
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, you have made the longest debian/changelog I have ever seen with ubuntustudio-menu (0.16)02:55
knomejust a heads up for all the US team, we're about to pull in xfce4-settings from 4.1103:50
knomezequence, OvenWerk1, holstein: ^03:51
knome(smartboyhow ack'd in #xubuntu-devel, so we're going ahead)03:51
smartboyhw^ I don't think it can be very worse to pull in^03:53
knomethe new modules are xkb and display (which is why xubuntu mostly wants it in)03:54
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: Ya, there is a lot there, normally there are more uploads in the middle.04:14
OvenWerk1I guess I was on a roll :)04:14
zequencesmartboyhw: You probably haven't seen kernel changelogs then05:46
zequenceand the one that probably beats the record is the lowlatency that was updated last year, after not having been updated for many months05:47
zequencethat changelog was like a small book05:47
smartboyhwzequence, I know kernel changelogs are long07:03
smartboyhwBut, for a normal package, OvenWerk1's one is REAL long07:03
cubGood morning zequence-work! Nice updates on the social media about the shop.07:13
cubJust a note, on http://ubuntustudio.org/2013/08/ubuntu-studio-merchandise/ is ttoine's nick mispelled. "toine"07:13
smartboyhwcub, HEH07:14
* smartboyhw changes07:14
cubaha so you have access too smartboyhw ?07:14
smartboyhwcub, for content yes07:14
smartboyhwFor themes, NO07:14
smartboyhwcub, so, what did the guys make out from the Community Roundtable07:15
smartboyhwcub, updated07:16
cubtl;dr : google hangout is the best alternative at the moment. It is sad that they put the age thing in there but as a comprimise everyone can watch the live session and participate through IRC, even though you can't be on camera yourself.07:16
cubit was quite good, you should listen to it.07:16
cubthe alternatives as of today is either too crappy or too expensive, but they will keep a lookout for better apps ongoing07:17
zequence-workcub: Morning :)07:18
smartboyhwzequence-work: See my explanation of why OvenWerk1's changelog is long (excluding kernels)07:19
* cub is reading the irc logs07:23
cubAre we going to run xfce 4.11 as well now that Xubuntu have decided to include it for 13.10?07:23
cubhmm or perhaps it was only the xfce4-settings07:23
knomewe're including a part of it07:23
smartboyhwcub, xfce4-settings that is07:23
knomeand yes, that will affect you07:23
cubI read it again. :)07:23
knomewe will also upload stuff that enables you to run gtk3 indicators on gtk2 panel, so that too07:24
knome(that'll actually bring some of the lost functionality back)07:24
cubWill it? Because when I discussed something else with OvenWerk1 I understood it as we didn't pull exactly from xubuntu?07:24
cubI could have got it wrong though.07:25
knomei would argue that it will affect you as well, but it's possible it doesn't07:25
knomein that case you'd have to maintain the gtk2 indicators yourself though...07:25
cubyeah I have no idea, I'm the new guy. ;)07:25
knomeoops, wrong chan07:26
smartboyhwknome, why is that wrong chan?07:26
cubit made sense to me. :D07:26
knomesmartboyhw, "heh" was meant to go to a different channel.07:26
smartboyhwknome, ah07:26
smartboyhwknome, heh for you:P07:27
cubIs there one-page-to-rule-them-all that show all the dates for beta1/2/etc, RC, document freeze and so on?07:27
smartboyhwcub, yes, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule07:28
smartboyhwActually, we have our own version07:28
knomeyes, that's the "type 're' in firefox location bar and hit enter"07:28
smartboyhwwith better explanations of everything07:28
cubsmartboyhw, thanks, I knew I had seen it somewhere. the search function on the wiki doesn't like me.07:29
smartboyhwcub, heh07:29
knomesmartboyhw, wouldn't say "better", just more verbose and more US-centric07:30
smartboyhwknome, yeah07:30
cubThis ubuntu single-sign-on is more like sign-on-twenty-times-on-the-same-page07:36
smartboyhwcub, LOL07:37
cubor every time you click to the next page.07:37
* cub needs more coffee.07:38
smartboyhwttoine, so, the announcement was out!08:00
ttoinesmartboyhw, ah ? on the website ?08:24
smartboyhwttoine, yep08:24
ttoinegreat !08:24
smartboyhwcub, so, what do you want to learn today?08:28
smartboyhwzequence-work: Here's a suggestion to introduce our team: Make everyone wear the Ubuntu Studio and take a photo, then photoshop them together:P08:32
knomeyes, i support the photoshopping part08:34
smartboyhwknome, LOL08:35
smartboyhw(Of course, we will use free software rather than photoshop)08:35
knomei'd also like to see smartboyhw "wearing ubuntu studio"08:35
smartboyhwknome, if you give me your project's some of the 250 Euros to buy it;P08:36
cubsmartboyhw, I already learnt where to find the release calendars08:36
smartboyhwcub, eh, OK, that's a bit trivialP08:36
* knome slaps smartboyhw 08:36
cubAnd I read the release processes on my way to work.08:36
knomestop being greedy :P08:36
knomealso, you missed my point08:36
smartboyhwknome, sorry, we Chinese are VERY greedy:P08:36
smartboyhwknome, why?08:36
knomebecause i said i'd like to see you *wear* *ubuntu studio* (the abstract product, not a shirt, because you didn't specify people should wear a shirt, but "the ubuntu studio"...)08:37
cubsmartboyhw, I also hope to learn how to make gnome-orca 3.9 work in Saucy with xfce 4.10.08:38
smartboyhwknome, my fault:P08:38
smartboyhwthe Ubuntu studio -> the Ubuntu Studio T-shirts08:39
smartboyhwcub, it will be difficult, since GNOME is not as the same base as Xfce:)08:39
knomesmartboyhw, i know.. that's why i clinged to it :P08:39
smartboyhwknome, OK, I'm not expecting a debate happening08:39
knomeme neither08:39
cubYes, it's a bit tricky but Xfce release notes said to include more accessibility and people on Arch have got it working.08:40
smartboyhwcub, well, copy the work from Arch!?08:40
cubthough on previous versions of orca08:40
smartboyhwcub, ok08:40
cubyup, I have two different walkthroughs on how it was done on Arch with xfce. hopefully I get it to work in my US08:41
cubAfter that I need to be able to replicate those steps on the live session, with my eyes closed .....08:41
smartboyhwcub, ah, you should come to Dialogue in the Dark:P08:41
cubthe what now? :D08:42
smartboyhwThat's a place to make normal people experience blindness08:42
smartboyhwHow blind people live08:42
cubah right. There is, or was, a restaurant like that in Stockholm08:42
smartboyhwcub, oh08:42
smartboyhwcub, http://www.dialogue-in-the-dark.hk/web/?lang=en08:43
cubthen when I started to work at the centre for visually impaired we had to go blindfolded för half a day as part of the introduction to the work place. :P08:43
smartboyhwcub, oh08:43
knomeyou got to remember that "visually impaired" doesn't imply "blind" though08:44
smartboyhwFor us, it's to make us learn how to communicate with blind people (since we have blind people in our class last year)08:44
cubI know, that's why I try to say and write visually impaired instead of blind.08:44
smartboyhwcub, well, for us it's OK to do visually impaired = blind08:45
smartboyhwIn formal situations I will be using the first option08:46
smartboyhwBut as knome said, this is smalltalk:P08:46
cubbut small talk that is logged on the internet. So I stay with VI.08:46
smartboyhwcub, eh08:47
knomevisually impaired is far from blind, so one could argue about that...08:47
cubwell no08:47
cubvisually impaired can be a quite wide range from "normal" sight to blind08:47
* cub found that the Dinner in the Dark is still open in Stockholm08:49
smartboyhwcub, oh08:49
smartboyhwHeh, DiD just started a Dinner in the Dark project08:49
cubNice. My keyboard stuck when pressing ctrl+t and opened like 1024 new tabs in chromium08:51
smartboyhwcub, huh08:52
zequence-worksmartboyhw: Yes, it would be nice to have more pictures of our team members, and with t-shirts on08:52
smartboyhwcub, so, can you picture yourself wearing the shirt? ttoine ^08:53
cubI already have.08:54
cubbut I looked stupid.08:55
cubmaybe that's just my look.08:55
smartboyhwcub, well, just show it to us (if you permit)08:56
cubI didn't have a photographer like zequence-work , so grainy iphone in the mirror shot08:59
smartboyhwcub, you mean, you don't even have a camera? :O08:59
cubyes, but I seldom use it anymore08:59
smartboyhwcub, ok09:00
smartboyhwcub, hopefully we can get rid of that iPhone:P09:04
cubhaha I can take a new picture if we are going to do a team picture09:04
smartboyhwIf not people will think: WHAT!? Why does a open-source contributor use fully proprietary phones?:P09:04
cubthat image is quite compressed09:04
cuboh easy, my propreitary work makes me!09:05
cubI'm using a macbook as well09:05
cubI want a new pc to run linux again, but this one has to break before I get a new one.09:06
cuband they are quite sturdy, those macbooks...09:07
ttoinesmartboyhw, I will order a t-shirt next week09:15
smartboyhwttoine, sure09:15
ttoineI am waiting for my pay09:15
cubHbey OvenWerk1 congrats! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/CoreTeamPage09:58
smartboyhwcub, well OvenWerk1 is the undisputable option09:59
* smartboyhw is expecting OvenWerk1 to take over zequence-work's position when zequence-work steps down one day (that will have to wait until at least 14.04)09:59
smartboyhwzequence-work, BTW why does the LP link point to the kernel team link!?10:01
smartboyhwI mean, in the page...10:01
* smartboyhw fixes that10:02
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, welcome to the throne10:05
smartboyhwALL HAIL OvenWerk1 and zequence-work !10:05
zequence-workcub: That's a custom color, is it not? Not one of the default ones we've done10:20
zequence-workthe picture of your t-shirt that is10:20
cubzequence-work, yeah that's the dark grey shirt10:24
cubIf we are to do a team pic, I will take a new picture with proper camera and wearing my white default shirt. :)10:25
smartboyhwAre we?10:25
* smartboyhw doesn't have any money to do so10:25
cubwe can add the shirt to another photo of you smartboyhw ? ;)10:26
zequence-workWe should sponsor smartboyhw 10:26
smartboyhwzequence-work: It will be great:P10:26
DarkEragood morning/afternoon10:29
cubzequence-work, I'm setting up a plan for myself on what to do until 13.10 launch. Since I have limited time (don't we all) I'm figuring out so I focus on the best spots. So, what would be the best parts to focus on?10:29
cubAccessibility is already on my table. But other than that I'm not sure whether to focus on testing, workflows, copyright or updating documentation.10:30
* cub needs to grac lunch before the next work meeting10:33
smartboyhwzequence, I will work on these 2 things for 14.04: 1. linux-rt (I am still waiting for you on how to fix the build error) and 2. offline doc (I will be gaining experience through my Season of KDE project about doc)10:49
smartboyhwcub, suggestion: Workflows10:55
smartboyhwcub, we have been talking about workflows for a long time, but we still can't manage to make it work10:57
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, HOLY CHRIST YOUR MENU IS AWESOME11:01
smartboyhw(EVEN IN KDE)11:05
smartboyhwTHANK YOU OvenWerk1 AND MISH 11:05
smartboyhw^ OK, too maniac, but it's true11:06
smartboyhwzequence-work: <smartboyhw> zequence, I will work on these 2 things for 14.04: 1. linux-rt (I am still waiting for you on how to fix the build error) and 2. offline doc (I will be gaining experience through my Season of KDE project about doc)12:05
zequence-worksmartboyhw: Was just reading the logs :). That sounds great12:05
smartboyhwzequence-work, um, but can you try to see why linux-rt fails?12:06
zequence-workcub: I'd really like to see someone handling the package selection for our workflows12:06
smartboyhwI still can't understand the reason why the control gets overwrittem12:06
zequence-workcub: That's something that puts you close to users. And, let's you get into the system of planning, code maintaining etc, without things getting too technical12:07
zequence-workcub: And let's not forget documentation12:07
zequence-worksmartboyhw: I can't promise when I have time to look at that, but it won't be a priority for me for a little while at least12:08
smartboyhwzequence-work, OK12:08
smartboyhwzequence-work, now, where did the sponsorship discussion go?:P12:08
zequence-worksmartboyhw: We should fix it fairly quickly in the dev cycle, so we have good time to argue for getting the kernel in and find out how we maintain it12:08
zequence-workSRUs for it will be different than for generic12:09
smartboyhwzequence-work, it would mean very different maintenance12:09
cubzequence-work, package selection for the workflows, that ties in to the discussion we had waaay back about the use cases? Like: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows/Graphics12:11
smartboyhwcub, yep12:12
smartboyhwzequence-work: I suggest that if you are going to sponsor my T-shirt, do it for ttoine too12:12
smartboyhw(And also, ask ScottL)12:12
ttoinesmartboyhw, I can pay for my t-shirt, it is my birthday soon ;-)12:15
smartboyhwttoine, :D12:15
* smartboyhw thinks we should gift a birthday gift to ttoine 12:16
ttoineI think I will order a shirt and the mug12:16
smartboyhwAn Ubuntu Studio T-shirt!12:16
zequence-workThe mug is awesome12:16
zequence-workSuch a nice feeling drinking coffee12:16
zequence-workBut, the t-shirts are beautiful of course.12:17
zequence-workI find that people stop and look at it12:17
zequence-workIt's a powerful symbol12:17
cubyes the mug is sweet. It dings easy though so be careful!12:18
* cub has already cracked his mug.12:19
cubor chipped rather than cracked.12:19
* zequence-work kicks cub12:19
cubhey I got a new one in the mail anyway since the print was off! :D12:19
zequence-workJust means it's already well used12:19
smartboyhwcub, uh hum12:19
smartboyhwYou can break the mug that early?12:19
cubyes. I was about to bring new coffe and accidently dented it against a hard table.12:20
cubthe quality on the shirts are really nice. I also like the environmental thinking around it.12:21
ttoinecub, yes, thats' why I selected this fabric quality12:22
ttoinecub, what colour did you choose ?12:22
cubone white with blue print and one dark grey with all white print12:22
cubthe dark grey is quite greenish, but looks nice12:23
cubIn case you missed it: <cub> zequence-work, package selection for the workflows, that ties in to the discussion we had waaay back about the use cases? Like: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows/Graphics12:24
ttoinecub, photo !!!!!12:28
zequence-workcub: The whole workflow bit is something that needs some love. We need some sort of structure for it, and documentation of course13:00
zequence-workScott, the previous project lead was very eager to develope that part. Myself, I've been mostly worried about low level stuff for now - not prioritizing that until later13:01
cubOk, I'll them up as my two focus areas.13:01
zequence-workAt the end of all of our work, the workflows is the crown of all of our work13:01
zequence-workSo, not a bad thing to work on13:01
smartboyhwVery useful indeed13:01
cubno it looks like great fun.13:01
cubquite a big tree to overlook though. :P13:02
smartboyhwzequence-work: You know why I want to work on offline docs? Cause I get to copy from Xubuntu ones:P13:02
zequence-workcub: I think the first problem is just finding out a system for package selection. How do we define what should be included, and what not?13:02
cubI was just writing that as a question..haha13:03
zequence-workcub: Like, if we have Qtractor, do we need Rosegarden?13:03
zequence-workcub: Currently, we only provide one application for every use case13:03
cubNot really?13:03
zequence-workSome applications can do multiple things13:03
cubyeah some overlap13:04
zequence-workArdour is chosen for audio work, but doesn't do midi13:04
zequence-workAnd that is why we have qtractor13:04
zequence-workBut not Muse or Rosegarden13:04
zequence-workWe have one audio editor, which is Audacity. 13:04
cubLMMS does midi as well no?13:05
* cub don't do midi.13:05
zequence-workLMMS is a noob tool. That's why it's included13:05
zequence-workIt's an all in one13:05
zequence-workWith instruments and everything13:05
cubI'll make sure not to mention "noob tool" in the documentation though. ;)13:05
zequence-workNot only for noobs. But, let's say like this. It has builtin instruments, so you could use it just for that13:06
* smartboyhw starts work on offline docs13:06
zequence-workAnd that makes it unique13:06
zequence-workSo, let's say we only choose one application for every use case. Which one should we choose? By popularity, right?13:06
zequence-workcub: These are the questions I'd solve at first. And work out a system based on it13:07
zequence-workThen start mapping out usecases and stuff13:07
cubmakes sense13:07
zequence-workJust researching applications will probably make new usecases surface that you weren't aware even existed13:07
zequence-workThat also needs to be done. Just going through all the stuff that is in the repos, for multimedia content creation13:08
zequence-workAt the end of all that, it would be nice to offer some sort of simple tools for supplying example workflows to user13:08
zequence-workAt least in documentation13:09
zequence-workLike, for recording, mixing, etc13:09
cubwhich in turn would make a great list for doing video tutorials.13:09
zequence-workThere are also software tools for that13:09
zequence-workladish is a session manager, which could be used to supply workflows for users. Templates for: multi-track recording, mastering, etc13:10
cubyeah I've been meaning to look into that for my own good anyhow13:10
zequence-workWe could script a simple tool to start these workflows.13:10
zequence-workBut that comes last13:10
zequence-workcub: So, that's all I can think of. If you want to work on it, it's yours. 13:11
zequence-workI'll always be in the background with ideas and feedback, as will anyone else interested, but I'm not going to tell you how to do it, or what to do13:11
zequence-workunless your work really sucks :P13:12
zequence-workbut, I'm sure it won't13:12
zequence-worksmartboyhw: It would be great to include that :)13:19
smartboyhwzequence-work: Well, it's just editing Xubuntu's work, plus our workflows13:19
smartboyhwSo, it's easier13:20
cubzequence-work, will do. I'll focus on getting Orca to work and the workflows.13:23
cubpart from the iso-testing I imagine will start when the beta 1 is released13:24
smartboyhwUh hum, I need a Ubuntu Studio icon with a welcome next to it13:29
smartboyhwzequence-work, ^ think you can make it yourself or do I have to ping madeinkobaia?13:29
smartboyhwGuess I have to get madeinkobaia then13:30
smartboyhwThere are many pics13:31
OvenWerk1cub: nice shirt.13:32
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, you got one?13:34
cubOvenWerk1, thanks! I ordered it myself.13:35
smartboyhwzequence-work, I wonder if it would be possible for us to put in the documentation for 13.1013:36
cubthat would mean it has to be there today right? :D13:37
smartboyhwcub, NO13:37
cubor until the doc-freeze?13:37
smartboyhwDocumenationStringFreeze is another thing, until doc freeze. 13:37
smartboyhwWe will have to apply for FFe in our seeds.13:37
smartboyhwLet me try...13:37
smartboyhw(I mean, complete it)13:37
OvenWerk1smartboyhw: I think we should start by including xubuntu's docs. At least as documentation for xfce.13:44
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, right13:45
smartboyhwWe need to do that TODAY13:45
smartboyhwIf not, FFe.13:45
OvenWerk1if we alter the seeds today, tomorrows ISO (maybe even todays will have it in.13:46
OvenWerk1The desktop meta would get changed whenever, but ISO runs off the seeds and the meta is not really meant for installing separate anyway.13:48
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, we need to tell micahg (after the seed change) to at least update the meta13:48
OvenWerk1He gets notified automatically13:48
OvenWerk1he is subscribed to it13:49
OvenWerk1If you have time find out what package(s) are needed.13:49
smartboyhwttoine, question: When was the first release of Ubuntu Studio released?13:50
smartboyhwI mean, officially as an derivative13:50
* OvenWerk1 is wandering away for a while...13:50
smartboyhwOvenWerk1, xubuntu-docs...13:50
smartboyhwThat's what we need only13:50
cubsmartboyhw, 7.04 I would say was the first official release. http://oktyabr.wordpress.com/2007/01/27/ubuntu-studio-an-interview-with-project-manager-cory-kontros/13:52
smartboyhwcub, thanks13:52
cubbut ttoine and holstein were there in the beginning, no? They should know.13:54
smartboyhwcub, maybe astraljava too13:55
smartboyhwThe founder is ttoine though13:55
zequence-workI personally don't think there's any hurry to include it for this release13:57
zequence-workJust do the work and when it's done, include it13:58
zequence-workAbout the docs, that is13:58
smartboyhwzequence-work, it would be great if I can include it in this release. I will give it to you guys for review, of course;)13:59
zequence-workWhy would it be great?14:00
zequence-workIt's only supported for nine months14:00
zequence-workIt's not bad to include it, not saying that14:01
smartboyhwzequence-work, I want to get feedback from users themselves14:01
zequence-workYou mean, you want Xubuntu to get feedback from users? IO'14:06
zequence-workI'm taking this is XFCE documentation with a bit of Ubuntu in it14:07
smartboyhwzequence-work: No, I'm taking this is Xubuntu documentation with a bit of Ubuntu Studio applications and workflows in it14:07
smartboyhwThe most important part is the second part (our applications)14:08
zequence-workWe don't have Ubuntu Studio documentation of that kind14:09
smartboyhwzequence-work: Erm, that doesn't mean I can't write that part14:09
zequence-worksmartboyhw: Start with the user guide in the wiki, in that case14:10
zequence-worksmartboyhw: That's our documentation14:10
smartboyhwzequence-work, that's wha I'm doing:)14:10
zequence-workYou can easily replace any non multimedia specific stuff with how Xubuntud does it14:11
smartboyhwzequence-work: Yep, thanks:)14:12
smartboyhwzequence-work, uh hum, we have NOTHING in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Documentation ?14:17
zequence-workSeems so14:18
zequence-workWhat were you looking for?14:18
smartboyhwzequence-work, :(14:18
zequence-workttoine: Any way we can remove some of the color choices in the web shop? There are some colors that just don't mix14:19
cubblue print on red shirt is awesome, not matter what you say. ;)14:20
zequence-workblue on blue is not that great though14:20
zequence-workand there are many combinations where something is barely visible14:20
zequence-workblack text on black background doesn't work that well for instance14:21
smartboyhwzequence-work, I thought you would have written up something on that page (since before you took over as project lead you are doc lead)14:22
zequence-worksmartboyhw: So, me writing all the docs is not enough for you?14:22
smartboyhwzequence-work: I thought you would write about how to teach people to write the docs:P14:23
zequence-workSome year in the future, when I have time, and decided how docs should be written, perhaps14:23
zequence-workWhen I write the docs, I'm also figuring out how to write them at the same time14:24
zequence-workThe stuff that the doc team needs to worry about is: where are all our docs and when should we edit them?14:25
zequence-workThat would be things to add to that page14:25
* smartboyhw will tell everybody where the offline docs are after he communicated with ~ubuntu-doc-committers14:26
smartboyhwSince it seems that Xubuntu offline docs are held there14:26
smartboyhwSo am asking if I can commit too..14:26
smartboyhwzequence-work, so, are we adding xubuntu-docs to our package?14:28
smartboyhw*seeds + meta14:28
smartboyhwAs OvenWerk1 suggests14:28
smartboyhwWe need to do that a.s.a.p. (before FF)14:29
zequence-worksmartboyhw: I don't know what is in that package14:29
zequence-workwhy should we add it?14:29
zequence-workWhat will we get by adding it?14:30
smartboyhwzequence-work, at least, basic guides on how to use Xfce desktop14:30
smartboyhw(I think)14:30
smartboyhwknome, I think you'd better explain a bit further^^14:30
zequence-workSomeone should install it and see how we can make use of it.14:30
smartboyhwzequence-work: xubuntu-docs is Xubuntu documentation, to make it simple. It introduces of what desktop applications are there, how to go through the settings, how to do adminstrative tasks, set up scanning, internet networks, managing applications, etc. 14:36
smartboyhwIt's like, ubuntustudio-docs not yet optimized for Studio (but for Xubuntu and Xfce)14:37
ttoinezequence-work, I didn't find a way to do it atm14:42
ttoineBut, I found the way to suggest the default colour14:43
* smartboyhw wants ttoine to answer when is Ubuntu Studio first released:)14:43
ttoinesmartboyhw, in the past ?14:43
ttoinewhen was ?14:44
smartboyhwttoine, yep14:44
ttoinewow...october 2006 or april 2007, something like that, I would say14:44
ttoineI was invited at november 2006 UDS for I was cofounder of US14:44
smartboyhwttoine, can you actually remember when was it first released? I mean, with an image available on Ubuntu server14:45
ttoineI can't remember14:46
ttoineBut I am pretty sure that if you look at the first versions of the wiki page, you will find some anouncement or something like that14:47
ttoinesmartboyhw, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Studio14:49
ttoinemay 200714:49
smartboyhwttoine, got it14:49
smartboyhw-.- May => 7.04!?14:50
cubsmartboyhw, which it said in the article I gave you. The interview with Cory.14:57
smartboyhwcub, weird:p14:57
cub32 bit 7.04, 64 bit 7.10.14:58
nickg_hey ive got a bunch of free time over the next couple weeks, if i can get a list of things to be done on the website, i can work via us.nickgermaine.ca to make some changes, then provide the code to someone to enter into the actual website15:52
zequencehi nickg_ 16:03
nickg_ive been super busy lately16:03
smartboyhwHello nickg_ 16:04
zequencenickg_: I think the most work will be needed in time for 14.04. But, we haven't been working on the artwork yet16:09
nickg_just let me know what is needed, and ill do it up16:09
zequencenickg_: So, for now, the only thing I can think of is fixing the grey text, which you already worked on16:10
nickg_yah hah i was thinking about that last night actually, there was a US post on facebook about merch, so i went to the site, and saw the date and etc of the post and it is awful light16:11
zequenceYes, would be nice to make it easier to read16:12
zequenceI could imagine trying some different things with the design too16:12
nickg_for sure, i work til 8 Atlantic tonight, ill do that up tonight16:12
nickg_heres a question: what about like, a topbar on the site that spans 100% of the screen but the navigation is only set to like 1000px or whatever the main content areas width16:13
nickg_can i send you a screenshot of the design im working on for my own site?  its under maintainance mode16:13
nickg_here hold on16:13
nickg_http://nickgermaine.ca/ can you see the site, i turned off maintanance mode16:14
nickg_n that sites nowhere near finished, just got some of the basics done on it right now16:15
zequencenickg_: Here's my staging site http://www.ubuntustudio.mousike.me/16:15
zequencenickg_: The logo is new. You should get it and add it to your version as well16:16
zequenceThis one http://www.ubuntustudio.mousike.me/wp-content/themes/ubuntustudio-wp-devel/img/us-logo.png16:16
zequenceThe logo doesn't need to be that exact size or anything16:16
OvenWerk1zequence: re: black on black, I was actually given a hat/cap where the logo was black as well as the hat. It was a patch not a printed design, but it did work. Now that the hat has faded it works fine :) If the print texture is different enough, it will be ok.16:16
OvenWerk1though I don't think anyone will choose that ...16:17
zequenceOvenWerk1: Would you want to risk it? :P16:17
OvenWerk1Whoever is paying the money gets to choose I guess.16:17
zequencenickg_: The important thing with the logo is the new design of it. With the fonts especially. The CoF symbol next to the text could be removed16:18
OvenWerk1Maybe it would be good for "formal" occasions :)16:18
nickg_yah the new logo looks prettier and softer16:18
nickg_oh yah, the search box hadn't been touched in the css either, it looks straight from the 90s, ill code up one on us.nickgermaine.ca later16:20
nickg_im just analyzing right now16:20
zequencenickg_: Would be great if you could fix that kind of stuff. Later, if we establish a unified artwork, and have specific design ideas for colors and patters and that sort of thing, we can just implement it. And use whatever you've done as inspiration too16:25
zequenceYou could basically feel free to do whatever you want. Just that artwork in terms of colors and patterns might change at a later stage16:26
nickg_yah for sure, im just gonna play around and if anyone likes it, you can use it,  busy working right now tho, this weekend i kind of have a lot of time16:28
OvenWerk1wow, there are a lot of things from 32 to 64 bit that are the same. Copying the 32 bit image to the 64 bit name and running zsync against it gives me over 50% done.17:52
zequenceOvenWerk1: Smart move :)17:54
cubstill at work, zequence-work ?20:32

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