
knomeokay, i'm off for today00:00
knomesee you all later00:00
bluesabreseeya knome00:02
micahgbluesabre: if mugshot gets sponsored to Debian NEW before morning, I'll upload to Ubuntu02:39
micahgbluesabre: BTW, you can reuse version numbers on mentors FWIW02:41
micahgbluesabre: we can for sure throw mugshot in backports, did you want it integrated with something?02:43
smartboyhwbluesabre: Please look at the lintian informational warnings at http://mentors.debian.net/package/mugshot (and you can use debhelper 9)02:46
knomemicahg, if possible, we'd like mugshot in the seed...03:33
micahgknome: hrm, the package still needs help and I can't do everything myself03:36
micahgI'm trying to update goffice/gnumeric and get the gtk3 panel stuff in03:36
micahgknome: did we want the whole xfce4-settigs?03:36
knomewell mr_pouit said it'd be ok to cherry-pick the display dialog, but wasn't sure about the whole package03:37
micahghrm, he was concerned about testing03:38
knomei don't mind if we pull it all in, but i understand his concerns03:38
micahgI don't feel qualified to do a cherry pick ATM03:38
knomeif you're fine with the technical side, i can give us all the testing you need03:38
micahgknome: I'm fine pulling in patches as needed from upstream to fix bugs as long as it's not too bad03:39
micahgoh, you meant for a cherry pick03:39
micahgI'm a bit too tired right now03:39
knomefor a cherry-pick or a whole pull of -settings03:40
micahgcherry-pick, all of -settings is a sync from experimental thanks to noskcaj03:40
knomemmh, are we sure it's supposed to work without pulling other components? 03:41
micahgit builds...03:41
knomeokay - again, if you're fine with that, i'm fine with organizing us testing with elfy...03:41
micahgLionel seemed to imply the settings were compatible03:42
micahgI'm fine with it if it's not a rabbit hole 03:42
knomeyeah... but i also recall he said we needed some dependency03:42
knomewell who knows?03:42
knome You can03:43
knomecherry-pick the display settings, of course, but you'll need to03:43
knomecherry-pick the corresponding changes in xfsettingsd as well, otherwise03:43
knomenew features won't work.03:43
micahgthat's in the same package :)03:43
knomeso what he was unsure was the xkb module as well03:43
knomeas long as we make sure that gets testing, we should be saf03:44
micahgnormally, I'd say, let's get testing first, but...03:44
knomeme too03:44
knomeif it's broken, let's pursue to fix it  :)03:45
micahgOvenWerk1: ^^ since you're affected, any opinions?03:45
knomeit'll also get into beta 1, so nice03:45
micahgknome: can you sort out with zequence in the morning since Studio is affected, it's just a button for me03:46
knomere: mugshot, what do we need done and do you know somebody who i could aks to do that?03:46
smartboyhwknome, what's the issue?03:46
* smartboyhw is awakey03:46
micahgknome: needs lintian fixes or someone who doesn't care about the lintian issues to upload to Debian, then I'll fakesync to Ubuntu03:47
knomewell, we're about to pull in new xfce4-settings. studio fine with that?03:47
smartboyhwknome, I think we are good, we just follow whatever Xubuntu does:P03:47
smartboyhwAs long as you guys test it, it will not be such a big issue for Studio03:48
knomehopefully so03:48
knomemicahg, with that ^, feel free to go ahead with -setting (sbh is the US release manager)03:48
* smartboyhw has never heard anybody nicknaming him as sbh-.-03:49
Unit193I just use smarty, but sbh is better (if you can remember it.)  mugshot "passed" lintian, but rules file still seems a bit odd.03:52
knomeUnit193, would you be willing to find somebody to work on it, like now? :)03:52
* smartboyhw can, after three hours03:53
knomeUnit193, keep smartboyhw updated if you didn't find anybody before that :)03:54
Unit193knome: That will do I'd guess.03:54
smartboyhwUnit193, are you sure it's Lintian clean?03:54
smartboyhwhttp://mentors.debian.net/package/mugshot -.-03:54
smartboyhwAt least one of them can be fixed (if not all)03:55
smartboyhwUse dh 9, blah blah blah03:55
Unit193Hrm, was catfish?  I may have gotten the two mixed up...03:57
smartboyhwUnit193, LOL03:58
smartboyhwUnit193, next time: Don't mix the packages:)03:59
Unit193Sure, I'll make sure to never make a mistake again.03:59
knomesmartboyhw, yes daddy04:00
smartboyhwknome, ......04:01
* smartboyhw hates knome-like jokes04:01
knomesorry, i forgot you didn't like that kind of jokes at all04:01
smartboyhwFirst part can't understand about mugshot: Why do you have to override_dh_installman?04:02
* Unit193 sticks knome out on the lawn for being bad.04:02
smartboyhwThe correct fix will be adding a debian/mugshot.manpages file and in the file type debian/mugshot.104:02
knomebluesabre, ^04:03
smartboyhwAnd why do you have to explicitly rm .debhelper.log? It should get removed when using debuild -S04:03
OvenWerk1micahg, bluesabre, knome ... I have been waiting for some of this stuff for a while...04:06
OvenWerk1rumours but no new sw for too long ;)04:07
knomeOvenWerk1, yeah.04:07
micahg-settings uploaded04:07
knomemicahg, thanks04:07
micahgBTW, gtk-theme-config hit debian-devel-changes, so I should be able to sync to Ubuntu in the morning04:08
OvenWerk1The monitor stuff is of interest because a large number of multimedia developers use more than one.04:08
micahggah, I think I'm too tired to finish this stuff :(04:09
OvenWerk1it is a pain using one program to set them up and another to save them or a script set them up.04:09
OvenWerk1micahg: no worries. Whatever we get we get.04:09
micahgknome: I think I'll try to get an FFe for the indicator stuff04:10
knomemicahg, okay. does that mean you'll handle the paperwork?04:19
knomepleia2, to get things eventually done, what was the server where you had access to?04:19
micahgyeah, I'm thinking to just send a mail to -release now04:19
knomepleia2, re:  [knome] Get IS set up static.xubuntu.org on a server where pleia2 has file access: TODO04:19
micahgknome: mail sent to -release04:32
knomesent mail, -team might want to check that out (also, specifically ping jjfrv8 :)04:57
pleia2knome: strontium & neodymium, strontium is where docs.xubuntu.org is05:50
knomeis that what you'd prefer?05:53
pleia2yeah, strontium makes the most sense unless they have a preference otherwise05:54
knomei'll file a ticket05:55
pleia2thank you05:55
knomenooo problemooo05:55
* pleia2 hugs knome 05:56
pleia2now I go get more rest05:56
knomeokay, rest well :)05:56
* knome hugs pleia2 05:56
knomepleia2, also, done.06:00
elfyknome: I've seen the chat/mail and will liase before these things arrive to set up testing for them06:31
ochosidoes anyone here have an overview over what got uploaded yesterday and what didn't?07:10
elfynot me - I got confused - just waiting to see what needs testing ... 07:11
ochosiyeah, no worries, just wait a few days and it'll all be clear (as knome mentioned in his email)07:13
Unit193http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gtk-theme-config.html mugshot is still on mentors though.  What other packages were you looking at?07:17
knomeelfy, there's going to be some changes to settings manager on friday07:18
ochosiUnit193: the panel and indicators07:20
knomeelfy, we will also be regaining indicators, so that possibly07:20
knomeelfy, first one also means reviewing the testcases we currently have07:20
elfyyea I understood that to be the case07:21
knomeall others should be "only" normal new versions07:21
knomebut it'll all clear up for us after a few days :)07:21
elfyI noticed you got nowhere talking to balloons about the dead tests killing packages.qa07:21
knomeyeah, we need stgraber07:22
knomeand i need to file a bug07:22
elfywell as soon as you do I'll confirm it :p07:22
Unit193ochosi: Looked like FFe on those.07:22
knomeUnit193, was gtk-theme-config already in, or pending?07:23
Unit193It's in now, out of NEW.07:26
smartboyhw\o/ i guess07:27
knomeUnit193, sent email to list about that, thanks for reminding.07:27
Unit193knome: Out of new, not in Ubuntu yet.07:32
knomereply to whatever message that's appropriate.07:33
smartboyhwUm, just request a sync?07:33
knomethis is what you get with 2h sleep07:33
* smartboyhw pushes knome to more sleep07:34
smartboyhwYou need energy man07:34
knomesmartboyhw, please, comments like "you should do this" or "just do this" aren't helpful, i'm sure our developers know what they need to do07:34
Unit193That's what he was planning on tomorrow.07:34
knomesmartboyhw, on the other hand, if you wish to help, you are definitely free to request a sync yourself and take care of it07:34
* smartboyhw requests a sync07:35
Unit193[03:34:30] < Unit193> That's what he was planning on tomorrow.07:35
smartboyhwUnit193, yeah07:36
smartboyhwochosi, I'm trying to package light-locker into Debian, but weirdly I'm seeing all the files having copyright that is not the 3 people listed in AUTHORS or MAINTAINERS -.-07:56
ochosithat's because it's a gnome-screensaver fork08:00
smartboyhwochosi, um, I thought you guys changed something and added your own copyright08:03
ochosiwe did change something, but mostly kicked out gnome-dependency code08:05
ochosiwe also added some pieces08:05
ochosii'll ask peter bout it, but i think it'll stay like that08:05
smartboyhwochosi, so, when did you guys start to work on the project? 2012 or 2013?08:06
ochosiyou can check the github repo if you wanna be sure ;)08:07
knomeok, who pointed gtk-theme-config stuff to xubuntu-devel mailing list?08:11
ochosino idea, maybe satya didn't know any better,i'm not sure who's the driver of that project in launchpad08:12
knomewondering if that is related to sbh requesting a sync08:12
smartboyhwknome, wait, I haven't requested yet08:13
smartboyhwAnd I didn't do ANYTHING to gtk-theme-config08:13
smartboyhw(Not even the mailing lsit)08:14
knomesmartboyhw, i'm not accusing you, i was just wondering08:14
smartboyhwknome, not me:)08:14
knomei suppose this is the expected outcome of what micah said yesterday for me08:14
knomewhich i ack'd, and it's fine, because he's going to fix that :)08:14
Unit193knome: Yes.08:17
Unit193http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gtk-theme-config/news/20130829T040006Z.html maintainer.08:17
knomejjfrv8, merged you fixes to SD. thanks!08:19
knomeUnit193, yep, that's what he said.08:19
knomejust good to know where all that mail is coming from08:19
Unit193knome: Should have a second one coming soon?08:20
Unit193knome: ...What was the subject?08:20
knomesecond what?08:20
knomethere was six08:20
knomeno, five08:20
smartboyhwochosi, uploaded the package to Debian mentors, waiting for review:)08:21
Unit193...._amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable08:21
knomesource rejected08:21
knomeSource-only uploads are not allowed.08:21
knomeideally, we should list all of the new and major uploads in the development blueprint to keep track of them08:23
ochosiknome: +108:23
knomeUnit193, you on top of the situation?08:24
knomeUnit193, want to update the blueprint or go through it with me?08:24
Unit193If you think I know more than you...08:25
knomei need working brain08:25
lderanhave mine08:26
knomemic: gtk3 indicators: inprogress08:27
Unit193Most likely FFe, from scrollback unless someone can read better than I can.08:27
knomeyep, that's it08:27
knomebut that's irrelevant for the blueprint08:28
Unit193"I think I'll try to get an FFe for the indicator stuff"08:28
knomehe's done it pretty much, sent mail to -release and got +108:28
knome(or at least kind of... :))08:28
knomei'd consider that a +1.08:28
knomeanyway, what else?08:28
knomewho's working on that?08:29
Unit193Mica, made it past NEW and said to be fakesync tomorrow.08:29
Unit193dinstall *should* get it (running now: http://ftp-master.debian.org/dinstall.status )08:30
knomemic, inprog?08:30
knomemugshot, -dev, todo ?08:31
ochosimugshot would be really nice to have08:31
knomewe'll need to file a FFe for that most probably08:31
Unit193mugshot is on mentors and RFS sent, no bites I've seen.08:31
knomeUnit193, so who's the one working on it? blu?08:31
Unit193knome: -settings is in exp, cherry-pick/whatever.08:31
Unit193knome: Blue.08:31
ochosiwhat's with all the nick-abbreviations suddenly?08:32
knomewe need a term for "getting package in the repositories and seeds"08:32
knomeochosi, don't want to hilight them for no reason08:32
ochosiaren't nicknames already abbreviations most times?08:32
Unit193http://mentors.debian.net/package/mugshot - http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2013/08/msg00279.html08:33
knomelike "ochosi" is abbreviation of "simon" and "knome" of "pasi" ? :>08:33
Unit193"Unit193" is shorter than "Unit 193"08:33
smartboyhwAnd knome abbreviated sbh as me:O08:33
knomeyou're cheating08:33
smartboyhwUnit193, hey, wrong rules08:33
knomeyeah, and as "smartboyhw" is an abbr of "howard"08:34
lderantom is shorter then lderan :P08:34
smartboyhwlderan, LOL08:34
knomelderan, but ain't tom a nickname too?08:34
lderanknome, indeed, i think08:34
knomewell it's not your birth name08:35
knomeyou tell me! :P08:35
lderantechnicalities :P08:35
Unit193knome: That it?08:37
knomei suppose.08:37
knomework items updated08:38
knomeideally, this happens as soon as people propose something to be included an that's ack'd by the team...08:38
* Noskcaj is the only one not longer than his name08:45
knomewhat about pleia2 <-> Elizabeth08:45
Noskcajgood point08:46
smartboyhwknome, good point08:46
NoskcajOMG, this is the first time i've seen mr pouit online, ever08:46
smartboyhwWell wait, smartboyhw is much longer then Howard...08:46
Noskcaj(it's bad this is an achievement)08:46
smartboyhwNoskcaj, congrats then08:46
NoskcajPossible Success!08:47
Noskcajmicahg, My internet isn't fast enough to merge gnumeric, i'll have to leave it to you09:18
bluesabrewell, they've at least set the severity to normal: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72120809:20
ubottuDebian bug 721208 in sponsorship-requests "RFS: mugshot/0.1-5 [ITP] - lightweight user-configuration application" [Wishlist,Open]09:20
bluesabrethanks everyone for all the notes09:20
bluesabreif the debian packager docs were a bit easier to find/search, I would be having an easier time with all this :)09:21
Noskcajbluesabre, Everything you should need is at http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/09:22
bluesabresmartboyhw, I explicitly remove .debhelper.log because debhelper was adding it, not deleting it, and then failing lintian09:22
smartboyhwbluesabre, weird09:22
smartboyhwI remember a command clearing these09:22
lderanknome, private voting mp has been merged and will be deployed later today :)09:24
Noskcajbluesabre, Shouldn't dh_autoclean and dh_clean fix that?09:32
bluesabreshould, but don't09:40
bluesabretrying to fix now09:40
knomecoffee time!09:43
* smartboyhw passes along a cup of coffee to knome 09:43
NoskcajCan someone have a look at adding a xubuntu OEM slideshow? I made one a few months a go but AFAIK, no one merged it09:44
knomeNoskcaj, i'd still like to discuss what the point of the xubuntu "oem" installation is09:50
* smartboyhw does not think any OEMs will ship Xubuntu as default09:50
Noskcajknome, It adds the slideshow to people using the OEM-config option.09:51
NoskcajIdeally with symlinks09:51
knomeyes, but what does the user gain from installing with oem, and why should the slideshow be different?09:52
bluesabreuser doesn't gain anything, but somebody providing it for an end-user gains "here's your new xubuntu computer"09:52
bluesabreideal for selling or donating09:53
knomeumm, right..09:53
Noskcajknome, Without an OEM slideshow, the OEM-config is just a progress bar, and an icon that changes randomly09:53
knomeso the end-user booting the pc sees that slideshow?09:53
knomeor the one who installs the pc 09:53
smartboyhwknome, installs I think09:54
knomeif it's who installs, i still don't understand the reason why we would want a different slideshow09:54
smartboyhwAnd if it is the end-user, that end-user won't see the slideshow for that long enough09:54
knomeor to put it other way, then it should be completely different09:55
bluesabreits first boot for somebody receiving the computer for the first time09:55
Noskcajknome, end user09:55
Noskcajbluesabre, exactly09:55
smartboyhwbluesabre, Noskcaj how long does that user see the slideshow?09:55
bluesabrelike when you start a brand new windows computer you just bought09:55
smartboyhwNoskcaj, how long is it?09:56
lderanpoor windows :P09:56
knomein that case, the slideshow shouldn't say:09:56
Noskcajsmartboyhw, in my experience, 10-15 minutes09:56
bluesabreit provides initial user config outside of the xubuntu installer09:56
knome                <p>You have chosen to install the latest version of Xubuntu, 13.10.</p>09:56
smartboyhwNoskcaj, ha!?09:56
knomebut "You are running", or sth09:56
smartboyhwNoskcaj, from my experience, testing OEM's user-installation stage doesn't need 8 minutes09:56
bluesabreknome: exactly09:56
smartboyhwSo, you need to shorten that09:56
smartboyhw10-15 minutes would mean, an actual installation09:57
smartboyhw(Starting from the slideshow first appears)09:57
Noskcajsmartboyhw, Then i need to get my mod finished already, this laptop take 45min for a full install09:57
knomeif/as it's the end-user seeing that, a separate slideshow makes sense, but the merge proposal doesn't09:57
bluesabresmartboyhw: debhelper 9 adds new lintian warning, sticking with 809:58
smartboyhwbluesabre, you should kill these warnigns09:58
smartboyhwWhat sort of warning does it add?09:58
knomesmartboyhw, no shit sherlock09:58
* smartboyhw only sees LESS warnings from 8->909:58
smartboyhw!language | knome 09:58
ubottuknome: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:58
bluesabrethats because I fixed the other problems09:58
smartboyhwbluesabre, what's the lintian warning?09:59
smartboyhwI mean, the newly appearing one09:59
bluesabrepackage-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends: 909:59
knomegot to fire up the desktop i guess09:59
smartboyhwbluesabre, huh, that's because you didn't bump debian/control's build-depends debhelper versino10:00
smartboyhwbluesabre, so:P10:01
bluesabrehere's one more go :)10:02
* knome hands bluesabre a lotto coupon10:04
* smartboyhw does wonder if knome has a lot of lotto products at home10:04
* Noskcaj officially hates symbols files10:06
smartboyhwNoskcaj, OK, I admit, symbols is a big hate for me too, initially10:06
smartboyhwNoskcaj, http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html10:06
smartboyhwThis will give you some convenice10:07
Noskcajthanks, i'll try that10:07
bluesabrewoot, finally lintian clean10:09
bluesabrethanks smartboyhw10:09
smartboyhwbluesabre, :)10:09
knomeUnit193, you still around?10:10
knomeokay, so in that case, how hard it would be to create an iso that had the xubuntu oem installation stuff from Noskcaj's repo (to see if it works as is and to see how it'd look like) ?10:11
Noskcajknome, since all that is new to me and i have to go to bed in 5 minutes, very10:11
knomei was asking Unit193 10:11
knomebut thanks for stepping up10:11
Unit193Ooooh, he could do it when he wakes up!10:12
* smartboyhw thinks we need to generate a new version of package with Noskcaj's changes10:12
Unit193knome: Package, raw?10:12
knomeUnit193, wha?10:12
knomewhatever is the easiest way to do that10:12
NoskcajUnit193, point is, don10:12
Noskcaj't bother telling me how now10:12
Unit193"repo" I'm guessing is bzr?10:12
knomeUnit193, yes, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-oem10:13
knomeUnit193, but basically the content we have on our slideshow right now goes as well10:13
Noskcajknome, That's not up-to-date with the changes though, but i'll try10:13
NoskcajAnd i need to symlink the stuff10:14
knomeNoskcaj, let's see if Unit193 would have the time to do it now10:14
knomeNoskcaj, if not, then we can discuss if you want to work on it now10:14
Noskcajplz Unit193?10:14
knomeat this point, i'm not interested in the actual slideshow but how it'll turn out to be10:14
knomeif we decide to go with an oem slideshow (which is what i'm trying to find out with the ISO), i think we should review the slideshow anyway10:15
Unit193So, iso with updated, out of repo package?10:15
knomeshould probably be much more to the point and only highlight 2-3 most important things10:15
knomeUnit193, or iso with a package that has 'cp slideshows/xubuntu slideshows/oem-config-xubuntu" and whatever else it might need to actually show the slideshow for the end-user10:16
knomeUnit193, i don't mind the content. i just want to be sure it's doable for xubuntu before we dive deeper into thinking about the possibility or tweaking the tests10:17
Unit193Build script makes it easy for me to add a package, or drop in some files.10:18
knomeyeah, whatever is easiest for you10:18
Unit193I don't know much about the slideshow stuff, and getting which one to display when.  There isn't a test display like the normal one?10:19
knomethere is, but that's not the point; the point is i'd like to know if the oem slideshow is actually shown to the end-user, as it should10:19
knomeuntil we know that, we shouldn't concentrate too much on the slideshow content, right? :)10:19
NoskcajYay, a symbols file that works. Now i need sleep. bye everyone10:20
knomegood night Noskcaj 10:20
knomeif you have no idea, i could ask dylan, the maintainer of that package10:21
knomethe problem is, he is really rarely on irc and email is too slow for this kind of discussion10:21
Unit193I'm not fully sure what you're wanting yet.  The idea his branch has a new subfolder that you want in so you can do a test install?10:22
knometo see if the oem config slideshow is shown10:22
Unit193OK, is it ready to ship now?10:22
knomewell, to be honest, i don't know. the slideshow isn't final, and i don't know if it works.10:23
knomeworks in the sense that i don't know if all the bits we need are in,.10:23
Unit193So, few hours when he comes back or build now?10:23
knomeas i said, i'm not interested if the slideshow content is up-to-date now10:24
knomeif the oem installer works and we decide to use it, it'll need a complete review10:24
knomebecause in that case we need to take a whole another point of view for the slideshow10:24
knomeso.... build now :)10:25
Unit193Got it.10:26
Unit193(Building the package so if something breaks, Not my faultâ„¢ :P )10:36
lderanof course :P10:38
Unit193Next time I should ask arch before I'm done with it...10:51
smartboyhwUnit193, BTW, how do you build such images? live-build?10:52
smartboyhwUnit193, oh?10:52
smartboyhwUnit193, please answer then:P10:53
Unit193Home built scripts?  Not really doing much...10:53
Unit193Hrm, need an else. :P10:57
Unit193knome: http://vanir.unit193.tk/dump/xubuntu-13.10-oem-amd64.iso and there's a zsync there too.10:59
Unit193Everything looks in order.10:59
* knome downloads.10:59
Unit193And, *should* work on EFI systems too. :P11:03
knomei'll just try under vbox :P11:03
lderanooo efi11:03
lderani can give it a go11:03
Unit193Goood luck. :P11:03
Unit193OVMF didn't complain last one I tried, though that doesn't have secure boot.11:04
* bluesabre ponders having all wallpapers installed and available (xubuntu-precise, -quantal, -raring, -saucy)11:29
knomeanybody interested in an experiment?11:35
bluesabre(say yes)11:36
knomei suppose everybody is sleeping ;)11:39
bluesabregotta go, bbl11:39
smartboyhwknome, skellat where is the branch for xubuntu-docs?13:04
smartboyhwEh, found it13:05
smartboyhwknome, skellat you will be expecting more questions from me about documentation in the coming few months, as I will work on Ubuntu Studio's offline documentation13:12
elfygood lord - too much scrollback to worry about methinks13:15
micahg_mobileKnome: i think we're in good shape 13:21
ali1234ochosi: i never managed to get these indicators working13:42
ali1234although i do see them running on ps (well, some of them) they don't get added to the applet... they are visible in the properties though, in "known indicators" section13:43
ali1234then when i restarted the panel even those disappeared13:44
ali1234sorry, even the libappindicator ones (ie cpufreq) disappeared13:48
ali1234i think there's something wrong with dbus - various applications which use it seem to hang for about 30 seconds on startup13:49
ali1234i see there's an update for dbus today, maybe it will help13:51
ali1234indicator updates too13:52
ochosiali1234: you tested on saucy?14:37
ochosihmm, i ran all my tests on raring14:37
ali1234none of the updates helped14:37
ali1234i think it's working14:37
ali1234but only the printer and sync indicators are running14:38
ochosithat's odd14:38
ali1234and neither of those shows an icon because i don't have a printer and i haven't set up U114:38
ochosithat's definitely an issue14:38
ali1234but all the other ones do not run at all14:38
ochosivery strange14:38
ali1234tha is, they're not on ps14:39
ali1234btw, what is wrapper-1.0 and wrapper-2.0?14:39
ochosii'd check it all out myself on saucy, but i'm moving to another country this weekend, so...14:39
ali1234i thought it was wrapper3?14:39
ochosiwrapper-1.0 is for gtk2 panel-plugins, wrapper-2.0 is for gtk3 plugins14:39
ali1234that makes no sense :/14:40
ali1234but i figured as much14:40
ochosiwell, depends14:40
ochosiit's just intended as the next major version after 1.014:44
ochosiso imo it's fine14:44
ochosiand users don't see any of this anyway14:44
ochosithe 3 in wrapper3 refers to gtk3 thoguh14:44
ali1234this is what's wrong with dbus: ** (synaptic:4151): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.14:48
ali1234already reported i see14:49
ali1234well, this might be related i suppose14:55
ochosii mean the thing is that our indicator-plugin doesn't handle accessible descriptions yet14:55
ochosiso the warning could also be about that14:56
ali1234nah that warning is from synaptic14:56
ali1234it's a known bug with dbus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/121775714:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1217757 in dbus (Ubuntu) "Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. " [High,Confirmed]14:56
ali1234but if dbus is acting weird, it could be why the indicators just aren't working14:56
ali1234probably not though14:57
ochosiwithout being able to test it myself it's hard to judge what the problem could be15:20
pleia2a bunch of messages from ftpmaster@ftp-master.debian.org are stuck in the mod queue for the -devel mailing list re: gtk-theme-config16:33
pleia2is this something we want let through?16:33
knomemicahg, ^16:33
knomepleia2, not really, but keep it for now16:33
pleia2keep in mod queue?16:34
olbihi guys :D16:56
olbiwhy on site there isn't info about Xubuntu 12.04.03 LTS? :P16:56
elfyewvening all16:56
sakmorning everyone 17:13
elfyhello sak 17:15
ali1234ochosi: installed U1, the cloud sync indicator showed up when i started it17:49
ali1234so the wrapper and all is working, it's the indicators that are broken :/17:49
pleia2olbi: the download page does link to 12.04.3, we didn't really have release notes for it afaik (if that's what you're looking for)19:11
ochosiali1234: weird, so do you still have the gtk2 counterparts (e.g. indicator-sound-gtk2) installed?19:11
ali1234no, i removed them (they stopped working anyway)19:12
ochosiso indicator-sound is installed, shows in the plugin-settings but not the panel?19:12
ali1234no, it doesn't show at all19:13
ali1234indicator-printers shows in the settings but not the panel - because i don't have a printer19:14
ali1234same for indicator-sync19:14
ali1234the others are not running at all19:14
ochosii wonder why that would be19:14
ochosimaybe they did change something in the indicators (again) in 13.1019:14
ochosiand the sound-indicator's gtk2 version not working is connected to that19:15
knomehey all,19:30
knomewant to give you all something to play with:19:30
knome(feel free to test out, but atm, don't share the link too broadly, it's just a little experiment. i will come up with something more finalized later if it turns out people like the idea)19:33
elfyplayed with that a bit - likes the idea as well :)19:35
Unit193It's actually not bad.19:40
elfyI like the idea :)19:40
knomewell that's because it's designed not to be bad ;)19:40
elfyor did I say that 19:40
lderanknome, oooo that looks cool20:18

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