[02:31] wgrant: Bad you for using Equal/NotEqual for None [02:32] StevenK: Where? [02:32] In my IBB rework? [02:33] No, your log fix for r16750 [02:33] That was cjwatson, I just reviewed it and missed that :) [02:35] % bzr grep 'assertEqual.*None' | wc -l [02:35] 512 [02:35] So I can't complain too much. :-) === jamesh_ is now known as jamesh === tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas [08:10] Who's up for a Swift branch review? [08:49] StevenK: I had to use assert[Not]Equal there, because that mixin method is used in test case classes that derive from TrialTestCase rather than from the LP TestCase variants, and that don't have assertIs[Not] [08:50] StevenK: (I tried using the more correct methods first, of course) [08:50] No doubt we should fix that, but I didn't feel like pulling in a complete test rework [08:52] I just use self.assert_(foo is None), even if the test fail message is suckier. [08:53] Or maybe I abuse assertEqual too... sucks this is all so fragmented. [08:54] I was following usage in nearby tests, anyway. [08:54] W: Conflicting distribution: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com devel Release (expected devel but got saucy) [08:54] Oh dear [08:54] I did not predict that :-( [09:09] Huh, really. [09:31] Wow, dogfood.launchpad.net still exists, separately from staging.launchpad.net [11:58] mpt: yes, dogfood was an entirely separate cluster IIRC [12:44] "cluster" [12:50] cjwatson: Ah ha, Trial impacts again. [12:50] lifeless: "is" [12:51] wgrant: "pedant" [12:52] lifeless: Duh? That's wgrant means. [12:53] StevenK: EPARSE :) [12:54] lifeless: As in duh, wgrant is just another word for pedant [12:56] StevenK: Ah :). [13:20] wgrant: Hey, it has builders attached. That makes it a cluster, right? :) [13:21] Heh, I guess it does now. === tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw === BradCrittenden is now known as bac [20:06] wgrant: I'm seeing a lot of tracebacks like this in buildd-manager: [20:06] https://pastebin.canonical.com/96660/ [20:06] is that new? [21:13] cjwatson: private bin :(; probably a -ops channel question? [22:08] sorry, got confused about where I was [22:08] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6045865/ [22:40] cjwatson: I don't remember seeing that before [22:43] wgrant did quite a lot of rearrangement of buildd-manager that went into the last deployment, and I suspect a regression from that [22:43] unless it's one of my buildd-manager changes, but I don't think it is [22:51] seems likely [23:43] Hi [23:44] Hmm [23:44] Probably a regression from my stuff, but I tested TTBJs. [23:46] I think it only happens when they fail. [23:46] And anyway, TTBs aren't critical, and this doesn't seem to have wide impact, so can probably wait until Monday. [23:46] cjwatson: Thanks for poking. [23:48] ok