micahg | OvenWerk1: for some reason, I never subscribed to the saucy seed | 00:59 |
len-1310 | It looks like all of my changes are in the ISO today. | 01:42 |
len-1310 | looks like everything works as expected. | 01:42 |
len-1310 | 64bit is faster than 32 on the same machine :) | 01:43 |
micahg | seeds make ISO, meta makes -desktop | 01:44 |
len-1310 | Menu is right. When xfce fixes their stock menu file we will be able to just merge into that. | 01:45 |
* len-1310 is happy with what he sees... so far. | 01:45 | |
len-1310 | micahg, the display settings looks good. Thank you for the upload. | 01:46 |
len-1310 | zequence, it looks like we should be able to remove ARandR as the xfce display dialog seems to deal with dual monitors just fine. | 01:47 |
len-1310 | the volume control applet doesn't work (same as xubuntu I guess) | 01:48 |
len-1310 | smartboyhw, have we told -release we want beta 1? | 01:49 |
smartboyhw | Hello len-1310 | 01:49 |
smartboyhw | Oh no:( | 01:49 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, we did yesterday | 01:49 |
smartboyhw | (Actually, two days ago) | 01:49 |
len-1310 | good, just checking. | 01:50 |
len-1310 | both 32 and 64 bit live sessions are fine. | 01:54 |
len-1310 | 32 installs fine (still in the 64bit live) | 01:54 |
len-1310 | Grub mods work well. | 01:55 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, good | 01:55 |
smartboyhw | That means we are not expecting that number of bugs:P | 01:55 |
smartboyhw | I do wonder what happened to volume control applet though | 01:56 |
len-1310 | Basically I am happy with things. | 01:56 |
len-1310 | gtk2/3 issue I think.xubuntu is working on it. | 01:56 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, :) | 01:56 |
micahg | indicator stuff? | 01:57 |
len-1310 | Ya | 01:57 |
micahg | it'll probably go in -backports or a PPA | 01:57 |
micahg | too risky this late in the cycle | 01:57 |
len-1310 | Cool. | 01:57 |
smartboyhw | So, it shouldn't be breaking, right? ;p | 01:58 |
len-1310 | jack starts realtime. | 01:59 |
len-1310 | 4ms is the best I can get with this hda audio card :P | 02:00 |
* len-1310 can get .6ms with a "real" audio card ;) | 02:00 | |
smartboyhw | len-1310, heh | 02:00 |
len-1310 | Solid though, no xruns. | 02:01 |
len-1310 | plays well with pulse. | 02:02 |
len-1310 | Ok, install time... | 02:03 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, huh, zequence-work is still at work?:O | 02:04 |
len-1310 | prolly not. | 02:04 |
len-1310 | prolly not awake either | 02:05 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, that's what I call "faking" | 02:06 |
len-1310 | why does ubiquity always think I am resizing? | 02:08 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, what? | 02:08 |
smartboyhw | :O | 02:08 |
len-1310 | I always use the something else page. Select a partition and then ext4 and set it to /. never change the size, but it always seems to think I am anyway. I think it is because the display is in Meg and the original number is rounded and then accepted as the new size. ubiquity should notice if it has not been changed from what it gave. | 02:13 |
len-1310 | The slide show seems to be smoother on this machine. | 02:14 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, it should | 02:24 |
len-1310 | This video card drives things nuts. It shows three active ports (and some dead ones). | 02:24 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, lol | 02:24 |
len-1310 | the active ports are all used to determine different things. | 02:24 |
len-1310 | One was used to pick the initial size, one really does change the size and the third determines the size of screen one... which means my panel is based on the biggest one :P | 02:26 |
len-1310 | *screen zero | 02:27 |
len-1310 | I am using the DVI port, but it shows an lvds as being connected as well. | 02:30 |
len-1310 | driver problem... or maybe BIOS | 02:30 |
len-1310 | ubiquity kills my partition label too :P | 02:33 |
smartboyhw | len-1310, LOL | 02:33 |
len-1310 | There is already a bug for that. | 02:34 |
len-1310 | Lets see if there is a partition resize bug | 02:35 |
len-1310 | It did resize too, I lost 8M from that partition. | 02:38 |
len-1310 | Bug #1218702 | 02:47 |
ubottu | bug 1218702 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity resizes partition even when not asked to." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1218702 | 02:47 |
OvenWerk1 | micahg: just reading your comment now. Good to know. I am not sure what changes have been made to the seeds besides the last two. I don't know how much we need the desktop meta. | 04:09 |
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai | ||
zequence | OvenWerk1: You may remove ARandr if you like. I think you're the one who has been using that the most. I don't use dual myself | 06:06 |
smartboyhw | zequence, welcome:) | 06:07 |
zequence | smartboyhw: Thanks | 06:07 |
smartboyhw | zequence, BTW why is your work account still there?:P | 06:07 |
zequence | Yeah, I left my netbook at work. | 06:07 |
zequence | Going there soon. Raining heavily here :/ | 06:08 |
smartboyhw | zequence, here too | 06:08 |
smartboyhw | We got two rainstorm warnings today | 06:08 |
zequence | Your raining is propably worse then ours. We don't really have rainstorms here :P | 06:09 |
smartboyhw | zequence, yeah | 06:12 |
smartboyhw | zequence, zequence-work : I am thinking to get my T-shirt through http://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/funding/ | 07:21 |
smartboyhw | HMM, bigger problem: I can't ship it here | 07:27 |
smartboyhw | The countries list does not include mine | 07:27 |
smartboyhw | zequence, zequence-work ^ HELP~! | 07:27 |
smartboyhw | ttoine, um, I can't seem to buy a T-shirt from Hong Kong | 07:38 |
smartboyhw | It's only available for most European Countries, Japan or US | 07:39 |
knome | hong kong, the place with shirtless men | 07:39 |
smartboyhw | knome, not just that | 07:39 |
smartboyhw | It seems like most Asian Countries | 07:39 |
smartboyhw | and South American | 07:39 |
smartboyhw | and African countries can't buy it | 07:39 |
smartboyhw | Unforunately, I'm currently the only team member from Asia:( | 07:40 |
Cub | OvenWerk1, i use arandr a lot. So the new -settings from xfce 4.11 is working well I gather? | 09:07 |
ttoine | smartboyhw, really ? i will contact spreadshirt | 09:10 |
smartboyhw | ttoine, yep | 09:11 |
ttoine | done. now I am waiting for the answer | 09:13 |
Noskcaj | smartboyhw, in response to your T-shirt thing, i'm in australia, which is halfway to asia, and probably doesn't get the shirt | 09:29 |
smartboyhw | Noskcaj, yeah | 09:29 |
smartboyhw | Let's see what reply ttoine gets from SpreadShirt | 09:29 |
Noskcaj | Can someone run the builder for python-flash? It seems to have froxen on i386 | 09:55 |
Noskcaj | *frozen | 09:55 |
smartboyhw | Noskcaj, heh? | 09:56 |
Noskcaj | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flask/0.10.1-2/+build/4910117/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.flask_0.10.1-2_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz | 09:56 |
smartboyhw | Noskcaj, WRONG CHANNEL | 09:57 |
smartboyhw | (Except for micahg, you can't ask anybody here to rebuild) | 09:57 |
Noskcaj | i wanted to check here, since it's a studio package | 09:57 |
Noskcaj | -motu is the place to ask i assume | 09:57 |
smartboyhw | Noskcaj, well, we can't do the rebuild (except micahg) | 09:57 |
Noskcaj | ok | 09:58 |
smartboyhw | zequence-work: In the Flavours QA session yesterday, the Xubuntu team said that as long as we have a clear organization of writing tests and willing to get a bit less testing during a timeframe when most of the testers are actually writing the tests. | 11:08 |
smartboyhw | So, what should we do? | 11:08 |
zequence-work | smartboyhw: I'm not following now | 11:09 |
smartboyhw | zequence-work: Uh hum, the current issue is that we have a HUGE number of bugs about Ubuntu Studio's testcases in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bugs?field.tag=ubuntu-studio | 11:10 |
smartboyhw | (That's for application testing) | 11:11 |
smartboyhw | So, now you should get what I mean | 11:11 |
zequence-work | smartboyhw: So, how was the related to the Xubuntu team? | 11:12 |
smartboyhw | zequence-work: They said that since they can do it, we can easily do it too | 11:12 |
smartboyhw | (IIRC) | 11:12 |
smartboyhw | I mean, asking for people to write testcases | 11:12 |
zequence-work | smartboyhw: Yes, that would be good to do. And you are free to suggest anything on that. | 11:18 |
zequence-work | For 14.04 we need to do everything right | 11:18 |
zequence-work | so, even if we don't implement a system for that now, we need to for 14.04 | 11:18 |
smartboyhw | zequence-work: ok | 11:26 |
smartboyhw | zequence-work, OK | 11:30 |
ttoine | smartboyhw, http://www.spreadshirt.fr/aide-C1328/categoryId/277/articleId/542 | 11:39 |
smartboyhw | ttoine, how do you suppose I can read French? | 11:53 |
zequence-work | smartboyhw: There's a button at the top left for language selection | 11:55 |
zequence-work | Not sure they deliver outside America or Europe | 11:55 |
zequence-work | so it may be someone needs to buy something for smartboyhw and then send it by standard mail | 11:55 |
ttoine | smartboyhw, sorry. this the list of countries, and in Asia, only Japan at the moment. I aksed them if the schedule to open more deliveries | 12:05 |
smartboyhw | ttoine, zequence-work uh hum | 12:06 |
smartboyhw | :( | 12:06 |
ttoine | smartboyhw, :( | 12:06 |
smartboyhw | zequence-work: Maybe do it like this: You apply for funds from Ubuntu using https://forms.canonical.com/cda/ and receive the fund yourself. Then use the fund to buy a T-shirt and ship it to me. | 12:07 |
smartboyhw | The fund needs to be buying T-shirt + delivery cost from Spreadshirt to you + delivery cost from you to me. | 12:07 |
zequence-work | smartboyhw: Nah. That's not how I would use those funds anyway. I'll gladly get you a t-shirt and send it to you in a couple of weeks | 12:11 |
smartboyhw | zequence-work, OK, thank you:) | 12:12 |
smartboyhw | When it arrives at your address, tell me and I'll give you mine | 12:12 |
OvenWerk1 | :) interesting... if the menu is in english I pay in pounds. | 12:59 |
ttoine | smartboyhw, they will add new countries in time, but no list and no garanties | 13:02 |
smartboyhw | ttoine, ouch | 13:02 |
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw |
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