can help you much further then. 1) why do you want a faulty hdd in you pc? 2) if some1 can help he will surely ask for the logs - so try to get those21:40
OE1shk2: so you know what service is complaining21:40
shk2OE1: 1): to run ddrescue not through a USB adaptor21:41
fission6whats the easiest way to create  anew user and add them to sudo21:41
fission6for a newbox21:41
shk22): as the machine aparently does not boot, I will have to type it off the other screen, but I will do.21:41
jribfission6: adduser fission; adduser fission sudo21:42
fission6what above removing21:43
=== fartface2 is now known as fartface
jribfission6: deluser fission21:43
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
linkzorHey guys, I came here two days ago because I was having issues getting grub to load with my system with UEFI, but that problem is fixed now grub loads and I can pick ubuntu or windows 8. But sometimes on startup, it tells me something along the lines of http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=vo0vw4&s=6 about a problem with startup.nsh, any way to fix it?21:44
w30fission6, check your /etc/sudoers  file. I believe if you make a user a member of admin then he gets sudo privedge21:44
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felonits windows what you expect21:44
felonsame shit different number21:45
w30fission6, so it's simpler just to make your user a member of admin group if that's ok with your security21:45
fission6i just did21:46
fission6adducer whatever sudo21:46
OE1shk2: well don't type it for me :P21:46
OE1shk2: did you check the boot order in bios?21:47
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shk2OE1: yes, it is booting from the right drive21:48
shk2just having problems with the dysfunctional SATA HDD connected21:48
shk2couldn/t it just ignore it?!21:48
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felonshk2: has it accured that your getting errors because your HDD is dysfunctional21:50
felondissconnect it21:50
linkzorHey guys, I came here two days ago because I was having issues getting grub to load with my system with UEFI, but that problem is fixed now grub loads and I can pick ubuntu or windows 8. But sometimes on startup, it tells me something along the lines of http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=vo0vw4&s=6 about a problem with startup.nsh, any way to fix it?21:51
Laser2p0Get free hits to your website, project, game, forum or blog.     join free all 100% free     http://www.te4everyone.com/index.php?ref=3121:52
shk2felon: yes, it is dysfunctional.... that is why I would like to use ddrescue on this *secondary* or even *tertiary* disk21:52
shk2disconnecting won't help much, I fear21:53
felonyou have any jumpers?21:53
guntbertw30: wrong, the best solution is what already has been said21:54
w30guntbert, huh? whats that?21:55
guntbertw30: your idea about adding  auser to the admin group is wrong, the correct way is    adduser username sudo, which adds the user named   username to the group  sudo21:57
guntbert*a user21:57
xenzسمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ21:58
Yu-YuHoly cow…21:58
Dr_WillisI though it was the admin group? or did they change that. ;) I never do it enough to rember.21:58
linkzorDr_willis i got it to work, if you remember me21:58
jribDr_Willis: changed to "sudo" but admin is kept around so upgrades don't break21:59
Dr_Willislinkzor:  i can barely rember my own name half the time. ;)21:59
jribDr_Willis: I think admin is kept around anyway21:59
guntbertDr_Willis: it *was* the admin group, *now* it is  sudo21:59
RoyKfor fucks sake - xenz posts a DoS for mac users21:59
Dr_Willismakes one wonder why they keep changeing.21:59
Yu-Yuxenz: I like your «lol» phrase segment.21:59
shk2felon: was the jumer thing for me?21:59
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linkzorHave you ever had the problem where at startup it tells you an error about startup.nsh? I can't find anything about it on google21:59
lastkajenHi guys, im planning on switch up my OS on my main PC, can you give me a tip on the best ubuntu version for me. My specs are: processor: Intel i7 950, graphic cards: 2x Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 motherboard: Gigabyte22:00
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
felonshk2: yes22:01
guntbert!away | g_byers22:01
ubottug_byers: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»22:01
* Yu-Yu does not think she can give lastkajen an advice.22:01
RoyKtror hu dama der er ganske lima22:01
lastkajenYu-Yu ;(22:02
Yu-Yulastkajen: Why didn't you try a live version, one by one?22:02
shk2ifelon: it has just some jumpers22:02
guntbertYu-Yu: please keep your statements to Ubuntu support - the channel is already noisy enough22:02
shk2according to the documentation merely to limit the transfer rate22:02
shk2but it is booting 'kind of fine' from the master22:03
shk2just hanging up complaining that the slave is dysfunctional22:03
shk2no problem when I hot-plugged that dive on the USB adaptor22:03
felonshk2: diskcheck, backup, reformat entire disk, reinstall-win8, reinstall ubuntu 13.0422:04
w30guntbert, ok I stand corrected. My sudoers file must be old school. I will have to get a new one.22:08
guntbertw30: no need, "admin" still suffices (if present)22:09
shk2felon: no win 8 on there, no iintention to get it on there22:09
shk2just would like to get all the pictures of my daughter from this disk22:09
shk2and still wonder why Ubuntu is not capable to ignore a broken, non-system SATA drive?!22:10
jebbim trying to set up openstack for testing using 12.04.3 dose it come installed on this version?22:11
shk2felon: and for the 'backup' part.... that is what I am trying to do.... kind of....22:11
shk2rather 'recovery'...22:11
* Yu-Yu thinks she did not do much dmg to the talking. Huh.22:12
=== matthew is now known as Guest79098
linkzorAnyone ever had problems with startup.nsh not loading or something on boot? Or atleast now how to fix it, have windows 8 with UEFI22:16
ixiowith mysql, I need to allow remote access to a database.. I have changed mysql so it binds to when I created the database I allowed access to user@localhost... do now also need to allow user@ (something) in addition to changing the binding ?22:17
ixiois there such a thing as user@* ?22:17
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
ikoniaixio: you need to grant permissions to user@host or user@% (not recommended)22:18
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ixioso if the guy connecting is coming in from a dynamic IP address I need to do user@% ?22:19
ixiohe assures me this is temporary22:19
=== william is now known as Guest86997
ikoniaixio: I'd recommend against that VERY strongly, but yes22:19
jribixio: give him ssh access and let him tunnel in.22:19
ixioyeh, my last email to him was asking him to tunnel, waiting for response22:19
Tiraspolخ ̷̴̐خ22:23
dark_lordHello, I have accidentally deleted an important zip file from my pc. How to recover it. I have tried to use scalpel, but it is showing output as "no file or directory"22:34
wilee-nileedark_lord How long ago, and use of the hd?22:41
MonkeyDustdark_lord  photorec, select partition, file options, deselect all, then select zip only22:42
junOOrunning Maverick until I can afford a back up drive to back up files22:42
junOOI have a question about root user and file paths22:43
daftykinsjunOO: ouch, partition a /home in future ;)22:43
Marleneeany altrantive commmand to -  fg , screen , tmux22:43
daftykinsjunOO: just ask, on one line plz22:43
jribMarlenee: why?22:43
junOOwill do22:43
junOOWant to change username and all associated paths yet it allowed me to create a "username" that is displayed above my original name22:44
jribMarlenee: what do you need to do exactly that none of those tools do?22:44
jribjunOO: what do you mean by "root user"?22:44
jrib!maverick | junOO22:45
ubottujunOO: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.22:45
junOOI want a new username which I want to be the root name andI would like to change all paths associated with name22:45
jribjunOO: what do you mean by "root name"...?22:45
jribjunOO: do you just want a user that can use sudo?22:45
junOOthe main username, as I only have one acount I assume my username is the "root" name22:45
jribjunOO: no, root is a special account. It's not the same as your first user account.22:46
junOOgot it22:46
jribjunOO: anyway, why not just make a new account with whatever name you want?  I strongly urge you to upgrade to a supported release though.  Maverick hasn't been supported for a long time (no security updates)22:46
Marleneejrib: for run programmes in background even if the session closed22:46
jribMarlenee: yeah, what's wrong with screen and tmux?22:47
junOOI tried to update several times but get many errors. I was advised to do fresh install22:47
jribjunOO: that should be your priority22:47
MonkeyDustMarlenee  byobu is a nice extra layer for screen22:47
junOOUnfortunately I believe you need to back up files to do a fresh install properly22:47
daftykinsMarlenee: what's wrong with screen for that?22:47
jribjunOO: doing a fresh install shouldn't be the reason you have backups.  You should have backups for any data you care about.  If you don't have backups, you don't have data you care about22:48
junOONo excuses there, I should have backups22:48
dark_lordwilee-nilee, Around 2 hours ago.22:49
doomlordheh good nick22:49
junOOjrib: Anyway to upgrade with minimal losses?22:51
wilee-nileedark_lord I would try the photorec as suggested, and start backing stuff up22:51
MarleneeMonkeyDust : byobu make my screen server sucks !22:52
jribjunOO: I would make backups first22:52
jrib!upgrade | junOO22:53
ubottujunOO: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:53
dark_lordwilee-nilee, photorec in ubuntu ? Is it any software ?22:53
dark_lordAnd yeah I am really upset I dont have bacup of it.22:53
junOObackup suggestions in the cloud? No physical drives available. Under 10G22:55
wilee-nileedark_lord http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec22:55
Marleneecan i search online in the repos for pkg23:03
Dr_Willis  hmmm23:09
=== OE1 is now known as Benkinooby
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:15
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
mapcan anyone lend a hand - having trouble getting wired or wireless on an old dell (pesky broadcom) ive been reading the forum but no luck23:25
daftykinswireless broadcom or both?23:26
daftykinswhich model?23:26
wilee-nileemap, You have seen the broadcom wiki?23:26
mapboth broadcom daftykins bcm4311 and bcm440123:26
daftykinsmap: hang on i'll dig up the thread i solved some peoples 4311 troubles with the other day, 13.04 ?23:26
mapi think so..i saw a lot of forum posts and for example - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2170728&highlight=BCM431123:26
mapi cant do the install as i have no connection (wired or wirless) could i use the ubuntu dvd to install from?23:27
daftykinssudo apt-get remove --purge bcmwl-kernel-source23:27
daftykinssudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree23:27
daftykins^do those and reboot23:27
mapi cant do the second though..it fails as i have no connection23:27
daftykinsyou could download the package manually23:27
mapah wouldn't it be on the dvd ?23:27
=== matthew is now known as mjayk
mapi wondered if i could use the DVD as a repo instead of internet repo23:27
daftykinsi don't think you can get packages off the DVD no23:27
mapbit annoying having no net at all:)23:28
daftykinsstill, those two solved two user's 4311 at the same time23:28
daftykinsso you should be good to go after that23:28
mapdaftykins,  where could i get package then?23:29
mappackages.ubuntu ah23:29
rothamhey.. will rm files/*/*.jpg just delete jpg's in subfolders under files/, or what?23:29
isashaI'm having an issue with fstab, I've tried to set it up so that my two additional hdd's mount on boot, however during booting it tells me that it cannot find the drives and asks me to skip or to mount manually23:29
isashahere is my fstab config: http://pastebin.com/LK5NjxuT23:29
isashaI have a suspicion that it could be related to the spaces in the end mount directory23:30
isashaany ideas?23:30
jribrotham: what you said23:31
dr_willis_this is when a $10 usb wifi dongle that works out of the box is nice23:31
rothamk thx23:31
daftykinsisasha: yes why have spaces?23:31
jribrotham: only one level23:31
daftykinsisasha: consider using the UUIDs as the fstab file recommends also23:31
isashadaftykins: well I set it up like that a long time ago23:31
dr_willis_spaces in fstab are weirdly done23:32
rothamjrib:  is there a way to do it with 1 command to delete all jpgs through multiple levels?23:32
isashaare you talking about the spaces in the mount point or in-between the different options?23:32
daftykinsisasha: the mount point23:32
daftykinsDL2\ 160 is throwing it i bet23:32
isashaboth are23:32
daftykinsi just didn't type both :D23:32
jribrotham: sure, you can use files/**/*.jpg (you may need to enable a bash option for this to work) or find.  I urge you to try to "ls" the files first before doing "rm" so you can check what it will delete23:32
rothamok cool thank you23:33
isashaso how should I type it then?23:33
CountryfiedLinuxHow do you install Ubuntu on a tablet? Does it have a bios with a bootloader option? Can it be ran live so I can test the hardware first?23:33
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dr_willis_ depends on the tablet CountryfiedLinux23:35
wilee-nileeCountryfiedLinux, There are a couple of tablet options one is touch and images of saucy=13.10 both i development #ubuntu-touch is there home.23:35
mappsok daftykins  ive got it now ran the purge cmd and then installed the .deb file followed by modprobe b43..i now have eth1 wired but no wireless:(23:35
wilee-nileebut depends on the tablet23:35
daftykinsmapps: it was meant to be a reboot and there was no mention of probing modules (:23:36
mappsthere was on that forum thread23:36
mappsand i have rebooted!23:36
CountryfiedLinuxwilee-nilee, The price of tablets now days makes rigging it to be a touchscreen laptop a great idea :) just need a bluetooth keyboard and portfolio case.23:36
mappsso now i have wlan0 and eth1 - but network manager isnt listing any networks? my network is visible from where i am23:37
wilee-nileeCountryfiedLinux, I like my nexus, but I run android waiting fir the developments with ubuntu to get a bit more, well developed.23:37
wilee-nileenexus 723:37
mappsya i got a nexus723:38
mappsnice tables dude23:38
wilee-nileeeasu to root id needed23:38
daftykinsmapps: this was the link itself: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199788023:38
CountryfiedLinuxwilee-nilee, Is Gnome Shell touch ready?23:38
isashadaftykins: never mind, I figured it out: all I had to do was add 040 after the \23:39
CountryfiedLinuxwilee-nilee, It seems like the best option for tablets IMO23:39
daftykinsisasha: where'd you get that idea? what does it look like now?23:39
wilee-nileeCountryfiedLinux, Not sure I had raring installed a bit rough on the touch a couple of months ago, may be better now, the tablet image is the regular desktop, I had lubuntu going as well.23:39
isasha /dev/sdc1/media/sasha/DL1\040300/ext4defaults0223:40
isashasame for the other one23:40
isashajust rebooted, mounted automatically just fine23:40
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CountryfiedLinuxwilee-nilee, touch worked ok in LXDE?23:40
daftykinsisasha: i'd have just dropped the spaces myself XD23:41
wilee-nileeCountryfiedLinux, The touch in general was not perfect a while back, may be different now, no live images that I know off.23:41
isashadaftykins: I have over 150 torrents in rtorrent, I would have had to manually fix the filenames and it would have been a pain23:42
wilee-nileeCountryfiedLinux, The #ubuntu-touch channel is the best resource though23:42
CountryfiedLinuxwilee-nilee, Oh ok thanks bro23:42
daftykinsisasha: ah, nice Linux distro collection. ok23:42
wilee-nileeno prob23:42
mappsso ok done that rebooting now lets see23:44
isashadaftykins: no, I mostly have movies, tv shows, music and software seeding to private trackers. Best part is, it's totally legal where I live (well, at least the downloading part) :D23:44
mappsok daftykins  both are listed wlan0 and eth123:45
mappsbut its not listing any wireless networks?23:45
daftykinsisasha: please don't talk about that in here. i doubt it is either, but i don't want to enter into a discussion about it :)23:47
daftykinsmapps: hrmm not sure i'm afraid, could be network manager having issues, try looking into resetting network manager's settings perhaps23:48
mappsok thanks23:48
histo!broadcom | mapps23:50
ubottumapps: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:50
=== dan200 is now known as ^v
mappsit says bits using b43 but i cant see any networks damnit;/23:58

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