=== Tassadar__ is now known as Tassadar_ === wmat_ is now known as wmat [00:58] Registers s16-s31 (d8-d15, q4-q7) must be preserved across subroutine calls; registers s0-s15 (d0-d7, q0-q3) donot need to be preserved (and can be used for passing arguments or returning results in standard procedure-callvariants). Registers d16-d31 (q8-q15), if present, do not need to be preserved [00:59] So d8-d15 gets preserved by the caller, and d0-d7 and d16-d31 can be overwritten willy nilly? === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === Dr_Who is now known as tgall_foo [09:09] Is there a compile time flag that I can use to determine if I am compiling as hardfp or not? [09:19] Ah, found it __ARM_PCS_VFP === doko_ is now known as doko === gavin__ is now known as gavinguo === heathkid|2 is now known as heathkid [23:30] Does anyone know if it is possible to get working 3d acceleration on the samsung arm chromebook, and if so how to achieve it? [23:30] Frayed, Stay in ChromeOS :P [23:30] hah [23:31] Seriously is the easiest way [23:31] I've got TWM installed in it and running a Gentoo Chroot [23:31] Pushing the T604 to the max [23:32] you installed twm on top of chromeos? [23:32] yea, stop the ChromeOS UI and start up X with TWM instead :P [23:33] nice [23:33] Nothing like a near perfect OpenGL ES 3 driver on ARM hardware [23:34] Just wish I could have that in my bootable sd card xubuntu install [23:34] :/ [23:35] Yea, that would be nice [23:38] Althought for my needs, this setup works well I guess :D [23:38] TWM is such a lightweight UI that I like it [23:39] Is it possible to set up any package management systems within chromeos? [23:40] Gentoo's emerge yea [23:40] nice, I'll have to look into that option [23:41] Isn't hard really [23:41] extract a stage 3 gentoo tarball and chroot in to it :P